* % -■ MMJ5KK ** VOL, XIII, mmmmmmm 'I III NoRTHWKSTI RN m> ■ u ■ ’~M 'WBLIUiKO KVKKY KKIDAY AT Till: dOt/NTY MKAT. UMC*t. in. ItKRNIlllOTKM. Kdltor and Puhllsbnr. TEKMS SI SO ft Teat, II Paid in Advance SaUr«l at tba Umif City pnalufflaa for but a, lea km tfcroogb tba mafia aa aaw«4< alaaa inaltar, (lair Repoblicao Newspaper id Sbermao CooDtr REPUBLICAN TICKET, — »■■»•—* — Halo Tlrkai, Kor Judge >>f the Mupreioo Court, T, L. JfOJtVAlo He ward. Kor Kegenta of lh<* Mtstto (Jnlveraity, C II MOItKI Id,. Lincoln, ILL. OOIJ Lf>, Keith County, Kor Itiat, .fudge Uth Judicial. Iflst IIKC’TOK. M. HIN'OLAIIl. County Ticket, Kor County Clark. M. II. BATEH, of Lltchrtahl. Kor County Treasurer, K. W. KL'LLKK. of Bristol. Kor County Judge. (L II. bCOIT, of Loup City. For Mhcrlir. k L. B1HHELL, of Rockville. F<»r Hupormtendant of School*, I). K. MOWKItY, of Washington. For Surveyor WALTKK MOON, of Loup City For < ,'oronor. MAKY K. II KN OHICKSON. Loop City Loup City Township Ticket.—Louis Itechthold. Supervisor; O. II. Hibson, freasurer; J. A. AI Mger, Assessor; W. It. Mellor, Clerk, C.W. Hunter ami W. II Conger, Justice* of the Peace; W.l>. French mol W, I*. Ui-etl. Constable*. The c*l»le letters from London tell how Englishmen are making utuch of American* Mil*year. They can afford toon the bond deal alone, to say nothing of the great revival of British manufacturing and trade consequent upon the passage of the liormuu-Wilson bill, Englishmen would be ungrateful dogs not to eoddle the innocent* they pluck.— Tribune, Sait Lake, I'tab, August IS, | w y The latest out against the Repub lican candidate for county Superin tendent, |>. M. Mowery, is that he is only II* or 2<) years of age. Mr. Mowery, however, is Jit or nearly 10 \ ears old and has the best of recom mendations wh ieh fully qualify him for the position of Superintendent. Hess)* dial it is uitliis fault that he is not gray headed for he ha* rus tled hard enough. By close atten tion to Ins duties in the school room for the past eight years he lias been ante to comfortably support Ids family, consisting of a wife and three children. Last wintei !». M Mowery caudi date on the tepubliean ticket for ...mitt' in inti nt11 i le lit out in atml I 1., Unit'll ll Mix uiuutlu MtlbOtll , > . mir AibloB tot |ii>(iti jK'i lOniiilt wuii reueivetl the .t'iifc'ir"'i. •>u*'*t limn' wereulber t*i» V «»ii(';tl l,l||«» III ■•It,•nun Ui till Itlll p.iNtiinii fur t mi t»0 |H*r uiiiutb, 'If. >liiwi'* mare ibau tint* ,if ..titer leaelter*, wittl heller lew* uieiitlnlimi touiii it uuai have lu in npirv Un i utjUlenev at Urn |NH»t*leY • The Tlluwa i* »iiil trying to leave lltn imure»*iu« uniting Urn voter* ilnti K a Kniter, eaittlMal* (« t >tilily ,utatret i» it* t it reaiiUml * iftiebea in be b“*»«*t iu iitt> nulltn be will ttUie tit ht» t*« * i ia»**e tb*< iweia a* we title gist hew, tint a» be w*'U btinwa litem l*» i t Mr. i’uller **l Mim| iu file r*,t»n v ittuty iu t Nw | ami i.t the i it tiff |h<*» w,t* eitH'k*>l aa *«n r«nreaet.tails*• lot' v Ntiiii'lt tvgi* UtUie hmittg t»*l Sttule*' be matte a vitkil In hi* age,l |t«reuU iw Hale* Vt,*g III , t<<*s in,; Niter Hi 4U ttntuly 10*1 brittle I'in iam** ami i »* ib« ttilu p,trp •**' ui .***!