The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 27, 1895, Image 6

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Hhe hesitated a moment. Her glam*
Ml upon th» corner of « letter project
ing from the pocket of hi* torn arid
d,»ty uniform; that might give her hi*
addrese; eh* leaned forward «nd took
It gently out Th* addrese wa*. "Will
lam CavendUh, Kwiulr*: Th* Admiral
ty, Whitehall;" th* **al wa* unbroken.
The truth broke In on her Instantly;
at * called to the coachman and the car
tels* Stopped,
•'Home!" she cried, Imperatively; th*
horse* were wheeled round "Drive
font!" «h* added, ar.d they ^uk-kem-d
their pari,
In a few minute* they stopp'd In
front of No, n Medford suuar*. Dbk
opened his eyes.
"Are'you there?" he ask' d; "I liav* a
• yes," sh* *ald, gently. "I know; It
shall bit delivered at one* but now you
must come In with me."
II* obeyed, moving slowly and with
pain; she did not offer him help from
1 "fv'df or her servants, for which it*
v . dimly grateful. In the hall stood
th* colonel, bland a* ever, and looking
a« If he saw nothing unu.-ual In Dh k *
appearance or costume, Camilla ha*
tij> explained th* case, Dick standing
b> silently the while, giving his whole
• itonilrifi ia /tnn( p/illlnir nnv fXIfr**Mlo||
of the pain In his head, which was be
coming more an«l more severe,
"I'erhaps," said the colonel, "Cap'
TX' ourt will do me the honor of mak
log use of my room In which to r‘‘K,
f; on the fatigue of hi* gallant struggle
against superior numbers?"
Dick followed 'Aim upstair*. but
stopped short at the top of the first
"I have a letter to deliver." he r»
p ited In a tone of helpless obstinacy;
"It will be too late,"
"If you will Intruat It to me," replied
the colonel, "I will send It directly; the
carriage Is still at the door."
They reached a room upon the floor
above, where M. de Montaut left hi*
gee*! In charge of a valet and returned
downstairs with the letter In his hand.
At the drawing-roots, door he found Ca
i i;ll>* walling for him.
m ■‘ You w iHd be doing trie n favor,"
si.-- said, "by taking that letter yourself
t it* address,"
lie looked at her as If h« were about
i . ask a question, but apparently
changed his mind, and bowed instead.
"Your wish Is In Itself a reason mor<
than sufficient,” he said, as though half
In answer to Ids own thought; and be
went on down to the front door, and
stepped Into the carriage with some,
tl trig like a crafty smile upon his hand
a >me face.
A quarter of an hour after hi* de
parture Dick mad* his appearance in
the drawing-room, where he found Ca
milla alone At first she was aurpllsed
and pleased to See him looking so llt
th the worse for his Injuries; but "In
s.c-n perceived by the nervous excite
ment of his manner and the brightness
of Ids eyes that he was by no no-ans out
of the wood yet, He expressed his grat
itude for her timely rescue, and Ids ud
•ntratlon of Ihe skill and courage with
which she had brought under control
*•« excited and disorderly a crowd. Hh«
laughed, and put the matter lightly on
on- side.
' It Is my brother-in-law corne back."
s'--- sold, In a tone of perfectly counter*
felted unconcern.
