The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 25, 1895, Image 5

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Ill in (Mm a a Ian an »l«ll«na ll»lf
I alalr 4 In Ihn I Mi l •'«>
■wains Cruel Inairumml ««••<•»»»•-—
I’nlltlae of Kaliiklraril Retain
Mtlon abed* very
*lowly it* fouua o(
legal cruelly. Eng
land, leu Ilian a
century ago. uvd
lo hang men lot
Hilling crimen
again*! Hie ascred
right* of prope, ty,
Huerta only ju*t
lately ha* ahollahed
the u*e of il>e Knout, though lb* father
of th< pre*ent C/.ar favored the retnov ,i|
of ihi* blood-*taIn from KummImu ru!«
Alexander II Invited all the governor,
of province* and penal nelih-iiient* io
report upon their experience with tb<
knout. Without exception ih-y had
favored It* abolition. In many pla
It wa* revealed Him I the local pole<
reaortad to 11 on iba allghteal provoca
tlon; Himt Ilo-y pared neiiher aye n<-t
u.«. II deli* I,Ie women ami I* I*<i i
children won frequently maimed for
life by It* u*e Nor waa lltl* oil. Htn
il*tle* were Nubmltled which allowed
that within the pari ten year* p<v
coo*, convicted of petty often***, had
died from It* effect*,
Tlie knout I* flr*l heard of In the reign
of »van III. Thla w** toward the < lo*>
ef^,c fifteenth century. It wa* an in
airument evmi more iiiu«on* than any
thing now known In ftmoda a whlii
with n handle nltie Inch** long, and a
very eomple* l»*h comp<wcd of *lx
piece* held together by two metal rlflp
and ending In a beak like hook,
Th* edge* of the !**h were aharpened
to a tlno point, Kvery hldw cut ar
with a two-edged aword. To heighten
the effect, the trained executioner, by r
deft nod atllNlle motion, pulled the J», I'
toward him while recovering, *« lb»i
the cunningly defined hook brought off
a long, thin atrip of fl#*h at every blow
The trou***au of the gentleman who
waa being operated upon, < onalaied only
of a pair of drawer*, lie wn* faatetu";
flat on III* belly on an Inclined frnn"
the hand* and feet extended at full
lenglh and tlimly bound 10 It on ring* a<
the extremity of thfl frame, Wlih a r<
flnoinent of Ingenuity, the bend of tin
aufferer wa* often no eloaely coolin' <!
that, he eonld not get rflllcf fnr III* feel
Inga In howling,
Not every one could handle the knoul
euceeaafully. it rci|ulr*d a nice comic
nation of qnalllle*, native nod acquire'*
Having flr*l leu horn, the execution't
roulit. be made, A cold and cruel xplrh
an iron nerve and greai Mlrettgib
Iheae Were Hie glfta Will'll eouie trie
* godmother riiuat have ahowered upon
him In bla cradle, A long apprentice
«hlp would be nceeaaary to develop
the*r exeflllonl aitrlbuiew, t'aually tJi»
chief executioner waa come criminal
who bad hlmaclf been condemned ’«
the punlahmctil be wa* ravd to ad
mini* ter.
During bl« momcttl* of lelriue from
active employment It wax bl* Irualum-*
to give Irj*truction* to puplla, A *on
of lay figure waa need for praclb c, Tin
» III' I 99 199 ll ll' i
willing ai liolura In the art of dealing
their blown an III At the Injury might ie
graduated according in the nature «,i
the crime nr the altte of Ibe lirlhe which
the executioner might have niirreptl
tloualy received.
If the executioner wei« inclined in
mercy he could Inflict Immediate death
hy unking Ihe victim dlahi Me Ida own
neck, Or he could protract tin agony
tor an hour or ao by cutting into tin
With the original knout, a aontence
of from Ion lo 120 laahea waa eipilvalont
to ii aenteuce of deiith, Indeed, lo many
caaea the victim died under the opera
tlon long before the number waa com
plated. That waa it pity, The kindly
Huaalnn hear), with klndtteaa tempered
hy a aeverc aenae of Jnnllce, looked on
the criminal na a cheat If he died
without receiving Ida entire nanidii",
Therefore, from time to time the aevrrl
tvWt the knout waa modified until the
offender could receive a aontence of
2.non laahea.
