W, R. Mellon Resident Agent for B. & M. Lands. Wild, Improved and irrigated Lancia for sale, Lioaal Daws. Mr* I.«uit fle'n I* reportedvery *lck. .1, H O'Bryan I* feeding 30 head of *tecr» for tbe market. Ben l>r»k" and family leave* for tliclr old home in Indiana Friday •:.»rnlna l.dii W idlam* jr, went to ll*»tln,t* la»l Tbur»d»y v here h* nprdi lo gel employment. I,. Drake ha* an expert ; alnter frorn Lincoln doing aortic carriage painting for him Mil* week, A. K Brownell and wife nave been flailing friend* In th* city tbl* week. They returned home Wednesday, Home on* broke Into th* office of Judge tinnier Wedneadny night and Mol* t h* la*t two »aek* of aid Hour K. If, Bowen and hi* mother atarted for MI*«otirl Thuraday morning where they expect to make tbelr future home T, L. Pllger received on* thoii*#nd buahtda of choice winter apple* and forty barrel* of pure older, <-'all and aee hi rn Tho** who are Indebted to me for twin* or otherwlae plea** call and act tie at once ** 1 need the money due me T M He.r.ic Odendshl Bro», are converting the old l’o*t Office room Juat eaat of their drug atore Into a toy afore until after th* holiday*. Mr. and Mr* K Holcomb received two barrel* of fine apple* tbl* week from tbelr friend* Mr. and Mr* D C. Dec 1* ton. Klection passed off very quiet here and a very light vote Is reported all over the county. Loup City town ship cast 218 as against 281 last year The person or persons who stole my horse blanket* ovt of my btrn while I was moving will do well to bring them heck ss 1 know well who got them T. J. Johnson. Judge Kay came to town Thuesday prepaired to take Immediate possession of the Countvjudges office It Is repor ted that while on the way hooie hr kept repealing "Court will now come to arder." Great Christmas Offer, Cabinet Photograph only ♦0.22. per doz from Noy. 18. until Dec, 21, Remember the date. All work dune under guarantee Do not come after Dec 21, and expect to get a doz. photographs for fO.22 C, W. Conhlser returned from 8 argent last Monday where be bad been to see his brother Henrv who Is sick Re reports him to tie tied - fast. Henry's many frteuds here will soon hope to hesr of his recovery. A. Foltz, who started for Chicago some three weeks ago for medical treat ment returned last Fridsy greatly im proved In health. He only went as far as Hastings, however, where he for tunately met one of the great insgna tic bealeisand from first treatment seemed to be relieved, Do not miss the Concert tomorrow evening given by the Choral Society at the Open House. "The Family Row* "die singing Hkule"snd "Sara Neighed'' are worth a dollar to hesr, but the ad-’ mission will be only ten cents. The Concert wdl be followed by a social at which Oysters will be served to those who desire them. The remains of an unknown murder red man were found by some railroad men eight miles east of Alliance. last Saturday night. The head was pound ed to jelly with a coupling pin, which was found close by. lie Is supposed to be a member of a baud of tramps who were seen banging aroand the place — Ravenna News. North Loup people are trying to *n murage the location of acblcoi v factory at that point, Horn* of tbe 'eiparinn-a t«l plant* that where planted I at *prlng hava lieen iiiaaaored and carefully eati uiated upon and after a more nerere trimming than required by the factory at O'Neil It wit found that *omaof them rated