THE GUARD’S STORY. f r in u»r Journal, Unrein, Neb 'I here i* probably not a stronger man or Wore If • twoflhy guard employ a I at tha Nchfft sn Hlate I'eolf i fit Isf y thafi J T KaUtof To a stranger b« appears a very good »'%■< ii) Is of the men w| < boasts that be was never sick a day In bis life Kor many year* .Mr HaUlou Iliad at Myra use Nebraska, and tb# old rasldente tl»#*ra remainl*r him as ona of tb# strongest and baaithlast of their number In ah, or thereat*.nt«, when the "grip” flr#t broke forth In (his section of the< oun try It Helmed him as otia of Its earliest victim* Hike most men with a strong pliyslipia, ha snaered at tha dl*ea»a and did f ot guard prooerlv against It For days ha sy fti bid ami left If only as a confirmed n valid A Im.ijI this time he moved with his farndy to I'eru, Nebraska, where some of his chll drett Mi-ii, attending the Htale Normal H< hool He hoped the change would do him tree! tillt he wa* disappointed He doctored ith the local physicians and even with his own son, who was practicing medicine All seemed to no avail and miserable In mind and lardy the poor ftiau told his family that lie feaie I them was no hope for him A happy thought of bU own led him to try strong stimulants He was again able to work. Hut he soon found that his relief was but temporary, and whan laid weather came on he was subin t to severe attacka of the "grip a* I wore Two year* ego Mr Kalstoil was employed at the Nebraska Hint* penitentiary at fdu coin, the*tatc capital and enjovad romper atlvc arise while petforming the dutlesof usher Liul tall, however, lie was nut out on the wall, and with the change of work came his old trouble tn even more aggra vat ad form Ho was not only troubled with the usual miserable Haling* of the "grip." but he found himself short of breath and geu eraily weak, these tilings unlit ting him for the dut te* of hi* position Once more, almost hi despair, he sought a cure and pureha edu bo* of Hr Williams* PmU Pills for Pale People He used them according to directions and felt better Five loom boxes fo'lowcd the first, and the long Sufferer Mi" a well man. Said he to a Journal reports#, to whom he had just given the above facts: ”1 feel now as though f could stack more hny than any n un In Nebraska and if I needed a posi tion now J would hunt one on a harvest nl l.l Wbi/ null/ biwl Niiiuhiv tiiisht 1 tnolr • htvtre cohl wlilrli. n your ngo, would have laid mu up a work with llio 'grip ; Imt Dow It rau*o* mo only temporary annoy arieo and I*lmplv llvo It off " Mr. ltnl*ton lm* been Imig and favorably known In many part*of Nom ankn, l*ith a* a iirivMt* oill/.on and a* a leader In the orlg nal I' armar*' Alliance ii.ovoiiiont.atid lio*la of friend* rejoice with him in hi* remark* aid* recovery, for which he uuhceltHthigly given the credit. to Hr. V, llllnili*' I’lak I’lll* Dr. William*' I'lnk Till* contain, In a Conden ed form, oil the olemant* nac**nary to give new Ufa and rl* hue** to the blood ano rentore nhal Inrod nerve*. I’lnk I’lll*ara •idd by all deularx. or will hn -out po»t paid On receipt of price, Ml cent* a box or *la boie* for |k.Ml by addi*m*mg l)r. William*' tladlcln* Company, Kclioneclndy, M. Y. GREAT THOTUH TS, God never wrought mlraclea to con vltue atludHin, bccaiiHM hi* ordinary work* convince II. Ilncoti. Drudgery Ik an ii*cohhui y to call out the ti'cnHiireH of the mind nx harrowing and idanfing I hone of Hie earth.