The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 27, 1895, Image 1

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.. . V(M I.III I- CITY. HHKHMAX ror.NTV, Xi:itHASKA, l it) 1*AY, HKI-I'KMKH 37, 1HOO._NUMBER 30
Till* Nok'l IIWKS'I KKN
«Mt *M • *
uno, M, imaaonoTOi.
Editor and publlahar
flflMI |1 10 par Ta«/, If FaU la Mvaaaa
tttfwtf ■ 3 t f^rmnrnm
BaM/vl a* tfaa Ia»|> OMy m*« 0,r *»*•*■
mUotoa Uiromgh Mm mam m »—'*<■
«i«M I/,*'Uf,
Half KwbiiMD NtwauiDir li iltrni Coontr
- - a . ~
For Dial. Judge l/ih Judicial. I>l»t
County Tiefc*t.
For Count* <T«rl*.
II. ,VI, HATKM, o/ Mtctiltald.
For County Tr*w>ur*r,
F. W. FC'CCF.IC o( HrUlol.
For County Jwlun.
(i. H. »O0rI\ of Coup City,
For MherllT,
It C. HIHMICCC, of Koikvllla
For Hupcrinlemhinl of Hohoola,
I), K. MOW KIIY, of W a»!i I ok ton.
For Uur*#vo<
* w A I,TICK MOON,of Coup City
Wir (,'oronor.
tjK.ltV K. IIKNDKICKMON. Coup City
Coup City Townablp Tlcltat.—Conla
llachthoh), Mupervlaor; O. II, 01 Non.
1‘rauxurar; .1 A. Alrtgar, A»»a*»or}
O, W. IIuntar uml W. II Congur,
•fuatlcau of the I'aacc; W.|>, French
uml W, |», «ee<c Conxluhloa,
Hixby'a open letter to Humuel
Maxwell In the l)ully Htute Journal
of Hept., ti lth., wn* a hummer. We
will reproduce it in our next inane.
The only thing Hint the editor of
the Time* he* been able to trump up
aguiuiit F W, Fuller I* tlmt he In a
,e*ldeiit of (iiile*hiirg. Illliioii, and
that i* a fiiluohood.
The weekly report of II. <1. Ibinti
A, Co, diagnoaeN the trouble wllli
thi* country dearly and aouutntely.
We muat buy more good* at home
and le** abroad or gel Into trouble.
The Tune*Independentcaifte out
in a little wpilb I not week advialng
ua not to get peraonal during the
campaign now on, and all tin* in
the Name Imnuu which contained a
column and a half of peraonal mat
ter directed to iin.
Republican* are more than plea*
ed with the hearty reception that i*
everywhere given to the candidate*
on their ticket lor tire varum* oltl
cent. They are *11 atroug men, *«
laettd with an eye to their apodal
lllui NM aud competency for the po*l
thin* to which they aaptre.
The editor of the Time* Indepen
flttlll III irillMlK HIM OIIUlUaillHIII Ilium
foHiud in Him ri |iutiliuttii convoutloo
on tlio 11 Inal., for "inurroara and
mumbling* of dlaaatiafaollon I'm r
fool. Mow badly ho will got loft on
olaution day. That dream bo bad
two wook* ago about aomobody b*o
big nflor Ilia "Ufa blood" inuat havo
unbalanood lna mind rnora tliau waa
at Ural *ti|>|>oaod Ilia mind la an
badlv wrookod dial Ito oannot loll
A viaion from u r< allty."
