The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 04, 1895, Image 1

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. Loup City
The Norihwesthrn
mtr -Tsaus- • ■'!* • “
o SCO. Hi. HBHnOII'»TI'!fc,
Kdlf.or and Publlabar
TEHMS »1 60 pa' Year, II Paid In Advanes
actor* I at the I/Oup City FoatoMae lor Waaa
mi—luu thrcugh th* mailt at tecoud*
claaa matter,
our Kepoblicio leiiDiwr to Sherman Conoti
H»t« Tleket.
k For Judge of the Supremo Court.
T. L. NOKVAL Hewurd.
For Regents of the Slate University.
II. L. COULD, Keith County.
For Dint. Judge 12tlt Judicial. Dist
County Ticket.
For County Clerk,
M. II. BATES, ot Lltchlleld.
For County Treasurer,
F. W. FULLER, of Bristol.
For County Judge.
G. II. SCOTT, of Loup City.
/•’or Sheriff,
V. K L. D1KSELL, of Rockville.
For Superintendent of Schools,
I). E. MOWERY, of Washington.
I* or mirvi^ or
WAL'VKK MOON, of l.oup City
For Coroner.
Loup City Township Ticket.—Louis
Bechthold. Supervisor; O. II. Glbsoh.
rreasurer;J A. Aliiger,Assessor; W. II.
Mellor. Clerk: G.W.
Conger, Justices of the Peace; W.l»
French and W. P. H-ed. Constables.
With Fuller for treasurer none of
these hanks would go busied with
county money in like they did with
I. M. I’olski as treasurer.
polski eould’nt tell that thu Peo
ple’s State bank was insolvent when
he looked at those bank hooks. Hi
bud to take Nichols word for it, and
the county lost that 95000.0b.
The trial of H ll Holmes. th<
wholesale murderer who has been
. attracting so much attention through
* the papers the past two or three
months is set lor October 2Hlh. Tin
particular charge against him is the
murder of Benjamin Pitjsel, in the
city of Pbilidelphiu. on Septetnbei
g 11 h. lHnl.
|)(» r.ot adopt the idea that alfulfy
can live without water. Alostanunal
plants consume during their growth
three hundred times their own
weight in water. But alfalfa is a
•‘rustler,’’ Authenticated instances
are on record where the roots of this
plant have penetrated the soil twen
ty to thirty feet and in one instance
j UO feet Nebraska Farmer.
Front the present outlook there
will soon he another hatch of gov
ernment bonds issued, bate report*
from Washington If l'. say that
the treasury is in no shape to stand
the drain now being made upon it
Neither the customs nor the internal
revenue is bringing in the return!
which were ao coulldentlv predicted
* lie the advocates ol the Wilson hill.
r -
j Judge Maxwell »av» that iu at
ceptiug the populist nomination bn
supreme judge he does not wacfillct
nay ‘T bia rcputJloau principals
Mi nee when did the populist parly
adopt republican principals? Tin
fact of ill** mailer t* J idge Maxwell
don't k«u*W what he is, and would
accept a nomination on auy ticket
if It would fetch hull the Ofll'e
Mtruuiahiirg News.
F \V Fuller, the repuhluai
candidate for couufv treasurer is
probably the very la*st mail that
croild be elected for that |*o*ttiou a
«Im* county For many years he sn
a practical b*»oh (Keeps** exam
tned and checked up tin* book* if
t^ his fatb* i s bank I icier the pres
cut deposit system such a man ii
needed a* treasurer, lie It ao well
posted in bauk 1* «*h* that he .•»!
0 examine the Issikr and i*ontlitnui ol
any tmnk that mav l*e designated
to put the county money in, m i
very short time.
1*1 01*1,1. H INIMI'F.NDF.NT I'AllTt
MBUKl.l. tf>*TKl.
i.isi iii.b. mm *>i“r I isms.
Dear Hlr:
In thn esinp*l*tB now upon us we wnl lend
oil encodes Mt ihe oli ctlon of Judw Miiiwell, *
In order U»do this, the Committee iicot hav
fluids. Wo, therefore think It host lo r<Mju< *1
oil I'opulUt* bolding lucrative Coun'if offices
to contribute m once not lrwiihuiia.MI to the
Ctnptlfii Fund.
