The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 04, 1895, Image 2

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j—i— ..... — i
There is a building Iwou on et Hyau
The Maaona of llyaonla have organ
Iced a lodge.
The Clark drug company of Ltaoole
failed laet week.
Robert Me Vicker. a pioneer of Lodge
county, died laat week.
The Burlington ahone at llareloeh
are running full handed.
A farmer near Cedar Kaplda reived a
cucumber aliuoal five feet In length.
The coroner of Boa Butte county died
laet week from typhoid fever.
A few farmere near Franklin bava
made money reiving broom corn.
Hyannla haa a new achool bouae all
completed except a few eoata of [mint
The aoil ix in epleridid condition for
fall plowing and much of it ia being
Light froate have occurred here and
there, but no material damage is re
lion. Cherlee C. White, owner of the
Crete inllla, died suddenly laat week of
heart failure.
Wm. Veet of Red Cloud, aged 72. fell
from a aecond atory window, receiving
fatal injuriea
Kd Fouler of Ord fooled with a load
ed revolver, and the bullet went
through hia hand
l.ewia Hillard, of Hurcbard, waa
killed by a corn crib falling upon him
during a high wind.
"You kick the bucket. I'll do the
real,” ia the language of an undertaker
»hn ■utvArilki.,1 in ilia Vallav Kilter
Farmer* about Waterloo bare started
gathering seed, and from now on for
two months it will keep an army of
men busy.
The ninth annual union of old veter
ans of Madison and surrounding coun
ties was held at Norfolk last week.
There was a good attendance.
Several of the business men burned
out at Dodge will immediately rebuild
and commence trade us near a* possi
ble at the point, where they left off.
Willoughby Kcpnart of liibkon la
under l*>nd to ap|H*ur at the district
court and show cause why he should
not go to the pen for stealing a bicycle.
The village of Dodge was almost
totally destroyed by tire. All the busi
ness portion burned, and so rapidly did
the dame* spread that no good* could
be saved.
Hohkhi McVickkh, a resident of
Dodge county for nearly thirty years,
died Iasi, week in his seventy-first year.
He waa well known not only in Dodge
county but throughout the statu
Mr. Patrick liuney, a farmer residing
near Urudshuw, died suddenly of upo
Jilexv. He hud just returned from
trad, haw, where lie had been on busi
ness, when he suddenly expired.
(ieorge F. hhafer of (olfax county
died at the advanced age of 71f. Twelve
years ago he became totally blind. He
was on* of the early settlers and was
greatly esteemed by bis neighbor*.
The son of .1. It. Smith of York coun
ty, turned burglar In his own boms and
stole Sib’. When closely questioned he
coughed up the amount and acknowl
edged hie transgresslou. He will not
be prosecuted.
August Smith, a Herman buker living
in Plattamoutb, was discarded by his
eweethoart and concluded to end hia
earthly existence by jumping into the
muddy Missouri. Friends prevailed
upon him to postpone the job for
Joseph Krtl, a hariiessmaker of Ne
braska (Tty, was discovered early the
other morning by his wife, hanging
from the limb of an apple tree in their
front yard. When discovered he had
vfiunumv »n i u uvun uuit v>tuc,
reason Is known.
A decision bus been bunded down by
the supreme court In which Is reiter
ated the opinion before given by timt
tribunal that there can tie no valid
deeds in this state founded on tax
aalaa The cane in <|ue*tton came up
from Douglas county
A number of settlers are making ar
rangements to prove up on their
clams, and soon all tiie land of tirant
county will tie deeded The survey of
(Jraul county is progressing slowly and
is much wore of a Job titan was eiiteel
ed 'l itre work will nut be completed
until Christmas.
The present term of district court in
Jefferson county wtll try the esse of
William Henry ami l.ouie /iimuermau
for the murder of Post master t>rakam
at llroken How tu Juue last. At the
preliminary hearing both men plead
guilty, aud they have not retracted or
materially changed their statnueuts
since, nor have they accepted any legal
••tvIce as yet.