, Tba .Tim,.a i|iiotod llio llavoniia
Jf. wa laat wook rogardlng tin* alory
Mild alimit ibo wagor batwoon l) 8
Maiiiaob ami a Ouator ucmnly altoru
oy, and iMnninauta»l mi it aa bomg
ii "daliy alory," In auotlior column
wo publiab a lottar from Mr llaiitaili
liihiarlt vorifying tin* sUtomout outdo
by Ibo Non a Mr. Ilauiaidi la bon
oat onmigh to omno out and aoknow
Imlgo boing Imaton and to |iay tbo
obligation at tbo dial *>|‘|>**1 tnnity
uotN itbalanding tbo odbrta of Urn
Tim,a to inako it a|i|ioar olliorwiao
Wo bav« rovolvod a 1*1tof hum
Win KnnImHi of \atiton. for |i*rbti
outbmibia wook. and wbiob muUiu
in! iimHoi uiuoIi Ibo auiitii aa ba«
Uofc to loro boon JiilMlahod ill tlioao
column* logardiug Ibo trouble in
tlio \ oroin, ami "I wbiob It at oiua
Mr, KnuU„n la bating itmro tbun
In* abaio \\ o iioolluo, hottvwr,
* l<« jiubllali any mmo of tboooitoa|um
\ii|«iii* uu tba aut»|i > t »uii|il\ lteon'**o
wo boltovo It id i«tUoi a |*ot»onal
mail*i ami abould bo a til* I in
• >iu*< olio t war than by oontiuuaHt
ad mg it tbmugh tbo uow apgooi*
: , |i nor* aro ant yiarttaa at Valtioti
wbo bare dono Mr KuuUo* an In
jttalti’O tboy alo'itld bo till* dr*l III
•at tilui alight
Kditor llrown In hi* I**1 week*
issue of the 'fluies allude* to V> W,
Fuller, candidate fur comity 'I rea*
urer on the republican ticket,** be
jug a resident of Halcsbiirg, lllinoi*.
Tlii* I* another of Kddic* loot vi*
|on« Mr, Fuller i* a re*|d*flt of
fiber wan county and li*» been for
Hie la*t ten year*, and i* one of the
lieavle»t to * payer* in Hu KHiltjf)
and will continue to be a resident
and lax payer whether elected to
office or not
The Hon, Hatnuel Maxwell In hi*
letter of acceptance of the tiornlna
tlon for the office of Judge of the
Hupreme court studiously avoided
•aying anything In behalf of the
populiat principal*, or to ev»n on
dor*c a tingle proposition laid down
in that blunderbill* platform erect
cd at Omaha, The truth i* Judge
Maxwell doc* not believe in the tom
foolery advocated by the pop*, but
wan'.* toalide into office on their
ticket and any nothing for or against
their party platform,
A little incident happened at the re
publican primary a week agola*t Fri
day that should have caused the par
ticipant to ha ig hi* political head in
shame, A certain person was norm
Dated for constable but rose and di
dined the nomination, giving u» hi*
reason that he was not a republican.
Not»iHmlnndinu Id* admission Hint
lie wn* not u republican lie attended
the primary all through and when
the polla ware open for the election
ol delegate* to the county conven
tion watched hit opportunity and
ca*t Id* vote for the delegation.
lion II M. Sinclair’* lovality to
the people end taxpayer* of thi*
di*triet l* beyond dlapuie, and h i*
loyally to the republican parly and
good government have never been
called iiujUCHtion lie j* alao one id
the ableat lawyer* in the ttate, and
during hi* abort career on the bench
lot* proven hltuMilf to be mm of the
heat Judge* we have ever had in
tbiediatrict. And yet not content
with being cla**ed among the nble*t
luwer* of the *tute i* Htill a very
e|o*e * indent of the law And i*
often eouucilud hy older luwer* than
What will you *»y about Satur
day* convention? where are you
now brother George? -Time* Inde
We will *uy that It wn* one of
Urn 1110*1 eulliu*ia*lle and lurge*t
attended republican convention*
held iu Sherman county for year*,
and we arc for the ticket from Mtart
to IlnUh. if there i* anything elm
