The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 27, 1895, Image 8

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NV. K. Mellor, Ueiddeiit Agent lor H. A M. I.iiiuIk, Wild, Itii|>rov«<l itml Irrigated LiukIh lor mile.
Uoarsl Wciv/s.
Ms< bln* oil at A. W elk ln«on >,
Hayden Bros. Dry Hoods, Omaha.
Mr* John Fisher D>pUi*lcb with lung
l ni:l.< Joe Hlmmoua made u* • pleas
ant call laat Haturday'
H J. Brown la very low again with
another stroke of paralysis
J N I'aul of Hi Caul wa* doing bual
nea* in tha City Wedenaday
Wto Neville la expected hack to
J,oup City about the flrat of October.
Kaka your ruhldah up and bum It.
A. Walbfnson will furnish a rake lor
8f* cent* and throw In the mateh.
Bvrry farmer la now buiay fall plow
lug The rain laat Haturday night put
the no)I In excellent condition,
Mr. Tho* Anderson, a farmer of till*
township, contemplates moving to
Missouri about the flrat of October
Henry Conhiaer, of Heargent, same
In laat Monday evening to pay hie
brother Charles of this place a visit
\V. J Flatter went over to school
district #7, and wrote up Insurance on
their new school house last Monday
Kev McNcal and wife and Mr* J. W
Jones started Tuesday morning to
Kearney to attend conference at that
John Oilman informs us that his
trade is not near as good a* It was laat
winter when the people were getting
Home one of our farmer subscribers
bring u* In a few bushel of oat* on sub
scription. A load of hay would be ac
cep table.
Two am) one half luche* of rain fall
here last .Saturday night and Huuday
morning, putting the laud In excellent
condition for fall plowing.
J. Tracy thraahed In* barley thin
week and report* the yield at C3 bushel*
per acre, lie lowed twelve bmdiel* of
*eed and tbraabed i)20 buibel*.
The Republican atute convention
will convene in the city of Lincoln
Wcdneaduy, October Und. Sherman
county ia entitled to flvu delegate*.
A lurprintt party wa* given at the
home of Mat Janulewic/, la»t Saturday,
lu honor of hi* Mth birthday. A good
time la reported notwithstanding the
G. II. Scott ha* moved the old restau
rant building that atood acroi* the
•treat *outb of the St. Elmo Hotel for
John Long. John I* converting It Into
a barn on hi* re*ld*nce property.
It rained comtantly !a*t Saturday
evening commencing at Ju»t bait paat
eight In the evening and continued un
til 7 o’clock Huuday morning. There
wu* also a light drlzzellng rain nearly
all Sunday foreuoon.
The NoitTHwaarEKN would like to
know If kbeoouuty dad* have hired th<>
public* square out for a pasture, or
whether the stock of the town i* allow
ed to run therein Tree of charge If
It Is free we have a cow we would like
to turn in.
A. L. Zimmerman, of Webster town
ship, and committeeman appointed by
the fair association to look after Moat
display for that towntbip, wus in the
cllv Monday He report* that Webatsr
will 1*11 Alit in ll V i rwr AAinea and u w ■
to carry off tint premium.
The resident* of school district No.
f!7 have Just completed a new frame
school house 18 hy 30 iu their district
They now have a school building that
would be a sredit to an older district
thau theirs The building cost them
gflOO OOaud they limit without voting
bonds on the district \V, T Ulbson
had the coutiact.
