The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 18, 1895, Image 8

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    \V. It Mellor, KcMi(l(‘iit Aftent for It & M. Wild, Improved anil Irriftnled Lamln for Male,
Liooni I7«ws.
Machine oil at A. Watklnson'*.
11nt den Bros. Dry Uomlt, Omaha.
lioola ami shoea ut Henry Doll
J, I* Jaeger has treated hi residence
Is a new coat of paint.
Kok Hai.K Clir.AI’ Home household
*nd kitchen furniture Kmi Ire at this
W. L.Green, populist candidate for
district judge, made us a pleasant cull
J. T. Hale started Wednesday morn
Ing to HuflVo County on an extended
buslnes trip.
We acknow ledge a pleasant call from
Norris Brown and Judge Gaslln. of
Kearney, this morning
Tire county clerks and the county
treasurers office is now vacant, the oft!
ecr* both being out electioneering
Mrs. Wm. Balllle, of Westerville, has
been visiting friends and relative* In
and near Ijtup City the past week.
Bey. C. K, Malmann, of Ord, will
hold Kplscopal services in the Baptist
Church Tuesday evening. Oct. 23nd.
“77" Fob Colds Dr. Humphreys’
(Specific “77" will “break up” a cold that
• hangs on." Price 25 ct*„ at all drug
Those who are Indebted to ine for
twine or otherwise please call and set
tle at once as I need the money due me.
t T M Reed
The Modern Woouian of America
took in another new member last Tues
day. Making six new members added
this month.
The Seventh Day Adventists will
hold a series of meetings in the lower
room of the opera house, this city com
mencing October 22 and cotnMnuing to
the 27.
T. L. Pllgor, the new president and
general manager of the irrigation and
• water power Co. ba* had the companies
lumber moved to his residence where
be can look after It.
Mike Polskl is shy #5 (WO.00 on Sher
man counties monev and yet has the un
limited gall to ask the people to put
him hack in office so he ean loose an
other wid.
W. T. Owen is walking on o r these
du^s, and all becaimo of the arrival of
a little son of the standared weight
which made its appearance ut his house
last Wednesday October 15, in this year
of our Lord I8l)f>.
Wo are indebted to Mr. Oeo. Lee lor
some very fine samples of potatoes
wtilbli he brought us for our show win
dow. We have now a fine collection
of Sherman county's products on exhi
bit and we think they are worthy of
comparison with that of any in the
“Be regular and punctual in all
things" was oho of the old maxims,
taught long ago. The last is not for
gotten, but the first !s scarce remember
ed, so irregular is the life of most peo
ple nowadays. The only corrector of
this evil is Simmons Liver Regulator,
which keeps the liver active and pre
vents the ills of irregular living: Dys
pepsia, Bllliousness, Constipation, etc.
It also cires these troubles
Judge A. Wall, of tld* city. Norris
Brown and Judge Gaslio, of Kearney,
each made a line republican speech in
the opera house last night to a large
auuienoe 01 eutiiusastlc republican*.
Judge Wall und Norris Brown, also
made masterly speeches at Ashton the
night before and to a crowded house
The large Herman’s hall there was lllled
und the meeting was a complete suc
cess They will speak at Kockvllle to
night and tomorrow at a p. m. at
l.itch tic Id. Judge Haslm will be with
them at both places.
W, I,. Philips, of Ord made u» a
pleasant call while in the city on bus
loess last Wednesday morning lie
remarked that t.uup Ulty bad some
honest men as oitlseus which fact was
fully demonstrated to |,i, satisfaction
during hi* stay Hy way of expl*
nail in he further staled that he lost a
live dollar hill which was found by
one of our leading merchant* Thus
Uasteyer who took the pain* to
Hud the rightful owner aud frankly
handed it to lorn, lie saol that Mr
Uasteyer could hare had no other mo
live imi honesty m so doing, aud lhal
II ever he located m this county M
uasteyer should have hi* pM»i nage
fur lie knew that hit book audioul
would be all right.