that in praying upon your teeming
ly unbalanced mind out with it in
your next Immiic uml we will take
I plea*urc in giving you a *»tl*facloiy
Koi'kvIlJ*. N«Ur Hti|)t sfflib., iHtift
111i Noiumwi «m<N LuupUUy
Ut’Mi'Hir A w Mjjnr « ii> until" lit)
twi’Dii iuy»ulf uiii) Kin 11 Hi'li *% I ml, ol
Humor nmmijr, whilo I lutppont'tl m Im
in ItMti'iimi wlim" Mr Mt'Uwiiul wm> ni
• iluli'Uuli' fit* (liaputo urtlM w lu'tlit'i
I 'm l Hlinllx wn» ii nii'iiiln*r nl ill" I'Rtil'
mil in Urmil nr llny»‘ ml in In ■ *1 ri«t Inn
I »uM Im tvu» lu 11 in nl' r mill Mi
Miiliwlinl »mM Im w,t« hi Mr U-*v •' ml
in Hi i»l nil inn Mr Hrliwlml I* u H inlghi
rnpultlitmil mnl I mu Jiimi h* •iruliiln u
I popUil»t, trill III" nil" 1 In*l ln*t »ltnulil
! vnl" ill* ntiu'r |niity»' ll"k"i A hl»
; lory w.i* pi mini nl mnl It w •* itniml
Hint Mr Mnliwlmi wit» rl|{l»i I w||i
iiinki' my wonl guttil olion Nnft’uiiu'i
"11111** llllll till" til" I "Jllllilll'MIl lll'kfl
jiiit it* I "»pi'«t in) irluiul MnKd mil t"
tl*V t* t uti'il III" |iii|illll*t III k«*t 4ml In'
ln«|. ll, It IIilllti ll
In tlu< Oi lulmr l**ui' of Wunl mill
H’Otkti mnl *>lilt’ll Hi t III ll (link*
I* tlu> I’illtm «i Ami Ilit* fulliiwiuM
III" lUnk nl AdtltiWi A*4tmi, Noll,
Aui|imI Htl l>#v Tn H"t In II, link*,
i (i"nr njfi A*vii* nf yuui uibnriliMi
| wliu uk* * nil-"I luldfuwl In >uui wmk
mnl Ii 11u tuMlwtiklii l iiili t»n yuur
pli 'lift l'*ii* I lii'M In mk tun in* Mt'n
"lMl wt) w inti kin,l n| it ImII Mini tt Inlxi
w* niMy i tpfi l In Hilt, lit* WBirr, l> Hi
w .it • uf Hi* *UI" nl \itiiM*i I wnli
tu k* >>w In lt'M<tiil l* Mt* Minuttni uf
! Hull,Inn it i in n "k|t*vl *ti «* In (»*
!t in uni•wltwt lu |uii|lti)f mu wluit'r
MMln It* W* HIM lUtltltltM I IM ft < • It
i "Ml* nl iv*liltuuu In I" « lilt plUilt "I
lliulttIIIv tt " I MII l*lm Mittiutl Ml.) HllUtf
tint In Mlntml tn*" llxpiiitj | ant Uni
nkiiiM f t* intuit *ml kintnMUM yutt lit
Mill Mini" lur y mu i*|t|y I huimiiii
itiuiMtiult II ntuuitt i, t t'hln
Ill’ll It" pUltll *lMl*tl In Unit Mini
II nlk* Mini «Un III mu l Allli tli*>
lltnl 14" "mull*inti* ttnitlil I# turn*
Hunt* lx lilt «^|U ultniMl IlliriMl* In
* 11 I Inti Mtitun f.M tin m tl Id ii ni
t4r** yt mim, li,*m,lt"(j l**4>) !*>t I ti, lln
IttltH **l 4mm ptinxii i min i mnk > <
, mn | tni Min' i.itt ytttii (mmi
mK TIIOIWAM0 tiopr
III IHM IlhInk that »*• the year,
I'olekl Mill Hanker Wb'bola «aeh drank a Pla**
</f >K««r i
Mike wa* a candidate for Hhorniah county a
AMI Ofi bln far e there abown a aiolle of pl*aa
A« Nlchola pave tocampalpn fund mat twenty
To elect Mike I'olekl trcaatifel H ll A Jai k
•Mill folloW
And the fai banker watche* and ae< » now Pot
akl llckUa,
Now la loy chance for Iota of county fundi
think* Nlchola,
llartohder two more Intern our throat* are
awful dry.”
Hay* Nlchola loud unto the waiter, all no apry
And lima the hanker who no very fair,
llrow Mike Into hi* woven wnh and aim re
After they drank ayaln aaya 'Nick when
you r aba ted
Von moat have my iiank an a depoaltorjf •*"
levied "
All which ay iced upon Mike want Ida way
And wan elccnd irei/aiirer on election day
And county fuiela were Ity the treumrer Jack
Afterward" turn, d over to him Without objec
And a* tin y counted out the looney Jackaon
That he had nulhtfed with many an acbolnk
Heuauna In Nlcbola hank aome fumla he'd had,
That Nlchola bank wan repined to he had
While yet they talked three county "dadn"
came In,
And aald to depoalt fwnda with ' Iflck" would ho
a aln.
