V0I, x„, Mill- (,'ITV, HI IKK.MAN COI.'NTY, X KIIUAHKA, nilDAY, (MTOliKK IW,. WUMBBB 34 The Northwestern fpi* - "W ■ 'tnrtwvw*r!m *• '’OKf.lbMKD KVKKV PKIUAY AT Till'; «"JlfNTY NK AT, UKO, »(;. Ill.l'kl f III l ( .H, Kdf or end Publisher, TIMAS •* 90 far Year, If Paid in Advaeoa a— •»—/ -t - at' "S Bafr-I at Me l-o"f Cltr l'.,at<.m/-e / taooaA tlaaa matu». ijiit Bepoblicio Wewipapir in sitfiMi Coontr BKPUBLICAW TICKKT ■ i ..— Halo Ylrktl. For .fudge >if the Huprouie Court. I. I,. NOItVAL, Hewitrd. For Kegenta of the Htute Unlveraltv. C, II MoUltll.l/. I.lmolo. II. L UOIJU), Keith County. For Dief. Judge 12i.lt .fudlclel. IMat IIKCTOK. M, HINCI.AIU. I'liniilr Ticket. For County Clerk. M. II. BA l'KH, of l.ltchfleld. For County Trenaurer, F. W. FLT/I.KIl, of Mrlatol, For County .fudge. O.ll.hCOI T, of l.oup City. . Fur Hherlff, l K. L. IHHSKLL, of Rockville. ' For HupermUmdant of Schools, I). K. MOW FRY, of Washington. For Surveyor WALTKR MOON, of Loup City For (!oronor. MARY K. IIKNORICKSON, Loup City Loup City Township Ticket.—Louis ReuhthoM, Supervisor; O. II. Gibson, treasurer ;•> A. Aiugcr, Assessor; W. R, Mel lor. Clerk: CL W, llurileranclW.il Oonger, Justices of the Reece; w,l>. French anil W. I*. Reed. Constables. You will make no mistake in voting for M. H. Bate* for county clerk. Hellgimi is no part of politleK yet the populist nominees are working that kind of u racket. With the populist party this year it is not the office Kecking the man lint the man necking the office. The court house rin^ Iium mighty little sympathy with thy poor devils that have heim paving taxi s out of 'the last hit of property left by the •dry weather, A little farming with no rain might make them fell like 'dividing up with a hardworking roadoveraeer once in awhile, that's in the MuNsian thistle business. The Times Nays that H I, Uisscll \% an office seeker. Great God wliftt ha* i' 'o say about I’olski, Hein and Fatten along this line of argu inent. who after packing the conven tion and nominating themselves arc traveling over the county day and night imploring people to vote for them. In IMtll lie mandated liiuiKelf with a company of farmer* and organized the "Farmer* Klevator (Jempuny" of I.Itch Held, Mild early In IHUtJ *va» h«looted malinger of the elm liter, in which oh pad l) he served twoyoMrH, since which time lie htiH lived mi IiIm farm. rtioaluive la it part of I he write up of the Time* Independent of II. (j I'atioii. Better leave that llnehuiroil geiitietneu on hia farm. W/vi i* managing that elevaloi now, din to that elevator and iiaten when you euijuiie for ila piopi ielon*, uuh> y,a>a who own* it. Before Patton auauagedll it did lite grant Uu*lne** •of Witchliuld and vaciuity. if lie utauage* the lHi»iuei>a of Sherman county the farmer* uiav expect, the aame “hollow mockery,” The Ali annc elevator i* abut up. W in la it aliut up A*k II d, Patton. A«k him who gallicied up tile auaica of atock for 'hoae that keep it eioaen then a hr tea *»f ilm'li, the iron that jtaftvd it and have got heir money iaoaltd in th*t AUlaroe elevator, Aak them t*t vole fkkt t). tr Patton for atwoill am) then wr