A very serious accident occurred at
Valparaiso, which will probably result
lu the death of (lie only sou of August
hcberlxbeig lie, in t ompotty with ttie
young son of William Hays, wss care
lessly playing with a heavy car tailt
toting Hays was swlngtig the bolt to
aud fro, when, slipping *-om bis grasp
it fell upon hchretrberg'a heat! crush
ing Ida skull
Another delegation was at the cap!
tot the other day and tn consultation
with individual member* of the Hoard
wf Public Imutls end Huiidiugs ..nn u
i«tg the retention of Jaute* It MrhvWy
• t the head of the tiIris' Industrial
school at tieneva It is understood
that the board, with the csnpu.ut of
naerelery of Male Piper, is in fsvur of
making no change m Ibis department.
• in • telegram (tout the chief of po
lice uf Klkhark Inti, lohn tunning
hawt was arrested at>tdt» He la
wauled in Idhhttri fttv th + ihetl of two
bo y vies and a rtuantitv of t< welvv He
had taken lathe state fair and whin
arrested had on Id* pet son I w in ta«h
and Ihrvte valuable ring
The htata bank »»* aekuyter lias i*en
eonsoltdalcd trill* Ike p- trl* tanning
h#w»e wf f Ittltls of that piece
Three Wf-avid about i *>at Huy
Paltrvad, t»nej and Uaurge siutth it
ventl* broke in* * several ho «,» „ i, h and atrde several gvMtl tr ap has
• Ud ether valuable* f'hejt | . I*
hl| i<e tent In the reform school
A fimrttiu*
Ab/iil (IVfi tvrifU* MfM two horMi
! driven by • middle affvd man, the
wacon contBloinif a youmf woman,
stopped ala farm hhum three or four
mile* out from htromsburtf. Tba mao
asked for permission to laara tba
your iff woman at tba bouaa for a few
daya aa alia was not feelinff vary wall.
Tba farmer a wlf# consented and tba
woman waa taken Into tba hour**, to ba
followed by bar trunk which wae In
the waffroi 'J be man drove off and
baa not been seen aim e
'I ha woman lei'tim III aliorlly after
balBff laken Into lhe house and a doctor
waa summoned llefore ha arrived aha
bad fflven birth to a child and had riled.
Hbe was so ill that the farmer's wife
waa unable to question her satisfsc
torily. After her death her trunk and
her elothinff were searched, but there
waa not the allffhleal thinff which
would lead to her Idrntiiieation. Her
body waa buried in the cemetery ami
the eveut la probably forffoltrn by this
time. The baby wus broufflit to the
Home for the friendless on isept. II
Bud la to be ffettinff alonff as well
as could b« expected.
perlalieii for Maul of I ere.
A complaint was made to K J Tay
lor, county attorney of Howard county,
that the Infant child of Mr. and Mrs
Charles Ximinons, livinff about two
miles northeast of 1st. Haul, was re
ceivinff improper care by the mother
reluainff b> nurse it and provide it with
proper food, and from ihe ffenerui
abuse and mistreatment of it* parents
the Infant would die unless somethinff
wus done Immediately. The child wus
about |A days old. and when visited by
a number of citl/.ens wus found to be
wrapped ill wet elothinff und placed in
a room by itself. A cotlin had been
ordered, a ffrave urrunffed for and a
woman rnffaffed to prepare the remains
for burial, althoiiffli the child was
found to be still alive The party re
turned to town after fflvinff the parents
some very pointed udviee and sent a
do,.In>• to visit 1 be liuliv. blit Oil tile
next morning the child was dead. Pub
lic sentiment demanded an investiga
tion. The coroner wan called for. who
at once impaneled a Jury und took tes
timony. The jury returned a verdict
finding that the infant came to its
death from want of proper food and
cure und general neglect of its parents.
No arrests have yet been made, but
great indignution prevails.
A Peculiar Acciiient
Kearuey dispatch: A very peculiat
and puinful accident happened to u
young man just south of the river in
Phelps county Saturday night, lie was
out in the yard barefooted when a bolt
of lightning struck him on tiie rigiit
side of the head, burning his hair as if
touched with a candle. The fluid then
passed down Ids neck, across bis chest
and down his left side, going out at ids
left foot ami tearing it to pieces. The
heel was completely torn away, and
nothing was left of the foot except a
strip from the instep to tiie big toe. all
the other toes being torn out. and tiie
foot had the appearance of being run
through a threshing machine lie was
immediately brought to tiie city and
his foot amputated, lie is now on a
fair way to recovery, and aside from
the loss of tiie foot suffers no effects
from the shock it is supposed that lie
had his left foot on the ground at tiie
time of the stroke and that is the cause
of tiie strange phenomena.
