—— nnnu. n* nmu l. r 9 ow . t'HAl'TEH IH H otrim urn "You will not have failed lo obaerva," b« l«g*n, "that our paat attampta now Hr* In number -Hava all practi cally owed their failure lo one and tbe aam* raua* We have nc»t hitherto raoognlred which la the atronger and which the weaker of the two l- have made th* mlalake of auppoa log that cur chief clltficultl** would meat u» on 'and Hut cKp*rl*ne* haa ahown that by relying on the corruption erf aervant* and the atupbllty of aen trier th* path lo the ahore ran alwaya be niadi annex th The really Inatir Itiountat la ol elecl* baa hitherto been th< vigilance of the Kngllah men-o' war They are, ae you know, warned or in** .*»( ! f"*»'o *»* * from tin lookout on the peak, which he a a proepecl ‘f over twenty league*. (’rulalriK. « r>* to windward, one to Ice ward, they allow no ahlp to enter tha road* without being eearelied, no one to land without permlaalon from I he admiral, and even after dark their guardboatr pulling round tha laland all night, prevent any communication with the ah' re *'A prlaoncr, then, who ha* gained the landlng-atage. la none the lea* a prlaoner wt>11, for he can by no poaal filllty auneed If, paaalng over the half league of water which aeparatea him from Hie veaael waiting to hear him away to freedom ." M. Carnac alghed again "It'a quite true,” aaid Mr Molmea; "I found that out myeelf ” "May lather that you Bent othera to rlak their ner k* In finding It out for you,” growled the count. The colonel haatened to divert their attention from each other. "Fortu nately,” he continued, "an Inaplratlon came to me " Camilla glanced quickly up In aaton labmenl; and tie went on rapidly, aa If I" retrieve a falae atep "An Inaplra lion from a aource not unknown to you, Madame de Montaut, who haa apoken with ao much eloquence to-rilght. waa In fact the flirt to auggest that It might he poralhh to paaa under that which w>- could not pH** over " The three vlaltora atnred and were dumb. Camilla looked anxloualy at their face* to gather their probable opinion, Ye* aaid the colonel, ”a auhmarlne bflat la whal la needed; and If the Ide* w.i* another a. I may at leaat claim that the execution of It na* been mine.” * Execution? naked Holm#*, with tranaparent Jealouay. "What do you mean’ The thing* Impracticable1 "Oh! it la a poor machine," aaid the colonel, with great deference, "and nnt In any way one aueh h* you. Mr H'dinea, would have been aide to de. algn hut I think It will aerva lia pur poae and that la enough,” M I’arnai ahook Ida head ”! hope It may,” h« aaid dcapoitdentl} ’ Tin* aaid the colonel, unfoidi.-g a di awing and holding It up, ”la a akeleh of the te hi It I* eight feel wide aeven deep, and alxty-flve long, and la made In a number of aeparitte purl*, each capable of being concealed In a bog* head i aak 1 e whole can be put to gethci In l w hour* 1 i|i.ud (lied lhe count, with n aide glaTu c ul ll( line*. "M»d Ina.uiloual And In w do )t>u propoga to U*e II ••Only an un auxiliary. •»» onurar ra. |d|t*d M it* M Maul. for II" flfridlvn tango la very llmllod H I" sunk i>v admHUbtf auli'i Into iunk» a< Iht* two tints, ami raint-d liy pumping It nul r.iialu Tn« propnlllng pnwar • onatala of two t.road paddloa worked from in alii* l>y l and, and ntavlna mu< li UK lh. . IIon o» a Hall Tin ab«|;«,- of it* li. i.tt it* SI I an la Iiol uilllko Hull of mi i.ntii.af> ‘anal Iona' with i*>i:-i Halit antla Mtill tkltli III* nMlIial apiti'f cov.itd In hi an oblong orat'llmt, bat inu pant a of aluaa In Hit’ front and "Idea fir |ut|«««a of at •■tut ns and at Ilia top « h»t htn hoi In tba toads pul of t'ltUfgi outnlrtr Iks i It'd* pultdl.d b| It., auai'l t ' ala X" *■ on a« It la daik tp. tnliokilnt boat Will •■* flllntl In • ■n,.. and I..no • ■ I ond. i Ilia ' htip .f a allltlod tntl I « oia aaaliian II" w d ii. a a- Ihi paa*..