The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 27, 1895, Image 2

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wmi. K. NINMIIOTI*. K.mtovA »'•*».
Am A O I/. W lodge hM been organ
ized at Itancroft
Htimtos county * fair will bn held
September 34. >6, A and 37.
.lr.rrs.soM county's fair tlila year w»i
not ijulle np to es|>ectnOon*
Tmk Old fattier*' association of Harpy
county has a membership of 137.
Im Ashland potatoes and spples bring
tbe aatne price cent* a bushel.
Iikstriu tivk prairie Are* have lieen
raging In the vicinity of Thedford
Tnr. York college opened (.he school
year with an encouraging outlook
ColoNsr. Imokh*oii will give a Inc*
ture in K remoot some (line In Novem
Thk young ladles of Ainsworth are
talking of organizing a ladles’ brass
ll is estimated that 40.000 people
visited the stele fair on the second
day. Tuesday.
TMK Atchison Oraphlc llgure* that
7«l,WSr. acres of land in Ne rasku are
under the ditches
Os account of heat the school* of Ne
braska City cut down the afternoon
eesslou to forty minutes
Tmk dog poisoner lias begun his
deadly work at Hterling. A very valu
able mastiff was the Qrst victim.
VVuii.k viewing the circus parade in
Nebraska City the wife of (apt Mu|ie*
of company (' was touched for her gold
Til* Standard t attle company at
Ames ha* 1.800 acre* of corn and has
hired men to cut and shock t*># whole
Tmk Methodlsteof Norfolk will short
ly begin the construction of one of the
largest church edllices iu the North
Kx-ShNAToK MANOKRNOX has gone to
( hattanooga. where lie deliver* th*
oration at the reunion of the Army of
the Cumberland.
Tmk family of Mr. Heliel of Scotia la j
sorely afflicted. Mix children are down |
with typhoid fever and the parents got ’
no rest night or day.
Wm. H. Uii.hoK, aged <17, formerly of
the One Hundred and Fifty'fourth Illi
nois infantry, died at the soldiers’
home iu t<rand Island last week.
WoltK on the excavation for the
foundation of the large udditlon to the
(irand Island soldiers’ home progresses
finely and is nearly finished.
Nkiihaska City has an imported
clairvoyant who advertises herself as
"the wonder of the age.’ She offers a
reward of $1,000 for information lead
ing to the discovery of her peer In the
Tiik ltu.plist association of the l-oup
and Klkhorn districts will hold Its an
nual convention in Hattie Creek, com
mencing Thursday evening, October 3,
and continuing until Saturday evening,
October 6.
Chios Hri.l.s, a resident of Millard,
was struck and killed by a freight
train He had sturted to run acrossAil*
track ahead of the train. Ho'irventmt
a. fnw'ininutes. He was aliout 31 and
VVuur. taking in the sights of Omaha
a Michigan traveling man took a prom
enade through a dark alley with u ne
gresa, and was by her touched to the
tune of 1100 in cold cash and certifi
cates of deposit to the amount of
Tmk body of the unknown man who
was drowned in the Missouri river near
i’lattsmoutli was found by two men
near Uock Muffs. The tnan’a identity
is not yet known, as the only article he
hail in his pocket was a set of false
T. K. Hay. while getting off a freight
train in the Klkhorn yards at Fremont,
slipped and fell and the wheels passed
_Li. Innl lias touu rnini.t'iili td till*
hospital umi lira. lirowu i»n<l llaslam
amputated the limb between the atiUle ,
and knee.
T. (i. KkRttraoN of Heaver t rousing |
has a (lowing well front which he irri
gated ten acres of land. Two and a
half acres was planted to sweet pota- |
irtes, frout which he nareeated I,non
bushels lie Hilda a ready auIe at SI ;
per bushel.
U. VV. Owkms, a preacher of the de
uoiiiinailon of •saint*.” who has been
traveling about over ihe slate holding
uieeiings in a tent, was arrested at
I airbury and paid a Hue of •sin and
cost* in Justice court for brutally Iwat
lug his two daughters.
The residence of Mr*, t uridine Heat*,
about six miles from Kim wood, w as
alruck by lightuing. and the shuck to
Vlra liesle rendered her unconscious
for ksverst hours Hue of her shoes
was tora to pieces null both feet were
butt i y blistered by ilia eleitrie Hu III
She is recovering
VV mis Miss Mamie Mullalieu of the
Krainev Industrial school was out
ruling with Mrs Krank '*imHurd, u big
hurley fellow lumped out fnoa Is aide
the road anil made a grab tor the
horse’s brittle. The burse jumped a
little to one side so the fellow did not
gel a gieal hold and Miss Mutlulieu
plied the whip, gelling beyond the
reach of the a* uundret
Vs s motor >ar was goiug south at
tier trie*. Hah* the little Vyear <44
daughter of Kd llebide. was-truck and
almost distantly killed the little
girt, alter crosstag. turned and in at
templing to gel let k was struck ou the
head ami kkockesl down and one of tier
lei I • etching Ik a wheel 01 some pail
of the geei mg of the > «i fthe wa» drag
ged some distance Hei nrck was
toil * avu l|oi i own revetted a tele
pi am from Mat'd I leb her «l sums
I iVv la idheera "I Ihe fair sseoctatnia
ea>l the eomurereiel asws latum to at
lend ihe tali 'n governor's lay, *#p
lentl<er is. when tiuvernoi stone of
VIisaissi|vpi |* to la* met * y lha i> over
lm« a) •« iciai states adjo long low a
f ur vreamci, u anaHlrv met at
Hum'olitl Vlo 'libel dat au tep""rd
the amount '<1 'll* k s"V I lard II "TV
i s the I wilding w d* ta’gin at »*'• and
the s'rewitor» will k» d» aperatntn wiib
la stsly 4a>si llui«t*oid son the oo<«.
