The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 11, 1895, Image 1

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    The Northwest krn
• ■ >
Kdltor Mid Publlehwr,
TEXAS It SO M' T*ar, M Paid in Mvanea
BatorM •* tb» Ijfnp City tor W|»»
Mlantoo Uuumfb *bm ium.Ui u imibI.
•IM« n.attor,
our Imklicii Mevipacir u Skenaai Contr
.■#- •
nitix Tl«k*n
For -Iwink 'if the Supreme Court,
T, L. NOKVAL, Seward,
For Regent* of the State L'nlteralty,
c If MORRILL, Lincoln,
If, I*. OOUI/lf, Keith County.
For (tint, .fudge 12th .Judicial, (tint
County Ticket.
For County Clerk.
M. II. KATKH, of Litchfield,
For County Treiwuirer,
F. W. KL’LLKK. of Hrl«tol,
For County .fudge.
0. If, bCOTT, of Loup City.
For Sheriff,
, It L. IUSSKI.L, of Rockville.
M or Superintendent of School*,
< I>. K. MOWKIIY, of Washington,
For Surveyor
WALTKIt MOON, of Loup City
For t oronor.
Loup City Township Ticket.- Louis
Bechtliold. Supervisor; G. II. Gibson.
J'rca<urer;J A. Alii^sr,Assessor; W. It.
Mel lor. Clerk. G.w.
Conger, Justices of the Peace;
French ami W. P, Heed. Constables.
The populist party Is advertising
Governor Holcomb nil over the state
for th»! purposi of drawing crowd*
hut he is send out a substitute in
the shape of Hill McKcgan. Hal
comb wan advertised to speak at
Loup City last Saturday hut it was
McKcagen that put in an appear
Thing- are looking hire for the
pops in Sherman county A good
independent from the west side was
heaid to remark that there were just
'Jll independent voles for the repub
lican county ticket this (all and all
from two cel tain localities He al
s*r remarked that “Kings” might
mile elsewhere hut not in a free coun
try like this.
The p<>p ring leaders howled for
Kcm for a third term until their
throats were sore. When Hendriek
Huii ciune out again they said they
could not support him for a third
term: but the true reason was that
■ 1 ... I t Ill_ 1.. ....
lie • i/ii'im <•« ...
tile wav between mini ami man ami
would not do tliclr bidding ami ho
they have no u«e for him.
\ nuinher of tlioae who have
voted the populiat ticket here to foie
nay that they don't aim much reform
In it. Three y earn ago they elected
it populiat county attorney and the
Ural cane of any Importance that the
tiiuuuty had it wu» neceanury to
m>nd,to Lincoln for council, and laid
year they elected <101111 Louyt and
the tlr«t caae that came up they *■ id
to Kearney for Urceu, ut an expeuae
f „ f lino,tilt All of which enmee
ui. t of the tax payer* inatead of Mie
eoi Ul.V attorney a aulary
Mr t\ K. Achenhaeh make* an
exple tat out in another column re
Kardlti U the rv|tort that tin* heelt
circulated that lie him I . eu woikinu
atfainat the »led ion id Mr. Mnaret jr,
republic an candidate for county
8upertiil*'»dtMtt It aeeunl that the
ie|«ut Inotcxei i* without found*
11 on and that Mi \c|icuh»ch la, a«
met true, In hi* principal* ami In*
party, It nUu appeal* that the
p ip* are tidt imj dee iterate when they
have to manufacture anclt yam* in
order to hold their people lu line,
fhta la ualuii tin parly la»h with a
ttwygaUcc Mr \ehe|dt*t h i* the
repalde «u nominee fnr aupertri*M{
wttd It. elreulattnit *neIt report* they
**<ek to ik fi at ht«u and If po»*|ldc
\|| Mowely d the *atttv to It |l
la liMter to *Ut4 to the fa* u at *11
line'* Ini a if at ion intiuet to
yieir wtahea ami rxpeetatt *«* tw!|ih!
