The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 25, 1895, Image 6
_ __^—■ I I av PtPMission Of I 1 RAND. Mi HALLY A CO. . < 'HAf'TEH V,—fCogTtat »Ui IHch, over whoa# half-conacloua head tide •word-play waa nickcrlna, »•* only that an argument waa going on, which aide wae which, and why, he could not und'-ietand. and ao r-aolvrd to apeak with caution If he had to apeak at all Camilla fell that Hie . ohm-1 w.ia pceaalng her cloaely, and lrle-1 lo dla ahle him by a atralghter Ihruat "I don't aui-i-oac you are a blind fol lower even of lytrd tllatnorgatt,'' ahe •ahl to Ittck "you probably do not wlah the emperor releaaed "It would not ticncflt him If I did Im replied, "hut I am aorry for him If lo- tttjfferr aa they aay Tide war wot a* than aver for and the colonel waa prompt to aelr« the opportunity. "Ili d-«a Indeed iurtVr,'' It- »ald "I* la out ar-aieat grief, for Madam- -I Umlaut la eiilliely davoted lo him "My devotion tflofl-d Cumllla, »l moal Indignantly, "la natural enough, hut I tie loyalty that t-lnda m- can have no hold upon ao Kngllahman/' "There ate no-re klnda of loyalty than one, ’ returned hei Impetlurhahle an tag-mlal "I, for Inatanoe, am loyal lo tin- emperor not only a* a Frenchman, but I’W'ii more afrongly from my loyalty to you. who tiav« made hla < an*'- your own; itoi) thin, or aomethlng like it, may I'onoclvahly he ttie i'u*r wttb* eta " Camilla look' d until ter aide acorn, ‘•t’apt Kalrourt," atie *«ld. turning to him with n how full of graceful mock my al tier own 'jiicetlon, "Will you, a* a klmlneaa to me, carry tti<* emperor Off from HI Helena?" I tick wae relieved at her apparent re Into to n lighter mood “I can liatdly undertake to go an far my«*lf," he re piled laughing; “you had better corn* nilaalon my friend Johnitnne, (lie aniug* gler, to do It for you," "Hood!" egclaltned the colonel, Join* log In the laugh with the loud tone of mo* who wl*he» to emphaalae a Jeel "Capital advice, Camilla, and you can't do heller than fellow It," Hhe did not for the moment graap hi* Intention In aaylng thla, and made no reply beyond a dlatruatful glance, I ilek. meantime, had bean looking al hi* watch, and now held out hi* hand, "I am afraid, he Mid, "that I mu*l h« g"lna home: f have treapaaaed loo long upon your klndne**, and the doctor aald I mu*l he In hy MUiiaet " "One moment," *ald Camilla, Imping t>> gain an Inatanl * privacy in which to give him aome kind of warning "Htay a moniml; Col d« Montniit will order the iairing' for you," 1 It la al the door," replied III" colonel, and he bowed Ith k mil before him, ami followed him downelali*. Camilla heard the front door do** and (lie earrlag' drive away, A long alienee followed The colonel had evl detitly goto to the length of accotn |mtiylng IHek to hla own lodging The mlachlef might he done hy till* time, and hen *h< aat pnw*rl»»a I" t'revent H. Hhr fretted under I he Ihought al llr*t, and to r Indignation chafed her In the abaemi of an object upon which to ajieml II*rlf, hut Ht laat It aeented to h iv» worn n*' ii uni mi it uni”, aim iii» fell Int" a quieter mood „ All the mmi' ahe afaried guiltily when ttie door opened alrnoai without a ■',uno. There Mood the colonel, like Home wily irnteeary of evil, following mi hie calculated opportunity at the iniiat deadly moment of weakneae, lie appeared In have entirely forgot l”ii hie lali etrutinli with her. III hla hand waa an open letter, which he held lit* <" her V lev "I have ju*t heard," he *nid, "from t'liinac. wlio hue received a lellai from Ml Helena " Mhc lii Id oul her hand for It "You are tired," he aald; "I will read It lo you. Hr prepared, for II la far from pleaaanl hearing." and lie heuan al once The leller or, at any rat”, hla read ing of |i ran a* follow* "'My ('ear M dc Moiilaiil A packet dlepatclicd from Ml Helena at the end of January conlaina the folhiwina nod a rich idy Intelligence in the cipher of Uen Hcrtiund Th« emperor, havlna auffcicd aeveraly In health from want of active occupation, on Jan 22 i» auiiied Id* riilliiK eaerciae. aflei an In |ciitil»lon of two yearn The affect of Ihla iloleril < liana1 "f hahli waa on happily the reverae of hcneflclMl, and he ha* lucn more or lea* proatrate for a wck paal ' " The cidonet looked ai i'amllla, and want on man alowly Ilia IMHjealy ha* heroine Mihjnil It III* of profound depreaalnn which arc llo ilea pair of Ida phyaldah* He Id I telly daclare* htmaelf deaerled and he laayed, and hla reproach** are lerrlhh to hoai He talk* openly of eionnill ting hla lad wlahea lo paper,' " In her HHiiailon al ihla new* I'amille fin got everything *1** “Oh, no!" *h> cried, claaplhg her hand* a* ilnmali ii Ctiltiul I he cruel fMle* "We aliall hi In llliMl) we mual We tnual'" "We mual I he ei hoed gloomily! "limy cipc t ua on the Mil iif Mai "And when do wc alert ?" |h fore Ihc laglnnlng of April. w» have hardly mole than a week left It which lo hhiIici m* forcca foi ihla itnal atlernpi Mhc wa» ailrnl and aeenied unwllllnr to icniniv furilna into the icaiun ol detail. "The veaael la all hul ready," ram tlnued ihe rnlofielj “a miaed erew car ha collci'icd In a day ur I wo al heal o' Hamagala. " He pauard, a* If aitwdtn* a ipieallon from her: hul aha waa ■till alleni. ami h* wml «■ again PY HENRY MZWBOuT •’For the money Ism relying on you." Hhe nodded "As to the rest." he said, eyeing her cautiously, "our friend* hme failed U*. aa you know." She looked straight at him. and her face took a passive expression, as It In expectation of a blow "This Is our laat chance," he said; "the emperor's supreme and only hope , No consideration must weigh with us against hia life and liberty.” Slic drew her breath quickly; he saw that he must give her more time yet ' 'This man Johnstone," he said, “will, I hope, consent to work the submarine I bout for us. I will search him out to* morrow mid make terms with him m> Uelf If possible She was relieved to find that so fur this was all and assented reluctantly, hoping against hope to find her further suspicions unfounded Itut the colonel went on relentlessly. "There remains only between u* and success, between the emperor and safe ty, this one difficulty of discovering a j suitable captain for our ship," 'You have time to go to Frame for Dial yourself, she said In desperation j "Everything must he dsrsd, as you said | only just now " He shook his head "Hating of that kind Is useless here," | hr said "No Frenchman can serve our i purpose " Hhe feigned astonishment at this, "My dear f'amllla," he said, "you mie Judge our friend In thinking him so ran I colon* ||» has fought, as he told us, j chiefly sgainst Hanes and American ! and has no cause to bear malice to the { French,'' "I was not thinking of the French," i al.M lot.. " II..,i . i Incited both Imnmark unit Alimilca In war, Hint thereby mad* hlmaelf tticr en aniy iif nil trim Kngllahrnen " "Mutely not quite all," aald the rob orml; "tlm opposition have often, both In parliament nnd out of It, pleaded with tlm government for hi* release, i l,ord Olarnoraan," Im continued, look I in* at Katcourt, "I,out tllsmor**n, for | Inatance, le a member of that party, and y«t In every way a true Kn*ll»h nian " "No," Im continued, "I have eormld eretl tlrln t>art of the >|iieNt|on Ion* arid thoroughly, for It I* thm upon which all the reel depend* Three are the two rmeeaaary qualification* for our cap tain Klrat, he nmai not only he u good ally, In th* wiiae of being a bold ami competent aenman, hui he muai he bound to ua hy a tie allonger