I k Paralytic Cured. MM l0,a*4l*/U*i, a »*«*h.W*M»f •* m*r »*a mm **•*•*, mm, w*e *» PfiMfti*, Y** t*< PMt4 «•»» •Mw M ,» n»,»i4 m»*» i lAH* a ii,.„,4*/l*At tr 4, a >i**r tut * gU/M* >4 o*i*tf*M '•*•* *4 Me Y/*>,* 't ¥/*/*. ifm wall known tt/m/nn *»' ♦ 1/4,001 »o4 *144*1**/, At tHA W**hl,g •/41 •4i *t* y**/* »*/, ***/n1/,gif In i"ia,*' i,**li1/ Wlmn I,* »w"H* hi* tafi a)4» »a* 1410*1,04 l/f 11,0 4* 14 riling >A I/,* >■•/ 0** T1/0 l/,utr*l*w*f tu„/gh< *¥' M* ¥f*i* in g*t Urn 1*/ /i If* **• In i*/0Klng (,»//), ,1 *n In hi* •'*i> P*r "Urn hr*/ *l,/mk ' * /n* **1 f a<44*r1 4/*i,-h*4 wl/h r»ln I w*ni 1*>/im la a f*ry M/v/AM »/*/* Tim I**"!! *»* * 10'‘4,4 *n4 //)/A* **101* 0h"‘ H, */'*/ /* 1,1/ h tnf l*ai *iu/ *i/4 Mg wit* !/'*' th ally ImlfA/ *0 "Mf gt*1/41*'h01, wh> w»* a 0/A4I0/ In ,i/t H*///4//il///,*if W»r, */>A v/*t */> Aim In /1m *<1 nggi* In A/n*tt> *n fa»4* f*i,/,,,„* 4)*4 A/,*iif o1 pMiAlfi'm mi 1///I4, »ti, 41*4 >,t i/*i*/f»i*, Alih/mA' It »«» "4/,1,11- 0/04 win, 'Almi IrooM** *t/4 tv, 1 1,0/1 */,//*, H/,,,w\04g0 '« •’*' *• 1*1 >1/*l*/ i*r ',1 th* 4 )**»»» wh!‘ h I* h* 1*4i'*if hi /Ait fHt/iUf AH*/ lh» A** >4,4 0I1/* 11 I l/*,H W*r/il/ig, 1»i, 1,1 *2‘ l4/,l,*IAH/f, a thirl w,0 "Ain*,*/ , y*rfilling tjn4*r tha auri r»< !*,,,fi,m*ii4*4 l>, m* *ti4 1 ir\*4 all th" i*n,/4l** that 40111*4 IIH*If to Ao *ny S/*,4, *i*,iii/My, in****g* *n4 *tm'l*l it*, hut in m, • 0**i ‘Th* ,4,If thing I toonA lhal h»l|>*4 tim waa l/r Wllllain* t'ink FIHa, *»4 I fully h*ll*ra Ihmt If II ha4nf lm*n t',i Hum* fAU* I wool4 hava 1m»n 4**0 f**r* *gn, "Yarn, I »UU h*v* a all*M innfr,4*r MHO mV i* > * arm In not «» *< rout an tb* other and «W left foot /Iran* N little, *» tb* pnr*U/*la f«*/| the efte't of d»*/J*rilnn the nerve* Put I run ntlll wain u good dl*u wlib a p«pul* H i. hi I Pin baa Hrntahed to Helhi* dt> • ibiHletate aid how o.aiii ul olbei .*♦ Him.loallullV ti doe* out kuuw ► .I.laud baa d»iuou«iraivd that aptrtt* •re not e»' etaary In mid muntrtee bat'M b««MWi* ptbetteollr • n*t*l ob »tinone* itMklrt Tbla Mango ku been eVeited unde* luenl wpMon and wanaa anbreoe »KV)I/ WORHHII'l'KRfc A W/r TMAT riAtmfMB* #• •(*»• »•< ••••A*##*** <»/«(►•(# trm+llr»m mm* C**4««4 • < !• »♦»»» •*»« "MliihMM Afo4 MaaM" t# *♦* ♦MIa «f A book Wttl/ fc lA ;-»•* A//W UUvttfig ttU^fc AM*»-»U/rj l/> l»ArlA 'fM A»0»y/r. /ut«A MlAtA. >r*A*A At M*«Mfc "♦ «»* A*'t, Wl/i'b. hit »^/tl A«M.r»A, l»A»A A I/Afcfc* Beetle* !«#•*#•# /•»••»« / •trong fooling •»< dm I ime h '*|d**» Miya tba >*w fork Haiaid, In bflaf It la the hit lory, alma, manual and ritual of tba Idaboll*!