it»* m lion pate It hr dun t you tell It all VVht don I yon any, tret ray erf* la^ttyriil'i ft WM('tir*liiuii«H Not Igssrstirs *l.,sn Tlitt exact amount that i. M. Pol* ■k i lost as treasurer «#f Hlieriuan county was t I,‘.142 IfH, It is no small •uni to lie made up by tins sweat and toil of tile long suffering people of Ibis county, 1s o man who through sucli wanton carelessness lost this large sum to he again elected Pi that oilice, when he has been Warned h gain ami again by the old county treasurer l>. A. Jackson, hy four of the county supervisor* ami hy mim sums persons who resided at Litch field, the very place where the insolv ent People * Mtate Hank Was located. And then the cashier of that hank wit* Implicated in suit after suit in '.tut court house, right under the same roof that I. M. Polski held his olflee, and a Inrgo Judgment whs rendered against that cashier by Judge Holcomb in the district court of Sherman county for about f’J.ooo in favor of the administrator of William Lane, deceased. Ami every few weeks that same cashier was being sued in the Justice courts; hut I. M. Polski did not become a lartned, lie did not, seem to cure, ami though Itein was the custodian of the district court records and new all about those suits ami Judgments yet no one ini* ever uearu mat u« tried to save the county from loo* ing that money, or warned the treas urer, And wiiy did not Long and Mathew as the county Attorney and deputy county Attorney tell I. M. Polski, that those funds were not safe in the hands of a cashier with suits and Judgments uguinst him too numerous to mention, and in a hank that its neighbors were afraid of. Don't you suppose thet they talked over all these matters In some of the little ‘‘Court House King Conventions" so frequently held by those well dressed and ‘‘ell fed gentlemen. Is I, M. Polski al ter all these acts of negligence as treasurer eligible and proper to be elected again to the olllce he has so poorly filled for the t wo years last pant? Is I 'I. Polski qualified and competent to lie elected as treasurer when he is already deficient in the sum of 94,0-12.78? Next time he may be deficient double the amount. W ill any sensible man say that he is under the circumstances legally qualified for the position, and can any man who earns his money by tin1 sweat ot his brow allbrd to vote fora man wlnr by carelessness and neglect has allowed ♦l,lU2 7h to lie lost in this manner? The latv never intends that such conduct shall be rewarded by re-election, or else why docs suction 2 article 111 of our stale Constitution say: Anv person who Is In default us rl‘ lector imii custodtHM of public money or property shall not ue eligible t<» anv ©files of trust or profit under the con stitution on i.aws of mis stale, The language is plain and it seems to ijs can mean only, that 1. M. Polski being deficient in the sum of |4,f)41i.7H public money received by him as county treasurer, shall not be QUAtdKIKD TO HK SLKCTKI) to the i office of county treaaurur again. A* for uh and our liouauhokl wo shall vote for F. VV. Fuller, a man whom we know in eligible, well <|nalilleo» to w