The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 04, 1895, Image 7
Symptoms of Paralysis. I, Nee., M ty *, IIW. hr Wllllarn*' Medicine On , Hrh*ne< lady, N V. IllillJiit*. 'Mil* Is to certify that I am a resident of Dongle*, Otoe County, Net#, •ml am eighty yeera of age I have l<e»n v an elrnoet constant eulferar nearly ell my life. f>f late yaara J hare had sever* pain In my beck and limbs, with eumbnese and prickling sensations In the extremities which some physician* pronounced aymp tonus of paralysis Cast fall having heard through frlauda of the virtue of Pr Wllllenm rink Pill# for Pal# People, i purchased a half dosen lo|M direct from you and began taking them according to directions At this time tba action of my heart was Slvlrg mo great anxiety. Ita pulsation* ’ero weak and uncertain, with k alpltetlon ami very alarming aymptovn* ujon the least excitement or ovar exertion Dlxri n**s end baadacbe were of frequent wcur re nee. In e very short time after beginning treat ment with the pill* I began to fast their affect The numbness bwtnix Infrequent end leas severe, when locomotion was easier Trouble from |>*l|>lt*llon decreased eml I experienced « l>eit«r condition of gener el health m» Diet I felt twenty yeer* young or I toll *o much bettor when the six boxes were gone tbet 1 discontinued treat ment altogether With the advent of spring and warm weather. I began to feel a return of the old symptoms, to some extent. *o purchased another six boxes of your pill* from Messrs, C P Clark A <'o , of Hy raouse. Neb , which, no doubt, will have the seme good effect the first lot did Keepectfufly, Mm* K M Wxbb Dr. William*' Pink Pill* for Pale Peonle are now given to the public a* an unfailing blood builder end nerve restorer, curing ell form* of weakness arising from a watery condition of the blood or shattered nerves. The pills ar# sold by all dealers, or will l>* sent poet nald on receipt of price SO cents a box, or six box#* for ttl 60. by addressing Dr. William*’ Med Co , Pchenectady, N x. I urn suit American Kroil tier l.l torn has alwuys been closely associ ated with tlie- frontier life of this country, perhaps from the fact that no tftlicr cereal is available for uiie In *o (many ways. I'rom the time that the Kernels begin to swell, full of their rich milky juice, it is edible, appetizing and nutritive; wheu fully ripened it may be preserved for yea;». transfer ring If necessary the prosperity of one abundant season to the relief of suffer ers from crop failure or oilier destruc tion of supplies in some subsequent year. To the New England boy orgirl of former generation* whose memory goes back to childhood, how many no table associations are connected with the cornfields and their products! How the backs ached and the hands were blistered during the process of cultiva tion! How frequently and carefully the husks were slightly opt tied to de termine when the most advanced eurs should be ready for boiling perchance the only vegetable variation of the monotonous dinner which gave little letnptution to the palute, however much of enduring strength it might give to the frame. *>f the same class were the "roasting ears,” often enjoy ed lit the midst, of some lonely vigil; and these by judicious selection, could be made available till the harvest — Good Housekeeping'. Kate Meld In lienver. Dr.NVKK, Sept, m — My journey from Chicago was over the Chicago, Hurling ton A Quincy railroad, one of the best managed systems in the country. I should say. judging by the civility of Ytlie employes, the comfort 1 experi enced, the excellence of its roadbed, | arid the punctuality of arrival. 