The luat knout In tiae the kiiotd
which Ini a Juat been ithollahed waa all
ordinary throe lhonged leah tipped with
leaden on!la, and known na ii pletol, ft
la only lair lo any Hint alnee the gecee
alon of Alexander 11. even Hda bed hern
need only In certain penal aettlemonia
noluldy In Hlberln,
The horror of the preaent day, how
ever, la mn oothlna to the horror of the
< peal, hut atorioa of exeiutloiia hy the
knout In eouipurallvely recent tlmow
are horrible enough,
Teke foi example Hie leAllmony of a
Hr It laii merrhant, realdeot In Ituaala In
IN.'itl. The condemned crlmlnel wna a
murderer, Iwcniy-flve yeera of age lie
waa gtflpped to Ida trommra ami bool*
end faatennd lo Ihn atage. The knout
In tide lualauee eottalated uf u handle u
foot long, wllh a piece of twlaled hide
of almllnr length. Tn Hda wna attached
liy a ring a piece nf llioua of uliimal me
till*! hardneaa, perfectly Hal, about nu
ch broad and four or f1v« feet long,
After every aevenlh blow Ihe thong wax
changed leal ll might have Inal nouiw of
Ita haidneaa hy tiae, The execolloiter
aloud aome live feet from the victim,
lie alowlv retard Hie Xlimit till !( had
•Haloed the proper elevation, then ha
brought II down wllh awful force upon
Ihe middle of the eiilptiCa Inn k,
A deep, erlmaoii murk nearly mi luclt
In bregdlh and extending front Hie neck
lo Hie wuletluuid uf tlm trouMun allowed
when* Ihe horrid Ihoug had hit, A
aereaiti, or rather a yell, of agony rang
through the ulr, livery nine of the
[„ or »r< i h h body wmxiI in a
(of Vidicnt and Inaianiaiieous contortion.
Whack! whack! whack! >am«* III" hlowa
In quick »u<I'ctMilon (III the eighth bad
n r»-a bed. Kaeh blow wu* fnllowid
by lb" same frightlul yell and shudder.
Thin the chief executioner gave plain
to an assistant. and o one relieved the
I eth"r until Hie tale waa completed. Th"
screams of the victim became weaker
until alwut the fiftieth blow when the
criminal's head fell to one aide and he
i Mi med unconscious of any further pain.
, W hen all waa over hla lurk preaented
a bldeoiia apertarlc. It w»* one
mangl'd, bloated maaa of deep crimaon
hue. He waa returned to the prison,
where he died next day.
Kven more frightful are the accounts
of the punishment known is running
the gauntlet, which waa practiced until
i a comparatively recent period In the
i Russian army. One cannot help but
shuddering at reading the aceounta of
eye witnesses to these hideous proceed
Tbe fiarful IJrri nl tli» | elsruary
I lull *OB|> >0 III* SlHltll.
The readers of "Our Hoy# and Olrla"
bate been told of the areat damage dom
to tbe orang"-groves and the llg free#
of the south by the cold "snap" of Inst
f’enruary, but there Is another loss lhai
*<• who live there have suffered, about
wh!< h very llltle has been said. Th*'
w<u ■< weather not only billed our trie*
but ihe Ibouaanda of bright plumed
l birds that have heretofore enlivened
our forcers and groves with their beau
ilfiil coals and their swee, songs,
The bluebird, lhat harbinger of the
early spring, did not give us his merry
greeting Mil* year, ills* nrignt nine
jacket an<1 brown-rod breaat, were
«,!**< d by everybody, Heven little blue
form*, dried and decayed, were found
In one old pool on our place, where the
poor creature* lia/l fled In vain for
The blue Jay allll atrut* about with
Id* u»U*l dignity, but only here and
there, allowing that. Ilia tribe haa atif
fered fearful loa*e*. The peculiarly »au
note of the turtle dove thla year acern*
to mourn for the death of all her
i family.
