The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 01, 1895, Image 6

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(C11APTKK V!.—Covrisuan).
At the Towel wharf he landed, paid
Ida pam-ago and aomethlng over, and
walked away from the river, taking
- veral turn** without hexltatlon or In
quiry, and finally making due euat lor
Morne dlafaneo Anothei turn to the
right brought him, a* he had ealeti
lited, ati.nght down upon the rlv'-r
again at YVappitig In the not very
probable t;.'-* of any one having at
tempted to follow him from tb" neigh
borhood of bln oWII bolixe lllx rapid
voyage dun the river and blx devloir
« ourxe thioijgh thexe Ihhkly populat' d
atreetf mi.Ft have eotfipletely battled th-- j
He xtepj «! down to the wat' « “•*!'• an '
looked at t‘ < half-do/.en boat* lylm
there. In . moment In* wax xurroiifided ,
by theli ownerx, eaeh voeif* rou“Iv |
• lalfnlng the pa Heng'T for blx own
raft, w anafited tn be at "iiee t h*
a feat and ap**' -dleat on the rivet
He amlled. and ehox« tin* one who
made tin moat nolxe. Tblx w r
'Might. <-p< r-looking young i
i; i vc» f*\< ry protniHc of tiolng < 'Mn
munlcnllv* an coul I N* winh» «1 Hcfop*
lln-y flail v to- half a rnllc In IumI JuHl
fIt the coh*n< I'm cholm of hltn h\ i»
plying at gr« at length to four or tl>*
fntatiw t« 111fiikh; hut though IiIh com
puniun w;i« kncplng a nharp lookmit,
fn-thlng hf * tiieif to give him th** oppoi |
• unity <ir information lie dentreil.
\ - lie i orner it 11>«- tower end of the
pool came In Might the colonel miole
mother attempt.
"You roust have some Interesting
characters," he xuhl, "down here among
the shipping and the xallorx.”
"You may say that, xlr," whh the re
|,l> ; "there'x all xortx In lilme'ux, from
i spanking laxx like Susie Oaylord
down to old Nan with her black teeth
iml her fathom o* foul tongue behind
The colonel xmlied. This might he i
amuxlng, hut It wax not buxlnexx, and
he put It by
"Ah, women," he Bald: "no doubt
they «rc always Intereating, but I w < |
thinking of men, and xtorlex of udven j
l are at sea."
"Ay, ay, xlr," xuld the young man,
“there may be a tale or Iwo about,
but there's not in mb In men to my
mind; they're every one iih like Ur
ether as n row of hollies; but the girls,
now, young and old, glib and glum,
stupid and smart tins why. they're all
different, and ye can’t but like to hear
about '"m all."
The cob on I smiled again, but he was i
inwardly dlxsallxlletl; he felt that he 1
wax far from caring to hear about all
the fair onex In l.lnndiouxe. The boul,
under tin combined force of two xtrong
irm i and < Idling tide, was swiftly near
tag Its destination, and bis opportunity
would soon have passed unused.
It waa clear that some means must
he found of prolonging the converxu
lion, for it would be illflleult to open
mother with so willing and ho expan- j
s|ve a talki r.
"It's a .-harp morning," be said, "and
ii seems a long time since breakfast. Is !
there a house nenr where we could ttnd
uiything tit for a thirsty man to \
I rink?"
The boatman laughed knowingly, and i
with an air of pride In the locality.
''There's the Outward Hound,” he
.aid, “whin ye'll get better rum than
ever pae-ed the cuHtnma up yonuer,"
ind lie drew the heat Into the lunillng
"That will do,” mild the colonel;”we II
l ike n kI.'ihh, then, for gaud lock, for I
don't mind telling you that I'm lu tlinl
line JiihI le w toy m If.”
Are je though1’” link'd IiIh i on
p inion, looking at lilui with more gym
p ithetle Inten nt; “why. I took ye for
■ l<’reiiehy."
The mil ni l HWnllowed Idf
pride and Kt'luned rweetly.
"I am a From hman " I. ild "hut
I m running it free rargo for all Hint, j
1 hi down here now to look for a email
man who lu ,,wh the tiado "
Tin y had left lie' ImiiiI ami w> |e now ,
walking In the dlreetlon of a liivein
f o lng tl' river i>n the Winn hoard up
peal' d n "Idp wllli all aalle eel, and at
the miiHt-l cud a large triangular pat li
if hrtlllant ullramarlne, Intruded n i
Iwulit, to r> pree. nt the hlur-peti'i tin
• lamil of outward t'oiind veaHyh
I'he lilt'll.I "f llle ll.'UHe ploleil no |
• av on •" the failiniiH rum w an urdend 1
• ml of d ora lul" a I aide veranda, which
(l ey had •llllroly til IheliiaelVeK at Ihle
. arly hoiii of the murulng
V'e •aid the co|"t|c|. Ilia, Up ». |ll>
|,p» ellllially "Vi the lli|ll"i "I Waal
i mall l< help mi with a heavy cargo I
• ml I td t, Id Ihul I •hall find d"wn III !
them, p., I la i Haiti Hern III John
at, II' VV tl" II d • II il a Well !|a Ill'll),it.