1 ac tually reached Denver ahead of time. The Hurlinglon lioute is also tlie best to St. Haul. Minneapolis, Omaha and Kansas City LITERARY INDUSTRY. Ixirke I* said to have spent over six year* In the preparation of Ms essay on the “Human Cnderstanding." Charles Lamb would write one of his essays In an evening, after a day spent) at his desk In the East India office. B> ron spent the leisure hours of near ly four years In the preparation of the first two cantos of “Chllde Harold finite I* reported to have spent fif teen yeara In the work of preparing and wilting his "History of (5niece. Hpen**r. from hist to last, consumed . su s*u t\t i /hi** Mfi.nlv la hot* in the preparation of the "Ktilry Queen Dryden worked Im gnlarlt hut <on aldered that hlg Um!1> i.ihU ought to rompi tHe from ton to 400 line* of verge. Dougina Jerrold ta *atd to have dr voted blit a few hour* to the pupa ration of each one of hi* Candle I*, lure* Mulhall the gfeat »latlailclati de voted neari.t Ihlri.t vein* to the pup. aration of hi* Dlt'tlonary of Htalta* lira " , Sir Frederick 1‘ollock who made an idgtre** to the law »<-hno| at Harvard Airing the commencemeat, la arcoaed of appearing on thi lecture platform wear >na a high while hat a blue whirl Intruder naval, Irlack frock coat aud light Ifguarra 'AMONU THE 0ZARK8 f lic ImiiiI <>l Itig tleit hp|>lea, I« at, attract.** and >ul> ie-iit a law k, h«iid»t.iu<d) lllnetr tad wok *•#•# ef <*uuih \li«*«Ufi tuc I He I mtiiie «I tie a Mud farm ul d.liai »ci«< im Iluwell count) It pritalua tu trull r .Ming la that great Iru.l Utl.t tunica. IH# tuUlHera alu|« ut the OrarOt mill will |n*t* ul gtnwl «alu*. a»t vati tu Ituit greoer*, hut lu t«rt) tarmai tad huutaaarkat e*d i a fur a t*ru> attg * Ham*. Italian Ire. Add >* a, J. K I. it, k »»»«• l'il) , tliv A lialeellte whu wlah.a to make a rapture aarka arwretli tag a merchant peektpg t« capture trade canaut work » that »a* Ile muat let p» uh knuaf V obat he l* after Thrre are ala at a auute thing* ahbh )»u «an ret**? « *0*40111*1 •’ « hiacr pr l< e ar IM pet ter ehape than )«ur cm , prtllnr* ran Thoaa are the thing* »«M j want keep brlMr the puhlt. Vrraaltlll) la the great dealdetututa la aa wbrintwami atltrr Iku *t*le pall* na u* We get tired uf upe dt»h | a* upe acerr ut aat upe plea*ure Variety la the wptrV «f life aPd th* • l»**f : aitiaciipn In advent** h im* wkiM hURNAHONAL PRES3AS50CIATI0N. ) by PtBMtaatON or | RAND. Mi NALL* & CO. . fCJIAl'TKK I —Omiftt i>), "It Is unreasonable," she said, "though not quite In the way yotl mean. You had, 1 am sure, no thought hut to honor me, and I thank you lu all sin cerity for your homage. Mut you have acted In this without due considera tion—" Mi- would have spoken, hut she raised her hand to check hint. you did not reflect that we have not, ladween us, all that should go to the making of a marriage. You have a man's strength and faith, an honorable name, a career of promise—It Is much to brim;; I have beauty, wealth, and » high spirit; these, too, perhaps, are worth something; you love me, and there Is, I date be sworn, tio reason why I should not love you. Mut where In all this Is the string that hinds the posy together—where Is the guarantee of our tranquil and continued friendship after ward? I sometimes think," sic- con tinued, "that an Intimacy of a lifetime Is scarcely enough to warrant such a risk; and you and 1 have bui a yester day's acquaintance on which to found such perilous hopes." He raised his head. "I have known you for three months," he said, "and all of that time I have thought of nothing else on earth.” "All that time in truth," she an swered: "but of what have you been thinking In the thirty years before? I do not know. I have ridden and danced with ynu, I have sung and laughed with you; I know your favorite actor and the minister In whom you believe; but of yourself how little!" "I am afraid there la little more to know," he aald, "I am Ilk" molt other men But If you would aet <n> great love agaluat iny deflclenctca the acalca might not weigh ho