*," or wnr •tripper* of tl«e arab Wand, kb-at of Ita detail* ara not only ImpoaaiWc to arlfit, but Iwyond p*r*pbra*)ng, J, It. Huy ton tin* bn* wrlllan a pra >, # to tba work, and enough from thl* la quoted baiow to plainly *bow the ahara'iar of the ami and mope of lln< book, "For eotne Hina pa*l In Fran* a, a* an In Uoma, Iba Oil holla ebltfebe* ha*" bmm robbad of ibeir abaliaa# and Moat*. lioblMrt'g for tba value of Ha aa* rod ve**a|* ba* not baan lb" Inal I gallon of tbeaa Iheft* fba I'ballaoa, In tba majority of en«a«, are bui wa*b ad gold or aluminum, ami ibalr mom tary value wa* « poof (mentfve to tba deapollera to overeome an Innate reverame and fear of the a.'nrad iaa |f)|, "When theft for lbe purjmae of melting fba abalbaa and .reaJI/Ing their value In pure metal I* In!ended the eonaeerafed aonlatil* are Invar** bly turuad out of tba vaaagta on the altar e lot ha //r aomallinaa on Hie their, But In tbeaa ) *11 atouwmj Hull WM» linl Hi* r*al iimilm "Til*** (iffllll* Mil' IiiimIh «l III*. Ill* rli-rgy inuklii* iu> nlturl •" t*#'i>t»«* I In* •arrll*** In III* Imllmu I In- <|ili»ilull pnw |ir*M'iim Harlf Why • !♦«•*#* ii*u|i|*' mml I lir run mi mini IlimlnV Nu r*i>ly in l III* 1111**1 ton •* )*i**II»Im. mill Kk WK Mlllllll Hull III* lluKlM HIV Klulru fm Hi* |ili|"'k* Ilf li'llilf rill |i|n,ini toy Hi* mini'!** uf iuh*Ii AiiiI i mk Hi* IIukik i until only In* hkiiI imi <1ri lln»* rmnlHIvl'k f-r iirl* uf t**r rrulluii fm (ililliriK null Hifriniil ;uir liHUilr* a* mv fun ilily Ini in lu'llinv (lull Hit* llll'fl ||| • MI|II»UM'K III* l'»lKl •ui* uf *ninni*iu ‘Aiiuilin i|iii'KHmi iiuw hiImk Iiu Hi*k* |irul*l* lii'li ll* lu IKuIIIM*t «H'll|i* nr ilrinmilHi kI hkkim inHuuk mIui uni i tin ** I In f tk V Am a* Ink.t)«IM NMMlMkl |fuilf*rl*tiK m ItmanlMa* "Wr *11 bliu.i Hull III* b>M*iti w uf III* fn Ill'll nil Hit* nil Hi I* itlMlIrrt lliln Iwui mui|i* utir Hn< I in Ifritnn* a Im *iu In i* Ito* kto'l'*. aim |hi*m'k* * jmiu* • mil# • «ultra* uf i*n!innt*. wlui •f* III f*il, * I'Kinil) «M Hi* *M|H uf ito* \ • Mi *ii ( to* utli»r r*lu|i Ik iiiiii luaWtl Ilf •mall l*"l*i*il *• 'U|'» a mb In* alma m uiuIki Him liitrla** uf i *mu* ***». fultuwin* « i>*iKuiinl mul Itori* irKtn* in Iv im rrlallun Imiaimi Ito* a i ml lim "f I Urlfm lau* mill Hi • 111*11 i lli|U*K uf a«i«nlkl* "li**iil*K. itokir til*** mi* ilifli i M I.MrlftMlaiiK Midi* ito*I I U> Hm l» •utial in Admiat, itoai !•• !• Hi* Mml »*f tAm••• >to* |»mni|tf*illy w *11 itoai I in if* i Huh ton la* I* ito* |in»kiHto*il •nii*na*l Ito* l*ui|iim in aril, and ll la In full ton*a tada* nf IMa I ial lto*y adnt* tolui "biKiilaa, lit* toaianlda ara n»i i* du'K'l •• ito* ImlMHana In aimilina tonal* fur an «|"Ki#i* •*'*•* l* »l nay* ***•« iiiii il a* 11 ti itoalr llilla |ran*a lit* HtaMa pul* I «»m* ilrar I ff to tin inttnt 00 ihn* hn*- gd-rf-tf-i 11,• itoldnu* 'd 0 ti00*\M> “\ Kthit nrUti god “ttfUtnt*A *1*01)00 ' I I* inndt U nu goon 0i*0-1fh 0ll* lido <»* 00*00 of 0*i0uS*tu 00 foifowg, "\ ohkg * kH0it0oiif, Hoi*, »m, *<» plofB W0‘,O0U 00 1*0 0p"0U» »>*d high ptWn Iff 0 g-rnug* doming, two 1 0i,oo>i, Igl tn pt-n Initond tin- otgn'mt to iMn - noting Ht tin King 004 tint i 1*w0d Pf ll* tio-on/,-hint• Moo II V, III0t0i»kg, who tntiiomitmtpd ill* iUnhtonoU' god UwddMwf tot'lo noittothug Kotin King god gltinoing l hw 'gtnml tUn-iglM*,' to II* wot A* of lit, 4**1*001*00, "?>*«« u,hKiltdnf0l*n*d ptn-ofw-** --t it OOW nt0 otn ootdn woonu wl0-*n grent *,***• ghto-o trill of ihmr ptood ggng," "?t* ptituS\m\ ooorug H0t0O0 dm riptn* t0 I ho woo,00 of 'oof- O rn,' 00 •I* * < #ll*>, ‘to hot In drlfgglfd II* Bwftd 4*dg of kitting It to - hihitt-o it*' toodnd for tou rSth*' 0101 #)»"*" ht-,+1 In dr-tok irf tho InomtUn 'to h*-r 0I0O In gt*no tho 100k, gU*r 0 it-riniu 10 fitioto of noth log tono to p/to thn ot dor god notoil 110-01*0-1*00 uodr-f ll‘‘ <1**110 1*00 o**r, "Tl**> tUnto 10 thn '0ontf0t: win* In *r»*i ttdghl hn inlh'd 0 d*-> tor 1 •** 0,00 001-10*0 01 -fflgiO Iff0000-0 Intt not il* higimnthwt honor 10 ' 4nlnggtnd to tl*n Mhgl I " |'|* Mn*I In If* I*ti*d of 0*0 wholn I go- lot/ Iff 0*0101« gloof 0'*d ouiulp**' 1001; 01, 1,0*0 0tii*0fh*itt*0h god Infill o,0o, lioprniHOHif god uoMppr-M-h 0hl* "'ll* h*0l Mug! W00 Ur. .lohitoofg, ooomdftnd 11*0 gift11**! f%or*'\0t of 00010*0 ittufg nod 00 grdfoi hflu-ur god futihtnl followft of Viol rim uo Thu trthuln to »«!»#. twfrtH'kvti monk, trim nnlly Inli'o ,Un nil iin- mlt Inn, Vrumn, '(nitt VlnmiN in Innki'rt n|imi !"•<•*>' «•* *“ pi'ninn, tint In In'llmnd to ronirol ilw nnlonn him1 UwiimIiIn nf Mm HMflifill frmn llw* Uri'iii ltdyomi, Tim fnllnwliik Mli'iniN «N' from Ilrn ili’tnn m'llil*'* ninlioillniS In iltn Hnl* Uni romfnii'ln', I, I iiU)nn- Impllnm nml I'lnimniH fnllU, I ripuiUnU- olmtUonii' to find. t ilnuy Mi*' ntn't'iimnnlit, I *»*•*'• My mimI *NWwilnKd to tin• I'l'lmi' of ftm-km**, I will w'N»|iiii, My Inlili nml lin|iil»id, In- rnli k Hd «|«liIt itnl wi'lfni'w; *»> lil"i HI ild< • hi | w i i'll I; |>y I'MIiMi'ii, lid- mil inn I, nml Uy Hi" (iniIiIiim. nil wni'Ully mimhIn, 7, I'li" idd|ili)ii nil'll •.ii** ‘'Mi inii'li my nmni' mil, 'i Mnlnn! fimii Hie Hook nf I,lh ln»iilli" my mum nn Hi" Hook ot Id'iiiir H, 'lld'ii Id* or nIi" mliU; "I |ii " In nink# |i|"ii4inu m-h i lil* « ** in i In - I will »ln> iniuili nil) "mil inmilli, nml d*"r) fmmlulii un mi fnr iin in <■»i'ii : ilrlnk ilm IiIimiiI nf ii tminir «'l»ll«l?” II IniNlly. Hi" in-wly liililniiil • rl"* HIM; "I Will* * * HIM I I INHlfi'*« m> • iim dnllM'ly, mnl I nIihII ffiinrd nn "ii'i'nni i.U"m« mi my ildiillnun will) IIii-n, i* HimII!" Tim inlnlii’Hilmi nf iin* "Mimk JIhw'1 Ui —IntHv U lt»a« i.