Till Last Chance. MRS JOHN V IN HAD ONI.V ONC CHANCC TO *AVi! NCR Uft Mow Dam ika Work of Three Horn* a. h»m tba led*. r Mesue. Mu. Mrs l.mlode Jobason liras Id Msslco, Mo. Tba Isu)g*r 1st J <»t succeeded In ob taining an Interview with bar This la the au balance ot bar story . Id tba winter of Vl and 4 Mrs Johnson was. Ilka many of bar friends, attacks*! i with la grippe Vm wa’v# moat of ps bad it and know Ha wracking powers, whan It «ets o IU wora >« • god constitution fall M's Johnson along about «kr»si rnas. wa- i,i ostraled All tba medical aid bars ia tba - ity only brought bar around, aa an ' bar .a and roots" female sym pathi/ar expressed it, and aba was left In a dabllltatad and exhausted eoudl tbrn and rsperlemed a constant pals la ter laft side Hba was wholly unflt for bar dome-tic duties and waa un able to do any work abtut tba bouse, even after tbs la grippe farar and lu 'barn ter lellc sick h eas Lad Uft bar, Hba U a cow statant mam liar of tha church, and ona Hub day. bat wean tba huuday arbool an-1 church services, tielng lately able to ba convaysd tbara sbs beard of a miracle that Ilf, Williams' flub Bills for I'aia People bad performed, and she ratal rad to trr them. It was Ilka tba drowning man graMdng at tba last straw It wa* bar last and only cbai.' S to sar# bar life Hlie procured ona bos of »be- a pills from tba south side drug gists. Branch Ik Uerrett In this city, and by tba time she bnl used half tba bos she ami bar watchful friends noticed a marked Improvement lu her condition Taking tba raat of the i os of p Ills and ona more Isis she recovered ri-markeojy In au as'-aadingly abort time Before she had used the nrst bos aba resumed bar household duties, and has Is.au steadily at work for tba last eighteen mouths It took only a few boxes, perhaps five or six. to entirely curs bsr Since then she was stleaked by rheums tiam, censed from careless exposure, but by at once taking tbe Fink Hills for Hale Heo pie she drove that painful and dreadful malady away Hhe told the reporter that whenever she felt that she was going to Its 111, she took one or two of the pills, and she »vvsr got sick Mrs Johnson Is perfectly bpsltby now and promisee to live to a ripe ojk. ags Her friends have never ceased to talk about her almost miraculous recovery and era loud In thalr praise of the Hlnk Pills for Hale Heople. and all who have triad them say they would not be without them under any conditions. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ara not looked upon as a patent medicine An analysis of tuslr properties shows that tbay contain, In condensed form, all the elements neces •ary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing S|ieclflc for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, Ht. VI tos deuce, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, tba after affects of la grippe, palpitation of tba heart, pale and sallow complexions, and the tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration, all dls eases resulting from vitiated humors In the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, ate They build up the blood and restore the glow of health to pale end ssllow cheeks They er# for sale by ell druggists, or may be bed by mall from Dr Williams’ Mail to, Schenectady, N. Y., for Mic per box, or six boxes for Ilf.60. Doebtfol Arrangement. In hie desire to use line language the darkey sometimes allows his ideas and atatamente to become a trifle confused, as well as confusing. Home years ago a handbill announc ing a “colored picnic" to be bald in a grove near a southern city waa freely circulated. After various highly entic ing announcement* relative to the de light* In store for the partaker* in thl* entertainment the bill concluded with the following puzzling note printed in Italic*: “(iood oehavior will be strictly and reservedly enjoined upon all present, and nothing will be left undone which will tend to mar the pleasure of the company."