The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 01, 1895, Image 2

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in a> t nv %*4 in nu, i <ui ,t » i ni<,
W' *m"m -
< «#i si i d.viii. n *• uxmiti i*mg »/
uu**: in HiHi iU/tm ty
A*A I.MM •• • |l*llMlll*lll lurtlll I 1)1
• U/illiMlfl lilUlli| la*l W*»-K Jo*t two
(frown tliMijfhU i , In ui lyjiiini<I hunt
• m aiia *» yum/ to li»miiiiinnilr|nit
nr Snow lor iuv.ii wl*y Tin- *tat"
i/oanl of train>|*ort*f ion i»a»l*r<! to tab*
A Inuul
I in I if*-of Mr IimI lby*< l*l»|f woo
wa* Injinnl m tIn-<*-r*-al Anil* IiiaiTiil*
fry at Nrbra ka < ity, i» allMoat *!<
(ia m il of
J a «» * If « i ii in o'!, a (iro iiiin iit fai in
ft in ,it Ii Tn-.i Io*t a loi r *» by Ilf* 'I in*
ooilnio/ wa>* almo*t ii*iw ami *-o*t
I Hash < nt *i, a yiitntg man llvli/if i
n*-ai h:*r)in/ wa-. UU'krit in tin- fa* <
by a *i*:iou» lion**- ami <|iut*- **-»*-1<ii
ItljliK-i) III* IIUW W»l> Mini* Into li-»
it* ai! ami a bijf (- a»h <-nt on Ii ia for*
In an
Mi: llaaanoM, li»ni(f in-ai Him 1
llin r .i t in*- to tin- il*-«*l w**r*l* in In*
j iota to li«-i*i to lit tin* lamt for (ilowili/
II*- loot tlnrly Ion* of bay ainl In* ln -»r
< at m-i(flibor tw*-iity b**for« tin- Haim
w*-ri- auialiMMl
V' ll.tbih. wa* i:oiil|f«ll«<l to union) I
a * ar of b* i-ts tli.» wi-*-, *ay» ...
ton I M.<-r. ami |»-<i*li«* tin-m oin •*
< aiiM- tin- i>rain! I laml Uuttiiry r**fn*i-*l •
to ri i-<-i>i- i ■ in * iaiiiiini' tln-y w**r*
bolow tin- Mainlur*)
I in farm imim- of Anton Krofta «r
who liv*-*. ooiin- tin*-, or four non** i
souiiiea i of 'fa 14' I,.,. , wa< burned j
to l hr ground wliilr all tin* In,inly Mas j
abs. nl i.ul a very little girl Very
little of ll»e COtll* Ills ware saveil
Jsm« |i * vnuniivii, one of the
pioneer resident* of Otoe eoiinly, ilh '
last week ageil s', years Mr < arnii
eliaei louoil. <1 I lie now defunct villagi
of Miucraville, in llkir county. lie
leaves a widow anil one dauglib r
’liu Lincoln and liawsoii county irri
gation holiil to tIn- amount of e »
Oon. were carried by a Vote of ninety
eight to eighteen, 'file canal, it ill'll
completed Mill water al/oui /O.onnaeii
vl laud as rich as any in the wtrrid
A i-*numi w ho Jives near tin* < olfus
county line wa- in ' olumhus and re
ported a :a'ui malady which is work
ing gic-vl ih stric tarn among the lings
in that locality lie said he lost sis
tren a few day - ago in about two hours
i ilium II vl i-J, living in Happy llol
low. J-'latlMuonth indulged ina little
wife heating, and wa siibscipienliy ar
tested I In-neighbors are indignant
over his actions and threaten Ins life
should lie tie caught at the business
As A H limp was returning home
from i edar Ids horse beiame
unmanageable and tie wasthrowu from
Ins cart and instantly killed Mr
Bird was an estensive farmer and re
sided on Ids father's ranch cignl miles
below < eilar Bapids
Kuril t hundred and .-evenly seven
bags of augur, say * Hie Norfolk .New
were turned out at the factory yester
day in t< n hours .1, M, I overt, Vl B,
flight and Ir I we performed the feat
of sewing, marking and weighing Ibb
bag* of sugar in lifty eight minutes
I in fi nee gang on the Burlington A
Missouri brought in word to Alliance a man had been found by the
tiaek eight miles east of that place
with his head beaten into a jelly, il is
supposed by a club No trace of the
murdered mans blent.ty has been
found, but lie IS - uppo cd lo bavc been
oiii'of a number of iramps who were j
w alk mg east
fin . ili/wlt* of the east part of I run !
tier have t„i,en steps to divide tb"
county hy riiiiniu.’ the line north and
soiiln on i bi' east me o' anil in',! liie
v iliagi of ,*d I In* |M'.iple of
tl.mic rti.flhi. . I . i ( .iii.l i i
♦an \y) 4/s* tio'i'onMt) i* aito
yi tiM i too laiyr ana «•*' Hoar) of lia*.