— Margaret Fuller. It I* only when tomorrow’H burden li added to the burden of to day that the weight Ik more than a man can bear. George Macdonald. There In nothing no hiiihII hut that wo uiay honor God by nuking hi* guldanco of It, or I n hii 11 him by inking It Into our own hands.—ItiiMkln. The iHlcnt of hiiccchm I* nothing morn than doing what you can do well, arid doing j.v»*l 1 whatever you do With out a Ihought of fame. Longfellow. If you wJhIi Hiiccci.a In life, mukn per aeverunce your buxom friend, experl enco your wIhc couiiHclor, caution ynur elder brother, and hope your guardian geiilii*. AiIiIIhoii. No one can nxk honcHily or hopefully fo he delivered from temptation unlena he Iihh hlmanlf honeatly and (Irmly do termined to do the heat lie can to keep out of It. Itimkln. A child of ordinary capacity and dea tllute of property, hut converted to God In childhood, Ih freiiuenily worth morn to the church than ten wealthy men converted at the moon of life John Todd. Monoid gnnd humor Ih the oil and wlno of a merry mooting, and thorn I* no Jovial companionship equal to that whore the Jokes are rather small and tho laughter Ih abundnnt. WaHhlngton Irving. What oarer the child when tho moth er rook* It, though all Htormi tiont with out? Ho we, If (toil doth shield and tend uh, shall ho hocdlcHH of tho tempest* and hla*ts of life, Idow they over ho rudely. Henry Ward Beecher. An employment, the satisfactory pur suit of which requires of a man that he shall be endowed with a retentive mem ory, quick at learning, lofty-minded -'jjind graceful, Ih the friend and brother 'of truth, fortitude and temperance.— Plato, FASHION'S FANCIES. Kv.ery description of thin, gauzy, ma terial l* popular for gown* and waist*. Ite'd, yellow, blue, mauve, and green organdleH, trimmed with cream or black lace, make very stylish looking gowriH. Black lace and Insertlou on white cos tumes I* one of the newest fancies of the hour. White tucking, combined with whim or colored heading and satin lathy rib bon, I* very pretty for yokes, gulmpes, and phiHlronM on children's frocks, Parasols for everyday wear are most ly of shaded silks; lavender nod gold gives a charming, rhlmmcrlng effect, and red ones ure always pretty, espe cially fur a pale-faced girl. WOlt T H KNOWINO. Women have colds lit the head less frequently than men, la-cause they are not accustomed to heavy head cover ings. When an artery has been severed the blood comes In jets, because the heart throws It directly to the point where the artery has been cut. The moet sensitive nerves are In the nose, tunguo and eyes, because In these organs greater eeueltlveneae Is needed than in any other perl of Mi* bodv • n I i:t I.Mit li fhmlde (lie ennobling garden null. Pi lien Hi the towel Ilk' m.'« | tl** trie*, Aim g llu hedge wlu'u . 11 n il«i» lull Ami yellow bell* lit*lit* Hu Pee*, I i ling rind ill in li In * ii inn in r time. And yield it »lor» of rleh p rfuin* for nil who late nweel elder hl'Him, I uprliiK up where the mllle imim. Ami make the de*i-rt phii * green, Where i'urn nml eloter IIml n home I till Ihu fill row* III between M> feel lire *tl‘o|ig My runner* long, 1 Ami though I Mem n nlender reed, So aid nor i oinforl do I ru ed. I lute ihe niiiionpheri' of June, The Held* when they nre fully lIl’I'Ml'll. The hlnl* Hint nlng Hie nweeie*! tune I'nine lillto me In ftu|ilnl to npriik out hornolf. Tliut, lliilouit, In JUHl W'lllit In HM'ili'ili nlio In 1'iiiiMi'liuih iif It, mul >i*i "How urn IV" klo* nnkn lii'l'm lf Thru »ln* Boon liiiiHu from Imi' liitoi'vlpwn with llou lion to