„w4 <1" IJ* ojB»t ;*i 252 »/h<*4 'l« 7 'I' n a I it. t /* ; if 4 rt r'r’ h*4 w <' n:i *2i>H '1" 47 «} »w4 <14 M :,ft „p4 i« 13 77 n«4 ‘1" 11W (WM'KVII l.l VIIXAOK lyd IHli Aw*t M Mill Af«'l t $ lo «)« do lo | lo •***« do lo | lo nttffit tin Ul t„ur I m fdo<* do lo A ’ j lo Inn do 10 I jo flnvno do 10 I Ml IV do 10 xltfl.l I ", nil A. I A7 itlitM I 10 "t I do V IA i„,, I lo mV V do I 7A I In **> V do 1^ , ; I lo **V 4 ft* I do A nn j jo o'i 51 do HI ff I lo *»'i I do M If, I |0 ftvn do II 10 I 10 -l« do A H* a lo »nvnn do t A,, , » |0 *■ Iwli! do thrnn « In nlnn *i*> f. or M 10 l*oi do (f Ml nlnunn do ,1, » in II do [I ..,,/hl II » in ilin* ,1', « II In fi.iir „ii in iw>. An ItliBM.i II HI U»r»« ,l„ •litnm, II III d" ooi4 I lo fin* do io two I in -I* do jo Ihrtm I io ant mu do lo four l m do lo Avit I lo oIiim do lo g 4 jo <»*o do lo I 10 11 vlitllt 7 l‘ * "itr ■! • fi 1U nw d'l H llil II. I Ij !>•> fly, 1 V* It <1* KnV.'ll M I't lirltt • „, ^ K JO . j III* 0 * 4|,l H In I, n d |... ,, J •*}«»V*»tl '! ' four I'' > J n i nit of V 1 ' * ill d" ..11,1 lo JO It d# M» two lo Jo oa on,* :ui I i ihroo lo Mi diiim do " • four 10 io ’wo do Hvi* 10 10 ilin*** tlo lo N|x |0 io four tlo I" Nl.v on 10 10 f!v« do lo on.i 11 1" Ml* do lo two ilo lit .ioW»n do threw do io ottfht do do lo iiIum do h\n do 10 t#n do «lx do lo I'lovoo do lo mo volt do lo 17 do **ltfId do io IH do ditto do 10 II do ton do lo otto 2H >0 olovoil *1*» 10 two do 17 ilo 10 ihroo do lo itlt of 12 1 lo four do lo nil of Id *11 flvo do 10 nil of 11 1 lo m|x do 10 oim 1ft lo to von tlo two do lo i*t*(tiI tlo throo tlo lo nlno do four do lo loti tlo flvo d»* 10 •♦Itivoli do lo h!x do 10 17 do Id .I.i 10 lit do Htfht dti Id 14 do nine ill! I" Idle !M I ell lln 10 IWll Itt eleven iln I" ihree ;*• U in (mir ilo I" nne III I" five ilo twn (Id lh eld (In three (In I** ■'(■veil *1" 11nir dn iip inttht iln five (In l‘> nine iln Hi I n( n Wl ten ill* I" hum le m eleven iln tun iln 111 III ill! three iln HI I" >itowliiM di'*» rlhed j.io|n »ly 1* ail to lowii«hi|> Id, i uoer 1»i I •«*"«■ 11HiH’Uon Alu t e-'i-w* and w'4 awl 1 * * •• •••Mill half iiorthwoMt .|r H Ait north half eoiithe**! or 1 4 1M «o«U|OM«l 4jr am|lh»>«*t ‘(f ‘ * -1 •**uH|eaa» (Halter t ** *d (Mil wor threat .,r aw »|r A t A? |-n l a -r threat *,i jf * A ♦ J »nai hell MMltke»e| *(r A H di'iW »|* **oulh weal t|r * ' ' imrl aouihea*! i|tUnU'f A 14 M >- iota Mia* met t*o A lie | ’Hu. ' •' »ni «(«Ol»ee»i m* lieu* * “l |.(%i I hr or aw «|i u* (r < a t<«r' oe ■*t aw i(i oe ur a “ |WA aw ur aw nr MM ur * l'«'i «n r aw ur Mht'tr •* iutiI aw , ,* 4 h* ««>i halt aHnA«Mi u* * I* ** in itt»»e*t uv*w*»»o * L m(vtlhWatt (twwrlao 1 '1 < wifttfwt q»nftfl#f ft It 'i MrtMlitMl ft I" *■ noflliMHil qnwfl*r 1 to A\ north***! HOnff*'/ ft 10 'A (inrlliWINit ft II *51 mrttfhwwMt ffUMfUtf ft I" 71 quftftwr '<* I'i I1 nor’hww»t tjnwrUo 5* II '*5 Mo»jtliw««f nn*rtm 5* 17 l< north J ivtfihtart 'j* I" 7 W •'oithw#**H lomror to II *rt •Oflfll 9 «W|fl|"M«f <|f I" *5 7'/ wi»*t 2 ooftl »**«•! '(f II ft }1 w#m4 7 north***** <|f II 7 7/ nil owl 4 w7 mwI II II HI MOI|thw*Mf II 15* '* #«*Mt ; •ontlin**! I II 7 ft*1 itttffhtmM Hunttmi I'. I'! Af north wwmI fjntrUtr 1/ 1*5 " MrtiUiWMt *|*i*trl(*f I* 15* * Motif h«*Mt 17 15* *rt north w«>m! . qtinrfn' III II *« Moothw**f '(Mxrfft* IA 1*5 "7 «oiiflti*ii«f m "*»***•r I# II *• nor1ln**Mt «|fiwrtwr I* 11 *5* nortfiw**t qnfirh" II 1*5 * M/ttoliwftMf tjnurtwr1 II It *17 «nufh*'*i«f tiUMfU't II 17 ft" w*wt 'J nnrlJU'it*t ,mor*««r 1*5 It 7*1 «NMl 7 finrfhmiMi nniirtwr Ift ft’A north *«•■» qo»rt*r. Ift 17 ini MfillhWftftt ijiinrfMT Ift '*" 71 Motifh«f»M* qwurtwr , Ift 17 ftft northw**t *i wo i«o >7 I" '-* ' MonfhwftMf HnnrU r 17 5* Hi Motifhft'iMt iju*rf*r. .17 II 5*7 north***"! <|ti«rf*’i ./..Ift 7 75* ii .‘ nw I mill t*7 mw I .. Ift 5* )« n7 Mouffin/iMt <|««if' * (ft 5* ^ m2 fWMJtfiMiftftt f|uurtitr 'ft 7 "ft norlhi’MML ifMftftwr it* M "I north w**t »jr . <7 '<* tH MouthWMMt OUMftot 15* II "5* mi* or , 15* I" 7ft MOf llil'nrf Ijr "o 7 /Vi iiorfhwttMi *|r I ■* mo i|r...... ^* *5 Ml noiihi'tiMf »|i '.*" I - w» mw «ir . " I" 5*" M«ur 17 15* norlhiutMf i|r 7.' Ift 77 northwnMt W! w'J . ■ .' V! n". awiir.« ‘»7 «tu|i . . J3 <‘4 iior*tn*»ipf «|r.-0 J ' Hi Mm hwMdt qu«rt*r... . ',l l'W*;f POl.lh‘m-4 .. '> *| f,;t north«»*it .,. /7 I * h I •outhwoNt quarlar ..-7 11 r;! •OUlliHinit qimrlar '‘7 I . 7« riortiiofiAt qimriftf' • ■ • "4 J" northw***!. quarter ' » ** MotilhwMMl * ' r* • poullti n-t qimrl'T . •1 ,MI uortlii'HPl «j tin rf ' J • ( northw»«wi (jiittrtt'i ' until quarter . t'J 'M M.Miili.M.pi <|ii#4rt<*r* .. V! Ill n’J m* I n\! uw I.'<■' M ft'! f»l> I A P«* I M ♦1'i n<* l Ai r'l W'J IH* I ... f ' ' • ' uortiitmt quitrlar.‘ ’ ‘ MOtttllWOit iiU*rli«r , . ,'Y* ’• 77 w'J w'J. m l.■;* w'! w ! »«l.;l;l qun* l*M‘.* Houiliiui f Oi" "Mate of KII/h ■! ,1 IlllllaOII. ill I I'll"'ll. Von hii'I "Mi ll of yon are hereby noil H"i| t inn mill |, i h 111' in I iii i'oinin"n»’" l hii Hi’ilou ngiiliMi you In •hI'I roulf uml h i. Illl"il lil» |>«llf Ion therein; Ibe object, hii'I porpoae of which la lo recover lb" till" lo ill" following dcacrlfHWJ real i »lnfc l,/, JolifiHon, you hi"I ciu-b of you are berebv forth ir nollflc'l lo iippc,'n' In alibi chu-c iinil miawcr to III" pi'lll loll therein filled, oil or I'cforu I <• With rloy of Hepfeinhi f |H',|,7, U, W IIimkii Attorney tor Plaintiff. 'hc.ai.) A rri.hi : l,0■ 1 V Wii" t>bi' • : It' and t »■ • .• )• i'. net ! mo * *,.s i’n;i J > 1»i •' I *Ja0r of il*1-* cut h ■ » , I lie n < i«i 11 » i '' ’ in id'vii 'id|« Hi. i.-n <1 U iu^" Id ivi t ol (nil {>. i i- to.d mite III rtner m in ennuiy, Nrbru■ *.a. (liven tiudi r my li.ii d this lutti it, 11. lit niiIIK khiin. Kherlfl' Uil KUIKl'H SALK. Nni leu is hereby given tbut by virtue of ioi order n| sale Issued by file Old k of tile district euhl’t of the lull* Judicial‘its trier ei Nebraska, within and t*«r Hlier man county In an net inn wherein Onl lus e. Hurt-and John I. I arwcll were plain tiffs and Jiidsnii O Hums, Clarence Wells Mrs.