ny UHirivi' mi fai o%* r roti/ti io i*l* in
oni«*r io n'iii n tin' iiiiiliiy 4 at
Mm* J. I. Aim mi of Slai|j*on ay«ii
aivomyann <1 lo t I on* I ami to
y* t a h ml of at ran VS Ion oio* iny a
Mou/li alii* *Ji)'|» <l from tin* lowl
fonuioftt, »tru*k lli«' bar*! Kiimml Hint
MO'I* f‘*l*4' Hull III 'I ' *1 |l H ,1* I'llt UTo*o
#iyiit mnU'f tin' i,)»'i*n<n* from on* oat
U; tin* uiiii'i ami t*M' wliidi torn l> o U ,
from anil orrr tin toy of ilii' *k«|ll «►*'*
414I i in'll** * * In* **aii liftr'ily wmrrr
SS i ail I > i. i o % <|l*yat* Ii J tonmi* II 1
I lima, of I mi'oin, Not* lia* I" i'ii ay I
|Ni*UU*| a ii ui'lirr Ml I III* fHili.ll! *« ||.iifl
.•t I'iiii IJiityo iii/nn«') ►until hakota
M ►* l.l</a imtli Mak*i of V *iy*MtiM»
liiii l.a. l/» i n ayyoifiMnl a tr.o'lo i >n
<l«i* linllHU m'Iiimii at Ho I ' ami
SSMiM'ia or»Mr*al*on N« i • a*»aa. unit
.I*** yii I t«<*'**nm*mmI of I hi Ion > >
Nil*, * < lurlt m Hu* MiilHav malt ***ri ‘
I in lii uti »'w I %yim%♦ luy mjo * foiimi
■i tilt* i at I lir oftii'i' a*l«Mi *»im,i| In .l*iin* 1
*1 *ii4#** * yioimiM'iit I'MI/i'ii •*tifl#*'il '
VS tilt* * ai*» milrt ny Sir *UmH' |o
• **• iiii * • i) v* mi*in i* n it a \ * or tli•
ti.*'» l |iM III lo I ll*l* «Oiy|MNklt Hill I*
t i*m* <4*i*«*iini » from 1*41ll* n Him Hi-ii
ilirtl umr< li* Mi t>4%Mi** S|f Hi,nn 4i
na»tril ailin' t tm •lit*'** l«*i *m* tin./
SSiiln*m >a Stoma hIiom in |l*r *• < of
► U at Oi/ Kit II
I Ml Sun 11* II I r Hat nr 4 i#|mi|f t oin
|*Hli) HtlUll H t • o*|f.|||/**|l 4 'Mill Mill
yii Ntfii 4li't li* I iiitiai a« i t •* of InimI
n Ir H ill 4II-I SS i|« of MililiUl'b, Mrniyi*
li** *1 mmI ii . ahoitlvt* m till* liiitr
**ml *t«• nt i m i»t. in tin io >f til* * Hm‘*t
of N» i >4»*<4 I M S I .Mt I |!| iif tt|0*i
I*. Hi li*i 1*1*11 Hill Ir* i »• fm f Ur I* nr h
n*am fiiMi ii*i*ii * t* alia tm •« iimMoIoi
* Mm *yiii«tf I I ») to lottr 4
*! *t flotl H, M 'i. m ♦ lot loan >
ll* * )im» o* m Him h a la i atoll
to. *t I** Si biMlt *
fill W|»( tt^la a S|« Mitor MU SS
tl I t**|*im»n ItMaliol » ***»»♦♦* lo* i'M
• i*iii *<*o|i iMii llir tiirMia m #* art | ti» **
Mat Ibi ir Hu*. yiM>>o|t «n tn»
*a fi a *im I* Io h 4* * - it ir lit I* * I >i >• *
| i * nt a Mmayli li * » «* * a i.m.
4 III |lf riiitiij liltl b* *’ *♦ M I * t I
U* tin
till lull 140*1 » *fi 4 /Mill *l*t|ilo||^
tmrt* I** It*** StH kill* fur tin | Im»
t.*ft» MlMUilol fur lift *t.*t» » tl* itOftt til :
Mi*I) *i tti#M I* rift t*» r* r if tor f *. to**
o«*4*yi« **r yt*i**il Mo m 4 ft*|*4ir it* at
I % Ia#*« »*tt* l*»t H* ♦ ► lolin 1 4 1 1 ** • •
>< - l»IHi*«4< ***4Mtt ii|m«|4
It » ii*i*rktrf 4t**t *4 Ntrn< nf to Mi«* (w ii
• li #»lia*> fo# • *»
I ****** *4 * 411 ******* 4 * t*"***l4i*
I*** *ii)/ from ill*- if*1 '**
U01llf*tttlt»*"*ft * II* llnulf
I* inniii* Inin bton/hl u> out uo* ,*-**
that ih* ii *fm i '>** * ■■ i* *ii*‘iiii/ in*
f»rinr* i* /4i*!■*:/, ill" l* *'in/ of il>" r
b">*1* w" ** *n in in***- in" foilomin/
*u.■/*■*!uni* 11 tl Hi" 1 *niu-i* i**o
*uf*- m "ii"iui*i *fi\niuil*-il by ih" von
"ton of !• nlliuii-li- I II by I'tuf ■ ‘ o
um of th" !*in*" iinl*"i*ily mho*lnin ,
I-On It tin li'i'* iiiHih- by III" f**'ior/ ‘
"bi ioiti \\>- mill / *• *U"h I| 10*11
m*ty f**-,l'y fm • oinbiniiu/ hi* murk ,
pri/fifrly »mt f»nly tt* mount *u//**t
ihut lh" fttriurr* *i*o *f*i*oihi **nii" our
U* *"',*-i lh- *4iofi■"*. from ih" m u(on* ■
mnl i am, million* omu *uuiut"r, Hint
ih"**- h""t- h" I nt ill h*if mill If /l*"li
in ninth "In inl .l *o h* lo *vou‘, *ny (*/*>
*ililn "ttor by tlt(i"r"ii‘ i of **iiifil", mnl
If ib" furui"i* i ln inmi firon"* to In- **■
- ur*t" uml jn*t in In* murk mn mill u* ■
• "fit hi* i*-*l* in "***■ tln-y iliff"i from
our own In v.ttw of tin-‘iutibt* lh»t
h*u- In-*-it "%ftr"**"iI m> to th" ui-i urti
mitli wliii'li m" tot ini- h"i I*, w". tiiiiiw
m jit*ii> " lo our 1-oiuoiny. tin- < ••"<
/romttr* *ili>m 1<I n>in|it tin*- i*iuu of mu
ftriiiiii/ our i"*uli» mnl m* furlh"i
nr/*- liu- u" i**,iy of fni''li mii'iu ih
tin- tualU-r ** hut iil< linn- r"iu*iu*
for h ryi nliii/ tin-i'rn|i 1 **ui» truly
Soukoh* lit,l,l hi li tis <>I*II'4*»,
l)\44ttli til i t ht,n*H loul'**t, |
s* hi **t 4 *n*4r tinlu*tn*»
l.iin-olu in- fiMI' li daily r< ftoi l* *r"
rto-i-iri-il lit I In- *""r"lury of *i:il" non
unriling ihn *n/,ir itulit*ii w* *1 htmui
(Omni mnl SorfotU tin- miimu loin
lin In i ll iMtobnr I I (i tn tli" tilth mat
th" r"""ifil of *ng*r i» • ’■ ,ii llw tirmnt
lulmnl fai-tni t mun-iulfit In t, t l'i bin*
't in* muoiitit of /rmiuliiU-it *u-/ur m ,u
ii fact ii ml tn ih»‘ i !•<" ii nu hi nt* in
too,Ml*l \mmnl- I In- Sorfoll fin-lory
1114 n ni'iii’il 111 full nt hit-'; ll 11 it ►
prodneed yild.nnn |mniei of yranniateil
an/ar in ,Uin/ it total of m/.ir hiwit
by tin- two fie torien of 7Oi.iH'O |Miiinds.