.1 VmIumIiI* llora#
O’Neill disputed: O'Neill horsemen
are considerably agitated over the theft
of Kay H, record 2:29J». owned by It.
A lJeyariuau, which occurred here re
cently. The mare had been running
in the pasture of the idle Wild stock
farm, a few miles west of O'Neil), and
the last time she was seen by her own
er was about two weeks ugo. Sunday
Deyitrman went out t<> bis pasture to
bring the mare in. when the discoveay
of the theft was tnude. Two years ago
tiie mare, which is a ti-year-old roan,
standard bred liainblctoniun, was cam
paigned through the eastern Nebraska
I_is .. ..I,*.- e,..„.r,i I
Her young colt, which wax in the pax
lure with her. wax not taken, anil had
been udopled by a uiolharly old mare
that a colt about ita age. The mare
was valued at about >.'>00.
I .Hu olii H mint; Will Promt.
'l'he managers of the Lincoln county
exhibit of the state fair will protexi
ugainst the action of the judges in
awarding the first premium on county
exhibits to Lumas county 'l'he pro
test will be tiled immediately on re
ceipt of otticiai notice thut such an
award has been made The protest
will be made on the grounds thut Lur
uux county hud no exhibit on the
grounds ami piuce at the time specified
by the rules, and that but three coun
ties in the state were entitled to tie
conaiden ■ in the award tinder the
rules, one of these lobiig Lincoln Hue
relur.v seelx-rger stated that tile
awarding of prizes was a farce. He v
ruses the judges of |>urtinhly tu non*
irrigated counties and Slates that the
Hurling tun railroad interest favoreil
the nun irrigated territory
Jail tlvliverr a> I'lallsaoiatli.
V clever piece of jad-breahlng was
performed at l'lgttti»outli by four pns
oners confined in the cage at the county
jail in that • tty whereby nil made their
■ scape Their exit was made bv local*
>iig a weak place in tno jail door near
i the wsshxiand alirir constant damp
I havt caused It to rust almost I li mug It
I Is the use of a piece of Uou off the
ta-dsiead a lode was tuuile through the
sheet steel ntsiul eighteen inches Ion.*
amt twelve Inches wide I'll rough this
the pi isoio rs «-»i six d two of the
prisoners were held on *#t loos charges
t rewaid will be offered lor their so
. nr* he us mn
A paper dev larve that Mr JuhhsuH,
I * fennei uf aur village un returning tu
his house the oilier day found In his
e .un I flour l» JrtH-ni the dour uf
■ «ni, h had hern left open a cow ptuh
shiv astray “ f he • olijectute «xpre*«ed
j |g the last two Wolds that he aet duah
i xs aw the whole a fair one
Will J VI* I'utiaell the i#«wp*ia« e
lecturer site invailabty fell from gu-e
! immediately alltt ea* h lecture has «t
Iasi lean J* laicd Insane he a t'lev*
land j td»> lie llil Min
fa •• AaUwrliM latortlai* MU 1*01111
Ml Mansgar lab All *|wuiolallnu •!
■oat — I loos Nut favor lillhrr
Mr Hint ujr w Ural at thu
< hulaa of thu Kapub
I laau Convention.
1BUIAM APol.l*. Inti.. Sept. 30. —
Colonel John C. New, who managed
ex-President Harrison's campaign* for
the nomination for the presidency and 1
was consul general of the I'nited
States at London during the Harrison
administration, in an authorized in
terview in the indiauapolis News to
day said: “General Harrison doe* not
desire to run for the presidency, ami
le in no sense a candidate, but the
stories that he has withdrawn In the
Interest of anyone ere without founda
tion in fact Were liis advice solicited
he would select neither Mr. McKinley
nor Mr. Keed as the Republican can
didate for president.”
Colonel New declined to state whom
General Harrison would prefer as a
--11 ,o.. ..
Mr. McKinley Declines tv Talk.
Coi.i mih s. Ohio, Sept. 30.—Uovernol
McKinley after carefully reading
Colonel New s statement in regard to
ax-President Harrison and Dwelling
upon that purt of it which said that
Harrison would favor neither McKin
ley nor Reed for the candidate, Miid:
“I don't think it uecessary, nor do I
believed it would be proper to talk for
publication about this. I simply have
nothing to say. "
“Can you not express an opinion us
to tiic p oliahle influence of Ih-neral
Harrison's withdrawal?” was asked. !