-Weils, Ills wile, James. I,. in'll ton, Nellie llrltton his wife and George W, uunulnghaiii were defendants: l will in i o'clock p. m ., on the mil day or Novum her, tsus, at the south dour of the court house, Iji Loup Oily, sheiuum county, Side rnska, offer tor sale at public auction (tor cash) the following peserlbed real estate lu.wli The cast half of the northwest quarter of section twenty-eight «hi, iu township sixteen oh), Morlii of runite six teen iiiii west of the slxili prlnct|ial me ridian In Hheimiiu county, Nebraska dive a under my hand this usth day of Sepaember, l it lh llKNOKtCKHONi Snerlit, Nil KUII'K'S S.VLK Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of ae elder ol sale issued by the del k of tlie di*trid court of the 1‘Jth Judicial dls I riel of Nebraska Wtihlu and for Hlteriuan I.ouii Ami filial (iiiiniiuny u cortatrallon wax plaint’ll Hint liiKiruu \\ Ml/nxi, Mill y ,1 Mi/iixr Hint John Don ivi'll) ill) fondailt -: I will at two o'clui'li p in., I'll Ilm i,Hi tiny ol Novninlinr, 1* nl Ihtmnulh tlooi' of I Itn court liouan, in l.ouji «'lly, sun lima county, Nt'hrnafcft, oltur Ini' >nm nl pullin' aut'liun dor eitaul Ilm lollowpm Ufanilbad i'«al estate, to. a It; Thu north wuMi iiuiirtcr ol aacttoii thirty i#n, town •hip »uiii)n vHo north <>t Urtnpo niti vn (1M «ni of ilm alxtn |ii'iin'i|inl uiiirnliiiii In aimruian nounty, Nulirnaku olvnti mu!to my haiut tliU **th day ol xuntuuiber iHi*A II D UMIKII HIUIN, slmiur sllKHirtrt hAl.K Nulli'li la Imiohy Kill'll that t».V vitluti of and ill lund >alu l»*uad liy thaDlarh ol Ilm Dtatrmt Court m ilia tjlli Judicial IMalrl"! „f N< Inaaka, wnmn ami for xnciumn I'oiinty, in an tmuon wticratn Anna II Mu 1‘lin. anu a a* plaintiff and Kiuiim I Chano 1,1-11 a I ii, | tmunta i t'Hamhilium and Ac mini ,i>a I* l udny warn doiumlunlx I IX III ill uVl.i, h |t to.i on *lm ill dav ill Novumlar, l vi at Ilm ninth door of Dm uoiiri Inman, to t.oup Oily. ximiman untru ly, Sahtuatta niter lor »im> ai puIdU' am lion dm io»hi Dm fol'owIlm iluacrDwiI ii al t alair, In all I’lm «t Dm norDi taxi uMlIrr of mutton unity t«ui do, tha niiilliai 'i ifitai tar id Die notiii wnal oumrlar »t 'l l Dull tlilil) lire, Co amt Dm aolllhlt ual Ifldlltl Ol Dll' ami I ll weal unaittr ol snlnoi twenty aix cP i, all In low naliip tlitt'nn m imilli "I rttuut a tv 1UA u ,|*,., am ol tha aixtn pi mil pal marntiau aitaaia in xhoimwa yoiinty amt **u> »*! Kahtaxha tilvau under my Uautl I hi a .at h tlay ol a iih in'n r, A D, h f K U tlKMdilvtiiH'N 4h»ritf xltMilt »’,• • A 1.I NoliiWi ta tt«!ad*> *iv»u that I y v 1 rtnt otauold'' ot »iv.y I - 10 1 1*1 tha yui* ol tha dial DC* souu oi tha :4th Jmt "tal I h'»h iuu 11V ta a»* i'Uttt**' »nvratu fail,** I t t Itot wa* t '»*a»(d an 1 Martha t h *•. ftffiftff? tPity* SyiU f 1* j ' wiry y) vt *. >k i Mr »< o* ••■ h | ot'My of • »' l-t*?