Ill Ilk J I,nil), 'll a all hie .
P„I.; ,o w II. y, may tln l hint and >e
OKI) not, tail 1 ! t, II y, thte Ihclr M I
I . mull like hint If > e do
Why -I aid I led tin I tin la to
In Id'll it i*
The il V> line i ppile la, lad HU
, ye on him elm • tt , Ial ia htlal*
I eea, yr kl a all I llo y *aV the \d
mil ally Ih'iiha *1 hk link him . an,
UgeHtlnna too. ahum Hie Jau ,!P H trade I
Mlml Ve | aal muhlllg I'l'V Ot Wllal 1
I III told M V e. If Iml I VII III al l II, il Ho
Idly Hi ger and Idm havi li o fairly {
wi ll a, uualn'i I Hme and igaln
"Ah eaet III* eidutlel Ihat a all o|d
late, hat whal'H lh'» al- al the II-HUM
• Ida I vi nut la,ml that kud hr
i ailed fu« a fivah aiipply of rum fur Ida
,11u|*,iiil**ii, who Inde*i1 ii'pilu l iiu
ai|e|i pi fai|aelon lu alalt him •pinning
Mh y arn
Well air hr 1 • gall 'It w a* lhl»
way The F.Hinrrglda f! Hu guviili
e «k»t Hi a n nvenhnt |dg * mun hi fai
from I*oi Ismoiilh, arm lh*»* »h* w.a
for « W« eg dodging about, and eoufdh
run In, seeing Omf tin* revenue nun had
w<ud of l»#-i, and w*u*- out and about
every night. Ho this Johnstone o' >om
hits upon a plan, and just Ilk** himself
II was loo Hr goes to the roast gnat a
and gives Information that th*- l>m*a
a Ida * lo hr run on sijrh a night, and
volunteer* I o fake III*' olllrm s to th
pbt* e himself Ho they go, n»*ar a
of them, and wafeh r**urnl a e.»rner till
all the eargo's ashor* and then fhe>
Jump out nf a suihh'ii and eollar th*
men, the) not fadng rnor* than six -
m*v*ii. and taken h\ smprl*** a- tin
*r* rnrd Ho ttie roppi rs mad* them fast
and began to load up the rargo on a
roll ph' »»' earl* tit 11 . . W'hll* thr> W'*'|*
full-handed, down rarne half a r'or*
more on tin oth* r side, an*l the prison
* rs they gm loo - *' somehow wonder! d
*inl*'k, ami there was * bit of a fight,
but no firing, ye see, lb** offU* i ' n*>
•'peeling anvlhlnv no more than tie
other* had made h* l|. v** to; and tin
I ng and sh*»rt nf If was tin* rargo
v\«,nt up th* north road post hash*, a
th*'\ ‘ay, and the roast guard with 1»
In th* li «-w it earls lo k* < p ’em quiet foi
a hit."
"Mravo' ’ said the eolonel; "thiit’s tin
muii f<»r me* Ami all I've got to do now
Is In find him; do you know where h*
Th* young mart hesitated
Xo," In aid, "leastways, ti*d eX.'ief
•> hip M/ Jhfggs within there'll t**ll
Till:*, however Mrs. Itili 'S In her
imn w'.ih e<junlly unwilling lo do.
though Un- <■ <I<»n»| tap'd frankly the
natm< i,i' his assumed errand Hit
"H' i, d. however. to send for Johnston*'
It the g* nllt man would !»*• good enough
to wall and se#» him ;tt the Outward
I km rid
To this the enlniml agreed, and Mrs
Mrlggs disappeared in search of a
trusty messenger.
The waterman, who had by this time
linlsherl his second glass and had been
liberally paid both in roln and thanks,
showed no disposition to hurry his de
part urs; he was evidently hanging
about In hope nf being a party to the In
lorvbw between IW'o Mmh interesting
'I’lm enlniml saw Ibis, and reeogniZed
that the open veranda In whlrh they
bad be* i sifting was too public a place
for a discussion of th* kind he antlei
pated; f»»r even if lie could imrerd In
dismissing Ids present companion 4,i
was free to any passer-by to step In, or
Indeed l<» overhear a * onvcr^a (ion from
t he st reel
Ho in- rose ami looked idly about him
t"» a f* moments, and ended by drift
lug round inl*» the bar Mrs Ihlggs
was th* re. and understood what lm !