The irrigation company ate building
a main lateral which when completed
will run from the main ditch south
along Klin street, ruining thcuoo west
to Weal Avenue, thence south across
Head llorse creek to H It track, thence
southeast along the side of the It It,
ta the lair grounds They will cctu
pletn the work this week
The contract was signed last W ed
nesday between me fair association
and 1‘rof Itsphel, of tlraud Island
whereby the latter will make a balloon
ascension with parachute drop each
day uf ttio lair This is no houmog
but will actually take plate in the alter
noon of cash dn» You eanuot afford
to miss It so get teady and attend the
fair for at least oou day
AlbortT N ichols the l.iti hlleld bauk
wrecker, and who during the last term
of ihatrtv’t court tor this comity was
convicted and sent to the penitentiary
for receiving uni uii* appropriating
nearly tvuuo uuoi county loud lias been
petut11led to return to hts home „i
l.WchMeld which he did vs Thursday
last lie I* out on f j hsi tai i>all pend
ug a review ot Hie lu the supreme
t rank T'*»ter of the him of tflli'W Mill
.a Totter started Monday on • tr.p
around the horn first to Kearney then
to Cal b< way and iron* ihere in Hrekci
liow and then home by w «y oi the M d
die l.uup d«i< a sou A Tottei have Immm
and at* a<»w dung a large lutsittes* m the
to an o tact ure and sate ol brooms \|.
Tories Irss all- sdr made several mi
successful trips as traveling salesman
tor the Him
Mm Win, Mow* la reported <|tdt*
Which la it, 4 ill /it A*b A, I'.
( ulley,
l<et every one attend Hi* county fair
at Loup < ily, at leant on# day.
l,Ut your pro party with Klaher A
lleflaehoter. At NoHTNwlC»T*,MN Otflco
Mr Kggera, of Itockvlll*, with hi*
attain threaher tbraahrd fur Mr J H
I'y u* iaat Tueaday afternoon
John Hawk ha* ralaad a tin*crop of'
tom a toe a thl* aeaaon. II* liaa brought
aaveral buabel* to market,
Odeudahl Uro* huv* a flu* display
of Indian triukwta and Implemauta of
war In tualr went atore window
C, C. White, the great miller of
Crete arid doubtless on* o the gr**te»t
mill men in th# atat* died Iaat week
Delinquent auhacrlher* to (hit paper
mint pay up th*ir arrearage# on tun
lanptlon* before the flrat of January.
The irrigation company expar enced
acme little dilllciilty Iaat Monday by a
waahout m ar Tracy’*, four mile* up
the valley
Don't mlaa teeing the Walloon »tc«ii
lion end parachute drop which will
take place on the lair gr ande every
day of the fjlr.
Mra. William Baillie, o. Loup City,
arrived here Monday evening for a vialt
with the family of her ton J J. Baillie
Shelton Clipper
Mr. John llutaou iaforrtu k that
three famliea from Mlaaourl Will arrive
here thl* week aud will settle In Web
ater towuahlp where they here rented
farm* for the next aeaaon,
I A A itiirm liuu atroln f man eiAirt n .
ated for mentor by the republican* of
Loup City Township. Mr. Alnger has
belli that postion for two years amt
has proven himself to be one ol the heat
assessors the township ever had
The annual convention of tho .Sher
man County Hunday Hchool Assoc I a
tlon will be held at Loup City Ootober
W und 18, Idas, in the Methodist churah.
All that are Interested In Hunday Hchool
work, are Invited to be present. Tho
programme will appear next week
The chronic grumbler still lives, but
there are less cases of chronic Indigna
tion and Dyspepsia than formerly. The
fact Is so many people in the past have
taken ,Simmons Liver Regulator that
they are now cured of these Ills, Aud
a great multitude are now taking Sim -
mons Liver Regulator for the Bair>«
trouble* and they'll soon be cu:*>' “ft
Is the best medicine,”—Mm, !' .. ’
Malthnore, Md.
C, K Acbenback has been nominated
oa the republican ticket as district
supervisor of bis district comprising
Clay, Webster and film townships. A
better cboice could not have been made.
Mr Acbenback thoroughly understands
the affair* of county government hav
ing had large experience as comity
treasurer, aud ia acknowledged by all
our cilizeus to lie one of tho ablest
treasurers Bherman county ever had.
We have neglected to mention the
bottle of excellent grape catsup which
was brought to our office a short
time since, for us to sample and which
whs prepared by Joe Cbursh, cook ut
the Ht. Klmo hotel, and by tbo way one
of the best cooks U the state. The
catsup In question was purely grapes
aud contained u sufficeut quantity of
spices to give it the desired taste and
Haver. Mr. Church like ourself had
never heard of making catsup out of
grape* but being a) way a oil tiro al
ien for aoii.i'thiiig new In the cooking
line he revolved to try It am) did to
with the above reault.