In* t vswery establuhmskt of ioba
VV Idltiagei llrstrkv. wa* cosed •< a
ebailei mortgage
' “ " I
ih* M«t« r»t».
The Nebraska state fair was a de
aided an (’cess, both In the matter of ex*
hltdta and attendance If any body had 1
any doebt about lb's a visit t»» tiie !
ground* »m sufficient u» dispel tbs I
doubt 'I he weather for Most part |
was not all that eould have oeen da
aired and yet the attendance went
considerably beyond the record, and
would undoubtedly have been much
greeter tied not beat end duet Inter
fered Korty thousand people are
credited with being on the ground*
Wednesday, end at least Id,ino In ad
dition to thta number on Thursday.
There wee a lark of means of trans
portation tha dust was not property
laid, and some other thing* were left
undone tbet *hould have been attend
ed to. The manager* have gained ex
perience that will enable them another
year to have alt inattera arranged and
carried out In a satisfactory way.
The agricultural exhibit waathe beat ,
ever aeen in Nebraska, and thia I* *ay
tug a good deal when It i* coonMered
how many splendid exhibition* the
state ha* held. All the various depart
ments were full to overflowing, and
evidence was present on every hand
that Nebraska I* not only a productive
stats, but that her citizen* taka pride
and satisfaction In making It kuown
to the world. Counties vied with coun
ties in elaborate displays, and all were
so good, so full and complete, that it
was difficult to draw comparisons.
Omaha look care of the large crowd
in a splendid way, making her claim
good to every pretension previously set
forth. The city was brilliantly ilium
Insted through the entire week and en
tertainment elaborately provided for
the thousand* of guests within her
gates liutids innumerable wrought
enchanting music on all sidea. and the
parades arranged for the varloua even
ings wera up to expectations and drew
hundred* of thousands of sightseers
The Nebraska state fair for Istftft pusses
into history as one of the most sueeess
f it I ever held, and if there was any
thing lacking the experience that has
been gained will enable the managers j
to provide it in I Hue,. The fair has ail- !
vertlaed the stale * resources itt a man- {
ner that will bring good fruit in great
uhiin(i 141.ft* in vs-iir*.
Irrigation Cnnt#«t Dlirlilon.
following is the opinion of Judge
Neville In the matter of the alfalfa irri
gation district recently organized under
tlie new law:
In tlie District Courtof Keith < ounty,
Neb., liourd of Directors of Alfalfa Ir
rigation District I'lnintiflV. And now
on the Hist duy of August, is'Jft. this
cause came on for hearing and trial u>
tin* court upon the potitionof the plain
tiff, the answer of the defendants
thereto, and the evidence, and the
court having heard all the testimony
and arguments of counsel and being
fully udviscd in the premise* find*:
That the said district hits been organ
ized in all respects us provided by law.
and that all thing* required to be done
by said law, particularly as required by
the act of the legislature which pa**ed
und took effect March JO, Is'.i.l. entitled
“Anact to provide for the organization
and government of irrigation districts,
etc,’’ have been done mid performed
and that the bonds of said alfalfa irri
gation dlatrict in the sum of IJJ.OOt)
have been In all respects voted by s^id
ij.-.a Erectors lu accordance with
ffie law, and said bond* are in form,
substance and amount in strict con
formity to law.
The court further finds that the or
ganization of said alfalfu irrigation
district and the voting and issuing of
said bonds In the sum of SJJ.otiO, of
which bonds there are forty-four of
tC.00 eacii were regular and according
to law. The court further finds that
the notice of the tiling of the petition
herein was given, und for the time in
the manner prescribed by law.
it is Ihereiore considered, adjudged
anti decreed that the said proceedings
and each thereof in mid aiaiut the or
ganization of said alfalfa irrigation j
district und the election and voting for
and proceeding* to Issue anil tlie issue
of said bonds and all tilings pertaining
thereto lie and the same u e and eacii
thereof approved aud confirmed, and
tiiu issue of said bonds of said district
und tlie said l»inds and eucli of them
are declured to lie legal and valid mid
in the respects binding upon the said
alfalfa irrigation district
frMsctt the 1 altlemea.