a* high a* neventeen ton* to the acre A* tbe tillage required I* identl cal with that for J*ugar beet* aud the price leflO.IVti per Inn at the factory it i* apparent that the po**lbilitle* of the chicory luduotry de*crve the highe.i degree of Interaited attention. It will tie welcome uew* to quite a number of our reader* that our Arthd Le»ihlii*l*y ha* made pieparatunt to have a 4 week* run ou #0 Ml per do/ Itntcla** flnuhed Cabinet Photograph* commencing Xu* id. aud ending Inn-, ill Mr, l.ecchmtky ha* had a two week* mg on ftt Wr |*er do* Photograph* ia*l *pilug during which time he ha* taken quite a number of negative* end we have,not heatd a • Ingle complaint. Ou the contrary everyirody wo* well pleated with their photo'* and have < * J pre*oed their np‘niuu that they have: not **'*n better wotk a (lie rate of *4 (Mi j per do*. Mr. |.**chlu*ky guarantee* j ail hi* work and *|«erlai c*re I* taken la turn out nothing hut Aral do** Pirn I "graph 'their i* no doubt that quite • number nl people will teke ad vantage id thi* olfei *ud lo avoid * ro«h tuw aftt* the la*4 date pm it#* >luuld gr. >1 I’lnmer hi>* moved to Nor folk. Ilootx and ah<«a at llenrt Dull Inga. C l, Drake I* ire it lug hi* hotel bui1 ding to a new coat of paint. Win Dock aiol wife of Litchfield ar* vfalting the family of Chrla Smith ih » week Kok Hai.k, <11 ear Some bou-o-uold ami kitchen furniture Fnq.lre at Ibl* office For Faun* wagon*, carriage*, buygle* and road wagon*. We are headquart er*, W. p ite.r.o. Win Neagle ha* gone 10 lieuver Ui relative treatment from the great Me* *l»h lu-aler, HI*hop Orave* ami IP y Mamianu will hold Kplaoopal *ei via* In the flap! 1*1 church, Tueaday evening N v \'l. Notice I* her- by given that I w.ll liol be re»pon*lble for any debta ami put cliaae* made by M, f. Ford, ,/ It Foaii. Agi, It L Adauoon I* doing a fine job ol painting the porter block,now ocrtipiet a* a general atore by Mu f rat la, A cholae half Motion of highly mil tlvated land for »al«. Price •tf-fbb/MJ Por further particular* call on or ml dre.*, finny,u A BrJSiiorM, at Loup (,'ltv "77" Fok Hoi,i>h lir. Humphrey* Specific "77" will "break up" a cold tha bang* on," Prlco Vi eU,, at all drug fiat* Whenever It la *ald to you, tlna oi that heeler I* juat a* good aa the genu, loe Round away a piano. The Hally State Journal give* everj aubacriber aendlng #1 on aubaerlptlon i gne<* In a piano centeat. 'l b# peram gueaalng the correct or neareat to lh< cornu t number of vote* that will I* caat for kupreme judge tlii* fall wll get thfa #4.7/ piano free. Tb# conte* done* October ill. Send for a free earn pie copy of The Journal with thl* offer The Journal 1* cheap in price now, fit cent* {ter month without Sunday or# cent* with Sunday. Addreas Stab Journal, I.locoln, Nub. A tlewtpeper Broop. Laat week the Time*Indepeoden went to prca* early io the afternoot Friday but did not pat the paper it the mail until nine o'clock Haturdaj morning, or until they aaw that th< NonTiiWKiT kkk wa* In tht mall V he aure that we could not anawer th< traab which they had reaerved fo the laat iaaue. The Norm wk*tk.' however waa ia poaaeaaion of a cop] of the Time* before they were dow preaaing, ami devoted three /juarteri of a column of toll <1 print in anewer ing everything they had iuthepapei of any conae/juenae, and waa in tht mail before it* contemporary waa What a great eurpriee tide wan u editor