wanted before he spoke
Voti ll like t*» he alone, sir, she said,
"there's an empty' room upstairs, tw<»
pair hark; I II s*nd Idm tip to you *>
noon as lm < om* : . ‘I won't he long m»w
The colon* | stuml l' il up a narrow
rickety stain , c, filled with dusty I v\ i
light and the smell of stab* tolmrro
smoke. ,\ | the top he foutld the room,
a I**v\ roofed lien, evidently m *•<! by th •
nmre Intimate customers of the hows
for secret pofatlom after lawful hour
A heavy step outride, and turning |
round he -aiw a man In sailor^ dn*
enter the room
There was not a moment's doubt a ]
to Ills Identity. There h* stood, stout. *
swarthy, tier# * and resolute, as Kst |
court l ad I•• label him ill fare w.i
In all probability more wenthrr-heuten I
and furrowed with •!••• p* i lin* 1 than
when IJlek saw him tw« nt> years ago
at f 'openhag* n. hut th* fore#* an I ,
• ‘holerle expression was there, ami Ids i
hair was Jet-bla* k st ill
i"U ve Hell! ror Hie. lie said. !
"What Is it " I,**t s he short
Mis iiefeii lea li strength. tile vlohri e
of his speech and manner, the,*,
and dbiepubthh atmo-pher** <d b ••
place, and tin* Impossibility of . s< m
from it. might well Into* . Inrnn d «*\ cn
a brave man. hut the ...lonel m.d
to In* net . indy uti.ivn :11»• d in an>
way at .1 db.t«l\ ailing. and took hi *
own time ami method of answering
M > mi tin . In aid in *1 .w pro* 1
tones, ' b \ 11 It*» o> and I 11 v 4 • for 11 .
present at No IJ ‘‘alibi Ian y S.piaf
Hoiitliwaik I im I10111 time to tint
« imaged in Importing ..!■ without th.
ass|st«tm • of tile I UHtofi! house idliehtls
1 11H V»* Jil l now all UllllSiiallv tilth, til*
venture on hand, ami I have •-••in> i• •
London to engage a hi>t 1.11«- kipp. i
Johnston* s fa**** 1. lav.-d .1 liith if.*
was ph a-' d with tile enntplllle lit illi
piled. to say nothing **f tin* piosp. . t ..f
•t*• 11v«* employ ment of tin* kind lie loved
"When *h* want het lamb'd ’
In asked
The landing t* piled (In* < don* i ' m
n«d th*1 chief d'th- nlM 11 1- in t.iklna
tin * nun on Uutl d III** illU'i
And When* woubl Hat he done
.. *k« d I In* ot In 1
That ' said th.hand I t all to*
l* II > nU yet, but It's a gi.**«t hug \ *•> ag*
floin Ini* and I idiall Want to ellg.t
\.ni for Ho**, nraiths «*ilnin
.lollttsboie left* » led a imam lit. going
• v» r in Ids mind the various porta from
which ffiiywgh t» • line b> lui"i"
W * II I < ild at last in \ * * loth I
V\ lull " tin w i k
It b w *1 k of lit Kind «'* -
pitta) his companion. in* ting skill
sileltglb. and outage bill I Ml told
> oil i)o||'| -Mi k dans* 1 W be»* It * "Ml* s In
Hn W.O «*f l<UMlt|e**s
Ihmget "ltd Ho tint with rude
• out*--tupt »|o * m'
The « o|it|t«d * olilinut tl. til Ho
im astil« *| oi| •
Tl • t * ■ - t ill 1 • Well k*gd
by guard l at* it .t tt w » * m *
sail f* t us in loading Iks si tp to make
U*' *d a btigt .f «nyi«*l> it»*w d« atgn
Pio|M|hd titidet u ti. 1 aid rlsittg ant
sinking «it the wilt of Hn nrt u|t«iil
• bat is t« «gy of yourself
Joltftslntte *o*»ktt| ill' M duhais
Yog “hall »«. lln plan* and lints
for yourself, said the colonel, It h
in reality simple tough
If II call hr a .filed said the olltri
a mo ,n, - ar/i, '!i,< n Ml i / if l?»iI v 1 t
» »pi*.*r pfarf of the * ownt yuanl to k* *'t
tli* r* » and not patrol fin I "f at all,
"Oh a* I#/ that, t ho> do but th*
it - h "u »di*o* » an ho R*|uaf * d
lohn*loh* r;*»d't' *1 ' IVtat yo|y*
*nrg* lie apk*'d, ahni|-tl>
The * olomd rolled and took a go»4
i «ipo!**-»m fi*»rn hlk p<>* k*d
I* ;•**» Iliut h* ad Upon It Ii** paid J
holding up th*' * oln b*iw**n hln flop'* I
| and thumb
i Mnrnefhlng Plfonglrb, *d»7 aid t»l
- ofnpa nl**n
V'**iy Pimm; oiid ih* '•ol**ml w i
dr y lmm*if
'And pbnfy **f It ' apk'd th* ofh*o
Kooiigh." replied tip* *-*d**n*d, "i»*
Jlwfl lip *'V<|‘> friend I va got f**l POfll'*
! f|im< to < **m* •"
dohriPtone brought hi- ftp*» down on
| th** laid*
"I'm >ont man, la- paid, it >oii'i'
my money '
"I am prepared to gi\« > oii la <»***»
I fiarnk, that 1* to ms, 1100, f**r I la
ilit* *• month.'
