The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 08, 1895, Image 2

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OM> t. KZMCIiOICK. Mlto» * »'*b.
'Jxr Commercial hotel at Exeter woe
destroyed by fire.
Ijh Hfftf**'** x pioneer of York <vrun
ty, died last week
Ki>» amiiJacui bxe been commiseion
«d postmaster at Wateon
Tar. fin,(xxi reeiderice of Mr. Right
nure of Columbus burned last week
Maaroca reports no terkrux damage
to the beets by the late coid weather
A Conor of tbe lianieb lirotberbood
of America bxe been organized in Ere
O. A- 'i'exi/OK. president of the Len
evu bank, died last week of materiel
1>K UzaiffiX, formerly of Central
< ity tied recently in Vork State of
br.» Thai r.K, who ba* been spend
ing Uie summer in Massachusetts, ba*
returned to Nebraska
Mam flags in Nebraska Cite were
half -masted bo a use of tbe death of
«x-h#nator Van Wyck
La C. L. ba* been appointed
examining surgeon for tbe pension bu
reau at Kali* City, Neb.
Tsm ir in< urabie patient*bare been
rtmovol from tbe slate insane hospital
at Lincoln to tbe asylum at ffa*tiog*.
A Mis* Eaios of Jieatrkie attempted
suicide by taking morphine ft was an
a Hair of the heart tuat made her thu*
A klAjt a of 16,VU0 sheep are being
driven from ltie extreme western part
of the state to the tierkhey ranch near
Chaxlt* Lonel was buried Iwneatb
a large mas* of dirt while diggings
cellar in Lodge fie wa* badly crush
ed but will recover
Cuaiu.m fiAar.ii a farm hand near
Herman, ha* opened the season of corn ■
sueller accident*. Hi* left arm we*
amputated near the elbow
biAiK Hash Kxamihhh K. H. IkmuHH
ha* turned over to*- Hank of Herning
ford to lieceiver Ta*h. whose Pond ha*
oeen approved. Dodder ha* had charge
of the bank for a month.
*>ihsr.i is already making elaborate
preparation* for the entertainment
of the delegate* to the »tate irrigation
convention wnich meet* in that e.ty
December 17, 1* and 19,
, < AyiAiH 'I'ayujh. who ha* been a
rendent of Hasting* tor the ia*t
twenty year*, and who until recently
was night clerk at larpin'* hotel, wa*
adjudged in*ane and aent to tbe a»y lorn
at Hincoin
k'HHii hm rn, a Huffalo county farm
er near Kavcna rai*ed thirty-five acre*
of kugar cane and i* now mazing *or
ghum at the rate of lbb gallon* per
oay. He will have if.Obb gallon*, which
will net him feob.
Woarii bKAHAM. who attempted to
rob the Danner bounty hank at Harria
hurg, pleaded guilty to robbery and
wa* aentenced to ten year* in the peni
tentiary by Judge .Neville. He impli
cated no one el*e in hi* confession.
k. H. hir.iMKt.K. foreman in the
freight repair *bop* of the H. A M. at
Histlsmouth, while repairing a refrig
erator car, wa* struck in tbe fare by
the heavy door, rendering him uncon
scious fpr a while, beside* breaking hi*
no **■
A k Hi.uo.M dikpatch say*: Induc
tion* are that the freeze *o far ha*
helped instead of damaged been. W ord
wa* received from the Oxnard factory
that the beet* were not injured, tbe ef
fect of the freezing luring to increase
the saccharine coo but*
Tu>-youngest child of Mr and Mr*,
bpangler of Nickerson met with* osin
ful accident The little one w 17
month* old. and while sitting in a
high chair before a large heating stove,
>c which there w** a hot fire, it pitched
forward onto the stove and wa* burn
ed in a frightful manner.
» T. C. <** report of the condi
tion of the clerk's office in (.edar < oun
ty wa* filed last week, but not sworn
to. It cover* a period of nine year*
from January 7, l*sb. to liecemher 11.
lavt. It show* a shortage in Claus
rKriatAnann'* a./ tl U
i rauz Nelsons books of |::,4Wj. 'A. and
in John Goebel * of I.b.'i.
A Mu* Mato* of West Beatrice took
A dose of morphine with suicidal in
tent hue was fouud lying on the side
walk in an unconscious condition, and
it requ rad severe treatment to resus
eitate her When site regained con
sciousness she begged that she might
ne allowed to die as her affianced, a
Mr. Wilcox, bad deserted her. and she
was heartbroken and did not care to
live Ion* ci
W'asmikuto* dispatch The secre
tary of the interior today rendered de
risions in the following lend eases;
Nebraska hdward I. hay re against
Joseph i-osee Lincoln district t ase
remanded to ba-al office for rehearing
Albert B Melioy against Andrew M
I airfield Alliance district. iJecisUru
r« versed Melioy * contest dismissed.
