The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 25, 1895, Image 3

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All B>i Tn TAmmM IMlan I* *
HXn kf Ik* iMkwi Tk* Aee« •*»«•
HIM k#4arMfU4 Ik*
Ill *l Imum u m» rkteed l *A" *'•
ran - l»r**H«n *1 Ik* B**k <»#»•••»
ll*H*4 He* ifc- iMt
*H AeBBea «/ •*«•*«.
fi«iB<»n Kaa, (Art i» /Be ag
g regal# of tl.# embezzlement from tk#
eioeed kiair bank of thia tit/ of #*
f Mhitr I ft f oieaa ia declared by
Vitt f'rea.dent J B. Htewart to ha
i»illy #50000 Thia baa renewed the
eaeitamr ok and shattered the hop#* of
many of tk« depoaitora and nil of tha
•toelrtx/idcm. 7 be amount atoiea in
tw'i-tbuti of toe paid np capital stock
•nd more loan tb# other third will ha
rojoiio, by collect on tii# o#«arlt*ae.
fxrlean dlerally robbed the bank of
all the eaak esaapt #z/kr'i of tba re
nerre ftind and realized on fW^Mi of
the treat a#r iritiea by radlaeonnting
'Jba recreant eaabeir ha* made s
alaLem#ot to Vice IVealdent Htewart.
telling from which Aeaoontn lie took
tba money . nd *ay* tba* moat r/f it
wn* taken alnee he made Ida Jaat
atatem#ut in inly, He eonfeaaed har
ing rob lx <1 tbe following ace'/tinta: ;
Kancaa < ity bank* icaab/ At,
I-onia bank> laaab/ #t,Z'/0; >ew York
IranlfB f#a«h; #2.V»; reaare* fund, #0
rwa. d-. i^ i. I... oi.*il«n„tz.. __ i'l
4'0I. red v-/anted ri'/tes $1 J ,<//»,
The examination ha* revolted in the
' development that O/lf*#, ,n hi* con
fession. d.d not tell all.** f2byxx; of the
a-est note* cannot 1/e found and some
them are xnown to hare t/eeo redls*
' counted in Ht f>/oi*.
fn hr* laat statement f>/tean sold
that he went to lit. f/Oui* for the #x
pres* porp'/M of confessing to Presi
dent (eem, rea. o.log t/>at his robbery
had so crippled the hank that it con d
run on!/ a few day* longer and that
an exp-wnre wa* inevitable, He In
sisted that he had h/St all the money,
having dealt largely through the
stocks and bond* commit*.,on house of
Hay lord it, Jilessing In Ht, le/ui*.
'/he bank officers still apay
ment in fail to all depositors, but it ia
admitted that the stock is literally
wiperl out. 1 he fact that the robbery
wa* systematically perpetrated under
the very eyes of the officers and that
the defalcation so far exceed* the sum
first announced ti*« created conster
« olean will be arrested a* soon a* he
recover* sufficiently to 1/e taken to
jail, He i* still helpless from nervous
prostration and Is perfectly childish.
The full extent of the shortage will
no* be known till outstanding draft*
and the foreign account* are fully re
V»o4«rtrtlt« HmoUing to AI*orb tM
I IfWfA f'ftd'lft*
Nr.w Vokv Oct, IK f.'bauncey
M 1/epew, president of the New
Vork Centra railway, when asked re
garding the report that the Vander
bilt interests would predominate In
the reorganization of the l/nion
Pacific system and that, the result
would be that the Vanderbilt* would
se.cure control of the road and so
would sat isfy a long cherished wish to
own a transcontinental line, replied:
‘ W* saw the story printed while in
lb* West, but there is not tbe slight
est. troth in it The report may hare
grown oat of the fact that Mr, ilugbltt
and myreif were appointed member*
of the reorganization committee, but
that is the only franc-work on which
to build the story We are not trying
to work any scheme of that kind "
It is said that among the provisions
of the Union Pacific reorganization
at r« I iiarfsd/
An ' of |li on Mock for
will' ll preferred sb/ck may lie given
An Isoic of 9100,000 Ohrt of four |<er
cent bond* for the first* and the gov
eminent debt.
An i»sue of $7.'i,0./01</0<i of preferred
Pond holder* will get new b</nds at
par and five share* of preferred Mee k
for eacli |!,f»o0 of hood*. The eo«i
mon Mock will remain unchanged,
People who are now applying for an
IntereM in the Union Pacific under
writing syndicate are told that they
are too late, and that earlier appli
cants are getting much less than the
amount applied for, The plan will
probably announced at once,
y Mast KituM <h« Tat,
' Tori',*4, Kan ,Oct lx The supreme
court handed down an opinion in the
case brought by the attorney general
to compel the county clerk of f ranklin
county, to extend a state university
tax, bolding that the order of the state
tioard of equalization for tha exten
sion of the tax wa* authorized by the
legir.hiture last winter, which net aside
fI0«,,000 for the university, but did not
specifically autliorlze *n assessment.
According to enatom tbe l/oard of
equalization ordered the assessment.
The county clerk of Pranklin county
• efusad to comply larcautw the legisla
ture bail not ordered It, The case
went to fbe supreme court with the re
mit as stated,
A T*co«»* Hell* l lwait,
Tacoma Wash,, Oct Ik Tha Com*
merclsl National bank, of which Judge
Allyn la president, failed to 0|ien
ynsterdsy The cause off be failure
I* the sudden demand of the city for
§0,000 of its deposit*
Ms Offer* te »sr *1,000 In SMIleresel
til fci«ns**leeient < hare*.
MT, Josei'll, Mo., Oct. Is, A story I*
fit circulation about the court house
to the effect that Itomluick Wagimr,
late pastor of Kt Mary's cburoli, ha*
made an offer to pay over to Ike
ehurch flJXNi cash In the hope of hav
»kf the charge nf embezzlement ttend
Ing sgslnsl him dismissed. Ifishop
ifurke, so It in said, dedlnad In dlseusa
the matter and pointedly refused to
life anything to do with Wegner
•awe* «—»»■»*<■ to «»«■(>»•> to a«
ii.o.r trio.