litr room timl t rim until Iiit ' I'.M'H air n il mul nwnllmi, mul lior iiiollitT'n roproii' lion foil m mul omUo Iiit lift no w liollj in I mi* I'ti till- Hull nlio wlalioa lieimll' ilollil Mill' I'ouulol'n In'i'Mi'If lii ii tin> or loo; limkn foiwni'il w IHi louitlitif '•> Ho'lr 110*1 moil mu, Wl.l. ll In nltt.n n tliiii'il l>> lit" rrturii from lila llnhliiu trl|>. mul llilnkn unit loin Pol mooli I Ill'll! will anrol> ln» not tli'il Mint lolitfa fm noiiH'thlUH to Imp poll Hmt Will ili'i li|i< ilia ipi nti'Oi lint atir In not ui'lliu to ul\r up Iti'iiln'ii; no, Iht lo>nrt la mint tern lilt tlunl, mul If alto illoa mi itlil millil loT illtoi Hmi •'mi lun ar il«*< 11 tu KohIioh la | un 11 > pmploxoil ih Hln nluiplo mint]; lir la nuro of only ona Ihliitf. Hint N • Hi* atm* of hin own foolliik'n lilil lio .t Hot lot ill'll' to «lo I «'ldn m hatlu-r llfl'pi.n |nvi» turn II" would I kn a oik'ii o iih'Ililiig Imwt'M'r eliiilii. Hint Mniilil o|n w In in u ii«n< lia oi'M.ii Mini nr, alMiiya Inin niff f»' I It IM oil li, M'llini Inbi'll, liol MlirilM. lull llinri’ • i'll it i ii. Mini i* n'ulllM.IIII, unlink itilnu In lii’iioini' ami iI'liii'iulier an Iniiff no (liny IIw nr lain In' lain I-i'ti nnlinky on Ido lioliina trip* In ilm Anna Sheafi'. a miiall w ow l mIiI'Ii lit' I'linin.nnil- and nr Midi Ii ho iim iio nnc i|iuirii'r AU< r till* U'mn'l m rxpi'iiMcM Mi ll* paid IIm'Ii* I in m lii'iii Hull' in illt lilt' nni'iiiu l In* nuiii'iM 'I In- mIiiIit Man I'litnlnu "n and m It Ii ll I lie liar/.ai'ilniiM and nrinii unpridllaliln I'liolii'Mi i f HiimIIiii; II'' mat llahtM’i'H Ifm "iii'ii Hhiin M il limit iiimii'.v In lilo |o.i kid In* rmild in>l enjoy tin mill Ii liclnff mill In i. t< li Then They **it 1 llnwn Ions ii iiiiiii mill nil i i 11 m 111 > lie cold,I imi explain, Then Ii was, hmi'i'ni'. thill lie dlseov ell'll Ihe il I] il ll nl Ii". in tlll’llllll'lll. IIIH < 111M lllilh'l'll II nml I'iillleil III ill al.nitl II. il ih I heliiiiil Ills Inn It expressed iIn iii■ elv«>n In Hie customary t Ulnae slnti/f mnl K'.s-dp "There's Hu more lish In lie' sell IV Iteub,” lliey mild. He In si'llilia Ills lino on dry laud. ever lit the ('hamper IlntvilN,’ prelly dry It In. HumII eilh'li there; a bln nhnie mill lint i-noiiali <;in11 In n<> Willi II. He In In" nnnd for h r, anyway; but I hope lie will net Iter It* he wauls her and enlne nut iif his dumps." ItCIlheil illil not reenter his usual spirits; his (food old mother Insisted that he was not well and needed phy sir, llellheli limit till' IlicillflDc, Iiellllf ii /food deal of a child mid.o- Ids nndh er's roof, oheylnn and yh'ldlnn to In r In nearly all her wlilnisles. which were leavened with unit'll shrewdness and Itnnwledne of hninati mil lire “Mother," said he, “It does me no /food, lull I will til lie It to please you." “My sou, you Just wait; you've been behindhand some time, and It will take a while to net you liefori'hand ana I n. These herbs never full, d In sickness of one sort or ai,oilier." "Herbs, mollier, are /food In their place. I like Ihe Mint'll of them, hut the taste " “That's Just It, my son; the smell Is sweet, nud shows the taste Is /food medicine M's Just like heln/f In love and nutrrln/fe; one you like and the other you must take, because It is best for everybody and naturally follows; mid sometimes," she added, with a sit look at Iteuhcn, "It euros love." “I’m not nolun to marry never; so you are out of your reoknnlutC I here, mother." “Well, I don't know. Your fntlier before you said that; so did I until 1 was asked. Nohod,v means what they say when In love; or, rather they mean Just the other way. I think now I know what Is the trouble with you, lteuberi," and she poured mil Ihe dose and (favo It to him, snylna: ""It will keep up your spirits, at nny rale, until Iteheeea (fives you some sootliill/f syrup- eh, my hoy? Ho cheer up.” Hetihen (tretv thin and nervous In spile of llie liiedli’llie; hut lie went uhoiit preparations for Ihe winter I'rulsliuf- Ibid link eonllnn.'