Ike McDonald experienced a very
aevere aocidcnt to tuum ami liuggy
hnd Saturday evening while going to
Aahtou with Ida heat girl to attend a
dance ul that place, lie had Juat atarted
out of town wlieu the buggy upaet urn!
both occupant* were throw u out, hut
fortunate!) eaoaped Injury. The Mam
however did not fate to well. They
ran about a mile ami a half lo the farm
of Dan e I'rlx. where they atrm k a
wire fence and were thrown dowu and
could mu regain their leet. Time they
laid until tevea o’clock the next morn
lug at 111 hll'hed to the buggy but uu
ahietogetup. Saturday uighi wa» the
cold and rainy one ami both horaca lay
lu the uiud and water Wiggling at
lliitoalo get free. They are pretty had
ly bullion! up In cmi»e<|Ucucc hut with
good care W ill duulilleat tie all right III
a couple of week* 't he buggy wat hut
• lightly damaged
I'artl** Inteioied lu a canulng lac
luiy have been lure during the (ml
few day* with » view to tmitlug lu a
plant at thla place t hat an enterprise
of thl* kind w 1)1 be a paying lim it
im nt there I* m> doubt, at tem rtowt,
tweet iuin, vucuintwa p*’*» i>ean» amlj
j In tact all kind* of vine product* anil :
for which a canning lavhwy would fur j
nUh mm « xcollenl market, I* o| a1
very heavy yield here and never fail*
to produee tn any thing like a favofa j
bje *••.%• mi Put example we mention !
tk* imtlltuiMlii patch of \ I' I n I i
ler ■ w Mb b c<m d*t* et atwrut a b<t of
ground l u>. Mr, t ulley ha* hatr e*t 1
w| iO hiitlnlr "f nr* luairluri and ha*:
[ u«w at matt I) t>n»hel* o! gtaen on*,
ton u..' ni,,. I h«v are both large and
I a it ie varmti l.#t <<• all work In
! .*core the tic lory t'he market which
>1 » ill ifl.ud a til Im of great levrlt to
j u» amt tl will turn «h employ nient utt a I
j largo m.rnu-i nt people
I i
filler mi* ft » ralr
Al'end Ilia Hhermun county fair
next week. There will lie a good
programme of amuamenta among
which will he (he ‘'Wild We»l
Hhow" which will lake pl«> e on the
fair grounds Wednesday and Thur*
day afternoon*. Has* hail, bycicle
xml foot racing will also lie Indulged
in. A good speed ring hua been ar
ranged and the race track put in
uxocllenl condition. Fifth In order
on the programme for Wednesday
will tie the one-fourth mile ohaticle
race and whleh alone will he well
worth thr 2d cents >t coat* you for
admiHsion to the fair grounds, to
see. The first day Oi the fair will
i o known us Irrigation day and the
program will consist of a barbecue
ind an exhibition of irrigation
through the principal streets of ti:*
•itv The float display will also take
place the first day. there will be a
balloon ascension with parachute
Irop every day of the fair, flail
it Hecrctary W. K. Mellor's olllce
ind get a fair book.
Nabraaba Slam Fair.
After visiting one of the greatest
state fairs ever held in Nebraska
>ind In fact in the U, H. it would not
bo in full keeping with the manage
ment of this journal If we did not
devote at least a little space to its
matchless displays and great suc
The fair was ull that was adver
tised and was great credit to the
citizens of Omaha ns wsll as to the
state fair ussoeiatjou. Not 4 stone
was left unturned. Tbe Agricultur
al building, the floral hall, palace of
line art, manufacturers building,
bee aDd honey building, dairy build
• fl I I __ .It
111)4, iinuwij ifuittiiiip;, cHii) ”vi w »»*
beautiful to heboid and the exhibit
of fine stock and agricultural pro
ducts cannot !>e beaten If equaled in
tlie (7nitcd States.