W 4M1 »ot<* <r i* —<««•
Err.not/ Um 111 .-r r*»r at d *M
op> At that the tart the row
of m.lrtary off« r« k •«»» a M< ,a
or .» faeor of * hr I rrkr.i a..)
fa»-.rao:/ affect rh« daaae** k'rrno
of thr n »*', In tin* *l»nd Ki
Mil that thr ro ntnfcf of UM Sand
coneeded to hr Waiter bj the M'rra
|rfrr»frrot in a rnttre!/
aeparate from U>t of hi* gaflt <r
laaoeenee of the charge of
and abetting the flora* in their war
with the Frtvk fie hn*e* thin
opinion «g* the fact that the grant
wa* made pr** . m* t/r the g renew cm
rjnent, aad *a/* that while F ranee, at
the time qara'ioned the right of 'he
flora* to aairr the *r*«**ifra the
government of tee Lnfed ttnten had
not conceded France'* r got to inter,
fere In the management r/ the internal
affair* of Madagascar When France
»**t»me* an nod .grim protectorate rn
the *iand, a* it .* prennrmed *he will,
in view of the recent enecen* of her
arm* m that rjmrtrf. ft wifi find that
ear ion* grant* hare been made to
asm# of other eonntrlea, not .mi/ of
F.nftiand and Orrman/, and ft i< *o»
po-ed that toe Waiter grant wifi he
pnt on the name ba*f* a* tfee*e.
A n«#r* *C OrwOfr td*r tarred and
/ratherad 0/ fadrgaant tW/ow,
Irrarr* f>rlo, Let, 5 k A negro
named Marthall wa* tarred and feath
ered at Oreeie/ fa#t night for fencing
i retailed th/rrrn«r McIntyre at the
potato da/ «e!» hr* tor*
t,or err. or Me lot/re wa* ««rpri*e4
wh o in horned .d the focideot at
/ ‘ k.t mmr Ilk. -mmCk# da, I r.n l^uh/rin
wee* there 'thnrndey with li.*
irlf* mod fAetitenmnt Hr nee And
wife, When they mrrlred At the Aim ryt
fur the t#*«i they 1<mnd their w*y
bUrUod fry * long WAg>m to wh eft was
*tt»ihed a leAin drirei, by Merstmit,*. Hire, requested the negro to
more, he WAgon v> as n'A to iA*e up
bet much room 'thereupon MurshAii
delivered » trmde of Aim**;, using the
uywt itiAiHing i Align Age, f,n*Hy,
however, he did me retineuteA. b’tvef
nor fdelntyre thought o/ tittle >A the
uiAtter th*t he find ruA mentioned it
to muyfeo&y Abree hj# return to t>mr*r
Worm Hrewtng Which Wilt Sweep 4»*f
the llemlrltmu tryurntf,
IAr a n't*. (Jet. 1 $,■.The (onstmnti'
nopie corre.Ap>mde.nt of the 'times
dwell* upon the v*gn* rmnrirs current
there *nd upon the feei,ng >4 unrest
mAn.tenting itself by a decline Ufe/U
the bonrue, by long feces in the imr
/»rA And fry mysterious wkmperingn
i4 lusssecres in the proelivwm, which
ure wholly nnsnbutnntUHed, ttnhoim
inedmn* dec!Are m storm is brewing
which will AWeep aw my the whole
dynAAty end iibetAle Mnte from the
thr*\dom i4 th« h#t*'l llAinidiAti Aye
tem, which crumps Ha energies srcl
[lArAiyzeA All it* forces, 'the Activity
At the b*rd*nclles eontinnen, end
10/»to AddiiioiiAl men Are under orders
i/i pen the gArrisoti Sew hAtteries
*!•■ building At H*rd*ryr* !f AmA/.e
And Mndjlnfeh, Armed with henry
gnus. All the ffAimeJ in town hAs
been bought up for emrtrUlge mAh,tig,
wild nil the whitetiinHhs Are imsy unto
Hig Iwikrni tMl canteen*, M*ny
HuhornmedAns Iiava 1 ieen nr rested In
different fieri* (4 IKMuhoul for using
,-,litl*»IJ» 1 All/ I Age
I hurl MW I (ID nr II in AemMtru.
’Vcskahoua, Ind. 'ter,, (Jet, Id,—
Choctaw cryjncM U moving off tlnwly,
although unite a number rtf hill* hsve
been introduced, Yesterdmy a bill w*e
inirtyineed into th# turnse to compel
the Missruiri, K*n**s And 'trxas r»ib
Krill/ /'/illHfUflf/ f. t’lKf HI trSrfl.A
Han Kraneiaeo rail way, the Choctaw,
Oklahoma and Ou/f railway and
the Raima* < it/, I'iUebarg and HuH
Railway ennnfrtny to pay 1 percent
royalty on rolling atoek, depot* and
all oilier property within the limHaof
the * lee-taw nation and al»o to make
exprc** and railway eirmtmniee pay
the uar'ie royalty. The trill will pa«*
*• member* In both boo*** favor It and
It will add nereral thon*and dollar* to
the general fund of the < hoctaw na
tion. __________
N«M t# Mm* 4*wm*4
Wamhmo/o*, Oct 1*,- A preliminary
hearing of a criminal lihel anlt brought
ag*ln»l Mr* Eelva larckwood, a for
mer prealdentlal candidate, hy Rob
ert E L, White, a lawyer, who aceg**4
her of tacking notice* 'lerogatovy to
hi* reputation on hi* office door, wa*
iiad in poll** eomi yeaterday, Mra
Lock word wa* held for the grand jury,
although when on the wltne** *tand
*he denied every alt gallon.