**^ ».y Hi / ' t * of i hr *m * \> . Ol'ifV, J',w 'f *r » ,1 * nrul tor Mfi' rirkf* »o ni%p In,** ' fori *4#* rHo I IfbfiktNii ' i *|«y of tf*/V | *Ol/l#*‘f, **I ft faff **/*#lo A'fOt **f "ni ‘ hti i ‘ I M» l/Otip* lit plhrrii *f» vo in' N*M*r» ^ ■ off* r J for K»l#< m j/ iMM not M*n» >fot - „ y,, Ur folio* | In** *J*^* r1 'I r*'»i| * ,»t* i *,» A ** » i io pf< * * or f*if*'«) **f ll»r»*l Mi 0»*- ii//u1p I #*f ftb*'ff#M0 mu') *»ihM‘ of :<* or»<*k* m* *M : | I oimo* /i* M»y »i( lb** forflh * *•' * «*ii* r of -to* k . ftuffitMif' i/o* if» !##• r# -»*'!#*’*< #• r iff if* ffr*t i**i*iMi**o 1 ♦ o Im/oo f M y **‘r*»r*iio** to t «• n t'onl pfyft of J **f/| **MIMjof» **il fllrj In lb*' off / » <7 f it* viti.n* y I **M»rk of •*!*! i^/oiity rottbfh »b*ri'* ** >1 *lofn*Jr*"i m*l ftlkbt? f*'**f' IhiM**'# •»*»/* m» 7<*i iilhvty'liU.i’ f»‘* l, till *>*# <’«•»! Hi*/!**'' Hi* ‘ootfi •!*)*' *7 **l*l olo*'k porf»»n*' liinrnini/i orinnt/inu * if V * * f * l»fj*l*'| 10,V 1*1*1/ I Ulf fl ' ’ 4 V Of |, t# r/iM;r A If f1*^* It, If HfcM*W' H o* 4h» ; Iff HUKUtffii MA i i Notion lahernby (liven «It*- tv tin -in nf an order of ai»)e laaueo by tin < • of the dl«trlei, | court nf lb« 7 Judicial di-'r N< , i-.i aiititr. and for flln nnun emu • In an am.no wherelo IMvId A. Crow' ll w i, In' a. , I,, , i II Mnionunn John n I - -a ‘ a n.-f l I,l,i/| ' William II, f "in "el II I lea,,; wens ib fendentaand lain n I ra vford v.a- In ] lervnnur- I will nt-.'o i bn p n t;,« fa day of Novetr.Uir, iwfi, at tt" nib door nf the 1 i n-irt le ua< In l,nu|/ *p11 v. Miern.i,'' i '"inn j Nebrnalt* nfler for ►»!<• id . ,iii ... mi . fm cuahi il" fnllowlnif de*'rilenai < ';>•#' wlf ; The ami'll «'■»,' ipiaitir nf'lie rnutn * a t U'nii ter and Int* live lf r;ir«u-« litus-u (I6» west Of sixth principal tin r* dlun >■ ttm.t. in Hhornmii county and state • , >prn- i, ml vcrtlseil utnl sold to satisfy suld juilannat ho<1 cost •». Therefore I will on tie fjth day of N oinhcr. fNMVs&i f o'clock p. in., of wild day at the front door of the court house of >. *1 count y to Loup ; city. Nebrw.' kli, well Miid re..i estate .t» public am iloii to the llltf!><•• I blddn 'for rn-ln to Huti-fy wild special ex* cation tho arr.ount doo | thereon in tho tti/^nj/ntB it- rnf ih«* um of f ■WH.y.f nod costs and . »endin' cost , Cl von under ray bund thi * D> di . of U« toboi. IWV * K l>. Ili.sowi* h nin :-.)»* 11:: ! NOTH J, Land(r ■ 1,1m ^ /• u^bwl! ’'/•». ( J Complaint bavinr been - ■ ’i< • j b.yCun l>o La Mott1’ ni'nic t -• u. • ? \\ ilk. . - | for it ban ‘IohUm hi* Homo adcidrv i - ».n j • In,toil rll Hit. Iupon noli*, w. sua tor Hoi .n To*>viishift 13 . r ' i ■ Jf '■ I > went lu .^aerraati cote' > .* ' >Hi • ’ vJo'.v to 1 oanccJlaMo,. otry. »a* Hit id p ■ii" ere boro by an !*> t a »»fcn >. | Limp {itv i ■ Her .\liils. |i. 11IK PI Hl.lt: AN' 'IIIK '1 IE A UK. We lake pleasure in oll'crlng to the public (be linos! gviub of flour which; vto wHrrnnt to be sup' i Uu In strength, purify null baking utilities to Ml} flour heretofore sold If I be flour Is, nut found to be Its we represent |l re- \ turn us the flour and we will return you the money. We warrant the flour not tho suck. We n so Ihko pleasure In oil'crlug to tho public flour and feed at the following low prices: Fancy Patent. fl.H) per loo lbs. Perfect,. 