I licit looked fixedly at her' In his eye*
w-re dumb reproach and the sudness of
in unspoken farewell' about bis mouth
gilheivd the lines of resolution, and,
I 11 a in onent Ihe ,-urve of bitterness
Phe flushed, and all her miimi'-i
Vt.unged Instantly. ''^win t ml*und*r
M i u| ipe. she cried ImpUlsieel) I
kn w wlmt >ou have done, and loyalty
cm never fall of sympathy from me'"
Tin I'l-unl'a ate|» wee heard eaeerid*
Ina the Hulra; Nhe heard Itlek eitffin
i , a.-lf to l.eur till liewa of Ida unwel
, ,iit» fortune, und felt, with a uuleH
true of »ur| il»e ut her own weaknea*,
II...I ahr w.ta loti inueli Inlerealed lo
at and a*e him fate Ihe ordeal Hie
made none Incoherent ear uae and a* th«
•I n.r njteiied ahe |iaeeed Ihe i olotiel I.Ui
it Hi und ran Inward her own room
Iteuthleaa and ronfuaed Hut ahe wa
at i .'d in odd t'ourae h> a » from M
d- Moniaut amt Ihe aound of a hell
murine \ lulently downalalra hi.-*
Iiino-1 half round. Ihe minuet i anm out
on lo the alalia
I IealeI |o Ml," he hraan. With e«
a»|» '.lima i-.dnaneae and dehheiallon
'that dlaa|>|Hilnlmeni «l lha uewa of
W ‘ I- l> I W Uh Ihe unwtlUl'.a In an I liaa
|ir i. Iraletl our aallalll friend with an
anm k of fever What |.i >>f> *ei oial en
11,1*11*0.' he rontlnued wl*h a hill
• ii.|tn "line mar douhl whether my
lo la have III* Mine faviMed Ihe belief
|i -i
Mhe I n h>d •• |f IVu mInhI douhl lhat
I".' ana a .red noihina, and lha iohne|
irUutnl lo hla |Mvlh nl
" ‘ II K M I II UM»\
tv ho »W .all..I III
with, oil dalat lo
alii u4 lo In- k * in
Ini ir* looimut,. • i|
them !•< he aliyhl in
theme* It ■ a hill f •
Ihe fevi iteh I omit
Hon lo whh h Ihev
ha-l a " -1
he |ur* t ll . I |m
mediate real and
^ (Oil I II. I >. 1 .
little dnutdfuitr al eat h of Ida Helen
rta in turn a* ha aahl Mile
V *u mean Ht-tul.-l Camilla, ''hat
hr mual nnl ha moved f-o lha |»teaan|’
Wall.1 v*.v* lha te|d» if e*mraa It
might b* managed, but It la a risk, and
If you rouId, without too mu> h Incon
venlenca, keep him for a couple of
nlahta at any rate—"
"Oh"' cried th« colonel. Interrupting
"do not think twice about ll; conven*
i lence |a nothing In ■ case of urgency,
’ and Capf Kstcourt Is a valued friend
I of ours "
The surgeon looked relieved, and
[ went away promising to return the
I same evening,
Camilla for herself approved the ar
rangement made by her brother-in-law,
but ah** was at the same time surpris'd
• ill II. I to bad not only spoken of Dick.
with Whom be was In no way intimate,
; as "a valued friend"—that was, |e-r
list**, only a piece of his habitual po
liteness but be bed also readily en
fered Into a plan which did In fact In
volve a considerable Inconvenlenee, and
. thla wua by no means so usual a thing
for him. At least, be always Imd a
personal motive for such acts, and she
was at a loss to see an adequate otic
here; for the dlffh ulty which he had
thus brought upon himself was no sllgut
•me. The patient had been taken from
the drawing-room Iqto a spare-room
adjoining It on the same floor, and
separated from It only by a partition
wall of slight construction, through
which the Hound of conversation was by
no means Inaudible. Now, It happened
by ill fortum that on this very evening
matters were to he spoken of In that
drawing-room which must not be ov»
heard by any living ear. The meeting
was one which could not be postponed,
and no other room In the house was
suitable for It, for It was to be In ap
pearance a merely aortal gathering.
And all this the colonel knew as well
as she did.
As they sat at dinner she alluded to
the question while the servants were
absent from lh» room.
"Yes." milled M de VtoMtaut. "It Is
unfortunate, but It would be Inhuman
to move our poor friend; hla aafety may
depend on hla remaining quiet."
"On hla remaining quiet!" aald Ca
milla. "Our aafety will certainly depend
on that. If he doe* overhear ua."
"Kh bien, then we will remain quiet.”
"It will be bla duty to Inform agalnat
ua,' 'ahe replied.
"A* an officer, true," aald her compan
ion. cooly; "but on thla occaalon the
gallant captain will not fulfill that duty,
for he hua another more Imperative."
Hhe looked at him In doubt.
"The duty, I mean, of a loyal cheva
"I know him better!" waa the exclam
ation on her llpa, hut ahe checked It.
and healtated for an anawer.
"In reality,” he aald, "we need fear
no auoh complication. I have Juat recol
lected that the doctor aald he Intended
to give hla patient n composing draught
at an early hour thla evening, ao he will
hear no treason after all.”
"You arc aure?” she naked; "sure, I
mean, that he will give it, and that It
will he effectual?”
"1 will sec to It myaelf, If you wlah,"
he refilled; "hut t am aurprloed to find
you so apprehensive for our security.
You used to think no risk too great to
run for the good cause "
"In that.” she aald. hotly, "I shall
never change; It Is not that t am luke
warm. a# you will see tonight!"