There la a good deal of kicking over
the work of the Itawc* Indian com
filiation on account of it* xlowne**
The annual report of the '(darter
maxter penerul *how* that the army la
tletter cared for than any time *1 nee
the civil war
f'o*tal receipt* from thirty citle*
for the ttr*t <|iiarter of thla year *how
an increa** of ten (»er cent over the
name period of !a*t year
Krom the howl that la going up
about the liability of congre** to rai«e
tile beer tax it I* auppote'Ftbc brewer*
have cut off the fund* of the lobbyl*t*
'I he National Convention of Lk(nor
Dealer* r« elected .fohu W Howard of
Ht. fciiil* treaaarrr
The anti foreign feeling in L'bia* I*
growing, and the < entral tloeeroment
U unable to a**crt It* authority
Appalling M***tt »t •* t.iylialie »* •
•iMniNly at k wee Mai. I lit#*
Niutiiim, (let. I t An expketkm
occurred ye»terday on a *team*hip at
Rung lial, near Kin (Tune, 'the
•learner wa* loaded wit.# tMOpA, and
It la reported that «ei of lima were
A aepyeiwe ledge Mead
Kaaaroar, III,, Dei, la .fudge do
ueph M. 11*11*/, ill the lliltio • *upf*<«e
court, died at 10 oulock la*t Might,
after aw IIImcm of *eeer*l w«#W»
l»NA'0*THUi -TO*. IkUVLOC*
Am rrawMM «r tMMf
I 4urtf <• <«*« Ito k*A«AtoM WIM*
Im«mum 11 ■»»« ■ ■ **»< ■*»»*•
to A*rt*»A»r »»•« •* >to Bar*—fto
■m . . up—■«!«* •• to to** to AtowA
A*c f*»*r»*« »•* k*r»f A*
Ito r«*A«to*A Aktollto
•Af Laaomia 'Art K ‘<Tk*t*to
UM Of tk* toft tr^Mlto* Mt'DM.
«/M»*’*ot«vo Ik* tot*«*» Urw «*ti** -
ika J'r»**toeo,f'»tt*0*rg AntoCkneogo
Mto (At'**! '//AWillAABU /ok*
M Tkartoo* of M«ora_'**. *rko to At
!*«**•( «• tk* Pt«k *>**t ito tkr
ktormt of tk* T*«o* K*ot* ink
f0*4 H« At*t*4 tAA'. io***k Mm
i*r tw toto**OAl*. IQ/ ******
frow M* *r, 0*4 «*(*#**•/ tk*
«ri*k to Oiao tut koo g/Meto*/
fo gkt Mr tk* toft 0/*f*-»V/* /i*«l of
to* ftcfmo, *»o (tort/ *oi to*t Mtoo/
of to* otk*r «o*i*0*r* of tk* Iito**'*
Mmtrm 0*4 *#or****4 10* **<o* 4**./»
"A* for B/toif, '.* «mN ». <*4 "f of***
oot io*4* «( **/ f* o4 ft i* **/* to
gottoCkitoogo r.tU-'.trg or M for i
«***//, *o4 *»*rr oo* of to* tor**
(/,**** to*«o*4 to-If •«4 «to,
' W »tot 4o f tkox of tO* •rottooU
•Mf'ito* of to* *mrtf'' Mr, Tfc*fk//»
*r*o‘, oo "M*if, **/ *<*t* i* r»tO*/
fo>. o*4 to***r4 M*K o */, o*t f k**r
All o/o or fi**4 //f Maro* ff*/(**o’j/
r*f*rr*4 V/ ** *>* *»/-* or *»f* for to*
ito it/ florrW/a, 4 4 /** *•/'
M*r*r if* to *o* r«./ o*t '/f to*
•ft nit* my4. Ut wt/r* him tnu,
th* Mgitt, imt H b*4 •»///*»*. up
ys/u r***.l <fe*i o,A hit* 4'fl*r,
4/M pr<A*¥. U*t * .4*.' 1 h*t Ay
yh*n Ut H*rrUtttt II* wiil A*r*r A/t,
wJl tb* lUcpAtA,'MU pAfty '/tr* Ut*.
W**t * if** */itu*y ftittnik’' turn, t
think tut, ttn* Ut th* piAnk <A
tV but mii.y./n; b*'. I ‘Ut tuA think
th* tUtpnhi t*nt.n ‘tr Usut Vw/ *U
*,llt*r ml, *r*r Aro.Af* Vtr Ut* 1r**
nnA umim ’*4 rtoittAg* ‘A niUmr with'
tml r*/ttrA Ut Any o.h*r */nutty. I
think Ut* turn*? tf*ttmth/n hnt*. Ut
U* wttV) in nu*.h a WAjf tl.*t tb*r*
will n***r It* Any griAt thntor'utA** in
Uftntry *Ain*} I IfA** */>*/» tty tog ht
tfc*t wny mA tr+rtn-A X*.* ft iny
«tVr light, h>t inr a* th* yt, .t *.*l
A.tAAtUft! in om‘*rtt*A An A who * A V
• ItttJ* **r\y Ut utttk* Any AnhniUt
AtnUmnnUt ■*» th*y wt/»iA b* won**
whttWuUt*. nmlar* ‘A a *//ni***nr*,m
A r»tt Anmpt* Prom >4* n**A*rw*t
At At*,
K a aaaa Ctrr, Mo , tmt. Ih.sTbnAU
*‘/r**, Amii tA Itr. %nm,i* A. $i****A
A'/utnM, kmlph hi*.r*,nn wtmt Ut trini
thin 1ttr*nnt/u In J»Ag* h*ttrr,U.‘ntpjmrt.
H*r hutti/nnA Hr** m Wkshttn, Knn„
nnA *k*. Hr*A tVr* with him nnA ynoy
tiend m*4i*iu*. tVr* tih two y**rn
Ago wh*u At,* l/f‘/tight t**r *h,'.Arm, Ut
liltnmn City ktul upotkA At, ‘AtU*. h*r*.
Or* th* wiin**n ntJtnA Itr. ht*r*,m j
miA h*r httUtnuA emlUtA h*r a
dttkUtr* In a Urn* >A rt/Ut* tbit !mp\i*4
estnikctnpi. An ah inn4 *i,>-*, >A htn t'tugh
et/uAntA UtwnrA h*r nh“ r*,n>kA U,nt
tto** nh* wnn nt/nnnlUng with *ntAJh*r .
Attt/'rr Attwn utAtm, wh“n th*, tt»hy, wa* in lj*4 with tin Inlhttr up
PUtirn, It*gun U> t ry hi,*, want apnn'i
miA u, him, “Why Autn't you out thAt
l/Ahy Ut nl**p'f' aaA h*. Ut 4 h*,r h*
WAA nttl g'Attg Ut “1**A h*r ti nu* A A
t,o\ a><*nA Ut h*r htmmhtAA Awtlm."