«. I" and from Ho an on undnt wain and wh.n on.a h* b in PiouaM H*« r.nu'U' i on board our ft.asm' Iba aubn «Mi* b»wt mat l*» aunk and aluMtdi nt d and wa an mak« sail 'or r«t* l « a ilh' Ul *» twoffu nl a dt*»ar XI l'atrim nan an obi Man Mini fttrt alilulbmallk timid Iba Morally of lb< II I •«. ah ts» auffli lattl In alailta him It. IP bi t • an IP* I mp* i i a u rhtllhil aa*hl in hngland and tumid ff.tl hi nob that .lodbt i al.oultl tuba Hi bad In «< impi Haiti a mail'd dha luitKl was lb* M4mH and mml •nmtftdp f Ho tbr*» and Ht» »«« m mi alHatlrd bt lb. a- P«m* Pul ha kn»W lit lie >i lod bitty of 11** a»n and wan li.aidta aliaady undwt twapl Pm Mil m iHiunt of a praxh'un aboriixa atiampi |n tba avanl of amdbai failura ha would uh«rutdn4t» auftai lb* mIimm pattally Ml Ibr hand* •< h|g awamlna fit irhatl wbu fcw»« *ha«i all bad BY HENRY /Yt. IN BOLT no dlfh-ulty In reading thalr ln»»nMona . or tl any rata th*ir Inclination# I upon thalr fa<*a. I»ut ha waa not with out ho pa of gaining from tham what maaaura of aupporf waa abaolutaly ne< aaaary to hla plan "f am both flattered and atrangth an»d," ha aald, eddreaaing tham all. ! "by your hind approval; Iba mora #o aa our ahare In originating thla echrme la but amall compared with tha aaaiatanc* whl-b 1 hop* to racalva from I you, who will thua **rn tha largar part of tha glory and rawarda which attand auccaaa "From Mr Molmaa. to whoa* honor and Judgment have b«*n c./mmlttad »ha vaat fund# of tha Imperial houa*, I ahull hop* to re< *lv# a grant of a aunt of motiey to defray th* agpanaa of tha egpadltlon, which, howavgf large, will h* inconaltlerabl* whan wa|gb*d agalnat . th* magnitude of tha reault "M le ('unite, who litre h*«n endowed tiy nttlure with th* atrength and cour age of it hero, will, I Iruat, think thoaa uuMhtha worthily employed in the a»rv* h* of on* who apprec|a<*a th*rn an high - ly. I look to him to work the aubmartna boat, which will h* fatnoua In htatory, and In which he will receive tha Aral greeting from th* Krnperor In freedom. "From you monaleur," If* continued, turning to M t'armu who waa await ing hla turn In vlaitd* trepidation, "I at.ail nek a t*aa datigeroua hul not l*a« difficult aervlcc. ttur pretended m*r chant-vaaacl rnuat he commanded by a captain of drat raft* ability In aaamau* •hip, and of tact and reamirec gufflclent to *nahla him to aatlufy th* Imjulal* ttons or trie tuitun nmc*r wno win board the ship In the usual pours* on h»r arrival. You alone of us havs still free access to France; you will, 1 am sure. And us such an officer among the neglected marine Of the empire ." He had hoped to lessen Hie risk of refusal by asking them, In this way, for a simultaneous assent to his rs uuests. but an embarrassing silence followed bis appeal Camilla flushed angrily, and he hast ened to anticipate hsr "Wsll. Mr Holmes," be said, "may 1 > rely on you, then, for my licit' million?'' "No, you may not," returned Holmes, rudely. "It's oul of the (|U#Stloo/' M da Monlauf peraeverad with patient suavity "I understand," he said, "you have many calls upon you, we ran perhaps supply a part from other sources. How much, then, Is the most you can give us" ' "Nothing, for the present," w*s th* reply; "possibly next year I may have some small sum to spare," "Next year"' cried Camilla, rising to her feet, and looking superbly down upon the little agent "Before next year you will have lost your place; the Kmperor leaves Wt, Helena on the 5th of May!" And sh« turned liar back upon him. Th# colonel looked at the other two, He saw that the count was wavering, and to give him time he turned to M Carnac next "My dear friend," aald the latter, “you have altogether mlataken my poaltlon. I dar*- not return to France upon auch an errand I know none of the Imperial marine, and your scheme, however Ingenious, appears to my mind too unreasonably audacious for me to recommend any one to embark upon II " I am of the game opinion as M. Car nac,1 added the count, bealtallng no longer "I would dare anything In reason, but this Is a forlorn hope ' "Then, gentlemen," broke In Camilla, with a commanding