Ilian that of nmre pecuniary Inlereat," "V»a," aim Interrupted, quickly, "he nmai set from patriotism, too, and tllcreforr^hc can he no other than a j Kremdiman," lie ahoo* hla lieud nauln, with the 1 anno* gentle regreifulrm**, "Where will you find auch a aelf-im rnolatln* pairloiiam ui u moment'* no tice, and among thoae to whom our Idea* are alnuige?" Im aaked "In, you foigd that even the Inner circle of our confederate* liaa failed ua?" Him trembled In alienee "No," t'caurrmd llm colonel, "he must Im an RngllNtiman, and one upon whom We can e*«rt ail lll'ealalllile moral force Kill that la not enough," he added, quickly, and ahe almoat breathed again "The aecond quallflcailuri la thla he nmai lie a man known favorutdy to tlm MUlliorltle* Imre in Kngland, or ai Dm legal In thoae at Ml Helena IIIlie Wlae Im would lie unolih In ohlaln leave to anchor, and Im could not fans Ihoae naval police wtihoui fear of au*pl«|on. We aliould Im aqarchad," and hare lit* voice fell lo a low, dear lone, "aeurdied and *els*d, or driven from tlm coast, and Km emperor mun die a broken It It I'lnll (kill " <'amills hul led her fin e in her hands. I Th« colonel hmked down upon her with ' it faint atnlle of self-congratulation. "Very well, Ihen," he said, "for the present we will dlaeuaa the tiueallon no further 1 will do my teat to aaeura Johnston*, and I leave you to think the other matter over hy yourself; It la unite possible that you may he uhle to discover among your lOugllah friends some one -an officer, tier he pa who will al your persuasion, If for no other rea aon, help iin to save tie emperor and fram e " ! Mhe did not move or apeak; when at leal she looked Up he was gone Jiul | every word (hat he had apoken, and 1 every lone of hi* subtly modulated i voles, puseed through her brain over ! and over nualn with a paialyKing clear j ness; and aim ant on, as If under some ; horrible spell At the end of half an hour she was j wttll there, her mind wearied out with vainly lieailna asalnat tie constraint of this hateful necessity, like a bird buf feting Itself to d»atli aMainet the bars of a trail Mhe was roused by the crackling of 1 paper beneath her hand, and looking i down found I hat she hud been clench ing a latter in her unconscious grasp A atari of aurpilao followed as she rcc ognlaed the appearance of tie paper It wua fdck'a application to the ad lull ally The oltli lal to whom the col onel had preasntsit H had glanced at i Its content* and handed It hack with an oil hand atu|ciiici|t that It was too late, another man bavins linen already up polnleil to the favorite The colonel j had accordingly hroiighi It ha‘ K to I tick, and In the confusion which fol lowed llic tailor s sudden allsek of ill flees It had fallen untici col veil in hind , a cushion of lhe sofa upon which i'a | mlltn waa now will Inst Aitaloua to free hcraclf from the toll* without a moment s delay, ahe lose ami | a, til down lo look fur Inn hiotlnr -ln law Mhe round him In the study, huay ' among Ida papers; tie liaiked up t« gicct i her with an Indulacui smile, as If in assure her llial lie felt for hei past siiuggte, and waa ready in receive lor submission grai'loitely Mhs saw It, and ang>i clinked the wordn In hei till oat "Wsll," lie asked, "amt upon whom | b*s »oui cltolee fallen ' "There Ip no .