> •petniiug a tew tin |-«< liming the bnUtlws* lint rttetttadaaee* pntiiwgvl tti* Met* to Jill** anew Me reitt*t***i l* Ml* belt**’ IS Iintg Hi* ala* be »»I eiigage*I •*» «*•»», Hit,g atnl »«Msl‘M| relief to the needy of hi* (Bristol; town*hi|*, and many of the people there and elsewhere in the county were thus benefited This work of Mr, Fuller'* wa* voluntary on his part, and it wa* this circumstance that, prolonged lit* visit, Mr. Fuller left all of Ills household gooo* here and in fact everything that he had necessary pic* tinned hi* right to vote. The fact I* that the Times is cam paigriing it on wind this fall and not being able to trump up any thing else again*' Mr. Fuller i* trying to leave the impression that he i* not a re*l» dent. The facts, however, when shown is a slap in Kddje's face that will make him but fiis eyes, scratch hi* head and wonder wliat lias become of its contents, Nichols bondsmen state that the reason they confessed judgement to the county on the #5,000.00 deposit ed by Mike I’olski in Nichol s bank at Litchfield was on the sacred pledge and promise of Mike I’olski our nresent countv treasurer and John W. Long our county attorney that they, Polski and J. VV. Long, would atoocc attach the property of the People's Htale Hank of Litchfield consisting as Mated of il heno of horses, IIih head of cattle anil rfo, sou Oo worth ot notes, known to belfflBuu the hank, This was a greed ro be done in order to pro tect the 12 bondsmen of farmers who were on said bond. None of this was done but instead a suit was brought against Niehol'a on the trivial sum of #11.00 received on deposit from one .Vlillei and trial bad, and the farmer bondsmen are left to hold the suck. Vc Gods, what u county adminis tration we are living under. The failure of Long and Polski to pro tect tlie bondsmen by attacting this property lias of necessity compelled them to lake steps to protect them selves and as a consequence when Sheriff Hendrickson went out to levy and issue executions to seize the property of the hondsiuen he failed to lind any. No effort was made to carry out the solemn agree meat made on the part of the two olllceru mentioned and one of the truthful and upright bondsmen states that the county has lost ♦f),000.00 by this transaction, and that it will be impossible to recover | a single dollar. Had tin y taken * steps to protect the bondsmen us a greed all would have been well as it is generally believed tlust nil of them would have done what they could to get the matter settled without loss to the courtly. Per Farms wagons,carriages. I uggle* and road wagons. Wo are limnlqinirl or*. W.PItKMi. I Vi VI \ iHKi *t| I If* , A «SP '■ * ■ i , t llv. f If* HIV*)) It U >* •1u(, |! vt» til *|««, . ,*l iwe IH41 tui|tMiM »lT||«vi„m Hi, | > »• •««», v»ht ii lliv* v* • '» t»>i*i t. >m *1 lw> >i»e»»t*l it|f rv i>;, it' It ft) t»< , , ,1 *» |tit* «rht«i*! •>> •»■'**■ , t*itt ti > li ivy tkn UtMt l* 1I1W K* 1 1 *■■*< li ) '|«V ,i * „>m| Ittill** •h >h »*v »l| Itt* 1 j it,«4T, »■* K*H<|| Hi* ItV » t «*Hi*t» t*V **i 1 ,'vtk1- vtit t' 1 |,lM*v ,4 f'l i ,i ut'"1' I ' V* f I , I Itt M > ' »'!**' I 1 'I ilf UM, |t*i« ' iH Ri, I tilVVl I lit ! t » tit,* t* lt ‘U' »* * ; w* HttiA- lyt* 1 i»iH,evtb* IK* 1 Hv-.iti *«.<*• U * * Ptut- » • , 1 < ■ i" 1 ■ * J »♦ **»tt» *tit lit*' tvmt«t>«'*» t. Il ft* till* A I *> , IMlIlnli l|*ltU. 'I III' rnrly Thera** I■ getting deaperafe bo May* LI# in nalMgt P* twtiUUri V..