At Anoth*r tlm* Ah* h*4 Uwm up ill
»t*bt with a iyphtthl 1*r*r pAtwenl An4
In tu*. utt/rn n/ i*\*pmm*A Ut t,*t hum
fat Ad Ut **ttA lit* t'Mrring* ittr h*r.
hit* h aA Ut WAlk Ik rut*. auA wn>n nit*
r*pr,tAf,h*A him tor it, It* r*ph*A; “A
lioVt waIU will Att you gtktA /
Ur, ht*r*un miA UtA'. wh*n»h*grA
bom* tl,At morning h* API n't mr*n
A. aa_ 4-+-A-•* ... A . 4
than th ml, it* jo*t I*id a round and
Join t b*lo in* jret tb* dinner
!*• (wwImMIU Oaf* I* ft* rt*«d*| «•
the I «*lr«tu»f Interne•
('.HV'.AIro.fhA, Ui Krer «,/»".* tbe fan*- j
no# traffOt tumlrmel wms «,ad* »>*tw*-*-n
tb# l inon t'w.Hi- and tb# Cb ' » and
Northwestern railroad*, whereby the
for tner reeure/i th* r.gbt to di*tat*
tb* through rata* from tb* Waat to I
CUiemgo. and tb# latt*r tb* tUnrugh
rat** from i-hbrngo to points i
on tb* t'nl on t'wAtb: went of :
litttnhm. rumor* bar* t/*#n current
that tb* VanderMlf* wouiA stem eee.ere
fall eontrol of tb* I'Hum I'w itie prop
♦rty. A plan for tb# nw/rfonl/.nHo»*
nf tb# Colon I'aaifl* k now In eourse
of pr#pn/mlb/n, and tb* preliminary
atop* already taken lad leal* beyond a
dool/t tba* wheii the I n on Faelfl*
If at* //at of tb# band* of r«**ir#r* it
will I/* eontrolled and op*ra'*d by tb*
tbkaifo A Nortbw**torn, whieh te one
•A tb# Vanderbilt road*
eptrtsmmltste I* IttmumlUm.
W Aeitintnos, Hut. 14.—The Nation*!
Afdrltaallnt a*v,/'iail//n b*i(an Ita third
annual *#*al'/n b«r# today and will
eontlna* until Tbnr*day. There will
b« tbr#* ***aion< e.meh day aad It baa
hewn mrrmngeA Ut bar# tb* ereninif
meetings nAAr*s**A by some oi tb*
moat w/t*il »p*abar# and heel mediums
in tb* eountry,
Pert Wsine• tentennml.
Font Wayne, tm4L, Oet. J*.~Tba
tokbratlon of tb* I noth annlrersmry
rt Fort Wayn#** #ai*ton*« a# a elty,
wbUtb i* to eontlna* for four Amye, mm*
begun thin morning wdb farif* ‘trowA*
in attenitmnee from Northern Indiana,
Southern Ml*b)|f*n and Northwaatorn
Hteti IUIP» HeptM t hsr*h HerrenS,
If Mia IIim., Mo,, net, 14 The First
I la pilot aburab mmt tetrs/megu were
burned to tb* groutul here tbla »«,,*a,
ing al I o'elork l i* |<ar*onaif« wa*
unoeenpl*/! Trouble ba* «*<*!*d In
tba ehureh ami tb# Are la suppose A to
bar* been in<‘*»diary
A ItellrMnl Hull iter lleeit.
Font Sum Kan., Hat lb Colon#)
T. h WII*on who «</ne«lr*d the idem
of huilAIng a railroad from bi, 1-otiU
t« fotal«on, Taaaa, In Iona, wbl#b ra
aaltad In tb* «o»*i»n«Uon of tb* Mia
soun, Kan*a* and Taaaa road, dlad la
tbla «ltr b*day I
f to ***** *# 'to f »*'■ is to S******
to* f <*TVS to • g*yair
M H as 1r 14 7'*s
l>f M * ItotoM '#f to****. to k*
r*^‘i ss tv sCtos of f i«4* pk**fr*1s Art <i
Hurt *rfk»'p t ^ s*f «r4Vr*A<‘* .* : 4fr2, |
14 vtoAfs as4 4*4 jr g|»f to tost
fcr'f, r/AMr Sf>4 4 of *A** s*)|4 to
•sMAtirj 4 y*r r ***s 7 to * Wr*H tov*r
tot “*> kv>k »to 4 *44 r';*irjr?AS*n0, to7
csa4 wto*to for ksy srrtrr* t r- o> rs^
tUto to fv f'sr >a4 <w*
frmWto 7 tor* s<*o iv* .js
«MM«>y*i(4 MW *v.*y*l» *<Am
** 7 » —rly Vyy -yf * arm#*
‘A*%Xf0 *A W, /A,* 'K*r*•■>*• CttWt
U.'aty*) friatii wtttttum a»i r«MMl
S' - 'y/. vy,
far. Dm«m *««* tiv*« CM *yi; «l
«y»M*aaie»a'« w«r *'"'*»'» fii? «y*« CM*
tM Mats** «T tx+tfrj TW iaer*#**
la ti« iaat t*r« /»*!•• »«i n*** v. ?*», j
Wb&at U4 tw»C r/f fAA*?* h-.ttl gt'AWtt MS
1*7, a fMt *» attriwrV/t & md#
*tow sm( 4 ;** a ,*f/aL /V ari A*aul* ’
I*^a» " " r F^a » *a ■ F yjy WWW Ww
7 M !M«*y, for f M (MM ;««< *M
Si'//» !*«• Hi» fay IS yrryM.itf
J>erVy{ Tk> «a**y,f,'yyy Maar rare At,
aewSfaMH fay ut/fayy yr/«< 4*
Cm Vtwwwib «yf /*;/ Par *»y>*y*y 1+
gt*4 U/t lb* 4 a/'a-a .*■» A
Pa <At>A*x Mab'yye* t^AAt raaee wt.A fair
a ayt awt,/y*'/*tAA Pa tot* +
t*aa teay,/..»#r
#. a < *»»« »«/ aty* a «m* rn (mm
Mmw MW *y#< ayA4««.