-►..fee" she ' I have no friend capable of an t t of treason '* He hw that he had l*c* n over-cowd deni, and was read) on the instant I» meet he, with fr*ah laitierxe Trees >n • hs paid. <|U|-*,J ; it la n * treason , > undo the work of treachery." "Wliat do you mean?" The Kngtlah nation, or rather thslr go\ eminent, betrayed the em|>eror'» voluntary trust in them, and aa I have heard you maintain with truth a hun dred times, faithlessly made a prisoner of him after he had accepted their pro tection a» a guest." She laughed scornfully to see him uaing still the methods of an hour ago Hs little suspected how trenchant a weapon chance had pul Into her hand since then "If Is true." ahs cried, "and their treachery must be undone; but II can nol be by Capt. Kateourt a hand.” He raised his eyebrows. "I did not mention Capl. Kateourt." "No, but you thought of him. and of him only. It l« a proof of how little you know or understand his character " He sawr the change of her position, and was yet once more ready for her upon her own ground "Oh. as for that.”, he said, "men are all alike In on* respect When they are in love they are deaf to every other call; a woman may lead them where ahs will." "Nol friends like mine," she an swered proudly "not a man like this " "('apt Kateourt Is as honorable a man us moat," he replied, "but I undertake to say that Ills devotion to you. coupled with a clear explanation of the case from me, would ensure Ida adherence to our cause " "Never!” she cried. "Your cunning fnlladea may Mind weak women, nr men whoae Intellect la keener than tlielr aenae of honor, hut you could not even tempt hlrn for a moment!" "Will you wager on It?" aakrd tha colonel with a mocking arnllc of aeeurlty, "My life la not my own," ate- cried, "hut I would atake my fortune on hl» gnawer." "I>me," aatil the colonel; "I accept." Ht.i' aaw the trap now, but acorned re treat, "Try II!" ale- cried, with paaalonate defiance In her voice, "Try It, and l«arn with aliafne what duty mean* to a atrong heart!" Cl!Al'TKK VI Of, DK MONTAHT aaw no more of hla alater In-law that evening. On the following day he wua up ear ly and brrakfaated alone In hla room, occupying hlmaalf at the aama tlm^ with the detail* of a toilet which wa* Intended to make him unrecogiilr.ilMr to thoae who or dinarily knew him. and acceptable to Ihiiae with whom h«' had to deal. Hla Identity waa lliua concealed with out arty loaa of peraonal dignity, auch aa la uaually Involved In a dlagulae, and yet could he reaumed without difficulty and almoat at a moment’* notice. Ha gave a final glance at the general ef fect, Completed It by the addition of a low-|*-uk*d cap of weather-beaten ap pearance, and turned from the glaaa well aatlaflad. He took with him a email mini of money and no arme; wlnit itlfftr ul11< a he might meet he hardly knew yet, hut at any rate they would not he of a kind to yield to force. The doard carriage In which he left the houar a«t hlrn down at the entrance of the narrow atreeta beyond the houarg of parliament, and Immediately dl*ap pealed In the direction III Which ll hud ionic lie ipilckly made hla way lo the liver aid* and hailed n waterman to take him over to the other bank. When ■ he boat wna rather more than half way acroaa, however, ho appeared to change Ida mind, and naked whether lie could lie taken aa far aa the Tower. Tha waterman uaaented readily, gave a alngln *troltc with the left hand, and In u moment the current wna aweeplng them rapidly down toward the bridge. It wua a blight, keen morning, and 1 the boatman wu* In a cheerful mod j unit Inclined to he iHlkatlvc, it* la tha I cuatom In hi* trade; hut lie got little rcaponac or attention from hla fare, who wna iioiiderlna hi* oral move, and had not yet conic to the *tuge when oonvar antloii would he of uac to him •*»-.