The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 01, 1895, Image 8

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    \V. It. M( lloi. lUvsidcnl Agont lor It. A M. LamU. NViM, improvtul an<1 Irrigated LnmU for *al<>._
Uoaal Paws.
j.V)ur Inches of "Bcs fed hen I.i -' \V« d
H. K. KeynokU returned from hi** trIf* t• • I"h»
yesterday e vening
Homer Huttx arrived last Wednesday from
the Indian Territory
nr. t I. Brake made a bu*ln« trip to Lin
coin one day this work
<; II Hcott Kepublhan nominee for county
judge 1h sure to bl elected.
Win Naville Is assisting James Be pew in the
blacksmith shop these days.
Judge Hunter ami wife returned fron a
weeks visit to Ht Joe Tuesday
James Lee of the wrest side was doing ImisI
ness at the county seat Wednesd. v
G. If Hibson has his large furniture
tastefully arranged In his new quarto *■
Frank MeHrady Is supplying the city bdk
with a fine quality of oats straw at $1 <*» p**r
As we go to press w»* hav* received a letter
from John Oneil. of Bristol township v Midi
we will publish next week.
('has Brooks came in from the west last
Monday, and we iniUorAtand will make this
his home during the winter
The pops they swear, and tear their hair
because HInclair Is bound to get there, with
votes to spare. -Htand from under.
Mi M T Snyder and his tor In Inwr. Mrs
Ktta Snyder, of Buffalo noun spent a few
days visiting with Mr. John Hawk's family
last week.
week visiting friend* am! relative* and looking
after hi* property will returned to Chicago
Haiti rday
The ladle* of the H A. R will *erve oyster*
and coffee at the old Massassoit House Loin
IS p. m until the last dog is hung on election
day, Tuesday, Nov. fdh. HUMS.
A change of officers Is need In the court
house very badly and if some one Is elected
not in sympathy with the present court house
ring there will be some wholesome revelations
The ladles Aid society of the Haptlst Church
will serve supper In the Landers building
west side of court house square, Nov. fttli, elec
tion day. Oysters will be served Kverybody
come and get a good meal for little money
Rev. Miller left Monday lust to attend the
annual Haptlst State Convention at York
Neb. There will be no preaching service
Hunday Hchool on usual and there will also be
a Harvest Home entertainment In the evening
All are Invited to attend
Rev. Miller and wife Mr and Mrs. Heorge
Hibson. Mrs. Walt and two sous were Invited
totheliomeof Mr. and Mrs Hayhurst and
their daughter Hattie last Thursday evening
.lust before seperallng for the evening they
were Invited to the dining room where a flue
table was spread consisting of fruits, h e cream
ami cake.
Henry Han. of Rockville township was n
pleasant caller at this office yesterday and
added his name to our subscription list. Mr
l>uu verities the statement that the general
belief among the Rockville voters is that R. L
Hlssell candidate for sheriff on the Republican
ticket will walk out of that township with a
nice majority. This Is Mr Hlssell'* own town
ship and til way * here to fore has gone largely
• All) IIY A I'OP.
We have got a boss In our party.
A regular terror and a smart v
His name reversed Is Rein Louis.
Ami darned If be slut trying to do ns
He takes bis pall of cream check fame
M H. Mathew Is his name;
And with I’olskl and the treasury bounty
At once proceeds to stump the count y
They travel ore It day and night
Arranging matters for the light
Hut on every side and every crag.
They somehow run against a snag
Why,when ut Rockville Louis said
Vhut Hatton had a handsome head
And don't you know ' he began to whistle
That* not the ease with Mr Hlssell.
This was another snag for Rein
There came a man from up behind
And said in regard to Lou's suggestion
I de like to ask you jwsi one question
In a handsome head all that we need
*l'll tli ll... .......I ..ill k*
I hen I will say as It Is iny plain it||| v
Meironc with eiittim anil Ills licniilv
• >lher tittups were sal.I ami dune.
That put pup nominees mi the run
They er rimnlnp now era bill unit ilale
Amt must uf them leak uilpliiy pule
Walter Moon, the candidato for sur
veyor on the republican ticket, la a
competent utan for the position, lie
has very successfully tilled that oilier
lit the past and also the office of county
Heck with genuine Hound Oak hums
any kind ot fuel, and gives more heat,
takes less fuel, keeps the tire longer
and lasts more years than any Imitation
ever made and theres over 100 of them
lie sure and see the name Is on the leg.