The Northwestern l.ive HtoeU asso
eiation of t herry county, Nebraska,
with hrudi|uarlera et present at Merri
am, held a special meeting at Valen
tine for the purpose of extending the
hand of welcome to all cattlemen of
the middle and eastern portion of * her
ry county On December 111, l*iht, thia
association was organised arid incorpo
rated under the laws of the stale of
Nebraska it Is iu its infancy as yet.
hut It has proved itself worthy of cam
•■deration in protecting slockgrower*
and shippers from the petty pdferiug
that lias been carried on in the last few
years Die association's next semi-au
uual meeting will be held in Valentine
for the pur|H>se of amending its by
law* and increasing it* membership,
and if possible locating the asaocia
Don's main otiice at Valentine. Neb,
which is tin- OuUlily seat of * herry
I lie at Vt..,..i.cuii
I lie gn at parade mi I her day liiglil
et iiumh.i w i» Hu ■ low >,‘;ig f, .itinr of
the kind in ihe west I liumands and
thousands of people to wed Hit. great
paceattl atul e» pi esxions of awe and
Surprise were mau> and pniinmiiced
Never a sight so beautiful in thia west
ern land. Ittroneeivalde in beauty
hard, v d#*i 11bc« Iht uisguifl. ent duals
twenty In nuwWr llleuding with the
rb'hawas til the costumes were the colors
of the king and I tide i»m red. white
and blue and the raia>uw our* of heav
en ludr*. rlh.ttile wa» It* gradeur, It
wa* Into land tn teal it v an ejsedt in
l the lifa of every witness • ‘mans has
achieved a grand diatuu turn m her ef
forts to please her visitors
Wemsutt Sul Worry teg
t hadimi d aps'en the ai absorb
I lag topic of tottvei satiun on the street
' is the vertitel >h the Mori n ttmr
det mat, M **ffvft**t« liMUMiil
•I U#lii liM|f l*»* WmIM*! Mil
Uu» I ?i»* h«t#t Ihftit uftff lit I iftftft t|t
kltv «« ll •'Mid! tfitv >1 ID •
9 >«Mf ft Nvt ItiftJ
11*1 r |**r Vim MvMtUu ft Pit
It! i Af it.iiitrM V|tui i«iD hftft ll%* *|
rtl tlilt* **ft l lltftVft ft* (H i lip
• dd *» Hu* VIdmUhi W ftp 4
PVfMI dM-m At d| t M *UMt ! It# Vt»*% I*
pt I run m( »l*i*'i* hp mu ti***%hftl.
" t5*ut *1* Vt* rl I (lift t Aft* •!
I MU \H%* ft! I* D| Imi'Idm ft *?»#*#
WILL PLEDGE $30,000 000 TO THE
1b«f ftsslr* tm A««M in, Action Which
Would H*,t th* Kffccl of < he. kin*
••lie steadily Increasing Hualocaa
f'rospsrlly Thnl la how la
All ncctlona of thn
WaaiiiMufoa. Kept. 28. The cany a*
aurauce ami confidence of the treasury
officials that there will not he a hood
Iaaue and that the treaaury gold re
nerve will not again be seriou-dy de
pleted la explained by a prominent of
ficial, who nayn tiiat through the good
'jftlcca of the bond nyndicate, promise*
have been secured from banker* in the
principal cities of the country tliut in
case of necessity they can he called
upon to ulai-c up to Sdff.OOU.OOO of gold
in the treasury In exchange for legal
tender. Thi* important matter ha*
been ijuietly uegmlated by Messrs.
Belmont .anil Morgan during the last
fifteen day*.
The reasons which iiave led to the
action are varied, but all tend to the
same end. On the part of tiie admin
1st ration it is recognized as good |»oli
tics to avoid another bond issue and
throw the resnonsihdity and necessity
for remedial nnuucial legislation upon
uir iiinHiiuiK cm^riTid, it *vu» unrr
mined by the president several month*
ago tliat there would he no bond Issue
until ufter the elections, as an issue
previous thereto would have the effect
of strengthening the hands of the free
silver men and the I'opnlists.
On the other side the syndicate
wishes to avoid uny action which
would have the effect of checking the
steadily increasing busmen prosperity.
The parties to the present voluntary
ooinbinai ion for the protection of the
treasury gold resurvu are almost en
tirely within the list of hunks thal
were allowed to participate in tie
bundling of the luit bond Issue.
A Wyoming State Weustor Warns Htrrr
tary NniUh la Investigate,
Cheyenne, Wyo., Hept. t'9.— Robert
Foote, state senator of Johnson
county, lias written an open letter
to Meeretary Smith of the in
terior department, exposing what lie
characterize* «* xi.w- of the moat
gigantic' and glaring frauds of the
age" which is about to he com
mitted, he suyM, in Wyoming, under
the Carey arid land law. He says
thut all the waters of the streams
iu the llig Horn busin were parceled
out to members of the "stale laud
ring" by the stute engineer ami com
panies have been formed which pro
pose to churge to settlers for water
rights 910 per acre which arc not
worth over 910. The lauds which the
state authorities have asked to have
set apart under the Carey law are not
desert lands us contemplated in the act
of congress, Mr, Foote asserts. In
conclusion the senator says the design
is to cicute a system of peonage or ten
antry-at-will in our rich valleys where
nonoruble and Independent manhood
should he found.