—Youth'* Company. Mate Mold In Denver, Dknvkh, Hept I a —My journey from Chicago was over the Chicago. Hurling* ton A Quincy railroad, one of the best mnnaged systems in the country. I should say. judging by the civility of the employes, the comfort I experi enced, the c .ccllence of Its road bed, i x i . ... l;. . . t _ _l I . Dll W* KIIV aer • • v n»e. • tuully reached Denver iihcud of time. The llurliugton Houle is also the best to St. I'uiil, Minneapolis, Oiuuhu ami Kansas City. W illy suit I lever. I Imago Times-Herald: When I'rof. Ay ton n was wooing Miss Wilson, the daughter of "< hrlstopher North," edi tor of liluckwi/od s Magazine, he ob tained the lady's eonseni conditionally on that of her futlirr being gained. This Aytoun wus too shy to ask, and he prevailed upon the young lady to ask for it herself "We must deni ten derly with his feelings." suld hearty old Christopher: "I’ll write my reply on a slip of paper unit pin It on your back." "Capa's answer is on the back of my dress,'' said Miss Jane, us she entered the drawing room Turning her round, the delighted suitor read these words: "With the author's com pliments." Tung alnusr. reckolert one thing - whatever yu git iHshoueatly >u hav »•'< to lie vide with the devil ana lie all* IIH* lakes the I Inn m shun I rum akrosl lots ov humble and re signed purl vs In this world only ,’ei them huv their own way in all things AMONG THI OZARKS" the Iuind oritig lleg Apples, Is sa attractive eed lelsrestlug book, handsomely lllu.tr led vlik > ewe ol Mouth Miseuwri sceusry. Isu udieg ihe f-inuus ll dsa fruit term ol >'l,UWi sere* ie Mueell eounty ll gv'teie* ,u Hull rsieisg in that great fruit tell of ten is. the »eulH*ru stupe uf the (tsarde, sad eill pre*v uf great tslua. »u, aaly t» trult gme.r.. Pul tu svrry tsrmsr •ail buwesevker leukioglur a farm ssd • hum*. Matiad Mss AhlWei I. K l is sevoe, hsaaas City, Ms yAOfl ►MOM Abb i ANUS There are eleven dally new.papers In i China nine printed in Chinese one in *ttngll«h nnd one tu ►Tench Norway nnd Mweden have been under •we hlttg since 1*11 but nl pro. cut there we dr ms tide for n separation The vellnr In the bank uf ►Tame re eembles n Inigv werehuuse Milter •win >e stared there in lain* barrels twenty •»* miles ef the Cmigu rail read are already completed The road •til he ninety three mile# in mini length TALM AGE'S SERMON. A POINT-BLANK OUKBTION TO NON-BELlfcVBRB. All *k» War* Uni Irt AaeegMA tit* PmUh »f |M« IbrWi *•*#« ■—mi WPf—"U IMiir Nrwi W|lir —I Bl»*t fllA. ITH mauled hwwi at full apeed, for l.a war celebrated for faat driving. Jehu, tha warrior and king, return* from battle. Hut aeelng Jabooadao, an acquaintance, by tba wayalde, he • bout*. "Wboa I wboa!" to tba latb •red apao Tben leaning over to Jebo BAdab, Jab 11 Mltife* him lu tba word* of tha text—word* not more appropriate tor that hour and that place, than for tbla hour and place: "U tblne heart rlghtr I abouId Ilka to bear of your physical health. Well myaelf, 1 like to have everybody elaa well; and ao might aak, la your eyealgbt right, your hearing right, your nerve* right, your lunga right, your entire body right? But I am buay to-day taking diagonals of the more Important aplrltual condition*. I should like to hear of your financial wel fare. I want everybody to have plenty of money, ample apparel, large atore nunn*, niiij romiur*amt' rrmuivuv*, »uu 1 might ask, la your business right, your Income right, your worldly aurround Inga right? Hut what are tbeae financial queatlona compared with the Inquiry aa to whether you hare been able to pay your debt* to (Jod; aa to whether you are Insured for eternity; aa to whether you are ruining youraelf by the long-credit ayatem of the aoul? I have known men to have no more than one loaf of bread at a time, and, yet to own a government bond of heaven worth more than the whole material unlverae. Tbe question I ask you to-day la not In regard to your habits. I make no Inquiry about your Integrity, or your chaatity, or your sobriety. I do not mean to stand on the outside of the gate and ring the bell; but coming up tbe steps, I open the door and come to the private apartment of the aoul; and with tbe earnestness of a man that must give an account for thla day's work, I cry out, O man, O woman. Im mortal. la thine heart right? I will not Insult you by an argument to prove that we are by nature all 1 wrong If there be a factory explosion and tbe smokestack be upset, and the wheels be broken In two. and tbe en gine unjolnted, and the ponderous bars be twisted, and a man should look In and say that nothing was the matter, you would