gesture of dis missal. ’ we nave but to thank you for yout attendance this evening, and to abaolve you for tie- future As for tide paltry million, ate- added, mining to hrr IuhIIht III law. I will *•* In Mini Yotl ahall lliid our i-i*|>tmIn. and Mm *i ll' i- narvli-i' wwill laid' ui»m our »*lvia, if all Mn world Him ravpiH" Ho iiutlllM all* riimwl Hir loom and w ant mil w llli a »w*'« |i of him dladaln Tim mdorml who r*i <>aii|t*d more oh-Mil) Him ld« ••iilft|.rlai- mid ull run i • i n* d In d wt'i'o at Him nmri ) of thoa* lo whom lm had I'omillHHd hla mural, noio.lin'd Imhlod lo aiHdlm llo- lrani|il«d f-- lln«> of lh>< Hi 1.0 IH. iiinlll«i| * .-nil* mill ■ iiai’Tkh iv M K N l> | •' K iwoi». n«ii morn Ilia Hit' fttht If uga III III lit .0,1 ll mid hi waa hlmarlf aaain. uiila in* *i'i*» f. i .4 call of aiiff alioiiMwia mid a f. a ill a U|am Hi* haad Tha «UI* all m |i « 4 ad Mill* toah of half HI a wh)*M lalllad him UC*"* hi. aanattlk alma* lo calh ll* • Cm* f Ir.mt ahl. h hftin*hi th* M. .1 Mil ha> h min hi* ii|i**h* *ad aa»* I h*M ill'a Hi'if a Ih* hfoiitai) glow of li*allh Id h w.mid hav* •Ivan mm h In l.i aid* In < t|dalH Ih* Hup i'mh of hla a*tl*l*d * m llllun . n Ih* |.|»vt out $ all*,III m hul io» I la l'.*ai a* *1 Ih* Adiuiiall ii mid (** 11 suit *i.i*4ii d a filltl* 1***0* lo "11*1 I' 1 ai| I. M«*klo *• m|i<4 l«ll| lo ah luu dan i whoa* »*#* w«u alt** Ik latnaltt.* alih a tu* CC Cm f Ih* lunit Iwhlnd *• ■ h. lym d »h. i. • i * * i !• i i a*k In* w i h* oii*i i * I. Id. ma lu d*k iih k»l 1 dal* *aI i m h.i#M ati Ih* **|d| hul ah| hnii»* I u »* iiittifi'ilahk* h*t* ai«h I imu ‘ II Hi l|i, |)llllf a*11 aald Man with tkana|Ht**Ml *fl« tail o IV*II kill kald Ih* dd man |m.oi Madam. I M miaul dl l h*t h*#l i hi biioia Hul you m«» * ha i imllhuad •nahlH* •'* Ih* dmif with * hom.'iuaa Cl. c iia* of i.odllk f»*i »ou mil *,< In da* hul I k I *•! lillmiM an I dim I h* »*Ui aflat auaaal Hmnl h»»' k«d ha flail h.|. hlln* lu a •** l*fi tauahiw* and auaatiu* lu hit*** if «‘.m*.mii| ir «hi am I a. etmple Kvtrr casual strange* «Hi a*' round and round mm, and stars 1n*o at/ gallay window*' " (Ini ha *M
    epad tha dreaded good fortun •hat had threatened him will) l*nme dlata banishment, and ha ba>l begun »/i find hia bargain with ',‘amills sear, more profitable than ha nnvld have ventured to ttpwi whan ha made It, It wag nof until oloaa upon I n'clesb • hat Camilla returned However, whan aha did eonie, aha came alone, and tha' waa a con eolation worth waiting lor, flha Joined Dtali In the innmlng room downetalre, and aattlad herself by the fire with porfeot aaga af manner, Me fait that hie court dense might feraaln, him If ha waited, and a/tar ho had re piled to hat ingutrtoa ha took a plunge at once. "are you regJly Irteh, and not French at allT" ha aakad "frtih by birth," aha replied) "French by breading and adoption. Oh. It la no secret " aha want on, with a amlla, aa Irt'k haaltatad to preeo the Miulry; "and I would gladly tall you all about It If I thought It eould tntereet you) but your eympathiec lie. aa I told you, In another direction altogether." "everything Intaragtg ma that onn lerna you!" burat out Dick, "I am longing to toagr more " "It la true that tha more I tall you, the more completely you will acknowl edge ma to ha In tha right," aha replied, "and that consideration would tempt a woman to even greater Imprudences • ban this " Hh* lmnrhft/1 ansi him franklv In tti* face, M» felt (hat this was not an opportunity for sentiment, and caught gratefully ai (he camaraderie sh* offered him Instead "(flood!" he said, smiling hark at her; "then I will abandon tuy sympathies sod own you to be right; end It shall h* simply a story that you tell me, If you will," Ves; but I shall claim on* from you In return And now listen, i was born," She began, "In the year J7iH. In lit* county of Tipperary. Mv mother died when I was but a f< w week* old My father, Anthony iJonoghu* of Castle Carrol, waa wrongfully suspected of being