He bowed, and row* from the table to
open the door for her. Before they had
been In the drawing-room half an hour
the surgeon returned. He brought with
him the sleeping druught,
"That la a good Idea of your*." said
Camilla, aa lie produced II
"To Colonel de Montaut belongs the
credit of suggesting It." was the reply.
"Iteally'"' she said; "f should riot have
suspected that.”
The colon*I looked a little confused.
Within five minutes of Die doctor's
d* parture the bell rang twice In rapid
sin • easlort. and three gentlemen were
ushered Into the drawing room, where
Mn da me de Montaut was walling to re
celvc them A conversation on the most
genera! subjects at once began, but
there was an air of expectation In the
manner of alt. and when the colonel
■ iiloidl every one mined to him us
though Mlth mi un*pot(*n Inquiry
lit* g('***• t* d ih*1 two newroniem, mol
lUriM'll tO Muilllllll* df MolllUllt "I
think w» mtty begin now." he falrt
Hh« luukwl ul him 4ii>l rattled h< <
•*>* hr*>wtt inti'rioggiH *l> ||f notlilfil to
■ Uolfy Hull In k Will 14ft H Bleep. 4 mt
fill down 41 n Miotll lnh|f. Inying a
hllloll*' *.f papfl’4 upon II
"My frieioH," to* kiihl, "I h»vf mini*
inoiifd you to-nighi in propo4f » rn-4h
attempt "
lit* look* *i 4t ihr ftt*f4 4round him
hi* I ot*4«rifd ihttl I’ttinllltt wiitt alnillar
l> m > opted tllii hearera allowed In
O.flr looktt Ihttl they parfwelly uioIhi
flood liiM iiieunmg loti were flihft rf
w'vnd or unfnihuttlottili* In imaiioi
M I'ttinm .' ho oontlnued, with
gl.ttf |H.|ll*'lo»f, lowing l*» III* elderly
grnllfliittii who Bui iii-ttiffl In him. ' II
Ib from you ih«t w« h«v* learned to «»
I* i a wih. iI tudgiiifiii Ar* you not
of opinion llittl Ihf Mno- haa vow* for
r«iif w.*«| n< in Ity
li hitM l oin* lignin ttttil multi" r<
pip'll llif t* I- II ttddl>*»«*‘|| * hut «l
*» ik• wttio*ni reauli "
Nil dottht n.*l ! Ihf * it of I loi>
Ihttl htta Inn'll will'll dOf to 4 Wttlll of
forethought 4itd nllfigy wht*h muni
io*i *«*k*ur again "
"Teg, Indeed e »> laloiftl * »h‘*il geo
110*40 with it heatd Who *w» til
dfollk ttH Kngllfhnotn ' ihfi« h«kf
11 « n g*f *1 enough plaliB litld hul k >
oh* III •» Ih* It o*I* <1 will* iMl •'»*■ o
The 11, lid «>f Ih* lidhft turned upon
Ihr fp**Bh«l
"Yon will i*tti*i*ii to.' he Mil With
»*on* mrimuny if I ditfwr entirely H
In In mt opinion the Hint at h.on**
Who ate If PlttMo' In *|*k KOna Impoa*!
Id* t»ielh**d* of whh h Utey lake Ih**
' * if*III and other* lh« d«og*i'
i|*nil«m*ti, ttwld the *'**l*iuel, In •
» filling l**n* o*u are lw*lh tight l* |l
t<-u hath »t-f«k or1' *'folding lo
own e«t>ttrlen*« You Mi li dm* * l>
••I <*4 «u hul t oot auhoi dlnal*
fwlh<d y**u You M i* I'.imlt followed
your Ins'itictloo* with a courage and
loyally wld'h would have secured a
trlumoh If your dire' tors had not tnada
a cruel mistake In lhe(f calculations.
These two fstsl forms »f error must Ins
avoided, W'e must think sod act with
o'li/al certainly, and all will tie well,"
Mr Holmes shook his liesd In sulky
silence. The Comte de Kat'odanges ex*
claimed, fiercely, "It Is loo Mil' ll to «*•
pert; the <-gl does not offer her paw a
second time!"