'I lirMf ihii fan tor lea receive on an !
average daily, i,oon tonk of la-elk <n
I,Wet apii" <- I In aijpar bounty ]
amount lo *1 a ton, in reality, to tin- j
prodincr for it wak with tin' under
ata rid Ilia llial tin- licet raiaci waa to re
eclrcJS'i («-r ton for beet , In lead of
f I, tliat tin- liounly of five m;'lila of I
rent a pound tv ik voted by the la*i li-tf
ialatitrc, 'I link lIn' two fai'tore-a at
inand (aland ind Norlola are di
trll/iitina amont' tlie farmer* w in/ went
Into tin- lieet imluatry Miami a
-lay i io'li Tlie mannfai'lnrina keavm
Inal* aiamt lliiii mouth* fine lylli
nt link time haa now capp'd 'lie
fcame average kept n|i would (five an
output for tin- kcaaon fin Die two fa>
toriek of I, 1'io uoo pound' of inannfa
*iirail naar
I llllll! r r rop in taller I iiiinlr
North l/ini(i dlk|ia<i'li llajiei inn nla.
platk of eliii-ory which were planted
i/eie laktkeaom yrew witli remarkable
vlaor dnrlna tin' entire «'a on, lull ll
waa a (treat anrprlae lo all wlio Inid
l/ei n Intereateil in wat'-inna 'll*' Ifruw tli ,
of tlie planta lo learn ■ lie fad* m re j
aaril t<i wliat an eiiorinmik yield limy
were maltlna fine plat, raiaed n>
Attorney K -I liala-oi'li, wak divided
Into aei'tiotik of row i one rod in lenitth,
from wliieti eompaiative i ali nlai mm
could lie made, and after topping and
trimming aa reij wired liy tlie factory at
O'Neill, tin* roota weighed al tin* rate
of from eight to M-vi'iiteen ton to i lie
aere, Aa llie lierman < nienry eompany i
of O’Neill llila y ear paya * in in per ion
for tlie roota, and tlie labor rtepnred ill
their liarvealiiii/ and tillage doca not
greatly ea< red that of the augar licet,
it will lie readily aemi that the ehleory
plant la one of great proin e for ecu
Iral .Nelrraalia
kllKJtf !>♦*#'< I .•«(«»! > « Ilf'MM***
i urnn'ih uwi inunw/t i of tin* Oraud
Ulitfifi and Snrfoik I <‘*1 • utfur f,n tor.* *
IlliVtt JO III I'd III M'<JH»Hll|Jtf liOVi'lflOl
lliili'iiiiib lo .i|f|M>fiil oiii* t'lo'in 'i. for
i'il' h of ihi* f i‘ ioi i«*H | lll'n* ililH ) • I*ll
||U (Ki|ll[ll||illl nfl|( l'l |l<ll|f llM* t'JlI'IIIK'Ul
iillfclVHIH Colldlif t« <l I#V lilll l.l' t < Il li'h oil
tAiiiii Ii mm'liit t< ill Id'i'lt iil'i* I .isfil lilll
Ill ivdi'r lu |iruli‘i t i oiii tin i/iijoi .111/1
M> I lor Ilf 1/00 Ik Ullll InKilliKl) all (Uiftll'
oz/Hoornril, il//- joint r/aiuohi foi a/•iii-iii
Ul wllOkball */oi vi» ii) tin- t'ii|iinilf //I |
all uil/|iiro. ll /' Hoon (iia/lo
'I llora in it-/ <noiitii/l! ul a / Iioiii/imI I
Miimyiiik iii Hi/- kuttai'boiiiny bill ihikkoiI
lyil/o litui louitlalnio g»or tliv t’o*
i rimr •» voi// Tlial aot 'ini|il) kiivh in/
loudly ana 11 i/o |iuui nil ni.'ar iiiaiio (
from l.n l- for »I Ill’ll an llllioii iik • - ii
toll klistll liot liuvu bid'll |m ill I Ii Ik
Virlliitlly Ii li t I In' |II no of boolK at * / II
loll, blit till' Million OOHUlttftK Mill! |
r'l.MolK Klllto t llltl III# I'l'ltK llllIKt toll
t.nli I |)/• i i out of ►*. I'l/urilii' ii/ai i/ i
•o (lor t't ll' ol M'Iiii'Ii Kliall lo Him ‘
I/ooIk IIim< ilo Hot ooliio U|i lo Uiik lo i
aio |irol>ablv Ho' lain ii it >11 by Ur 1
fat-lory or .no l/oiiyrlil it a lotlnta
■#rl> <•
Hank Mol/Hrr ‘ on(Hi
llan kiairu iliK|aiU'b V • • • I a< (
I. in|>t m.ik aiailo in rob Ilia llamioi i
I Ollltly I'kl'ii o till* Ion ii •
Alanil I ii hi a m i ii/'il man iiiioro i I
I In l/aiiii atm mill r> •! Mi i ai I H»a u . '
. nK ii ii i lo tlirotv ii 11 Hi* haml < Mi
' aillki kll'|i|ini Ho null i ilo Ilian ‘
I III' Ilk'll In" iiikiiIoH'o ami mil nf tour*
■ ml • • nrilij tba i.'i i i i > Ihiiko laiKo.l ■
liio NlarNt In a fan niiHiitoK • ilo/i n
atmt'il mrii mi'io "ii I In1 till oth ami Ino
bani< m nK tin i onmlini
I Hr ail I n •kt'iiri il Mlial mom > m .ik
hi Kiylil till* » il ilia Ka<‘U aim > amo
mil Alt* i Ilia ptoliaiiifo ol a >I "oh {
•|mt» iii mi ilia loblfi kImi Ii‘II a i n n
ami mi Htialiy bimivlil iblMii klinl
Uironyit lha iatf i (
I m tun iiaiy no mu kImi bill Iho 1
IH It f It I. I. I ll'"l It » ll' I III 1 .. !