ho done the deed How doe* Aeheubai'h milt (or auper vl*or ItXiuMluM UlVISti AWA\ A IMANti The Italhf State Journal give* every auh*erllier sending #1 on mtb*erlpllnn a gut'** la a piano cmileal I lie perm'll guoalug the correct or neare»t i" the correct nutuher of vote* that will he ca*t for »tipieine Judge lid* (all will get till* *iM> piano free I’litt colite*! ■ |o*e* October HI, Send fol a flee aaiil pte copv oi The Journal with lliiaotter The J itirual i* i heap III pttce now, cent* per uioiiHi w It hoot Siiuiiai ortt> twnla w|i|i Sunday. \Jdiv»« Stale Journal I iucoln, Neh. The flute* Independent aald la»t | week tin) Judge Ottklitt aubl III lu» j *|w)ei h in!u' " that he g'dug I" ! vde tor loil tan it pubic ana llil* 1 fait which t hi* ' eouutt tuiioiuatvd tiu lli(,w two oilti n iho lu'it men ItOI H VIM,! No rnln, I'lenty of (III*!, Wu are uiijoying line weather ami Hie fanner* in thl* vicinity arc making iiiih'Ii a! It atnl are gathering their corn, Mr* llert Kdward* x tar led 00 ill* Tuemluy morning train fur Ogden#Utah to vlelt her brother. llert aetfNIlpa I led her a* far »* ilrand ialaud. Mm, Henry Mauri/ went to Ilrand Inland mi Tuesday. MIm Ti iey Petrlk, of Havenna, ban been upending the pant week With Ml** Mattie hnyder, peter depend '• father him moved Into t'je lll'-ll hnuae. Our town wa* treated to a lot of | campaign thunder I ant week. W, I, itjreen npvnklng from the popull*i ftaadpolnt on Tuenday evening, and ■fudge Wail and Judge (ia»lln from ui republican arandpolnt on Friday «v< n Ing Moth fide* were llxtened to I o' large audience*. Our ncfeiol I progre-ulng llnely under the charge o' Ml** Mattie Hnyder. Kddie iluulxeh i* now gnulually Im proving under the earn of Mr* Hen ilrlckaon. hi* ca»e beiug nearly linpele** whenxhe took II In band. The children of Henry Heaalaml are much Improved at pre*ent. It xeemx by the Tlllieii'Iiidependeiit of Ju*t week tuat there are other* hexlde* U L. lli»-oil who are olfloe xeitk'T*. “Verily Patten I* an ulHeo xeeker." Mr. and Mr*. It I, BI**oll were in Kaverina on Monday. Me**r* Hate* and Fuller xpcilta part of iu»t week in our vaclmty and by their gentlemanly way* and manual» have made many friend*. O', W. Fletcher 1* run log the ' leva tor here and t* getting all tin' grain be can handle. Ha ahlppcd out eight car load* of wlu'al bi*t we-k. A UK 12, riKK. TAX SALK NOT I if. To Nebra*ka Loun and Trust Co, You and eueh of you are hereby notified Unit on the A* •Jay of January. fMtl Ju*. IF Fa i n* worth nor 1'buMnl at private tax *ale of I M I'nlwltl, Tmaaurer of Sherman enmity Nelirawha the follow Iiih deseribod premise* to wit: *v.r i|Uar ter Mu-tinti if lownthlp |fi rumrii 10 In Sherman County Nohr , lor the dellni|Ment luxe* of. Hi" year Istri, Thai suld preinl** ■* wer" tax'd *lu Inu *uId year* oI IhwM mid l**t*.', in the tiath" **l N«hr., Loan It Tra*t Co. and that *ald Janie* II fHi’ii-worlU Inis paid Hi" sUb-",juont nix* for Hi*' year* of Isult mid imiii iiiuI that the Hin*' for the redemption of •uhl Imul from suld lux suI" expires on the ill duy of .lull , 1*1*1 Huti d till- IA dity of fh't. I*'.'A. Jamr.