The Young I Ink I- lin-liares Tliat lie Is
Engaged to Miss t’on.uelo V snili-rlilll.
New Yoke, Sept. ;3, -The young
duke of Marlborough set at rest lust
night conflicting reports concerning
himself und Miss Consuelo Vander
bilt, by requesting that the fol
lowing he made public: "It is
officially announced that a mar
riage lias been urrunged between
*1... . I • > I .. M ..I I.. .........1. .....I
C'ousltclo Vanderbilt. The engage*
ruent was arranged by Mr*. Vander
bilt's friends anil those of the duke of
Murilmrough. Tin wedding will take
place toward the latter part of this
year in New York.'
This marriage will oonilcct Ihchou-e
of Vanderldlt to the principal dm al
families of tin* llritisli empire, partic
ulurly those of llueuleugli, Uoxburg
ami Abereorn The duke of Ahereorn
la an unde of the duke of Malrbor
Not lluslilvU'i t riuifcill Murk l*roa»Mi»
lu I stem Sew llclliuc Found.
MkMi o, Mo.. .Hepi. — The schedule
of people w Ini were swindled by I hr
late Hoi tlughh'tt of Widt'iVllh U
growing, ilndge K M llughletl, win
Is now Inditing circuit court Imre, ins I
gito Mrs. II, iUckrogfi and two snn«
of Wright * ity and .1 A, lorUlell u|
ImUtcll. Mu . hold forged notes aim
fiauduleut deeds i f lru*t e mi tiled by
llugtiiell for It.jlKi aguiiisi llie funm
of ti ,\ lliu well. .1 I Mitchell. 'Its.
Itergmau■ W C llusli and J If Alder
| sou Mau> tai mers almul Welter tilt
| hare small clouds on the title to llirtl
farms lu the sheyai of bogus dents o
'trust It Is estimatetl that the w hull
| indebtedness will aggregate neatly
- I* I tssl
dtssuutteas Alls* a Mints.
NiV lh* Mo . s«|it K't Miss tilth
t leintv daughter of a leading farmei
' living mat llWial, was <«n her way t<
1 mi Ik the eow* Thursday night •* hei
an nnka»w u wretch seised hrr. clioket
her twsaurthie. dragged her a sit or
distance amt tnuially assaulted her
■Sa tires nf people siarterl In put suit
with Idlest hounds the man will t«
lynched if caught.
I tuna healurkt sinks | setvss.
Hixvtilk Kv Hepl '.'A I h
uiiiiets strike lu the lutarel ili<
Irtct pending since May ent|e<
t • day tu the acceptance of the -tli
. ‘lent’ a ton, Hi* m>» , tin.
refusing tu negotiate with ti e hlllgtit
| uf l.altof * r iteo* lose o>gaul«a
lion in any pa<ttenia*
I niufi.t Mm« » »( Where
»1fl OKU ut IsAlsn •««<** Wen*.
Wa<mi«i,ih«, Kept I olonel 1/
M Ho** of Lulhrle, LU,, «|cnl, five
hour* ou the witnc*. •*««<! Lying to
tell whut be did with 'lie *,'..<**> he
received from th* *e< relary of the
treasury on Ilia well known $i.oo i <**>
payment to tbe < hoe law and ' bleb*
ssaw Indians for thair shadow
claim to th* (hayfilin’ and Arsps
boa lands In Lklah >mu. ( olonel lioss
staled Lint he bad puid * to one
Colonel Parsons of Maryland, who ha*
been a member of tbe state legislature
and voted for Uortuan, and who I*gen
erally believed to lei tbe tine financial
manipulator of Nena'or 1 ioruiau in
certain western legislative matters.
Tills 9lu.lfljri lie paid Parson* was for
Parsons bimaelf, as t olonel I toss
stated. 'I lien I olonel Itoss says lie set
apart $10,Odd for blmself, and then be
gave Nam Donaldson of Kentucky,
who was supposed to have a financial
lobby pall In tba treasury, $i,(J0<l. and
the remaining $50,000 be (.aid to
( olonel Parsons In cash, and It is bis
tinder/.tending that Parsons paid It out
to certain persons, but not knowing
who they ware, he can not eanlalo fur
Will firing I Islins Against Hawaii.
8am 1 iiamchuo. Kept, 31.—A number
of men who were Imprisoned by the
Dole government during the rela-lllon
in Hawaii have organized for the pur
pose of gaining the assistance of their
respective government* In an effort to
obtain damage* from tbe Hawaiian
government. Leorgc Lycergiu*. who
was imprisoned several month* ou a
charge of treason and afterward set at
liberty without a trial, passed through
this city on the way to Washington,
where he will lay the matter before
the state department, f rom Washing
ton he will goto Loudon, then to Pari*
and thence to Athens. At these points
he will act as agent of members of
members of each nationality now re
siding in ilawaii who have claim*
sgainst the Hawaiian government.
liraui or *ir»- ncniiu.