The city of Omaha during the
fair was beautifully illuminated the
streets being lillcrally u bla/.e of
light. During the day festoons,
itreamers, wreaths, flags and ban
ners were seen. At night the thou
sands of electric lights, of every
color, the music, the inarching col
limns arid the splendid display made
the scene gorgeous in the extreme.
The entire evening programmes
were carried out to the great satis
faction of the two hundred and fifty
thousand people huuI to have been
u attendance. The five thousand
wheelman, the lloat parade, the
:;lvic parade and the knights of Ak
■far Hen with glittering uniforms
ind yellow plumes, and floats man
ned by fair women ami brave men
was u pageant that baa never been
excelled in the west.
Allogethr the splendor of the oc
casion should amt doubtless will
make the heart of every Nebraskan
throb with pride over the fact that
tierc in this chosen land is to be the
icnlcr of a civilization that can never
be surpassed.
Advertised l.»lt«r«.
LUt of loiter* remaining unis lied for In the
Dost office at Loup Oily, Nobr.. for the month
Hiding Kept.. '27th. IHttV
loseph Hogncz, W 11 llrutt.
iluvs Molten. Crl* Ktsher
llnrvev OrOss. ft) .1 nines It. Ooddard.
I oh n .1 flood rich, John Hartford,
vi, Johnson, Joseph Kinney
Ifenry Kerb, ('has, K Moon.
VV H Miller, W. A. Olduker.ft)
lames f’uuerson, Oeo. Warren Htutt,
\. V. Shoemaker, John Thompson.
Huston Fox, lu und Nebr. Creamery Co.
Mrs. Cuthf rln llorku. Mrs. Murey,
Miss Lizzie Ooddard Mrs. M. Kltna.
Mr*. John I> I’urk
L K. Wai.woK'Mi l* M.
Those who are Indebted to me for
twine or otherwise please call and set
tic at once as 1 need the money due me
T. M lUeu
Hoots and shoes at Henry Doll
Ur. Price’s Cream linking Powder
World'* Pair Hlghsil Award.
Noth i Hereafter the l.eup city
photograph Gallery will he opened
Monday, Wednesday. Friday, and Met
urday of each week The Arcadia
Gallery will he open on Tuesday and
Thursday of each week. 1‘arllca wish
ing to have work done will plea«e take
notice \| I.KX lltNsgY, Arllal.
For Farm* wagons, earrluge*, buggies,
and road wagon*. We are head.|uarl*
N YV I' Krm
Mmoi ai. Himik Fur a Aftei half a
century of experience. I *r Humphrey*
has revised and enlarged Id* Manual,i
ll |* aeui postpaid hy addr«»»lng the
Humphreys' t ou puny New York
Awarded Highest Honors,
World's Fair.
^ DU
most r\ kim;t WWW
A purs t up# ' t*4m ,1 t no P w ,hu
y«« A*»* •» Aiwa •* *• • • «•>.«. *»«•**•*,
40 viam rm
lil V KK
taken It I* a sluggish or
diM.Mvl Ilver Impnir* digestion
and cause* constipation, when the waste
that should be carried off remain* In
l h*1 hotly ami jmiIsoiis the whole *y*tcm.
That dull, heavy fettling l* due to a
torpid liver. Hlllou*ne*w, Headache,
Malaria and Indigestion are all liver
diseases. Keep the liver active by an
oecaslonnl done of Rlmmons l.iver Iteg
uhttor and you’ll get rid of these trou
bles, and give tone to the whole sys
tem. For a laxative Hlmmorm Liver
Regulator is ntlrrtnt than Him-*. It
does no' , ;riue, nor weaken, hut greatly
refv r.h«» and strengthen*.
tiveev package bits tin* Itetl Z
stamp on Hit* wrapper. .1. II.
ZeilJn .V Co., l'lliluflf-lplllu.
On my farm, « mile, north w«,l of I.oup
City, oil Sec. TJ Town,lilp HI. Kang* IS Slier,
man conntf, Nelir. On* llay two y*ar old
mare colt, black main and tall, white bind
feet, weight almut sou pound,. Owner may
have ,ame by calling and paying oo,t« of
advcrtlNlng and keeping
6 w. Ogoiio* TunJti.SKN,
In lllstrlst Court of Sherman County,
Fred W. Hears, J'lalulllt
vs. f
John II. Ilottnea, and — I
Holmes his wife Defendants.