.l to fol low him; small fares and fnllln/t prices • list ■ him more and more, lint the (f real or Ills depression Ihe more Ids mind dwelt upon Iteheeiai. In .... I... I.I ...... I... come In eonm-c I Ills III lin k wllh her. Ills lirnlher llshornieii, linwever, lie Moved II was nil on account of his not wearing while mil Ions when he so! and handled his irawl lines. II being In that region of il-hlng villages the uni versa I belief of sii|ierstlilou Unit white milieus miisl Is- worn lo Insure good lurk In wilder trawling. Hid Reuben paid no a i lent Ion to wliat ho thought was n mere funny, lie fell rather that he was working with a half hearted energy, and all on an count of Ids dubious relation wllh He Ix-reii. He determined to see her again and arrange to see her when her mother was aliseid. “1 have come to see you ouro more,” he wild on meeting her; “but perhaps I hud bolter not mine again." “Why," said Rebeeea, “are you not always welcome, ('apt. tingeV" "Yes; we never i]imrrol and we never get any further along from one time to another." Tills was more Ilian ho had ever been aide to say before In regard to their personal relation, and ho was frightened at himself. So he began again from wliat lie thought was an other point: yet, ns out of the fulness of the heart the mouth speakoth, he could not help hetraylllg Ills true feel ings. "I'm not getting on very well now; no luck, no money and the Anna Hhcnfc getting in debt, f thought I would (ell you, though I do not know as you care." "Yes, i do cure very much, Cant, Cage I knew something was the the mat lor, and I heard from one of the village gossips It was because you neg lei led or sneered III ttit* custom of wearing white mittens ns the other fishermen do when setting their trawls, lio you ililnk It Is a silly auperatHlouV" "Yes. | do. In Hie mam." "Ho do |, when I reason. At other times I half tsdleve la It 'there Is something at the Isdlom of all com niou i iislome and Isdlefs, which, when harmless, It is Just as well to accept Our little village would he vei.\ dull ami uuliderestlug without them." "I have no pa el leu la r objection to wldie mittens, Iteid-en said, "only I did not happen to hate any." "I thought as much You would wear tlieiii If you laid them?" "Why, yoa, I should " IIi-Im-cki dlsaii|s-ai ec| for a iitoii-out, and returned holding out a pair of show while lullien« "There. I made them for you I to guess at till- slue; IlloSt gills would not, who hate brother* *h>- said aichly "1st me *r> th- ->n ' and site pulled one over It- » hand; I' lull liif.irn Nil" "ntllil mlJlINt tin* Ottwr 1 It till IIIIM III Null!" MIIIIIIUT ll.lil || I nli.H lin t irn ulily tMiltt tin'll lit" ill Inr vi.lUl, '1 In'll ll") till ilnttli Imtl'llii'i mil i mu |,|i il Ilm III Im: "Ii ll u. I III ni -I ii. llu1) lllli'il. I>liI li"til>"li In uf urn" 11., -in iiim ■ i ii iii ... itwin up in ii tjii rinl in>1111> uvnr iti" Hull' nili rni' III III" I lllllll "I It IM *"t«>'l \ III ll" llilll l li**i'i ii f inr yunil link "I: i«ii, N"*v Vnl'k .