uneven aa with aome," "I believe alncerely," ahe replied, "that you love me aa you know me; but I fear I cannot aay, llko you, that I am of the common type of my »*x: my belief*, nty hope*. my work In life are all alngular; the very clrrumataneea of my birth and nationality are unusual though you hear It now for the Ilrat time. Ho, ("apt. Katcourt,” ahe con tinued. rlalog to her feet, “you aee that In your haute you have uaked u tjfotnan to become your wife who, for nil that you know, haa nothing In common with you but the lighter feeling* and more trivial Interval* of llfp." He bent hi* head and aald nothing for a time. Hhe looked at him a little remorsefully. "la It good-l»y, then?" lie aald, alowly, like a man awaking from aleep. Hhe reflected, looking downward In tier turn. I will grant you thla," ahe aald, "and remember that It la no more and no leaa than I would do for any man of honor. 1 will make no change for what haa happened to-night; I will ... you. If chance ao order* It, upon the old term*; hut you ahull promlae me one thing in return." Hhe pauaed for Ida aaaent. "I promlae blindfold," he aald, "fo the In Ml .. In my life." Hhe nodded approval. "Then 1 have vour word.’' ahe aald, "that you too will make no change In your career; that you w ill follow your fortune where ever uiiil whenever II i-mIIi* you without allowing t bought* of me to hold you hark." • • 11 i* hard." he aald, “for I have to mulit heim protnlaed an ItiiiitedlMUt com mand." "Hut you have given me your wmil. She hehl out Iter haml to hint a* ahe 1 *poke; lie a looped nod ktaaed II In *l-( lance "t'ome," ahe aalil, "I hear the mual , Ueglnnlltg. Ihla I* mt Inal dalue" They paaei-il down the alalri ,tae with out another word, and entered the hall loom once more To Katcourt the dance waa even more o( a dream than the tlral one had been To the thrUlIng Influence of Iter Ueaul) and her touch there w a - added that regretful etmaelouaneaa or the met Hal il i ltd which make* the pr.oeful .m illto holt of IMHllltn and g|t. , Ho !aal perfection of path"* I tlo deep eyea of pitaalott If he had felt hlltuodf favored of Hie g.ule hefole, he waa now couactoua. lit Ida availed elate, of an even greater! dignity that given h> the heroic rlldur mice of a great mtefortune tnioug tin phantom* that Itttlcd a ton ltd Idm gibbeting of their Ultlcal lot* he moved in a kind of funeival triumph, aa on. wlllt llte graiideui of a Itaah doom up- . on hint The whitting dame waa lit* mig. of elvttlllV and the mu-1. Itlled II W|lh eiyulalle am I it eg* tlUt imw tlie meaaute tom aohldttg lo a tlnal realgar, and la|taed again. »n>l died al>wly away Upon a atngh milt H> found htmai lf elamllitM hi th. doot wlllt the etdottel'a Maud itgutc in ft >ltl of him H you will tiatdou m |to taller waa any lug It hi lime for tee to twk* my elalei to law ho«m unit** he .«•« Mum <1 with a ootlliou* giaturv Hal are free to ettloy lira! privilege yod* a. II y.-»ivouii mined lo hla pa riper | iouM n <1 Ihlnh of It ah. aoId • hut pel hap* Cap* Pate out t will alien.I me whlp> you act youi hat and cloak He gave her hta atm the o.|*im. I howtd and di* ideated In Ihiee mm utc* ahe waa ready mottled to th throat In Iota and aallo ha, Ih*- to ant among Hmy, riltw lined - hoot* Cat tomi ttwdt her I** her c a ret aa- amt ih* > wall*-* a mom* of for Hr* eld- o*I y ,,u hat* never o<n t* i I m» o ‘ ah* haol BY HENRY /YIt WBOLT "ll la Itlehard," he replied', "they call me Dick " The colonel appeared In the doorway. "Thank you," ahe aald; "mine la Ca milla. Oood-night!" CHAFTKR II. WO DA YH AFTKfl the hall Katcourl paid an afternoor call at Glarnorgai Ifouae. There h< found a large and faahlouahle crowd of vlaltora upon th< Maine errand hi hlmaolf, and a pen l the greater part ol a abort atav In talk lug to atrangera Hut when he roae to go. Gold Glamor gan, who