Lose Kaudebusch against luvinsa
Mailman >idney district tiecieiou
affirmed Mrs Mailmans entry bold
for cancellation
A J h*.Ai d of traadele has sent to
General Basse uger Agent Bui iianau of
the irsuiMii K lk horn A Miseourl Val
ley ranauad samples of oat* and barley
of this ysar s crop in / niclopo county
'I be oat* wsie raised by John li But
tell and yielded uiuety nine bushel* to
th* acre, machine measure and t led
thirty seven hounds per bushel, or lit
tHtabel* to >ue acre hy Wright ‘I lie
Imrley wa» iai*#d by L 11 *uirr and
the yield ws* aiaty three nnsheis in ths
acre, machine messuie an-l tested
forty eight pound* per liiniirl
It J. A*A<iI 0 now a resident of • he
eggo bwt an Ashland raisc-d la#) has
written to hie m--th*i that hu ha* sold
hi* royalty tn an elect* u suusge bat
levy for gloo.i**- Aim-Id ha* an
trie car rug* that gnu. the rsee
tn a month for a %•■'*> pure ia • hi
A no van* at ie on Brut m < heysnne
vwnnt> to donate Ur fh»* Bmte county
th# three tier* of township- iy -ng slung
the north anti of t heyenn* m*uat)r
y'imnogff'* hemp mill hn* *t*»te.t up
fn* in*- isgitle* season 'a run mine
will be menofnrtund this yea> but
the snth* product will In worked min
tow and shipped east
I f
f’mft+MttBrf N«M#r.
A I,In tdn <iispsteb Mtya; It to bow
Claimed by various official# In tha de
partment* at tb* mp*lot that* ontractor !
A. It. fteeizi'-r wilt never »<* asked. j
cither by Warden l.eidlgh nr the ie/ard
of public land* and buildings. to sup
ply msintenarc lor tbe convict* at the
penitentiary, it I* quite certain that
be will not, at least, until after the
deeieion of tbe supreme court I* r*n ,
dared Tbe question as to whether or
not ileemer is legally appointed by the
board is tba vituT point npon which the
court will be railed upon to pa**. Thia
important question la now pending
For the board to go ahead ami force
hi* rer/^nlUon upon tbe warden, it is '
claimed would bs disrespectful, to *ay |
the least to lb# supreme court. The .
board of purchase and supplies is lorn
idling good* and provision* to tba pen
itentiary ami will continue to do so un
til tbe de< isiofl of lh» supreme court *
This decision may be banded down
Wednesday, November A, and It may, '
possibly. be delayed for a faw days.
Meet* Are Mtp*
Mr If, T. Oansrd was in Omaha laat
week on bis return from New York,
ile received on arrival highly favor
able nawa from both auger factories at
Norfolk and Grand l*land concerning
tba improvement In tbe conditio* of ,
augar basts during tbe last ten days
The chemists at tbe two factories 're
port that beets now offered indicate
that ihe ripening prre-*sa be* proceeded
rapidly during the Jest week and tbe J
analysis now ind,cates that terete are
generally In an acceptable condition
and all will be fully ripe within an
other weak.
I um Grand Island factory, which wa*
closed down temporarily because of
the unripe condition of the beats offer
ed, will reopen this week.
general of fleeeral tee Wvrfc.
Milford (IV ; dispatch: The funeral
of eg-1,nlted Hate* Kanatov Van Wyck
occurred yvsterd# v afternoon A short
service wa* heid at tb# Van Augeu
farm bouse, Senator Van Wycb's old
borne, preceding the services at the
rraaoyterian cbnrcn »:ev, iiugn uuin
Carpenter of Brooklyn preached a moat
< lorjuent and impressive sermon on the
Ufa of tbe deceased Her. Thomas
Nichols assisted.
Representative* of various Dread
Army post* from this region were pres
ent to pay their las) respects to their
departed comrade. Tbe people of Mil
ford paid a high tribute of respect to
their former townsman. Oi tbe coffin
wae a silk flag presenter! by Carroll
poet of I'ort Jarvis Tbe remains were
interred In tbe family plot in Milford
H+01 Yt+tfi*
Tba Lincoln Journal correspondent
ba* been gathering information con
cerning (be sugar beet crop in Oreeley
county tbia year and can say it ia most ’
excellent "One farmer reports three
thirty-ton car* and Sevan ton* over
from four acres. This the best yield
beard of yet Several have reported
fifteen ton* per sere ' omplalnt* are
loud and long now a* to tbe refusal of
the factory to accept the beet* as har
vested, farmer* generally thinking that
tbe factory 1* trying to defer shipments
until the weather is cold and thus com
pel them to care for tne beet* during
tbe cold weather 'Ibis may tie such a
drawback as to cut short tbe future
beet crop in tbi* section of country, if
farmer* are assured, however, that
there will be a ready market they will
only be too glad to engage in beet rais
ing. It ia beyond nest ion the most
profitable crop raised in this section of
tbe stnte If tbe companies will accept
them as agreed during the season suit
able for beet harvest it has been es- i
timated by men who have given it
careful attention that there Is fSO net
profit on each acre actually attained if ;
delivered at once at the contract price." 1
Jtebresbs Irslry men's *•«-.< isllns.
The annnal meeting of tbe Nebraska
Dairy men's association will be held at
Lincoln, DecentWr 17, 1*, lb, I MR.
it is desired to make tbia meeting of
practical benefit to the dairy industry
of the state - tne private dairyman a*
well as the creamervman. '/he pro
gram of the meeting is now Wing ar
ranged, arid the undersign'd would be
extremely gratified to receive sug
gestion* in regard to the subject* to lie
discussed, and extands a cordial invt
■ AbJ'sil I*; 40/ ttU'i 411 iHiryeaicu
to lake part in the work of the meet- j
ing 'J'Lomi who Will prepare paper#
or preaent topic* for conauleration at |
this meeting ara ineited to at one* cor- i
raapoud with the *ecr*iary.