"/rouble It *
"<Vptalnly not, pal*l tli** colonel, wit!) !
*pile| *1* * Ipioii
"tty r,i,,V you ►hall though," growl'd
fti*' other, with a haidly HUpprekn <1 In bln gentur*
"Four hundred Ip my offer/' Raid tin*
» olomd. IfidlttVtvritly "You may tai.
ti or haw It, iip you pleape,"
"No!" i iar*d dohriPtone, "| v*- p
on* I kn**w your name, ami wln-f*- you
It vi, and w hat you To up to, ami yon II
give in** it thousand, or I II blow th*
game lor yon'"
The * olomd put hip hatidp in hi. |
po* kf»tH ami loaned bin head ha* U
fgalnxt fh* wall
"I gaw you a fa Ip*' name and ad
droRH," In paid, ami I <11-1 n«d t*dl yon
mv real htjpfnopp I do md truM a man
tint if I know him.
I don'l i iiiv'" mIioijI* <1 th*- oilier;
I s** p*d \mii fur ail, ff*•»•*• you
an- and hon* sou play until y**u nlgn for
"Alan!'’ said the colonel, ‘linking his
head, "the hold tin so apt to he short j
Mphf d' Krlefid Johnstone he eon
tinned, "I rarue here h\ way of the >
* u/totll house I Jefl ,, |« f I # • | t 1}' ’ f' e, t .
Im open' d If I did not return for It In I
two hours The time Is nearly up now
What do you suppose they will find i
when they open it "'
The man looked daggers at him. but
shifted uneasily and aid nothing
"They will find," said the eolonel.
y»»ur address and that of this house, j
with a rei j yes t to look for us at onee in f
I oth t hose pine* s. '
'Well,'’ growled John tone, "what j
I hen?"
’ You are In n iiuest Just now," con- I
Mimed the colour), politely, "First, I
want you; secondly, the revenue ofli
rriH wish to hear more of hat tilth
Joke about the Fsmcralda; and thirdly,
the Admiralty desire your opinion on
the dangers of the West Indian trade
The man harked t humlerst i in k
'‘Naturally." the colonel went on, "I
Wish to Hi rule the preference myself
alifl. Indeed, If you refuse my terms I
don't suppose you Will get Mtleh easy
ones from cithei of the other two
parl a s."
There was a short pause.
"I'll go,’ aid Johnstone, with a kind
-t Mill' ll idmirntiou in his look. "I'll
go for lour hundred
' It sli.ill Im- live,’’ Said the eolofte]
"And now unlock the door,"
Tin y w* nt downstairs and out of the
house M the river side the colonel
made an appointment with his coiilpan
Ion to meet at Southampton on a cer- I
tain day . and stopped Into a boat,
WestmlnMei step-,' he said to the
waterman as lie * pushed off.
You'll riot fm get to * all at t le* eu
tom linin' n Johnstone railed ,
anxiously after him.
' < Mi, l In re's no need fm i hat," i • *
pil'd the colon* I "1 left nothing i
Slid the boat shot willly up stream
mi tIn- Incoming fide
m UK I n\ I INr it|*. i
si hi.ike of tli*- l .ii iiti r«» in Not MIcMi'U
to tin I Mir I him,.
Steady f.i'iriiny, with .1 y 10 I i<»1 hti i 1
nf ith|m pe»H|xte|it l> followed, I m th*
Hur* st vs.i.s to HUeeeHx for farmers
Abrupt ciiangis in ord< 1 t" meet high
price* for s un- farm product arc dan
y ioiis praeMc. .4, h i s s the 1 Jermantown
'PeP ■-* 1.1;*h. It is within t he lomem
1'iaiiu >1 ••vr> farmer when hay sva- 1
-• levs that If haidlv paid to raise l «
for marU' t. hut sin e tin ti : irmern has
h- ft making trior* profit off ha.s than
almost ,||I.S ■ d h«• I e|Op To suit the
> Ini«c a great many dropped hay from
their list of farm crops and tried to gei
dong without it The Hlee l> l'armeri
continued to yi\ gra>* a phu - in their
• 1 I rotation, turning it under svien
if vs *uld no pay to cut and sell It a •
ha.s . and A'hell pri- es \\ ni Up a train ftn
hay they is • 1 • the only ones who had
y O "I . lop-, to roll Itesph S • nil lllnu tile
*- »il with tin gia*- 11 '*> I oil n I tliem
-e|\e pi i'p.i red to 1, Ip a t» . >d hal'SexI
vs hep pri * s aim round again to then
n e III 11 . oil dll loti .1 list II "VS sin ep ha s-e
in'll at a di- »unt and thousand- hits*
b* ■ 11 - Hint iliem oft to rui* * fmdhhir
i-li-e Up ile pl dltilhl* Hut. sheep, both
fo|- VS »o| lint 111 lit I oil SS ill lie pl'nlit ahl
ill I tie future Ml'Selul t i III* » ill tile pa
tile stu*ep uidilslry has been at its loss
-I ehh. blit i’ levdved III Hllie Htellll
arid eh*. It iclts are - lid to I- dris I ill.