1.00. Bran. bo. Shorts. 7o - •“ “ Serening*. 40 . and we also giind feed of all kinds. ] Induction made In prices on flour lu bOO or 1000 pound lot*. Asking the public for a fair share of tho trade and alwu\« endeavoring to merit your patronage we are Yours Truly, l.ot p < i i v Kot,u:u MII.i.s per Ai.Ktii i> A.VPKU8UN, Miller DOLLARS PER MONTH In Your Own Locality matte easily nml honorably, without capi tal, during your spate hours. Auy man woman, hoy, or girl cun do the work hand ily, without experleme. Talking un necessary. Nolidm: like It for money making ever ottered before. Our workers always prosper. No time wasted In learning the I undue-'. We teach you In n night how to aliened from the fir t hour You can make a trial without a pease to yourself. We start you, Nirnla'i everything needed to carry on the li lies* successfully, nml guarantee vi against failure if you hut follow ainipte, plain lusirue!ions. Header, you am lu need o' ready money, ni want to know nil id ■ d n,0 b**t payld Inis,ties* Indore I he | i die, rend us »oi address, and we will .mill you a dm: luwut giving you all tiw particular*. TRUE A CO., Box 400, Aui.uata, Main — ---- - --•—.... ' Subscribe FOR AND ADVERTI8E IN THE NORTHWESTERN. The BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM and local newspaper in •“ard CT-v.-y v ** <*( : | .V I'njMi *r ('nnIit. Biutok, — As you did not j answer the vaporings of Bd, Brown about Hein's popularity and his clean recoid iis un officer, please give space to t few remarks from a west side republican. Now what is the naked truth us to the boasted popularity of Hein. lie clearly was not popular in his own party two years ago for he owed bis election then to the fact thut a hundred republican voters deserted Heasoner. These Repub licans didnt vote for Hein because they loved hint but because they dis liked Heasoner. So lie was’nt pop ular tlu*n either with populists or republicans in 1893. lias he gain ed iu popularity with either party since bis first election. How is it with iiis own party? Let the facts speak for themselves. How lias lie treated the men of bruins and char acter in iiis own party and who were the natural leaders of the party. 1 |e left the duties of his office and j went down in Haveuna to too Sena I torisl convention to defeat J. M. | Hinder, Why ? because Snyder lined lo lie a republican III th* old days Mini Loll wan and atill i* h democrat mid liecause Snyder in a man of high moral character and Louie liaa a nature! antipathy to that elan* of men, and a natural af fouetv for men of the other eort. Slit del In-. Im'oii th" ulili at cam paign apeaker of the populist party. Ha* he gol no friends who will re - lit hi* political ass i-siuatioii at tin hands of Loul- Item’f