had been keeping him In view while hobnobbing with a eouple of un dei-aer-retarleM, eroaaed the room quick ly and eaught him aa he turned away from taking leave of hla hoateaa Kafeourt mhw by the twinkle In hla ey< that the genial old nobleman waa In hla own opinion the bearer of good newa, but he ahuddered Inwardly at the audden recollection of hla promlae a>. lately made. "Dick," aald hla lordahlp. taking him under the arm and leading him toward a corner of the room, ’Tve been dolnu what little I can for you, and I only wlah It were more. Compton tella nn that the Favorite la alinoat ready fot aea; ahe a only a thirty-two, but ahe> Ihe laat alilp to be eommlaaloned fot evr-i- ao long, and I thought you’d rath er he walking the deck of a frigate than the pavement of Whitehall." flick forced hlniHelf to return thank* In terma of aultahle fervor. "Thla la too kind of you, l.ord Glamorgan," he aald with unintentional Irony. "I could real ly wlah that you had not taken ao much trouble for me; I do not know what 1 have done to deaerve It." "Nonaenae. rnv bov." aald the old man, kindly; "I owe your father's son mors than that, and I’ll pay It, tpo, II ever get our turn again, ftut now," lie continued, returning to a more mat ter-of-fact tone, "If | were you, as this Is your last chance for the present, I’d go down to the admiralty to-morrow —not too late, remember. It’s Saturday1 and Just make, as tt were, a casual Inquiry whether they’ve received yout application all In due form, or some thing of that kind; Jog them up at the right moment, d’ye see? That’s It, that's It!" he concluded, shaking Dick's hand. Hick escuped at lust and hurried back to Ills lodging without any clear Idea of where he was going. What was It h< had promised Madame <lc Montuut? Hr remembered but too well the very words: "You will follow your fortum wherevt i and whenever It may call you." Th« bargain was hut two days old, and here already, with grim mockery, the call had come to the cheery tones of hlj well-meaning old patron's voice. And for what price had he thus wold Ids birthright of freewill? For permission to meet one from whom he would soon he separated by a thousand miles of ocean, and perhaps by the wider gulf of many years; for a concession which Ills own pledge had rendered valueless before he could reap the slightest ad vantage from It. If ever man entered Into a one-sided bargain, surely this, he bitterly felt, was one. Should he give himself the vain con solation of seeing her? He felt lnstlnc lively that it would lie better to deny himself until all had been clone. Hut le could sit still no longer; he rose from luhlc. leaving half Ills meal untouched, and set himself to think over Ids visit to the admiralty next day. He decided at once that he would not trust himself to make Ids inquiry hi’ word of mouth; he might say too much or two little, or betray some noticeable sign nf agitation a thought front w hich lie always shrank by nature, and never more thun now No, he would write a letter Hint present It In person. .mi » l .. >11 i| 11II11 I careful!) III uniform, ami Mailed out ahorlly la-fore noon with Hie letter In hla iKM-ket- !!•' i roaaed Oifurd iirn<l ami made for the airtight line of SI Andrew* at reel and St. Marlin'* lam Hui lu*l before teaching the lathi |i» found hllliaelf flue lo fate with u mill'd which hlocked the entile width of the Ihothumhfate It wa* eom|u>aed or a wild and motley eolleelton of men, wo men and children, .na omiainled hi nn couth mualc. amt fnutaaltcMlIy adorned With bttni'ltr* of It lee o lltihon. w IliMM feeahliega threw Into mure hldeou* |ironiliutiii the iitilteraul aiinulm of their clothing and a|ipealattice \l llie lu 4|d of I hla atretlke |i|oce* I II mail heif In <• t. ill i tit lie i more laimtatct than the tret a do*, • « or two of men whoa, dieaa and