*1 wlilt a .Malt HMi'fc at *a»l«i*i* l« ll*a laalaa ami i.ia|.i.|w#a t.f i'<»« Hi **m* ral lltal I ui law amtaimaa will I* tft*a« Ika I ' ir It Hi',hi** Hf* nll*g*4 If, I,* I**, 4 Uh j Hii ; h'l.hiily i,1 Y/imi hn4 am) Violtn* In H Uo‘k iloigt <4 (wit,inn* Ih* (ft**' HP, 4 HHIHIi H ; Ayiirtgnga* hi tni )< l« p**n h goni wtih h • huiiihii (hi *. Hlt*Mily *$*IU it by Hfiin* \4m nAtmry Id mum g** Inuitumill hf jniimma mi,4 MfUftMlI Iff Ihul Jinlnf Aurlug l < vn#f an „ flonrmhlng low n huA grot ii p Hi* i*rmUinu in whUU Ih* '*>*aa - mu ilrlw-a Uml lunl Im-hu going ‘ii AtAUrli* w*i* utrn*A On* nlghi Hi* T*mm* mi U* (trim* war* In (or alilpnii'iit, anil ih* I'owlMifH w*r* i‘*l*hrniliig Homt u( th* 'l'i xiin* liail a grinlu* na'il rial Mi* oth'i’rn of Hi* town, mi4 no they l'i)in* In t>r*(iur*A lor trotilil* ami iln-y M'l nhoni making ft Mlrnlgliiwiiy. Tim)' k111"<) ill* ,41 y niaralnil. Urn n i lli/,"ii, Ktli'/ wnn In tin' lUiiirf ImII mill Hi*' limit Junt klll*'nr follow. Imi I hi mint litre yon miv lM*pn." "How n hoilt the iiimii win* nlint mi*,’' mi 1*1 llu- "nwlm/, "Ik In* itemt'i" "So," mihwer -ii Hi** *|n*'lnr, "In' won lint even wntimleil," "I know li*'li*'f thmi that," mill i iii' row hoy, "I know he wan till, I wim iIplit I*/ the nlil*' of lilm win'll In- nlidl in*', Mini Imfort* I f*'ll 1 Hr*'*l in»!'•, l li. H lit til.i- lilt till wlllfll ll»u Ku •'«•) <«*u iim Imtf no) I nf ii it trio lu Intro 11 hi f nun,i ,g llu MmirM, ilml of kin* lug, iiimJ wlirii Kiif IkkUn ul iIn- iiikiiIIi ,f it im 11 v« woinuii ll In fvtilfiil llmi im km nl.iiKi't i iin aM miglii iik| hf |ilf««ni>i, fur ilif luwir lift in iKviiml Willi IMIlMlng Oil Hlf lltNltlf, W tilt'll lllllkl ll II tfl) | III III f III K|M'IHllK|l litii whin will in it ii woman ilu in lif lii luklilunV lii Sfw Zmlauil m imilif wiinmii wmilil iia niiiiii iMull iif ilia 1'iiifcliig wiili ln'i inliiMU'il uiiilfr H|i (IN nli A lint'll it II lifllf wkhIiI I ll Ink of it i*it111,g IMI llllfllNlilKl'ulilf Ihiiiui'I. l lu nnilifN nn» ift> gffw ilmgilf, imi |,inf imi Imrirtl ilif liului if kikkllig; IlmliHtl, I lit'* IliK'W I Ill'll' II u,a u'kiiimI fill'll in .■•**», til'll (ilfN* lllg Hull IlKkfll iKgl'lllff, lliulf lllflr l lllU 1111 ll till iluWII, liiuklng III Hlf huiMf l ling ii friNMillig kuiiiul wliii Ii In I Ml tiff ll 1" NMlI ill*' Kt'i’Nklull, lu'lug M iuii Mill if m in til • itt I Hlf ml link illtnl kiln • lu) Inwl ilif I, lull nIwn)n mim w lull mi!, for II In ililfUtlml in nuiif) Ilf lllft* Ilif ktUlfW Ilif) limn fill Ml Hull mim in I Uui Minn iwu MiikiIn hum t lift mlik lllflr »|N'*n# im war i lull# Hif taiifr if inn mImi iikftl iin wHiking ainilk lu