concerned In Wolfe Tone’s con spiracy, and when the rebellion broke out in 'W7 the Orangemen were upon him Ilk* tigers. Me look m» a child of |e*s than a year upon the saddle In fiont of him and rode for bis Ilf*. II* succeeded, after many narrow es capes, In reaching llantry ^Hay, where a number of patriots under Fitzgerald end O'Connor w*r# mat to receive Oen. Mocha and tha French troops which he was bringing over at their Invitation My father, who had previously held aloof, was now tempted to Join them for tha sake of revenge. M* sent m* over to France In obarga or a deserter's wife, to whom be waa al so obliged to entrust tb# realized pari of hi* fortune and th* Jewel* wbloh you have sometime* seen rne wearing. She proved worthy of his oonfldanoa. and when h* cam* to I'arts after the final collapse of tha rebellion h« found both his daughter and hla diamonds safe In the house of (Jen Ilona parte himself, to whose protection I had been com mended by a latter from Houh* “'Ah!' aald Napoleon, whan my fath er want to thank him, 'here comas Meta bus In search of his little Camilla.' It appears that tharo Is a story In Virgil of a warrior pursued by hla vnurolas, and encumbered by th* burden of an In fant daughter named Camilla. Mopped In his flight by a rapid stream, he binds tha child to hla epeur, and with a prayer to Ideria hurls her across, and hlmaaJf swims Urn flood, to find her safe and ai.iiiui iifi/.n Ihu fmlhar aldi, In sea • I i ii>1« he vowe tier to the lifelong ser vice of the goddess who has answered his prayer. It was to this adventure, then which our own so rnuuh resembled that Napoleon was referring. My father, who bad all the wit of Ms race, took up the allusion at onoa. Krom this moment,' he said, She shall i,e culled Camilla, and I dedicate her to the great protector who has saved us 1 "Napoleon was pleas'd with the read* Inc** of the reply, and took him into high favor Me afterward gave him a Mgh command In the Irish brigade, and heaped him with rewards. He remem bered me. too, and after my fathers death h* married me to M de Munlaut. u gentleman of an ancient mid wealthy house, and entirely devoted to the mii peror In whose service he met an honor ut>|e death In 1114 I wta hut IS then and I have been an estle ever since, f.,r neither iny brother-in-law nor I have stooped to make our peace with the Hourhona to as i<>N‘ri*"Si> j UHAVE flint.». I wu laetaaeee Thai heft Ike ifereMoe In IMubk The Is an odd saying that one never knows a womans true character till tie sees her In a moment of danaer and -eldom than might well he added a ouple of young ladles were oil top of ihe Mills building »eeterdej says Han Kralc Iscu Post tine walked boldly to the vary edge of ltie roof wud gaged eleadlly Into Ih* street below wtlheul the thrill of a nerve or (he inlrer of e muscle "Hrav* gltl. that." "IsmvwI On dsnal officer Htout hearted and feail'sa Hhe II mah* some man a g>a>d sift Molt l.o. h at that other <>k*v" he «sv!*lm»d In |li»guet as ik* atotiE* bvarled girl s companion shrank l-aek end 'list hysterically >ih, hold inel I want to lump .%•>" What a little fool eelJ the etgaal •ffi wi “A baby to t* pet«*d Waata to lump .•!ft Yuu t uldn t puil he* cl* there with an d team I lie i v. rv )u*l slat ting Jo * u tk* Her r >* elettwei when ***■»• abouted th.iv a a mow the btaee gtit ski bet Hiwil on HIP Mug el the .d#* *1 a high l.tof Wt oil a wild So re km acJ foiled to the lad t in | Ik* alette white her companion laughed till elie we* elietoat hotel, el wule at* all fwolg, de-iet-d Ih* • *n tel signal officer ttmao Are kattee A*«* Mt* Kwt) J .hit Htkii, a fetmer lit tag In |tla*h< I .vim i tad i* affiltt*4 ae hii i we* kefirs Th oeande of i«J w on,* eboul Ih* A)*- t * loHiio n pin teal shout In hi# n..*b end a* yet #>i J.,*loe has Jevieod e ■ uta nm even .iteg n s#I in# ip they enviia tram all parti of the hull, lha •am ft y*e an In Mg *»■#!