Cn uii.ks'ion, ill., Sept. 23. Mrs
Lizzie I'leklin died at her home In this
city lust night, aged *<*» yearn. She
wan a daughter of Senator W. T, Col
quitt, and several years ago wan a
contributor to Harper's and I-rank
I,exlie's weeklies. Her husband was
Hon. Orlando l>. i'leklin of Illinois,
and she was a sister of ««-Uovernor
and Senator Alfred Colquitt, who died
at Washington last winter. During
President Cleveland's first term Mrs.
I'leklin was postmaster in till* city.
Anson, Itnsrnflslil l)«nl.
Nkw Yohk, Se|,t 23.—Ansom Kosen*
field is dead of llright's disease at his
home in this city. Ill* death will re
call old ( alifornia day* to many news
paper men and women who knew Mr.
itosenfleld through his connection
with the “Alta ( alifornia," of which
he was a part owner for many years.
Mr. itosenfleld was a forty-niner, and,
In common with the enterprising men
who invaded the Western coast during
that lucky year, rapidly accumulated
a fortune! He was horn in Germany
and came to this country in Isct
Noble sad Shields lee Parti,srs.
St. I.outs, Mo.. Sept 84,—General
John W. Noble and General George II.
Shields have formed a partner
ship for the practice of law. Gen
eral Noble was Secretary of the
Interior and General Shields was as
sistant attorney general under Presi
dent Harrison! The two have been
intimate friends personally for years,
and fheir copartner ’ *p makes one of
t he strongest tlrms in the west.
Turkey Preparing for Trouble.
London. Sept. 23.—Some lime ago a
(it in of cartographers received an or
der from a house In Constantinople for
the Hritlsh admiralty charts of the
Dardanelles. The order was tilled.
The chronicle's correspondent at Con
stantinople declares that these charts
were produced for the Turkish minis
try of war. for the use of engineers in
laving torpedoes in the straights.
An Actress twk» Dlidfm
Nr.w Yoick, Hept Mrs. I’aul L.
Wilkes, known in theatrical circle* u»
Virginia I’aul, ha* brought suit against
I’aul T. Wilke* in tin i lly court of for absolute divorce.
Kail Itlvrr Weavers Will Nul strike.
Kai.i Kuril. Muss., Sept. t'3. The
Weaver* aasradatioa, at a meeting lust
liigbt. voted almost unanimously not
to strike
i *-~~"
•*l urn a lieiuoerat," salt! e* i on
gi-cssman I Hand in a speech ai l Union,
Washington lialiuu* celebrated
Italy s national day with various fe*
It Is said that the light on Judge
Heott "I liklalioma will be tuken Into
! eongi es*
The obi receiving *hip Mliinesot*, is
! to be given to Massachusetts f>*r Its
j uaval militia,
The cotton emp ot l.oui*iaua, Vr*
kunsas and hast 'leva* is estimated lu
be forty per cent short
tleuctul Milton Moor* was appoint
ed election commissioner of Kansas
I tty by tinventor Hlowu.
Ambassador Kuslls is said to be lay
ing the wtieaio a- , > t d lllauchartl m
the senate Irtnu I onlslana.
i j t,m|*e>or WIHIaiu baa yielded to
lloheulobuand will nut nrga repr*»
' site measure* against Husduiist*
J kiUiavklanv In Washington are hot
l I over the alltgrd lnt»u faience in their
i politics h< ev »e* iclary Whitney
In answer lo malty ‘|Uerie« Mesi-'o
i stale* that she ilmvai give Irish more
i pi uii«ge i»*H 'liter immigiauis
t'hicagu banks are busy esumiu'ag
, employes* a**-mul* sine* *hc big Van
liakkelen Jones Wilson sltorluge
Miotic | Vs |« t. y has > third the stale
tie part meal t'-ui I bin* ha* withdrawn
1 ' opposition to the In - e*t Igallon of the
I | l Iteng 'I'm riots
* ftMi' bundled men stooped a (lain
• at Imnceville Via , seised a nvgm so
eased ot • brutal assault and took b'm
lu the wools and naeg- d him
Tl»» I wuiM I *« Ink# 4#»*
f'fr«HI»P 4 f Mow Ml f'MWfll, ,
w ikHKlirW, Kept Ik Kar* vague
new»j ap«r report* nothing i« known
at the Mate department of the ln<en.