“No,” replied the governor,abruptly,
“I have not a word to say. ”
Haltlgrsw Hushes Davis's Doom.
New Yokk. Sept. 80. — Senator Rich
ard T. l’ettigrew of .South Dakota, who
is here, said last night : “Senator Cush
man K. Davis of Minnesota is the
choice of the northwest for president.
In the nominating convention he will
have tiie solid delegations from his
own state the Dakotas, Montana, Ore
gon, Washington and probably a part
of the Wisconsin delegation.”
Net Shelton Wants to Ha Governor.
Col i Min A. Mo.. Sept. 80. It was an
nounced here to-day that State sena
tor Nat M. Shelton of Schuyler county
would be a candidate for the Demo
cratic nomination for governor. Sen
ator Shelton is a conservative free
silver man, has been a member of
both houses of tin- Missouri general
assembly and is u lawyer of much
William Norris, Agml IOO Veara. Cob
vlclatl In Alabama.
JilK.MiNDiiam, Ala.. Sept.. 30. Will
iam Norris, aged too years, was found
guilty nu four charges of counterfeit
ing in the federal court here yester
day. Three limes before lias he been
before the court on similar charges,
but each time was given his liberty on
account of his extreme age. At
the last term of court Judge lioarman
not only ordered his discharge but
gave him a dollar to pay his fure truck
home. Norris lives in the mountains
of Dekalb county. lie is a median
I wu jji inun nun «.u ii uian< tint iuiiip(
from ii needle up to it whisky 'till.
When arrested a number of molds for
making counterfeit money mid a large
lot of spurious coin were found in ins
possession, lie is said to iiave con
structed aeverul moonshine stills from
wuahtubs. It is believed he is the
oldest inau ever before the courts of
this country.
Tl*re« Trains lu CullUluu.
Uamaun, Mo., Sept. au Three
trains ware wrecked at tlie Wabash
crossing near this city yesterday by u
head-cud collision on tlie Koch Island
road. No oue was seriously hurt and
the damage is estimated at •tio.noo.
A lurtrr H.-ea|>lur*<l.
Sr.HAl.tA, Mo,, Nepl, 40 John It.
Thatcher, a forger, who escaped from
the I'etlis county jail on the night of
July gtt lust by tunneling out, tva* rap
tured yesterday in <ialvuston. Tex ,
and will lie lirou-’ht here
Hauiages fur Met Sou’s Heat Is
Ht i huh . tik **ept. to Mrs Mary
A, Hothenbergei has commenced suit
against the llta-k Island rail wav com
puny <»r •lu.uuo damages for the kill
ing of hei suu et Ihiver last leuuury.
ImtfiUM !«•«« f«i
l.ixiou Neh., >ept Ju The jury
in the ease of Piddle t'oob. tried for
the murder of Mlnn-e Itenneti b>
abortion. returned a verdict of guilty
and a sentence of fourteen years
NttMlU«>«tt| MN III* ! ♦*’••Ill U«UW|.
Ui\,»i<«ri Iowa "»• |»* to The
HepuUtnaa ronvenlioit of the sis
leentli senalorlal district uoiulueled
l. V Kdburu for senalot ou the
P.ugstb he I tut
Uses » .wilt Msualwse
Pa a. i, HI Svpt Ml the annual
leuuion of lb* Maun family was held
l>.das at the icsid- m •> of s ,\ Menu
true bandied ami tHts Maun, were
HisehlarMe* end lists.
I s.isoios, Ky V|it 4o tbs
Ilie bin*nig. and t*We«s tlfld isle
lab* piece again b*r» *! It**- »•
Intldge intends mai n* lb* >a>e la
WrlinK t..l.l<nt i»»i Him Ml, louts Hrulmk
• ml NurtbWMslMrn.
C'l ANHsvii.l a. Mo i Nept to The
not lit Inin ml passenger train on the
Hi. l,ouU, Keokuk mid Northwestern
road struek a mule st the swliuh at
Antonia. night tulles south of title
plane, last evenlug, The engine anti
lender and all the ears were derailed
and hadly wrecked. Conductor Moul
ton was severely cut about the bead.