H. < iUaehrr,
Gibbon. \#h
Heel *ugar Making PraeeeU*.
The Omani Iteat Huger company at
Graod Inland reeumed operation* on
the t«nh, and th* factory i* running
full t>lact Th* *ame employe* who
wera let out a few day* ago. when it
wa* found iiec****ry to *top the maim
factor* of kiigar on account of the uu !
rip* condition of the beet*, are at their
vanou* po*ta of duty, and there i» a
I/ihmI pro»|iect for a l»og i ampaipo.
without any further hrvuka Manager
Kerr ar *iate» that the recent «oid !
weather lie* greatly improved Ihe beet*
It baa aiof.ped their growth and given ;
them an opportunity to gnm in aacaha
rliie matter A lout Sf.hnh tona ar* now
on hand and more are lieing rapidly
*blp|>ed In the event that no further
di0h >■>• > * ara at.naltrwl and non#
aie e a pee tad. th# production of eugar ,
levtv will tbi* year b* itual ealiafai"
lory to producer*
H«hi i;i M I'ariraeoa, luwiinkMer ai
•moih Hand, waa aavaraly kicked on the
head by a Vielou* horve A phyalcian
worked with him for two hour* to
bring him back toconrwtoitvne* It re
ifttirvd twaiv* aiilcha* to clue# lb* i
Muab t omerM la felt by aattlara of
th* idoa Indian r»**i ration over ilia
dei lalt n of the aeuvetary of the Hiler lof,
which la *ald to be final and which r*
ifiiire* that the ba'ame due on aahi
land* h* («• id on it iwfore Sovewt er
. |u or th* ealrie* will l<* camelled and
the land dm lareri vm *M I nle**oth*r
inlfuenc* can b# brought to b**r upon
Go Mw ralary and hi* order modtlted
gnat hent*b>p will l« fait by iha*a*ai
liar*, neatly all uf whom ar* bo*e*i,
hardworking men, but Ihiuugb n pa*
Gal fatlura of nop* ta*t yenr and al
moat a total tenet# tnie aeaeon, they
ara unable to raite tn# n#«eaaarr
i amount of e**h l« make dual payment (
T1>« Verdict Ur«M<4 With • Mlghtr Meat
of 4ffr*'*<~N*wl let tool <»««
lain MfaUerte* of f«f ftarrul'i
Mother f*r»»k* (leva hat
Me le I mooted -Ant
r*al Taka*.
He* VHABeuWtt, So*. 4. Theodore j
(torrent, a*»i*tant *tjperintendeni of i
Kmanuel li*|dk*t church Hunday
•chord wa* convicted of the murder of j
Blanche Uwuflt, for which be ha* J
been on trial *iu«e July 23 la*t, Tire j
Jury wa* out twenty minute* and ar- <
Hard at th« verdict on the flrat I/allot
A* there wa* no recommendation of
mercy the (/unUhment wa* fixed at j
A* the aged lurfumn, pale and
trembling, read the word* that (lead
fmrrant'* fata, a low, rumbling noiae, <
like the roar of a mob, aro*e frttm the
rear of the court ro/ni The neat
moment men war* cheering w.ldly, j
f I
while women went hynterieaiiy in ex
dtement. The hail iff rapped loudly
for order. I/Bt tin- turn a It. continued
for a minute before anythin/ like
<*m-t w/uM be brought //tit of the die
{taring the tumult that followeti the
announcement of the verdict Itarrant
w4 hi* mother were iont night of, ex
mpt l/y the few who nat nr;* rent to
them An tbe !u*» word* of the ver
lie*, were ottered 'Itarrant made a
(panne>4i« effort to arlne t/* hi* feet,
hut before b<- /-//aid do *// hi* in'Alter,
with a half nigh, half moan, threw
her armn around hln neck an/1 »unk
buck Into her chair, Hln mother"*
t/rief neeme<l to make Itarrant forge*
hi* own j/onition. and tor the next few
uiuut/• be nat with bin armn ar//and
her neck trying to noothe her, Tbe
ong ' train of the trial, however, ha/1
sornple’ely nbattered her neif control,
mil it wan v/me tin*/; l/ef'/re Mr»
Itarrant could Jea*e the /mart room.
Durrani recovered hi* old-time com
i/onure a* *//on a* he left hi* mother
tnd prepared to return to the county
iail. With bin overc/*at nwung care
ennly over hinarm. he walked lelnurely
uxt of the room twirling hi* alight i
nuntacbe with apparently a* little .
fonccrn an if he were merely a npecta- t
sir of. fnntcad of the principal figure ,
n. the exciting n*.en
Annie fr//ro tbe npectatorw. Mr*. ,
Vobte, blanche l.amoutn aunt, and
Maud burnout, tbe dead girl'* nlnter.
nerc apparently the happlent p.-rnon*
n the room When tbe verdict wan 1
tunouneed Maud bumont nprang from
ier neat, cla*|/«d Iter band* and then
fried of nbecr excitement. Mr* Noble
nixed mode* with tear* and nhook (
hand* with a number of friend* who (
crowded around to congratulate her.
The cane will l«- appealed to the 1
•upreme court, and It in expected that
nearly a year will lapne la-fore a de- ,
bnion will he obtained.