tion of a y of the government* of the
American republic* to recognize the
Izelllgereney of Ilia < uban revolution
lata, and It la ouite certain that no
formal application for euch racognl
tlon hy tha Lultad Klalea haa been
made. It la not perceived here how
the inaurgenta ran reap any kuhataii'
tlsl art van i age* at title time for euch
recognition 'I hr only comfort that
they would derive would b« from the
moral effect of an aa*ent hy an inde
pendent power to the propoaition that
th< y had aaaumed atatebood
A a far a* tha L'nitrd Htatealacon
cerned. it took aueh a pronounced aland
lu tha caae of the late P.rexillaii inaur
reetion that It could acar-ely recog
nize tha inourgeut* In the eu*e of
t uba at praaeut without n complete
reveraal of it* poaitiou. It haa held
that, to entitle them to rccognltlon.lii
aurgenta mint act up a aeat of govern
ment and maintain It; that they muat
laaua money, and muat po* e<** a navy
to rnaka effectual any blockade they
wlah to eatahliah in abort, thal they
muat have an actual defaeto govern
merit. The atatc department la not In
formed that any of tbeae requirement*
have been met by the I ub»u*.
Profeaaor Warner of t allfornla iti». k*
Ilia I'reaeut Police ayateuia.
Dkkvkh, t'ol.. Kept. la. At thia
morning a aaaalou of the iiutloual pria
on cougreaa a paper on "Politic* and
Crime," written by Amo* (I. Warner,
piofeaaor of cconomica and aocial aci
erice in tiie Lelund Htanford univeralty
of t allfornla, and read by John N,
Uryden of Kearney. Neb., created a
aeuaation. "If the atutc itaclf U under
the Influence of criminal*," wrote Mr.
Warner, "liow cun It hope to reform
criminal*'.' Setting a thief to
catch a tblef wa* an old-time
doctrine, hut the plan of setting a
thief to reform fv thief has never yet
been defended. 'I he repieseutatlve*
of the state with which criminals are
most frequently brought inter contact
are policemen, police justices, sheriffs,
sheriffs' .« put lit* and others only a
shade—if at all -tiet er than the crim
inals themselves. The hope for the
cure of criminals largely lies in cura
tive treatment in the early stages
Petty offenders and those on the verge
of criminality in tin- large cities sel
dom or never get heyuud this line of
guards, and live more or less in their
presence, The police to them repre
sent the *tate,^_
John soil Simon llanroek Mortally
Wounded at s llrldul Kecspilon,
Columbia, Ky,, Kept. III.—John and
Million Hancock, brothers, both of
whom bare been desperate men, were
shot and mortally wounded last night
at the residence of Lane Hatfield, in
Ureeu couuty, Jacob Hatfield, who Is
a brother of Lane, had just been mar
ried and was giving a reception. After
the table was set the two Hancock
troys entered the house and got on the
table and kicked the refreshment* all
over the room, whereupon the llat
litdus, both of whom were armed,
drew their pistols and tired. Minion
was shot four times and John was both
shot and stabbed They are not ex
pected to lire,
Tli* Mora < a»« hoi y.ndud.
WASHiaoroN. Sept I#.— Nathaniel
Pulge, one of the attorneys for An
tonio Mora in the claim which ha*
just been settled, has protested to the
state department aauiunt the uon-al
lowunce of interest, but it is believed
at the departm nt that the protest
will not amount to anything
buotmluiii from .New York. iliW'Hfn. hi
I .ii ii Im. IIiiimIim mimI Mm# where.
butter < remnery nepurutor 17 6 J*
I nner I iilr to good country 14 6 lft
l I rehii 111 Ml I'l •
Money < iilifomhi per tr» .... 14 6 15
IIciim l.i * e. per Mi . ft •
Hprlritf < tili keriH, per lb . •» t m ,
l.i ri oriM * bob'** Mrwlriiil. ft .V» ■' i 50
Apple** per bill. .. ■••• 2 00 \U 2 25
< iittiueM KluflilH per box 4 15 *1 «t»
I OtHtOMH p4*r bu 2 * ‘t *0
Wnuti melon* perdo/.cn, 1 * * 2 00
I < ««•» Niivy, buml-poUnd bu 2 00 it *
bay 1 plumb per ton ft 50 **<- 7 ^*»i
uniorm I oi till 3 * H 50
I |o e*e Noll. A ho fnil cream 10 •U- M
l ninutofM per bu«hel 7’ '
inni- MUeu pio kiiiu 4 l*i v 4 2»
Mom. Heavy welgl h 4 JO u 4 50
I iwven »liM-kolH Mini feeder* 2 2-5 .1 50
l#eef Meer* ...... ... . 5 do d» '» !-'•
I nils.. 1 5M ft 3 50
r HU*. 2 25 0,2 50
i* i * «*» ..... • *2 lft kit ft 01
« oh* .... .... *.. "... I 75 ,t» no
ue He ti .'if OI 00
A« Miei ii* I 75 - -I tft*
•beep bun.I-* * JJ0 4 2»
n • p * bob « null vi * l 7 » a o
• 111* AH'
\\ item No 2. Mpring ........ ft'h *’*•'<
* (im Her bu M *t •**'.