itht |«i494*f 4***1 ll liiMiV'l Mill |m 4
llii* f| i'> ll**’ I* *»»♦• **f I 11 >* I i 4 lit it I 4 It J
II lllili* .41 I III* MUi1 Ilf * *l«* M i »• ft ,
41441| I > Ml* M 1144 l*li t«> II I *••••» •
11|» IMmIMI 1*4 I**. ||t P I
lltlftf i .11*4 Ml i'll
NY**Ml*lull i|9ft|*4U'|i I Iii* * *‘MilH9**44 ! j
\‘f III*' 9449 9** 14 4* I *4»«k» > *9 Nl'9 • ** .♦ • *
t’MlfttVf 4if I9||i4i*4 4|l*i I ill* Mill
9 u «I- h»wi9 »|i * i n | |
I f *9 '11*1*1 II
I* Ml i I ft* 4 9««*4M f 4. H |*4 < a* 4 Ht
' • • 11 *
I • I * • * i >#<4* » *«»4i *•».*• 4it.*lf tft i|44
9'|.» If.-lit |l x|‘Ml #f * *i* ’ 91 '4*1 4
If* 1-9 4«Ml V.fl*
I.i •* Mtlilf »||*n<4li« *l
( | i » »| * la 11 ‘ * I * l*» til ill |ti *|'t
i. I If g «I 11* 4**4* I It I* »».' I
9 . » i» 9» *••*♦» • | l*
• hi i*9m* f*i*‘ll 9 iftl^if#
9 ». il % »l* »9 4i#tt|M» I
9h»9I4 i4l**4l *94'i»*» i* * -9, %t
Y * M 4* » I* “» 4 4* J 4 » 4 *1 ft .*+
^•il'l t'll' 4 9* • • *|’ I
the mmmm mi causes
I HI. (.Klbltt NEAR A7 HAND.
H''. of VV . 1*1.1 4gr** 'that lit* riMjwl
la I.ratal than al*.r III* tint* tit Hi*
I run. an Hi* Ha. iii.imI.i Ira
/ I In 4.|iaa<al*a 4111 alia*
Mill# 4iu*eit m In (4m
nl an tmt ftt-naf
ImMnm. (hit, .'x Many jieojile here
Who e ojailiiofl* nil- wortli welitiiiliir
r(ar III/!, h<X<tata: til nay that (ileal
tint an it Hi'- iejiort</f the Kuwee
t hint • treaty xhoniil turn ou*. to lie
site o/utely eorrecl, wouhl have to faee
a er in eijiial in jfiavity Hilly to the
ole wli ell i/reea-ileil the l.rilie-an war,
I In* iJi|;l<iinat. have not yet recovereil
tie ii eifiianiinity no rmlely ilmtnrheij
Mil'I it e.-iu, likely that they will not
ilo */ tin aoine time to come.
-one- of the newxpatiem, uxualiy
very eon « / vative, the ht .1 anno, <ia
/■ 1 . for instance have j^one u far h
to my that Kven war witn lluxwa
wonhl l« lew iliauntroun than to allow
hei without a blow, Ui|f«t xneli a ^ri|i
iiii in < Inna. The lilohe e*|.re e«l
tin-n|nnion that neither (ierman nor
Ann i . a eoiihl ailow the i'a.-ilie to Ii •
iiiiiw 'it I ihumi Kob*tan lake. ' and
llu- I'a Mall Hazelte nitid, re*lgnedlys
"if till* treaty it to btand roll
imf\i ot Asia, and at tin-name limn
adviM-d I lie reoceupation nf I'nrt Ham*
lllnn by the lirit i-li and the immediate
■ •lengthening nf the Knti-li Ih et, in
fur Kabtern water
Vn edit rial in the < hronielu bay*,
it e tnink that thiib menaced hy llmeda
Japan will rnfube tocvaeiiatc I'nrt Ar
thur. It ib not ineonceivahle that if
Uub-aii attempt* Mudi a btep.
and Japan will form an olfcnbive and
defensive alliance. If lend Na i-bury
will only he aide to make up hi- mind
• hat to do and how to do it. he intb a
■ bailee t • gain high credit for hlmaulf.
1 in- Standard (< on-.ei v ative), edi
torially consider* that tint Time*’
Hong Kong dinpaUih, reporting im
portant. eonee . don- to iilibbia hy < hina,
ibu tail loon d ebbai on Jliib»ia >. part.
Kvi ii if the mandariiib banetloncd buck
a treaty it, deelarut, it would only he
with comforting a*burain« tha‘ they
would face the oppo*itkm of Japan
and the |>owerb. Tin* covenant would
he nn-re wubte paper.
Idle Wcbtuiiubtcr liazette hold* that
mi excellent opi ortnniiy ib now of
fered for mailing a lieginning with
what it deocriheb a* “the union in
lliglicr diploluaey of Hie I'liited State*
ami tireat Itritain. to which all think
ing men in I In- Kngli»h -peaking world
*o eon tide ntly look forward. "Amer
ica with oiiraclve*, ’it >.ay*. "i* a pa
til tie |mwcr For year* hack *he lia*
taken great intere-t in the develop
incut of Japan, t'orea and < Inna The
Intercbt nf John Hull and <'on»ln
Joint han I* hlcutieal. Neither de
klre* to di*turh l la- -datw ijim; hoth
wi*h to get a fair bhare of wliat
-oin mere la i udvantageb may t »■ going.