During this altercation Camilla had
»at silent, hut with growing Impatience;
er eyea flashed and her cheeks wer#
ry red. The colonel, always ready to
■irn the force of others to account for
fils own purj*<#e, hastened to give the
final Impulse to her pent-up Indigna
tion He looked at her, and raised his
shoulders snd eyebrows In a gesture of
"You!" she cried; "you too despair at
the eleventh hour? What do these
doubts and recrimination* mean? Do
none of you any more rsmemler the
grea'nesa of the cause you serve?
Hav you begun to forget the emper
As the lightning of tills word dashed
upon them her hearers stalled violent
"Ah'" she went on, with uulckenltig
breath, "there Is magi'- In the name!
If Is perhaps because you whisper it
so seldom that It has 'eased of late to
stir you; let us b<- bolder In speech and
braver In action!"
"Madame," replied &l Carnar, depre
catingly, and with a how of genulnr ad
miration. "your enthusiasm Is heroic,
hut It is not prudent; the boldness that
you preach is likely to bring discomfi
ture upon us all."
"Discomfiture!" she cried with ringing
scorn. "What, then, d'S'S the timidity
you practice bring upon the emperor? j
Are we to preserve our own freedom at j
the price of his captivity, and amid the j
luxury of a great capital to shut our :
eyes to the misery of his exile on a lone- ‘
ly rock unfit for human habitation?” |
There was an awkward silence. After <
a moment's pause she went on again In
a more pleading tone.
"lo-t us for an instant look hack,” i
she said earnestly, "upon the splendor j
of his past career, and then consider to
what the raneor of his enemies has !
brought him. The man of action, for j
whose deeds Kurope was not wide (
enough, confined within » circuit, of .1
dozen miles! The man of genius re
fused even the companionship of his '
b**t-loved book*! The commander or 1
armies w!th but a pair of lackeys at bis ]
call; the maker and dethroner of kina*
denied hi* royal title! l)o you not j
know," ahe cried, and her voice rang
deep again with anger, "do you not
know ttiut his house is but a motderlrig
Jail, and Ills allowance a prisoner's pit
tance'.’ Himself the most magnificently
generoua of men, he has been driven by
sordid necessity to melt bis plate; he
suffers In health, he I* In danger. Jie -
Just heaven! from the Inaplratlon of
whose life we drew the spirit that aril- j
males our own!”
•'Well Spoken!" cried the colonel,
skillfully following up the advantage
she had gained for him; "well spoken! ,
And all that we then had shall soon be
ours again; Is It not worth one more
effort my friends?”
"It Is, Indeed." murmured M. f'arnac, ;
with a sigh. The Comte de Rabodange*
grumbled, “If only It were the Iasi "
Mr. Holnu-s settled himself In his chair
"Well," he said, bluntly, "let'a hear
your plan, If you've got one."
The colonel untied hi* bundle of
paper* and spread them out upon the
table In front of him.
, % I’tilludeljihla Child Meets with a Curtail*
>> strangled l>r Her Clothe-.
Hanging from a hole In the wicker
coach hi which ahe had been sleeping,
Mr*. Jeremiah J. Muck yesterday even
ing foun I her IS-month old daughter,
Jessie, dead, but with the warmth of
life still lingering in her liny body, says
the Philadelphia Record. Mrs. Buck
lives with her husband at No, 2664 Tioga
street, and It was when her husband
liuil returned from Ids work that the
mother went to awaken the child and
discovered li e accident. Her scream* i
uulckly brought assistance, and ari In- ,
vestlgutlon disclosed the fact that the
baby* death was the result of one of
(he most peculiar accidents on record.
v The little one had been placed In the
i old coach during the afternoon to take
a nap The coach was In the aecon I
I story front room, and for some time had
Im-cii the baby's sleeping place. It was
' about »,t* o'clock when Mr Ituck re- ,
turned home front his work and ask' d j
for Jessie. Mr*. Ituck completed her
preparation* for supper and went up
stair* to wuken the child. To her *ur
ill*-.I Jcaale, IhlnklliK *he had gone to >i.a she had done before It.celvlng
tin reply Hbe looked doeer. and In the
dun light eaw what mooned (o be a bun
ill# protruding fnnn a hole In the wick- .'k at tine end of the coach Tti* i
now frightened neither linellly procured
i light and )<• her terror found that ehe euppoeed waa a hutnlle Ml
j the naked body of her hahy girl, hang
ing hy her grin pita Iter clothing, bun
dled up ale.ut her head, had evidently ,
*IIIOlher>d tel. while pi e V e lit III g the ell
tire body from allpplng through the
hole The child had | reliably been reel- j
teas In liei »leep and bad gradually j
worked tier hudl tbrougli the hrok it
whk.twnik until at tipped by the doth- (
, lug The little one • a1 in* were "’relche l j
11«ivtor head and ehe had evidently
been prevented front making an outcry
that i outd he heaid dual. lilng the at 111
a at in body hi her arm# Mr* Ruck ran
« teaming down el.ili* Neighbor* ent
fot In U. hw if I" and the Itttle one a
ti.clv »«• bathed in utuetatd water.