feature, maiked them eten inure chatli Ihan their eotutiMiiloH* for Ihorouahhied lllahoon Thru' Were affair till) . In gullte *ort under the h ader»Mg of • tall infhati with high iliiik Mine* a wide month and Inter aide w Maker* of a ilamlne ml color, and *» they mm* along llov ahouted and «tUi| their atteka Wildll aha * their head* with II' at'tatrent ftotocattoH The few oil m ania of the allot tied Into tin It luoiar* nr M|< the ll- lghlualit* hi W*|* tlatimirt rohtrnlrd lilnm If with drawing In one aide. With the lh trillion of |u*a*tng along under the w til in of walling that* until the delta* it hart of ttw i tow it ahottM hate gone I'V Hut hta ttulf at tit made It ln>|» aattd> tut hlltl to ratatfr tlut* Without noth and the t« ni|a i <«f th> m»h to tug at th‘ linon. ut highly aggieaall * th* 1 d« tit* • i hhakrd Ida faith At ttrat In tta* lather amunotl than ahhti h*na|i« . ami addl •'**> it theni tn tone *d g"«al tutnndol tvlrioliati*M * IVtne lad* ' M* «ald hi in* |i*t> I in on Inf* Mi **, and haie no time I - - «e«t> and he t"i»h.*d tii'MIv howaid 'fhi Clow d awated tliiill tillltig and toe linn d« ililtrty and with a ru*h id half flat ful h«lt ft to. hot* ill hit-i ini* him la«k titliih Hie wall, wini« ^h# aloud ni hay, uno rtaln whether to try i" -rauaaton or aueh fore* aa h« C4ul<t hit rig Into play, "(hid eave Olfelandt" howled the i leader, who etood directly In front of him, IInd et emed to (,<• in a paroxysm of unexplained excitement, "i)od eave ] ould Olrelandf" "Certainly," aald Dick, promptly, hoping that b* aaw here a chance of conciliating them. "With all my heart," he ahouted, "Mod eave Ireland!" "Ifnrro fot the I m per or Napolyun!' •bricked Ida tormentor, atrlklng the ground with hla atlck and capering llk» a mania' /tick ahrugged Ida ahouldara and aaaumed a panelve attitude, "Ilurroo for the Imperor Napolyun!' the Irlahmati, acreamlng In hla face, "May ul, ye murdherln dlvvle of a king* Officer; aay 1,1, or I'll tear thlm gooldeti ahtrapa frotu yei dlrrty aliouldhera!'' Irh k drew Idmaelf together, clenched 1 hla flata, lb ew hack Ida head, and 1 ralecd blmaelf to look for the thirineat part of the crowd. At that moment a carriage and pair w.i* quickly making It a way down the other aide of the broad road, which had been left bare In pari by the concentration of the mob around their victim. He recognized hla chance and “Irin k for It with all hla force. He wua not armed even with a atlck, but In a flaah Ida two neareat aiitagonlata had gorn down before hla flata and he wna half way to the carriage, lighting hla way deep'cutely thrurgli a atortn of conruacd tdowa and about*. One* he fell, and roan again without Ida hat; a aecond time he waa beaten lo hla 1 knee*. In the act of laying hla hand upon the aide of the carriage, which had now Mopped, and It) which he wad ! dimly ronacioua that a lady waa aland i Ing upright, Hhe opened the door and atepped quickly out. The crowd fell back a lit tle, and ahe began lo apeak. Dick aerntiibled to Ida feet, atlll hold ing on to lhe aide of the carriage, and atom! looking at her In a hiilf-alunnc'l condition of dull Mlonlahiiient Her face and form were thoae of Camilla do Montaut, l<ut her apeech and manner were atrange to 1 him and produced upon hla confuacd a- naea all the effect of an Incongiuoua dream. "Wlilaht bhoya!" ahe aald; "tell me ; now what la't ye're afther lu re?'’ Ii ini'- vt 'in -iirutr i'/i n 111> > 111 ■ 111. iin Ht. I'nthrlck s Day," said a voice at hist. "It Is Ho," salil tin- lady, readily, "or why would I he wearing sliamroek7” and she took . small bunch of green leaves from / ' i dress and held them up. But that's no reason at all," she went on. vlvai lotisly, "why ye should he alther murdlierln’ me frens, and me the daughter of Anthony Donoghue." The crowd showed a tendency to shuttle hack and get behind one an oilier. A ragged youth, who found him self left without support In the front rank, took off tils cap resjieetfully. "Hliurc, Iwuh none of us at all, me leddy," he said; "’twas only Tim O'Hal loran that asl would his honor he plazed to say hurroo for the Imperor, and he would not," "Would he not?" said the lady, with an irresistible air of drollery; "thin It's mesllf that'll do ut for um. Hurroo for the emperor!" she cried, heartily; "and whin he comes back to bis own may 1 bp therp to give him the cead mlllla fulta!" She turned to I)lck, pointed to the open door of the earrlage, and Jumped In behind him. The mob were cheering wildly all around; one or two of the nearest of them were taking the op portunity to beg a trifle of her lady ship. "Drive on!" she cried to the coach man. And In a moment they were whirling southward down St. Martin's lain- In safely. Dick, without knowing quite why he did ho, had placed himself on the back seat of the carriage, anil now sat look ing at his companion. Yes, beyond doubt It was Camilla herself, and when sb«- spoke to him It was this lime In her own familiar tones. "I am afraid I was Just too late." she said; "you are hurt." "It Is nothing," he said, slowly. He was bolding Ids bat, which some one bad thrust Into his hand as they drove off; he put It on Ills head and winced a little Involuntarily. Camilla saw that he w is hardly yet himself and wondered what to do. "Where can 1 take you?" site asked, quickly. "Whitehall," he replied with an ef fort Ills head dropped hack against the cushion, and his eye* closed, A CAT UP A TREK. i.Milam I'oltremen hem l« III Me*, ue ami Ihe Mellef uf (lie latlle». A alugular rniueat w«t mad* lo Chief .i| Police Willard yeaterday. A woman who liven In the neighbor* hoodhood of U« Hamilton mreei called Up ,Ki|lce headi,uarlar«. anil thla la the con w real Ion that fallowed "Hello! I* thla police heudouarteraf** "Yea " "la Chief Willard In ' ' Yea; I in the chief " Well chief, have von a**t * hollo** mm who can cllmh a live?" ill. whal' A policeman who can i limit a tree ‘ Kill whal pm ,««**’? ' naked the chief, groally ampino-d al Ihe un uaual rcijueal There a a cal up In » Ih* <*p|« -elle H» llaliiilloa Hieei and n haa Iwen up th*re for lout day a All the wooen • ml glrla are In hyelerlca over II. and I wlah aoitirlhlUM could In- thuie atmul II. I ihoughl Ihal you count acml a police man up l» clnivh the live and bring lha |MH | •I down ' I am afraid >-ur t«dice,uvn me not verv gtaal Ml Ihe all of clliuhlng but I will a*« whal I tan do Can • you a< • • hi» t|, parioteni lad* ! *!»■♦ * Wv II attend it, Ihal all Ham Captain Itwvideon e*>M a couple uf hla ott-ii |o the live where Ihe , al waa rooat* lua Th ni-ie waa remued however. Mi,d *h> hear'* of all In *h> nt Ighbot i m.I i.mi ,.aularly agala I dolt It, l*»« had a population of | i i,, ten *p,*nd wtn III «,mn ntllea, I , tl<»a III H* lettul repitrl uf lha I t { 41 M* rat an am age of | l i ihe atyiMie ailb and ttfly-elghl la . j ,ite a, i. The muat -Hu*, ly i>.-,-nlai»d ; 11*1)1.,a tie White- ha pel aMh IW la lh> a ie. aad oadlleh. will, 1*1 the i .- raio mm* IT a to I •* Ihe l -we#| tint mi --I lit* h* , a kept Th-- high* - i d. alh i ale for ih* ye »r in any Kw li* A Ian waa PI In Idler paid Highett of all in leavening Power—Lateat U. 8. Gov't Report Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE An Interesting and worthy egperi msnt has been tried in Minneapolis, during the paat two or three years, by \Mm Woman s Improvement Deague. of Interesting school rhildien in tlie rala ing of flowerr. Several thousand chil dren every year, In eerlain achool giailm are given flower seeds to plant in their home gardens and lawns, and are encouraged by prizes to enter into competition in flower production. last week the president of the league visit