The wanner In which the row I j
overseer* have le*en pot off ou their
Russian thistle elaims against the
county i* simply shameful. They
have been at a large expense in
c, earing olf land, S. R, Thompson,
w arf Informed Is In the hole flnan
elally $g00 00 on the account of
R'issiari thistle* alone Mr, Kanx
gan and Mr IVter Wagon both
have control,ted large sums for
which they are Individually respon
»lble, and yet the county officer* n
fuse to allow the claims and have
passed them over to the January
meeting. Now the law direct* that
I he road overseer* shall, under heavy
penalty chyr the land of this dread
ful weed in a given time and report
the expense of same to *he coarity
clerk, and that said claims shall be
paid out of the general fund of the
county. Kvery condition required
by law was complied with by the
road overseer and yet the county
officials do not feel disposed to pay
the amounts to which they are justly
Mr. Kansgan, road overseer in
Klm township, informs us that the
young girl* and hoy* who worked in
the broiling *au for him hi assisting
to clear the land of Russian thistles,
and who wore their shoe* and dress
es out and blistered their feet and
hands, are now asking him lor
. . .... • . i'
iiioucy wnn vhih;ii
the necessaries of life, hut he cannot
pay them because the county officers
won't pay him,, These are fhe kind
of men the pops uro supporting and
working to re elect, men w ho never
fail to pay their own salary, who
laugh and grow fat while the poor
people are in want. In the language
of the Times independent “they are
reformers and a fair sample."
A great efl'< rt wu# made by the
pop ring to get out a big crowd last
Saturday to hear W. L. Green and
Governor Holcomb, alias Hill Me*
Keagcn, uncork their pop bottle,
but the effort resulted in u dismal
failure. Had it not been for tiie
many that went there and came «•
way republicans the speakers would
have had but a small audience. The
pops managed to get out just 'SI
teams, wagons and buggies in the
parade including Hilger's mauagerie,
getting out bong's team and hiring
the St. Klrno buss, and this after
scouring the country from Loup
(Mty to Uockkville and Ashton.
The “three of a kind" in the buss who
wore false faces were the three
ri 1 . i. I', ... A 'Plion u/o tit
ft I II 1% I IVMi --
unloaded at John Longa olHco and
immediately repaired to the back
room, and were by John introduced
to the pnaaera by as Oroyer Cleve
land, Uothchild uud <1. Oould. It
ia not ueceaaary to diaguiae the
/.ink's to have them beat represent
the above named money *hurka. A
maeh cloaer cotupariaon eau lie made
by seeing them ia their ualurul cos
I.itlle barefooted boys und girls
who worked in the Itiiasiun thistle
Held* eau go without their pay full
the eounly olllcer* never tnd to
draw pay for llieii services a* mull
us their work is dime, la fact the
Inst thing they do lu fore adjourn
lag is to tiie nad allow their *wn
elaiuia Tiie reason that the county
oilierra giv« for not paying the Itua
aian thistle etaima is ilist they have
a decision lloin the AUeruey lien
eral to the cited ilott the law is Ull.
oonslttutiolial, and litis decision is,
of course supported by eouiily al
bmiey l.olig anil the Queen • coun
ell, ,M. || Ma'hew,
Vow we would like to kliow why
II is Itiev did not look after this |
point Itelole Ilist oldeied ths w.-lk
done I tune genii* no a pay these
Utile boys slid gill* for the Work|
that have done si youi bidding I
mm jf toii have in go willumt
your o*H salary I*»r a Iiihc
It VI Mallow ha« heawllltsd !».• |w| •
lenes pugetti ny anew eual of paint |
Il,i. 11 i • , I a 111 hil 'tiii- I, lit* 11
of a saiut uitik klue wHh i aa»n t hsev
ft If AH I AN Til I If If,
It was In lftS/5 the act Was pa "'I
That as an outlaw the weed was class/ d
That bear# the Russian Thl.stl/: name.
Arid now has thus attained to fame .
All road overseers must out then/ grub
And burn them up and destroy each stub
And full and complete exterml bate.
And every plant to extirpate
On failure this at once to do
A tine Is theirs and Imprisonment loo
And so the road overseers work hard
And down the thistle with one accord
Expecting as the law provides
Their pay for same whate'er betides
from out of Hherman county s treasure.
At the first meeting that tls the pleasure
Of all the county lla/ls to meet
At Hherman county's county scat
Ho each overseer his bill did Me
With him that puts on so much style.