Brown when be firnt read tin cuJumna of tbeNoKTHWEaTKB.il. T« tbiuk ibat be bad held bit paper back for about fourteen bourn that wt noigbt not get u cbauce to annwri bin lant inenn of campaign thunder It in naid that be turned pale and wan <|uile nick •util nfter the return* caiue in, when lie rallied and began to feel heller. It wan a complete aewnpaper ncoop Mr. Brown bar our nympulby fur bin uuforlunale po nitlou and no far an the NoMfliWKet KHs it concerned we pledge our eeivea to never again, aa long ita w« have control of tbia paper, lake aucli undue advantage of bia weakuea* union, Imwevet another opportunity la afforded yy .it mu in. AtturiiHy-at-t*Biw, W'lU aa. ffaxoatCKSOff, tthorlfl aIIKIlir t M hAl.k Not ice l« hereby given I bat by Virtue of I and order of «a »r Issued by the <;lork of ll« Itlstrh t floorlor Do bill .l id - i»i dletrb i «f Nebraska, wttelu and for M hetman county, In an action wh'-reln Anna li Me Phcrsou wa* plaintiff and Emma I flham larlain, Thomas <1 (.‘hitmhefialb and Ar rninloua I' ' ulloy were defendants: I will at uo'clock p m, on the r,th dav "I ’ Novemi-er. law, nt the south door of lb' I court bouse, m loan city, Ahermau mun . ty, Nebraska, offer for »« « at public' aue thin (for ciisbi Hie following described ’ real estate, to-wit; Tbc cast half of tin i north east quarter of Mention thirty-fom | (Mi, the northwest quarter of the north west quert'-r of Mention thirty five, •;»',, • and i he southwest quarter of flic south west quarter of Mention twenty six (46) all In township fifteen (is,) north of rung, , sixteen <|r,,t west of the sixlli principal ' marldlau situate in Aherwian county and ' sate i/f Nebraska I 'live,, undei my baud tbl* untb dayol Mepteother, A l>, Istss it It iiexokicKsoM Mherlff MIIKlIiyy,* MAKE. Notice ts hereby given that by virtue - of an order of saie Issued by tbe clerk ol the district court of the 14th Judicial 1 district of Nebraska, within and for Mber . man county In an action wheieln Jtrnu 1 I, Pilot wa* P alnVllf and Martha P. Iloe. , I, y (toe her husband (Irst real name un known and ,1 II Carmichael were defend ants I will at i o clock p. in , on the 8t|j ’ day of November, Ivor, at tbe south door ol tbe eonrt house In Coup city, ahermau ’ comity, Nebraska, offer for safe at public am ilou 'for caul,/ the following described 1 real estale, t/,-w)t The northwest quar , ter of section nlue (V) In totvn*hl*p thirteen (l», north of range fifteen (Ku west of the . sixth principal marldlau, situated In Mher man county, Nebraska. (riven undei my han't this K«tli day of Mepl emuer, JMMS, l(. It, llKMbiiK ««,«, Mherlff > Mil Kid PPM SALE. Notice I*hereby given that ny virtue uf at order of sale Issued by the Clerk of tbc district , court of the I .’ judicial district of Nebraska will,lu and for Mtieriuan county In an action , when in liavld A lirowcll was plaintiff and Kiln II K'lnionson John C Edmonson, Cteinma Conger, William II Conger and II P Dodd were dcfcndcnis ami Lon-ti Crawford was In , tervi-nors I will at 'i o clock p in on the 8th day of November I sk6, at tbe south door of the court house in (snip City, Mherinaii county, Nebraska offer for sale at public auction ifor cash, the following described real estate to wlt; Tbe south west quarter of the south cast quarter and lots five -ft, and six <8/ of ace lion nineteen - its, In township fifteen <1 ft, range fourteen (M, we.t of dtb principal mere dlan and situate la Mhcrinan county and state of Nebraska. • liven umb-r my band this KMh day of hep I' lnb-u A. It la.'