The effect* upon the *evcral tribes of
the oriole HM'in in he til' moat ctirlou*,
They evidently look upon man a* the
worker of all the evil they have *uf
fered, Formerly It waa an eaay matter
to find their swinging mod* near to nl
moat any country hour", and they ap
peared not to hn afraid of men. Now
they have hidden their mao* far out
I In the fore*!* and they ore ahy even of
the breeze an It ro' ka the cradle of their
young, Fven the few humming hlrd*
that are left will not corn* to *urk the
pot plant a* waa once their dally habit,
The woodpecker, I hough only a aum
no r vlaltor, la apendlng hi* vacation at
oilier reeort* lltl* aeaxori. Mia lazy call
and Ida con*tent drumming upon *ome
j dead tree, *o common In Mummer be
fore, ore eou*phuiou*ly ab»ent Mil*
year. Hut tin fell dealroyer wa* no
reapeder of peraon* or rank; tho royal
family auccumhed »* well a* the pea**
autry, The mocking bird, the queen of
the hlrd race hy virtue of her genlui
and Inheritance, la nlmo t ilealroyed,
it ept along the Mexican Mnlf, A hun
dred mile* ha k It I* hard in And one,
The gntn-iree and It* herrlea, which
have he<*n held a* her home arid her
fettling ground a* far hack aa hlrd III*
lory rune, I* now the feeding ground of
her rummouert aubjecia, the *ap amk
er and the yellow hammer. I have heard
hut two »lng«r* Mil* year wllhln a
t -op« where In former year* I have
, heard 1200,
In loolug a crop of orange*, fig* and
, vegetable*, we 10*0 dollar* and a few
j Fixurlet whore place may he supplied
hy iIn* other *weet*, Tho tree* will
, giow again after a few year*, Inti It will
h* many year* before our grove* and
fore*in are full of hlrd* again,
fl, W II
t ( iimuiuiiiilm„ l.lf«>,
The trouble le with you, my dear girl,
I Him you rounl llllle tiling* a* of no
worm, Where we ligve ow great ra
nunrlatlon to make w<- have a thoii
I l and Util* on*#, and life, which you arc
i Inclined to call commonplace, la not
1 #«, for every dey ran he made rich In
! beautiful deed*, (tod, who I* Juat, l»
merciful, and when temptation cornea
to you, even If you fall, He remembera
thof you tried lo do wliut wua right,
and ao la tender In Hla Ihoughl of you,
There la not one of iin w ho achieve*,
ov**n for one day, what w« long lo. Hut,
n»y dear, wo run ewaya try for It. Wo
I can he ready for the trouble that la h«
1 fore ua and e*iul|i ourae|v**a hy prayer
' and good thuughla ao Dial we can moot
It bravely, urid, poaalhly, overcome It,
Of comae, that la whui we wlah lo do,
and yet If we are not atrong enough,
If we fall hy lh*< wayalde, w» moat gel
I up and try again, and keep on trying,
That, In llaolf, will give ua atrengih,
And ua Ihe yeur* go oil and youth lie
long* to ihe |iuui, II will alwaya, h<
, uuae ot i Ilia ley lug, lie C ia|*u- lo dll Dial
whh li ia rlghi and merit "tlint peace
which piiaaelh all und«ratuiidlug,"
A III,,i,I Nan,
An tnieuaely reaerved ill nil, I tie, p |>
nol al ull fond of talking of hliliaclf or
of hla work# Al u dinner ome lime
ago Ihe wife of a well known urltal,
being aealed hea|d« him, lii*l»ie,| on
rnmliirlliig Ihe nniveraailon lo dial
end and finally maintained <•' lengih
mat hie "lleddn Oahler" *,«» uu Impoa
•Ihle woman, "Hut, ill a Ua III" lie au
awercit, "I drew her from Ihe life,"
"Yea, Heir Ihiklor, hill I oai a womun
I I ehinitd know, I war again, H la Im
{ pom,Ihle that auch a woman ahoiiot »>»
I let," Thie waa loo muoh for llcrr link
I (or, like a Me«h he lurned on her
! idunt" he ejaculated. which wa* un'
orally (he end nf that < onveraailoii.
Aa In........I lull••• MMluiih III* Ml*
fur "ipllng* **•! 4 I i*.