And smiling at them with much grace
And eyeing each man In the face:
Your bills shall each presented he.
To that myself I sure will see
It will of course be then allowed.
And to draw VOltM WAHHAm* I II be proud
Hut when the supervisors met.
lb- seemed In a most awful sweat.
Hays he to them looking very wise
i do that wretched law despise.
rucoDstltullonal It is I in sure
We must lamp A Mathew's advice secure
Anil when they came each shook his head
I’ut on a look of fear and dread.
Intending thus them to Impress,
With a belief of their fairness.
r*o wnn a ij'iH i w)ith a; i*ou
The grave#t look* they now renew.
'l ake him amide, conmult and talk.
Ami to the court yard take a walk.
Under the tree# they chat together
Am though they did dint'd## the weather
Hut now #ay# one Allow the#e claim*;
There in urn t he all of thirty narm -
And all the c»#h our fee# to pay.
Will all he gone In one mad day. *
Hack they repaired to the Hnpervl*or *.
To keep that fund like county m»*cr.
The lawyer* remarked they mu«t adjourn
To look up the law on all point* In turn,
And thu# the matter wa«* p»*#ed for awhile
Ku##lari Tblmlle account* put In a pile.
To await the. wtmdotn of two legal llghi*
Who for iiionthm read law on day aad night#.
When the law wa* plain a* now* on face
And could he read while running a ra< <
That the marne from general fund !f»u*t he paid,
W'ha lever the County Attorney UenrraJ ha*
Thome adjournments ami c^unmel# are g<#od
for delay, \
When rtawl ovaraoef# are calling for pav
And fund# have he* n warned in *uli»g a houU
To matUfy m*’u of law »utt* fond
Ami #f» nun.uu mam lomt In a hank that humted,
Because 1 M l*«dmkl A. T No* ho|* trusted
Hoatl ovttrwwri picas*- wait, ami naught may
Ti II tin* officer* mentioned have all drawn
He ir (ait Ntitnd from nmn r,
A I’linlae half *t*cf lull of liiglltv **lll
tlvaicil laud for Ml*, l*rltf# M4UIMJM
Kor furtlirr iinrlltiiliit mil cii hi ad
llrt>#«, I* 1*111 11 A IIIA*i 1MHM,
at I,omj* i iiv,
/ k V.V.S I HOTVM.
17 r»,r >* EZ.I'l'LWo **•’
AH fc*^t*** tft Vt*l<tut tftA*f iitirmiAif
yy I, MAH' V, •
OttitlV In Hn*4 tin* Many I*>t"H, Ka»t
hull VuMU> *»«ht*, Oi»p CM/, Halo
yy j.vtHin h7~
t f ij r ii i; 4j - m t - L h w.
W'ld and imprinoul land* lor mala, And
tot tuny to loan on rrml ».la<.o,
tour an, • • iebbamlx
”• D/AC/.K in
WeAr Mile H»|ii*r#,
f/n v City, • Bw».
r/r. I'rke'A Cream Making I'owdcr
World • I air Miahrat Mad.I and Diploma.
Grail Dealers1
Arc McAJpiw, Ironp < itv,
ftiiaupp .Silling awl Aabton.
All grain hauled to Me Alpine or
Mebaupp Hiding ticket* are hr he
presented a< Loup City or Ashton
<,/|| e nud reei ive what the market
price is at those stations, Cali and
-ee us before selling elsewhere,
thk mild rtrwrn. cvukm.
Ilf. Ilumpliftr*' »f« tthnlllUmUr
siwl cSfdoJIr prupunA tUtiuuiUm, m*i tut x*«#»
la prfrst.’ prurtlm sad for over Itilftf r«*r* Iqr
th« J*rr|.l« frith watlfw Kr«rf Ulugh
Spadflc a «K' h»l cur# hit ttm MOMd.
*a. »amil ton raw/**
tp~»rr«, OhMtfth**, fulftinuHnnn. .M
VV or... *, Wl/mMw, Worm to/lie.,. ,1
Teething! Culle, Crjlut, W akWolmm .*
tfllnl-rhen, of CldKJ/ef. rrr t.lulu
I»r*enleri','irlptni|, lilllou* C«U«.... *
< hnlern Morhu*. Vomiting.........