I'robabllttjr That the Or*at Northern
HallroaU Will ll> find Ip.
hr Fai'I., MSijii , Nor 4 For now l
lay* past a apecial committee ap
[minted by the American Hailway un
ion delegate* to the Irevil'a I,aUe
country one mouth ago have been In
the city aeehiug a conference with
President Hill of the Urcat Northern
railway, in regard to alleged
breaking of Ilia agreement with them
lifter the great atrike on that.
»y*tein in May, lay* They made r«
pcated attempt* to m-« Mr, lllll, hut
without »uc<«k*, and tlnally late laal
night, having been the limit act for
them by the union they laaued a
long atatement giving their grtnv
ance« and the correapoudenee th*y
have had in their attempt to confer
with Frcaidenl Hill, They announce
Hint, In view of the treatment the am
ployea have received and the refuaal
of all attempted conference* with tlo
and of righting *ueh grievance*, the
*|H->dal committee will leave for their
home*, and the public need not tie attr
prtai'd to Huai the Ureal Northern ay*
teui tied up a* tight a* a drum from
HI, Paul to theeoamt
I urban aaeavad at IiIkIwwwh, bar till
libla'I Waul tiunlilr
1,1111 r Him a Ark., Nov * I Hr (
alinmoii* and tor belt rant# tog«i|i*i
here at the * upilol hotel yeatv iday
afternoon |,ut uu eeriou* con*4’i|itcuci • i
followed t it* Wa* aealed in lire din I
iMefooio when lorlu lt entered togel
liy the Anal fallen I of belt bail to Walk 1
wltion a couple of feet uf him A* be
neared bon torlwlt poked to* linger
at t iwvlmmoii* in a devlalve amt in
•uiUitg manner and at the aame turn 1 1
muttering »om» uninielligtlde bound I
I,very one * v 1 v, 1,, I t « me a light. tori
t Iteaiiiimoua wa* nol gau.e Tti ha*i
dy liMiked up, it 11*1,io| and 1 orbett
a|i|ii*i op t he peace tutty inclined
bnaUerd eaaler, wbde the ' *|mrlj'
..1C < It Wa* a • halo a
for tbe |m* 1 r to have one round ai lea*t>
>«|HH of i'mmmmstnnrr •••imp
Home fMlrwMo * i* arm,
Wamixttnf, Jioe. 4 ConniiMiMrr
of hum gration. (>;l<xiri Atnmp »n hi
annual report eorerirg the is«t fiscal
year nitown total iminyration for the
year >'»*•,Ml, which i« lee* than any
yearnin'-* I*7V, Of llirv Ife.nOp were
male* The total amount of canh the
immigrants brought with them ie not
laae than •4/'i'».wr» hat owing to the
form of /jaentionn n«k*/l (t Ie only
known that total canh wan not letmr
this figure and it ie estimated to be
bar time* this amount, or a tern t
There were more Immigrant* from
Ireland than from any otfc-r i-'emtry,
the total being 4b,I/O. and of these
l.rgxi e//uld not read nor write. There
were frt/m tierm*t>,- and of thee*
only were illiterate; from ftnly
'gyi arid of these |.V» illiterate; from
f>reec* y/7, and of tbeee J3» illiterate;
from Kngland and nob illiterate,
The general showing of Immigrant*
luring the year, according to tb* re- I
port, ia mneh better than for some i
Dm fete 4o M/lehnp laMM* I h»rg»A I
With Being Tee rrtea/fly,
< irr or Mr*ICO. Xor 4 - f'arly feel
ing ie being stirred up over an alleged
plot on ’he part of the higher elergy
n faror of neeret annexation to the
United At a tea. It in charged In l,Ur
erai clrelen that the late Arch binl op
imbsntids ha/I before hindeat h planned
to erect here a church which nhontd
lie built with American money end
ihoui/i t/e American in the personnel
/f the clergy attached t// the church,
Mi in wan to he in the nature of an
rrerture t/» the < aU.olic* of the f .'m'ed
Mate* and a manifestation of the 'ie
ra of the Mexican clergy to bring
mat a cloe* nnderstan ling
(•OMW to p.fpres* f fcsrge*.
Xrtr Yoaa, Xor, 4.—A large increase
n t‘<* ra'es for f ran*porting motimy
ry expre.* order went into mitt/- yea
ierdajr. Thto increase la aaid Ur arer
ige 2 / per cent between point* ea*t of
mlcago. and eren more U» point*
real of that place, 'f hi* increase of |
’ale* ia regarded aa another blow in j
ne warfare waged for aomr Mine past
retween expre** companies and the I
tta'e and National trank* thrrmgbout f
lie country, and wbieb. It i* said, wiil :
<e carried Ur Oongree* by the banks
feary Tired nt Kiptorattoa.
Xrw Vokk, Xor 4. Kxplorer Lien j
enact fi. K. Peary of the f.'nited
Itate* nary, i* expected Ur report for
Inty at the Brooklyn nary yard Ur
lay. ffe baa been assigned for duty
i* a eiril engineer in the department j
if the f.'nited Htete*—-yard* and dock*,
fi* fellow officer* at the yard* atate
hat f.ieIItenant Peary nad giren op
ill thought of reaching the Xortu
eric and wr,nId nettle down Ur ronline
rork in the nary department.