«. jriei and we* and Kay are P*«t I'Blew* we yet relief Money the letlm for every III And beer Dial W or Med mi well We lined In tbal campaign until T I* no* affeetiial t We'll have Pi mm* the party la«h And eoaeh them Into line All effort* made *eem now led tra*h And I've exbau*P'd mini And now forthwith the ma*ter hand l/»y* hold the party whip And »»y* P* Mike, call now the imnd of Pop* " and let none *llp Pome /Ink and Hnyd* r Mmltli and King In low pr**eew»b*n 111*' With Draper Maker and that thing That trie* pi put on atyle And J nek non, Hendrlek*nii Klttoil, And Alber* Cook and Klote Come eueh Of you your grelraure tell Itefore your l/nck* are »moP lllgh Ho'eome round there boy " And drive them up Hit* way Their lazy movement* me annoy. They don t have ought Pi «ay lie Wield* the la*h uleiut hi* head In anger *wlng* It round; Then on eueh culprit* head 11* *»ld lie make* the whip rebound. Crack fOM MO' whid fall In'" I M To each of them he crle«, And applle* the lanh Mtyere And * ttcb of them dunle* III* hi* right with Pi Interfere When I .on Inform* them that To them he‘» been a king *o great Though him a democrat Now Logan townahlp you mini briny Hack to lt» ’ poppy" faith Nor will 1 one*' again the *trlng tlf three poor tote* lie *a(th K ml lire *o go to work ut onee With David Kay your Judge Now do not fool nor play the dune* Hut pay off every grudge. Ju*t talk the Irrigation racket. Tell how the luxe* grew. And how each one can have no Jackci If he don't vote for Lou. Hay* one of th"tn I've worked that *trlny Tl'll thread hare It ha* got, I must some other *taternent brill# 1’nlll they've that forgot Why when I told it wa* a ghumr To lax them In the bluff*, One *uy* to me some other name That f* not quite *o tough You'll have to play at thl, election Of thl* I've had enough When I’olabl made that bud *clection Of bank In which to put our inun" And lo*t live thousand dollars cash, Twa* then the tax began And then you were so very rush Might hundred more you way you t'»M Hmliei lmtill uliits call oil or ail Hr** KWilisH A lUNM'lldTIN. nt I imp s ’ll v, /) i t, , non.i! \ w>v <>* EXPHE8S **>' (iEJJKKAL DELIVERY LINE. All Mj/m ** *n *>>• otr. Price'* Cream liaking Powder World * fair Mlah»*t Mrdul and Irlplomn. Grain Dealers ON ll .v M. STATIONS: Arcadia, McAlpino, I*"Uj» City, Khan |»|» .Siding and Anliton. MAIN Ol I l* i; AT LOUP CITY All grain liauleil to Me Alpine or gclmupp Hiding ticket* arc to be prcM'dtcil hI JiOiip City or AhIiIoii olllcc anil rccflvo wloit tin: market price I# at tbo*« atatlon*. Call ami hcc mh liefore Helling elaewbere. THK MILD POWER CUUKa HUMPHREYS’ Hr. 11 mn plir<- y ■’ liperlUr* are aelenlllhtally anil carefully pmpurait luunodln*. uik»I tor yean In private practice and for over thirty yuan by the people with entire *wr«M. Every elugln BpO'lflc a »|*rl»l euro for Uui dlaeaaa named. »0. J|TIU£I(! (Pit raeiea t-Pw**ya,r T ■ ' M*.. aMI. . y Wui urn, Worfti *»■! )■, W-rni Coll?... « ■ - Tri.thliiaiCi.lle. Crying. Wakrfulneaa . 4 lllurrbea.of Children or Ail I lj l»y*entcry,Orlpliui, lillloua CdUo. «t t IihIcih iMiirbu*. Vomiting.I 7-1 on* lot, 1 old*, lifcim .i I 8-keariilala, TOothacha.Kaoaai.ha.i |»-llradu.|ic«, Mr k Headache, Vertigo, I 10-llr*pep«lu. IilllooMie**, Cnn*tlp»lioo ,‘i I u—Mnppro**c. I.nrynulil*, Boaraanaw.I . 14- Mull ic lieu in, Jryelpel**, Eruption*. .it 1/i-lthimiiutl.oi.or Itiieumatlel'alna.. .4 IB—,>liilarlu. Chill*. Kev.-r and Ague. I7-Ivie*,iilni4 oriih-eitlna.... .! IN-flphlhnlmy, Boroor Weak VMfc.,* .1 |0-r Htiirrli. lii/lm-nita, Cold In llie Head .1 ilII-Whooping Cough... VI—Aalhinn, Opprcweed liri-athlna.. .1 44-Bar lllarhHrgea, Impaired Ilrarlua .1 43— Mirululll, Enlarged olan.l*, dwelling 44- Ucneral Debility, Mtyab-al wnahlugi .1 UV llrnpey, amt laatity Beorrtkm*.1 SB-Meii.Hickne*a, BIckucMt front Hiding ,1 Kidney llini-iiae*. ..I UM Nervi.n* Iteblllty............I. 4# Mom IHuuili. nr t anker ............. .1 ill! I rlnurr Wenkneaa, Welting lied. .1 31-l‘nlnlul 1‘erlnda . ■••••< .1a-lll*ee*e*of llie Heart.l (ili,ltatlon|. i 3.T-V.pl|ep*y.l'l>»am*. Bt. Vlut*' tinned...1.0 34-llipblberln, C li-rralod Itnr*Throat.. .11 3J1-I l.roule I II»a<<*tl»ua t J rUI 'lull*. .4 liwwtl BH. HUMPHREYS' e .in AM 77 bHtcinc ronl"Hri«0 • l-ut up In emnll kn'ile* of ph **an. |-llct*,Ju*t III* y.