«»•«» . (TO HI CONTI*IfKD.I AH OOOD AH WHEAT. The far mar, tha Fannin* Mill au*l tha IU(i of Alnumipher*. "I ace," remarked the wide awake farmer to the Muffalo ICxpreaa man, "that wheat haa aorta up to 70 cent* In Chicago, and there'* a report Chut It will ko p linin' till It geta to |l Now, i d like to contract to noil you my crop ! for 70 cent* Hevenly cent* will do m*. , I'd rathci have a aure thlna while IP* i goln1 than to take my chance* on doin’ ! Iiettcr hy waitin'," I "Hut," replied the cioririilaalon m«r 1 chant. "I can't agree to contract for J your wheal at 70 oenta." ' Why not? IP* goto' up to |l, an' you'll make ;iu cant* a buahal. An’t Ihal enough'" "Oh, yea; hut, you *ee, ihal 70 cent* la only « apeculatlv* price, It an’t what they pay for reul wheat." "Don't pay that for leal wheal” What In thunder do they pay It for. then?" "Why. for options." "Well, What the hlaxea are option*?" "Why, they're prorulaea to get wheat and mdl II for auch and *uch a price." "Well, then, they got to get the a heat, au't they 7" j "No, they acll the promt*** again, ac cording aa the market rlaea or fall*," All' iloii I they loiy ail m il any real , wheat at all?” Not much." ' dual nuy and aell wind at 70 eenta a lilodol 1" Thai * iiIhiUI IP” 'Thliudi'l all' Mara' W'InIi I d knowmt Ihal la "I fall I wouldn't a lowed any all, al I d lied luy gialn hag* to III* hack o' luy faiiuln mill an kept the liny till 11111 It all a till'd, till I d filled all tin l"ig* I could gid hold of llul It a it' t loo lale >'t Hy M"*h It IP* wind they wain vicad of wneui I > gu aupply Hie non kei foi Hie Pull I'ounlty right i off my farm!" Hleaactl la the man Who ha* found Ida wrk dii« niuiiatar there |* in the a "i Id III* Idle Ilian Cgrlyle It was a clever Knglisliwomau who. ' wheu M. Hlatic was mistaken at a garden-party for a i*oge, replied: -Well. II. Hlane la a |Mtge of history. • • • I .earned men do not always appre- ! riate the achievements of tbelr fel lows. it la said that a friend brought Milton's "Paradise 1.0*1” to a greet Scotch mathematician, who remarked when he had finished It: “It's verra pretty; but, men, what does It prove?” • • • A Scotsman once neatly turned the tables on au Ktiglishuian who had lieen alluding to the nuinlier of Scots in London. "Well.” replied the Scot, “I know a place lu Scotland where there are thirty thousand Kuglisbmeu ■ who never go hack to their owu couu- j try." "Why, wherever can such a crowd be?" said the Kuglishnian, to whom the Sen* dryly remarked, "at Kaniiockhurn." • • • Speaking of the Ignoruuce of sows newspaper interviewers, llenry Wat- j terson relates un Incident lliat happen , ed In New York, when a young man was sent to the Kiftli Avenue Hotel : to Interview Hutherford It. Iltiyes on 1 some matter of prison reform. When the interviewer had gathered all the facts, lie shot a last ipu-stloii at Mr. I >.. nil., it.. ...... ti. It_ tt 1. — suit], "what were you president of?" 0 0 0 A young Indy In charge of tin* eap lain of a I*, and <>.. le>ai had two suit ors, on hoard and a pug dog. The lat ter fell overltortrd, and one of her swains Instantly Jumped after It Into the sen. 'I lie other routined himself | to h-nnlug over the side, and crying, 1 "Poor doggie!" When the reseurer enme on hoard, dripping llie young Indy turned lo tie- captain and asked him which of her two lovers, after such an Incident, he would recommend her lo take, lie mss a practical mini, uud replied, "Take the dry one," which she accordingly did, * * » Among the "hulls" compiled hy flit National Tribune ns having been made by Uicinhcrs of congress In the bent of debate, are the following: A meru Ikt 1n referring to one of bis collea gues, said: "The gentleman, like a mousing owl, Is always putting In his oar where It Is not wanted " In an other speech occurre I this expression: " I he Iron heel of stern necessity dark ens every hearthstone," And snothcr member, In a very forcible and dra matic manner, asked tbe house this ►tartllng question: "Would you stamp out the Iasi flickering embers of a life that Is fast chhlug away?" * * • "My doctor," said a somewhat volu ble lady, "was writing me a prescrip tion yesterday, I generally ask him nil soils of questions while he Is writ ing them. Yesterday he examined me and snt down to write something, I kept talking. Huddetily he looked up and said: ‘Ilow lias your system been? Mold out your tongue.' I put out that member and be began to write, lit ' wrote and I held out my tongue, and when he got through, he said: ‘That will do,' 'Mut/ said I, 'you haven't looked til If.' 