That the People‘a Hank no doubt would hum"
a* quick,
A« Nick could yd of fund* hy fraud or trick
K.nouph to make It pay him for the mlaery,
Of a few veara Innldo a penitentiary
Pub.kl waa warned hy farm' in uml other men
Hut all Ihelr warnluy* fair, I'MaWl deride*
A few week* later with the People * hank,
A* tnoupli In nuance circle*, It held Hr l rank
He depoalt,* county fund* until A' non I* reached
Had ini'll hut known- Polakl would have been
And ao It wont until "Nick" aald it muat,
Then nuddenly the People* bank went boat
Then Polakl went atralpht wiiyui a yrnat pace
To I,onp and Mathew all red In the face
And Loot and Hein and Polakl toenther
Curably Ihelr luck and ihehlauu ddry wealhei
Comiluiled all homiamnn they would ane
And hy many hip aulta make preat ado
Mr, no Otic would notice MUo* I'owkl to blame
And they'd hire ono tJn<eti n«t unknown to
Ami prouecule with vlyor llm rnucully Nick
Ami do llm whole think mo confoundmlly 'thick.
Atirf have u yr,m trlul ut itn nwful cxpotiue
Audi Ini' nIiow tlic peofiln Hmlr miirveloii'
Ttm reunit'd llm trlul Nick" wont to the
lint Hie people did not k<‘t Hmlr *A <»«• ukiiln
And they auk Hie ijueulloii lu Mike eufn to
When he depoultu our moniiy III u hunk Hint
will him "
Ami afti'i- Im u told liv the furrncru uml men,
Tlml hunk would ku ■ ■ Intnt*' aitalii uml iiitulii
Ami uoimi way Mlke'u tricky" Mill uome 'lie*
for wale,"
That three republican dailu all uoleniu uml
pale -
In January uotHeaient In the year lift,
Had uulil Nich'd* hunk could never eiirvlve.
And called for the Hindu and told Mike toutore,
Then eufe In Hie vaultu and run rluku no more.
And reifueuted the popullul county hoard
mem here
To meet them at once and ->cc the hunk render*
A uiatement of county money on hand,
And either ueeure hy a pood tnortirako ou land
Or turn ever the money without any delay.
Tim debt, nond*. am) county warrant* to pay,
It tu «uld that HoUkl and Hein aukkeuted
That Nick uo doubt hud the money Invented,
That It wau nil uafe and Nick ’ wu» u man.
Had utood liy the parly uml would dolt uuulli.
And the hunk Ituelf hud friend* not n hrw
That were popullule luilli tried and true
Amt to Inveutlkate "Hick*" hunk
Would he rcyardvd ou too ruck,
Ami uo the taxpayer* money'* k»im
To uupplv it* place the farmer* work ou
Ye* work for Holukl -work for I-ou
I'ntll your wife * neither dreu* nor *Uoe
Work ou work mi it will not be limn
lie fore you’ll ueo you're III the wroiik
Votlak for men *o very ultek.
Who foot the people by a trick
Ami when they’ve lout the county uionei
l.auith In Hmlr uleeve " *n very fuuiit
Aiul uuy ’ we urn camthtate* acwlit. ’
Ttireukhour own cute Untefiierntalti
Vote for I .ou vote for Mik*
Vote a* often w* you like
V ole tor them you pay the lav
Hear the yoke and bend your hack*
Miami from under.
A phoImp Unit nwlliMt of llljalilv dill
Ilvuteri land for »al*». l*rtep fvUiki.uU.
I Kor lurilier tiurtUuinr* call on or ail
| ,lre.». t i'IIMi A lUMi'H.ifUia
at l.ou|> t'llv,
mm- or EXPRESS
All > <(<(" • <11 ( Kirill ju.iiipMy
•(Umdiul i"
ay I, MAKCY,
' 1 L
Nidi. I'liltlin »i|iior«, l.onji i;liy, Mali,
'Ey ,/lI mi:
* flttnriiBU-at-LBtt/,
rMinxl improvn't Imolt for Nftll* A»»<1
money fo Rmii on m»tl
M)LT CITT, » - IIBIim.