Monthly ImM Mdrnmt
Wx*HixoTon, Xor, 4 -The monthly i
taterncni of the public debt *how* the
lebt |e»% ca«h in the treasury, Ur hare !
wen at the close of bns.nea* October
I. 9244,431, IOt, which i# an increase!
or the month of 341,472, which i* ;
ceonnted for by the io»* of t'.. *57,344 j
n the cash In the treasury,
a *». Joseph rumnnt 10*4,
Hr. Joar.m, Mir., Xor, *, John
fuell, //ne of the early settler* of Hi,
lo*eph. dlerl yesterday morning. 'the ,
leceased wa* *4 year* oid and hi*
leath I* attributed Ur old age.
— ■ - - - - -r
Cardinal BenlUr Han/,7 rare* Arch
lisbop of WeriKe t* dear!.
A *u btnrranean lake ha* been
Vrond under Wichita. Kan.
The fmke of l am bridge ha* Ireen
gazetted chief personal aid-de-camp to
be (Jueen.
Iter. Eiihn brmn, a pioneer Bap ist
ninikter of Kansas, died at Fort Hcott,
iged 7i year*
Jay h. Kay. a plantation manager
iear l*lne Kluff. Ark,, Cot hi* aerrant'a
broat, billing him.
It I* extracted that the cardinal'*
wretta will Iw. conferred upon Mgr,
latolll l recent Per *,
Total coinage of the in iota laat
nonth amounted to tn,fcro,<gJh, over
17,000,000 of which we* gold.
The American*. Donzale* and Pare*
iav* been releaaed trout the hpenlah
Military prlaon In t uba.
Th* revolutionary aplrlt in Turkey
• growing. The Mu a* a I man a and Ar
nenlan* may unite agalnat the Multan.
Henator Murphy of New York want*
jorman for chairman of the National
n-omcratlc committee,
henator lilackburn ear* llardln wifi
ie elected Doverfior of Kentucky hy
6,000 plurality and the Ireumcrat*
Meet the leglalature.
Puny llilllpin feet of liMnher Were
leatroyed at Hai phln. I'm, by fire, in*
lolvlng a lint of §76,000 1 11# tire It
iiippoM d Ur originated from the a park
if a locomotive.
It I* aaid that Major Ueneral John
d Hetiult*l4, retired, ha* decided Ur
nake • hicago hi* home lie will apenu
ita time writing hi* memoir*
Chicago 1* now aheail »if New York
H four Tranche* of the poatofHc* leg*
•try livtlww
|»r John I HantPek. on> of the
reat known phyaldau* of I,itlle bock,
trk waa ahot ileail b> William llrowu
iu engineer toeatpe of In'ima y with
IlfoWli * wife
Mr* W .1 Kvnuidi living Ova
•ill** aouthof MterUng, to k nutpelfi
iiiMlmal* it In Ihougiil, with auielda!
Htenl, an i little hope* of hei it covary
ire cnterlainetl Ihnwatli tmnblea
cere the tana*
Mtatc I a!c»r t ommiaabuier Ibid Pea
• HI to lit, t ruuMlIaaPoter of I•*lair of
all tor i, la for dale • •nermiUg ipef.e*
ylnir Puui'i In tloit *l#le
ntaatoner | ,«M had a *, b«m». to eatah
llab •uch a bureau in Kali***
ilovet u o Morrill liaa celled ufem
the aujatiintrudent• of tba vanoua
date iuaiiiMtiuna for aa iPmnti
icruiunt of every piece of property m
Htalf charge
Be to MmM •> the *te*e I* Mm
»f TkMiwkl of fe-fAe Nr
•all. NNkMf of tor Murdered too
me*. Afpitee the Nairn ffca 1 *•
iMMto Hm #***• ter Merer <»•'*"
Tewertee* Ur *»•# lk« »WI*.
# m^mmemmmmmr^
A JMff* 9U*nM+4 Ail90, Taraa, Oat ill—Mm l*to
ard Kali, the Hhyenrodd wife of a
Imntter llring fo«r mi la* from bara,
waa uMi twl and murdered Mo* day
algbt by Henry H illard, a nr-gro
Mrt Kail bad Kaffl rWl»f bar
mother andaboatdanb atartad to tralb
bom* a dtotnaa* of half a mil*
Kbor'ly aftartrard her muUtmted tardy
wee Umud a i)n»rWrr of a wlfa fr»/n<
bar h'rti.e at tba *lda of tba yuhlie
roan Tbara tr ara arblama* of a
tarrlMa alrnggia, aa tba lardy kraa a I
a»o*i aada, 7 br flawd aftar aaanolt
fair bar, rot bar tlooat froio aar to
aar am) eomyietety di*em>arwele,l her.
A voere kraa rytiekiy orga»l*ad, Uni
try Ireyuty fcmd.n r/f Tylar, tobo toltb
lantaro* ia band and aidad by a bownd
trashed tba heyrt/ to within hart uni"*
of tba atari, where, at 4 a, m , they
toand loro faat d*.*ag in a eottOh yen
then niter the ofdeer* bad bin, band*
antfad a mob >rf soma nan iraarily
arm»d, nr tired m, tba mene. aral da
mended the immedldfd enrtewier of
tba yrtmmef, whieh «**» ralmdeotly
firm, Tba mob afartad for tba aaarra
of tba murder, where they arrlrad
7 enterdny rnttermam el > o'aba b Tba
crotrd aon’.inwad trr gatbar at toe
aaraa of tba brrrrjbl* oi*» onto
aaarir aiti/m* rrf Tylar abd rb
etafty tear# there.