* ui» tr bu .. I* o. is
» i '
| Hid 1
i eg» I io’UerM uinl n.i *»•*• • -I*1 4 I
» un it- \\ *ilei li l Huge *leei* » *»• 4 4*i
i t ep I null**, • o* 4 *•
r i et | Native* 1 'O I .l’»
SI A Vullb
A i-e*i. No i red whiter nj 4 <-l
i i n. No 3 . )7 lft •
*>*i» Nut -4 ‘4
| Ml* ,. ... lft ISM It 4*
burn . “ 17 » 3 •
*1 | ill I*.
ft heel No . i**» • e«n
i i-ii. l er bu ft* * I*
t **i» I et bu [' * h
b«tf» \ii*cd pH* kin ft I * » a 4 10
* i» 11 In MWill lUwh 5 M 'I 4 i
I M * i Ml 4**1 unit ve* 150
I *inl* 4 III X# 4 4*
it A b *» .ft * ft I 4' ft
A It* HI \#| T 0*1*1 . ,, iki 4 5.*
I Kin Nu 1 » * *
tut b * 1*
» Mill* Mu* k* r* mimI bedet* J a * I"
I *<»• Mixed i*h» ***'• * 4 |o 4 ft
l»* rp M.ill. N*
llkftl, IM VlrlU 40 lalll*.
Ha ft Aiioiin Tftftkft. Hw|d lft Ai
IntMM ♦»*.»> 11• d*» in M *'•**♦♦ ‘ *in*
lie. up built it|l no b * III* |h* H*h
fgv**»iiMi* * mi. Ill I* in l«*i '
tb-ii «l»I • IM* » toiiili | I Mi lo *.Ik*»os.
HU'I lM‘4*l «»f *i*H k *5 *llle ** ♦ »e |«UI* Im -v*i
Ik III*' |1|I|* *1 hwloiiU M*'4ita H*
a , . i, iiAd bi'-uftbt iuv- |.».. *o.i < j..
|b*b f«Mk |ei*» b lM Mliot) Hll»ld,t Ha
-l i 0««d t#ilh t !*»' M* .Ml*,*,
N> lift 11*4*1*’ A till Itlllf llftli * ftptlH idl I*
Init« I .* -it «-tveia loOull* «l ||****i%u|i»!
*eat| *»7 ft|« 4 a ult txltl* ftl**l b* i-4
II . iii |*i Ixkii. h I** re ll»H tft'lll Ih
tulleklftd Oil MlllUHMilNl III* «|l 4t*‘l
kbl|*|*ed give I** • Mg lend
A Mn4l»l fbr*last |n« «>«ti
• Kemady,
Tfi* majority of #ufr*r#r* from
Asthma and kindred oomplM.n'*. .>fl»r
trying Mo< tors and numberless Jtem<
dl*» adv*rUsed as positive cite*, with
out avail, liava coma to Ih* flomdualoii
that there la no cur* for this moat dis
tressing dlaeaaa. and the** same ner
#ona will he the mors In douht and #k« |
ttanJ when they learn through Mi# col
urnna of th# press that Mr Itudolph f
M/'hlffmann, the recognised authority,
who haa Mealed mors cases of 'li*»# dla
aaae* than any living Moctor, hag
achieved suer*** hy perfecting a rem
edy which not only give* relief In the
worst coses, bur has poaltlv-ly cured
thousands of anff*r»r* who w<o# con
sidered Incurable These w*r- Juet aw
skeptical as sorns of our reader* now
ar*. Mr Mchlfftnann's remedy no doubt
possesses the merit which la l.ilmed for
it or ha would not authorise 'hi* paper
to announce that h# 1* not only willing
to give fre* to each pelw>n suffering
from Asthma, Hay Kaver, I'lithlslc, or
Itrotc Mtls one free liberal trial package
of hla cur*, but urgently r#iuc*f* all
sufferers to send him their natna and
address and receive a pack**-, abso
lutely free of charge, knowing Mutl In
making the claim h# doe* for hi* cur*
a strong douht may arts# In 'he minds
of many and that a personal t< at, as he
offers to all. will he more convincing
and prov* Its merits than the publish
ing of thousand* of testimonial* from
other# who have been permanently
cured hy the ua* of hi# Asthma cure.
“Dr. Hctdffrnann a Asthma Oure," as It
la called, haa been sold hy all drug
gist* ever slice It was first Introduced,
although many le-raon* may never hav*
heard of II, and It Is with a view to
reaching these that he males this offer
. This I* certainly a most generous and
fair offer,and all who are suffering from
any of the abnv* complaints should f
write to him at ones and avail them
sslva* of lire same as positively no frr* /
■ample* can h* obtained after Oct 10 Arl
dr**s Mr K Kchlffuian. W< Rosabel strasl,
Hi Pan), Minn,
A young lady in charge of the cap*
; tain of a I*. A if. boat bud two suitor*
; on board and a pug dog. Tba latter
I fell overboard and one of her •wain*
| instantly jumped after It into tb«y>ca.