The flretunn, Frank llafner, Jumped
and esea|icd unhurt, hut the engineer,
J. I'. Murphy, etuek to his engine, aud
was badly Injured
The Injured passengers are:
James Wilson and wife, Itoekport,
Mrs. M. M. Patterson, Mnadville,Mo
J W. Ilowkrr. Dorchester, Neb.
Mr*. James llrown, llannibul. Mo.
Miss I tel In Fleming, Hannibal. Mo.
T P, Turner. Hannibal, Mo
K. A. Collins, colored, nook on
dining ear.
Frank H. llrown. No. 140 Hroadway,
New York, traveling for D. F. Ide
tiiati A Co.
It is not believed that any of the in
jured will die.
Ab llrrmi of flame Oevaalatliig III*
ftinroker Country.
Kiowa, Kan., Sept. 30.—A terrible
prairie lire Is raging in the western
portion of the Cherokee strip and
•weeping everything Itefore it in lt«
restless progress. A high wind is
blowing and the roar of the leaping
flames can be heard for miles. The
scene is appalling in the extreme, as
the tiery billows whirl along devour
ing everything in their path. The tire
started south of this pluce and It was
hoped that when the truck of the
Houthern Kansas railroad was reached
it would check its course, but the
flumes leaped over the track like a
whirlwind and are now tearing along
with nothing for loti miles to stop
• i. t .i..r ri...........
have been burned, besides innumera
ble haystacks. Three houses near
Alva also burned with all their con
tents. There are u number of runchcs
In the path of the lire stocked with
hundreds of cattle and the loss is
hound to be enormous unless the pro
gress of the fire can be stayed, which
now looks impossible.
Lord Sicily Will Heroins an American
Citizen -forced to liy Leglulalloo.
grin mi kiici.d, III., Sept. ;>«.—Through
bis agents in this city it ha* been
learned that Lord Scully, who owns
nearly 100,000 acres of land in Illinois,
as much more in .Missouri and still
more in Kansas ami Nebraska, lias
taken out nuturuli/ation papers in New
York city. Ills object in taking this
step is to enable him to purchase more
land. The legislatures of Illinois,
Missouri und Kansas have all passed
laws prohibiting an alien from acquir
ing real estate. His agents spent lust
year and a portion of the present year
in Missouri, whore they bought thous
ands of acres, but were checked by
the adoption of a measure by the leg
islature. He owns one whole county
in Kansas and more in Nebraska.
senator Martin on silver.
Richmond, Va., Sept .10.—Comment
here on United States Senator Thomas
8. Martin's position in declining to
say how lie stands on the silver ques
tion ha-, been increased by ills speech
made last night before the stute Dem
ocratic committee in which lie ad
vised against allowing any speakers
outside of Virginia to come here and
inject agitation of the currency ques
tion. Senator Martin believes in ig
noring that issue in the state canvass,
but despite his views it is widely dis
Mexican Cattle May Coma In.
Washington, Sept. ;iO. — Secretary
Morton iihh issued un order directing
that from and after October '■!'■!, next,
cattle may be admitted into the
United Stales from Mexico for grazing
and immediate slaughter through the
£>rts of Sun Diego, Nogales, HI i'uso,
ugie I’ass, Urownsville and tiie sub
port of Laredo. The admission of
these cuttle is permitted subject to in
spection by inspectors of the bureau of
animal Industry.
first Apple Carnival.
Hsu Oak, lowu, Hi t. 30. — 1'robably
the first apple carnival ever held in
Iowa or tiie Western stulss attracted
an immense crowd to Oleuwood yes
terday. The olty w as profusely decor
ated with frulta and grasses und ap
ples of every variety and color were
made into every conceivable form,
from u goddess of liberty to a huge
man of Mills county
t iiii>rleaii llaiih for China.
WasIom-Ion, Sc, l. to The eslab
iishuu. I uf ail American bauk at
Hhaitghai, t bum. is strongly urged by
t ousul tleneral Jeruigati in a rejiort to
the state department lie says such
ait institution would evidence the per
maucucy of America it interest in
china and would aid in enlarging the
l ulled states trade there
President uf the saula fa.