Jttitti iel reeptration e u at*n tiled. l*ut
aii rlt Ilk W> le U*ele*» The Child w i*
d. id J eel. waa a V>»V pletl»
! hailed girl, the p**l <f the neighborhood,
ant hei tingle death - tealed i|Ulte a
tl Wa* tievatiie Ware
A Woman who mad# bet Initial at- j
tempt re. » ntiv |o tide a Wheel Wae dl#
• out aged lo Itnd that hn hneea ee*m#d 1
•HIT en l v to v .pit klv tiled of the effort
lo aoih the pedal* ape.gina to her
piiteiedan it*.m It. hr told her eh* wag efleled with what te
hii.wn a> elevet o kno Title a *• %
Mlhelto unkn two inala-li to hn, hut '»
ha* I ww refeire.l to before It p il.lia
prune end la a t»* .gnlead afl*clten not
in. unman with II. • whua* life In a
li’i *partm*«M bone* atm-iat dawa
• all with the ogg of th -a* haae moe tag
caeee *•• I la g tng op and Aawg atatra
MOW W 41,1, I'lMKI/l MMOKKM*
P**S »W*» HOIKS,
I hr Klrrlrlr Ks» lid turn — •'••Is
VuntiHl Mir tHHiter of IM«
Imhlur W urmarf Will W'rnr
—Ihr Jn»>|>Ih| Hraa « •«•»•*— Wlu
lllr > i-lra.
• -raaaWM
It would seem Hint tl><* uieu who
make and Imw fortunes lu a day ou
: t|«- New York aioek exchange would
i Imre all the gambling that I heir con
s Mtltutlooa eollld stand. They do, for
leu mouths lu the year, hut lu the
other two July and August the
lambs have gone elsewhere, and Wall
street Is comparatively a dull place.
Hut the gambling np|ietlt« must lie
fed. When the brokers are not losltig
or winning thousands with other peo
ple# money, they risk their own, but
ou a mucIt smaller scale. The/ don't
go against the stock market, for loug
experience Im* taught them tlmt there
Is a certain percentage against the
player. 'Itiey gamble among thern
aelu's for smaller stakes, where every
man has an Oijual chance of winning
and losing.
Common, ordinary guinea do not do
for the broker In his Idle momenta.
Titers must Is* a novelty to get t1n*m
Interested, ami to satisfy this cruvlng
some mighty Ingenious guinea have
been devised. There are a few old
standby*, like matching pennies for
$5 notes, which have Stood the b*st of
Mine, but the newest game Is always
the moHi popular.
A .tain Wall street light went hi
Washington not long ago ami there
discovered a game which has since
been Introduced on the street with
great success. There Is plenty of ex
citement in playing it, and It Is abso
lutely holiest.
The electric fun is the means by
which the game Is played. Horne of
the fans have only four blades, others
have live and six blades. The six
blade fans are the most |*>pular, even
when there are only four players.
The Electric Fun (lame.
A number Is pasted ui*ou each blade
and then the player* chip In a dollar
each. A lever at the hack of the fan
sets the blades whirling around at
lightning speed, and then the current
Is shut olT. The fan whirls slower and
slower until It gradually comes to a
atop. The winning blade Is the one
which stops nearest to the wire at the
bottom of tint fan. and the holder of
the dnpllente number to that on the
blade scoop* In the pot.
The usual stake Is $1 on each blade,
bui the game can be played without
limit. Some highflyers play It as high
ns $'_’(> a binds und with Sl'dO In each
p.>t the amount that nan be lost or won
In half tin hour Is «o big tlmt cheeks
have tn Ihj given to |li|Uldate debts
Tim ordinary pocket '‘roll" <>f the Wall
st vet man Is not big enough for tlm
purpose. I til* llick.l chill w 'll SI.SIHI
In an afterms.‘u’a play it the game,
but lids was an unuatltlliv large sum.
p'lvo men playid the fun one whole
afternoon mid none of them unit more
than #lti ahead or to the bad. I'aeb
took a nunilier and stuck to It all
through the play. The sixth blade was
left Idauk, and whenever It won a
Jackpot was made, the stakes lining
doubled The advantage of the game
1N I lull llll'l't* IK ll<> glll.1 III IK* ll'll. Ill*
riKHii rt*iii in pay ami Mu* phi,via uri*
alauiliiU'ly ii'iinin uf nti lmuf*l iltul.