Soar Hem, K*» 'art >fa -y A
<y/faeaa Ok* wwtibArt *A IE#
#Ui‘A k«*k <d tfc.a «>ty mJi>H aa*
VAt-iAii*A to eVwy .♦« Syyyy jtvb*t4wf,
Iff A rA k*/« tfcri* MWtnt.ttg MA*SA**AW
*>4 bf hi* wAo a*4 litt*o Aooghtnt
tti4 itt* t*!'o'» ho'AitOr K ft. iio.At n f
A iwMo'/on.* Ii; H* '•omo r<v »*
tariiy Ir'/m At. frwtso m ho fr'rm
tomA HroolAor,’. it V. f-oxy* ho wt/ulA
Wktm *0»t for Ho to A mOWUrt «wA
fOyoonl oroo,m aa4 H wo* noooormty
Ur ootry i,,m (,,/m thr tra.otoAOmr
riogr. Ho to nrt/w to boA o* hi* haa4
vrtt**‘>y (anmhoA hr/mo. ttuoMo Ur
to a ff.« ^hyoioiono my thot no mo
or A -to, ,/rny
Mro < r/otto r,o* gioot. op hor AtO
mtrrfrAr 0*4 frOA ,0 lAo 1000*0000 rA
•o-tot-o. thsr»**oA 4',;lor* or,A o , mo
t.MO to tho trot, 4
OrAtro t *mm\tm»*,r troo torn Iry to Hot
fort* tho »»«Omf Mmtog lour.
At Mo , O.v Ah, —~P<jA'too (Arm
<o ,oo,rmo r t/ro hoo root o lottor Ur o.or.h
■A to* n. nMoro tA tho erty hotting
thorn rf tho.y wtti a ft.'A A h.m th Oh
r.ortho offort Ur owforeo tho. AnnAoy
low trhioh hm boom O 4oa4 -ottor *»*oO
la/7. Mo m;i that ho to onxsrm Ur
MntAi'rf with tho low luting
i.rmont a«4 Ur tmftrrr.o "o Aoronf OnA
'rrAoftj ohootronoo rA tho. fi,*t Arty tA
tin woo*.'
Knotty aM >A tho m n rotor o hmrt*
y-r/mmrA tho norm :n ,** t/nort thotr zoot
y»« mgy/ft, or A a hard a*4 brltor
t.ght i* WAtoA tr/r
In Ho tfloA Hoot Month,
hr Mo (to* it tromlnioAr
Kognor, tho o*-pr>*», woo orroighoA
in tho trim loot tymrt thk morning ho*,
m opryinotit/h >A hi* otUrrnoyo tho
moo woo o/mtlnnoA anti, tho Murnm
bor torn, at ’nh,ft. ho will ho trUA on
tho oh argo. rA, or r./.iom* rri Of,A frOOO,
Mr >A toys a*4 It'Anapf try Mo, mom
iron wo* tuorio. tA troll, oo Aognor Anno
urA Ur bo ro.lo.oooA Ira* will Mr
-no. ft ia jab fonAlng trial
or, man Koformrr* AooHnU, "tmmmnny
Mr.w YfAio, (u-.i. it, it to no A tho
if* H A. < Anoorum trill to* gn tho
groAAnnoy ,A tho f rot mot, A morioou
Hof rrtn onUrU at tho moot, t.g Ur ho
hotA Ur night of, Moon,A <A th* aotUrn
yf tMf'MW romm "■»* 'I
tling with 7 *mm*oy »«* tto m .■>/>.<* p»l
!*/np».K» 7to *»**'.o<r fat <o to • bro«
to«t mg»>itai th* eo»l ■’■■'■o **4 trifl to
»/ji;rr***4 by T toOfot* Hatftr. t*r1
febur/ a/.l otbor*
Miaaovrt Hmwm *xt
it.ftf.twrn < ttt. M'/„ tot 14. - 7o*
M**o»i« */*/>/! hMty* of tto *tot* ootb
ttrtt*4 tor* *t 10 awoeit ton*
>* tto to)i of tto to /** of r«f*«**ot*k
tl»*» ttitbao/O" 400 lo4y*a r*pr***ot*4.
1 to /l«iitor*t*//i'/* trill to to 4 triib
//*»4 4'*/r- Out mat tor of lob/
porta*/-* t// to «//t>*i4/»r*4 fat * mot* to
r*4 j*trW tto *b*t*
Mu; Matt **» ItfXfM.
Kf4MI«W/t to', 14 Tto mai/that
frrft la*» oybt aarrtot 177 brtt*r* from
tto *r»t a**i*to*t y . ,*r*
b/ b-ttwr zmrto/* ia ' h "*sfo nof.fymy
ttom that ehar/-: tot* too* 4,*4
*y*in*t ttom *» (to ,r * t b/ r*o** ttoi-r
ili*/r,l***l fr'/to tto **rtlto, *o4 that
l/ ii toy* will to *i»/«nt*4 b/ f.tom to
»bow /** trby ttoy *ho»i4 *ot to
Him rit«l*t to M* l*tMt««.
W**«i»of"*, tot. |4. ft tt** rtataf
tt tto «Hy toll f**t*r4*y *f Mr moot*
ttot tto grauA )*ry. trbiob ha4 tor*
int**tfyatloy tto r*** //f Mi** fiHza
toto rlajflar, 4**tfbt*r of tto *'w.y
tfclaf of ordaaooa. <»ha/jp>4 with hiilior
» ytatig fjubrr+A btrj ia*t A*jf**t, h**
rot«/f bi r*t*r* *r. r*4'iAtm*ot «
injr tor trith nr>»n«i*nyht*r
- 7—
Cat/; a#*. tot. 14 A «p*<»S»i to «
mutt'tig pttpar 1tt>m tor*Motto*. lotra.