Hif giminit «• u aign Huii Hif) an Nl iHuiif w I Hi mill uHirr unit Hun throw IlifH arniinvor mi h uHifr » aiuuiiilfiN uml mil imam lunuMkia Mugioltif l i,w|llMiilli| tfe* Narlkti William IV uluf Mlrtmtril Minarlf f11,1*1 n illMi'till) Nfl*r n Imi Mmk "Tuki ana* llmi muring," aaitl hit I ,h ii*t) in a wallgr, iHiluilug Ht an cm,) 11 Mu Hf whit'll kiiNul tt|HUt ihf in hlf “Ihai nun Hif' aahl 4 I'ohmol ul ilif marl urn who *a# iwragni |Hua ii'ii umIran i«m|aii« no gmutg I* itla it* a marina* "Voa, iri*»r*l Hta kin* 1‘ullHi* I'liua* If luafHtri I it,mi i, it. an) II ha* H"0# Ha tltii) iNaa amt la Mill i« t« of t liriktinn rff<»rl ** wsll •» uf monsy In tlisss *t tempts to eon »srt < liiiissr who won't be ooffvrrtrd nml wlisthsr It would not Im mors pros' inisi ** well k* mors < hristlsn to son ssnirsts soms of this sffort sod monsy Upon Mis bontllsi. ui. ,ul very iloor* who know neither < l»tl*t nor > onfuclas • Chisago Tribune, t c ninrhon m*oiu»-** w v» *nr» « < ktsrrii Cur* i ur*4 «* of s »*ry bad > ' • top of log mountain, just W« of l>i«M*tou 'Wyoming county. I'n A short im> * ’n« A Imitou Mark »rni WiIjmw : I'sn u*. ji of Imf*/' stts college, sm*w g- ogtstr. *p‘-nt nilsyon the mom n uid brought h*/'k * fins collssi < i «.* tvs petrified bienlrew pomffof s “c.'iico* »r* of mammoth i/>- ■ i'cynold'* |>o**s«i*lon «. • urn . Hty-two Ini’h** long hy k w >i '• *ml weighing forty jwrni i Ik* ■< > - <«iii . isngs In *11 »!/*«, ' i/io*i oUllasle iou,h* It*-. 1 ' mi an r,«, l-exliuto/i Mo , Let, #, '• Lemon Juice applied to east Iron */■', dr* gives excellent finish to the sui i fare of the metal. It turns the portion ! of polished cast Iron to which It is up plied to a bronze Mack, and when touched over w.tli shellac varnish will absorb a sufficient amount of the var ! h»*b to preserve It To many lemon 1 Juice would sci-m to lie a weak and in effective acid for metal, hut everyone knows how /(ulekly a knife l/!*ih- of steel will blacken when used to cut a lemon, and the darkening of polished iron by the acid Is ve/y beautiful. "Massoa’s Magic Oeva •alee." i ley mnr ur nrin*4*4. AMl intffJf»»f fv* li* Pi p* I* «•«•*» I momm—--w-m A *»« Nfi' After laborious toll at constructing enormous and complex mechanisms by which telesco|i«a can be directed to any *C fi-**tv Vr. X ll»<-'» Ores* rrfe Uesierer. *•> glUsflerPie 6r*i •»»»’• *•* srveleus«ur<», Tree*Is* sail fitirjsltic*Ik- tt< •»**. ImM tei/r,Kliueysi am u*l.,l'leis.,i'fc The Atlantic Monthly for Heplember contains the first installment of a three-part story, by < harles Kgbert / rsddock, entitled Th# Mystery of Witch I ace Mountain. The second of hr John I-lake * historical papers has for a subject John H/nlth In Virginia, in