\llV"rll»l,l'. i iiim ti'i .mi lit ii i>ii 'I In* I'l-lilnu (hi 9 •• 11 Hlil tit" nml lit Inn liilllliint 'IIiuiikIi iii" r"""iii Iiiiittiii'rnx <>" "iirri'il i■ i/iu> it "i kN nisn, mill I :nru|N>nii fiuttcm Imvi> luki'ii tii'pt in uti'iiK" llu* inl>'Imiiii l"t, nullum: Iiiin Im*cii i" Inil'li'iI III H'lMIiI In III" o|tlIItlHI uf III" iiiiiM"'" |iri‘tt i'nii""itiim! i iiuH" Mi mil) llilll I|II|IU| lillll IM I III | l'||, "t Still, tlll'l" III" lllllll" pflplU'N III III" III ll III la* "III |iil", IIN ll (tilt tllnttli III II lll""tlll« uf llu- I’nrlN Sui'ii'iv nf Sni'lul I'll ni* > my, ■ 11111ntr n I", mi" ill-lit itciI In M Im 1.. I lilt I llilll 11. I'll'lll'll "U|l Nil I III I'llll lull, ill" n|i|"Ni nml 111* im I I iii i ii irt :i ni uf Hu ciiliii't" ii"tt'N|mp"rN, liw IVbliiK I ii", I'll", I III I "M fl'Hlll Hi" "lulllll ""II lory ll In ii Mini uf liiilli*) In uf In tv h nml ullt,'InI ui'Kiin. ptililli liliiu’ Hi" 111 * ‘ Id In mul ll i""nii| nf III" til llliKit "f Hu* II'IIuiiiiiIn. I'lwN" "iiiiiliill lllfill lull'* III" fill IiInIwiI In III" "lllllll' III III" lin/.i'll" ||.V III" f II net lllllll I l"N nf ill" |i.-iIhi-i*: llu'.v ni" nui up tvHli im Inlliili" "in'", mul ni" pi’lnii'il only lll ll'l' IlllVllllf ll""ll I"t ItMM| mill "nlTI'l'l ill very miiuiliti'ly Tlwy III" lint pill* II In il. "niiM’i|ui'lilly . till Itvn nr till'"" iluys ul'li'f lunliitf i,""ii i'oiii in ii ii li'H t cil In III" "lllllll'. () lin, ||ll>ll IIW lllll*. I(""pt |iiiI)IIhIiIiik n il lily ininllli'litl "illllmi nf llu* I iit/,i*l I", llu- | hi per In nuIiI Iii llu* ,. I ,||||M nf I *i, 1. 1111* III IWU'M V " IHI "It nml criers. The siilc • ■ i'l|»l Imi prior nf the nllll'lll I cillllnll Is II hull I S I II IIIDIlth; Ilf I lie 11 liottlI IIII I'lllllnll. $;! Tln l'e Is II lull llliscri pt eillllnll wllli'll I'nslH $11 i m m t lily. i lnlshle nf the eiipllnl I lie llrst fill nose paper published uppoaivd ill HimiikImiI nhntil thirty yeiirs atfo. II WIIM Hnnll I'nllnU l'i| ll.V III*' Til'll Tslll .foil rim I, nml the ('milnii .hmriuil These no Wspn pel's Were fnlimleil by Kiirnpemis, win* Were, III fuel, only nnmliinlly in charm'. Ihe real I mm pi in tnrs mill I'llllol'S nf 1 linse lllllepellih'lll shoots helm; lllerilll, IIUIIlihirlllN lli\ Inlis In plilee IheiiiSelveM heyoilil Ihe reach nf Imperial pcd'Oiillelis I here are Indeed, tin ri'slrlctlvo III s asuiusl the press ill fhllili. hill liellher lire there liny laws kuiii'uiiIi'oIuu ihe free ih'in nf writing ami Niiciiklng; so that Chinese JmirnnllslH are always at Ihe Inel'ey nf I lie police. The Nhni’kIiiiI News, which Is the lype of Chinese Independent papers, Is siihl for l cent a number, ll con Inins an eilliorlal similar In a iiingu zlne nrllclc. well siinlh'il, well will ten anil treating <>f political anil social unesllnlis. illllcllll (h’l'i'ces lire pill* llshcil In ilic columns nf Ihe News, as well as local Inforinallon. cahle ills paiehi'M anil sporting rcporls, for there arc horse races ill Shanghai. The reg nl,ir reporlers are nhle anil Inlclllgnni; they disguise IheinselveM In iM'iler not to he recognized as belonging lo Ihe News eorps. Hill I hey have lint yet cnine In the praellce of Iniorvlowlng. The ITclieh .lesilll missionaries have fnlimleil a I coni newKpa|S'r, which was n monthly at tlrsl. nml Is now semi weekly. 