11• 11 He** ail of the market and that h
vs ll 11 o I aig* 1 pas to iai»e tin* c *ll"
Thei* n* s • 1 vs 1 • a thin an t probably
n v | A ill lie VS he»» |! dpi fI • I p I S to
( .«!»•« 4 *1 liof’serf I ll h lloed st - iv l*
to., ph uiitul itttd VS til tie at a great*!
d uni >n tin fvituic Ilian iitiWi hut
tin* ti is tm r a l h'i»**x a liras s
|» alight tin si s vs il i level inn their
\ ilm |»ci mum ntl> It I* vs IMliii tie 1
11 inhiaini of Hi« vs 1 M* r wh<*n 111 aiiy 1
fat in- 1 pal l • * an t l«. p. he id I » 1
o| pii i 1 v sin p Iweauive a t* on III tin 1
liii« vs p n ling *seiv tiling upward
Th 1 it* lo 'iu iti) fit m* in * mi typ'd in j
tin** hiiustis ss Ini vs ait f>r high p»l<»*
. ni then Hits ru»h tnt* (hut pat thul »r i
I till' of SS o| k If *1 •* p are high pl |« < I ,
Hu ) pay * % • 11itt a IIl pi i ••• fof »t . K
m older to ral*»' **IImt* to - II |f c *i)i !
is tiie h a ling farm pr >dii t that pty*
, Well tin y tutu |h« it farm* lulu .no
ttloU* all th Id* ailMiimlful *f Ills* fat*
flrfi thul they • I.* got ini h rmuni If* !
itUttfs n o t hr ri|< ii* <* ittaehed I** |l j
th i , nils liiry i iv** ottiai in Initial |
a|lhiy I * adapt tH«*Mi**ds"» l » tin
(III upt II • VS td. 1 li t * Sill ’ Ik*
»vs is all 1» *rtt»
fin gnat l» p» ‘v| h I w it ti 1 t.guUr
•M t f Ian t*t* and 4 » tipp If* »• *•» 1* nw
1 vs*Id* h th Hi* mas withdrawn
IM H f.f,M«
Kftntrm from If##* ff«*n« of IlNr M#m»I
ffiitiiiiriMM IVIM,II I#ii»Im rn llr
Vuttnp Hnii Lilnirl* I I rvm
f;»rr|«l<i> I u«'!«!«'li I •
VV h f III* I I'NiM'it MnllNMMif
'J'llM llOlofiHj MMllillKd l/> 'll" MillII
who fell III the rupldn Jiwl alie*o Mil
aura Falln, ami who, Jum an no was
about to be reaeiied, allowed "I will
(Jrowli, no one nlmll I>>11» nn-, lliklead
of “I nlmll drown, no one will tie||i
me," hide fair lo be rivalled hy an
inlitrh- individual who fell into the
river at Ihe fool of l-'ltlli nlnol ye*
At HiIh jilme there In a elan for
the ailinoniithnient of muall Iwyn In
aunitner time:
It readn; "'fen do I la i n tin*' forawlm
Inina here."
I'erHoim who wiw the uuforluuiite
fellow fall Into the watei ihoiiahi Io
wan wife, for he mruek out boldly for
the nhoie. Suddenly he < am n denpnli
Ina alt*nee toward* the laml and wink
from Nlahl. It.v the eltorla of a mini
ln-r of pernom on the Inilik lie wan
wived, lie wan linked w hy he ntn|ipei|
nwiinmlria no i|ti)ekl,i
"lion’l .von nee that man, "Mo Fine
for Mvv lmmlna Mere '" lie aanped an lie
wan helna rewmeltnteil rliulnnall
I Im* M«*»t Of If
Mini I'l'liiiil 1 limy mil In- able lot'
nee de view. I mi i I dean* mine n lltlle
t'lng In Ik <In r. Judge.
Hoi ii I'roillf In Ills I• iiIIil
Tuffold KiiUtt Mister, would you
lie so kind ns (o give n dime to u linn
gry mini tliul Imln't eti a Idle fur
I’ellalre (formerly Itusiy Itufusi
Say, you mlseralde. low down, good
for nothing, lusty. eoiiieni|illhle. greasy
dirty worthless vagalsnid, you were
here six months ago and you got off
the same s|ieeeh, word for word! You
haven't learned a lliirg Von haven’t
gained a new Idea In six months!