7 i'uugh*. * ohl*. loom bitla. »••»»+*•**»» oM I
ft- heumleln, Tootbaehn, rwmv tw ... .'
ft - llendu. he*, Men llnelmhe. V«rll*/>,
lO lmir ixIn, |;l||,rfi>m m, < :ofi*l||/*tl>« ,!£
ll-Huppre**, ,1 . r I'ulnfiil i'erlud* ,‘i
I»-While*, Tor* I'rofUM J'etlod* . ,‘i
III i 11,up. I.urruptilm, l|.*>,
11 Mali II Ilium, J i/.lnela*, XnudlnM. ,*
III ItheumMlam.or l--heur»*ilni'iUiiP.. ,i
■ » tlHlnrln. CblU*, K"**r niel A*tiu...
IT—File*. Iilin'1 or I:loi 'Jio*.
IW Ophlhnlinr. horn or Weall hr**.,
111 < .n.irrh, Iiihii/nrA, Cold iu lie. Head «i
ail- Whooping tou*h.
at—Anihmn, Opprno**! I(r**ihti,*... .W
aw K..r Him Imege*. Imonlrrrl Itearing
WK -Hr roll,In, «,1*1.4*, H»* Urn*
at trrorr.l, Hitan *1 WmdunMi d
a.I- Hrop.r, kiwi lo.rilr h..rnlM,* . ,1
3#-«en.»*f. boon*, fcnAin»i*f»oinhiding ,
BT-Stldner lllarHM'*..y
ah-per*,...* Hr hi III r... .1.®
y» Horn Mouth, or > »olier ..
|b-| rlnnrr Wenbno**, WettingHad. •
ni-rninnil I'erlnd* ..
.13- lll»eu*e*«flbe lleurl.l’»l| U*ilou I.ft
di- Kpilepar, Mpb*m*. hi. Viiu*' 1.1,11
31- IlIpNib. i-lft. I I' .cu.lh. reThi .at..
8J|—I brunlr, I Mii«r*llou**J£ru tloo*. .'i
“77" CM- HU’tH/<'r*ic row CHIP, 2Bn.
rot uf In email luriu*i of |>l..o*nt |*dMftJu*t
HI* /our v«*t p* a.I
Mt Of ln«4iui., nr ml pm-v*H w. 1- »t|* of frtan
l»» Hi «rM»*»ft MnPLAft I 4 Muift*!,,
li i ittlJlfcl« I ft A ft ft» MUUmi IN** tft» ItNt*
Kn?l*fbn - K*f,rn»l or Inter**!. Illlh-I or Hired! 1*1
I uluU lit 4M®' H® “9 #<f Mm» UmuiUSO»
1 Us n i|*T M ImmiwJlMliM tl**»« W« I l«4u*
paioe, ®o cm Tij4Ltyy._B.M0m
Mt Kf tb<*»»M,» MM pal pW4 M. el pr«*.
bi»m»tu‘a*h.iw,iu n iMhuuwaM. *•• |M*.
Or. I'rlu't Crum Unking 1‘uwdcr
Mont Ctrlwl Mndn.
Oniek Sales and Small Profits.