Judge lt. nl is another man ot high char. n ter amt recognised aliility in th# I | Hit- pit > Unit hud the muuo II dural di tpathy to htut, and la*. ■- |t it. Judge had given Item to i.t.dt istand that he an* not It favor ol giving II the Hid last wiuter to Uelu a ladltlcal pet*. So the Judge* sealii we* t k, ti |»y Item ui hi* it,, it, d eioiVv dn n, and a mull w •’» non,it,,,tno in hi* pi uc who I# a I,, n. *vo> s .mi >nj*i even the! i d, U,»t a wilting tool of th# | i v\ .it .lodge Hvnt 3 :• .... y . I \ I ^ 4 J i tit *t, - . , lUvi, is it- ; ii vsuii Ole of kV *t« «mi the (vest Shell] • u cum Mintlon day. Will Roll's friends forgive Rein? Nsverl no, neverill Another man of clear character and recognized ability in the pops* liet party is K. H. Kittcll. How has Rein treated him? Not satisfied witii having defeated him in the nomination for Clerk two years ago, he now seeks to reduce him to polit ical obscurity. Although Kittell had made an excellent Supervisor, Rein left his office and want down to Roekville township sad by a trick defeated him for re-nominstloa in that township. Will Kittell’a friends forgive his political assassination by Rein? Then as to the Nightingale Bros, we ail know how Rein has systemat ically used his official position to injure them in their profession. And we all know how he packed the con vention against R. J. Nightingale end sent delegatee for Green to the •Judicial Convention. \nd not con tent with this lie went in person to Litchfield with 11. M. Mathew and others by every species of trickery and l ull dosing defeated Nightingale for the nomination as District Judge. Of course the Nightingale's and their friends will work and vote for Hein Ah! Ah! Ah! ilow ia Rein going to In; popular iu hla own patty when be has made personal enemies ot ueari) all the men iu bis party who have liraius and respectability. Uul bow almut the raua on die of his own party? My neighbor pope tell me that they have got to drop tieiu mill leave him dal on his baok. They •») he has eouie near buslUtg tlie party all to pliant. He has uimIn a split in the party at Kook* ville, Ashton am* Kliu townships by putting bis nuae tutu their local poi> flics He has orgauUmi the foreign element in their party against the American element. Tne Americans wont slaud this and the intelligent foreigners »ay they don't owe Hein suv thanks for stirring up this kind of a tight, that they cants to this country to become Atm rn aue and they dou l want to lmi elm i >l to odW on tin ground that u i „i> ft isigners but bscause they i g t \mvilean eitUens and >|itai> . ) oiti. *• lieiu liau also or tit t'stliolie element in his .. * ..it I he I'lottstaets and * I n nnelf into uioie h»t water * ti v The Cat holies say they . don't want auy •nek dgbt I ’ii r - at|| nave tut Catholic dost i iiti -u in the pop pattj, Then m i(. iii itss got tip another dttla* i n in hi* INMU Me has >*ee« fs tiling unit those poptUtt leaders < oM IM'Sn ua rootI l*AOl, V