'Ironi the Phi lade! phis I’r* * I
The oatrbh at lhn Zoological Harden
atood In (tic long yard adjoining It*
cago In the d*cr hour* yemerday. It
gazed contemplatively through 'be liar*
of ih" feme al the world beyond and
ablvered every once In a while aa the
cool breeze* awept down upon It. It
waa thinking of the difference in cj|*
males and wondering whether If It
burled one of fla egga aa It used to do
In Ibe long Ki.o.m during aiw-li weather
tbe cool wave would hatch out an Ice
cream churn.
While It waa revolving the question
In It a mind a playful kitten came
through tbe fence Inio the yard. It
waa a pretty kitten pure white, ex
cept for a few blotches that looked a*
If aomehody hud thrown an Ink bottle
at If. affer carefully removing Ibe cork
The kitten went running along the yard
until It came to tbe ox'rlch. Thinking
II* long, thick legs were young sup
lings the playful kitten gave a run and
quickly climbed up them and was aoofi
on top of the oKirlcir»i bai k,
The huge bltd did not know what to
make of It at first, ond went cantering
around the yard an though ihe plague
were nfit-r It, Hound and round It went
uniII red In toe fgio || came to a and
den Mlop The kllleu never moved, li
bad taken a Arm bold of I lie ostrich
and did not propose to be shaken.
"I stood the eiMhqcake this morn*
Ing," said lb" klHcn, "I gue*ta I <an
stand ihla,"
finding that the siiange beast if
fused In be ihiia a immarlly disposed of
the oat rich became leas scared and more
11 iiwi v It eiuleil Its neck and twisted IM
head mo iim In get a fall look al the kit
ten, The kitten never winced. It began
to think It had burked tip the wrong
tree, but It waa determined to nee the
matter out. The OMtrlrh aimed a blow
at the undealrable rider with lt» beak,
but It dodged. It triad It ugalo, but, tin
reaiilt wuh the name. Again and again
the agile head and long neck rallied
Hedge.hammer blown at ilie tricky lit
tle kitten. It eaeaped them all, though
►,ome were too near for comfort.
Finally the kitten got m-ared. It ran
out on the oNlrlcb'a neck to get out of
the way. Then If entiled, The oatrleh
couldn’t hit It there, Il'a amlle did not
hir.t long, however. With a midden
movement the oatrleh atretebed Iim
neck backward, encircled the kitten
round the wal-it, and *qUooy,ed it until
It waa dead, Then It, unwound Iteelf
and placidly looked at the dead animal,
After a moment or iwo of coniempla
Hon It pl< ked up Ha victim and dung
II att far at It. could. Then It calmly re
atimed the medltailona that had been
mo ruthlcMMly Interrupted,
'fill* frM!» r##n#« Niirgrofi.
Police Hergeant Im the man danger
oiiMly wounded?
Irleh Police Hurgeon Two of the
woundM arc mortal, hut the third can
be cured provided the man keep* ncr
fcetly quiet for at l«aal alx week*,
A Maine paper claim* to hove a cor
roMpondcnt 4 year* old the youngem In
the world.
A naphtha aprlng haa been opened at
(lro«nl, in the Chuoukum, which throw*
Jala of the Hold to a great height,
A l,owHl man, while on a hunting
trip recently, aucrredod In performing
Hie re mar It able fcnl of killing two foge*
el one eliot
Tin' dtle* of lauulon, Hlaagow end
Manchester ere considering II.<• iju«*
lion of ceinlillalilng n ayatem of miinli !•
pal fire Inaiiriiiiee.