Das VMM. t ul , Sept, Mi The repeat
that I’reshlent ,lelfre> . of the Denver
and Hh> tiraude railroad, is to lie
made president ul I he Santa L* sys
tem, has again gained currency. Mr
Jeffrey has gone to New Vork, and
there Is tu ln> a meeiiug of the Saaln
leoiganlsnltoo committee there neat
Monde t
I • inotoio tlniiuuslt lire,
Iiniissvii, tihh* sept *•* At n
o dis k last night the t otumerve street
rod of m< “( Urn xtioage hooso* of the
tiavienatl l eaf 1 ohwvco cuopaoy wn»
fitUMil lit Iwi 1444 H*V !l»U( |i|| Mil ill|f
«Hti ImWtHlHi mi1 UlUl \*m% of lot l llM
4t* 1M««*
t.O*|**H 4* \ it 1*1*4 It U IhMM
VltlUttfMh' *44 4 % kl«4H 11«h(4 U ||«‘U*tot4
Mf Iti |»t» ml* « f ll*4* f*Ui«v »»l \#vs
Nidillt i» <tt MiUtf Utf to «*|*»*
littM t Util tillivt » “ l»'t' i*t the 1.1
lug of funds fm so tntai to* yspsd.
An > • « >»" •• I «*lil*r til'iopl* lo Ur
twin* His lo** of m noli,
Nmifos. Hun., Kept. '»'ii, In iHw;t the 1
Norton * minty Mate bank of this city,
of which Morgan Heaton was cashier,
fulled Them whs some talk nl tile
time of mismanagement l<y lleutoii,
hut the rent ceusw was the sudden de
predation of land value* HenloiTa
wife owned ninety *1* share* of stock
In January, IMH. the hank was rtor
Iaiil/.ed under new management, mid
Ir* Heaton was requested to assign
to tliani her stock. Mia refused
Rater, she alleged, she did as
sign the slock to avoid a threat
ened prosecution of her husheiid for
•hiher,/dement. Mhe also signed e deed
to the horneel.eitd property snd sonic
school land certificates, She later
brought suit, lo recover the value of
the stock, gU.ffOO, and to set aside the
deed to Lite homestead and other lund,
because they were signed under duress.
The only witness by whom she could
prove that she acted under duress,
aside from tier husband, who oould
not testify under the law, was John notary, who took the ac
knowledgment of llic deeds and other
The trial was held this week, and
the ilefei limits, the Norton County
Mute hunk, rained the point that the
notary could riot now hupcieli his re
turn* ns made at that tunc Tli# court
so held, and rendered judgment for
the defendants.
At '•> o'clock this morning, Heaton
shot four times at J. M. Craig, one of
the defendants, hut none of the shots
took effect, lleutoii then ran Into the
Norton County State hank and at
tempted to shoot the easliier VV. T
Shoemaker, hut missed him llcuton
was finally arrested. Craig live* at
I’lattsmoiilh. Neb , and is a banker
> i.......
4'o»iiiil**liiner Browning Want* Th«*
Win* MMlIrmlnl BaijiiiM-k* ruiitslisif*
W Aslll Nil I ON, Sept UO. • . >111 111 ission
rr of in.linn Affairs Drowning has
iiitt.ii! ills annual report to the sccre
ary of the interior. It allows progress
in nearly all direction*. Of the trouble
between the llantioek Indians and the
whites ut .lack-on s Hole, Wyo., he
says that the whole matter has been
referred to the department of justice
amt ihn attorney general has reported
that no Indians are now confined in
Wyoming for violating the game laws
of that state. The department of jus
tice does not see how redress can he
obtalued for the Indians who have
paid their tines. Jlceerit reports of
Agent Tutor are ipioted to show that
the Indians are still sullen and that
they demand that the whiles who
wronged them he punished und the
commissioner asks whether or not the
department of justice cannot do some
thing towards punishing the offend
Applies I toil for I.Ileuses Befasmt llesplte
• h« Italia* Ileelslon.
At sun. Texus, Sept. Sfl . Yesterday
application was made to Comptroller
Finley by the tax collectors of Me
I.eiiiicn und lluyes counties for prize
tight licenses which were promptly
refused by the comptroller at the In
stance of the attorney general, who,
in a written opinion, still contends
that Judge Hurt's opinion, delivered
at Dallas lust week, nullifying the
anti-prise tight law, is not binding,
and holding Judge Hurt's opinion in
error, in that It is impossible for two
conllictlug provisions of a statute in
parti materia, enacted ut different
times, to be in force at one and the
same time. The tax collectors have
appealed to the suorerne court for u
writ of mandamus to secure a license
i.lXK SIO( K ANIl riUllil ('r. NAKKr/h
tjflotations from Sew \ ork. Chicago. M
l.ouls. Omaha ami Lis* w Itera.