11 Is refill hy the fill Cal Indies. There lire also a few si'lentltle mnl literary perloillenls. It must he iioleil Hull as a general rule Ihe Chinese papers ilo liot puhllsll III' I hies Issuing oil Ihe i|Uesllons III' ai'lual mnl prnctlenl pnlliles, so that I here are III Ihe empire lio nppnsll loll nr semi nllli'lnl organs, They usually are satlslleil with publishing nil eelee tie review of affair*. They are read In the must faraway provinces. The Shanghai News rlrculallnn Is nf ahmii 15.01)0 dally numbers, ami that of • l»«* Canton tia/.ede amnunls In It.(nil mini hers. Mure INMn the HllllnuliltI News published an Illustrated weekly sup plenicnt, which Is a very curious .. 1II If II III 1 III III SI' Jill III 'll"' "»«• HlfloH | IllltiO IinllVi* |Hipi'IH III CMlU'XO, llicrtj nro Homo |ir1111• I In KiihUmIi mi II,,uk Koiik; n fovv In I’nriimueso mi Mmi'iio, mill nm* iiin•. llo Know III* I,unit An eminent Hootoli mii'Koon unit pro feHHor III Hie I nlveralty of KiIIiiIhii'kIi tvMH entirely devidoil to IiIh profi'HMhm A ipinlnt lliehlenl In IiIh pini'tlee will hIiow I IiIh. The poet Teim.VHon ImuI mi one time I'oiiHiilteil IiIm mlimit Home iiffeetlon iif lie* Iiiiikh, Voiii'h lifter ward lie reluilied on the Himie erriiml Oil lielnu Illllioniieod he WMM net I led to olixerve Hull Mr. H .villi' had neither miy rneolleethm of IiIh fnoo, nor. nidi more HI mix . ttei|imlntuuee wllti IiIh inline. Teim.VMon I hereupon inellHon ed the fuel of IiIh former vlxlt. Still Hyine fulled lo reliieliiher him, Ihit when the profexxor put IiIm ear to tlio poet'x ohoHt mid hoard tlio poonllifr h<• nml wliioh tlio old nllmoid had iiiiulo olirnnlo hi' at onoe oxoliilmod: “Ah, I remember you nmv! I know you liy your hum.'' Him you Imnjflno a great or liumllliHhm for lUo pool ilniu to ho known, not hy IiIh lyre, Imii hy Ids hum v Mont roiil Hlnr. II c«o in III oil n trlllllnxl Tlio I Iim a rln n iiduiMler al Itorno Is likely to fool a good doul of iiatlirnl loHoiWinonl nimlliHt the HwIsh liolloo form for Holin' Him* to oonio. llo wont to Winterthur, the SwInh HIhIov, where the unihmal rllli* fextlvul wax Im-Imix hold, and wax onjoylim hlmxelf In a ijulolly Tnutonle fashion wlion lit' wilx Huddouly xol/.od liy iloteoilvi'x and hmilod off in the noaroal l.iokllp Ills demand for an explanation wax mol hy tho I'outtdoiit axxoi'llon Hun lie wax no other than ,i noltirhmx orliidnal, who had hoon "wnnli'il” for many mi>ntIim Tlio deleeHtox wore ho atli'o they had Hie rluht man Hint It wax not until a high umarnmi'iil otttolal had ulouHlIod lh« iiiifoi iunaio dlplo mat that they cniixoiitixl to Ida ri le* xe They hart a portrait of the malofiu tor wliloli ehxtoly roxomlih d H,i* features of the o nlxter. in I: mo r ml ill »■ < liHitrruu KII any I Hd toil hat o a • ha poll >n with you at tlio opera'! t'laia Vox l did. ami I shall nm lako imo again, either. I'nnny Hut lt‘x all the atyle. riarn I d rather Ixt out of xlvle Hlio luxl rattleil along amt kept Mi tllelitelln Xu mui'h amused dial no for got all alxmi mo; and wliutt the opera wax >,tor I lust ex, apod lx Iim left la* Idiitl \i w York Weekly. Higin t oi all ui ixavciniig l’ow r.