You're a dlsgraee to your profession,
you sneaking. Idle, shiftless, measly,
whining, ragged liurlesipie on human
ity! Here's a dollar for you, and If
you don't have a ne« song and dame
when you pull my leg again, you |dll
fill, eheap, ugly, sniveling, mouldy
shabby, villainous, mildewed piislllnnl
moils hag of hones I'll kiek you off
the premises! You ean go now!
Tuffold lxlilitt Yes'r.
Comments of X iirlous lleliillves
Penelope Charley ealled Iasi night
.lustino That's iwlee In a week,
isn't ItV
Penelope Yes
Justine I suppose lie'll tome three
time In the next week?
Penelope Thais wlatl brother says,
Justlno And live limes the next'.'
Penelope That's what sister says,
Justine And six limes the next?
Penelope Thai's wlatl utility says,
Justine And seven time the next?
Penelope Thais what papa says.
Justine And then wlintV
"Then we'll gel married; that's wha*
everybody says,
Justine And then what?
Penelope -Then I won't see him any
more of an evening: that's what mam
ma say - llrooklyn Life.
In Trouble
I! lift Holiol'la Killil 111 < l.\. will JIT
f * I«•; I m «» give llll illlforlinil gold n lllok li*
I IT II llll**?
Kind 1.11 ry Pnur iiiiui! Mow did you
got Into ho uiiK'li ii'oiililo'.'
11 iif,' KoIhtih I Inn) lor give all
iiil* h|turn ohiiugo, kind Indy, foe mo
liiconiolnx mu' it liulii'l l>lii ivfiunl'-d
y It Judge
Tiro llwiwrt linmiil
S|»'Ilklllg of 111'' ollllg HIM II W llll
tHlkH iii (iiiUIo id.u'oH, I hom'd "i a io
nut iiiiiiIi' lo him whloli win ho good
I W 11M HUI'lirlHOll III'* HI' I" ll'lvc Ill'll III ) I
lu'foll* ll W It H III I III' I ill'll I IT. mill III!'
young lliilll tulil «IH'U Iho (llll.I In fill'
l|o lot oM'iy InhI,* for four aoni» nroiuid
know Hint mid In* kopi lolling Juki
w hut wiih oomliig. Mini iiihi how funny
it Would ho Win n II did omiii ||" Illlit
u prolly girl with nlm, mol ho w i» ny
lug III IIIIIIIHO hoi *1 lollgtll III Hlllll
Mill yoil >'or lit lUiooilig lo ii | <1 i \
with your o>u« hIiui * on '■ no id' i
how t|iioer Ii hooIlia
* Ullddln ■ ,od m in w ll ll i l> <1 l.o o
all |l|«t III frollt M> IWlalotl looiaoll
Uliolll III Ilia aoill Hod gl lio I il Ihi*
yoling limn
"Voting limn an lit ho d I vol 0*01
try llaioiilng i>* ■ I'l.u wuli voiir
tlioulli aliui "
Mot iho ■Hollow w it a iliooat | mi l n | ill
* M HrlltMllM* « • II Il lHIM
Iho |'HI»"|| WIIH Ih'IuIIIU oral hfa
d»«k. Imid hi work on hla no«i Hun
'Ujr'a •wriiiou I'lan'iiil* nia young
WIf<- l'll'll"'l III, HI ll i glut ■l/llf* An
Imr filin' Klm inli'liili'il in Aim lilm » j
| ill II nil III All I'll! i'll' Kill' Mill i'llill'll, fi'f
It M UM lO'C III Ml fl flf It'll I'll III I' III llll/l'lll j
"WIlUl iIn >nll 'I f till III 7" »lm '
HMkfil itayiy, "An- iln-y mi mikiii
"I,' In I |»A II Inn
lilM Ix'lMi'i'ii Hu' i||'|nn iilul m llii'i mil- 1
Ilii'llU, mill II Al'lli'llll ll'lllll'lll') In MIIA
fniu Mini 11(1, "Hull >mi Ini11 lufl mi j
IlnllM Dll' IliiliK* Hull >nil iiiikIi! t"
linvn limn mnl linin' IImmi* iIiIiik" ItuH
)0U nillflll lint to lllivn linin' " 'll lit It,
riii'li* )Iiivi* you aeeii your fHtlirr
Inf<>l,v. finale?
t'lanle No; hut itm tun la out, I nuoM (
}oil'll lluil him In iho kltehen lllrilnn
with the oook. .Indue.
I'url of Ilia HcHiiliir llullra
Proprietor of Ilia Mounlde Hotel
Have you eolleeted th<* lee |»liihern
from the nueaia' room*?