fetllwttl i’uHtruUutt
I'be annual holiday behind Cimvenliwii
Association wm held a Lamp (die \ih
• Mutter IJ and 13, |*ui,
fhu drst setclou opened tMwtiei If
a| 4 Wt p ha With a devotional meet•
mg led by It c Miller. After a shott
talk uw cutttent tot work tty Mr is.'utt
• Ml** Was read hy Mrs • '«*««■*• no
Wsya and menus of Wuth tu the bun
day dchutd " t he subplot scute ui th>
••***•**'» Hu*MA* altttics «f a aunder
Ikhoul Itch,. * wa* well discussed hy
Tha re put •> hum I He m a. m lb*
WMtniy, was then called for, but there
•Mug so fee delegates „ M,
decldeti to have ibi Hf (IaiImIiH
after mu.. \ itttuutUiee wa. then ,,
polniid |(*rrvt«< and amend the con*tl
tut inn and the a»»o< latlon w»* Adjourn
ed until 7 30 p. in,
Tin-ev*nli.g Maalon opened with a
««ng aervlcv followed try *n able »er
mon by IP-v. Steven*, of Mtchtleld,
A**ociatlon opened u;v> with a devo
tional meeting led try U, II, Scott, fol
lowed by an excellent aermon by llev.
Mu*ten. after which Sunday School w*«
held Subject :-Tbe Triumph of Gideon.
Number of Pupil* prevent lid, Super
intendent* 4, Teatiher* 16, Olllcer* In
Sunday School 7, Collection #1 73
Adjourned to 3 p. in.
The MJtnlon opened with a devotional
led hv Kev. Maaten, KcportA were
then called for from (he Sunday School*
in the comity, There are 16 auhoolt
and nine reported. Wn h >pe at the
next, report* will tie given from all the
't he report of the couimlttee on a
fnemltueni* of ttie Coimtltutlou wa*
read, a motion made and carried in ac
cept th» coiiailtutiou aa amended.
The following odlcer* were then duly
elected. I'realdent. NelrnaH.Convvr»e;
Vice I'. K., G. Taylor; Sec., Carrie
Ilolcouib; Trea*., J. A. Alnger. It«v
Maatvn then i]i*cut*ed the Hubjact "How
their personal responsibility." Paper
was read by Ml*s Flint, on “Primary
work, the Teacher, the Child." Also
ono by Mr*. 1C. E. Tracy, on “Primary
work. Aitn and Results."
Discussion on “Convention work,"
by Judge Bent
Paper on the Sabbath School. It*
Place and Purpose. Mr. Char lei Fair
bairn followed by discussion.
A paper on, llow best ean we keep
each Individual Interested In the work,
by Mr E. O. Taylor.
Missionary work in our Sunday
Schools was discussed bv liev. Miller.
The meeting then adjourned until
7.30 p. in.
The Childrens service was interest
ing conducted by Rev. Miller and Rev
Masten with very good singing by the
choir anil children.
Ashton, Neb., Oct. 1ft, ’W5.
Ei> North western:
An article in the Times-Independ
ent issue of Sept. 27th signed:
“One who has been too hard up to pay
his taxes," contain nothing but false
statements from the first line up to
the signature and that is a deception.
ltis learned that the wiiter never
did pay any taxes and present pros
pects are that he never wiLb. His
anxiety to he a great pop leader, has
placed Lim where it would be not
out of place to ask him how bu has
subsisted for tho past year. With
out humiliating the poor cuss too
much, we will refer to the Ashton
Relief Committee which, if it would,
could answer the question by giving
a complete list of bis income for
several months. He has rarely beeD
caught at work and has nothing in
view hut a small township office.
Ills statement us far as U relates
to last springs village election is en
tirely false. Thu populist did not
put up a ticket and no party lines
were drawn. As the republicans
had no ticket, they could not nor
uuj, innr me < | ui-ntitrii \ji ji.ijmp;
taxea. The whole matter originat
ed in the brain of the author, and ia
the only hard work he hna done lor
a long time. Hut that ia not all.
lie aaaaiia our candidate for iviipor
viaer in a way entirely uncalled for.
Mr. Killiehowrki haa reaided here
or withiu 80 mile*, for over ten
yearn l.oug before hia aaaailant
tramped into the elate he waa a cili
*»*n. When ulraeut, he waa earning
hi* iiviug while aoiue people (you
kuow who) were living on charity,
and bragging about tt.