Should the Time*' Hong Kong di*
patch In- ronlirmed and the e/ar'b ad
ribi-rb unfortunately peraeveie m their
Jetei minat ion to di*turh the i/alauee
• f powei iii the far Ivabt, .1 ipari will
look for friend •. and tho-e f-ieini* are
d/vioiibly tireat Hritain mill dc I niu-d
Stati - I ini lilt e anxiety h the for
sign olllee now would la- eheaply
bought if it ib led thereby to earefully
soriblder the future diplomatic ami
naval relation* between the old conn
ry and her *treiiumi* bon* acrobb the
Atlantic and to realize tliat. the Kng
ibh bpeaking vvoi Id ean In-i ter employ
tb -tieiigtlt than in international
aiuatdding over bin-li petty matter* U*
.I*r MoiiO'lm irs him **ni nois of
Vv Ilf/.<IllIn Ullil Mfttl’dlfllil "
klttfilfj' Mon >ol I i|wi'l IVnr*
Ail.iv ) olili lift * llrnrv M Mail
my, i In llritikli iiminlmr of I'nrlln
nnnt, s|>< iiknu ill Ilir ill|ili>inm < kiln
itioii in i In- l .iisi Inst, ii it/lit. unlit:
Km/imol will nut itiiiI *1 iifffkkury
ii lli/lil Uiik»iu Tim l.iiiiHsli urn u
ju ri. (H'liif Invliiii jmi'iilf Tlmy uin
i«i ■ iiiiin r* i.11 nint ilir t/nvfrimifiit
♦ III uni I'lisli min wur likfttlikf of Kiik
lilt'k Ilf I Inn llfi llllkf llllkklu link
« i ii ntitf i |ii'lklni/ 111 |ii• i inn film
imri'inl ritflllk. j tin uni kir llmt it •
■ miylliiiu' tn Of ini Int11*i iiiniiii
ii tn rmisr ♦luliiil nifHkiiri'k, If
(iimiii link m 'jillrml I Im sun i mill to
mill*rlitUf fniiinorfigl n|>fmr,i.iiis In
lilnu, mn rugl limy fo> I finlil tinnl
Mill I Ilf lirlvllftfll Wttk Ills) In silfll
ivgi still I il* i in it ik ift ktiftli/t«<nt
mi»r for wur i limn link tlif rigrIit to
fill' It I<| wlmtflfl INIWf r kill* ffllnHsffg
(llkklu klllljlly kgw lift' il'lVOll lllf
' An li> rlniig k nli,i l l in t iif nili'i/fil
ffkkIIIM nf III* Ifffl tnl 1, fcgffll In lllf
lllllff U lllf only iilin I i'Mit sin
M on. Mm niil Inmii tlffiintml In ,ln|>mi
ms M, i'ii |*fikii.i lf‘1 Hint !•> siirrlllrr
Itn **nii srrun* llii* fnliiri'
llrian tin lit liming I llff Mglil,
In mi tin lint im i * Mins Kiln
iltllffi n ynMttif k'MOty Igili of tlilg
Hi nwoltf Him mornuiif In Hint 'lint
uiInn Ini klfi'|< lor Mnlr Mml Iwmii
fun 1*1 limn Ion |o ml .ilnl wn» Il Inif
II lllf ll*mr IK ■ tfrnwii Ml "IMm wlto
♦ n nlffvu *1 u km * •ii|i|m»i"l to Mnti'
n>r for limit III*' ml itillln, i iiif of hig
> • ill il ii mini list If k|n lls
|Imi|mi 11* 4*1 o* i Mm* M
l\ i*l,i l «l III, tl»o I Iff I '• llff*
IiliigMi iinril o ». vi*mi i»MI, of Mm Ii
linn t ili lint wMn wns ilkiliny* liU
n ii if Mi * i mi tin* tit), il ro| *1*4' *1 < Id ml
ili.lf wllflolliiir 1'imi'i nif limit nt
Irn'ff Mfftli *ttst I |'ik *|in * liuri Ii llff
ms oim of iMf nMIffkt MiffmI*• r* of tlir
Iff W I II, 'glut i nllfffM n •
l wifflnf *• MMnwn Mi SnmMffi*
ilMIIMi III I IM I *'* III)' 1111 Ml *lk |
liffvl I ntit|intt) t'ffgmi tin) tsgoff of ',i|f«
0 Im worn l y It* i,T"n *Oi|il *ii' *•••
mill I llff that lli'IMtfllllffHl kU|i|iliffit I
inn IMf iiril, wMffiff "i fftnnlo)*•• r»
♦ i it'll Urn iif* toil no lotitinnrlnif
1 n» I ffgflt
I In Xi* tilth * tint hit ttnh '• a *pmb
*1 t it n trlint I Inn In It I It i f nt ttn
• Si,‘‘H Mi'li ihi * Twenty*
< i .iiulr' <1 *t ml> nt • of t he I nlvcrx ty
f Milli gan gave /'low' iwi'l ajipr»
..i*iei' attention lu-i night to tin jthle
i' in hy I'liato: liavl'f II Hill of
■>< w Y ork H' n.i'oi Hill *poki foi an
'.our Mini tlif'« i|iiartei». on ’ </111 I,anil*
inark * ami In the couraeof hi* speech
'iiiim'.ati'l hi tin f railleal critlei*m» of
thi' prcxcut system of i*»oam'i of
treasury note* a* leg... temlei' moii"y
The h'-na'iir reeleweii the history nr
ritiiinUnif tlie forming of the Initial
**tafe» constitution ami inehlentaliy
' o'iiiii* ii'le'l Thoms* .lefTi-rson ax one
of the grcatcxt, If not the great
e*t, of the early American kail
< rx He i.'iteil the ijeeixion hy the
upreme eourt in the Income tax
■ >i i ax im Inxtance in which the okl
atnlmark* of the constitution in rela
tion to taxation hail beer ailhereil to
hy the country's highext trihunai.
Th" reform* in our national police*
which the x[» ak< r ileclarea! to he mo*'
urgent at present are a* follow*:
f'rexuk ntial term* of six year*; tin*
election of Menator* hy direct vote of
t he people; the empowering of the
ITeiilcnt to veto separate item* of ap
propriation hill*; the abolishment of
the present xyxti-m of issuing legal
temlei note < hy th" government.