., It li Hssblth *%•'« t-bcrlff () It ICN KCTiOTKK, I'ttoH or EXPRESS GENERAL DELIVERY LINE. All Kipiww or rmljflji ord**r» promptly mtnndnil Hi yy I. MAUI y, « DENTIST* or now III Kiwd mid Marvy liwii. K**t Hide I'uMlri ••|iim«, l.iiup l |(», Null. Awarded highekt Honor*, World’* I’alr. DU I I BAKING POWDER MOST PERFECT MADB. A |hn« Ci*|m «(»*((' *rf r .(*4o | p*m turn ai«h m .-u1 ,iM ».iw*»,«w»i 4“ VIARk TMISTANDARD ShTIGK, In Ill Court of "herniai, County Sehre.ka, 7 red W I’In I miff v«, I John If Holme*, und - —— ( Mo.Ufea III* wife lie|elid.'llta, •fute of keliru.ka, i _ . , . „ . otnilv of nierimtd. (*■ a, male of Sebtu.ka j To John |l Holme* wo I - ■■ —. Ilolnm* i hi* wife, you will lake nolle* Inal on , i he Dili 'ley of Heiiiemlmr, lad*. ¥ red j W, real., plaintiff Ini III filed bl»pctl-| mm in ill*- trial m i court of aherinan I courtly, *«nlira*.u, eifam.l »ulo defeudanta i ill* object uod prayer of whieh are to for-I cine* m < • riaio inoi'**** executed l/y the defendant John II. lloiiiiea to the plaintiff ! Upon fee following den* Mood real eetate ■llouici in aiiertiiMii comity and atale of ketoaaka toWII - I he Mouth Kuril Quarter of aeetion ala, «h in Townalilp Thirteen ,(lk Sorihof Itanif* Tourieen, 04) Weat to an cure Ihe payment of a < ertain promlaaory note dated He loiter loth ladk, lor tlieauin of ♦<>< no, for ■vuieli an in with Inter*.! from dale thereof plaintiff pray* tor ■ decree * hat defendant* lie revolted to pay the ; »uii" or mat .aid pi*inl*ea may Ire aold Ur | •iril.fy III* amount found due Ton are re/pilied loauawer aunt frelltloii i on or Indore Hie Hh day of Noyeintrer, 1«M), Haled aept,, eftli, prkft. All**' fmiiwmiiu, I'lalutlff, l,ol la kria, by SloMTinoaPM IlMoa Clerk of iriairlel 11 out! Ilia Allorueya. Hy 7, Kain, ireputy. MOM kKSMJKMT MirTICK. hi Ht.irict Court of Mhermu# County. Mat, ra.ka, Ck-oiali tVmala, I'laintlff V*. Caroiii. < Holbrook. widow of Myron a Holbrook deceaaed. Horn J nnnth, Kdward S Smith hu.hano *« icMwil agalat aald laud togeth er with Inter*-»t i/it aald VAtUti at al* per cent per annoin from April law and Internal on aald KkVa* at ten per cent per annum from Auguat Dial laMan/f fntcreat ou aald KO>M al ten per cent per annum from October Wth, ISkf Add plaintiff prat a for the appointment of a guardian ad litem for aald minor defen dant for an accounting of the amount due upon aald Mortgage and that defcndanla may la; required to pay the amount due thereon and for a decree ordering aald land to lu> sold to -ai l»fy the amount which ahall let adjudged to la* due on aald mortgage. You arc required to anawcr aald petition on or before the aecond day of December ItK. Dated tbla I7ili day of October l*g#r» Atleal CI.IMUA H. Woopa I'lalnllff le/ifja UKik Hy NloHTItH.Al.lt IfKun. Clerk of the Dlatrlcl Court her Attorn* ya. hy K. UKlk Deputy. NOTJC or BALK l.'NDKU CHATTLK M<1KT<'urt <4 ttlivtmtiii n N««l»rR»liR m(mih ,4 i«*ft#ll' j mi* Hit-Ml (It fc«l4 tuttfl IR I Uut|Mit) jm*4 iftltef* loi t)-. * ■ * •« I - ..1.1,1 . *>»»• lulUr# ui.il (3f| * oft(* I»l »«U (ilM |*i(« Hilo lit 41 »i till* *414 *4 lliil* lift Nil Tte# MU*lt 1MM# ' i • Hotfue In lift* ti ‘t 1 it a , ,, , • ' : • ■ * t |*» i ' • ■'lR i m , unit •»'•*»!»<* «** h *k*t i it *1 MlliP 4» kMlilti I ' « *•!