Con n t yoMH! annals! I» »• Htato of Nehrask.
To John II Holmes and —— —— Holme*
hln wile, you will lake notice thai on
the lull day of September. IHV9, Fred
W. Hears, plaintiff uer.,In filed Ills peti
tion In the District Court of Sherman
county, Nebraska, against said defendants
the object end prayer of which are to for
dose a certain mortgage executed hy the
defondenl John II. Holmes to the plaintiff
iiikiii the following described real estate
situated in Sherman county and state of
Nebraska towlt ’The Mouth Rest Quarter
of Section Hlx, (fii in Township Thirteen ,(13;
North of flange fourteen, (14) West to se
cure the payment of a certain promleory
note dated October loth mm, tor (he sum of
fTIM-dU, for which sum with Interest from
date thereof plaintiff prsys for u decree
that defendants be reqtilrsd to pay the
same, or that said prumlscs may bo sold to
satisfy tlm amount found due
Vou ate required to answer said petition
on or before the Itli day of November, IsliA.
Dated Sept., 41th, IMIS’,.
Attest Filin W. HRaiis, Plaintiff.
Clerk of District Court. his Atterueys.
Ily F. It rim, Deputy. _
Notice 1* hereby given that by virtue
of an order of sale Issued by the Clerk
of the district court of the 12th Judici
al district of Nebraska, within and for
Hherinun county In an action wherein
The Union Central Life Insurance Com
pany was plalntlir and (Jeorge K Ben
nett arnl Harah B. Bennett were defend
anti: I will at 2 o'clock p. m„ on the
15th day of October, 1SD5, at the south
door of the court house. In Loup < lty,
Sherman coonty, Nebraska, oner for
sale at public auction Ifor cash) the
following described real estate, to-wlt:
The South West quarter Section H2,
In Township 10, north of Range 10
west of 0th p. in. and situate In Sher
man county, Nebraska.
Ctven under my band this 12th duv
of September, A, lJ- 1SD5
R. I>. IlKNDKH kson, Sheriff.
In IdstrlotCourt In and for Sherman
county Nebraska.
Thomas J. Johnson, l’lulntilt
The unknown heirs, of the es
tate id Eliza J. Johnson de
ceased, lietcndunls.
To the defendants utl’ore said, the tin
known lielr* of tliucsluti) of J*.ll/.u J
.lotiiiMon, deceased.
You and each of you ure hereby noth
IIimI ilnit naiil | >lu I ut i tl' tins coin me need
mi action against vou In said court and
ha. tilled bis petition therein; the object
and purpose of which is to recover Hie
title to the following described real
estate to wit; Lot* 7, H, 9,10, II, 19, In
block H, In l.ulk ,v Krelniibauui* addit
ion to the village of Loup < 'Ity ;oLo lots
I and J, III block 0, III .1 W (Mills Sin 11 hu
addition to the village of Loup i lly,
all hi Nheruieu County, Nebraska That
said beserlbed leal estate Is of record In
the name of Kllra J, Johnson,
You ami each of you are hereby furth
tr uninh'd to appear In »ald cause and
answ er lo the petition therein tilled, on |
or before the KWh day of Mepteiuber, i
|MI,V II. W lit M l KU.
Attorney for I'lalntlll',
*k nd A i r»,er t l.oi is HiKM.
t lei k hUlrlck Court,
I uu|) l itv Roller Mil!>.
Ill lllf PI Mi ll AMI* IIIK IMAI'K.
W n lake pleasure In uttering lo the
public Ibe Hue*! grade* of dour which
we warrant t« be »uperlur to strength,
purity and baklne <;U*llllea to any
tlnur heretofore •ubl, If I he dour I#
lint found to I**’ a- we repiesenl |l re
lorn n» the duoi ami we will return
) nil the niissr, We w arrant lire dour
not the sack, We a'»u lake pleasure
lu ottering lo lire public Hour and let d
.,l the lull .n lug luw price*
fancy I'aleot, *l st |*r luu ih*.
fet lint, I do « •' «
Ilian, ,, ,, VO « '* **
shafts i" “ " “
*Me ting* t» " M *
and we also grind fecit et all kind*.