'No,' said be, 'I didn't care to. I only wanted to keep It still while I wrote the prescription ' " * * * The Into Kdward Meechcr on one occasion, was dining with friends and ) limdvertenllv swallowed a mouthful of exceedingly hot coffee. I mine dlalely he deposited It upon Ills plate, and, turning around, remarked: "A fool would have swallowed It," • * * <me day at (he table of tieorge the Knurl h, when 1'ilme Urgent, the roy Ilf llflMf mill “ll'l.t/ t */.l mu i. •//..< older than } am." "Oh, no, air," r« idled Column, "I could not take the liberty of corning Into tie* world tie lore your royal hlghm-aa .” • * * otec upon a time Lord Mclltouru# flatted the kitchen of the Kcforni (,'lub (Moyer aeeni* to have held a tegular levee then- In the afternoon;, and re marked to the great chef that hie hend-maldeim were remarkably good looking. Moyer bowed with deep r*. aped, and unewered wltli gravity: ■Vex, my lord; you nee, we do not want plain cook* here," * * * A Hoeton man traveling through the Mouth waa obliged to atop over In a anmll town where there waa but one hotel, at. Which the accommodation* were hardly to he called elaborate. When the colored waiter brought hie dinner, the Heaton man found that ho wa* to have roaat beef, ate wed to mato* a, corn, pea*, potato#*, and cof fee, the vegetable* Nerved In tho umml atone china canoe*. I’reNentiy he raid to flic waiter, "Dick, pa»* tho *pnou*." The waiter rolled Id* eye* In genuine a ma cement. Spoon*, aah! What you want with the apoomt? There'* yo' Npono lu yo* corn." A Mew Nchemr. .Iona* Dead hen t I’leuNe, mum, kla yer give u* NUttip’n to eat? Lady What? You two atrapplng fel low* la-gglng? CiiHpar forker No, lady, ter *eo wc’n In out of doao rouu' do’ worl' trip* widout money, mu' wo ain't got tlmo to •top an' work. Chicago Itccord. Heaaoaefele. "Wllleky," Halo the lemperauro ora ior, lu lotto* of much oarneNtuoN*, a* he polilted hi* linger at the audience, "whlekey ha* killed more men than I bullet*." ".Ill Hie mint," «nld the watery eyed ! cltliteii near Hie mlddlo al*le, "I’d a I Iimmp ruther a man tilled mo with will* ' key Ilian with bullet*," ludlailNpoll* luurual Uoud M>a*«n for II llouilder Mil Hull I* N picture of Old Monk eh ' The eye* are particularly , »uinly ami bright flounder Vmi The photographer I tilaieil a w Maker bottle where Ue * anted the eld fellow to look while > Him picture wa* belug lakeu Truth I ■MnMMMMMMWimHWMHI kkrlk tar H all I’arheta. “I have often woodered. ’ said a Ash erman. "that aomebody didn't ll up a lot nt horseahoe crab shell* aad pvt them on the market a* wall pocket* They are commonly used for that pur pose in fishermens' bouses for . at' halls and for slipper holders, ami eery pretty they are. too The horseshoe crab is in two parts, joined by a hinge acroaa the back about two-thirds of the way from the front. In making a wail pock et the rear part of the shell iacut away; that leave* the top of tiie shell aa it hangs, cmu-eut-shaped A hole ia bored in each part of the eresccntfor the ends of the cord or ribbon that is to supfsirt the shell, which is backed with paste board. Ntine dye them with analme dyes, but ofteoer they simply varnish them. showing the natural color of the shell, which is a dark brown New i It >un Batesre of Otnl meats for