It may be true that Mr Kiliick
owaai la imt a heavy tax pater but
what about hia opponent? I'lvaae
look un the uk*eiaora leeord and
the arnouut in Frank liu
dura a name It ia doubiful It you
Hud hia name
M lieu It ia a ipiekti<m of ability
ol knowledge of thw Uev la of Uak
freek and A*htoii towuklitp* it ter
tainly lain Mr K a favor aa hi* up
|Miueut haidiy know* the road to *«y
plow lour milea (ro*u town. Kven
t’le pop* any that Madura *>n« t **i
g«H'« uut t*f town 1‘vimiiially lailh
vatuPdalea ale genltvuo« wurl Ihe
lea* the 1'irnea ti>tiv*|a*i,deiit baa to
awy. the fwdter it will be |,*t h*a eai>
A net In dnvwk lit hi him will
fall l**i *• *n'lhing t kaaoN *t ami he
may » i *1* he had t onlroiled hi* j*. n
Ur K 'Hlt how »kl il * let ted Will
I not ntvd 'lit aol of tt*k t It t ka ex
»U(» aa owl pit**wt otHetat
«lo*a i'mm
It will be well for our republican
render* to keep truck of what Oic
pop* are aayiug about liielr own
party and tfrelr own candidate*.
We <|Uote ibe following remark*
dropped by tbe w«y*i(|e from the
lip* of repre*> ntative populiat*.
(a) “The republican* have bad
their convention and Loin* Hein lia*
ba<l Ida convention, when are w<
Independent* going to have out
(b) "I’ve a notion to vole tbe
whole republican ticket tin* fall
Juat fl* a rebuke to our fool leader*
for letting Lou Kcin run their
(c) ‘ We've got a bon* in our
party and no miatake and he'el run
the party clear to b——l If w# let
him alone,"
(d) “Lou Hem '* ticket ia what I
call a demo-pop ticket, lie'* got
no um for a populiat unlea* be wa«
tormerly a democrat. There ai'nt
a aingla old time republican of our
party on the ticket."
(e) “Lou Heiu i« the high muck
a muck of our party, lie alia on
hi* throne and di*penaea tbe oltlcea
but be anya “none but democrat*
need apply."
(g) “We've got aorne pretty good
' I__• .. I V 'll
• VI I n |li l/MI I'M! •'»•* * » • vv
blamed if I want em to run our
party and with Lou Kein for their
leader and king, and they are doing
(b) “Lou Hein thought he waa
terrible smart when he fixed up a
ticket with a Herman for an office,
a Polander for another, an Irishman
for another and a Scotchman for an
other. Just to get ail the foreign
vote yon know."
(I) “Lou Hein seems to think
that the Americans in our party are
competent to fill the office of coro
ner but it takes the foreigners like
himself and Mike to draw the fat
(j) We've got to throw Louis Hein
overboard or else the good ship wiii
go to the bottom of the sea. Hut if
the good Lord provides a whale to
bwoIIow him, 1 pity that whales
stomashe. It'll never be able to
hold such u foul dose of democracy
one hour, to say nothing of three
days and nights."
(k) “The republicans are tickled
to death at the way Louts Hein is
busting our party. They say “hit
em again Louis.’’ He'is just knock
ed our bust men clear out and des
troyed their usefulness. Justcouut
em on your.fingers. Theres Snyder,
Bent, Hendrickson, Kitlcll, Nightin
gale Bros., lieapy. Dick Baker,
Kings, Sweetland, Drapers and lots
of others. All our best workers are
silenced by him. I've no use for a
man who hasu knife for all the best
men in his own party and no knife
for the enemy. ’
(l) “Louis Rein had better stay
in the court house and attend to his
duties and not go around the couuty
putting his nose into township poli
tics. lie'll hav » enough to do to
litrnigolf thitt (fill withnnt tifiinr
•J '■w
to elect supervise™ and other town
ship officers."
(ui) “Our Grover Cleveland in
the courthouse had better mind bis
p's uud <|'s, like tbe other Grover;
or bis bead will go of this fall. I'm
tired of this thing of one man own
ing a parly."
(n) “It goes a little bard with us
to have to vote for a man for county
treasurer who stands in with the
bankers to beat the county out of
$0,000. DO."
(°) “They tell me Mike wads an
out and out barguiu with Nick to
give him the couuty deposit and
Nick put IjO.OO into his upciul cam
paign fund, just to elect Mike uud
not any other populist. You see
Miku was good looking and such au
intelligent foreigner, Nick fairly
tinted ou hiui."