Porter Vea, air.
Proprietor Ami taken the trutika
all 111»V
Porter lea, alt
Proprietor And i toll 11 < I No. .'*71 that
hla I ra lit nee a out at It?
Porter lea, air.
Proprietor Then Ha lime for you
to run down to the heneh, dlaeover the
aea aerpeut and he luiek In time to
take >nre of the hnuuuue from the
'r/.ili train, t'lihano Heeord.
Net'll of llelo Till'll
“Oil, do eotne and help!" unaped a
hoy who ran up to u polhemnn; "there
la nu awful llylil u<>Hiu on In our
Hi reel!"
"Who's lly hillin'.'"
"My father and limn her mini.”
“How louy have they been lit it?"
“Oh, half an hour,"
“Hut why didn't you emtio and tell
me about ll before?"
"Why, hoi'lltiao dad waa yelllny the
heat, of It all aloun up lo ten minute*
ano." 'I'll Itlla,
Very I’roiiilaliiK I'uiill
At the rldlnn aeudemy.
Teaelier Have you been on a hl
Pupil No; hut I took a new hnhy
earriane home the other nlnht on a
enhie ear.
Teaelier Say. I'd like to ennane you
aa an aaalaianl here before we yo any
further! t'hleano Iteennl.
>t»| II lu ll - It 01*11
Mui)ld/i Maloney Who's inkin' on a
lot of all’s ,list lii'oaiiMi' slat's o|il enough
lor wear a carsick.
Ktllcl M’Sualh Vos, lull she ain't
no heavy a well, for no real aristocrats
don't never wear their eorsli ks on do
Hillside of der Hollies, like dal Truth.
Von llel lie H mil.I
‘‘Mother," said Johnnie, alter deep
tlioilk'lil, "suppose I should knock this
vase oil' the talile and catch ll then
I wouldn't catch It. would I’/" “No-n-no
I suppose not," Ills mother slowly as
sented. "lint," continued,
still toylntf with the vase, "If I should
knock It off and not cateh It then I
would catch It. wouldn't IV" "Yes, yon
would!" Ills mother urlndy relumed,
this lime with ipilek decision. Kook
land Trlltiiue.
A fll l'r«*ncli«*r
"I’ve heard your preneher half a
dozen times," said the hoy who was
whltllititf a stick "You people pay
him three thousand dollars a year,
lie ain't a lilt heiier'ii our preueher,
and all we pay otir'ii Is nine hundred
dollars." "Yes; Inn our preacher says
eyether and nyther and yourn don't,”
replied the hoy who was sliarpetiltiK
HIM MIIM* Mil HIM Ml"*' « .IK" i i in
I *•«•«! % **l f
In n mi'IkmiI llie •>!her ilny a cln*» of
llllle girl* wna naked liy Ihclr (earlier
to write ii ahort rtimpo*ltliiii on ilia
North I'ole. Many of Hie atiiiementa
made liy I he young wi lier* w i re high
ly anuiHlng. The one Ihal |irovoke(l
the hroadi'*i *inlle on the pari of the
Mi'hooliiilMlroH* w a* I'oiitiiliied in a very
preeoi'hnia dUaernillon hy a little iiilaa
which tun n* follow*
••'die Arctic region* are used exrlu
alvely for exploring purpoxea."
i.oi Hii'ii
Wool mi I lie e*i'iir*|ou yeaierday
Ml* impel fell ovcrtioard. Ill 1111 111
»iaid n limn *irlp|nd off hi* clothing,
do\ e lii and re*i tied her
Vii ii |'eli Whal did Hnpce do for I
Wool Itepol led Hi III for nude halll
llnvv l'he* «»l* eil Hu I'ruuhle
Hinllli and hi* wife ipianeled right
ilolig Until I he lime I hey Wole ellgug
ed milII they got married
• Mol I hell
I lo y go' a illy oi l e I'lihltgo live*
Ml Ihm III** Mill* \ •*•*
rmiii* Mini .Inn* will* ii*** l*» uiiif*
row Mild i man in n friend
\frahl I iiiii*i dm line I'm going
In ace llainlel
Ni l el nilllil wn» the niihhi*hlng
reply ladng him wlih yon "
Now* 1 Ml'
We offer On* Hundred Dollar* reward
for any rat- of faiurrh Dial /-annul t>#
- i/re/l ny Hall e alarih fore
r J rllKSI'.Y * I'll , Toledo, O
We, tli« uni|»i *l|w4 have known F
J fin-nay for Ihr I*at it year*, and be
lieve him perfeolly h'inorable In all
buaiueae trail**/ Ilona, ami flnim- tally
able In 'any out any nbllgaIlona ma la
by lln-lr firm
Wholeaale Druaflala, Tol ■ lo, Ohio.