ed the fifty city schools and awarded the prizes voted upon by a committee of Inspectors and judges The schools were gaily decorated with blossoms grown by the children. The seeds are contributed eneh year by prominent seed firms, members of congress and public-spirited citizens. The flower mission has awakened a widespread in terest among the children and encour aged In lhem a love for the beautiful and habits of industry which are likely Vo endure How's This! W* offer One Hundred Dollar* reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F J. CHKNKY * CO., Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J, Cheney for the last 16 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WADDING. KI NNAN * MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Tolejn, Ohio. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price, 75c per bottle. Hold by all druggists Ilull a Vumllv PIIIh * 4«on<J I *i* for i In*M|) OiU. National Stockman: There is a great deal of coinplaint about the low price* for oat*, which are now in some pari* of the country a* cheap a* hay. Hood price* for thiecerenl would mean much thl* year to many, a* It i* about the only cash crop to rely on in the absence of a wheat crop. Hut It may bo that in the long run the cheapness of oat* will prove something of a blessing in dis guise. There will be a great tempta tion this year to throw in the corn at a lively rate. l orn, while the beet fat tening gruin on earth, is not a well balanced feed, and the cheap oats may be used to great advantage In the way of a better balanced ration. This ap plies especially to young stock, which, as a rule, got more corn and less oats than is gooii for It. That Joyful Pealing With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and Internal clean liness which follows the use of Syrup of Figs Is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicine* and the cheap substitute* sometimes offered hutswver accepted by the well Informed, Printing Manic* on Fruit, The rosy cheek of un apple is on the sunuy side: the colorless apple grows in the leafy shade. Advantage may be taken of this to have a pleasant sur prise for children. A piece of stiff pa per placed around the upple in the full sun will shade it, and if the “Mary" or • Hobble” is cut in the paper so that the sun can color the apple through these stenciled spaces the litlle onecan gather the apple for itself with the name printed on the fruit by nature it self.- Meehan's Monthly. Tberr I* rlrmiM1- sail firefll anil nn *111*11 *ai 1*1 notion m *i.*ii"S tioabl#*oa»e *ml imII111 ( Ilia by ualii* Parkwr'a (linger I onic. Helf-|ai*i>e**loii is another name for self forgetfulne** That man i» a stranger to binntolf who read* no hooks. A mot* In the eve will put the whole world out of joint. It t* *.* ran to rr move far a* w i tb II .n. is cor. * test tiaa.ii.ilrr mi main nil an.Hoc I be III Viet Ilia.It'refill *mI sac ln'a airoly It Inks* iboiu off. What make* life dreary is want of mo tive. A lilnw Worm Cavers. The greatest w onder of the antipodes ia the celebrated glow-worm cavern, discovered in in the heart of the Taamautan wlldernes* The cavern, or caverns 'there aeem* to be a eeriea of a.ich < averns In the vicinity, each separata and distinct, are situated near the town of Houthport. Tasmania, in a limestone bJ'ilT, about four miles from Ida] bay. The appearance of the main cavern is that of an underground river, theentlra lloor of the subterranean passage being covered with water about a foot and a half in depth. These wonderful Tasmanian caves are similar to all caverns found in limestone form ation. with the exception that their roofs and sides literally shine with the light emitted by the millions of glow worms which inhabit them Cae's taagh Balsam Is IS* oldest end bent. It will WmvS up »< old salsa, er then