Vuruil ure,
Worn Hide Public Square,
hoot Own, • <Nw»
l»r. Price’* Cream Making Powder
World'* Pair IIimIk hI Medal and Diploma.
t"' I ■ . - ;
Arcadia, M< Alpine, Loup City,
Hhniipp Siding and Ashton.
main omen at i.ori* city
All grain Ictuled to Me Alpine or
Heliaupp Biding ticket* are to bo
I in in n ted ui boup City or Atbton
ullli'u und receive wluit tbe market
price i* at. tlioae *t.atlon*. Call and
Hie UN before celling olnowbero.
■inn. ivilJ.i) uuxvji,w.
llr. Iluinphrrve' IfNlin are sclentlBoally
*ixt carefully prepdlkd Item tulles, used for years
In private practice ami for ever thirty years by
Out people with entire success. Every single
b|«cldc a special euro for the (Unease named,
an, wwim run raiosa
1-Fcvrra, Congestion*. Inflammatlong. .94
V - IV orttia. Worm Fever, Worm Celle... .9
a—Tnrtlilngl Cello, frying, Wakefulness .4
4 lilnrrlii ii, of fblldri’ii or Adulta.I
A - llysciitcrv.Crlidiig, llllleua ..1I
A Chol«ns Blnrbua, Vomlthig......... .4
9 Concha, folds, llronchltls.. <9
M Neuralgia, Toetbaclui, Faceacho ... .1
ft lleudai hea, Hick llcadaclut. Vertigo. .4
IU Ityepepalo. biliousness, <dinllpallou .1
f l-Hupprnaaed or I'uliil'ul Periods. .4.'
19-Whiles, Too l'roftout Periods. .1 >
13 Croup, Laryngitis, Hoorscncsa.I
14 Hull lfhciiiii. Erysipelas, Eruptions. ,!
18 ItheuniulUtn.or HheumatloI'alus.. .!
IU Malttrltt. t bills. Fever and Ague.!
iy-PIlea.Hllud urbleedliig. <! ■
IN, BoroorWsakEyes. . . .11
III Criinrili, Influensa, Cold In Ute Head . >
40 Wbooplug l ough.
41-Asthma, Oppreaaed ..
94 Kar lilachaigea, Impaired Hearing .9
9S—Hcrofula, Knlargud elands. Dwelling «'
44 tJeneral Debility, Physical Weakuosg
fil-Itropay. and Scanty Secretions. .4
90 - Nen-Hlcbnuaa, Sickness from lading .4
97- Kidney IMscnaun.. •!
9b Nervous Drltlllir......
•Jtt dor® Mouth, or canker..
30- frluary Weakness, Welting bed. .
31- Pelulul Period;.. ,9
39- Itlaeoaesoflhe Heart.Palpitation].1 >
33- l'.pllepay,Hpu<inu. bt. Vitus' Dance...1.' 1 I
34— blbblb®rla*' loeraledBor; Throat., .11
3A-I broule l ougeelluus B KrupUoui. .4
“77-DH- HUMs^Sfrv.s’ for r aip, 2B°.
Pul UP In small bee lea of pleasant pollute. Just
Hu yuur y«mi (h At Wilt
•oil fcf l*rttf «*•»•. **“t •*» NMlpI ot trio*
I»h III sit MAhlb IU«UAI. UakJautl,/ lu*iln4f»«d
uiifuiuir **u. lUk, I a a hi «tuiu» u®, vk* *»mm
Tb» l. li. f la UlilHcdlaUW the cure Oerwue
MlOBtWOTb miAk»1?q,lfg!f
bag l| Utusiwo,•* wil ,.■»( us i*.i.i «l rrtta.
bl*r**> •" Hau.ttb.llt ® US KuuaaSt.. ksetsrh,
lb, |'rk«'* Cronin tUklng l*uwtl«r
Must I'erfstl Mad®.
Ouirk Sales and Small Profits.