W*1 would lie pleu.' d to hear from you hi
once. Make your return In enclosed envelope
in A II Weir. Treasurer. Mncoln. Medr.
Yours for success,
.1 A Fdiferton, < Italrmun
Frank I). Ei .tU' r.ftcy
The above letter wan handed t > us
by one of our pop nominees for
county office and who evidently don t
believe in that way of campaigning
it. Now what on earth doe# a
“linion pure party 1 like the popu
list, party claims to be, want of $5.00
form each of its populist office hold
ers. No doubt every populist nomi
nee iri the state has received a letter
of this kind and if each would re
spond to them it would make a cam
paign fuhd of thousands of dollars.
I)o they want it to buy votes for a
man like Makwell who is rich and
can easily stand the expenses <>f his
own cumpalgn, or do they want it to
stuff down in the pockets of some of
Will Joe Kdgcrtou us chairman
of the populist party please arise and
tell us what on earth the party lead
ers want of this money if it is not
for some corrupt purpose. Oh!
these pop leaders they are schemers
and want to feather their own nest
hut little they care for the dear peo
ple, if they can succeed in getting
their money. The county officers
are called on by the state committee
to “[jut up,” and the county orgnni
zation is pleading with the people at
every convention or alliance meeting |
to drop a .quarter in the slot arid
makegood the amount.
Louis Rein and Ratten, candidate
for sheriff on the pop ticket were
out eleciioneeriugone nay last week,
and the only qualifications Lou
could advance in favor of his man
1‘atten was that he '* as better look
ing than R. L. Bissell the nominee
on the republican ticket. Now it
may he that i’attcu is the best
looking but Bissell is the best quali
fied for the position and will make
the best officer of the two, which is
the qualifications we deem neccea
sary in an officer?
When J udge Sinclair took a scat
on lire bench the clamor for two
judges in this district died. He has
demonstrated the one judge can
handle the business very easily
without unduly pushing the cases.
He halt simply extracted time killing
speeches by lawyers from the court
room and brought business methods
to the aid of the court. Judge (
Sinclair will be bis own successor. ]
Kearney Sun.
If the Noktiiwkstkbm had se
uurcd » sculp every time that the
i Times-Intlejmndcut ha<* charged i*
with being after oue it would have
| ail the scalps that there is in the(
1 county except the little wolf scalp j
that was in the I’eopla’s Stale Hank, {
I and that the pop treasurer has go'
as security foi the $5,000 00 county
funds which he deposited therein.
The Times is “wondering how
i long it will take Hill Ktshei to get
Conger* scalp?" And Hill Is wou
[dering when it was that he made ,
I any attempt to get Conifer's scalp, >
and ah o wondering what It w as that
set the editor of the Times crasy [
and when ha is liable to recover if j
! ever
,-mn ■ -ir- -T ■ m - i — ■ ■ i it ■■ T
The l.ineotu Journal rejiorts that |
the Nonparil, a paper uow published
| hi Connell lllnlfs, Iowa, will lie
; moved to ttiunha The Nuupofll t*
i ilttigkl r«|'iibii',*s pa|wi Omwhwj
ha* been without a republican pa j
per tor sonic time now. and no doubt.
teals pretty good over the prospects ;
of having one
Ttia lepublicatis did the light htng
1. in nominating Soival for ftuprewu
1 Judge 11e i« |he right lusu ill Co
fight pl*e»‘, as Kin past reeord shows
I {that a hntler rfcoitw could not l»»v *
(is cn made. i
Header, did you ever take Himmona
LlVKJt KWH'l-ATOll, the “fONlI OK
Livkh Mi'.imuNi.s?” Kvoryhody needs
Ivor remedy. It is a sluggish or
.1i.-.l liver that irr.f; airs digistinu
r rle uses owi.-itipatJon, when the wa>>c
tha: ..could lie wi fried off remains in
ti .-■ho- y a-id poison* the whole system.