Tilde la a lien at Banbury, Conn,,
that inual lie going In for n < in nee of
callatlicnlca, Hho hea Jnai Juld en egg
In the ahape of n diiuibln'll,
In Turkey even object* of prime n«
ceaally arc aold on credit, and III Dial
country, UN well aa In Itnnalu, Hie Dili"
allowed In, la moat caaea, twelve
In Hpiilii four filllia or llin Iranaac
Ilona are done on it curb Imala, while in
I'ortngul great llhcrcllty la ahown and
ipille long credit la generally allowed,
The lulu drouth In New liumpahlre
Iiiin killed thousand* of young trout,
many of Hie email breeding brook*
having dried entirely up thla season
that ware nover dry before,
An Ohio man him alarteil a nickel
popular gubecrlptlon for Mark Twain,
Uvorga land of Man Bernardino, Cal,,
la auld to he the world'* oldeat Maaon,
Ilia age la UN yeara,
ICx-l’l'SSldcnt Harrison expect* lo
apend the month* of November and
Harem her at Haraioga,
CungrcHNunin lleatwole'of Minnesota
will he the liHiidaonieal member of III*
next House of IteprcecnlslIves,
Clixgerald Murphy, uiilhor of "The
Hllv«r l.liilng," Hie grant free silver
play, began life aa a reporter en H,e
New York World, He la not yet HO,
A Wuahlngion Market, New York,
butcher I* known as "The MwccHirend
King," and doe* die large*! Inialnuea In
Hull edible delicacy of all) Ilian III Hie
country, hi* imumil aulca being ahuul
1100,000 pair*,
II I* a curious fad Hiul 1,1 Hung
Chang, who la mil a lohacco amoker,
lm* one uf Hie lineal ciitlecllona of
aiiioklng utenalla In the world, lie hua
pipe* uf all age* and from all purl* of
lbe world, lie keep* adding conalanily
lo hl« ireaaurca In Ihla line.
U list nurd Mhaw, author of "Arm*
and ihe Mail," lia* been a ilaure of aom*
prouilheiice In lileiary lenidmi lor live
>, during which time lie haa at*
lernalely alirncied uiieiniuii as art
crlllc, uuvellal, auclallat sad play
wrlght, lie la a tail and rallier elender
young Irishman of perlmpa UN yeara, a
uoo simikvr, a wll and a vegetarian
'To i.ih. \'i i \itiai,.
Widow of III* 1*1# .!»• fiiulUl Will l'»o
til* 1C* mi ttMiler of IIrr |K|)« IihmI
C oitgrni il lnirrf»iiN(|liig* I
»». U«lill.
Washington Correvpondenc*.
UK middle of Octo
ber will we a tew
addition to lb*
man) famou* will
ow* who have
ehow-n the capital
for lltelr home, and
the lose of I’blla
delpbia will In*
Washington* gain,
for at that date
Mr*. < htld* will
take up b<-i p' ri«at.*-ut »<**ld**iu** In
this i lly.
ih-lug pO**e»*rd of great Wealth li
wa* natural that Mr* Child* should
I net the capital, and It l» now about
seven month* n 1 tie** the hulldllig
In-gun to rise from It* foundation*
Tint *itnation I* a fine one. being In
the renter of th« block on K atret.
Juki between Fifteenth and Hlxteenth
*tre*t.*( and In a moat faxhlonabie
nelghlun bond, but au equally eonvep
h*nt one to the central part of the eliy.
The While lloti*e I* only tbr*e blot k»
Mil*. Cl, W, CHI Mi*.
unity, on lli** next *<iuer* ere tin* hornet
of Quuy, Madame llonaperte end *«•'•
retary lloka Htnlih, while on the aam<
•<|tmre and Juat at Ihe left of the Chtldi
boo** la the huge home of Henulor Hale
To ihe right are the houaea of Ihe Aral
aeneiary of ihe Argeullue legation urn
ihe apaclotia grouuda of the home u
Jtepreaentatlve Hitt.
The houae la four atorlea high, eount
lug the eellar, which la » moat com
nmdloua one, The material la a email
pale yellow hitch and the alone wort
around the bottom la Avondale rock 01
granite from J'ennaylvunlo, There ar<
about, forty room* In the whole imltd
lug, and all ure la litre proportion
The entrance la on Ihe right aide of th<
manalou and la a large doorway, ovei
which la a pietty carving, Htepa leaf
np lo the wide main hall, whh h la 01
the Kccond floor, The hall nine almoa
the entire length of the hotiae, and 01
It face ihe rooma of (hat floor, whllt
from II runa a broad aialrway up Inlt
tha third alary, Aa one entera the ha I
the flrat object which caiehea Ihe eyi
la an Itiitnenae open fire place, over
which la a mirror whoa* frame la oi
anM'iuo oak ami whore work about flu
lire la of redatone.