ero tblng eie*-.. It Is elweye reliable Try a. All love has something of blindness In It, hut the love of money es; ecially. If the Baby is Cuttlag Taatn. Se sere end m thstold end writ tried remedy. Sts Sbiiov'i Soothis* Stsur for Children Teething Ignorance is less removed from the tenth tbau prejudice I'iso s ( an for i 'onsumotion has savtil me uient e doctor's bill H K. llAHnr, Hopkins f'lace, liultlmore, lid. All that is human must retrograde If it do not advance PITS -All Fite stopped f res try Dr. K line’s Orest Iservv Krslorrr. ho Hie slier the llrstiiay'e u.s. Sun, loueeureM, Treat Iso mi, I fillnal bottlefreu t > (ilcew t. Send to Or. g|iue,Kil Art bbl.,l'bila.,l‘ib 11 it tv to Destroy House hold I'esls. The most satisfactory wuy to deul wilh moths, bedbugs or other house hold pests is to fumigate wilh sulphur, the ordinary powder will do, hut sul phur candies nrc better, and can be procured from uny druggist. Put the iimut'N }uu wihii it; inmiKuix; iu <* amull. close room, taking care to re move all ailver or grow iug plants, a» it will turnlsii the one and kill the otlier; place your lightcii candle in a kettle, and have the room closed for several hours. All animal life will be des troyed “Hanson's Mafia Corn Itlra." Warr»r»i**l to cur* or Mionti mCiniioU. A*fc ya dniatfl-t for it. i’rtoa It snu Hod gave every bird its food, but he doe* not throw it Into the nest Hilliard take, second lutnd, for sale cheap. Apply to or ad'lross, H. C. Asia, Ml H. l'jth Nt,. Omaha, Neb. This l» the very perfe* tlou of a man, to Mini out his owu'imperfections The Greatest fletlical Discovery of the Arc. KENNEDY’S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DONALD KENNEDY. Of ROXRURf, MASS. Has discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never tailed except in two cases (botli tlniiuler humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred .ertiticates ot its value, ail within twenty miles of Boston. Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs ire attested it causes shooting pains, like needles passing through them, the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is causesi by the dutts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. It the stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at tirst. No change of iliet ever necessary, bat the best you ca.t get, and enough of it. Dose, one tablespoonful In water at bed ! time. Sold by ail Druggists I llnata of people ffo to work In ;; the wronjc way to cure a ! SPRAIN, «i... « «mi *» i-oi i «m\ ir>t* »♦»•«»*»»»«>»•<*» mi »,.» *»* MM* •>•»> «'»•'*• *»"••* If » n f »»,««*•«* v ••‘-no % «!%•**«•* f«T* •• De Kalb Fence Co., 121 "-SWUm. Keep the Baby Fat. “Ca?!Brail**, Oa . May 91, IMM •• My baby «u a ItViM tkalalaa Tha Aaeluta **»i ha »** 4yi«| uf Mara* aura. iHtlifwlKtt ale. Tha vartoMA fmkb I iron! la beep Hum aliva, bul <M iml iireaglbaa ar fallen him At Ihtrleea moaiha »*W H# ** rta Uy a Hal He tlitl al birlh eavaa iwuatb I b***a uata* ‘H« urt‘a I IHIIuM. ‘a©*** Ikm#« pallia* a H« tftrupa ia at* Mil* Ihaa a* a*u f*r4ii»4 il a»lH a H***** IHea ****** by I He *ba»»rplo*a aialHml al rubbia* il ml** Hia hotly, TH* •!***! araa maf *» !»•**• Maby U***i 1*1 »|tu*t»a atul lallea, au«l b* *«*• a haautlM 4iM|h« bay* a waatlat la ail a* or?‘a t:*MU»o« »uppl*e4 iha oae IH»aa awMfut *Ma*. \aav*e WUeUAMt" Scott’s Emulsion t« NMtdly UM-ful fv.r akkly, deli, ate children eh, u their other free) UiU to titmrtah them It auppln * m e concentrated, e udy digMtlbht form, Ju*4 the nournditm n» thrv need to build them upend kivv t**ent t,rail It end atrrtvitth II i* t'«Ml liver Oil m«de peleuMv end oeay to **»imdete, combined **lh the 11)|**phu*piiitee, both ot nhlvh ere lUv<*l reinerketde nutrient*. /Vc t hi' /S t VMiliA 1/ A» W* » »*/*/ d S*h\UtHt%'t Jkmt A lloem, N*e York, All UrutftfMtn. 4lh. anti ft.