For sale at Brick Hardware Store.
Two years ago treasurer Polski issued
certificates which were circulated at
neatly every polling place iu the conn
ty certify lug that Mr. Keasoner, the re
publican candidate lor county clerk
had not paid his taxes. The same re
port Is out iu regard to Mr Fuller this
year, lust Mr. J’olskl will hardly hare
the gall to semi out certified copies to
that i llect a> Mr. Fuller raceutly paid
all Ins personal taxes to date and a
large portioa of his land tax, iu fuel he
has paid taxes to date on three quarter
section* and on three other quarters
tin* paid one years delinquent taxes,
besides as above stated having
paid tils pcrsoual taxes in full.
The Times in referring to this matter
held out tlte impression tkat Mr Fuller
never pays Ida taxes, but the facts are
that b t few men In the county pays
heavier taxes than lie doc*. Fveiy voter
in lie county can lufoi hi hluiM'jf of tin
correctne»S of tin* *talcmeul yet III-tore
election by going to lbs ti. i» iht.
office ami nive*tig.itiug, Vm p ,oo
see certificate* from M> I'ol-l.i us in
tile l(ea*ouer case bland them a* t i •*<
and ml»l tiling
\ of<* ill** republican ttcl cf fr» m f#»|«
fit hott III.
I '.'ill oil \ our IOU ll-lli|l (')< ! h • *.• I g' f
a 'ample ballot.
Ih»> I lie Times-Independent deni
HiHf the brainiest men in the pop
allot part) are untile to take bach seals
A populist that rame to town lo-t
Friday said. "I shall vote a popu i«l
ticket hut not for Kelli or l*ol«ki I
pay taxes."
Vote for a change Try good honest
and faltlilill public serva ts such as
Fuller. Hates. Biasell. .Scott, Mowery
and Judge Moon aud give your bosses
the grand bounce
Vote for F W Fuller, tor treasurer.
He understand* accounts Is an lion
< si man. He is worthy of your honest
.ole. lie will not betray your court
d< nee.
Why does Kddlc Brown oiy that
it. J. Nightingale is not a populist, be
cause he voted and worked lor the
bonds to aid the building of th<> Irriga
tion < 'anal when he himself advocated
lint bunds and Is a stockholder in the
canal himself, though ebai man of tlit<
populist central eoininlttee, and if lit
told the truth at the time voted for the
oonus inn.sen.
If Eddy liad two more issues of Ins
paper before election ilecbthold would
lie elected l>y 150 majority, lie lias
just called I tie attention of the Faiim
Kits to the fast that the town candidate
for supervisor llavhurst a canal bond
advocate and stockholder In a < orpoti
lion. For shun.e Kddy to go hack on
your own candidate You are up to
your old trieks again You know you
went back on .lackson for treasurer.
Mr l’atton, candidate for sherlir on
the Independent ticket, acknowledge*
that he turned the Farmers Alliance
Elevator over to the manager* of llm
oilier elevator ai l.itcblleld lint say*
he ilid it to save its being sold under
mortgage. Hotter let It lie sold hy
mortgage a* in that way the farmers
would have gut something for their
shares As it Is tiny still hold the
shares and the other fellows have a
controlling Interest in the pmperty
and their shares are not worth ten
cents on the dollar. Hut the deceitful
manner in which Fallon sold them out
and tl'.e fact that the owners of the
other elevator I* supporting him in
turn I'orolHcn, is what makes him so
iiupopul ur among the farmers.