IKlilor \Vt»i'iii-'>i'i' mill IiIk tlliiiiiniitli
uffur n fruit fill llii'l fur t lit* mi'll who
llkt* i" gambl. .Mr Wuininti' Ini * n
i'1'lli'i'iiiiii <>f illaiiK iiil Ki'iniiit ><• Hum'
III the at i ffI Till* liimlliitlila In* Wfitni
lu ill* thirl front Iiiivu Ini'll I In* kiiIi
Jim uf many wtirtl laJrt. ii |u at
win inti ilitii In* ran walk a haul a ilark
atn-i'l hi nit In tlm* ami mml h nnwa
piipt'r wIt'll mikv by tin I■ ulit uf M*
apMI'k lot's
St'iunilimKt Mr Wiirnitfr tmiMta tluw 11
town with only it*n lihmmmls mi IiIk
pfi'wiu \ nit I n Iif apimaiK with sixty
Ull lilt* lallwr ttfi itlluU IiIk Jf Wlis iiiv
€*f thf fliiKifr vmit'iy l‘ooi* art* ttfli'U
furniftl mi i Iif nniultt>r ut 'IIuiuuIhIh
Ilia Itaukfr will war It imli In
buy a f bn tiff lu I titw pnnl, ami tin' man
»tin I'nuiiM mmifat tin* uttmlM't' |k» k
ala tin* |*ni|
ttm* man thought in* wnuhl put up
a lift ft' J"b "ii bin 11 if ml*, ami g**l
a amt* thing mt On* pool Ilf wulkitl
in or in il«* "I" aiatmn »i wltkit 'It
WuiunMU lagttnla thf tluwn i"Wit irain
iiiul mlt' tint* n wtih him \\ hlln l ift*
ling alaiiii btiKim-K* in.iimra thf fhttfi
luitn utM'lt* a • ftivtful fotini **f all th.•
tt.u'luanr i|taiitnmi*> ami kh'iimi with
iIiik lufurnmihm |Ufp*irtMl fur a giaml
|.u i In* *akf uf fit larging llm |»»il
• ml i'll" llty ulhfl* III, Iif Itutlgltl lhiv>
nnuiH*ra mi# ifpio«t<t»Mng tin* luial uf
hi* m Inal futtm Thf** waa *11% In
tlm |*t*i Mint muintng ami IH*' «* Inuif r
htlggntl Itlmatif Wlllt |*|> Vlatulia
lining it**- atiiin* thing atari mnrniug
an.I iiKtpmg unl> hi wnallh |Mk*«k| 1*
(ura hliti Ilf it*M aa If In* hint tlta
ruti iwl a gnhl win#
\\ hmi Mr Wmuiaft apiwnritl «n
i ltaugi Mil'll* wna tlm uaiial rttah In
a*'# Mn i.iH* lal "Uni "I Mt" gt'ina
1 Ha .It *at >nau alntual laiuiml wlu ii
ha a*tw tbf Itankai Ha IH" llilrtl nit
g«r wf *at H ha ml M at a rluatar ring
ifa* hi- did not lint** on during the
I ride down-town, rtmt knocked Ida
rharwea Into andthrreefia, mb Ii Bent
tin* told I twenty-four above Ida "aura
tiling" count. If eeeiiia Unit Mr.
Wormaer keej#a a alack «>f dla
monda In a private drawer In the of.
fl< * ante, ao fliat In- can readily In
rruaae or dlndnlali the nundier of Ilia
getua. 'I Ida the elaver man did not
know, lie arknowledgea now that to
heat the Wormaer diamond game la
almoal ati Impoaalhlllty.
The Jumping Iwan la a nice game
Hiat la aa exciting aa horae racing.
In fact, It la more ao. aa there la ab
aolutely no uiciine of getting a line
CoanlinM (hr Mlnmouda.
on which way the bean will Jump.