The lergeat room In the houae la or
thfa flour and H la Ih# llhrury, whirl
extenda all acre** the front of 11<«. Imlld
tag, The Chamber la III a mahogany
known aa Haywood, which la a llgiil
tint, almoat of a cherry ahede, Tin
walla are flnled wllli a a.ige green, llu
caaea, doora, mental aid cornice* er«
of (he wood and the efftr I la very flto
There are huge window* dial will main
the room a delightful place for reading
Adjoining the library la the parlor, oi
drawing-room, aa It la now called In
polite circle*, Till* room la mm li
*,miller and coaler Ilian Hie library ami
will probably Ilf In a Uni of Ivory ami
paid. Tlm grate In nuI In onyx and the
ilollfHio l,oulN XI, mirror In already in
place, 'I'llIn room, Win'll It In IlHlCd
Mini furnlohed In nil Hi" graceful "I"
■Hio'rN uml wealth con command, win
lie n gain of lioiinly, uml prolmlily one
of Ho. moNi allractlv" parlora In Mila
i lly ill magnlflceul bomaa,
Neti to Ilia drawing room la Ilia illn
Ina room, which la null" large In ill
ni"iiNlonN, Tli" Hilling of ilila room
will tm dmii brown willi golilcn trim
minaa, At one «ml la a Iilgli maulcl
ol dark wood, oak, which Iimn boon
aUlnatl till It la almoat black and ihua
Iimn an air of great anlliiully. Tin* lop
la Ntirniunnicd by a large inlrroi, • >»
Hie left band la a big bill!"! of Ilia anme
wood, on wblib lb* Oliver ami ohlra
will ba dlNpla)«d. and Ju»l oppiiNtla I*
ihe piitie rat rtf site rt dark eel. tit J
Which Hie rat' (•.*■'* ef plate will be
.-bow it again*! a bar aground of rich
| velvet. Adjoining the timing iooui le
the butkt • pat try. I Mparlttitnt
| I* flttrd up In ilttiijiie mile.
A dumb waiter d«*'-*tul* into the
i klb hen and alt* about the ruo.u* nr«
< lo*ei* and thrive*. while arottntl the
I toil of the chamber l« a balcony wlild.
i allow* acceu to a aecond vet of doie-t*
| up Mfh ugalnat the wall. A etalniue
1 uilmit* the *er»ant to the china whet,
more I* needed and thua all of It la be
j fore the • ye* of the mlilre**. but doe*
not ot i-upy the floor of the room. Ju/t
ut one Kitle |« a email cioeet with a
Htrong i:t«l door thia la the lault for
the protection of the halldaonii- allver
Juat below the but lei * pantry la the
i cold-atocage In which the edl
i Me* are kept and into which th* <•*• I*
( put direct from the » agon. Thla room
Ik on the ground floor. Ju*t below all
, the apartment* before dwrlbed.
Here la the huge kitchen with long
rang' a extending ». re** one ride of the
room. Next to It I* the laundry,
which lu* handromc tiled tuba and n
Mlg, ilit-lined room in which the cloth
ing can in |> it when wet and dried by
Aero** tin hall I* the lamp room and
, adjoining la ih*- wine tellar. Thla I*
Juat In low the malll entrance on the
floor above and Iimh around the walla
wooden rack* with little curve* cut In
them, *o that the bottle* will lb aafely
ion their aide*. Adjoining la Ilia afore
room for gron nr*', and neat la the
servant*' dining room, u large, cool,
comfortable rhambi r All of the ground
or collar door la to neat colora.Anlahod
in llglit wood with a* much puina mm If
It war* the drawing room, At the back
of Mr* Iioumo runa an elevator, which
la uii Important feature of the eatabllah
in out,
On Mii third floor, tl,ai above the par
lor and dining fooma, ui<- the chamber*
of the nilatr«MM of tho nmr.alon and her
giio»t, MImm Peletnon. who la a nloco of
Mra, Ohllda, Tho flrat room on Mila