Catarrh That Cantata Merrary. As mercury will surely destroy the Sense of sm*ll and completely derange the whole system when entering .t through the mucous surface*. Much ar ticles should never be used except "ft prescriptions from reputable physi cians. as the damage th*y will do Is ten fold to the good you < an p .sslbly derive from them Hall s Catarrh Cure, manu factured by F J. Cheney it Co.. Toledo. O, contains no men ury, and Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mu oua surfaces of the sys tem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure, be sure you get the genuine. It ia taken In ternally, and made |n Toledo, Ohio, by Y J Cheney A Co. Testimonials free Hold by druggists, prbe 75c per bot tls. Hall s Family Fills. 2Sc. kook Vlafisseil It A Liverpool inercb mt recently went to hi* head clerk and said: "John. I owe alxiut fclO.oOO, and all I pos*e>s is fcl.outi, whii It is locked up in tin* safe, I have been thinking that this la the right time to mnae an as hitfliHinfif I,lit lAllSlt III U Uhl hit* I enn give iny creditors, f know not. Von nave plenty of t/rams; trunk the matter over ami lei in" have your de cision in the morning The cierk promised to do so. On entering the ofllcc tie- nest morn ing the nierciiant found tin* safe open the money gone, and in its piace a let ter which read as follows "1 have taken the t„ i ‘ i) > and have gone to fw/uth America ft :» the nest excuse you can give your creditor London 'I Id-Hits PITS - III Vif» •o/prs-a free I. Or. K Use's Or»»t flrrrr Itenforrr. S« Vitsst'sr l < In -t ,i» '» i*S, Sf*rv«-lou«r',r#-«. Tr-rfe*i/ *io."l- /--■ l>, titisssa, fci-i. I U/Or. Kni,.-,v;l Ai< u st ,Km.Ks. A llmt Stall Hugh Tudor. of Hawn, Mo . strives to 1 combine business with humor, On ids business envelope* is printed tne fol lowing in one corner "If not called for within ten day* return to Hugh , Tudor. Hawn. Mo, secretary of tne Farmer* Mutual Insurance t o of Liv ingston County, and secretary of the Second Congressional Cyclone, Torna do and Wind Storm Co.," and the fol lowing additional statement appears in another corner: *T sell insurance! against accidents, fire, deth. wind storm*, sigh kloans, tornadoes, loss of stupe, lossof rent, poverty and .’d ho* bands, and issue bond Insurance A l.ait llitslmn/t A country newspaper report* a brief colloquy or tween a woman and her lazy husband She was busy, and the (,aby was cry ing and the man -o far as appears, was doing nothing "John," she said, "I wish you would rock tne baby " “Oh, bother," was the answer, "why 1 shot)nl I rock the bat»y' "Why, because he isn't very well and J have tills uicnding to do. Ileside* half of him i/elong* toyou anyhow, and yon ought to i/e willing to help take care of him." "Well, half of him belong* to yor, too, and yon can rock yotir half and let my half noller." "AMONG THE OZARKS,” The l/imd of Big lied Apples, U an stlraetlv* sod interv-iing tio .k, hari'lsom/dy iliustr ted sl'h view* of south Missouri scetisrv. ine udifii/ ttin f • rnou, 1/ Oa turin ill ,'f/y/t acre# in Hownll county. It p-rtalaa to fruit fusing in that great fruit belt nl America, the eouthern slope ol Ih* Qzard*, and will prove of greet value, no| only to fruit grower*, hut to gurry farmer and homts*rl(*r looking lor a farm and a hem*. Mailed free, Adiiraa, J. E. Loriwood, Xanana City, Mo. An Important paper, "The future in delation to American Vavul I'owrr." la contributed to the October Harper's by ( aptain \. T. Mahan. ( . S. V, who advocate# the maintenance of a atrong navy, not only for national defence, but for the promotion of the intereate of the United Stale# in tin interna tional complication# which lire certain to nrlae in tin- near future through the growing importance of f bins