■* i ‘ • « „ ' . • I'ltf N»i‘i I tt#it ¥ i ffk li t« fed*i »•« fmin* MM 4 It IIIRMRI* R«* * pMfii -=A to to to • # to « W to Sorr)e jVIe rebates angle for trade jual a* boya catch flab. They have ahowy halt (prize*), hut underneath are aharp barb* (cheap good*) which in the long run coat* llic unauapecting cuatomer dearly. Tide la not our method. When you call on u* we do not try to make you think that you are getting aotne thing for nothing but we aell you the beat good* we can buy, at the LOWK8T poaaible price, FLOUpi We are atfli handling the world renowned Waahburn Croaby Company flour (which hy the way.iv ground in Minneapoli*, ^ Minneaota) whieh ha* given our cuatomer* excellent aatia faction every lime Head what Waahburn Croaby Company any in regard to It; “There'* aa reach difference in the flour of aome mill*, a* there ia between an old windmill and the moat modern milling plant in the world. Huch are the famoua mill* of Waahhuro Croaby Company, in MinneapO' Ha, Minneaota, IJ. H. A., having a capaaity of 19,600 barrel* dally, Equipped with the very la'eat improved machinery for grinding the celebrated, “No. I Hard” wheat of Minneaota and Dakota, their well known “Hupcrlptlve" and t»M Medal’ brand*, are recognized a* the standard of high grade Hour* where ever they are uaed." “Tbi* flour contain* u large percentage of the gluten of wheat, and a very small proportion of *tarch. and for thia reaaon thread made from it, doe* not become drv and tastlesa but retain* the tweet flavor of the flour, and will keep moiaed for aeveral day*," ■‘Hee that the firm name, Waahburn Crosby (Vinpatiy it on every barrel, or *ack of flour you buy, to iriaure your baving the genuine article." We al*o handle the t!rete, Neb, flour, which a* every one know*, lathe beat made in tin* state, SHOES! 1 Leather took the lead of sugar lu making an advance, but we will sell shoe* at the old price* for tome time, though they will probably advance slightly before long. We handle Bradley it Metcalf* famous shoe* which are guaren^ teed to tie as represented or your money refunded. CANNED GOODS DRIED FRUITS. Canoed goods are yet quite low The dried fruit market is uiunb and will probably remain so for some “f same with little chanm ot an .. . , , ... t „ . advance for some tune. Prices are time, A few prices will tell the nevl,r ft(11j„g: Cal. dried Peaches, per lb. . 16 Cal. Table Peaches, per can, .20 “ »» *• u .* ,jo “ “ Pears " “ .20 “ « Pears » “ .10 “ *• Apricots “ ■' .16 •• “ Apricots “ « ,10 “ “ Grapes “ “ ,16 « “ Itaisins “ “ .05 “ “ G. Gages “ “ .16 “ » Plums »* » ,10 “ “ Egg Plumes “ ,15 “ “ Gropes •• .» .05 SMOKED MEAT We handle all kinds of smoked and salt meats of the very l*>st Armour-Cudahy Packing. Everythipg ip Gepcfal. t j We are still headquarters for Crockery, QueenCware, ^ Glassware, and have just received a large stock of the famous Columbia ware which is at present so much the. rage. We receive fresh groceries every week ami can guarantee, the best on the market. We keep all kinds of bulk coffee at 124 Ota,, 174 cts, abets., 8ft els , and all package coffee at two packages for 46 eta. FINALLY. When you call on us dua l forget to tiring vour money purse along, for Its cash we need, no matter whether Us gold, silver nr currency, we are not orthodox on the money question Just so »u are paid cash thsls all we care for. Yours for Trade, <