A few moment* Ira fora tba flaunt traa
brongbt trr tba glaaa a wanting toaa
bald and a armoaitta* wee note Anted
Ut loraatigate bi* identity W.tuwwe*
were enmmomed end eto*e\e tfnee
thmed. 'the ree ilt tra» a tborongb
Id an tlflral irrm In a fair miunte* an
a*r m a . r i Ol
myirrrfM fwi wr'rrrt v *■ «»»»♦
lollotrftft by JfVn 4*twrfnln*'! w«ll
*rrf,*fj iw*fo Wh*n n*»r tb* •*•»* th*
offi/5*-r» t»*r* or*rprrm*r*A nnA A *
nrm*A, nnA tb* n*gro, M*nry UiUinrA.
mn* trfongnt b*ioi* tb* *o*wfn)ft**
II* tnnAm n 1*1) * /nfovwon nnA wruUt
ft not* to bi* trif* ** follow*
"I mo nrr**t*A by 'Mtg ■itoKU. Yon
know **bftt tb*y Will do with in* II
I don't «** yon *«? «»or*, (or! by,
"II *»*»•.*
Aft*r bU «o»f*«*lon nod Uu/rougb
tornufotmibm n tout mn* t*b*n ft» to
tb* tnod* 0/ fm»j*bM«nt It w*» unnu
hno**tf m(t**A to barn UUo *(.»* nod
tbftt b* »bon,/| *«lf*r tb* p*uu>lf‘/n
th* pa bit* */j,inr* Tb* tin* tA «n»r«b
wsw t«b*n ap tf/w»r<l TyUtr «») *t I
ftf*to*fc tb* h**/i Ilf-* *t<»*r*d tb* raftln
atr**t, »b*r* wo )«•* tbftn 5.W p*opi*
mtrr* ft***rn»/l*d I Arif* *rowd* of
w/tn*n nnA *biidr«n w#rr* *ongr*gntn4
on tb* fttrninint mrrrtunA ug th* puI*
II* pi *2*. Wngifj*, tnrr'ing**, tr***
»nd bnlUffyr* w*r* #o«r*rt*d Into
yrsnd *tftft/J* ftod w*r* tbnmg*A »l
fell. 1
A o-.ftUobJ mn* «r**t*fl In tb* «*nt*r
B-f tb* *f|fiatr«, Waifon* l*4«n with
If iodlinj? wood, wal f/ll *nd *tr»w w*r*
lrir*n to tb* ***** nnA t/t*»*d in
posit Ion Tb* nwgro mn* tb*n jflr*n
an opnortfttslty tf# *t#nk, tml to* word*
w*r* inandlbl*, wb*w b* >Al*r*A up
bi* la»*t pr*y*r, bow*r*r, b* «o«l4 l>*
b**rd lor ****rnt Morfc*. II* mn*fM*.n
\m*h*4 to tb* iron r»!l tbftt *st*wd«d
Ibroajfb tb* pintiorm,
Mr. U*II, tb* hoAbwwfi of tb* war
4*r*d Indy, nup *4 tb* tonV-n nnA lb*
0»«r*** *l»f/t Hp»»rd, /»»*iopfntf tb*
brut* in • *b**t of Hr*, II* »-*//*d
for ff-*r*y */*) It t*a*o n**t*fl on*. to (
bSm In tb* /n*-«*»r* b* if*** bU rl*
tint. It «r*« ft*t*rw»sn*d If# l/ttrw bifn
*t on**, bat tb* Hr* t*** qu*u*h*A
ftft*r tb* l**t ffl*«* f/f wof-d tra»
bnrn*d. In ft (** fn.nnt** tb* Hr*
*m *t*rt*d ngnin, from tb* t iw tb*
r/.*t*b wn* npptinA until hi* d*nth mn*
**a*tly fifty noun'**,
Th* I A. t> J(, train w**erowd*d
with tb* \mou\* tram tomn* north.
llo«vlr*d* f/f n*gto** wltn****d tb* **
motion »»fi r*f/r***wtfttlr« n*gr«>*»
rsj/r****d tb*»r ln'i'/r**«f*nt of tb*
puni*hm*ot. Tb* olfl<;*r* m*r* pomw
U<u> *o4 tli* *b*riff w*r«d tb* Oortnwr
bat hi* ******** wft* too l«t*. Alt lav
In*** boa*** «lo**'i mnA tb* Id# Cotton
l5*K *bop* mttr* d***rt*d,
* ft mn. a** « a.* a a a ft «■* r* rr a *■» 0
nvnmwo i ■ m
• MM* (Jlrt OMfUlM M* T»eu
'Mi * Mwm Mk(*y|» 14k*
ffroeaa*. Hwb , Oct 31.—Chief l*|r
aty United Mat** Marshal Vtn*on ra
turned hare yesterday from the Okan
agon r***reetlon bringing n***» of a
■fat horribla crime perpetrated by
two Indian* named > bekwa*kle and
PelcbelpeUy Tbay *lol* n llttla 12
fear-old girl, Mary, daughter of Jam**
oil. aad, taking her out In tb*
mountain*, repeatedly a**aultad bar;
than they tied her, Mu**ppe-like,
apon n earu*a, and turned bar adrift
an the wild country to the North For
Dourly two days the ceyuae wandered
atmleu*ly about the wllderne**, with
the *anaeia*« eb'tlnt firmly strapped
npou lie lawk 'I hu» *b« wn* found by
a party of *ear«'her* out looking for
bar The < Mid wu* restored to con
e ioumimm with great difficulty, when
the related the *tory of her great *uf'
faring* 'I he entire country I* being
wmured for tha two Hem)*, and If they
•re naught a terrible revenge la in
•tore for them
4a »»M« Motel la 4*h«*.