It ha* come to our ears that I'olski
and Keln are threatening to force the
collection o taxes on nil personal
property he ween now and January II
they are not elected. II this he true
and this is the kind of a wcopen they
are using now since the party lash has
failed them they should he defeated
by u 11 means. Will men of freedom
silbm t to mu'. Is an outrage, '» it puss)
hie that they will allow their serveuts
to thus use the power of their position
to further the r own individual inter
sat*. I’olski and Kuin don't intend to
force the collection of taxes. Theie
Is toil much work to do They «irn|d)*
want lo frighten the voters into voting
for them,
A Stockholder in the Farmsr's Alli
ance elevator, at Litchfield met a re
porter of the Noutmwestkkn, lust Fri
day and upon being asked "bow he
stood on 1’atten for sherlir’ replie \ I
have got a few dollars lavestei) In the
Alliance elevator at Litchfield. It i*
,l...s .... ..11 tl... a I...,. AI.. .. l... __
not worth ten cent* on thu dollar. The
other elevator has all the business that
ilean attend to. The way that I’atton
turned the Alliance elevator over to
the managers of the other elevator was
nothing more than a steal and he will
never get my vote. There are lot* of
populists besides me that* going to vote
against him lor the same n axon,"
Deputy ( onlily Attorney Mathews
signing himself "Independent" In the
rimes Independent of Oct dftth, lay.'i
seems to he disgusted with an ofllee
seeker. Why are you deputy county at
torucy then Mr. M and why did yen aid
In the packing of that convention that
nominated Item and I’olsld who of
course are not ( fllce seekers, when they
have been running around the hack
yards of the voters for the last eight
week*, sometimes together anil some
time* accompanied by I,mg, some
tines by I’atton and more frequently
by yourself, what are you seeking. I
It fame, remember it |» but an empty
bubble. It certainly cannot tie for »n
ofllee. No Mathew * dl-gu-led with
ofllee seekers.
As election approaches the grip ol
the< umlitute gets warmer, tli* smile
more gonial, the manner nine cm dial
This Is all tight, and every one D plea*
cd t see It. Itut no one like* to see
that same man when elected, dealing
out ihveh-h meanness, and hat re I in
those men of his own party he dm.'I
like appointing ns deputy a man like
i f, tMoor who is objectionable to
id* 'iivii rleudiaiid partl/ans, using In
I'flU'c to . i ueli out his political enemies
it tinning the ufllne ol dictator All
this kInd of hu*lues* Is unmanly, m.
American and unworthy. Men of al
pitrtie* condemn -itch conduct, and go 1
nu ll of dl p rile* will leuicinber I,mils
Hein and pa-* III in hy »f election and
put an \ opposite the uni ie of II M
Itab ■ fm • unlit y i‘|ei I,
Vntf tin* r« ■; i it I fli'vt • i t »•* s«*t
-t i-jiitflit •
\ <>tr for Half*
Vote for Fuller.
\ otv lor I
\ ot«» for iScott
Vot<* for Moivitv,
\ ot<* for Moon.
And Inst Imt not loii't tote
for II. M. .Hinelnir,
Notice I* hereby given that l<v virtue of
an order of an e i*.*ned hv the de/li of
tfia dlntrlet eoult of Itie tiftli Iti'tlria die
trict of Nebraaka, within and lor xliei
nian county in an aellon wherein ( nrlo«
<!. linn and John I. Harwell were idain
IlfTa and Jadaon II fiurna, Clarence o
Welle, Mr*. — Welle, file wife, Janie*, I,.
I'rlUun, Nellie ItrlUon nia wife and <.Koi«e
W i iirinliigliam were ilefendanta f will
at J o'clock |> -II on the UN day of Novein
bar, IK'..,',, nt the aoufb door of t lie court
boil an, In l.oup Oltf, ftliarnian eountv, Neb
rneka, offer foi anient public auction Tor
c.aalo the following |,e..rrlhed real eelate
to wit The eaat half '<t the norfhweal
(jimrlei of aeelIon twenty-eight <In
townahlp KlKtcen llfii. north of rangu al*
teen <Ub wcat of the al*th principal nut
rldlan III aherrnau eounty, Nebrnakn
(riven under my hand llila :*tb day of
konaemher, IMh.-i
It 11. Ht'.MOIflHfWrN, Hlicrlfl
SlIKKirr's HA LK
Notice is hereby given ir»Htt»y vir-uuof
an order of sale in sued by the clerk of
llic district court of llio 19th Indicia! dls
trlciof Nebraska within and for uherman
county In an action wherein Hamilton
Loan and Trust company a corporation
was plaintiff and George W M liner, Mary
.) Mi/ner and John Hon wera dc
faridantn I will at two o’clock p m , on