I It live k Jura*1 ‘•IlH'k of Hull'll Mill! I'lih'k Ml ililllll wll it'll I luttlgtil
i«i ,, linukru|it uulo for Itulf llim rvgulitr ptliw uimI will nu1> imv frMl (In*
livni'lli of tlilu iirvut t»Mi |f mu uml h ill ilo rv|Miir woik u( I lit*
t aioHUiK low |>m « (or iIn* nt \l to <lu)»
klain l|ftlHiie ill) 11)411', Hull *|'ll'*aa ' lu J,. Jnai'Ui ml klU'la, HI In Iki
Him,,, (lad U In I.JM i iMilli.t, if, I* I* ll !•<•!» pi «ml lit (u> I Mi Hoik *Iohh
lot lew 1 |,.in » li Mi • >M* jtllin Ww » Mill,ill" final aaliti |t<|iHlllHf UH’l
Itairiilaa MlolHiliit Hi UtiiNil ralnmlanl
| III Ml" Him lllieal Hill'I'liuH III Hlnllllf Hiller tonl Onl'l I'lVaa IImIIiiII
Hela, |liui'vl»l*. W alel, I'uo-.Ht*, l<HV*l alt tea I hlllo, lllllfa, i'iltt, Ulttl HIHltlliiM*
Dial tnil 1,14) HUHl. »l |»lI. va lower Ilo," vt, r l4»l"i« nrtaHnl It, |,nii|i I lly. 1,1
fuel HV Hill iIImMMiM olio II t'lllMa ftl jn i' Will |l"li'l Milt* t It I • ft anil m,i,'o|Imi
ill ■ I ffl (III! ilMtti Hr li * i li, li.n lirtfM, min i> mat follow, I
\ Wllla It, i'll 4aH. A. IIOON H, I lie Juwvift ami , i|i,ltsUii
tt J. flktlKH 11 Ml, I Hk S m Ilo I'kil.
\Horner umlVutfit I'iiIiIIm, |'i.i.i|.|m » Im r i itt N.minwra,, «m
n>m;u a msm I in run,
it #;• # #* #; v/. t Til . i u m.
t ill I' • 11 \ , a N Mill \*k s
Tumi |«nU, Wild, • 'iiltl*nli d mid Irriu ilt'd l*i»i»d» f<*i* M*»li\ j
(treat Bargains during tie Monti o( September,
OtUH- \4) net- me before buying encwbcre I can aave you money.
Repairing done lu a drat claa# manner and on abort not use, and at
price* lower than tb* lowcet,
Loup City * Reliable Jeweler.
AT lUducad
/'fT Dozen
Cabinet Size
Hingle Iverson to bo photographed
Groups 60 aditional
Ijoup City Gallery open every
filer! Day W$\ FRIDAY.
Partin* wishing to have Picture* taken will pinnae call curly,
Kcujcrnbcr the 'Jay*!
M. LK8CHINSKV, Photographer,
b.C, COB, A. P. CULL BY,
Vic* /'resident. Cashier.
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Stock, $600,000.
Loans on Improved tanas a* HIM per oaot. Hem Company and hem taw
to be had in the tram.
CoaMuroaomns:—Chemical Ha* ion a I Bank, Hew York Gttjr, H. Yd Omaha
-mli.nel p-umahe. Hihw*>
■nut) to )I JO/ otu/3 '3333 fvoo *i qooq puojt tiqt joqwowty j
■•own »qt tioo o/ pouwj/ lino jo /" SH331 1910133 jno unMt
•apBtu hiu»uiiu)»u| iH|inl<Kj i«oiu »i|i jib X.oji Mp-Of
Xjibju Mi) pM(njii pu» |ijXh|>I uaaq jaui| • ml it mi) p09)UMuntJ
luniaHoS j»ao oaom |»iim ‘tuojni.rojnuuui oqt uiojj pajfp
aiB».,|ot|« |» Xn<| oj mi nf i| 'tin of if uiojj woiivm pirn
'iln oofc'tf uiojj uuv'Ajf) no to >(iij ttuini nijmimn wm” j.iiti
'Wtpj.ttup r«W|«j|ttn||| )l ttonnij pint BitnXlo jo f3|C|* |«>l|
pu« ®qj 11“ i“ «imjW'xJ pmoH w t| niXo|t)|B>'j moo tnQ
■33HJ nmm
k - # . HHWAKi: J
Insist on SB ||
in packages vffiijSfr
Costs lit* more than inferior package soda—
never spoils the llour, keeps soft, and is uni. H J :
vtruJIy iu knouieJgtJ putt it in tbt u»>rU. WL VaflflPrjm
Hade eat; by « HimtH k CO., New Shirk
•via by i>wwi mrrwbun. ^^ktk0^
Z Hill, bn *.«»« • Kuhmi IWk O »nl#»Mn Kwi|». MM
h'lasr Cuss Rios nun Tunas Hlwhys oh Hnnu.
Tlw *'f <*rt» liiktHi «»f liom* |»U*«» in our
tJIvu uu « Ull. A. nil.TZ, l'r..|,n..|..r