floor la facing the i»fr- < f, and la a boun
tiful and Mpru loua bath room, flnlMbod
In Mm aofteat and moat Attractive tin<»
of a delicate pirik ant! gold. A grace
fully carved mantel la at one aide, rich
tiling lloora a part of tho place and Mo
tub In of porcelain and full of gleaming
aplgola. Thin la Mra, Child*' own pi l
vale bath room. Adjoining la her bod
chamber, which la a apgeloua apart
mont. It la light and airy and will la
flnlahed In delicate tlnta of the aofteat
Opening Into her bed room la who! lr
known or rather will bo known nr
"Mra. Chllda’ don." It la a may little
room. In which abe ran apend her time
In reading and writing, and Juat In
front of the window la a liny bnlronjr
i * |j
from which »he ran look down Into
Monitor llulo'a yard. From thla "don"
om< nlepa Into thr anting tooni of Mice
I'rlrraon n rharnhcr which la much
like that of Mra, t'hllda* mid will aim
lm huudaomely furnlahrd, Adjoining,
thla la I hr hod room of Mini I'rlrraon,
und oral In that la n bright chamber
which will ho uneil ua a rawing loom,
On ihr fourth floor nrr arvoral lurg ■,
haiidaomo rooina will'll will br oard m;
puoal rlinmbrm, and uro furnlabod In
! luxurloiia alylr, At the back of the fine
rooma, which face the rtrrot, will hr
Ihr Iirul UCd eomfortuhle tjunrlri * of tlo
| arrvunla,
A amiill yard Ir on the left of Ihr
manalon und at Ihr hm k la u pretty
ala hie und carriage lion*«,
II la anfc lo auy Ihut the t'hllda real*
demo will heroin# one of the algbta of
thr city and the aorta I world will wb"U
the next region oprna And that the
Quaker Ctty haa rent to Hie capital one
or Ua moal attractive ornameuta, V\ nah
luglon haa already within Ua galea
many famoua woman, Mra, tjenrrul
John A. l,oaan, Mra, (llnerol I'htl Mher
Idan Mra, Nrlllo (Irant-Hurtoi la, Mra
liluliir and Madame lioiiuiiarle, ar well
ur Mra. Harriet L, Johnrton, nmoug the
nu m her,
• ■ *
vviicr* the l.emoao Urea,
Few Amerlcmr, agya Ihr New York
1 Tribune, are aware of the fait iliui If
I II were not for the lllile Irland of Mlrlly
, now llirre would hr no |oiuuu«. nor arc
1 many aware of me meal iIIIiumimn<»<■
1 of Ihla commerce und of Itr m rioliv
III llir Fulled HI ulra Thr prod Ml'I loll
uf linionr lii America Ir mi limlird at
llir preaenl time, hoih a* mgaida ijuuim
; i|t) und arnaona, that a!) of inllfornla'r
and Flnrula'a prndin Ir do uni auppl)
( ill per rent of llir toiitiltya nerd*
After llir tnuiUha of Augual ami Hep
luiiih-r. when uur douiiailc lemon
crop# mature, hut foi KUIjy we mould
hr wllhoul uny Inuona whalroever, »■
uapl for u few i lie I Npaln amid* or,
durlua the real uf Ilia year. Accuralt
Hamea allow lhal from Hepiemliu Ul lo
j April ito dmliig thr laal live yearn thr
Itnpoi-tailonn from Hlelly have hem
! about I,<100.000 hokea every year, each
containing :nai lemana, 'l M« la muul
lo Mu.060,000 lemon*.
f«uMr> Ini' lord fa# tlif
ftHtmil lit* I «*it It i«* *1
IK* J*«* •! Ill* llmr of *»»• F*cM
of 4*4|*«
The MCtiW In
eludes ill* ttrst sn
chapters of 1 Asm*
lie I Til# two hooks
of Hatnuel. Iik* th«
j V> tin of Kings
original!) funned
an undivided whala
All four w*r* callail
Uy J era mo. Tbs
Hooks of th* Kings,
Tin hook* are rall< <1 ill • lawk* of S»ai
url, because they word llf* ant
u tilt'i) of tbo atprnpaot sud
Jildg' They ar« railed ho.tks of K>ug»
U cause they rerot I ilia Introdnotion of
royalty among the |*rnallt«s Johnson.