•• and Hr aria body la Pag ftokr bead i« fowl Tha weaaa » given lo God, and not to man, And ao proclamation U made that all tboae of lb" iroopa who ara cowardly and want lo go borne may go, and Iwenly-two tbouaand of them •- ampared away, leaving only lan thou •and men. Uut Ood mya the army la too large yet; and ao he order* Iheee ten tbouaand remaining to march through j a atr*am, and command* Gideon to no tlce in what manner tl*e«e men drink yf the water a* they pa** through It. U they get down on all foura and drink then iliey are lo !«• pronounced la?.y and incompetent for the campaign; but If, In (>.t**lng through the alreom. they acoop ■ip the water In the palm of their hand and drink and pan* on they are lo lie I M»* men I for th« w#ii, * he ten thousand men marched down In the stream and the most of them •ome down on all four* and plunge Uieir mouth*, like a home or an ox, Into th< water and drink; but there are three hundred men who, Instead of stooping ! just dip the palm of their bands In the vvater and bring It to their Ups. ’lap png It as a dog lappetb." Those three hundred brisk, rapid, enthusiastic men ire chosen for the campaign. They are ••jch to take a trumpet In the right land and a pitcher in the left hand and 1 i lamp Inside the pitcher, and then at , i given signal they are to blow the I trumpet* and throw down I he pitchers md hold up the lamps. Ho It was done. It Is night. 1 see a great host of Mld j ; miles, sound asleep In the valley of lessreel. Gideon comes up with hi* three hundred picked men and when every tblng Is ready the slgnul Is given and they blow the trumpets and they throw down the pitcher* and hold up the lamp* and the great host of Mldlanites, waking out of a sound sleep, lake the •rash of the crockery and the glare of the lamps for the coming on of an over whelming foe; and they run, and cut f.jemselve# to pieces, and horribly perish, The lessons of I his subject are very spirited and Impressive. Till* seeming !y valueless lump of quartz ha# the pure gold In It. The smallest dew-drop on the meadow at night has a star sleep ing In Its bosom, ansi the most Inslg ullhant passage of Scripture has In It a shining truth. God’s mint coin# no small change. I learn In the first place, from this subject, Gie lawfulness of Christian stratagem. Vou know very well that the greatest victories ever gained by Wash ington or Napoleon were gained through the fact that they came when and 111 a way they were not expected some times falling hack to draw out the foe, sometime* crossing a river on unheard of rafts; all the time keeping the oppos lug force* in waice-ruicur «* "tm. would be don's next, Vou all know what atr ategy la In mil itary affair*. Now I think It la high time wo hud thla art aanctlfled and aplrliuallced. In the church, when w*e ,u » about to make a Cbrlatlan a**auli, we *<>nd word to Him oppoalng force when we expect to come, bow many troop* we have, and how many round* of ahot, and whether we will come with artillery, Infantry, or cavalry, and of tourae we are defeated. There are thou r ind* of men who might he aurprUel Into the kingdom of tJod. We need more tact arid lug.•unity lu ChrHtlau work |i !» iii aplrltual affalra u* lu military that aucceaa depend* lit niiacking tha part of the caatle which la not armed .tu I Intrenched. For in*tam •#, here U a man all artneil on the doctrine of election, all hie troop* of argument ami prejudice an i . parti ulai nil t m M tor away Hi that aide of llie caatle fiN Ilf . y,,, i (iml you wilt not lake it, leu I wheel your troop* to the aide g> . if the heart a affection* ami in tt*e uttu you can capture him I never knew a man to hi aaved thruuau a brllHnn1 iraom -in Vou cannot hook men mu 11,,, mug him of flod by the horn* «i a I lemma There I* no gri* In *yt u g *nti Here la a man armed on the *oh i »-l of petaeverum-e of 111' #allli*, h* ,l„, « mil lielleve In It \ll*. k Inm al that point and be petaevete tu tm rerv !