the t-tb day of November, ls%, at the south
door of the court house, In Loup Lily,
kheimaa county, Nebraska, offer for sab
at public auction (for cash) tba following
described real astate, to wit The north
west quarter of suuilon thirty I'do;, town
•hip sixteen iii'n north of ki»mgM fifteen
(Ku west of the sixth principal marldlan
In Sherman county, Nebraska
Given under my hand this 3*th day of
September ltr.ift,
ii l» JasoMtcKsoN, sheriff
Notice js hereby given that by virtue of
and order of sale issued by t he tJlark of t be
filst r id t om i o> tba P/th Judicial Mstrb t
,»f Nebraska, witein and for Hharman
comity, in an action wherein Anna It Mr
riier mom was plaint Ilf and Kmma I < Mam
beilalii, Thomas c I bambcrlaln and Ar
mluhais |» ( ulley were defendant* I
will at o’clock p m, on the nth day of
November, at tba south door of the
court house, in Lomi city, Hherrrmu conn
ty, Nebraska, olfer for uile at public auc
tion (for cushi lire following described
real estate, to wit The east hull of the
northeast quarter of section thirty four
dll), the northwest quarfei of the north
west (|tu»rter of Section thirty five, (3%;
and the nouthwest quarter of Hie south
west quarter of Section twenty six
all In township fifteen (if/,) norlh of range
sixteen (l»l,) west of tire sixth piifidpaJ
murldlan situate m shvr mun county and
gate of Nebraska
til yen iinilei my hand thia .'Htb day of
September, A It . I s',if,
It l> If r abitlt ksoa Sbaiilf
All KHIfrKla H A LK«
Notice Is hereby given that by virtue
of an order of sale Issued by the clerk of
tire district court of tfie P/th judicial
district of Nebraska, within and for Hirer ;
man comity In an action wherein James
L. Pilot was plaintiff and .Martha V, Hoe,
l, K |{oe her husband first real mime un
known and J It Carmichael were defend
ants I will at o'clock p. m , on the »,lh
day of November, !•'»;, at the smith door of
the court house In Loup < tty, Sherman
comity, Nebraska, offer for sale at public
auction (for caslo the following described
real estate, lo-wlt The northwest quftr
ter of sect Ion nine (It, in townsfilsp f fill teen
(13; n.rtbof lunge fifteen (P» west of the
sixth principal marldlan, situated In Hher
man county, Nubra ka.
Given under my band this Sf*tb day of
September. I*H»
H. H Ifkuohipkn»X, Hburlff
'Notice la hereby given that t»V Virtue of an
or der of sale issued by t tic Clerk of He district
court of t he I: judicial district of Nebraska
within arid for Hhermati county in an action
when in Havid A Crowell wa- plaint iff and Lila
It Kdmonson John c L imonson ejerntna
Longer William II Conger ate) II I Hudd
were liefcndenfand l,orcn Crawford was In
tcrvcnor-. I a ill at J <>cha k p in on Hie ^Hi
day of Novembr i l*'.»‘> at t te south door of Hu
courthouse In lamp city. Hhurman county
Nebraska offer for - ale at public auction (for
rash) the following described real estate to
wit; The south west quarter of the south
east quarter and lot- t«v« c,r anil six font sci
I.It,ii Hire teen I'* in township fifteen Hth
ranee fourteen ll we si of on prim ipal mere
dlan. ami situate is Hherman count. and state
of Nebraska
Liven under my hand fids ,'*th day of Hep
(ember \ l» I-'.
II M 11 r siiiin k *<#a Hherlff
I,and Office at Lincoln Neh •
Auynst **th IK* i having hern entered >»t tbl ■ other
l»\ Carl He I,a Motte aealfmt Anyusf Wilkin*
for abandoning Id* Homestead eo« r y No I- IM
dated April lib IKC upon the north west ijuar
tr*r Hectfon •; Township l.'i north of Harare !'•
west in Hnerrnan county. Nebraska. with a
view to the cancellation of said entry the
said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at C H. Land office at Lincoln Neb on the
l*t h day of October IK* at I o'clock p m to
rcsjiond and furnish testimony coneernlna said
alleged abandonin' lit.
• .1 W CMUil'so*.
Lincoln Net. Hepf 2*th, IK*
Case continued to Nov lath 1-0.. at I V m
and permission granted to act service by pub
Heat Ion
A W Cato.i *os JPvfsier
on my farm. » mile- north west of lamp
r ily.on Her. Township P'». Itangit C. Hher
man county. Nehr. one Lay two year old
mare colt, fdaek main and tall, while hind
foul, weight about *00 pounds, owner may
have same by calling and j*aytr>K c-oat* of
advertising and keriplntf.