I hmr n nUivk nf w itlnli diiit ul>n'k wltiiti t tuiugM '
nt tt t>n*>kiw|>t unit* fur littlf tl*«» rugttUr |mtwt wttii wilt |tf« tttv htowh ifc*|
I'.mllt uf Utl» ^tlitl tmf|(«iHi MUtl will ll*l t«|Mtir wotfc #t lit*
I .11 '.i ii h ii |>lU'w* ! . On »» \t O il »
limit ii.ite**. mu null m«ii iwimti >»•* *> mi kn*4». # »•» ••
H.i m>. <. *tmt, pi i» i »>< i'nmiii, t*. t*iii*ink >i mwl It (net dll WWIH ‘«****
lin w*» Until w h iti ml* |.|lf*« We » Ut i*«i itte dttem e»l»t KIWlMW Wl
41mlKivu Mlutmlt'iit >'• 1 i»|uette*l
I it... Inn* OiMln. * n-lm Oitn n| HlnlllM ‘ ltV‘> mi l lM4 t‘l**» NtlMtMt
»!-»*, Itiiuileit, Wktiii |*m ii*, Hte.1 »l> tv* t Mum*. IMm, *ml wt*niklim
Uisil iihi in >1 unit, il |xi « liinnr I tun mr t* l> u* ii||»usil 1# l.i*M|* l It*. tt*
tut »i< ti ill tl«. mu t nit'* t.lli.'* \tt» |m» iW«t |i i. | Ullu OiU #imnl i*|'inllmt
III 1 in e.itli 1 iti I gut ttuiiimtii WeU ut Mi tn" t'tit»*i, iiilv i» mitt ftt’Utw,
YwHtt in t'l' i-i A. ItOON !•'. t tl«i .le n eli't met I l|ittv'tAU
W J | tMltktl llM» k. ttk Mtt IIOI Mi.
\ I tut i« \ »M‘i Niititi ISiMK I*wMI»Imm I lit I’* ttt Sum MW M t»Hk !
I'islicu IIIINM'lliiTKH,
tt / s. t: v it t Tt: . t u m
1 m lint \ t to. yr'a v
t'.im | \N it.l, 1 i' 1 tri| i‘ t ivriifMttsI |.rtu«U tor S«U»
Great Barpias Goring, the Month of September.
Come to sec me before buying elsewhere, I can save you nionsy.
Repairing <loue In a Aral class manner and on short notiee, and at
priced tower than ihe lowest,
Loup City's Reliable Jewslsr.
Per Dozen
Cabinet Size•
Mingle Person to be photographed
Groups 50 aditionai
[Until Oatobsr 5th. ’95.
Loup City Gallery open every
Parlies wishing to have I’ictures taken will please call early.
Remember the days!
M. LBSCHINSKY, Photographer.
_ _ _———a
D. C. DOE, A.r. uuiiusx,
Vice-President. Uaebier,
General Banking Business Transacted.
Capital Steak, WOO Oua.
Loans on Improved (arms at NON pee oent. Beat Oontpanp aad beat tenw
to be had In the went.
rvinnieai Rational Banki Raw York dtp, N. Yj Cull
IMioaal Bana. Omaha. Rehaaak*
l-w Catidogue is a gruml portfolio of nil the latest end
styles of Organs suit Pianos. It illustrates, describee,
ives manufacturers’ prices on Organs from $35.00 up,
lanoa from $150 up. l ..bows h<>w to buy at wholesale
from the manufacturers, and save over 50 per cent,
Guaranteed for >< yr*., have been played and praised for nearly
to-day they are the most popular instruments made.
SPECIAL TERMS ol Crodit. tramod to ouit tho timto.
tkit grand boot it tont FREE. Wnto tor it at oaea.
a # . rBfiwZfti
Insist on ag|
in packages “***■■
t i n. inun- tlun mlfiK'i p-uk-iRC mkU
never spoib the iknir, keep* soft, And it *«i
ut\M(v jiMmmMtAl pmt\t m /A* wxU.
MAc mi} *y CUUACX A CO.. New York.
, , MAkriNMniwrtkm.
, , «>.>» In Hm m4 IIwb.i Bwm> o# wlirth >»»«i IHAA
. —. ■ ■■ .....-- .. .■*»
tiHst Cuts' RtGSttHV Turns Rlhhys oh hunts
TW U'nt of oaro takon of iior** |*Iao»hI in our onro,
'1^pSwj.V • « A. KOI.TR, IVprirtor,