**y« that it fat *t*l*/l OO (fatal topnb
ilaaa authority tb*t tto Itop*Mb**
•tot* iwo»tr*l *om mitt** h«* « om pi *t*4
* poll i/f tto pf*f*r*»A** of tto K*p»b
< It'atrt r*ti4(4*t*« for tto la* Mat*/* i*
tto m*itrr of tto r**itbioi**iof. of tto
prohibition *m*M,ii»iit) **4 to* fonn4
th*t * majority of thorn f*tot t«*h
to Moo
Imoutt f ****** Ml
Ha* r*A*i»*/o, tot 14 Anoth**
p/i*tpon«io**t of tto Ira it an l I t la I waa
lor by At booty l/b-kiiMon im
in«4i*l#ly «|*oi tto «o*r*ojM|f /<f soa.-t
tbi* morning too**** of to* Wiftfatn/4
III/.*** from rtout/i*ri*m of Atb/ro*y
towpray. Jmttga Murphy *ft«< torn*
ipi**ti//niojf (f/aottil tto r*/p**«t. oo*t»
turning farttor *«tioo until n**f. Moa
Mr* (»**•*»•* tot* o/*y mum
Hi//*wot Hat, M***,, to' I*.—
Mr* < t*rala»4 *f*4 *liU4r«* to#* Or»y
(>*blM «B * apafiml trBl* *t • 4# o'*lo*b
tbi* mort lor for tr**bl*#t««
wiu nn/cticAkk <w omo-!
c#at* csmimtr./
iM«M» (klwAM 0*0***+ <*A 044044
mm m»** ****** 1*40*00 y*y**m
M#f ******** 0*0** •*** 00 *********
m* m»0*t»v<*m****0 0 ********* m* *0t*>
mm n* it**** 0****** m 0****t<0**
*0* ***0m-*****f
0*0*0* *0*0*0* 0*00**
W *00*0*0**** *0* H 0*000*00 ''
00*4*1 *4 t**0w H ****000*1* 00*1*40
0*4‘. t****0 *00*0*4 0*0* <4# k**ygi*/00 I
000 *00 004 04. *4g*4'(* Ut* 0*0*000
H* 0*g***i* k* yiy M0**0 mmt 00*
«4 4jt * A.0 iyjAb Aa.i.Aa* *J *t*. m W4 tok*AA*
9 r^^^^*T^m*r**WWr“WY rr mWrmmW ^0
M 4*4*4* *0 *04*0 004 00 M ***0*00 U>
Mv#m *1000 w4* ***g00*r* <4# nr*#'* 4f
«•** *00,*0%/ V ■*** 0*0 U*rt4*U>00
kg*mm+M00 004 tMilf'mkw (*0*4*0
*■404*. 0**4 0*0 0*40 00 if l*-*yvt**4*- \
'104** i# **0*00*4*0*. f/00 *4*0g*40 *A
I*. A 0000*4. it 4**4 >/ “t **000*00* *4' 0g
• «# fvdgMyjg A JkAti «a<€ 4UiH A ii* I
»>tJ ft# »A*V 4#«4X- y*.4/4400 0*0
*40*0000 t*f iA* i** ******4g** 'ti** kJ** ■;
0r*lV, A4»A* 4* 044*4 4 0*40*44.U*4* 00
**.< 00/ *4 <*00*44 ft)* 0 **4* mui
< A A ,/ J, A A. M * A A., ■> a i A .Aj i.1 . ll
W/t* «rvw 4*4a t*4 tktffU 4*mm*
mtmmn* V0M0* 00*4 Mm*4*0 M*4A00
mtt’e 0*4* t*4 ktf* 004 0* wni 4###
4'# 0*0/4 4 l
*400*44 r*f** ft ft* td ha *
/ li^. A.4 A#*# a4a Ja V 4-J.A 4ikiM <4 ilA AijjJ ik Lfc
0*4,40gv*m 0*4* X* m **0*0*44 00 V*
0-44.U0 K*y*4 400**0 <4# 40*4000*
/M4*0 A 14# »#* ***0*4*4, * U
m 0t4*0*4f 0000ib***' /*4, " mid, I***, *i
Aa## 4 4 VA 'A 4 **.4 4 A IaA. V iui4 >4llAl 1UV
*n*M*nm* 0* Mi Mn» ) bMriit 0*0 my
nbm /*» Mn* n* 0*1 *44twr tymA/tn*,
Ttm (**t tm t An *M turn* mywtM bn*
Mn* 66* m*** ** *** M*4 my tbrimti*
triiin* »* ttm wtMjbti, t An **4 t*v
0*6* Mmt* « <Mi m***m*y (nr
* f*ntg0*i/*M*0 '4 Mm t***4*
Ttm ntm Mtktg t mtmit wwimpMf \
(man* riUmy/y writ tm ttm **'4*4
**’ibi* nt •** Tny* *4* t* 0*y ******
Urn? ***y briny* Ah turn* » yrim* n*t
ttm *r*t *nw AMSA w* 4/mi »Mrit in
M*rm H (A* t*v*A y,****** *mr Mmt/fiA
00,Hy tm4 t*4 **■*■/*** aH*m*mfM*4 min
*,rU** y**iy. Ami**** w* 4A t Mny*
WA. tm. Antm ** m t**Ai A Mm Mt*
■Atm* Mny-r *4 ********** '4 ttm a***iri
***** W**M*gin* wk*fM wit' ytMrit
triy tm Ariftrig tern *0*4 ***k (4 Ant***
tm*. w* writ g*4 tng*M**r 00A Am****
ymf 00*r nt, 0*4 it Mm* i *0*0(4 W/
wtm*. w* writ An'
KA»*A* POPifLATt0t4,
A- i*, #* nr*4m iriwm SWuyMi jL^i
w » Ww® ^® Fww r W4r • y w^W
mm* *** t ****** t* ttm b*** *•**,
Tnb**» Km* M*i f / TM* Km***
bn**4 n( *yb)*tttUri* trim **rit*y ^*4nA
■ ttm UtMtiritUn* 1*1 ,*M*tt40*i* 0* rw
imrtm* t*y Mm tt*****nr* (nt tAA
' nt*,y***ri *HM Mm **; ****** mt* *4
*m. y**t ft 1n*bf n/Httim* *Mnw 0*
t**f***w ,4 inn* (■' in 4,(44,wggt*
X»t,Hg A,:t4*, 0*4 gritty >rim m/HHMri* 0
U+t *■***, >4 X in '/Am *yg>*g*At*€
-04/444. Ttm tmi A******* t* *4tn»0 Ur
| t**v* ,**,- ntb t n- Aim* AtrimiMtg
j tf\ inmm, (m*m *4 ******* 4ri*i*y Mm 6
* y**,nA Mm tmi ,**t*mm m ynytMMtn**
M*m,* t *m Writ* tm,**** *4 11 'Ti ** Mm, *4
, in tm M*ix*.