pronounce him a fool. Well, it needs no acumen to discover that our nature Is all atwlst and askew and unjolnted. The thing doesn't work right. The Biggest trouble we have In the world Is with our souls. Men some times aay that, though their Uvea may not be Juat right, their heart Is all right. Impossible. A farmer never puts the poorest apples on top of hla barrel; nor does the merchant place the mean est goods In his show window. The beat ; part of us la our outward life. I do not ■top to discuss whether we all fell In Adam, for wo have been our own Adam, and have all eaten of the forbidden fn.t* »nd have been turned out of the ' paradise of holiness and peace; and though the flaming sword that stood at the gate to keep us out has changed position and comes behind to drive us In, we will not go. The Hible account of us Is not ex aggerated when It says that we are poor and wretched and miserable and blind and naked. Poor; the wretch that stands shivering on our doorstep on a cold day Is not so much In need of bread as we are of spiritual help. Illlnd; why, the man whose eyes perished :n the powder blast, and who for these ten year* has gone feeling his way from atreet te street, I* not In such utter darkness as we. Naked: why, there Is not one rag of holiness left to hide the shame of our sin. Kick: why, the lep rosy has eaten Into the head and the heurt and the hand* and the feet, and the marasmus of an everlasting wasting away ha* aleady seised on some of u* Hut the meanest thing for a man to do la to discourse about an evil without pointing a way to have It remedied. I apeak of the thirst of your hot tongue, only that I may show you the living at ream that drop* crystalline and spark llug from the Itock of \ge< and poo » g river of gladness at 'our feet If | show you the reins In your coat, it la only because the door of (iods ward - roi>« now awing* open, and here la a robe, white with the fleece of the laMb or Qadi m4 nf a cut and m.tke i i angel would nut be ashamed tu weal If I snatch from vou the black, mouldy bread that you are munching. It is only to give you the bread made out of the guest wheal that gruw* on the celestial hills, and baked n the Arts uf the Oroaa; and one crumb of which would b» enough le make all heaveu a banquet |t' •< won abut th' tn op In bla parlot > >' fool do/, of aln, and lh>>* herds. of li 1 gre-'inn, we have entertained for many a long year In nor heart, which ahouid la the cleanest brightest room la all //or nature, Out with the vile her) H< gone. ye b*fotil*r* of an Immortal nature* Turn out *he beast* and let Christ come In* A heathen came to an ear'y f'brlatlan. wl.o bad the reputation of (firing di(water The Christian aaid, "You moat bava all your idola de atroyed," Tbe heathen gar# to tbe f'brlatlan the bey to hi* hour*, that h* might go In and destroy tb* Idol*. He battered to pieces all he aaw, but atlll tbe man did not get well Tbe Chria Man aaM to him, "There moat be aome Idol In your bouae net yet destroyed," Tb* heathen conferred that there was on* Idol of beaten gold that I* could not »/ear to give up. After awbtl*, wb< n that was destroyed, In answer to the prayer of the Christian, the alcli man got well. Many a man has awakened In bla dying hour to find bis sins all about him. They clambered up on tbe rignt aide of tbe bed, and on lb* left aide, and over tbe head-board, and over the foot-board, and horribly devoured the soul, Repent! the voice celestial cries, Nor longer dare delay; Tb* wretch *hat acorns the mandate dies, A nA rrii'ftfi a f1f*rv Aav Again, we need a believing heart. A good many year* ago a weary one went tip one of lb® bill* of Asia Minor, and with two logs on hla back cried out 10 all the world offering to tarry their sin* and sorrows. They pursued him. They slapped him In the face. They mocked him. When he groaned they groaned. They shook their fist* at him. They spat on him. They hound ed him aa though be were a wild beast. His healing of the sick, his sight-giv ing to the blind, his mercy to the out cast, silenced not the revenge of the world. His prayers and benedictions wers lost In that whirlwind of execra tion: "Away with him! Away with him!" Ah! It was not merely the two pieces of wood that he carried; It was the transgressions of the race, the