(p) “I understand that Uiok Mak
er uud 15 or «0 other gmid men told
Mike I'tilski it was'nl safe to deposit
iu Nicks bauk, Mol lie went ou
depositing all the same I II never
believe but what Mike got a goodly
rake ult
PIl “Jh*me uf the lawyers aie say
ing that I'tdskt ought to lie sued on
his bund fnf the county tuotiey lost
in Nick s bank They say he nuuhl
have heeu all right pro* tiling he
had nl known that Nick a bauk was
I It soli eld* Hut lack sou told Min
so when I'ulaht went into olthe auti
tweu > oihci good men Is Id huu the
same thing soon after ami yet he
voulittttvd to deposit,"
ill ■■ \\ c dm nl hale a platfoiui
uf any principals to stand on In our
t'oniemioc Alt a- had was a
ll'MMliliU' tk»f
y*} "It ah<> use talking, we re
got t<> gm the court house ting a
lda> k >-ye ibis (all ll we kilt oil
t,-iu|s sled Mike it will tm a lesson
hi alt other politiml ttosses
I'l “It has |uit I M||»V lt» lUtu » Mh
rl |i4ii> ttm St go or Iculs Mein
must go If our patty ta run by
hl«w just iw> is-sia lasts wc Won t lot
alii** lii i !• Is. "iistal-le i r a log
|*l el In Mon mall MOOUly \ Moss
in one party is just a* had a* in an
i<th< t '
la If*l*i * »*<■».«far < an'IMala AtOI la Mia
Mmrmrtt I la* at
nWTIl'Ilf l liotl IHini* I'Aoe.
who haa dein-Miratic unti'iwilHiU and
duttiorratlc procliyitie* and haa been
■itling down on all the popullat lead
er* who came over from Hie repub
lican pari). M) pop neighbor* »a>
Him want no Hue drawn in Hie parly
who one# were republican* and the
men * bo were formerly democrat*,
but l.oul* i* iti*i»llng that only dem
oerai* aliall bold oltlce in tlie popu
Hat parly and be lia* bad Ida own
way till* lime l.ook at In* ticket,
there i* not a man oa it who at any
time belonged to the republican
party. They are all convert# from
democracy to populiHra.
The pop* *ay they never had a
quarrel in the party until Iteln
cam - into it ami <he strife ha* been
growing hotter ever; day eiuce he
ha* been with them. They way they
never had a political boat until Kein
came and now they huve got one
with a vengenee. Now from what I
hear the pupa themaelvea look on
Kein a« a political Joi.ali who mu*t
be thrown over board or eUe the
whole abip will go to the bottom.
When 1 bear pop aayiug -we don't
. wand any king* like Kein in our
I parly it look* to u man up a tree a*
! ili.nii/li li> wunlit, unv too (lonular
iii his own party.
Now hits be become very popular
with republicans? VVe know of no
reason why he should be. There is
no light against Hates in our party
and there was a tight against Reas
Now in view of the fact that Louis
Hein has taken the scalps of all the
leaders in his party, most of whom
are men of popularity and have num
erous personal and political friends,
how can editor Brown insist that
his candidate is popular?
In vie* of the fact that Hein is
also one of the greatest and most
overbearing political boss who had
meddled with every township cacus
arid also conventions to which he
was not a delegate; wherein does
bfs popularity lie?
Men who are in politics simply
to knife others always get knifed
themselves. And many knives
make short work of them.
No party can atlord to vote for a
tnau whose every act teods to tear
the party asunder, and the pops
though not very wise, are not fools.
They know the election of Hein a
second lime is the deatii kneil of the
pop party. We Republicans would
gladly turn in and help elect Rein
lor me purpose ui ni-Hinn mg me
pop parly in our county if we did'nt
know loo well that it waa the ulti
mate object of that cunning politl
tician Louis Hein to carry off the
scattered elements of the populist
party into the democratic fold on
the dual UlaolulioD. Now Louia if
you would only briug the pops over
to the republican party we might
help you to bust the pop party.
But wu know your record to well as
a Boyd democrat to think yon would
help us any. So you may say good
by to republican voles this year.
One thing 1 forgot to mention iu
regard to my pop neighbors ou the
west side. They say Jim Zink aud
Albert Dickerson and Jim Slole
promised the Cook faction two years
ago that Hein ahould not be nomi
nated for clerk a second term. They
admitted that his nomination waa a
■ mistake in part; but they said they
' could'nl afford to thraw him over
! tioard for fear of electing lieasooer
who to them was very offunaive.