Wcnator Hill ahly unhelil hi* claim
that con grew* ha* intrinxically no
powci to declare it* promissory noti'X
to he money, nor to is uc note* con*
tinnoiixly without having tile specie
with which to reticent them He wax
not inelineii to ilonbt the patriotic
motive of thoxe who inaugurateil the
xy t* ui iluring the time of war. < riti*
i sin he xai'l, should he reserveil for
til"*" who perpet liateil t lie syxtem IInil
malic it an uncmling chain of note
mark namely, tlm hard money "dol
lar of our daddies," wan strongly
An lo the hilvcr i'him Senator Hill
hpoke hopefully of ith ultimate solu
tiori remarking I hat on account of i lie
recent discoveries of gold In Africa,
clr , the i|iiehtion may, perhaph. he
hdlleil without the aid of either states
mi'ii or politician „
tree I III tike r» National Imincll.
New Vomt, Oct ;h,- The National
<011 gre h of tree 'I'hinkerh, with rep
resentatives from every Slate in the
Union a lid from 1 amnia, wax opened
In Hardman hall ychterday. The spe
cial object of the congress, which
will laxt, for three day*, in stated to
further the lo'al separation of church
and state, and to secure the impartial
taxation of all property, secular and
public schools, abolition of Sabbatar
ian and blasphemy laws, free peech,
free press, free muilxand (lie rights of
tnau. woman and children.
Tile I idled stale* un tlie Iwmkmit.
VVasiiixato.x, (let 58.—The navy
department is giving careful attention
to tlie situation in 1 orea, The I nked
States has no special interest in the
complication beyond the protection of
American interests there, and proba
bly under no circumstances would do
more tlian take precautions to this i ml
by sending some of the chips now in
Asiatic waters to the scene, in case
olliclal advices should confirm the n
ports of prospective trouble.
I'liuiUfd Tlirniiali a lirldic*.
Nr.yy ins, Kan., Oct. 58. \ Missouri
1’ueilie train went through a bridge
across State creek on t he edge of
town yesterday afternoon and wrecked
several cars. Th * engine hud crossed
the bridge wlien a coal ear jumped tin
track and crashed through. Another
ear followed and took witii it the bug
gage ear. No one was seriously in
jured. although several were badly
bruised and scratched The wreck
will delay trallle for several days
I-.!,,[nil utih in,* Cwwehman.
< hu m,a Oct. . 8 -Ikliia Schmidt,tin
youngest child of K ti. Schmidt, the
millionaire hrewer, knelt by her
mot In r's grave iu liraeeland cemetery
la* ' i iir - l.1 > mi l inn/, irh-i.iiii.'ii hi*r
i lyhtccnMt l/ii t loluy Mint afternoon,
mid Mu* neat ilny eloped with the*
'onehniun her father l»n<I dinchmyed
three w eek* Iii'fuu*
I wn ItilfidreM IVn|/l« IIuiim*Ii,m.
/\l ill »l \ Mu.. M.*i. '* —Fire* luui
iiitfht destroyed Mm* i Men* vt* lumber
[limit of lh**> 1 Imiiiiiimiii X to., mi the
uuUUirt* of thin city, together with
ii 110 n t fort v Mini 11 flume il w elliny* in
the iinnn tlintv The
|o*» will iwuch hi no, him, w ith iitHiram e
if nhotit one third. Nearly iMto |>eo
[lie urn honnde**.
murk milfrriWK for ttulrr.
M Aim Ml, Mo till *u Nevel* he
fore ut thia M*|MI|| of the yeur win
Imiith fo ^reui u» ii U now in thin
►action i Mem* are dry, *ttn*U mif*
fci ny for Wilier und funner* mi cun*
It iint dread of Hie The l hii iltfo und
\ltoii hu to huul o *m • from Mlu*yow
alu'er tor me in their *»|i •)»*, round
itotie c|i ltii«ine»* >* ycin rail) de
it I'kM lI
Inti tieiitooa> Net*.. It i»k taller*.
MotttkMlIlii. Neli tiet * Till
Hale hattU ha* el.**ed iln limiik The
failure U due to lite %h*w III’W of col
tMlhni I i"in the tuM ill for mat ton
hie lit I hie tin «|»,audit eUftint to
ktmitt fa ••tit w hlli Mt* u**e l ft art) a In mt
t hut |Mlt i* Ml*collet*laid*
lit»tit» r 9of 4 Wtlllitalon Matt k
M i»iii^i it'N m i * The i uittlt'
kln|If t ol the t tint ttt v hu* u|i|»oti|ted I
l *atii Hit.wool *e»tada Mo mamer 1
if the I oft! National •aeW«d Weil
t.y ton halt wh'i li *u «|*etided |*a\
item i'll lite t*t ti»«*i
«t«a»a. tt witn i,
\% |t mi i « halt Mel • \e*ttrdas ;
ii I feint's t« in lln„ %ile*Mtan of
he I t ntituit M ./yin "on W Itoh %aie !
IftttiM) t oMi|4tt. wa* arte t linihi*
nt) fot eitita $t (ein. |*t •»% It)* i t*t|«I>• > !
f% of non
IftMtlM'l tfel | Mltll'lNt
at, I ut i M m i * Vfu.
htee da** ntt Miration ttf Me *1
lam** It) Ulye • int'ine M»e I e«|« »n
tiftud iari •«« i I the mutter amt
Uiled to Itfiaif Hi ui« indh tineut it
otiaeclioti w Mt »t
Imprniminmnl Inr m Ilium AnlmA, llnf li
M il Onlf t m inpntar* klnulr MuAIng
fur II',nn limit,i, fir,ally I'mii'nH Aumf
» IV if* mini Imnglilmr ml Him llmthhlm
W limn Him t int I mum A llrl*f 1*1'
iigruplih ml nkmiili,
1 iHmnmlnr Van W»ih limml
\\AkUtkhluii, lift, 2'i. K* I flleil
Mali H-nator < harlea II Van Wyck of
Sc braaka died at 4 /i uiimk yeaten ay
afternoon in Ida apartment a* the
Portland data,
ll« waa stricken wltli apoplexy Mon
day aft'-rnoon and bia condition aiocc
liaa been very critical, lie allowed
al light improvement W’edneaday mom
lop, but at nitfbt irrcw ateaddy worae
and aincc then lua death had i/een line
mentarlly expected. At hia bedaide
wiien the end < arne were Mra Van
Wyck, a daughter. Miaa Happy, and hia
wife'a brother, Mr Mark Hroilhead.