*ur ye*t pocket gull hr O.M«ui«. or Met p*r»iM e» rwtl|4 * prMa II* gvareaeie M**u*e v*uUi*..t * tt." leenolff** iH«runn**i.u.iu..iii ■luuim.Hep.tan tuaa SPECIFICS, HUMPHREYS* WITCH HAZEL OIL “THE PILE OINTMENT.* BiwPBih—Btlernalnr laUu-n*!. BUMp»IMf » miuIh Hi aim . Ik-hlwtur IHeedlng of Ike Iteetutu. 1 he t* ilel I* ItniuedlaSr Ike euie uerlalu. fkioc, bo otb. THJ&fagttB.HgTfr tug tr Wee#mu. or eU pun I." om te.u t el pnea m arnaue' atu.tti..'H A n*nuua*iai.. let. I tr, I'rU'B'd Cream Hiking |*ow tier M out Ivrtoct M»l*. OUR MOTTO; Onid Sales and Small Profits. I have a lariff atlMlk *»f wait It amt elm It material wfcl«lt I Uuiglit hi 4 Itait I* tm ftt aale fur half I he regular |inte ami will give mi frieml* the tm.t llt ttf llti# gitat Imigatu ami will ilu r#|H*lr wuih al the fiilliiwlltg h*W |>ltee* ft** the II*Hi Ultima Maim «,tl,,*» aiti ittabtt. • ' llatr *|t*l*it*. t« I.W* Jewel*, * t knt-la M »u it liwiwit.'e *»*«. iHu' w tittwauia, ft, ritftlut*, Jli ami la }*♦’» all wm* tea* lot It *. I halt wit ,n tit inlet* Wf Will tilt lit* la«*t wait It I* fn'im* **‘» amatttlee a*li«l*<'lk t •* 1 tu I Ittl|< t lit III fat i v»t- will UlteutMlI uihvi* |tf|ee* (Hi |>.»if«ti li 'U t mi*» lltU giaml t*l*l»eiUttt |t> t taint' mtilt t.itl get til•% i ltnUat, IVa it , lln h>w |i»t*lMk'i» nt*) lulluw, Yttut • tu OWaaa 4- i»OON^, fh** J> it»4 i»|4h i*« W J I 1*111.M, ttl.lt, l IllAfUllulMt, \ tintt,ft amI \,*t*i t I'ti 14 it l*..i It* tin I ft i t in \ttauiw»>i».aa I |H||Kli t\ IIKNSt'IIOTtilt, tt #:. # #, #; \ t. i th . t w #v.vtx. I It! I* i 11 \ t • VI MU l*h At . * Tumi ltd!*, NN Mil, f itltiiult'«l ami ItriifHiivI l*mttl> l’*»r H*l#» TO MAKE ROOM KOI' MV IMMKN-K STOCK OK OOOl>H WHICH I HAVK IIOCOHT KOI! THK WALL TKAMK I WILL OKKKK Croat BarplM daring, the Month of September. Cot/i4! to »«'«! iii*» Ix/for* l/i/yin# nUnwlM/ri- I cun umvn you moony. K/'imiring don* la u llr«t c\%*» muotnr cod on »l/ort notum, un*J *t low*'r tili»n ill/' lowtut, K hchwkk, Loup City'* JC*-Iial*l«' Ji/wulcr. Photographs! AT iieduaMl KATKH !*er Dozen Cabinet Size. Mingle Person to be photographed Groups 60 adltional Loup City Gallery open every I'artlc* wmbing to have Picture* taken will please csll curly, IU* member tbc 'lay*! M, I/IHCIIINSKY, Photographer. I>. C, DOS, A. P. C'ULLBY, Vice President. Cwtowr. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking Business Transacted. Capital Stock, $600,000. Loans on Improved farms at If IKE par cant. Best Company sad tad tm to bs hod to tbs west. CorbiesrosDKBTK:—Chemical National Book, New York (Sty, E. Y4 Omaha »WUooal tUua. umaha. Nehnaska. .-.. " .— I # , UK WARK 1 Insist on affl W\ AHP HA/\/\ER SOPA in packages 1 .e Uun mlcrnu |uck4fe Hxla never vpoils the flour, keep* toft, and U mhi. i fvnMIv m AHowitUgfJ purtU i» tb* «*»rU. IU4e u*l7 *7 I MUNCH A CO., N«* for*. *04 »y tram mrmlm. fv* A*m* *t*4 lUitMiei P«**% •! KdtMlIli Ho*IpiiA kHPP FRONT LIVERY .... GENERAL LIVERY FEED A SALE STABLE ftmi'u;Hiasmi Tuans Ht why* oh Haiti). 'I'liti U«*l «»f o«r*< liikmi of ImriH'* |»IiwhhI ill »»t»r OftfO. idMARflJNA .FtBWVWUAHAJHlMO. j Uivo him «1‘nll. a. I’UI rz, I