Aw. r.aoaoa Tat at »aa
Awarded Higiieiit Honor*,
World’* Fair.
MOST PI Rl I (.1 V \I)K
A |'U.0 f.i ip. < r. ..'ll ! I I1 A .i (
pfffptffflAe >* A. en •» * »*« iffiOt*
Almost everybody take* some laxative
me I me to cleanse the system and keep the
blood pure. I hose who take SIMMONS
I.IV1K HlOULATOk (liquid of powder*
K't all the benefit* of a mild and pleasant
laxative and tonic that purifies the blood
and strengthen* the whole »ystem. And
more than this: SiMMONS I ivt k Vk.U
l a row regulates the l.lver, keens it active
and healthy, and when the Liver Is In
jjood condition you find yourself free from
Malaria, Biliousness, Indigestion, Sick
Headache and Constipation, and rid of
that worn out arid debilitated feeling.
Ihexe are all caused by a sluggish l.iver,
(mod digestion and freedom from stomach
troubles Will only be had when the ||v*-r
is properly at work, If troubled with any
of these , , tint*, try Simmons LfVtt
kl fiULATOk, I he King of l.lver Medi
cines, and Better than Bill*,
lias tl>«' /, Hr»iop In red on we»p|mr,
j. it. Zeiiiii m co.. run*., r*
In Inn,rid Court o, Hliartnan County
Mi iliruuku,
ft«d W .Hiara, I'ialBtlff
Vu. '
John II. IlnUnan, and — L
llohucn Ilia will, Iwtuililantn,
atnla ol Mahruuku, O ..... . „ .
nonty «f Mimrman ♦ * BiHtatanf Mai/faaka
'to John II Itoltoan find — - — llolinan
Inn Will , von will Ink* nollia IBaf nn
lli<’ illlli day nf “ifiMnnlmr. lay#. Trad ,
W. iisira plaintiff liar In Iliad nlaj/atl*
llnii in flii Iflatrlrt f.'nart ol nharmtm
county, Nnl/r»*ka. aifalnat aald dufandanta
Ilia nlilai l and prayarnf which arc to lor
t In a 11 ai lulu iiii’i f yaKM aaai 'ifa'l l/f Ilia
di fi ndi nl John ll llnlniai In tha |da)Btllf
B|i"ii tli» fi/dDWIDtf ilcnc.rlhail raal aalatii
aitnanil in nharmitn comity and fain i/f
Nidnuakn fntvlf, Tim ftnulli y,a»f f/nartar
nf ai. linn in, in Tnwfi*lil|i I Blrfaaa 7li*
Nmllinf Hunyi Tnuriaan, 'll) Waal Uraa
iniri-Uni iiaynmnl nf a • ‘/lam ptoinltliory
note dal'i'l hrlohar loth l*M,lor lhanuin ol
|, "i, fm ♦nu ll »'iin with lnt'fi*l Inmi
dan lln iinf f’laintlff jirayn fnr a daiiaa
IIint di-fffmli'nta iii' r«i|nuad t</ (ray tlia
mini' nr mat aald iirnniluaa may I/a anld tn
anil I f y Ilia aninnnt fnnnd dno
an ii 'inlrad in mnuiif aai'l pall t Inn
nn ni in fmi idm Itli day nf Nnvafnlmr, layfn
Inita'l aunt,, jitii, jayy,
Ain al y BUM W, HV.tHn, Plaintiff,
I,m i* lini*. By SlInMTfan d,* liana
( lam ni Mlalrlil Conti. hin Alttrinaya
Hy r IIBlk, Impiif.y,
In li r i ■ ( nnrt nf HI,If man Co,.nly Mat,
rim k»,
t'linm II Win id- I'lnlliliff
f'arnUfm 1 llnllirnnk aldi/it nf
M .ii A llnllirnnk m u an d Ifnfa
-I rln,,lli I •- ‘..ifil A Hllnln f, ,. Band
1.1 I lorn J Hn.iHi Mil III II Wicket
ainfii I, I, W'ii'ki'i-diafn hnnliulal
1.1 M, o.i 11 WUyarntmth Civil*