*»t In ant hrdleving it Her* ta i man armed *•• the aubject uf hapium h« twileviM in -.pi inkling or lutmef »ion All your dl* o«#lon nf eeckwlaaiica hitli ipaihi will hot change him I re iU*iM'ier a hen I **• a le>> that arltt other hoy* I Into the river on « I • immer lav In hath* and a* need u i t«»h water on each uthei hut never go I xni raeult ev.cpt that not eve* aen hllu »> I anil »M Ih * »pU»htng of aate > i-n Itagilata and I'edo hagtlatt i iinver teeolta in anything hot the him I i la* of (he aplrltual eye night In othel * u ymr can never capture a man i • nyl at the point at whhh ha ta to tally latfeuvhed Hut there M It | ev at i man • heart a h*»H that can le • i lv -hove I t I ttl# child foul > * | all hmi lim it that twit and It all | ,»rlng twch and tha door alii audnr •r-H and t'hrlet will MtW« In I I think that tha nneal of all the Am *'ta ta tha art uf doing good *» I »• | thta att ta the leoat aultuted "a ha» ta tha htugdaat of (tud today euoual troop# t« vorguer the ehoh* earth fo * «‘fcllet If we only hal ehtllful me no*o*c#fng f W'Mild rather have tb* • hf*e b'lniltii) Itniiu and pll<’b#ra of t'hrlatlau airuiugeoi than on* hundred thon«und drawn aworda of Dietary eud er/'|e1 wu thouaand men, blit they went off until there were only ten thouaand left, and lhat waa aubtracted from until there were only three hundred. It la th** aame In all age* of the t'hrlatlau Church; a few man have to do the hard lighting Take » memharahlp of a thou aand and you generally find that fifty people do the work, Take a member ahlp of live hundred and you generally find that ten people do the work. There are ncorea of cburchea where two or three people do the work. We mourn that there la ao much uae |e*a lumber In the mountalna of I/iba non f think, of the ten million m#m berablp of th« t'hrlatlau Church today, If five million* of the name* were off the hooka the Church would he atronger, Vou know that th« more cow ard* and drone* there are In any army th# weaker It la, I would rather have the three hundred picked men of Mid eon than th# twenty-two thouaand un alfted boat. How many Chrlatlaua there are ainndlng In the way of all progreaa' I think It la the duty of the Church of Mod to ride over them and the quicker It do#* It the quicker It doe* It* duly. IH» not worry, oh Cbrlatlun, If you have to do more than your ahare of the work Vou had better thunk Mod that he hue called vou to he one of til# uicked men. rather thun to belong to the bout of straggler*. Would not you rattier be om of the three hundred that tight than the twenty-two thousand that run? I suppiste those cowardly Oldeonltes who went off congratulated themselves. They said: "We got rid of all that fight ing, did not we? How lucky we have been; that battle costs us nothing at all." Hut they got none of the spoils of the victory. After the battle the three hundred men went down and took the wealth of the Mldlanltes ami out of the cups and platter* of their enemies they feasted. And the time will come, my dear brethren, when the hosts of dark ness will he routed, and t'lirtet will say to hi* troop*: "Well done, my brave men, go up and take the (polls! He more than conqueror* forever'" and In that day all deserters will he shot! Again: t learn from this subject that Ood'* way Is different from man's, but I* always the best way. If we had the planning of that buttle we would have taken those thirty-two thousand men that originally belonged to tlie army arid we would have drilled them and marched them up and down by the day and week and month, and we would have had them equipped with sword* or Mpcurs, according to the way of arming In tho*e times, and Mum we would have marched them down In solid column upon the foe. Hut that le not the way. Ood depletes the army and takes away all their weapons and give* them a lamp und a pitcher and a trumpet and tell* them to go down and drive out the Mldlanlte*. I suppose some wiseacres were there who said: "That Is not mili tary tactic*. The Idea of three hundred men, unarmed, conquering such