ftm mritritm* riMnWUrit 0* w*:**m* •4
y*** f/bbi ,* pnyHh**,Mrit A**’>*g Mt*
0*4 ytm* *r* •■tm*'A***i (,((* (Mriti
1 pry**, XJ44b trimmU* I/*/(', (m**m*
wnfGt*, iAns, t,** t/A-K Mm**, iMA,
**,,**. tMii VAmwimm, XJttvi, Wmt*
,ttgtn* (,(<**.• 'ttm mm*M** *MnwUtg
********* *4 n6*f I40bt0**- * tmi turn
\ i/Xtfr, *nwmy t *<n iimpttf, t xiti
M*Vtmr*n*. t *4% My, in* t/AM,
0UriiftK (my' Atm:***** iA40P,mm
'ttm yttmtA ynytt/Mm* ,4 K****b
mt/nri *y in Mtt*. ****** i* 4/044 *44*
•. --.I.-..,-■ llll——l> 111 ~~~
********** M **fb***tmr Wribrimm **
t,******** Mt** t*m 0*0*
Wjmm#*/tn* h*i. tin TMrit **y*wim
i Mit <*f4*'*Ymt w**bpi* ’A* +*', Hyi>*0‘
ant -briijAt. Mm itmd v#*m in* MM* K**i
i H*,* tt/wtito* '4 Into,
»'/»>*** pM/,1 > ?<* it* tow AHftmpHtA'
\ t** fwttoA m*A pmt 'tto* Imy/ft* tow
\toAftom*** W*rt* IM44'/&*,
y,\, /M. m iff* towpt* mmr, i#*4> tow tot*
! toft* to.** toff tto* to* >4 *Vv. to/** Aw'/tifA,
%*A tow 1*04, VMM**M'- *'# ***
i t*w,*w*, »nt,tto* *******4 myw'wwm
yrmtoVr, tow 9*ptomto*f, ito/4, tint 0jto
■mm *4 **{**wU wm m,i'-/hWt', tow tto*
At* **,to* ttowttim *4 ttok /*** 4to*f
wm ***<■■*** 4 ,ttopwte mtMHftotojf to/
• M> vv? T, A, **A ft** i * vw* **4/0*4,00
mf//t '4 ,mt i*nt ********'4*#f**itt
4 1>%/m 7<4 'tto*/* wm **********4
**p*wU*ttow** *4 g/AA tow/ mv/Hto
mmwwWttop to* tottoJU/to*. *00*0*4 m
j nmm *4 ******** tow* /*■** m**m*1
1 It* $414, 1 M. tow tto* to*** totto* ******4** *4
] if*, it*/ /,/*•/4**4 g'AA **p*w** wm
pit,*t*/*,(-u tow ft* s*w/to*t**w*A‘tog
pto*v*n im* pm*. #>* *it,m, Pwwto
. i*f itm*mwm*4 to*pt*im tow Um toft*
mm wwwrtto* *4 ttom pm* wm §01/44/
! tow, nf itmt %&,*#•//<» tow Urn mtt*
; *ptwt4ft>ti pwttoA fr«* pm*
th* t**t*l i**,/*tg*mi *w* *mi *M**t*to*
wm 'to- '/tor. tow //pitot*,>*%*, itoli, %4, *H>
tow 0Wr* HrtW/tto* *4 .*Vv it'* t'A tow
t*fW**Mptw*A'WHf t**f***4 10 t#*i. t¥iW*A
7tW***Wfto • fMWttto,
Ktttwt i*A 'tw* (to4* V* A %**
M4 ***A A/to**n* f*i!*p if*A0tot «/*4*
*4 itoi/Uw* ***** tott tto****0to * Urn#*
•,ghf wiUto tm*A *4 tom** ton* Mtoftot
fto* i/ft/i* wm tU U*t to:,0to,0*tA tto*
t*»i* wm ikmmtif ***mto*A w*t*********
Thrti*** *»***4 I*** ****** wtwrn 1*111*4,
twt*wm» **t*w*4*m *********
p*w»* towt/rt to****. I*** It 'fto*
***,*,,*i *4 n ******* 1'*Am»,»ntornt*
*g* »ll* th* ***** torn**, wtotoAt *,***A
mm***** *4 tot* A*4*mttow*, I* 1/**A*
*top ****000*00, it U m**"*tmto4 ttowt
t K *00**0*tm ***> t*m ttom* pit/*/*
m * wwlig Iumm f ■ i nt fto w /ir
n * wm v www ft mvmp twwmrw.
to*mtnntrt*/**, **1 If I* toh» U*ttto
WWW* bptototoh Imt h /to* fto***,A*W§
I H*wmmti *mm*# • Aw/tAwA ********t**w*
ipp *!*»'? ** tom*/** ********** whto tow
H*g * tm* it* wwA *i tohtow totw* ton
i ppm/htw/um, *t*A ImmA tto** wm* *
m»*i I* fmw k* ft*/ 11*1*0 to* w hrm I*
tmtttof/, i *m*0ht to*,*,**** i******* t»
•a *p)f ImmtottoiA **A ***** * I*l*to t*
*i*h> A *4 >'*$»*'** mmiA to*,*p*'im
itof* Hitt***. 1ml pm* 0*0*0** ttotf,
**** *twpptoA wwfto t* *toip towl 1*1*0 m
tto* ***** pm A to* *w*m to* ****** it*
j *****to toum top * It*** ttotot wmiA ******
i til* I* tl* prAltirnl wwtto
<■ —*t lb W M* »«*• rt.ii.m !•
Ibw laito
#»■ Von*. Or4 >1 llubl rtfitw
toy* 1 • igfr« f«/f lat/ihtr u>m far
bw laklijlib <rf #1 VTt.V*!* </f Itliirk
a '>■ Z'.-* »rr« i/f Mtou«fbriuriuy, au4
*i. I**.* a vf trar) m* *vn* rru» ffaU
HIM f/» U* «r**k i*a«« Ur« ;'r» la lit*
Btatoa ayainat /M taat year,
m4 *'< ,a ‘ aaa4a ayaia*! *2 Ibt yea*.