Hull,rook a iiilliot the Indra af la*
nf Mvrn/i A 11 i/H/f nnk ilci aum il
fivi'IVfi P ),di»ard« inlfnlfiialfafnf
nf ll,/ i t,ifi nf vlyrnnA llolhrool
ill n ,i /il Indi fnlafif a
Minin o, Sahrimku ij
Win rtl,,in I.unlit / * s
Ti, i'iii Ii ami all nf fin a)lino' niHiiail
(fit tit
y . , 7", i f >* rffiftf //» fly/ I7tl> flMf //f
(Jc1>,r,i r ""<• < f li" >if///V/' llAlli' i 1 pfkthf Iff flit'll
I,,, i„ i,itt i f i t h> if, 'rut * ,,ffi of hh'ftttdU
(f,lrf,*V S'/ff/l kr* ilyfill I,' f ffy" M1///VZ' UkfllUfl
iWf, r»'tof>f# ff»" oiiUci iitui pfiiVrr of *1/1/1/ W
Inthi' . /» ti'fi,till ihotUoii/i' op*,r, fin h//<yf.i#
||,i i -4t f 'r/i T*/ ' y ' '/// i// 'fo'dti
i ?f f /» f'tf noin, of tiriiiu:* I'otift'i u (tii
vv f fff i<f|i f/fihiif/At unuPUut, AiUkUt If/
Hr,f f f;, iff < " ,f.' on I * "
f i'f , VJ in,, A M'»i'f/'///k */f'J * itionftl' <;
Uon>ro,,u to Pit-• l/'f/v f>to*/'< f// ■■*i<,ri< f!*/
(/,i v ff» fit /ff /* \itnih, • /// / ititif April Mui
tKrj fot • t,i uih of tiMiifiti, P, /tf il<W'bt (t (Pit
lit! ,,U(i Ii',1 uuii pH/sbit'Ol, April SUfit i*Ai
Hrllfl 1l,Ot1/'fkO /'/* f!»/ tt'iiiit’t tiff till Mm
I,i»< v f/" k**ii/it('il to pUihfifl kfftl
■. , flu/ l!>/ pl;nMf)fl tt,* f*otf f|y/ • '#/// //l
f 7/i •»/ hriti/ ' h* of W0I fi \/ft*n4<UUO\ ItV
..lK, t 1,01, ft,, Of) ot f/n'/ '4 Ihou* f \rk\t\ out. b,
run in, hunt froil, U,r iWn of \*A (ifut
in, luriiii't .iti ol fV, in it,ot,t'V p*Ut out for
1, ,,f I*//'}'» / "/> I«ry/1 U/iO'itl'
, . . * 44. IB. . . 1.1 * lit..
pt r ,u,frith itffth AptilI*/! Phti Utfatonl oit
..,mi ,r u tt o tit f/t f mill iiti trout
i I - <8 - ui ftt
f/1, pt r f t tif pt t >iiih nil from IhUibfr tllh,
l- M A r,n pbt, 111 ,f pt■! . lot lilt’ Hppt/Hflth*'III
III I / Ifttonli r\ il't III lot Hi'i IttHlOt til ft'h'
tintr fm of. ■!> i ‘"it,1,1,14 oi Utt Htttt/uttl tilt*' upon
,M'» 1W1 HtHPf Uhl.J iiiHt th-ft htlkhl* ttihV bt1
rt <, < 11 <1 to t/AV iho Hhtouhl tilth lUt'rt'tttt Pint
bit , n i tit* "tt,i > i,/ iPl Unit! it, b* *oUi Ut
.»■ .?, - < ,u>t, r.< ' t,u h ontU Ut. rntppipnti Ut
ut •hit• tift«it 'i luorijititt'
V*. • • t' . "ti'i niHti-fAi't *1*1 pt iHSoti on
i,, i,ii<,ii i pt 11 mut iht y of I ft ti fliltht
ttnii 11 Hi, tin n tiny of Oiit tint S*Uh
am* f ( I f,'’hA ft WIttthu i'iPltillff
I,t11 i ilr.tti ti/ HiomtPoAhtt, litum
n*-rk nt nr tt’i*it‘i 1 < ''Utt lit t AlUirttnv*
mv s tin* in pniy
ntrtw nt paly, t *ih n cm \ t rifh
Ait Ml
n »f »* * u btomSty ntvott liipt by yirin* t,f
ti ri. illii titoiiupa*-‘iPlP'i on Ut* wilt 'Hy
of it 1 "hi t lAiti Phil tint7 fll<*'l ih Ut* otiii-Hitf
U,t imint v i i* ik of kiioniiHh ttirmiy, Hph»
titaUPoh 1b( uiitt 'Uy of iti'Uihof (*ii put J
mi , »1t 'i hf Aibptl i mp*ton Ut John I,
Uowt, u, wot* inf \m inttulof ih* *Uin t,f
7 * .n triM* mli ft-ii >i ipnttt i i phi ppt Ph,