anguish of the ages, the wrath of Ood, the Bor rows of hell, the stupendous Interest* of sn unending eternity. No wonder his back bent. No wonder the blood started from every pore. No wonder that he crouched under a torture that made the sun faint, and the everlasting hills tremble, and the dead rush up In their winding-sheets as he cried: "If It be possible, let this cup pass from me." Hut the cup did not pass. None to comfort. There he hangs! What baa that hand done that It should be thus crushed In the palm7 it has been heal ing the lame and wiping away tears. What has that foot been doing that It should be so lacerated? It has been going about doing good. Of what bas the victim been guilty? Guilty of sav ing a world. Tell me, ye heavens and earth, was there ever such another criminal? Was there ever such a crime? On that bill of carnage, that •unless day, amid those howling riot ers, may not your sins and mine have perished? I believe It. Oh, the ran som bas been paid. Those arras of Je sus were stretched out so wide, that when he brought them together again they might, embrace the world. Oh, that I might, out of the blossoms of the spring, or the flaming foliage of the autumn, make one wreath for tuy Lord! ob, that all the triumphal arches of the world could be swung In one gateway, where the King of Glory might come In! Oh, that all the harp* and trum pet* and organ* at earthly music might. In one anthem, apeak hi* pratao! Hut what were earthly flower* to him who walketh amid the mow at the white lllle* at heaven? What were arch"* of early maaonury to him who hath about hi* throne a rainbow *pun out of everlaatlng auuahlne' What were all earthly mode to him when the hundred and forty and four thouratid on one aide, ami cherubim and *era pblut ami archangel* aland on th< other aide, and all lire space between I* tilled with the doxoluglr-x of eternal Jubilee the hoaanna of a redeemed earth, the hallelujah of unfit leu angel*. *ong af ter *ook rletiiB aboiil the throne of tin I and of the |,umb? In that p ile, him'" place, lei him hear u*. Klip1 harp* of heaven, that our poor rr> may be heard. Ill til)’ laud Jeilie' II will i.nl burl lliee for one hour to an p uni from ihe sh'n iia throng - ‘1*1 i >aled One, Dial w* may Uls* thy feet. Our heato ton long with held, we now kutteuder ill Ur thy keep tng When thou gue*i bar k tell It to all the Immortal* that the h»»i are found, and let the father'* hnttae ring with the III null and the dame They have «timr old wine tn heaven, not need except in tare leatlvltiea In thla world. I lor** who are a.*u»liuocd to u*e wine on great oeeaalon* bring out ihe beveiage and aay. Thi* win* I* thirty year* old," or "fotty year* old" Hut the wine of heaven I* more than tighteru centuries old It was |>r# pated at Ike lime when Christ tr«d the wine p|e»« alone When smh at lev oils sinner* as w* tome barb, me ihinhs th# eh*sthetlain al hiavan er «>* out to the seivanis "Thla la unusual Joy! Hting up ft urn the vault* of heav en that old *ln« fill alt the tankards l,#l all Ihe while rolled guest* drink to ihe immortal health of tko*< new born son* and daughter* of the laud Al mighty" "There I* |e> tn heaven amuug the nngel* ut Ood aver on# sin ner Out repenteih sad o«4 grant that that an* mi' tv* yau* Again, to have a right heart It must ha a futalii“* heart Aa old wrllar *ayt, "Tn return good for evil la Ood Ilka, good for good la man-llhei aril for good fjt MV»- " WbMl of thee* » ' fur** bar# w*? i t>rl«l will h»v* ro r«g U> do wilb u* m long #» w- > I, o' I g» ’ge W* I ' ' •» *11 lc ,» I ■| - * *te p*0 pie who « *o th’i .n that If w* *be<»ld come down U> poverty »r,d 41* gra/e, they would any, "'Ifind for him' Irtdn't f tell you *o*" They 4o not or. j 4*f»iao4 u», fr»*»rn,lifted humao n* I ture «*>*, "Walt till yon get a good crack at him, and when at laat you flod him In a tight place, give It to him Klay him *llv* Mo «|uart*r leave not a rag of r*pntatton. Jump on him with both feet, I'ay him In hie awn coin aarcaam for *arz»*m, worn for acorn, abut* for at/n**" Hut, my frlenda, that ft not fh* right hla4 of heart. Mo man ev*r dl4 *o moan a thing toward t*a w* have dorr* toward Ood. And If wo cannot forgive other*, how can we egpeet flod U> forgive ua? Thnueanda of men havo b**n