a great host of Mldlanlte*!" It was the best way. What sword, spear, or cannon ever accomplished such a victory as the lamp, pitcher and trumpet? Ood'* way Is different from man's way, but It Is alway* be*t! Take, for In stance, the composition of the Hlhle. If wo hail had the writing of the Bible wu would have said, "Let one man write It. If you have twenty or thirty men to write a poem, or make a statute, or write a history, or make an argument, there will he flaws and contradictions." Hut Ood say*: "Let not one man do it, but forty men shall do It.” And they did, differing enough to show there had been no collusion bet ween them, hut , not. contradicting each other on any tin- : portant point, while they all wrote from their ow n standpoint and temperament; | .... tliui ilia matter -of-facl mall bus 111* Mo. tliii romantic nature hi* Ksieklel; the epigrammatic hi* Solomon, tin* warrior hi* Joaliua; the *allor hi* Jonah, the loving hi* John, the logt i clun III* I'aol In-1"Hit of till* Itihle. which now I can llfi In iu> hand in riti-Mil of the Itihle the child can can lo Sullit*) School In. lead of the lltt'e Hiiiie the Mllnr cm put in It it* jacket when he gw* to *ea if it had been list to niun to write It would have lieen a thou-ind volume judging from the •utouui of aeolnnla-th al cun trover*) I which ha* *rl»eii (lod i »a> I- dlf feretit from mag'*, but II i» hot, In | nillicit heal. No It I* In regard to ih* • hnaiian'* life If We had had Hie planning of **■ Hoi that la not tlod » wav It »e*m* a If man moat lu* cut and hit. and pound •d joat In gropufttoti a* h« I* u**ful 1 HI* child fall* Hum * thud »t«rv *ln da* *nl ha* M* life tlaahed out, hi* moat I’onhdeni inve*tmvni tumble# him Into haukruptet hi* friend* on *hom he d (tended, aid the natural fur** *f gr*%i*aiIon in uh>n* him d»*u. hi* Ilf* I* • Hull Hon defnnl Intte-td of I went v two th i tain I tdvant tg* u he ha* anly ten thooumd a* only Ihrv* bun 1 died «y non* ai all How mam peopi* (her* at* at ihelt #-u out an* at ihet* Hvellhoo-I about Ihelt reputation l*u* that *IH Hn4 out It I* Ih* hear *ar *••*» awhile tied will ahow Ih •-»» ihei ha 4* pleina ihelt advent «*•« |da» f*» Ih* earn* teoao* ha lha nttni *1 flldson that they may he Induced t» throw thomaelvrx on hla mercy, A grape vine any* In the early spring "llow glad I am to get through the win ter' ! ahall have rio more trouble now' dimmer weather will come and the gar den will he very beautiful!" Hut the gardener cornea, and cute the vine here and there with hla knife. The twlga he gin to fall and the grape vine crlea out, "Murder! what, are you cutting rne for?" "Ah," eay* the gardener, "I don’t m*i« to kill you. If I did not. do thle you would be the laughing atock of all the Other Vine# before the aeaeon la over.” M nfb* go on. and on*day the gardener come* under the trellle and the grape vine aaya "Thank you, sir; you could not have done anything ao kind ae to have cut me with that knife," "Whom tba’larrd loveth he chaateneth." No pruning, no grape*; no grinding mill, no flour; no battle, no victory; no croae. no crown! Bo Hod’a way, In the redemption of the world, la different from oura. If we had our way we would have had Jeaua stand In the door of heaven and beckon the nations up to light, or we would huve had angel* flying around the earth proclaiming the unxearchable riche* of Chrlat. Why I* It that the cauae goes on so slowly? Why la It that the chaltir stay on, when Ood could knock them off’’ Why do thrones of despotism stand when Ood could ao easily demolish them? It la hla way. In order that all generations may co-operate and that all men may know they cannot do the work thsnixclve*. Just In proportion as these pyramid* of *in go up lrt height will they corno down In ghnalllnos* of ruin. Ob, thou father of all Iniquity! If thoa ran»t hear my voice above the crackling of the flumes, drive on thy projects, dispatch Ihy emissaries, build thy temples, and forge thy chains; but know