The players of this game enter their
beans Just as horse-owners do for •
sweep-stakes. The beau is the little
South American affair with a tiny
worm Inside. 'I he squirming of the
worm makes the beau Jump one way
or the other. The Isom with the live
liest worm stands I he best chance of
winning, as it goes Hover the most
The game is played in this way: A
circle iilsiiit an iuth in diameter Is i
drawn In the center of a large sheet j
of while paper. Another circle, 0 1
inches away from the other, Is drawn, j
The big outside circle Is then the
starting line and the little circle Is j
the finish. The bean that lands Inside
the small circle Hrat Is the winner.
It costs $'! to enter a bean In this race
but when two beaus are making altont
equal headway for the small circle big
bets are often made as to which will
win. If the bean Jumps the wrong
way and Insists upon going In su
opposite direction to the small circle,
the owner can lift him back to the
starling line. Hut no beau can tie
touched after If has once started In
the right direction.
Another form of pool gambling
which is the favorite system among
the Wall street men, ns there Is a
change of a big winning for a small
Investment, is on the number of
slut res that will be dealt In during the
day. Kn< It chance costs a dollar, and
Hometlu es there Is ss much as #300
In the pot. The winner of lids feols
that ho has done a pretty good day's
Since Hie advent of the bicycle
craze many of the brokers have taken
to riding Iho wheel, and now they buy
their wheels on the gambling plan.
This scheme Is not confined to Wall
street alone, but It lias attained the |
height of its popularity there. This I
Is the way they do It.
A cloth bag Is tilled with slips of i
paper numbered from 1 to 150. A man
thrusts in bis hand and pulls out a
number. If the number Is 1, he pays
le Into the fund. If he be unfortu
nate and pulls out the 150 number, he
chips in $1.5o. When all the numbers
bine been polled out, the bag Is again I
filled with slips numbered In the same
way. A number Is then drawn out.
and the man who holds the duplicate \
wins the total, which Is big enough I
to buy a first-class wheel. The chance |
of winning is rut her remote, being 1
Muee ul Ibr .IuiuiMum Ueaaa.
In l!K*. lull there la Die iiililltinnal
tlm me of vtlnnlnu a rat auin at llte
i nat ul a rant uf twu.
Ibr liurrlmo I Minute.
'•Will tit'll l I lltii' AimTl' .1 V' »*kl an
Nnuillalimuii. atm ana tlrlitklittf a iwlt
util lit a Hrmtitwaj Imtel teatartlay
• \Vh.v, fur mail) traamta I haven't
fnttml mitt hint.' here Hint I like, lake
ynttr alltlelle a|utrl. ftir Itiatnm e ll a
l.ngua XVIlttl la )t«UT re|tr. nriilatlx e
H|»ni r |i.t»> Util la It m»«r Well, lltat
alm|il) re|it«»entn llte anrk nf hlreil
men ll Ian I frail) a|mrl llenhten, I
un i nmterwiaml year m»»»|*«|ier ae
, nttltta nf It I hey are t en titrated
ml. Wallet aitnl'e r iHbl|l|ll V (If
i liitt.i'e la Itatl. ami .l«m |*n|||fetniia ate
llttwnet I Hare l>eett t|iaa|>|<n|hteil all
ttt»nml ami Mi aveiiihltta «*»•
ami itrnl la mitf eta ktalla I tlraitk ni»
|nat It!blit U l re tfolnit In U'tl I hn*e
• Hlfiteil ftnm i "it >|iin*t»"
\»tt ) nrk Mutt
Mini •* I • ni bni
Ml« naUiia W nah \Kb 41 K'ahi
(H'ltnnt tile millet ntteal hete met'I a
i Hni«e nf Iwlit* lnt|i|h e'eit lit llte re
,vtil h i lilnti nf llte \ III am it father
nmt amt lint a*e Mike la trier
I tntik I •■elmkei William llM»),
frank l‘lm''l WnlaM I I lliknl, I I bilk
Mehallwf ai *1 Mean l**heamaft Thai
'4t4 a uraliiuiuaf) trial leUa)
Mrs George L*wls of Boston thlhk#
shs la the youngest grandmother In
America, Her sg« Is 32 year*
John Oliver Hobbs (Mr*, t’ragisj has
been elected president of the society
of women Journalist* of London.
Harah Bernhardt la to begin her flrat
tour of Germany nett fall at the es
plratlon of her American engagement
Ml** B. Thornton Clark, th# atnilp
tor, la aald to be fond of peta of all
sort*, and har prim* favorite la a
Three person* war# recently aaved
from drowning at Myth#, England. by
• he courage and skill of Mlaa Evan*
* girl of 21.