'1 iiat dull, heavy Heeling is duo to a
torj.i < biliousness, Headache,
V- baria .1 ludigeclion are nil liver
d on. #. fCoti» the liver active by an
••;wo:isddo:.e '( ■ .mons Liver licg
i it f m il yoe ! era rid of those trou
fi ,-j, nod give tori' to the whole rys
t. i• i•',r a !. ative Simmons Liver
Hsgtb ' r If ii.n r u TiIah J’ii.i.h. it
d .... ie, o t v, .lie n, but greatly
re V . ; ,a:i 1 ctr •ngthees.
> •/ : .* tins tin I.’i'il 'A
«» . ii“ vr rapper. J. ii.
V. >■■ ■ L. o.. I'l.baiiclpliia.
An Incident Which Happened In the
I'uliny Hays of Cheyenne.
Any one who knew Cheyenne when it
was tho terminus of the I'nion Pacific
railroad will admit that it was a hard
town, says the New York Sun. There
was more cutting and shooting there in
a given time than any Other Western
town could ever boast of, and no doubt
most of the blood-letting was a good
thing for tho community.
in the palmy days of the town I had a
business there, and next to me v as a
Jewclothier. lie came on fresh from
New York, know ing nothing of Western
ways, and he hadn’t got his goods in be
fore he was half scared to death. lint
for the fact that tho boys would have
bursted in his shanty, lie would have
kept tho door looked half the time.
The toughs soon caught on to tho fact
that he was a coward, and one after an
other went in and bulldozed him and
had great fun at his expense. I pri
vately advised him to get a gun and
wing some of them, hut ho raised his
hands in holy horror and exclaimed:
“Great heafens! Hut I nefer handle
nothings hut clothing! I klf ton tousaud
dollar to be oudt of dis!"
llis cowardice was pitiful to behold,
but a climax was coining! One after
noon a tough called Apacho Joe en
tered tho store, having three more
toughs with him, and began tho usual
routine. The Jew begged and entreat
ed, and actually cried, and in his dis
gustat such conduct Apacho Joo kicked
him. That kick acted liko magic. The
Jew sprang forward, grabbed tho re
volver which Joe had temporarily de
posited on the counter, and I heard six
shots fired us fast as I could count. Run
ning in, I found Apacho Joo ami one of
his chums kicking their lust, while the
other two wero badly wounded. It took
throe of us to hold theJow from fur!her
violence. The w orm had turned and be
come a tiger. Afti r lie was a, -juitu il hy
the coroner's jury, of which I was one,
In bought a brace of revolvers, began to
practice shooting, and in two weeks was
known for fifty miles around as “The
Dangerous Jew." The most exaggerated
stories of his prow. ss wero afloat, and
Inside of a month he had to build on,
hire two clerks and get i in r stock. It
was the making of him smmlly , final)
Cittiiy and ull other way d I know
that his action assisted ry materially
to In Ip the law aln.ii is . . t the i.pi* i
hand and drive Die lawless g.m,
funner on.
A clioUe half section ill highly cut
rivaled land for 'ale price
Per further particular- cull on or ml
dress, pi'll Kl: A lit It.H I it,
at lamp i,’itv.
• I’Koi' iiv EXPRESS *«>'
A I i;*pi< 01 or'lui- promptly
Htfl lKlO'l to
y y I, MAKKY.
iH VHJK.-ln K«!«<! bikI Marcy ll oek, Knit
Side I'iiIiIH! »i|ii»ru, l,o»p (.’Ilf, dull,
yy' .1,11-Ifiii
WM «nil l/nproyu'l Inn'll for «»!«• Anfl
o.on<iy to loftn on real citato.
/< li. MIBHM.N.
V*« IlKAUtlt IN
Wf Hide Public Square.
I,oi c City, .... Nkh.
Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
World's I air Highest Medal and Diploma.
Arcadii,McAlpiw, Loup < ity,
Shanpp Siding and Ashton.
All gf»ii-hauled to McAlpine or
Schmipp Siding tickets are to lie
presented nl Loup City or Ashton
office am; receive what the market
price in a. those stations, (.'all and
■cc ns Infon selling elsewhere.
llr. llumplirrya' Isperlllr* nro scientifically
on.I tar. fully prepared Itrmodleo, used for yuan
lu private practice and for over thirty yean by
the people with entire KUeeeM. l.v.ry atUKlO
Kteclfle a special euro for the dhtease named,
vo. wperifii' yon raioaa.