that thy fall from heaven was not greater than thy final overthro'J shall he when thou shall be driven dls-) armed Into thy fiery den, and for every lie thou hast framed upon earth thou shall have an additional hell of fury poured Into thine anguish by the ven geance of our God, and all heaven shall shout at the overthrow, as from the ran somed earth the song breaks through the skies, “HallelujahI for the Lord God Omnipotent relgnetb! Hallelujah! for the kingdoms of this world have be come the kingdoms of our Lord Jesus Christ!” God’s way In the composition of the Bible, God's way In the Chris tian’s life, God’s way In the redemption of the world, God’s way In everything different from man's way. hut the host. I learn from this subject that the overthrow of God’s enemies will be sud den and terrific. There Is the army of the Mldlunltes down In the valley of Jezreel. I suppose their mighty men are dreaming of victory. Mount Ullboa never stood sentinel for so large a boat. The spears and the shields of the Mldl aultea gleam In the moonlight and glance on the eye of the Israelites, who hover like a battle of eaglea, rendy to swoop from the cliff, Hleep on, oh army of the Mldlanltea! With the night to hide them und the mountain to guard them and strong arms to defend them let no slumbering foe man dream of dis aster! Peace to the captains and the spearmen! Crash go the pitchers! up flare the lamps! To the mountains! fly! fly! Troop running against troop, thousands trampling upon thousands. Hark to the scream and grocn of the routed foe, with the laird God Almighty after them! How sudden the onset, how wild the consternation, how utter the de feat! I do not care so much what Is against me If God Is not. You want a better sword or carbine than I have ever seen to go out anil light against the Lord omnipotent. Give me God for my ally, and you may have all the bat tleuicnts arid battalions. I saw the defrauder In his splendid house. It seemed as If he had conquered God as ho stood amidst the blaze of chandeliers and pier mirrors. In the diamonds of the wardrobe I saw the tauru rtf tilt* WIllllUH tfcilfltll lit* h i I robbed, and In the snowy sal I it I lie pal* lor of the while cheeked orphane whom he had wronged. The blood of the op pressed glowed In the deep crimson of the Imported chair. The mimic item hied with the sorrow of unrequited toll Itoi the wave of mllTh dashed higher on reefs of coral ami pearl The days ami the night* went merrily Nu sick child dttred pull Hist silver door hell No le-ggar dared alt on that mar ole step No vulce of prayer flouted amidst that tapestry No shadow of a* Judgment day darkened that fresco. N.q tear of human sympathy dropped upon that upholstery Hump strutted the hell ami ItlsHlp.ition Ailed her rup. and all seemed sate aa the Mtiunites In the val ley of Jeareet Hut tlud came 1'alamUy •mute the money Market The part ridge left Its egg* nnhalched fresh went all the porcelain pitcher*' Horn rout, dismay, end woe in the vnlley of Jeer self \tne for those who heat against (tod' Only tw« sides Man Immortal, which aide er* you on* Woman Immortal, which aide are you on* IM you belong to the Mu*# hundred that are going fo win ibe day or to th* great boat of Mid lanlies asleep in the valley, only to be roused up In consternation and ruin* Suddenly ths gulden bowl ef life will bo bruksn and the trumpet blown lhat will startle our aoul Into eternity The day uf the laird cometh as g thief In the night and at the tlod armed Israelites upon th* sleeping foe IUT ('anal thou plu« h up courage for the day aben the trumpet which hath never hewn Mown ( •halt apeak the toll call of the dead and the ■ .mu dusking againrt • lost meiear. have Its mountain* acattsred to th* stare and eoau emptied in th* Mr tlh, then what will become of you* Whet will become of gr*' I'rm-e iteurge of h'nglend la an In tolerate ciga.vl amwher Me conaumse Mem forty to gfty o» the little rail* ef pgger end tehee.*, aa«h day