which he reopen* vigorously the . discussion In regard to this interesting i character Bradford Tarry eontrlb- i utes another Tennessee sketch, Chick* i 1 amuuga, which will he of special - Inierest in view of this summer's mem orahh- gathering at Lookout Moun Inin Among other feolure# ere uuxtra: j A I'roteet, by Aguee Ueppller, Import* Ulli boob renew#, end tin* Contrfo iitor*'Muh. Houghton, Mifflin A Co., 1 lloktoU. ___ I alllug • Halt. \S nulling inn Mter "There # Junt one thing thet I went to ##y,” »eid the pro prietor of the new#|ie|ier to Id# men eging editor, "end thet ie thet we re been Itnpoeed uu lung enough." "Whet # the metier?" "We re going to turn overe new leef, If the#e pugiltate ere going to do their , fighting in the new»|i*|iere they'll here t<> j,*y fur ll the eeuie a# the heUiug |Miwder inuniifaeturer*." There I# no better inegealue for wl*e* Hint uiutber# thku HimmI Hou#e keening epi llig lleUl. Ma#» ll h»« lliuiie « big mere** III ,dl of it# depart- j nieulk. bill lt» flo.nuo reedri# are de ' Itgbird witlt the keriea of emigrant# | whit'll It hu# lertl publ eldng. In It# | hepleutbei laeu* there will leone on ; *tei popular a«i**rU#ei» ami edvertiae inente with a »erie* of valuable priae# | The pubiieber* wid#end e #eut|tle ropy . emit# nmg pertlruler* for -o rent#. brrtlethfc 1eee)M»n die edet Irnihet ill Allit-I ell! tone | ub hh e ue» Volume of 1 inte We#t* uf i nor atol eurtle ar* the tew ereal*»l e#f-eu*e« In llle_ L ',L J' M1 4>MI;N SI ACI S ng, lad* aed wit bit enb lie** ■ i. ..nil beue n to tbt baaltbt wuteae'a * rbt . ... aliMio > rib# alliMielk aod r i-e.it>* i • t fit.i l» Iht - M« and lb* Uhot and Moit t of ttaung a ntelly, ran twmi b* t»*.*4 ft* tb* (tot* lo lb# m. io.it * I*,# |lull «»*• tb* aadoM ut Mitel I* d fair atwl lh< #t f**ilHB* ••ale*** bat* lb*ll iim n« tb* d* •#»** e»*el» and tmgwUiilt** bnultai to m» or*o Tb* fuotttuval d> Itiuiwntlt. painful tllo'Obn aed - birhte MiahM***** of MuMtie. «aa be itUnl Mttb In reot'i I a to* it* Pt**# iipirno Tie tb* young aid feat «at#iiug ei*at*otn*id lot lb* Ut.d b* I MWt lb.■•# about t» WiotMt on to* ta, and letat *M tb* thaug* of life, ' III* l‘i**t *i|ith,o la |u*t Mbal Ibijr e*«d 1 aid# Malm* ie pupating |b* »t*t**e foi Hum * ** eta If* * te.ifl.lUf pttMttbad t f*u »bm» »•*»*. b» tn b V rtete*, *bt»f | toeaultteg eb**f*l*e le tb* le*enfr »M*I aed Bmi«w#I leatitul* a) boBatu. K V Whtft iht fnlirMl !,»#• I am an old woman and must have mr my, and 1 tall you that whan you alt 'one into the fullest intelligence yo* will find that tha three really Intereet ng thing* of life are that human being* ire lorn, merry and die; that. w« grow ip In famlll** hae* fr and*, lover*, itiebnnd*, children; that