1— Fevera, Congestion*. Inflammation*. .‘49
2— WenriM, Worm Fever, We nt t 'olio... ,4.3
8 -Teel III liter folio. Crying. Wakefuluc** .‘4,3
4—Diarrhea, of Children nr Adulta. ,'43
A IJyaeuterv.ilrtplug, P.IJP,us folio.... .‘43
©—Cholera Worbua, Vomiting.'43
9—Coughs, Colds, I nonenull... *‘43
8— Neuralgia. Toothache, Fucescbo.... .‘43
©— lleiidu, hoa, Sick Headache, Vertigo. ,'43
1©— Dyspepsia, Biliousness. fonstlpatloa ,‘4.3
11—Huppcesoeil or I’iiIiiIiiI I’eri.ida .’43
1‘4—White*. Too brofuBO period*.‘49
13— Croup, l.aryngltla, Dour s ues*.‘49
14— Sail Khcuin, J-:rysl|ieIiis, Kruptlnn*. ,‘49
15— Itheumullsm.or itli. umntlci'alu*.. ,'49
l©-r.laluria, flillls. Fever and Aguo.‘49
19-1’llra,blind or bleeding.'49
1*4—tlphtbaluiy. Boro or Weak Fye*.. .‘49
19-Cntarrlt, Influenca, Cold Ui the Head .'49
‘40— Whooping Cough. ,‘49
‘41—Asthma, Oppressed breathing.‘49
44—Fur Dlachargoa, Impaired Hearing ,‘4.3
I ‘48-Merofula, F.nlnrged Gland*. Swelling .‘49
‘44—Ueueral Debility, 1'hyslcnl Weokhe** .43
‘43-Drupay, and Bounty Secretion*. .‘43
28— tsea-tslrhnaaa, hp kites* from Hiding ,43
29— Kidney Dlaen .... ,‘43
1D4—Nervous Debility.1,00
V©—Norn Mouth, or Canker..43
30— Crlnary Wenhneaa, Wetting Bud. .‘43
.‘il-l'ulntul 1'erloda . ,‘4.3
32— Dlaeiiaeaol'llio lleart.l'nli Ititll.iu 1 .till
33- Kpllop*y, Kpa»tns. Ht. Vitus'bunco...l.tltl
3 I—Diphtheria, llleerutisl N,.re Throat., ,4.3
33—Chronic Cmigeatloiia A Erepiloii*. .43
unit CR. humphhf./s' i >iq nee
77 SPECIFIC FOB l.lllr, CD a
bul UP In iroafl bottja* of pl< asin.t pellet*. Just
tit* your vest pockal
*.,1* by Prusrht,. or Mot p**P.ail oa r ■ ,lp« of prt .*
Pa llt arus.i, ltAHgkl. vKuUi**a A It. vise t,j nislUOfrsa
UL.-.ruttkXa‘,m * ill nuii** si., aut tuua
Vnr rxWrnnl or Int.-rnal. Itlliul or
|)«(u 4>lu Aouj lU'hlufc’fr -lliitf or tiuiiUnHum* :
jiM r- Lot b iuii ivukkp Uiv I’urw c* riaUt,
2 M1CC, 60 CTi, TRIAL t»7.P, aanra
M %t miii r •« mi4 »*. lotoi^ •*# (Hilt |
(turuMkh'ikUtiVniii *iu «u4u©*ik.,
Dr* I’rU'c'.* Cream lUikiitjc Fonilrr
A\o»i Prrfctl Made.
Ouick Sales and Small Profits.
I have a large -took r»f wateli an?! clock material 1 bought
at a bankrupt wait? fur half the regular |>n e au<t will give mv frieinU tit*?