* II FAHMawiiam n.v c. A. Moamaog. A|C TAX SALK NOTfl’K, To 1. C. Shepard. You mid eueh of you are hereby imtinad that on the 'in duy of Jim l-m Jarne* ll Furnawnrih purrhusi d at private lux suh of I. M I’olskl Treasurer of Sherman conn ly, Nelirusku the follow In* ilowrlbi'd pri uilne* to wit:K half s. W, ipiarter and W half H K ■IMarfer *eetlnii At township 1*1 rmix" lit Hher rim n f •mini c Nidir fill' I hf« fll’Illitnlf lll liiXP’t < if th«* year iwrj. That nan* t/iemise* were? luxed •ItirlDK said year of IMWJIIn the rmme of F C Hhepurd. and were taxed during the ,v« ar t '•WV In the name of I. 0. Hhepurd and that said Ju'< II. Farnsworth haw paid the subsequent to*c* for the years «»f I MU'. I and IHM and that the tittle for the redemption of Mild land from »ald ta* sale expire*, on t he 'iU dayof .Ian ImihV Dated till* IV day of Oct. |sW». J AMIRS II FAWMAW'dll M fly 0, A. ICOMINNtiN A at. TAX HALF NOTICK To Thomas Kilpatrick. You ami encli of you are hereby notified that on the ‘At day of Jan.. l*ui J II. Farnsworth purchased at private- tn j sale of I M I'oJskl, Treasurer of Hhertnun Co.. Nebraska the following described premises to wlt:N, K. quarter of section U, township 1H, rutum Irt, Hhertnun County Nebraska for the tie llnquent taxes of the year iwr;, Thai said promises were taxed durlnur said years of I soil and IHWV lu the name of Thomas Kilpatrick; and that said J If. Farnsworth has paid the subsequent taxes for Urn years of I soil and IkPI and that the t ime for the redemption of said land from said tax sale expires on the .'0 day of Jan. I MM. Dated this fft day of Oct IM0R J. 11 Faiinhwoiciii lly C. A. KoniNson A«/t. TAX SALK NOTICK To VV. II. Tempo I in an. You uml each of you are hereby notified that on Urn day of Jan. I HIM .1 II. Farnsworth purchased wt prlvrla tax sale of I M i’cdskl. Treasurer of Sherman t o., Nebraska the following described premises to wit : N. half H. VV. quarter section J. township IV rattan Irt Hhermun county Nebraska for the dc llnquent taxes of the year IHWf. That said premises were taxed during said yea"* of I MM and IMUV In the name of VV. II TmnpoUttUQ and lliut said Ja< II Farnsworth has paid the sub sequent taxes for the years of IMM and 1004 end tlmt the time for the redemption of said land from said tax sales expires oil the ‘At day of Jan. ISM. Dated this iv day of Oto l MM, Jas. II h AMSsWnilTIt lly C. A UoiiinmoN. Ak't TAX BALK NOtIokT" To K. K Homier You and each of you are hereby untitled that on the ’id day of Jan., Isui Jus. ll. Farnsworth purchased at. private tax *aie of I, M Folate I. treasurer of Mhoniian county. Net; . the following described promises to-w it; K half N W (luarterand K half H VV quar ter section a township PI ruuifo Irt, HUtouun eouutv Nobr. for the delinquent taxes of the yeu« I so.'