nniii 1 ton, a Iobmt Witt Pttd tfptt • whUih
inn* .* now linn ih* •»ii punt of VM/th
with UilPn *1 HApfott «Ptii tfPfPitH tiPflhg I
M* * it hiptip ih IHh iipyutt nt of **l J hum *wI i
no no,i ot t/ihft prt/t mniihii* *11**' hpytuft
in on UtttUUtipfl lort i ovt't *put 'it'bi t,t pny •
pot i Unitoif, ti.hnfoih i wilt »#|J $ Up
ptopffiy Hitt hitt tUnnt'f) fit'll UtPfii
itnt, \,\n, k tit,t t tAtii with two whit* himt
fhht I Wtt ft Pimitpi,
4fun hltu k it,Aft- t'Oll withoitP whit* hiipl ■
fttoi i wtt f totr« oiti,
tilth »/<*v horm>’ tAtii two you* oul.
i inti ifHy itiitn* tt tit f wo y,»tm oiti,
tilth 40tu\ iii,if * to,l limn yrnptm obi
im hitoi iUrti,
ttn* i,tH'U*kih tu t** to,it ott* ymr oUi,
ithhtiprk town ittpit ,till t,tin ytmf out
tin* *.u*-k UtPtf t ihvt'tt fhPtA obi npinwi
t'P* If
Hi pob il AVI Hon W« fltpaoniil w*§l tofttht
of ih#' t onri iii,*i*h h pint* m i.onp i iiy lit
tin fottniy of khttruntri pnil *»• pin of Mph
nt kn <ih 1 hh i*,lit itpjf of kovhitibPf i"Si *1
OtlPlt l ioAk IM 1 OH Pftht lit tt tfl Ilf Hptli tiny
Ion* I,, Howk, Mfft 144it* *
tr, kioll t IP*>4I1, iiUom Ml* AiUtthf y
|l> , nt „t "t'b, of * ,>• ut min f*1 i*i’
' it, - < "p in in t U fk t/f #M* *11*
■i, hi,* tin,at t'futhi i Hotu**!** opott
, i . I, sUr'ii1 n tttit ft ii in «*i*l t'ottri tit 1
' W .a, ti ttpit *hit ndAitt * Up Pin t
t - , Mi/./, I thpithj it nit nihil* for
M>' hi ’. , y« m hhuiintl i iyitty tun thiilpr*
■I’l', it hi- f ,•> it .,f> it,"- i .iiit *Mlf IpMt.i t
r- *, ' ’/A pt,'l M,.»l ptupf a , Ilh ti Utfl/f' dllpoh
, i • "Ui , nil 'l'M» ohtiivi li >1 uni
».#* •' *.f i,i <ti tt i, h i,i hilth lloyorf Ut
, ■mofif.i * lopyiht m it t lhth HAt'ly* i i'tt it,
ton,, hf»* i t fl' lltl ot iHhfi nil* t it Ih,
t*#?ftiMfy irfittylpHl flit tttlltiit •lihAih Ml
PI >,"Hh‘"Oh( Mill «1pU> ttf Mtptmkl I##* Hi I
9t a Hi,,| i t Ut. .|li(|| *#i*l fuilyti,! Ml Hint
ihttti •# I v Ml "Ml Mr hi it 'I'tt nt SioiihlHt
W,*. *' fot i'ft k I' it, '*(*.» 1*1 >1*9 Hi Ut* It,,1,1
/ i c #•#/. * >■< t\,i • ouhly U, I Atop
< . S- bn, i ,* It (hi rtf pi t Hi Hi A 4* phiiiit
,i 1 .• In I.. # Mi/l/if# f"l <•#*!#< Ut
• ‘ M / t„ ' Hit *11,,ill,I, III* i (ill,,-lilt ill Ih
../#»! i*ipy lli* *'*!*♦ of
X>',i !* <<■ I * • '*» #'"!• <1*1*1 Hi i f hiliy * ***♦•
#ii 'Ih. Itnl,it 1hl4 fAtl 'int of I tl 0,1* f
tilt lir * phti pink whtfij
-=A T T !>; X Tit) X-—
• • • • 9 0 9 m 0
Some |VIerobants
angle for trade Juki h» 1ki)» eafeh flab They Iran «bri«i
bait (prize*), but underneath are »b <f|< bari < (ebeap go
wbu li in tbe long run coale ibe un«u*|« rtmg euafomer
dearly. Tbla I* not our met leal VV lieu you eall on u* w>
do not try to make you tbink that you are getting «o00
tiling for Dotlling but we aell you tbe la -’ good* ae < o»
buy, at tbe LOW KPT poaaible |»ri« <•