— 1 .iti t L'. >. imv't Kejiort ABSOLUTELY pure ____________________________________ 4 Ml l< IfiNtnl I'kioiir*'* I i n tire Sin 11 Ii family took n foil nifflil'* tfteaLoii link Hiiiniiin It wi»a mi iintiMinI 11111• for them nil lo jr*» ii%4 ii i tof'etlid and they tall.en about it, mdtvidi.nll v and eolleetively. foi Werha h« f Ii Ml il hil l of liodv la hi oil III nl out I hi on|(h iip lie I lie lilt I• •»*• not I v \ loleiil !v H Mill m: iinU i i 11»111U the till* Hoe , to,I h> 1/ Infoi dm.' the,i tin v ami ciiiialnif h HoU of the h||e Into ii' pro pei channel Mul • t In. In if |ipe di-UMp i a, and a tendency to in net I s it v of the kid in y 41 e coin) ueied hy the I (11 • • ■» . I tliil ler of Miale, Itetrnit tree Lie-a \ I In id ntreet ’ inlin e neighbor find bouphtu new piano, I and the dtttltfhter had been biiliffltiff II \%liy oil II I'UT MIM'll llllll • aril »»» »l»e j llOllst' Mini a new phifio, I IlC’lll*,'' Mild the man over the bni'U fenee to bis neigh I or ••Yea. (lot it on the installment plan " "Is that soV Wonder if your dntigli ter emi t let iih have the miisie from it tin* ol'h si uiul Iw-st, |t will brmtk up .« 1 - 11, N Y , Nov lining good while found more prod tab n in I lie end t ha 11 dlggin 1 old It I lie Ilial*y In Cutting Teem. »<• tut# and ii«n tint oM «oi in ■*«- »t *lnij,glfcUi tii'owlhiu r 11 e In not promoted >\ find mg fmi »leat h ' t Jiuupo 1 i ihune \ KMi AK aIIII I III I • U 11 «’ |iiili I In * "f l ine \ n| mi - MiMMosli I»n jii i limit'' m Miami tile «»fT r tu Hi ■ r">•••• i of H i* lift n Nutt • 111. k a 111»«• i •* Mini will Pun i i i" *• 11»* • I | I'MII.H Hint nil-ill « H< 'll $1 7.1 Ml I !•'!• ' l V •* III It liHliilM'init f in i'll •• <'MIt'll iwf 7110 1 i h'li/mi* wl !-1 iiia • l ull t . i iml i>i i'i* U cmii'i 'I’ll r \ *• I■ i if m i miiHMiiN fn i'ii r» i .-k i i Jana n f : » «* I li'tnlik, Ivl y. i Ii' I -1 inu . n l N '* I • m* " \ min r» l ii .tail I III. Y hi i * 1'iMrain'. I mi -k it fa I ♦ I'M i I-- Iiia I l«VT A I In l li K Y nl I H * • o\i I'A Mir* IW1I Coli#inl im A ‘ • M*■ • n A i mill i:nji»y> The (ilriihimt flavor, K'ttiU" a< turn ami noothliiK "IT'-'-'m "f Syru|> of h i./■ T I Hill | « 1 miller loot PITA Ml Kn«o»lop|'»*»l freel.v !»r I. lUitNfJrrnft f>n «< lo-Mion-r. riiniiii11. • t.i ‘\ H’ti. Lit vi h mi t ill is, Treul ee 1IIMI $’Ii n.i I ' '!• ft '■« t» frilteucn. h»*iul toHr. Kiiim fU-U ai • l»i»i ,i'U)lik.»r*» A Minim iIhaIio nviirruaiM o * temptii I lion riM>l«li'il _ Tile < Iren test /Medical Discovery of (lie Ay;e. KENNEDY’S DONALD KENNEDY. OF HOKBURY. MASS. Mas disciivered in one of ui common i pasture weeds a remedy Hut ewes every kind of Humor, from the word Scrofula I down to a common Pimple He has tried it in over eleven hundred i cases, and never tailed except in two cases (both thunder humor), lie has now in his poisessiiill over two hundred .erlilk ties of its value, all within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal e.trd lor hook A benelit is always experienced from the first buttle, and a perfect cure i> nar ranted when the right c|uanlily is taken When the lungs are all cited it causes shooting pains, like needle passing ! through them; t lie same with I lie liver or Bowels. This is caused by Hie ducts being slopped, and always di .appeal . in a week after taking it. Head the label j It tlie stomach is foul or bilious it will cause Siiueamlsh leelings at hrsl No change of diet ever necessary I at the best you ca.i get, and enough ol it. Dose, one table-spoonful In water it bed time. Sold by all Druggists Y^www^nwwwwwwwwwww^^^ I lie ncrvuue »y»lrm l.i wcukcncd liy the i Neuralgia Torture. f’vrry nrrvr U •trcnxtliciu'd In tin' cure of It hy — >ir~ ~n~ ~ ~i— — —|—f. n r f f [ T"'T7'' I | I"-TT IMM Wttltttllit bTttL WEB PICKET FENCE. CABLED FIELD AND HUG FENCE. AI«o 4 AIII.KII POI l/mv. 4AAIIIIKM IIAIftMIT FKH 1C. M* mftntifflM'iiiMt a fltf»n|iln!e iin« <«r MrnooUt Mir* I •uidlug ami iftMiautoo «t«r; aitw-J* u» '»* ■ rt|»i* ifhlnl If you