kept out ■ of heaven by an unforgiving heart Her* I* now * me wh < any*, "I will for* give that man th* wrong he did me about that toou** and lot; I will forgive that man who overreached m* in a bargain; I will forgive that man who Wild me a ahoddy overcoat; I forgive them -all hut one. That man I cannot forgive, Th* villain I an bard:, keep my hand* off him If rny going to heaven depend* on rny forgiving him, then I will atay out," Wrong feel ing, If a man lie to rne on<-*, I am not called to truvt him again. If a man Ire tray me once, I am not called to put confidence In him again »»*•* » would hav* no re*t If I could not offer a *lrr cere prayer for tho temporal and ever* laating welfare of all ro*n, whatever mcanne** and outrage they havo In flicted upon me. If you want to gel your heart right, strike * match and burn up all your old grudge*, and blow the ashes away, "If you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your heavenly Father forgive you your tres passes." An old Christian black woman was going along the street* of New York with a basket of apple* that she bad for sale. A rough sailor rsn against her and upset the basket, and stool back expecting to bear h<-r scold fright fully, but she stooped down and picked up the apples, and said, "Cod forgive you, roy son, as 1 do." The aallor saw the meanness of wbst he bad don", and felt In hi* pocket for hi* money, and Insisted that ahe should take It s i. Though she was black, ho called her mother, and said, "Forgive me, mother. 1 will never do anything so mean again." Ah! there Is a power In a for giving spirit to overcome all hardness There I* no way of conquering men like that of bestowing upon them your par , don, whether they will accept It or not. Again, a right heart la an expectant heart. It la a poor business to he build ! log castles In the air. Knjoy what you have now. Don’t spoil your comfort In the small house because you exped a larger one. Don’t fret about your In come when It Is three or four dollars per day because you expect to have, af ter awhile, ten dollars per day; or ten ! thousand a year because you expect It to be twenty thousand a year. Hut about heavenly things, the more we think the better. Those caatlea are not In the air, but on the bills, and we have a deed of them In our possession. I like to see a man all full of heaven, II" talk* heaven. He sings heaven. He prays heaven. He dreams heaven. Home of us In our sleep have bad the good place open to us. We saw ih'* pinnacles In Hie sky. We heard the dick of the hoofs of the white horses on which victors rode, anil the dapping of the cymbal* of eternal triumph. And while In our sleep w« were glad that all our sorrow* were over, and burdens (If Ml* WIHli " whiter ami whiter, till w« opened our eye* nnd aaw that It win only the run of earthly morning khlnlng on our pil low. To have u right heart, you need lo la- filled with thla expectancy. It would make your privutlona ami annoy ancea more bearable. la thy heart right? What qucailon ian compare with thla In importance? It la a huaium* <|ue»tlon. Ho you not realize that you will aoon have to go I out of that More, that you will aoou have in ration that partuerahlp. that i *0011 umoiiK all Ihe nilllloiia of dollar* worth of gooda that are aold, you will I not have the handling of a yard of doth, or a pound of augur, or u penny worth of anything. tliMt aoon. If a con flagration khiutld Mart at t'eutral I'wrl* and kweep every thing to the llatlery. n would noi dlwturb you, that non, If every * i hler Miould abkcuhd. i and every Inaurrnce con*putt) ahoiihl fall II would nut agect you? W hot or* 11|« qurathlli* lllal Mop Ihlk all lln grave, lompaicd with tie ipieatimi* that rvach beyond It? Are you maktu* lokxea Hint are to be everlaatlng? Are you making pure baa*» for eternity ' Are you jobbing fur |tn»* when you might I* wbuleaultug fur eternity" What queation of the alore la ao broad at iha baae. and «*• alHtudlnoue, and an Mvvrwhelmlpg aa the gueaituo, "la thy bearl right?" g t tl*H» r,***l*t !