. That said promise* wore taxed dur I mi said year of I Wirt in the name of Nebraska Loan and TfU*M 0. and Were laved dutltltf the v« at i*o.'» In the name of K K lieuimr and that >4hl J H Farnsworth ha* paid the subsequent taxes for the years of INW and I MM and that the time for the redemption of said land fruit said tax sale » xplroa on tho «M dut of Jan IM*rt Dated thU tV day of Ik»t. |hh*%. Jauos II FAMNsWoftTvk. lly F A IbHUksuN Aat. ‘I l.ii... who itr<* tiolvbtH to oto lor ( twi.lt* Of otlierwlsc |||**H*0 1*1.11 t.0‘1 *»l't ii» «t onto «* I itootl tlo* ii.o.toy tint* tin* T M HttBH A ol.tti»i‘ halt •oolltot of liiut.lv .'ill I hull'll lui.tl lor nftlo. I'll*** o Kor luttlit*r oIhi• * .11 on or u*l i|ro.«. K .-u.km a Ih s . iih mi, l.oit|i eUv. OUR MOTTO: Ouiek Sales and Small Profits. I Imtui n •liK'k .<1 nnti'lt nil I I'lin'k ihhIi1 ftwl 'klOvii I ImmijjIiI n) i * *1** f»■» Unit Hu* ii'ii iUr |>tn'> uml « I tilt** mi lit. inU llw bull wt llik itrtNtt »tt*l »l|l i|m »>*ik nt IUp (ti||nwi|i|| |tit» |itlit> fxt IlMMUkt »u tint• M >ut liu|ti«< an> n>akt<. (k. tUu k|‘H,.„a >*» I 4i " . I W"i l* ■* t« -i»* miMfi x.*n >«• * I"*h**m». i». i •»•!«* n hi m i.. i «i wMk .imi* TT,t |t *• ili ... a i. .I. »alt |tl n r* M .• »|: I.. • *ali h l» |««ltlan ai.l nxaiaiat* m t H a*ti>tt tti ittutiav i»lnn«tt»l I It.I lt.it> tlt. tf .,, *l «tl || .I» Wtltii mil* HttW lM*»» Hutl.ill a i Ilia,, ,,|» Mai, lilV Mt'-I t Italu. Hi *», »‘lw», ntt.l , ' III,i ,. >i ■« ** , it » «,, I I it, ,u ,■,«» I . I l,« i n*‘lf,l III I >»IJI i lit. In |a,I i,i* »ill ,||a,-,iui i nil,,*,* |,ti,'. * mi i«ri xhI In,*, t aim Ibb n^ktitl t>| IMIIHM (It I I at It mill nvl II,,I tltnltH). M a «o,,i lit |,.w MIMMW •«*) l«ll«n, \...IIt II n A. HOOKW, llm Ji ni!*r m <<»|,H,Iim* / \ HKN«‘‘lloTI,U. ' iiimi- or EX I'HEStt ahi» GEN ERA I, DELIVERY LINE, All r,*t>i«*i< wi Krn||/M or'lni < promptly Mininlx-i to • y i, mahcy. * DENTIST* umor, lollnnd *od Marry Won*, K**l Did” I'ntitle a. \y .i.fjmii i K, fltturnujj-Ht-LHW, W id nml improvnd land < for ■air And moony to loan on l«ul nxtnln. MIDI' CITY, • - KKHHlIli. Oil. UlHMUN, • I>I A I K.H IN i'urnil are. ftr CAKPKTH. I N DKHTAKKKH (iOOim Wear Hlilo I'nliHi* Mi|unco. 1am i* City. • l>r. Price'* Cream linking Powder World'* I’alr llltflxat Medal and IMpluma. Amelia,M<;Al]»int% Loup City, Hlmupj* .Silling nrul Anhioti. V AIN Ol' I'ICK AT LOCI' CITY All ','rnlr. Imuletl Id Me Alpine or Sell... |>|) Sliilog ticket* are to lie pm uiitfii ui Loup City or Aitbton oilin' mill receive wluil tbe market price i* ui llio*e *tntion*. Cull unurliitiig, hllloti* (Jolla.... •! Iiolnin Morbu*. VomlllU*......... .1 ougll*. Cold*, llronctillU... .1 Oil I'll Iglll. Tootlin' lie, y'*iw»th«..., <1 <1 - Itniidm lioM. HI. k IlMdMhn, Vprtl('), ,1 l(l-lir*pnp*in. luiioii**.'**. i'.niiMi.ttii.iu ,i II— Huppre»*ed or I’nliilul i’erindr .1 m-XVbtlnH.Too Vrofunn I'.rkKi*....I 1.1 (roup, I.uryiluIII*, Il'inrwne**.I t f-Hnlt IMi.'.im, Jry.liiela*, JCruntlun*. .1 lU-l(houuittll*in,or IlniiUmrtlOl'rlM.. .1 III - VI <•!» rIn. till 11*, favor and Agio*.. IV-Clln*. Hllnd or blending. <1 IH Opl.il.nliuv, Huroor Weak F.jrn*,...,, .1 |1| < >mi n il. fiifliMurn. Cold luluall.'nd .' ‘ill-Whooping I'oiiiiI*. d UI—A*thmi»* Opiiw*»«d Breathing.I U'i-Knr llU.'liiiigo*. Iini.iilrn.1 Hearing .1 «:i-Hi'rnfuln, Knlurged Clnn.l*, .welling .1 U lljmernl llehllliv. I*by»l.'«lwe»ha*i* .1 U.V- l»rop«y. nml Hcanty ..! #«~Men.l»fekriP**. NlofcmnuifrolulUdtng .1 Sf-HIdnnv OlaOABII*...