I >e lie lit uf till* great bargain mi l wilt tin repaii work at the
following luVt |irU'c* for the lit\t hirlas <• <
Mmu any inaV**, .V 11*4* ,1 tw 1.0, «i| km<», W «»
It» ,4*t. V wtiiir »-• I t ii'iutn » • » I m (»( I » multi tl rl
it** |im liiiui wtirii*'«4iv W v m lit tl«t tlv» ki ***l matnta m|k*iiing *u l
garni t*lt’t» •ntiaht' ti t* nr m utt*' vnfmntlv*)
I mho Mv*' the iliH'ii *» U*t*tJtni of ,*mft-rIn, * M?v«f ami UoUl hft» Million
Sw I*, IliutiUM, W *(« It |Nh Pl*, lain*} t*i} In# I Mitt#, HI it 4 4, t*tn*« amt •vt*iy I Mi UK
iltmi yon i»tw m int, at |n l* v* |t»m t r lls tn wt r t unvNNl hi l,uw|» rilf> In
fas t mn alii i|i*tmur.l oUtgra |irim» |K*r eont* I* »*Vt iuIm (Mi* ^nuirl o$HHitttltt
lit I V» ui* i»mtlv ami gt I llrKi *‘|? »h*» IV# U*m«| l| •»# mi ion , uMlvl* to*} follow*
\ tO|h |*i |’i* ***'. A, HOoN K. I 'll*' *l«Hft i'll*I |ll*l
W .1 KI'IIKII. OKU, K. ItKN’tt* ItOi'Kit,
imt \nuit I'mMUi. l‘uhtt*h«-r l.nt i'tm Nuiti'iiw **un*
#.* # r #; %/. # tk . / ^ *:* yts.
till I* • I f \ , . . \M It V"hV
T*w»» U»l«, W ilil, t itlliviiinl .mil Iri’i.* ttn| l.aml- ••«* > «l»».
Croat Barpins Mm ilia Mootti of Seotember.
Corn* to nee tn- before buying eleewbere, I can nave you money.
Kepairirij.' done in a Aral el uo* manner and on abort notice, and at
price# lower Ilian the loweet,
Loup Clty’a Reliable Jeweler.
AT Reduced
I'tT Oosen
Cabinet Size.
Nimrlo Person to b<- photographed
Groups AO uditional
Loup City Gal lory open every
Purlieu wishing to imvo Pictures taken will please call early.
Remember the days!
M. I.KSCIIINSKY, Photographer.
Vice President. Cashier.
General Banking: Business Transacted.
Capital Stock, $600,000.
Loans on Improved farms at NINE per cent. Beat Company and boat tarns
to be had in tbs want.
ConBMroanawTe:—Chemical National Bank, New York dtp. E. Y.| OMkl
**Tstlooel Ssus. umsh*. Nshtsslia
ipcn imA'*"**** r wta. - •> •••*-•»*-»-**■ „lf y»*
S* 01* * t jr •* *
# K # (A "
QHfiAM Bit <*«i
*am i • rnt folio of j.ll the latest
best s’.yt of Ori;i'm' awl Ihauot It illustrates, describee,
u:id r > mHiiufiii urrrs'pru t on Origan* from aap.oo up,
mid Pianos from $150 u; . . sin ■■ Imw to buy at wholesale
direct from the manufacture)... save over go per cent.
Guaranteed for 25 yrs., lmvc been played and praised for nearly
wryrs.; to-day they ure the most popular instruments made.
Secun our SPECIAL TERMS of Credit framed to euit the timee.
0 Remember tfue grand book i» eent TREE. Write for it at once. !
II nsist on "1
in packages^
i i t . ih- in. i^ than inferior package Midi i
* Mttl p* >il • the flour, keeps si ft, an.I is Mttd« I
¥ t .i ki. ./ fnirctt in tbx- u\>rU,
rude only by raUftCU t CO., New York
• Saia ky
£ «.IU «... Am «» I IlMMiMf »*>* .« Hwi«h. YKKK —— |
• ftk ftj* 4ft Iftftft Ml i»
— - — — I ■ «■- ' 1 ■■■■«!' win I—II mmmmmmmmmmmrnmmm+m
him Cuts' Rigs utu Tbjxs flLWitrs u/t Hhug.
TIi,. Ik,mi ni’ curt* Ink on «f horn* |»lnoo<| in our curt*.
(Jin. mi* a full. A. l Ol,I X, l*fo|»rioli*r,