It. hu ll mi ma le In pilcea us dour lu
VMtur itoju puimd M*
!■ lug I he public fur a fair share of
,h<' trade and alwat* endeavoring i
M* Ht«iiit iiMir ti#
\ UMI« IfMl ' i
I im r riti M**i i i m MiM •
|ti UlKMi M»h#t
-=a f f $ n t i « s=
_____ (
— Ill ■■ ■■ ■ III MWP.I ■ . ... MW——»
Sorrje |Vlerch)ar)ts
angle (or trade Just as boys catch fish. They have showy
bait (prizes), but underneath are sharp barbs (cheap goods)
which in the long run coats the unsuspecting customer
dearly. Tills is not our method. When you call on us we
do not try to make you think that you are getting some
thing for nothing but we sell you the best goods we can
buy, at thu L0WK8T possible price.
We are still handling the world renown ed W'ashburn Crosby
Company (lour (which by the way,is ground iu Minneapolis,
Minnesota) which has given our customers excellent satis
faction every time, (tend what Washburn Crosby Company
say in regard to it: “There’s us much difference in the
flour of some mills, us there is between un old windmill and
the most modern milling plunt in the world. Such are the
famous mills of Washburn Crosby Company, in Minneapo
lis, Minnesota, (J. S. A., having a capasity of 13,600 barrels
daily. Equipped witli the very latest unproved machinery
for grinding the celebrated, “No. l Hard’’ wheatof Minnesota
and Dakota, their well known “Superlative" and ‘f^jgld
Medal" brands, are recognized as the standard of high gruilc
flour* where ever they are used,"
“This flour contains a large percentage of the gluten of
wheat, and a very small proportion of starch, and for this
reason bread made from it, does not become dry and tastless
but retains the sweet flavor of the flour, and will keep moised
for several days."
■‘See that the firm name, Washburn Crosby Conpany is
on every barrel, or sack of flour you buy, to insure your
having the genuine article.”
We also handle the Crete, Neb. flour, which as every one
kin ' <t made in tin* state.
Leather took the lead of sugar in making an advance,
but we will sell shoes at the old prices for some time, though
they will probably advance slightly before long. We ^
handle Bradley & Metcalf's famous shoes which are guaren- _
i «•*
teed to be as represented or your money refunded.
Canned goods are yet (juite low
and will probably remain ho for some
time. A few prices will tell the
Cal. Table Peuchus, per can, .20
“ “ Pears •' “ .20
“ '• Apricots “ •* .15
“ “ (i rapes “ “ .15
“ “ G. Gugos •* “ .15
“ “ Kgg Plumes “ .15
The dried fruit market is much
the same with little chance ot uu
advance for some time. Prices arc
never amiss:
Cal. dried Peaches, per lb. .15
II it I. M #t JO
“ “ Pears “ •* .10
“ “ Apricots “ “ .10
“ “ Kaisins “ “ .05
“ “ Plums “ <* ]n
“ “ Crapes •* •• ,();>
We handle nil kinds of smoked and suit meats of the
very bout Armour -Cudahy Packing.
Ev€;fythipg ip Geperal.
W. .rw .till liMiliiut run for Crookery, < ...n.1'
I i Unaware, and have just received a large stock of the
famous Columbia ware which is at present so much the
We receive fresli groceries every week and can guarantee
the teat on the market. We keep ail kinds of bulk code*
at 1*6 eta , 17 J ets., 9ft ets , ill ets , and ail package cotfee
at two packages for »ft eta.
XV ben yon all on US don t forget to bring vowr money
puise along, for its cash we need, no matter whether IU
gold, sliver or currency, we are not orthodox on the money
«|ueath>n just so we art' paid cash lluls all we care for. ^
Yours for Trade.
I *