Mr*. Bertha Welch, of Han franclaco,
has given more than |160,000 In the
last four yeara to Bt. Ignatius' ohurcb
of that city.
Mis* Alice french C'Octav# Thanet")
Is a Yanks* by birth (partly of Vir
ginia lineage), an Iowan by adoption
and a southerner by choice.
An American woman la about to
make a four of the mikado’s realm on
a bicycle. Bhe will publish a book
called "Unpunctured Tire* In Japan."
Mies Douglas, th* champion amateur
markawoman of England, recently
scored fifty-seven bull’a-syaa In suc
cession with a revolver at twenty yards'
A bust of Charles Humner, mads by
th# colored woman sculptor, Elmondta
Lewis, will be one of th* attractive
exhibits of the negro building at tb*
Atlanta exposition.
It Is expected that Lady Betty, wife
of Chief Secretary Balfour, will do
her beat to make hla Irish administra
tion popular. Bhe Is a woman of groat
talent and social tact. *
Lady Haberton, Inventor of the dl4
vlded skirt, Is said to have a new fa^m,
Bhe contends that female servants \
should wear knickerbockers, as such
costume facilitates movements.
Mrs. Frank Weldon, wife of Frank
Weldon of the Atlanta Constitution, Is
lu correspondence with the Princess
Nazle, of Cairo, Egypt, In reference
to exhibits at the cotton fair uext fall.
Aluminum heel tl|m are coming In vogue
Easily |>iea>ed tbe man who Is satisfied
with himself.
I he inventor of l ari* on fen< * wire re
ceive* a royalty of 1120,0(10 a year
In combination, proportion and process,
Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses pec ullar cura
tive powers unknown to any other prepara
tion. This Is why It has a record of cures
unequalled In the history of medicine. It
acts directly upon the blood and by making
It pure, rich and healthy It cures disease and
gives good health,
hood’s Sarsaparilla
Is the only true blood purifier prominent
ly In the public eye today. $1; six for fft.
Us-ir-wH ’o Dillc- cur,J habitual onitl
nuuu O I 11 tp pat Ion. Price* canto,
★ THE best*
/Nursing Mothers.Infants^
* John CAR!»! & soss New Vorfc.
Illustrated oatslotfue showing tt Iti j.
.-snt Faxa. Have bean tasted and
all warrunlnt.
Mill City t II w 1 ice suit I rim Work i,
HiHVNNMKirit tu I'wh Mr*. «•«
MI«»US I lly lllHAi
!• flown f ,V M t« HlNfcMY t o ,
1414 W*tt Kl»vg»iitfi Nlr«***t, K»n»*« I II '
I* tti« twit UK’ilU'liiH fur tall ili*cii*e* Incident t»
ehlldi'eu. || ri'KUlnti-i tlm Iwki K, uuxIhI* deutl
tuiui fare* illttlrIn-.* Mini dym ntery In tim wor*t
I him icure* canker owe throat. U a certain pre
ventive of tlliilatlHTItA; «jttl«-la mnl »oo»het nil |titln
invururaln* llie ktoiuHen ami I mi w el*; correct mail
u i.llty; will cure crl|itnit In tin- liotvi W.unl wind V
colic, Im not ralli;n« yourwlf unit child with %
k!c.-|tle»* III, III* When III* wilhin your rcaita tu J
cum your child land wave youi nun lire ttf lb, \
/>i*../irqiit ’a UrrtHun Horn* ('ukra
dc»tmy worm* Aticmove them Ironithe *y»teua
rwioan d l y Kmmort ProprlaUr, Co., CMcam, W.
• Clio BY Alt. DAuattlBTS.
Ik-«»i*w u-.k-.aef,A,*. ■IITlDal
•ATfllTC t..ia.“Mi„
rAliHId > . ..... i,.,ac..m„-t, ». o..|,k.|,
|«» tIU Mfcl f
W*U IN t|i 4li
man masit
• Mli aut *nMoi
l-t. >«*•« J
a - a a
B<0 iaa a alaaeaaaa I
» ‘OOa. /
« * lei J
Zachary T. Lindsey,
l|«i«,iHiMoi,i|i,,iiMiikai« »ob.
• a*** M,*'n.l»a too** iltli.ail HafM
• *0 raa* • I *•»*t*. (a . n*ala. kak