ffeaieontiu, Ohio, Oat, 41.- Fire
tala la*t night destroyed the lagouda
hotel, with all of Ih* ktore* on tha
grounrl Hour Never a I gueetd were
rescued In • neNrl const lou* eondition,
but no Uvea were Iiwt The io*##* are
eMimuted at |l&o.<eei
4 OinloM Im«* # *.
Nt, leti*, Mo, Oat II John W
Milky, n. . ratary of the i I, M*olw
on* paint * ompawy, *** afraffal Me
da y changed with Mealing •' ‘*a» fr.,m
the . oucrrn Me wa* taken '» the
Four • ourte and brebed up lie ton*
fr-itril 1,1 guilt to thief In Amend,
•aring that he had l*o Mealing for
three year*, wresting up hi* vrlwe hr
falae ehtrle* la hi* hooka and taking
the somputty'• money In email amount*
a* often •* a pre**ing need for fuml*
demanded The money b* Mole he
Ml*, want to the bookmaker* al tha
#e«* tr**’ba t
t»—l» ldwr«tll*M 0/ the (ewoMwe
In MM 4mwI JUf*fL
W4»«lir<.T'/*,0«t II.—IffHinMfnw
4'iilttw I, l/ebroi, of tie pcnimi of
Men, la biannual report moke* *er#rol
pointed Under the bead
of "Patriotism and Pension- be any*;
"Those who er, bated early and
fought the battle* of the war wen not
mowed by mercenary «M»d«r»tiMM,
end «»!«*• actually dlaah.ed did not
»bow tba baate in anplyin/ for pea
sioa* manifested by tboa* who ealotad
nearer tbe e)o*» of the war for larye
bow n tie* and did little actual •errlee,
and who ar# now the noisiest in elan*'
oring for «»/we pensions. A* compared
with tbi* latter clue* the rea Soldier#
of tbe war bare been »'d»4 in /re
furring eiarns f‘/r pension*
Tbe death of mtnr witnc—w* and
toe a/e of claimant* ho* mafic it <p»ite
dilfleait In man/ eaeee late!/ in obtain
/ro</f swtMcient for tbe guo’ng of
pen* on*
The report chow* that tb" number
of peneioner* June W, 1 tat, woe Oba. '<|t.
new i,eo*ion*r* added dar n/ tbe year,
e't.Jb-V; dropped pension", restored,
t.Ubdj death# during tbe year, iP Sir,;
dr«r//ad for cau«e. 14,li mawm/ a
net increase of pension"* d r.ny tbe
year of VO, pension* eJa.o, * owed
florin/ tl*«year, *'r, I*S; dec - •! O.V,u;
M*«*|etfi'«f, Mf,fl|< 'Inc a/proorb
atb/tt Im tbe year was HW</n,w,
•end there was paid dur ny tii* year
• l>*,*bTaa7, 'I he estimate f'/r pen
* '/•# f'/r lOifl la t t'/,'// Vib for [en
son payment*, tSbb.bbb for *«r/e on/
fee* and 44V/bbb for c.erk hire at
[otnsion a/en/fhm, and about #y//,bO/
f'/r </tieer «tp-»«e>
Tbe eoMKoltwioner con. f.">de the
ri/</r of tie* department of , . ’ ce and
»/f pension esa miner# in prone" wtiny
dishonest ntt/'/ney* and Acer* who
were en/ayed in pension fraud*. Two
bandred ant ninety Tour were I
•on rioted during the y*» f'/r fraud*, #
MidHtd H»S< Nffft MrgUUk.
f'aaar, Ob , Oct, tt, Tne I' /t'awat
MMle loliaM, in couoci (""-wd re*o
iotl'/n* dec or,o/ It# be.e'/e the
Stringent rales </f tbe Interior de,«
partment re/ardin/ arc not
vruAur-r* to ‘tor (•term1* It wtwld
he hettttt for tb* Indian • t'.er for 1 lie
white man and l/etier for • he oow*
tuouity that tb* Indian »>,oald have
gr*mt*r eontrol over hi- *o4 to Urn
wmy <4 l***ing at lea*'. for limited
period* 14 aay fir* y*or, #>ie# a*
more aotono«jr and lew* red tapem®.