#*»•* The Aral t'hinaman lu auler the min , i latry In New York alala la ilul Kin. who wga iocd raeoglly at Hutveraity j Place |*reklit lerlau Church tie ha* i I been educated under Hie ear* ul the i Preagy tery, au*l haa been very *uccaa* ful In mtaaiun work among hia country men He will hold Chin* *e aervlee* In New York, anil hup** eventually lo of Mann* a i Hurch ul inuv t ried t'hlnamra - lain* #«U likaeemti*. v\ ben an* think* that nobody aar*># (nr him and that b* la atone lu a enbt and aelttvk world, ha Would do welt tw avk himee't thla queMtoM "What Have | don* In make nuywne rata fur ma, aw I 10 a arm Ike world with faith and gen eyvoltyt" It I* generally the ewag Ihti I fcttg** who fwmploth lha mn«t bava dona tba leoai • I Hgs**i of *11 iu Ijurcu.i.g \},%.('fWt k'yrrt ABSOLUTELY PURE •a* Hm riM»fir B*a*w 'J here >a a pratty Httia ifirt of '■> fears In >ortbWr*i fitlOlwir* **jr* tba Hun of that ' ty. •*!>'/ b»* la» n tei derlf rai*a/| liar toother baa /nardad bar B'/a-r.at wiinenaitn/ art* of ylalene* or erm if, atiit she la In iy noraU'e of fh« rorthod* emolofed in killin'/ fnwla for the Unde. aryi-ral day* ayo, unkoown to t)i« e.arelul parent the littir ylrl atrayrd Into Ilia rear yard oi her home where a aarrant «»„* Ml'iny a number of i luuUena >>f wriity ny tin r uei i . '1 ).< mild welelted the proDeediafa with yre.it liitrrol f*rr *r»«-ral lldliuta# niKi thru in a y nw of aaoltowant ran to bar mother. "Mama" she Dried “lost Dome tid tb»- fun Mary >a wtud In'/ tba abit'kafia up " Mtatr of onto, Ofy Of Toledo, I.U' County ** Krank ^ r'hettey metis <-ath tl»at ha (a lhr aml'-r nar'nar of tb« ftrtn of K, J r'tirn* y to Cm, d itoir in I Sr city of Tolrdo, County and Mtafore, said, and that aald ftrtn olll jut tt.» aurn of One Hundred it oilers tor «>' n end every i use of Cat,.irh that raon d be lured by be use of Hill) a Catarrh Cura MIIANK .1 CHUNKY, Hworn to fa-fora to* and au'tn*tDtrd upon a > a moat ii«-*iisti/i»- po»*ra*ion nut it *ar . .. — ' » «~. . — ■ — - -w - — m-ncIH trtik'ii I be p!an cheerfully. -Oh. If will ie much neiter u> take tiie lonl even if it doe*. rain," nhc waul, •'undone tiling we nhan't have any dnnt on the boat thin morning''*— Youth n Companion «;##»* lM|h Hainan* li UMUkUm ei'i pr. It will lu-enW npn1 MU qwtHW •rin**nnvtEio*now. llleuwHirniuw»|. Trrk. Here Mine 1*1,mimic r*. Wanhlnglon I'owt. Mina Coleman the Ohio girl who In naid to hare gone lo church wearing a pair of red blooinern, ban denied the npiry, They were hlu* blooinern tVeii, a couple of ntocka of blue* only make It a lit* le more eowtly for any perwon who dewire* Pi call h«r down htarre w»* once P> die any manner of death Wyciiffe'a narmonn tell how "Chrlet ktarred on tb* cro** for the re demptionof men.'* "I Ware trie* Parker** Pinnae Tenle •nuk* if in i • r » inoiiM f m. It In net •*« *«Mllu, It lt„ii,.i,Kli to kic « 'tin ItiademorM* '»*»»oni '!*• .11 »« nil.) ntvff |ilr**lnnr livfli I*. Ike n! dr,,**>•>* W* < an do more flood liy being good than In *ny other way. IImi * i ure cured me of a I hroal ami bung trouble of three venr* »tandin(. K i Ai,r. HumIngtou, ind , Nov I'f, l*cil An horienl man I* aide Pi muiek for him ■elf. when a ro.-ue In not * PITS -AllPii**Pit.|»il free I f IV. K line'*Ornnl Ikcrtc Keetorer. ku Klt#»h« r li.« IWWI'i u*«u inr,i lininiiiii.'i*. TrenlinniWMI eglrlnl ic/lilc Ire* to IituHi. Wtiiu loor.a!.iii|inU an l,nt.,ri.iin.,l'*, H it don t clear up at II or H, It won t - car up ail day. . .... ii mmmm— ... the W*-i hurt <*f 1 rank Kaorraamei1 and tboaa who 1110*0 a graft' At-u! of t^ygng* *'<•/ « 1*. try »/ infttM tM )*i« very rare.y **** a trunk of tnat yrt aluofiyn ti baa been *0 in m b n**4 for r tlial J»t fnt * - With th» exhilarating **n*a of r»r »*#« l.ealth and atrength and Internal 'dean* liliot WbUh follow* the if«a of h>fop of Klga ia unknown to th* few who ate not progr -red beyond *b* -/Id time ford*'in*a and th* ' i*eap *oo«tuui** eometlrnea offered but n< r*r ao- pied by the well Informed. |ft« lltr'd* 4 H*'k Ifoaa have come haei- no*, or,.y ir far. but in chiffon ribbon* and f*»th» era. 'l ln- leal named are now finite abort in MOW <•***» ari'i have fur a faateniny a iitti* Inr hoad ««''/< »a a mink Ur bold tin iu eluae Ur ne tnrofft. f.ren the ' hilt- n noa* 1 .re t , « Iitti* head* a* a tlni*b W hen ■ 111 If on cob lara are abort 1) ey often terminate in a buy* ehutl on each ai'ie of the tnruat, fnrm which lony end* alt* a n down to t ie wai*t even to the kn-' » II Ih* Hairy I* Cutting Tmi*. He tare a«