Now Zink and Dickerson have gone
clear back no their promise ar.d if
they did not actively assist in pack
iug the convention for btm, which
most people believe they at nil
event winked at the packing
of the convention by Kcin him
self. Bui then you sac Jim
Zink aud Albert Dickerson are both
populists of democratic antecedents.
Hence their sympathy for Hein and
apprtal of the pop-democratic |
tiekel which he has nominated (
Hence also their opposition to the i
gray headed vetrau of their owu
party who ouce belonged to
the republican rank’ and to all pop
uliat of lte|iuhlican antecedents I
inn e no time to say anything abon*
Hu in s record iu this letter but would
like t<> say a fev words next Wei k
_ti O f. |
Award'd High"! Honor*.
World** Fait.
MOST wkfk:t MAl>H
A |H**. (IHW i*l 1 '»! IV* 4*,
Pm *,«« A»u»>*m* ANh* «* •». Mfcw *******
-==A f ¥ f; n f i <? *=
———Wi I— III 111 * /*■».♦— / r»# -«—l »«** WW IIW'I ■———»
Sorr)€ |VIerch)ants
ingle for trade ju*t u* I#oy* catch bill. They Imvi ahowy
halt (prize*j, hut underneath are iharp hirh* (aheap good*)
which in the long run coat* the unauapeetlng eualouter
dearly. Tld* I* not our method, When you rail on ua we
do not try to make you think that you are getting aorne
thing for nothing hut we aell you the heat good* we eau
huy, at the LOWKHT pooalhlc price.
YVe arc still bundling the wmlil renowned Washburn Crosby
Company flour (which hy the woy,l« ground in Minneapolis,
Minnesota) which has given our customers excellent satis
faction every time. Head what Washburn Crosby Cornpuny
say in regard to it: ‘ There's as much difference In the
flour of some mills, as there Is between an old windmill and
the most modern milling pluut in the world, Hueh are the
famous mills of Washburn Crosby Company, in Minneapo
lis, Minnesota, (J. H. A., having a eapasity of Di,M)0 barrels
daily. Ripiippcd with the very la'est improved machinery
for grinding the celebrated, “No. I Hard" whuatof Minnesota
and Dakota, their well known “.Superlative" and “Oohjl
Medal" brands, are recognized as the standard of high grade
(lours where ever they are used.'
“This flour contains a large percentage of the gluten of
wheat, and a very small proportion of starch, and for this
reason bread mude from it, does not become dry and tastless
but retains the sweet flavor of the flour, and will keep moised
for several duys."
“See that the Arm name, Washburn Crosby Conpuny is
on every barrel, or sack of flour you buy, to insure your
having the genuine article."
We also handle the Crete, Neb. flour, which as cvcry-one
knows, Is the best mude in tins state.
Leulhcr took the lead of sugar in making an advance,
but we will sell shoes at the old prices for some time, though
they will prohuhly advance slightly before long. We
handle Bradley Metcalfs famous shoes which are gimren
teed to 1)0 as represented or your money refunded.
Canned gooda are yet r^ulte low
and will probably remain so for some
time.' A few prices will tell the
Cal. Table Peaches, per cun, .20
“ “ Pears •* “ ,a0
“ '• Apricots “ .in
“ “ drupes “ “ .in
“ “ G. dages “ " .in
“ “ k«k Plumes >* i'i
The dried fruit market In much
the Name will) little cbanct ot ar>
advance for nowic time, Prices are
never amiaa:
Cal. dried Peaches, per II). , ift
•I O I. O.l | ||
“ “ Pears «• <* , i<>
•' “ Apricots “ “ . 10
“ “ Raisins “ o i) 5
“ “ Plums “ <• in
" “ (■ rapes •* •> . o,v
We handle all kind* of atnoked and Milt mrut* of the
very l>e«l Armour Cudahy Packing.
Everything ip General.
We are *tlll lieadijuartera for Crockery, gueauawan*,
(ila**ware, aud have juat received a large atook of the
fauioua Columbia ware which la at preacut *o much the
We receive freali grocerie* evert week ami can guarantee
the I teal <>u the market. We keep all kiuda of tiulk coffee
at |g| eta . 17 j eta , ilk eta. ,'i% i u , and all package coffee
at two package* for t.t eta.
When you call OU n» dol't forget to bring toui money
purae along for it* cask we need, mi matter whether It*
gold, all ter or eurreeey w» are not orthodoa tin the immey
ipreatiou juat ao we are paid caab tliala all we cate for
Yours for Trade.
I .