I.otter < remuery separator Is u 10
I.utter I air to good rntimry 14 o 111
I v tfs I resit ... Ill •O 13' *
Honey- California, per H» .... 14 11
liens Live, per lb . H U* US
spring < hlekfiis, in r lb . .... a N'»
l.t tnoilM t holre Mf**llius. * 00 '!« tt 00
Vpple* per hbl . .... I 71 40 2 00
oiunifM I lorliias, per box 2 71 40 3 O)
I utilities per liti 21 4. 30
Watermelon* pel tio/en 171 40 2 00
beans Navy, Intmi-phkotl bu i '«* >0 2 11
hay ( plant!. per ton 0 -0 4 7 00
oniona— her bu to 40
t lo ose Nob X lie full t‘icunt In 40 II
I oiiialofft per bushel . 71 “0 *0
lit go MlXetl puekltu 3 *. 4 (O
hogs Heavy weight a .1 so *o 3 go
l t est s Hookers anti feotler* i‘i 4 3 |o
I t ef Meets . 4 21 4 31
bulls. I it 40 2 71
Mags...,*. 2 21 t0 2 »o
t aivaa . 2 » 40 & 11
t on« ............. 1 75 40 2 »*>
i.eifers . . I "«o 4 3 In
Wt si« rn«. . . s» v i 40
• lit e|» I am tat 1 «•» 4 7*
hut'll t hole* natives ' *1 *v 3 tat
t II |t VUt .
; Wheat* No. 2, spring Ai's'd MIN
torn I'er bu ‘I * 31 •*
t uis t r bu ..... ««. . i‘« tt lo t
I oik . * «» ; S 12 I
i arti 1 *o 4 1 wt
( l t g» lacker* ami tnlxetl I! sti 4 >»
I t at lie W e-iei n range sleets * (»• 4 a»
1 Native beev e» .. i 5m l S 40
t ten 1 am tat, 3 0 4 ft
t e. | Natives I NM '! 3 *»
Wheal. No X reil whiter *1 I *4 ,
I lota So 2 4 4
t ais Na ..... . 44 u ^ ‘4*f
I 1 1 v. . la At 17 .in
I atU.. . •• . • II w k **
s| U»M%
Wheal No :re«l ta*n tu 1 -a* .
i otn her bu > r f* .
( in I ef bu I* 4* I'*
Log* Vllotl ns- king .1 A» (4 '«»
t utile Native sleets A ♦* alb
L »p.o t native* .'*1 t«
antis* •( on g t «•>
a \ N » A * 1 11 N
| \i lit «t No .hath v« 0 /«
( Mtk No 4 «•» • 11,
t at* No 2 lit 3 $t
i illlt stt* set* a m3 ktuk o 1 At e 3 mm
I t i-g* Soit*U pu* aef* 3 gh I e
* to e|i Muttons 2 51 ‘V 4 MM
ikifliMiMtuf WM Ike I M4«|.
NN 4»tttNo|ti*. Ne|*l 1# SffifUry
I lli'ttn il bn* MfvteftHt 4 lilof htt|7(lies'* |
\N ilma to |»ru* rml lp»a the Mate
1 | l*Mh U4VV varvt to Vulllt' Wish . to I
v\ a mi He the plant of Wotaii lina
*io> .obitiitie l a itM for lltf oiavtrois |
lb it of one of the three new bup«i>'
bab with a view !«» a met tainmp !