„•! UH Nervou* llehllliv...1*0 110 Horn Month* or Cantor ....... ..... . JtO -t rlnniy Wi nknnaa. Wottluilllinl. .1 a I - Painful Period*........ •. • .T'l- OlannaeaolT ho lleart.PalnltntkM1. I .T.T-y.pll.'Pnv. npiuun*, HU Vltin’ fn.U UA-DIphtliorlu* lUoaraunlHomT' I'oat.. .! aS-l 'bi onlo I oiihi<«I Ion* fc i.i Hull*. .US ll**u DR. humi'hhi.vv roio 4E0 77 kHCCiriC rORI*illr|C0 . I'M, uo In gmall bntttal of fl' i nt puUnUkJiMt nuyuur vouti»« k«i •ol* Ilf liruiitM, or o.ul pool I'oiil ou ronolp, uf prion P* Hu*r«»*vo Uo****(*ni*i*«l*tiovMo.1,1 iu.ii.4Ii.. iitai'uuuii'MKu.iu>m*ii**uit>«M.,iiiiw ten* SPECIFICS, HUMPHREYS’ WITCH HAZEL OIL "THE PILE OINTMENT." PorWn*—1> i ternul or Internal. Mind nr tltwllngf 11.1 ill* In Aim; luningur likaollng of Uie luwliuu. Vlier. Ilef 1. IWmedlain-Uio euiu in rlaln. fttlOG, 90 UTS. TUI AU HIVC. 99 OTB. 0.44 I‘f IVMgielete, t»r MAl |n»HM04 m (Ovalpi t*r prtM* III *1*1114b I r 0K0. lu, 111A U • WU1IMI01,. k«« twtu Dr. Price * Crown linking Powder Meet Perfect Mad*. ilex lien lire* Drx (iutnln, Ouiuliu, Itikil* n 1 til limi t Dull iiig* Pi ill Hill < UK Af Si,IliP |itiu*p|lii|<| mill kill lion titreilure Ki >| lie hi title tiilli'ti | ui I n in* Uogoii*. t'lil'liHge*. 1 iiygle* kill! mail W ig Oil*. XX O HIP |lt'Hiii|UiU'|. i t • XV P itkt.li. TO MAKE ROOM KOK MV IMMKNMK HTOt,'K OK OOOIW WHICH I HAVK HOHOIIT KOItTIIK KAbl> TttADK I Wild, OKKK/H Great Bargains during the Honth of September. Conn* to Me m«i before buying eleewliere I *jmi eave you money, liepairing donl In a Writ One* manner and on abort notice, and at iirii:«'» lower than t lie loweet, K, mcbwkh, l/Oup Olty'i I tellable Jeweler. C, M SHITH, pMomuroH. A full lino of all kinds of goods pertaining to the business always on hand. COMIC April SICK MY NEW HARD MADE HAFRESS and laarri my price* before buying I will offer to the publio for the Mil MO Dayn Harness A.t Cost* First Class Leather Suspenders For Only 35 Cents. mid nil other good* at w|Mully ae low price*. Ootnc aerly end I (ten lit you out at price* lower than the lowoet. NO urn SIDE RAILROAD STREET. Loup Olty. • Neto. I), C. DO*. A- *’■ CULLKY, Vice-President. Conner. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stook, $600,000. Loans on Improved (anna ad *0(1 pot oand. Ba* On-panjr nod ba* Mi labs had In the ms*. Ookuaroanaim) i-~Gbsmloal Nattoool Saab, Sew York dtp, 6. $4 BdOiO ja^ktonal JBaa*. umaha. Wohsssk* W J KIHIIKK OKI). K. MKNHOIIOT’BK, Attorney and Notary Public. Publisher Linn* Om Nowriiwnawm* FISHER & HENSOHOTBR, i:\T.ITi: .IMV.YTS. 1,0111’ CITY, • • NKRHANKA. Town Iiotw, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated Lauda for Sale. Insist on j W\ AfiP HAWR SOPA J in packages >riS“4S* Costs no more than Inferior package soda— never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni. versally Oiknowlrdgtd purist in tbt world. rude only by church fc CO., Hew York RM kr ihm« iwrwMn. •* .( fklMkt, *•«*■» - I'M* GENERAL LIVERY PEED A SALE STABLE First Cuts' Kiushhu Tsrvs Rians on Hhro. ’|'lu» U<»i .if tukiMi of kt'i'** |‘Ih«hhI in our »«w. a n*\u««» R»A»n*A*uA (IIy* tin • A. KOLTf, l'r.i|.ri*K«r.