We are still handling the world renowned Washburn 1 rnsbt
Coro party flour (which by the way.P gronnd in Minneapolis,
Minnesota; which has given our customer* excellent satis
faction every time fiend what Washburn I rosby Company
say in regard to it 1-There’* as much difference in the
flour of some mill*, a* there Is between an old windmill and
the most modern milling plant in the world. Much are the
famous mill* Washburn Crosby Company, in MJunespo
lis, Minoeaota, If, H A,, having a capasity of I'!,,/ho barrels
daily. Equipped with the vert la'est improved machinery
for grinding the celebrated,1 No, | Hard wheatof Minnesota
and Hakota, their well known "Muperlatlve ’ and Hold
Medal brands, are recognized as the standard of high gradi
flour* where ever they are used,
“This flour contain* a large percentage of the glalcn of
wheat, and a very small proportion of starch, and lor Ibis
reason bread made from it, doe* not become dry and (astir s*
but retains the sweet flavor of the flour, and will keep moped
for several 'lays "
‘Men that the firm name, Washburn Crosby I hrnparty is
on every barrel, or sack of floor yon Imy to insure your
having the genuine article
We also handle the Crete, Neb, flour, which as every our
knows, lathe best made in this stab
heather took the lead of augar in malting tin advance,
tint we will *ell aline* at then hi price* for no me time, though
they will prohahly mi vanee xlighfly before lo n<j We /
handle Predict A Metcalf * fnmou* nhoea whirhare gnaren
teed to he an repre*cnted or your money refunded.
thinned nine I* are yet unite low I he dried fruit markei I* mini*
*rol will prolmMyrer».ir»*rr for *o»,w"‘f •***" '« «"
' * , . advance for aome time, Price* arc
time, A few price* will tell the ||<jm
Pal, dried I'eat'lie*, per Ifr ,1ft
Gal, Table Peuche*. per can, ,20 *< « « « , 10
“ o pc*r* " " ,‘itf e « Pear* " " ,|o
“ Apricot* o ,1ft <» e Apricot* *» »< ,|o
*' o Grape* « " ,1ft « »* liai*irr* " » ,'fft
o G, Gage* H " ,1ft « " Plme* " o |o
“ “ Kgg Plume* “ ,16 “ » Grape* <» .«<>
We handle all kind* of amoked and mil meal* of fine
very hc«t Armour Gudahy Packing
Everythipg ip Geperal.
W«* are wtlll lie*df|iiarUir» for (.Voefewr.r, *7n"0i*wnre
frliwawarc, and have )n*t, received a loru*> *locl» of Hie
fttinou* Columbia warn wldi li la ai |/rc*eul ao modi On
Wn receive freiili groi crlea every wedr and can gnarun'ee
the beat on the market, Wn Iteejr all kind* of bulk coffee
at lif$ He., 17$ 'fa, aft <ta., Ha, and all |/n< !»>»«< coffee
at two |/<m kage* for fft Ha,
When you call on ua don t forget, Ur bung yum morey
|/iif«e along, for IU <a«h we freed, no mallei wind liar II*
gold, silver or eurreney, we are not orthodox on Hie money
<|ue*tlon Jual *o we are |iald ca*h tlmla all we i are tin
Yours for Trade,