thvir ability Itt tlo the worh
the lit |«uhLt an* *ht»v* a 3l»paii| »tt
| ui t* a HaWii >au aunt latiofii onto lit*
1 i t*bat. gut ibi w I
Heap Vonr Fra Open,
Fraud lovra a ahlnlnx mark On aaineetlf
epurloua liollailonaeprli'i up of lloatatiaf a
Ftonrah blltara llm pm A martian family
remady for rlillieanrl ferlf, o/apepela, eon
alipallofi. hllllouenaa*. mi r mu* ne I *, neural
■ la, rhr unm l«m and » dn«y die, rdar,
" ha<a lurlr n I lofia are liaiM/ly (n; f local bit*
fei v full of I,mIi nliii > f.ook oil fur tb#
trio i-ipoai urn on ilia aaoulon and vlf*
aaila of Pi Oiorgi and iba In aeon
A aoap fur l laaolog alia
A aoap for thla riurpoae la mad# by
haating one pound of '-'n oaout oil to Ml
deg reea F , adding half pound rauptlo
aoda and uilaing thoroughly Then
bast half poind white Venetian tnr*
pantlna, add to the aoap and again mix
thoroughly. Tha mixture la covered
and left four houra, than heated again
and one pound of ox gall ta added to It
and wall atlrred. Next pulverize aome
perfectly dry curd aoap and add It to
tha gall aoap In aufflclent quantity to
make it aolld one or two pounda of
card aoup will be needed When cold
the maaa ehotild he praaaed Into rakea
Whet waa real aetata worth In Hodomf
T-TV • ■* ■ .X. fj
la fully ai Important and aa ta-neflrlal
aa Spring Medicine, for at thla aaaaon
there f* great danger to Imallh In the
varying temperature, cold alorrna, ma
laria) grrma, prevalence of fnvera ami
other dlacaaea. All theae may tie avoided
If the blood la Urpt pure, the dlgeatlon
good, and bodily health vlgoro la by taking
Tha One True Blood I’urlller.
Hood’s Pills M* m# b^ndttrf'ltf'rta* ajfc. *”
wallet laker i Go. Umlin.
Ties Lerfsst MiO'iButvmi sf
C0C0A8 and CH0C0LATE8
On dels ConUn#it, hivi rwfl»*4
from lb« |r*»l
Industrial and Food
Caution: I'.JIJ&Xi
uftht l*bBla*nrl • '.►P«ra ob our
Cd., *.,B.1 .I'.tt i' -.'W'l orahann
I mir ,iIk, 'it BUufhflar,,
BBBiBlr. Iliin tMlrr, ilM*a.
ia irrloUd 00 wh 1. k«|»
tar your
Anj ala# jnn
•uli It I* M
(1 I f h.
Tina I to a In
ah.1 w 1 d a- /
huii« lo ttaa, 1
•ala. Iith t
Call man/
Mum In b tsa.
bob la la.taai
af low whsBla
•all Tour wbk’.b
far bail II a*
•n. b"*a, Be. No.
naaMlna of tlraa
Call'B/rn. Ad<lr.aa
■main Mfg. €!«..
r. O. Box M, Idulncj 1U.
I EWIS’ 96 ^ LYE
1 ro vmud awd nuuvts
The itnmjui mid pur$ti I<7#
made, L'nl.ku other Lye, it being
a flno powder end purked lie n t an
with reniovuMt* 1**1, the content*
are always r *» for use WilJ
iimlkt* t he Ifit fw frmad llurd Soap
in A) minutes tis/nouf l*'limy. 11 la
I hr heel for rl* »iu -mg waste pipe*,
d 1 milferi 1 ne etiiks • n.iwiN, wuehinjr
bollles, paints, trees etc.
Oeu. Agenia.. '*hila.< I’e.
Cen only be Bi-oouiplWhed with the very beel
of tool* and . appliance*.
Willi llllll, Twt OfBBBI BepB
retor ou the rnmmmm ,4rn> *ou *r*
•ureof inure end better
butter, white U / theeklimued
milk la * vel- BHft uuhln feed.
Farmer* will make nomie
Uke to get a Darla. Keel,
llluatrirted eatBlngue
melted Mibb Agent* wenU-rl
Cer. BeeMelgk 4 Oetrfeere Mia., Chlcaga. ■*
ujimxuuhnct>T in inf wlm I
kl>1*1000* M»t iRPflnl
»»» minim ntt[|li||lll|
Zachary T. Lindsey,
• »••>! In* i kikiw* m. nutahk. Mat*
• IS** 1*1 *lt*IHt at**.*
• a* •■*•». , ••• IN*«Im It Maat*. k*k
Patents. Trade-Marks.
».a» >»»■*•<• **4 »•»..«* aa Mi 4
xzr Km »rv^a f
UTSITt *<•»>«. . *n4*. •l..akMyu
niiii* k. *<,•■ .»«*'■ **»«»,«.•>.***«#,»i
1%. VI. l»MtMh4»|ll. 0*1*.*
* k*« •* • >»l»i, > mi. IimH*
Ml>lli>a Ink* ,wi«M*