It Is generally agreed lit it the book l«
a compilation from different »oui
lie hiding the writing'' of Mrnue' him
self il Ham. 10 Jiit, ih* I took if Nath»«
tin prepbet, and the boon if 4*; t ’•> '
ri«r il f'brnn, IMf.l19; t I'nton :•-H
Haiiiunl tens linrti about IH< It. C, and
th< dam of this |a« mii It tberofora
twelve year*. Inter, IMS II C (In* -
u I dales of this period are all of them
somewhat uncertain,! I’lmm Shiloh,
the religious enplinl of Israel, seven
iii-ii miles north of Jerusalem and half
■/lip littlMfrhti I (ft l i • g • I :i ml #4 ft #*• * 11 f II. ftlfH
or ion mile* from each Huinunl
Twelve year* old; Kll, About 7* year*
old, high prl«Jt and judge Today'* !**•
aon Include* I Himtiel 3:1*12.
1. And (lie child Miunilrl m!dl*tar«'l
unto the laird before Ktt, And the
word of the Lord wee prclou* It* 'hoe*
daye; there woe no open vision I d im
uel wae now only 12 yarn old There
wae no written word There was no
recognised prophet "who** word .who
lo all Israel,")
2, And II came to pu»* at lb a' llm«,
when Kll won laid down In hie til mo,
and hi* eye* hogan 10 WB* dim. that b>
could not eve;
2, And ere the lump of Hod went oil
In Hie i cm pie of the laird, wbero the
ark of Hod wae, and dauiuvl wae lull
down to Bleep;
4 That Hie laird called dminel; afl I
he annwered, Here alii I
| 6, And he ran unto Kit, and nan),
Here am I; for thou cBll«d*i m* And
lie eald,l called not; He down again. And
he went and lay down, (And ho ran
unto Kll, Itnacijualniad with the vlaion*
of Hie Almighty, he look that to b« only
Kll’e cull which waa really Hi* call of
Hod, Hrndi hi I* take* ww mak" of oner
than w*> think,)
(I, And the laird called yt agalo,
Haniuel, And Mamuel arose and wont
to Kll, and eald, Here am I, for thou
dldkt call me. Ami Im answered, I
called not, my eon; li< down a* tin
7, Now Humuel did not yet know tiio
laird, neliher wae the word of tu i
lainl yet revealed unto him.
k And Hie laird called gurauel again
the third time. And he aro*** and want
to Kll, and eald, Here urn l for thoo
dldet call me. Amt Kll ..Ived that
the laird had called Hie child,
OIIkIi l'rl«*t.>
9, Th«r*forn Mil uuld unto Horn i«l,
do, lln down: and II ahull In*. If ha all
thcM, that thou aliali any, Mp*uk, Lord,
for thy aarvant haurfth. Ho Xmm*l
want and lay down In hi* plam
It). And lha Lord earn*, and at»>»,
ttnd mllad aa at othar tlotaa, Maminl,
Mttinual. Than Humual tiuwamd,
Hpank: for thy aarvimt h«4r«ih.
II, And Ilia Lord auld to Huronal, II*
hold, I will do a ihluu III Uraal, 4’.
wblah hoi h tha aara of ovary on* that
haulath It ahall tin*!*. (Now Aoum*!
did not yd know ilia Lord, It* ill not
raiopnlaa III* mil, ha did not know 0 i»
Hod mimmtinlmlud hi* • III to hi*
pmphal* Till* w:< 1 III* rtr*l ««|>*rl*il
m* I* ataiad In ill* U*t nuit of Mi*
vai*a, N, Tha Ihlrd Hill* Hod U«p<
i«,ioiitliiH hi* mil, for h* know it w m
not froio iiiiwllllhknaaa to Itaar ml
Ithay Hiui Honmal did not iiMwai Mat,
lull from ln**p«i i*0‘* In land, turn
oaC* prompt oliallaii,'* to MIT* uup
po**d anil waa Hi* aauurah"* Hm< hr
would unawar Hod * rail wn«d*¥#i )**
ra ***d It,
| KMI'HUNl'H f At.h 4,
Miary itrlnk*r Itu* th* davit for (1.
An <4111 nit* I will Itul dluonay Hi* U*»
*1 nntura,
; "InhHH Iota* a «liinin« murk," #0 1 w
d«o» wliiaky,
i hi boy or to day I* in* mutt of ' >
mmrnu Ara mu **Hlhn him 4 4001
1 aampla*
Tha davll will ***ur* you th«i HJo«t
iitir drink will do you no h*r o " in*
davil la a liar,