The other confined himself to leabing
I over the *lile and crying, (’oojjWog- ,
gie!" W hen the readier curae on Mjrd,
dripping, the young lady turned t/^itie
I captain and asked him who'll of lief
two lover*, after auch an ineident, he
] would recommend her Intake llcwa*
a practical man and replied lake the
| dry one,” which ahe accordingly did.
BelfishDSws la a hard snake to kill.
The cross of Christ Is the key to
; hseven s
Everything Ood gives us to do needs
to he done.
Christians get along faster when
they travel in pair* s
God's fire In the heart soon melts all
tba lead In the feet. r‘
Whoever take* Christ for a topic will
goon have him for a guest.
The better we know the Bible, the
plainer Ood can talk to us
If we tslk about Christ wo will never
run out of something to say
It takes the man who carries Ood's
me**ag<- a tong while to get tired.
Many hear the voice of Christ before ^
they know who It Is that speaks.
Whatever Chrlat ha* given the church
to do, every Christian should glndly
try to do
Police Justice What's the charges
! against thl* man? Policeman Irn • Y
personating an officer. "What did he
j do?” "He walked up to a street ven
der's stand and look a handful of pea
nuts” Ciit'-ago Herord
A Virginia Taper Wrought to Term* tig
the American Hook < ompany.
A di»f«tlch from Norfolk Va. *ay*
“The American Hook company of New
York ha* Junt gulne-l nidgmil victory In ti e
court* of Virginia and ha* received an id
solute nud complete v mdlcot Ion after a long
and exhaustive trial by special juiy In the
' Circuit court of thl* city ‘the pilot new
i paper of thl* city, upon the awarding of
the contract for school liook* to the Aun t
lean Hook i ompany printed u long arte .*
written aud prepared hy P. I-. Myid.iui
agent und attorney fortilnn A I o , ol N- *
York, in which it vvu* cl urge I that ii.e
slate superintendent had lieu hrit-vd l-v
the American Ilona compos The Pilot
was Immediately sued fur lllie . aud, alter
a live week* trial which <i.<at--d an nu
liienke amount ol iuleiesl througlioul the
stale, a verdid for punitivc damage* win
recently awarded and the Jnr foiinit tin'
the statement* made were lal*« and *
deliberate ld.#l Not onlv mi, Iiui it*
company upon un!ni| aochahle evnleic e,
wa* proved to havadead honorably aud 'd>
rightly In every particular lu their negui »
tliin* w ith llie stale olllclal* ll '.va* Mirth
•r proved at the trial dial n twitter term* t
had lawn mailt’ with any i.tb»r elate for
o Iw In fa. I, Ilia attorney genet id
of Virginia elated that thu Amuri.'an #<«>•*
rompaiiy eeamed lollirnw t<|am tlialr wlime s
liuaiueee lu lie,' un.l after lull ami lomph'le
e % am lual n.n of all the original ewnlNM'l*
nia.le with the etuiee nn mpijie»rd
hlmeelf a> alwnlutely ►*»!I»tl«-I thu the
|.i i. ue wuie the •ante lu all caen* aiU that
lio illo rlnilnatlou whnlet er l.a.I laeflnah
agalltel Ihe elate of Virginia t'urlbKatoie
ha menllonial dial none of II a e.aUtUienl*
nf the A mem an Hook iniiinany ha I In®
adopted until every one of them hail lareu
aho.liiielt verlllnl hy direr! rnferenee In i
thegoveruor> oi aninefifteenetnlu. wiili
whom lamlraete l.a.l been nia.le Tide
proved i .in luelvelt ihai thelapriwnatellone *
of the Ao.ern ao Monk 1*0111 pany were fir
ret'l lu loin Thin relel.rule.! ,'eee hae thue
amletl to a roui|ilela lu every re
•1*1 for the A merit eu Hook ."impruyeitd
haa thown In ntvar rolltreel the ulaeu anil !
| buemeee Ilka loelhude lu whti-h they ran*
1 on tbeli great loouatry a* .>.u.pared with
; Ihe attempted uee of polllh’al pinto euil
I tulealaleu eut* hy their opponent* " • At
my. I ill mi '
Untie, itin.Hate breedin, l» in* ol the
»eutee nl evened pruliie wtih ehmi|.
Seal) ed lha I nn.Ion ne»i|«|«ri laf
then irlul layer lu Herman)
tiete UlNieetl let,
M.ea I'aalter let divine eereme, win* 11 e an good of Mr Sire alto
o go to lha eeeiaianee of that old p»h
tlentuii w Ho feinti d and do you nolle* |
How deftly he make* Hi* way tn and
out of p» toe without lUiumin aiing wot
luely J
Vlr* beater lie la entirety 'iw
grateful about it. He rnuet havo had
a 'tual deal of pi ai'Moe going nut t o
tween the aeta at theater* S V
Ike loan aim *»<.»*• to a ♦wan.I *ieey««
the •t*H» tfcat M'|4 wUim« kfti |m l*«i| I
III ll»« !•#*»« ,