K b rrriiU vf Ut* *«* ar* prvtolb
lay t«i ti*ivr* ttivuyli Ut* fbtulaUrc
MOUJtO ar* nVt taOrMy *«evwray>ny.
I ’ * yfr*1 a4*a«i«* >n w4<t« av 4*
*jM*y**J nyif1* Ut** «injn#i*atovf y>.14
»« r* (vra t >au* aft*r*u#o4a4 Bat tt»«
to*** I* Uk* aiarkat l«4uatoi> U»a* Ut*
aatoral «*>/»• ut*at vf Ut* yr>t4v«t tttay
*ra t» irtti,ri'< 7 to* Halting vf 4*
<v*«4 *«/l Mtv4*rato y 1*14toy vf yrl**»
to tot* yi«*t to'ly»>ri*| i/mrk*t atwrw*
U**i a v**v* '4 r*n*vnatoa attontiva
(a, natural amafiMvaa (.a* arrlr*4 a«4
y tan itv(** 'It** tlto fular* 4«wiait4
*tj It* vtvr* marly yi'iyir* mat*I Ut
abtvai tAtoMtttyi«/n Tib «v**k baa
tovayit*, a Jitofa furiitor 4*'lli<*; In irv*
an4 tito*I yyv4«*U, (a lii/J*« a»4
■#&Uvr, *M'I a nuvi* yi*14lny tvtto in
torvto a*t4 «bm*«
lit* bbutra Mitt* tttrftrt Hvti M**to
M*«rlt MltM* Ktoiity to fart*
*4» ('***/ lam <At If'. 4 *)#l/iti»
yra*u ttt*i**4 In n laat nlylit frvrii
Earn aititvyitf'i <ita> Vvlm IB,
Mturkny , jjr., v *1**1 **/» *rf ,/vlm W,
tfa*kay wa* iltrvwit fr-tw a livra* In
EtM’ia /itoU-t *ii»y *ii<i 41*4 laat nlylit
wiiitviH i**v»*»'iny K'/itaki'tuaiiuati
'hut *jU‘*im*4 »a* ato/ul *6 y*ar* vf
a* ay a*
t*111 *<*u4 trinm,
A yamanA>>» Ufa ill 'tin am war
at y*u< /-u*i* fa tin Hti tfaii $IUm»tnm
ayy fat fa 4* < »*aj/ hirrahmh/w*/l in
an ntMfaal Aafannut Iri/in i ha V**«*«»
mnnaKtyr ‘A Utraiga yaiaUnn* lr
*Mr*A fan* It nUataa with ymilirm
***** Hat Miuiv'i* ami yilu/y >A
\*n*/.nla nyt/u tin **a*t mihji-la
*jyy*f*Jt in • it* yUiu**'Mi« «aa4 Iaa MI«a
Va*/' 4 h*u/h*rlnm'a laUar (// tin gnr>
*rm*r >A hrfi ah Uu *na, *«4 ahnma
faut Uta */*-*«*■ AA1 WllAKAIttUAAA i* ft ra
yahAmn ‘A • Uk ganauA fa ml* 4a/ Uraal
hi;Win in &>/v*utini la*t. Aa Ui*at
hula » hmi aav aaaIaa..t*r aia V *«♦*■** I*,
fyityti/Mta ‘ming hn/k*n >Af, Ufa Oaf'
nut*> urUnntvr ninurntmi fa m l In yrm
ranting tha hriliah ‘lawn fat Sana
/■a* A** yfa/nifAly <*)»> U <i U*« itautau4
amt nUnaA 4*a /!»*• ti*ft ftA*»gr*U*!ft»
<Au» H**n* Hart Mrynrtiaa.
WAMHianioa, Ufa H. Ht**uta»arf
mat! aafalmi in Waahmgfan anmal alf
Affftft tfwvt **M Jaa!*>!>•/• tv t'uraln 'I ram
V/aj thrla ami hi* wlta hara
a* yat attt^t yarmananlly au4 will
mA again mrm* ingfahat 11
will fa inn* uifa rrA that Mr. Ii«ftl«
nnnrrwA wilh gr*at ua’ial 41ay I ay,
at/m* mtghlaan nnmtha ago, lint yning
**A Aanghlar A < Ini fata Jamaa U
Main* l fat ymng m/uyla hmi n»A
i/a* a mar flag lung h* fort than war a
f «MVAft( a vaamaa* ‘A iinJiiiiya'iltillly,
ami it la m/w li*lin**4, aa Mr h**la
ha*- urni*rtau*B a fangihy an 4 I in
lUttniW rnyag* 0/ burnya, that lira
maMar ha* ramdnni a nahniunMnn
tn/ Un*0 4U** httua
tj/nyia ‘nan'll, 'Varan Ufa 9I,~*
th/h VAyann>*i‘/n* w*nl hunt my yam
‘*>4ay m>nnmg au4 y*'nru*A hi tint
aflarnm/n with a hmga aim mil i <A
yam*, m/naW wg faifaHy at <f uall amt
i ^ y* "fa g
Whan aak*4 if ha hmi anylhlug far
ynhi wfahm h* r*yli*4 that ha waa
amyy wailing U/r Inalrufalna* Imm
Jm ;!ftju au4 wmlA mA htara ivrra fnr
ArMtou*** yyiil im r***-v**i wool from
foil** \ztwtmM 00A "k* U M<rt going
0/ **0*4 mm- mm/ Kin k wor4 mmUI b* 1<4»
! 000000 g awni/ntm-M < b*t 1 wyy’t b* <w
r**u4 of1*! giM’iog th*r*. ' wOl**! b*
1fo *»*• ••»* M*»
Utmtunovm, *>o %\ 1
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