tha real fillip ■fexlatem* tha etlrnulatlng charm, he eeer renewed cordial cornea from lb#*e *impie elementary fact*; that they u'faeion the talk, the wit. the tun, the ibeurdltie*, the follle*. the heartache*,, which make life worth living 1 he JH« '* tit r*ord of Htti'tninni * ui tli* puMfo of th« tJttltid Htutw* tfluriuir to# Ja*t *•* a total of lA,Ai<0,^fM |/U| llo i> . « *■ a* tee fa wtaaeno*. k M i i iff cum* M mb rcorn# * :>)««*« . K yt»jV“H iItem iH'rhm.lf W#m lii Her llrulii. In the ' riu ’*0f. Von llardeleben. In Iter lit. 'be v *d Wllhelinlnft Hi rang© bad a darning ©die nimoat tlnei* Inch, long rt• from her brain, where it mu»i ha* ■'an lin- ^ bedded elnc© hatyhooii '< i. >r girl Jf all her life hail >fum « ■ ff*»• ’a'’ M ache*, aometime* egg(nv,i>.., K »pa*ina How tbe neeu!«e»«r ff< 7 > nobody know*. The pa'irnl , / re«dy been dIecbarged from * he < m > Vmm’t < oegh Malaam ^ In Pram* an author » heir* enjoy tbr i right* In hi* production* for titty year* alter bf* death / billiard tel/ie, *e>ond hau l, f for «ale cheep. SJKttr 'I *ru| creme I* tbe moderating of one’a dartre* In obedience to reeaon Hoineeeeber*' Kararalon*. On Aug «*tb, Held, loth end imb, IW, the Union Pacific Hyateiu will *ell ticket from * oundl bluff* and Omaha to |*dtit »outh and we*t In Nebranka and Kenwaa a.M, to Colorado, Wyoming, Utah anil Idaho, ea*t of WeUer end aouth of bearer Canon, at exceedingly low rate* Kor luil Information, a* to rate* and limit*, apply to A. 0, Urea, City 'ticket Agent, il«« Karnarn Ht , Omaha, Neb. The < Iren test Hedital Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY’S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. DOMED KENNEDY, OF DONBUDY. IUSS.. Has discovered in one of F»ur Common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every kind of Humor,from the wor»t Scrofula down to a common Pimple He has tried it In fiver eleven humiredi cases, and never failed except In two case* (both thunder humor) He lias now in his possession over two hundred > ert dilates of its value, all within twenty miles ot* Boston. Send postal card for book, A benefit i» always eapenenced from* the tirst bottle, snd a perfect cure Is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected It cause* Shooting pains, like needles passing through them, the same with the Liver or Bowels. Tills is caused by (lie ducts being stopped, and always disappear in a w eek altet taking it Head the label It the eiifttiacli l> foul or bilious it wild cause squeamish (relings at tirst N<» e iiange ot diet e»er necessary, fat tile best you CJM gel, ami enough ot H, l)o»e, < ne tablespoonful In water at bsd time Sold by all Druggists , l < C'\ Mi , oi