and .la pan and the approaehlng anaorplion of all the unclaimed Inland# of the *ea by the great powera of the world. The Teeth, **Kven absolutely clean teeth will de cay," an cl a dentiat, "but eonatant care In thla respect greatly prolong# ihe life of a tooth. The general health usually hit# a good deal to do with It I'eople used to think that It waa a useless ex peudltiire to have children • teeth filled before the arrival of the second set, hut more of them are being educated to the fact that the longer the first **t la preserved the better the i|iiailty of the aecond set wilt oe l.verv child, aa aooii aa he la aide to handle % brush, should have one and l-e taught to il#e It regularly " Marriage I* n failure whenever It I* a <11* s|>| ulntfurut tW tdkw •* **"*• Cab** Mrt Harriet fcwbrr M»« <**«* ted be* Urd year mm "«*h* ago aan*d nlroont Mtmaal rrjdfitfa TW 1**^ eral health of tbe faaaMa aatbocaan of ( art* Torn a labia- tauter tbaa it wa« on ber birthday iaet year: bar a|r petite in exeetWaa. aad bar atreagtb •wh that abe m t» be ie»» daily darta* floe weather waikiag abwat the pretty aeigh borbood of Hartford, ber faaaea i wot home Mm htowa'a pbyahaJ pow er* are remarkaMw, ia new of ber ad raneed year', aad aodoabt ber foadaeaa for oaldoor life baa doae waeb to heap her ia aoeh good eoaditioa. Mae a tea■■■»«■» »erpe— Hidden ia ike xrnan walark* aat watt* oar appmark Ui tprtux at aad fa*tea t* faaga uaor. <** There In aaaaWMt a certain aatt ■•> lt» rmemt whwk iwadera »power leaa f<ir e»tl llnnceiier . Mower* Klttam la thl* aeU nowledged aad world- f»awd M—’ I - nr iwt u u. he<ide« tki* * ihfwii rwr* ti«e for r he it mainm dy*pey«a t«»na plaint, -,r, la tr>a*w aad aerrawa ne*e la rowraleweoee aad M* if la • err •err We able The dmfweaioa of the h,.Wvr ooeatnoa in an important featore of the Jfcrlk Atperx-ao Keriew for inetofear. Ilka VVnldo and W»:n» denerttnasr in toe, light of Kngi—n ntalkd wn the inilweaea of enr.ronment in deeeioping toe drrafc habit, and the lie* Irr r (. IgWbart pa*tor of the I’ark A»enne Merbod—t Kp «eot>»l ehnreh in V«“W Yewfc ei*y, ad rotating •» "Tba naloM aad the tab bath.' the enfor r»*»i of the preneat exeia* law in Slew York Jtof Ike r.(pee«ed Annweo .lone* naked hi* wife, ''Why kt a kih bar,d like doughT' He expected toe would gire it np. and w*% going to fell her it wan "beentrue a Woman needn him.” bat abe *akl it wan reeanae be wan hard to get off ner baad* T he* the domentie en'ente eord.aie wae rnlfteri fk «tor> 1/ or.e Nerves i and Blood Are lu*4f tounmettA, Jhtt fhf' tfWT *Ieperj.I 'ftplf* ty, upon ff«e Utter If ft ►< pur fdey *f* pft/pefly t**\ f theft! Im h<» h+f tt*t+ nem.” If if J* fc»pr»re *re fed a# refuse nr»*l the hMt<tf+ 'A htrttt** pfortrttlou result feed Cft* **r*r« r/O pure M'evl. MekA pure M*n*f usd keep K pure ^ foklu^ Hood’s Sarsaparilla The One True ffclAod Porfder, Hood’* Pill* t»*My AuSZlirM* 'itrT* I j" WmM'i f«*r r HKiHfcWf AWAtdt. , 1 ii IMPERIAL: j: * ORANUM! i Is unquestionably a most; valuable FOOD ^ sick: : room, where either little i < one or adult needs dell- i cate, nourishing dietII: ! ««M hr IX^I OVHSt * fW.WWW I I 1 AYER’S SARSAPARILLA , "My aUl«f *i»* NlWtrtol la "Afflntailf**f Aava*i fnit, ««IIIt a Mpvvia i ii*« "f «■*"• wlili wIinI Ui M • Ilia, Ounli" tor If iuiiiwitil<'<l j «’**• < f In Ilia (art, Mb*? Ayi'i’a Mi*i»i»|"inlU «» ImN CUTCO tr'iUninf ta<ln|f t4 tm laarM, llm |>«<l IiIimiiI |ilirlll«r wlllilii I Ill' ll Ajiaf a R#*a#f«Mifl#, lilt r*|n'rl*’iii « Wf tf**" I" r these Tim raanit la tlial In otmpmt, I till# liiiitlliMiin, Hlttl «i "Mi|',i<li all If "# 1*1 * aii' "# A#a law# i> ir« « i» Ilia ranult M# tWO f#IW»«l«" M**. ^<<H# fl (». JaaaiNI, l»#wa#*", Ni l' *"w' IW*««a, M##*<1*»«l#f, ft, U IT WILL CURE YOU TOO.