The attack to which the ex aenator
from Nebraaka auccumbed waa a very
audden one, lie waa in apparently
pood health up to Monday noon. Il<
waa atatlnp with hia family at the Ho- j
te) Portland, l/urmp the forenoon he
had been down town with id* brother
in-law, lienerai I trod head, and waa ap ,
parently in the very beat of hcaith and
apirita. On h a return to the hotel, !
ahorlly after 1 : o'clock, he chatted witli
hia wife, and allowed no aipna of dine *
171JL U\> “ iUtt'l II* » »»*•* * ' ”
the dining room he succumbed. It so
happened that a doctor was in the ho- j
tel at the time and be was promptly
summoned After a brief examination
be declared that Mr, Van Myek nad
been stricken with paralysis, and ad
vised that Um* family phyaician. Hr. W.
W- Johnson, ne railed. 1,liter in the ’
day tiie doctors made a careful exam
ination of the patient, and found Unit
the senator s bit side was a fleeted. lie
hardly regained consciousness from
that time until death ensued.
't he remain*, accompanied by tiie
members of the family here, will he
taken to morrow to Milford, Pa. where
they will he interred in the family
burying grounds Saturday afternoon
Funeral services will lie held in tin*
Presbyterian church at Milford at t
o'clock and will be romlurird by Pev
ttr. Nichols. There will be no services
ms k ai-1-v l ire.
< baric* Henry Van Myck was torn
at Poughkeepsie, N. V .. on May in,
Ist’t, in which town his boyhood days
were spent. When scarcely XI years of
age he graduated from Itulger's college
the best student of his class, after
which he studied law and again he j
graduated with the highest honors
Removing to Sullivan county. New
Vork. he opened a law ofllce and a few
months later was elected district at
torney of that county.
He was then a democrat. The anti
renters had cor trol and usually voted
witii the wtiii/s and carried the county.
Hern ral Van Wyek at his home in
Mamakating township received many
whig votes, which secured bis election
His first term was so satisfactory that
he was re-elected, the anti-renters
voting for him. He received a majority
in every township in tin- county.
Always opposed to slavery, he wa*
with the free soil element of the demo
cratic party and was among the lirsi to
take part in organizing the republican
party, lie was active in iis conven
tion-. was foremost in framing the plat
form, and, in fact, was present at tin
birth of that great organization lb
was an enthusiastic w rker in the Fre
mont campaign, speaking in marly
every school district in Orange ami
Sullivan counties.
St.N I III l ilt; M M Vl t„
When the campaign from Nebraska
for thee cl inn of I inti-il Stall s sena
tor opened in |ss| there were a nuui
l _ . il.ii sit inn I bon
held by A S. I'uo.loeU, After UM|iint
ed mii'leat Win Myek with choneii anil
acrved nut lii*> mix yearn. <
In J»UO liencrul Van Wyek wan rioin i i
inated for congreaa by tlie nopuliMlM ni
the I ii kt dialriet, hut dei lined to u< i
eept, although ut that lime lie had he s an active member of the people . | j
parly. He. however, look uu active I !
purt in the campaign, and »»« on the I
Ktiinip ulntOMl coiiMtitfitly from that
Him- mild the dime of I lie campaign of
|*n; In llint year lie wiim ii nimlidate
for governor oil the |ai)iuli»t llekel, and
willi lion. I.nreii/ii i roun»e iimdc i
Joint eaiivaM* of the alale. one of tin •
lliimt melt!' i a hie |ml il li* •druggie* of I
Nehraaka'a hifctoi i In the winter of
l»thi he waa etrii Ken with pnrnly»M 1
while Oil Ilia will from IiIm limn III Ve
tiraaha ' it V. lor many dayahla life
w aa ileapaln d of. hut he recovered and '
I a a t auiliiuer Mhoweil IpIIc elTeet of tin- j
atroke aave In IiIm gull Hu Memorial . I
day he delivered Ida laal puhlie .oh | ,
dre hM a,me he reeoveied a>dth fillly i
to tie alaml lo* reahied alimmt I'niitlli
UoUaly lit \t U all I 111' loll, although he I .a
Itvd Vebraaka »icer*l Innea Hi- in
lere»t hi puhlie atfuira, however i evei ,
fagged and lie kept a eouatant wu'di i
un the prog re aa of Hie people both
ataie ami national
In hla private' life l tiarlea II. 'all
Muk waa a moat admirable chnraiiei ,
aimp e. klniil.v and unalfei'ieil Nothing •
Could he more per'eel Ilian h * home j
• elation* Ilia fa'io > eona aieduf Ii m
telf, a wife ami one daih'hier Vnl I
uuo a could be w riiten of hla Intereouiae (
with hla nelghlait- of harrela and ha* ,
keia of pinv a I on a aent to aid the needy . 1
id a la of kindne*e ami di etia ■ I oe i i j
that marked II a dally w alh a no my' on n
I'he t* III I hII k hea l* || • a|ip I 4
lu alupld people hat Pa Imilol lll 'M in |
a fuel of nalutt II often hupp* li* that j ,(
Hie htalu thrlnka. alol aa P dura au . »
llo ahull aiillO Him • tllld i li* i
I'liiplr .l.lft I he all 111 |th ale ill htiufi f
her HIM b) diali lidIliM the imrUtla a *
it i tv * r nuaultty uf air I* draau In the 1
lo t tea are hettef eapuard aa I 'he inlar
amre dearly pefvetvrd
\ rliuut Idoii'l I* hiUe ur alnigrl Ida. h ,
keeauee it lou'aina many Itopuflttc* |
iidltHled ffuin l|o ayaleui Mil l hit Hal ,
|lar If tarn put Pled by iwUlael with l tig i
yir In ifo lung* I
our* r»o8Tomct.
tUIOMDt «f u<l mwaniirM
of Mir lltfnrlifMiil for Him tmmr.