The eaoeaeive potential,* o of the jfor
are men t tend* to dwarf « i e deveo/p
rnen t whu-.b }* o***n ry to make »*
nelf'wwpportSnjr and wh *,ii t in b* at*
tamed only by itnp/*Uiy « jpor» toe In
lian greater pemonat revpoantdlity "
A H. <**(« feme 4««OMi<e fak
#2 len'Mi, Mo,, <>et * 1b* Vi***,
trn lieiIdInp and l/«/i Awo.ntue
ira* made an ***.>gmm*ot of al> <t«
kiAAlng* to tb* H l*ou> Truat Com*
>*n/ a* traatee for the '-reditora Tie
Meet* are estimated at §100 /r>
Mr, i t*i*lm*4 More* l« Mvellrf,
Vt A*m*orov, fArt, f I 'J iie I'reai*
teat aid Mr*, f >ereiaiid y*mi*r4*y
amoved from the White hoc*** Ui
Woodley, the!r fail boot*
lMlin«f * WM«M||flV*<.
l.ivdaKiti, <nrt 21,—►re-'-*.' He
port* *«y that a -« adinp life mnarao'e
ompany |* aeeeptiup ri«a * to the
imoo nt 1/f #240,004 «• live*of eonmimp
,lve* takmjr the A me; a f.n* m.- a I reat
newt for Jaap Huete Tne Smr-M
h*uii*ml to of t in* naati ,* aetoaMy
My my the premium* on thia ineoraree
usd present,»p p/in-e* to tlie-r pat
ient* T hi* eomp»ny eia,m* to have
the Meat *omy ete vtatut.i a on eon
mmption m ib* world, and tnat these
•>»!** are gooA, providing n* patient#
eke a «o*»r*e of the Ami** treatment.
1,1*16 *104 W 4*0 MWIII I 1
IuMIImm fi*M *««* * or*, # Hiumgtt. H
l/**U, liwalii aad
KW4«- < immo eeparator S* » *1
butter I air ui pood e/.untrjr MAM
t.rra Pr**#. -... I-', i A tft
dopey teilf./role. per * .... 14 6 l-'<
per lb. 8 ,4 7
iTuee*-! er It, ... .. ft>", 7
I urfcey* per It,. * }
<Un. 1 8b <*■ I V,
,*•** peril, . 4 " *
1-ea.ooe t p„l/e Mw/iiu * ' Vi «/ per bt/l ,,. 17', *<‘11
rweet I'otai.e* 7>ou4. per 1,1,1 17- fc I S7i
i m«u«< per let . li. u> 4>
bean* bery b*„d-pb-eed Pa I 7', ,4 I a,
rMbarrie* tape end, pr t,l,| 7 >, 76 « 'r,
liar • piand fktu,u .ft <7. A 7 *>
opJoee - i'er l,u 7> "* *<
Ml mm, < urn—4,reeo per It, *74 'ft 7’*
> peeee bat, A la- fulIrNM W A 17
liug* Mixed paekiax .,,, * 7» 8 1 Mi
lloy*" lieary wel«l U .... IP «U,
beevea *t/e aert and feeder* 7’8 <4*4.
beef eleer* . .. 4 0ft 'A I *'
bull*I 7., 8 7 88
,»*** .... 7- 7, 4 1 7,
e,*ee .. i *1 A 4 #7,
r««* .,.7 *1 a i % y/
nailer* . |A, A 7 *, 1
Aeaiern* ...... TAX A 7 l/V,1 I Ullil* ..... 4 5* 4"'
i,.,*p Mixed ,retire* ; A <4 4 III
fit lc A4i>x
A beat bo t *p#l„*. 48% A M, •
urp Per t,u AvI P
i,ale rr IM................. I* <4 '* *
lura, ... . "•> A • «•*
I erd .. .... .. ft * A 8 7
l.oye I'aeaerx *»4 ml ted . ip t II
alii* We-ierp ran** ateerx t '7i * t
'r*,,e ran* ... # fte t 8 e,
■p4e|x \ minim. ... - 4,7, 4 57#
i beep bailee* I W M 4 Mi
»I8 Vulttk
Ml.eel. b„ & rad wlwu-r .71 -A »l .
i or,• bo I ..... 17 4 t? ■
i,ala W I .... ......... ..... Jt I 44 i
IA*«.... 8 1* * 8 A>
-I M/M*
niitai *n trad <aeb . At 4 M‘t
I 1,11. liM* . M A A .
|,»le Ixri'U It A I/!*
Iioae Ml*rd parxlnft ...... 1 A Aft'*
i atlia- ‘iallt* *t*ar» ......... I 4v A ft It
i {.*« p ball** J f i j l *5
l-aieU I »'< AH*
*Ab*A* <141
tft peal bn 3 baol a > 4 Hi
I mb be I .. ft* t ft*
l/ata bti 7 ., , 18 * |i. ,
i allla *ii» par* and feed##* 180 ,8a
I'p** Ml a»‘ 8«t* 8 14 * 4 lib
,l.ia* Mullen* ... I M 8 I A
|>«*li n,<ll«a |,i*l»la Ilia* ntuipu
A Iba (bi»t0W nation
'I Itaia la aeld Ui Im danpei „f | at*Ufa
i* lit# t.ieal Mutlbaru
I Ira Aral nrluiMa ut Mali War raw.
8*»la la tier* |a l» laau.d
MatMuttt A l*8il»r and Wall* lirmbara
llfpueaa bar# «*'bwdn|*l.l
Thar* I* * Itllali about i|„, parti,ant
,( tt#Mwf*l I*t li ,drill * t*iarr
Itanaial Mb liaei bat win l,*a Im<Mm|
Iba 7u*t»« Ktpul.Uaau tl< bat I* Mat*
IT mb.
a , ...jfe*. «•