Hall'* falarrti fur* la taken Internal
ly, aelinf dlreelly upon the blond and
niU'oua aurfa e» of the ay*lem Teetl
in>>ril*la aent fre* I'rlc* 7fe per bdltldv
Hol-1 by all dioiyalaia
Hall a Family i'llla. '.to.
I be /Ivril never feel- a-bainad of lutnualf
in tba/’otniany of n -Unify (nan
it i- letter to borrow trotibla than to
t uy It _ _
I’ardoti doe-n t n*-*«aarlly lo/lu/l* for
, etfulne
A i ool bea/l are I a warm heart ebon Id go
Your Happiness
DepeodH upon n
healthy body and
ucontented mind.
Your Health
Ih neriounly in danger
tinleHH your Wood U
rich, red and pure.
tm t he One True Wood Purifier
Prominently in the Public Eye.
■ a it |).|| ruruiill 11 v<tr HI*, bilious
Hood S Pills UudAcbe*. 0.
PI KI C I H »N' f<»r n
mg < I I \M IIA I.M .
A|»j»Iy a partirIc* of flit
liafrn«1 ir<*' fly mfo ill im
(III-. Ah'! ii IM'MIi lit ill ,t\
lining bf.itli 11,rough tin
Iiohc, l v tlirc'c limes ,t
'lay, .'tii'i iiichU jiref* i
rc*i|, an«I before retiring
fuV’S CREAM BALM u|>"ii* amt r|**ur>ac*« the
PiismiK'H, All*' Im n Mini lnfl*uirn*i ion, ll*aal«
Uim Horfi, i»na#'« I* llu* JH**rt<i>i,tnm from Cold*, It*
vim*'* th«* H.oiHi-Hof '1 *•>»** dii'l unit'll. The imiinle
ijiurkly aO*oj*b<‘U ami 11v•*«* r«*||#*f ut OUCC.
A l« Hpplli 'l li»lo i-jirli n<»sf i Itmrnl U ufree
uM*v I'll* #• 50 «•«• ii» if In IIVUI* Ih or Uf mull'.
ELY BROTHERS, »0 Warren 8t., New York
|Uric Acids
| Poison. |
SThe Kidneys are supposed to ^R
filter the uric acid out of the
blood. When they are sick.
Uric acid is the cause of Rheu
v niatlsni, Gout, Kidney Troubles
and other dangerous diseases. ^B
B Hie only way to cure these
^p diseases is to cure the Kidneys. A J
% D.^Hobb's %
eyPills |
3k cure the Kldncyeund help them
S/W to inter tlio urfc uclil out ol the
blood. ^
All driiKidele, or mull- ^B
yd iirepuldfur Me. |>er ^
Writ* far pamphlet.
norm's medicine co., gK
3L Chic»ao. S«n Fnnclico.
Zachary T. Lindsey,
Dealers *enti fort etnloKueH, ouiulm. Net*
•.lUMlh ill r \ * * Till' FHKIOHT#"
Harm and Wajcon
United hiut<i<* Mmulurd. All 51/et end All Kindt.
Nul made- by u tri t*t or rout rolled by u < ombiii.d ion.
I'or 1 re r 11«*««k and Price I.i*t, addr« »**
.jomx op iii\uiiuno\.
Illiiuhunilmi. S, I .. li. N. A
i: Issiiaea mhU beautifies tbs bah.* ft lllBUMftlit ffriiVtll.
Never Falls U* It .store Gray
Hair tu lie Youthful Color.
Cure* ftCR'ii .1 lessees a hair tailing.
si an l traveling Uuod|>ajr IVrntanent K‘i
|wri*i»‘«iw( uiw<iu«r). M*i"y i'»i> k t«iai*
11 -1 r I ..vei 40 veaia. Pburull Nurwry I u , liu* 14U
Ml*" iHiitgiun, lit.
Patents. Trade-Marks.
V \ aiul %«!%!• • s* i" • alriiiat I'liy oC
|. S. I» 14. it ft. liij | ..f " lAVIItlTS1 Uul'lMir HliW 10 MJI
r*T«: 15 mtiu. ^kanTja. t. a.
• lot* 4I.|.»I. » f..r 4».««*» al«rr»l»4 •4»»*K>
IN4 r*ii«n. • .*>*• 4i»«kl»« »1 ,<.u.aka,*»l»
UrAVl'MI — inv My wl.l.ii*( *■■ «. m*
Hb».> t l|..l'h V v'.'l ."'•"Mi H .lb*'. i.fHuiy.
Ni4<lit *t.«iit»il Ik -tit f■ *r •*>• 4** .tH 'l 4k
Alt trees A. II. iuM, II. I'.. <114 I tm.UA hits »v*«
111 I Hit.
%| . I 0»4Mll444 —I • « MUik,
Vt ItUli tti.ft a*l Mr I Ihr litliU klnuly
li t 1.1li it tin p*i.t r