Wa#mi*' to*, Ort 24 Krrr t'ralg,
third * lit po <master general, Jo
liis animal report for " •• pa .1 finest
yi ;ir show* that postal revenue from
all source* were 976,9*3,I the rx*
|*enlitnrra bring Isd 792,172,«n<l rxces#
over receipt# of 9a,#07,011, not taking
into Account tlir outstaml ( / liil/ilille#
or t tie earnings of tlir sun*,i i'/e/J !*.»/ ho
r#i roads, 91. : *,7a'-'; the comparison*
wo li i In* statist ics i#f tfie year rii,|mg
.lillir 0, ' '4 show mi mere., i of > > cclpt#
amounting to 9< <f*f2,*/49. an me ( <•,,{
rxpenditnri s of 9,,4>*,73S '| i,»* prin*
eipal items of exprii'liture were l'<«t*
masters' salaries, 9ld ff79 *''*, «!*••,..i,
postoflires, 99.414,125} flee livery
service, sl 2,11,'3,'n;; raiiroml mail
transportation *'.’'*,429,747. s ar rout#
traiisportatinn 95,7'<;''.570; mait mc%*"n*
ger traits: ort at ion, il.l'.l/,.'* rai'way
postal ear •erne**, 9,’.”»4■ '•, • railway
pi* lal clerks, 97,10 I.U25; foreign mails,
91,171 I . i, ( lie princi: It ns of
revenue Here I a* t ter po 'age 'aid in
moor, iiiii'li- up principally of Pal
anises due from foreign postal adnun*
is'ra Ions/, 9)2 >.*!*; l/ox i nts, S/.V'lt.*
94{l; sale * of [mstage •tamp*. *tatn|*ed
* riveloj/es, new-pap r wraopers and
po lal cards 97-: 177.110; money o.-iler
imsiness, 9*12,03s,
Two Oklahoma Outlaws I'tinUlinl t*y l iiw
tviM for Tlo-lr Xllelrr.l*.
JlKXMKssar, Ok lx , Met, >*, Jim
Umbra and “Mexican .folio “ two
Mexican memtiers of /,i|. V. , alt » l.and
who liad lieen engaged in cattle steal
ing and various other lawlcs a t*,
stioe fifty iieaii of cattle l/eIon:/ tig to
Hen < Impmari and ids i .who, gave
chase. i hey clos 'd in on toed' ipera
does tiftceu miles from (.'aritorimcat
and after a fusillade of tcieets
immi t* surrendered. J
iln* com identified Uii* caff o
and hanged the two men f<< tin? first
tree. A label was attach*-*! t , their
clothes warning other member* of (be
band to quit tin* work or suffer the
penalty. _
Hymen* f(ig Detective I'rojeet.
Sy.w Yokk, Oct. .'4 Kx-hiipenn
tendent of Poll -c llyrm ,a. led for
Kur.-je: ye terday on the N'othflc;
man Lloyd steamship Hovel. His
business is said to be t In: e tab! mb
nient of an international detective
agency for the protection of bankers
■n this country and Litrope
Miir<|iil* of Waterford lie* I.
I.OS nos. 4 let. if I, —lb nry -pi: I.h
Poer Here ford, fifth Marquis of Water
ford, is dead, lie was born in IM-t
lie was known be t through hi* doings
in English society. Lord Charles
Itercsford, the eminent Lnglisli naval
officer, i* a brother of the ed
Lord Waterford.
A 111* >i Man's Son as a llarsethlef.
St. .loss,ell, Mo , Oct., ft. - i*. W.
Wolkewit/., who claims to he the son
of a wealthy 1st. Louisan, was arrested
here *>n the charge of horse stealing a
himntiliLi roflllimftllVM.
(incinnati, Oct 21.— Npeeiat. lie
ports say that a leading life insurance
:ompany Is ac*'epting risks to the
imount of 92’oo,b< 0 on livesof eonsump
ives taking t lie Auiiek (,'hemieal Treat
ment for lung disease 'I he Amiek
hcmical ( o. of * iueinnaii is actually
paying the preniliims on tnis insurance
ind presenting policies to tin-ir pa*
lients llns company claims to have
till: most compo te statistics on con
mniption in the world, and that timse
•isks are good, providing th<-p it.enls
lake a course of the Aunrii treatment.
I I ft t. DKM »» ft Ml riHllll *1
Hiotmiou* from ’»« « ft ork, * litr*#'*. m
lout*. IlHlttllM Hllll Kl»HWfM<r<
oft! AHA
liulUfr * nnn.t'iy itepa rsiun 1* , 21
I«ui f4'r J ulr fo #pi/U i'oij(tir> M k **'
I t-yn If* ll l«* * k I*'
I IthforriiH. pi l if'- l* k J
>priii# « liii'kfui*. p* r Hi ... *■ \\ *
Dm'.** i r ll* . I* i '• V
I iii k«‘> h IVr If* . J '' •'
'lirt'on*— IVrdo/. .. . • I (M •
pur |p * '>
.i tnntik * ht'i'f U l 1 in nn
ftppli* p« r Phi I ” i *i- ’> •>
*»mm-i I'oihio'h Puoil, j*4fr libl l ' 1 ■/
OtHtOi** pi I Pit 2.* i* V!
.t i»iis Nil vy, p.iiul'pp'ki* 1 l>U I <• 1 “
riin! I'rni ’i « a pi* * ml, pr Mil 7 >< * '■*
my I piaiiii. p« r im <1 . • »»'
• it loft* I #r im •f* *'
lrmini < on* dn i* p* r 11> i *
p< Nut. .v lu. full* r**i*Pi I * k 1
iog* Mixrd pH** tg if* ! **'
I Of * iltiftft y Hilt'll •> .. » {
.ii fti * Morin i• iiu l fii'dur* 11 k . ».
.I l f Mi i r* . .. i ,*M !»*'
Oil* _.. IT* i HI
I . . • ,. ... * 2 » <k .
• 11 ft ,, , » ik* if* i *i*t
O* . ... • .. I V 4«- **>
>«i ..• a 11 * *
toih.r* j f* '*♦ * '**
ft • *♦>! f II* J "
m i p i id • 1 41 w
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