The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 20, 1895, Image 2

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    9 ~r
A nnw brick ho-al Is to be erected at
Falls City.
A Masonic lodge ha* been organised
at Hyannla.
A n Irrigation company la to be or
ganized at Mprlngvn-w.
An epidemic of burglary seems to
have struck Fremont.
Pkachm sail at Tekatnab for |l per
Tiimik Is null# a building boom in
augurated in the town of Hyaania
Hon. JoiinC Watson paid 173.476
for a ranch of 3,SOU acres in Nance
county # .
Nkah Lebanon wild hay is plentiful
and farmers are putting it up while tne
•un shines.
Tub suthorltles at ITattamouth ure
making considerable efforts to stamp
out tiie social evil.
Tint 7-year-old eon of John Rhone of
Coxed was kicked In the mouth by an
ugly horse and badly dlsflgured.
ins-on county is huving something of
the past le^Wusyu. Several f-jrins have
3'iik mandamus pcp-etn.- ., ; within
Hodge county supervisors io oom
tfaciidM- five up to the provisions of
newTJlwnship organisation law are
dy to be tiled iu the supreme court.
iavkmkk lias a new hemp factory
that will this year consume the pro
duct of 300 acres. Feed to plant 1,000
acres has been ordered for next year.
It is claimed that a good crop of hemp
a will net the producer >30 per acre.
VVoiik has been commenced on the
big Txschuck irrigation canal at Hur
wcll, sixty teuiiiH having been enguged.
The canal will be thirty miles in length
and will irrigate the best territory in
the upper part of the North Loup val
A 11 yan.nik dispatch soys the game
__1__J L_. « L .. .... . 1 — — I. I.
not promising. Duck and snipe are
plentiful, but grouse are scarce. This
is a great change from a few yeurs ago
when the hills and valley* were almost
alive with grouse.
Tiik ltl-veur-old son of A. I,. Preen,
Heutrice, has disappeared, and his par
ents are anxious to know of his where
abouts. He has dark brown hair, gray
eyes, one of his front teeth has a corner
broken off and built up with gold, Is 3
feet 0 Inches in height and slightly
stoop shouldered.
Tiik Poluinbus Journal claims that
beer in kegs is being used to a large ex
tent in I’latte county as a substitute
for joint debates as a vote-catchiug ar
Ciiahi.kv Hooi'kh of Dodge county
dug up a sugar beet from a patch of
twenty-seven acres that weighed a lit
tle less thuu ten pounds. It is the
largeet one so far reported from any
Thk doctors of Custer county have
entered into a compact requiring a "re
•. \ vainer'' from those demanding their
services w*ho have been in Die habit
heretofore of beating their hills with
those whose pills alleviate all earthly
Mas. Rohkht Dm vow of Willow
Creek. Pierce county, has been driven
from home by her husband, and with
her child was forced to walk eight or
ten miles to Pierce. The cause is said
to be stories told by Uublow's hired
man while drunk.
K. C. Khauy of Cozad Is engaged to
teach a district school two miles west
of that place. Mr. Ilrady put in his
time faithfully for two weeks, but not
a scholar appeared. 'I his Is not on ac
count of anything against the-teacher,
but simply because there are no chil
dren In the district who cun go.
Tin Pxnurds are confronted with
luw-H ft Inri-H k'rim of MH-llr beets in \e
bruaku this year that they urn sending
out eirculura offering the growura '.'5
cent* u ton to hold the beeta until No
vember. and u like sum to hold them
further until Ikicentber, in order that
the milla may he able to handle them.
Wii.i.iam Wow.A\t> threshed on hia
place, one and one-half miles aouth of
t hapuian, from thirty aerea, bush
els of oata, machine measure, overrun
uing in weight from fifteen to twenty
bushels to the hundred This is the
largest yield of oats ever harvested to
that locality, and it ia thought will
prove to be the banuar yield of the
0 ' A Hi out belonging to Archie liorlen
(came Into Havelock the other mg'ht
about lb o'clock Upou investigation
it was found that the dead laxly of
Horlaa waa in the buggy. The horse'
had made its way into the village from
the direction of I Diversity Plan*,
which ia about a tut.i. a half dt*>
taut. It was evident that Itorlan had
come to hts death from gun shot
... , ut, resulting li the ileath
•hi .v Hrahe Inval nienegvi >(
■ ... coeinany »i Norfolk
i. \ ad.maul had
> vd in the gaaoiiue tana and it
as for the |*u. |- i H I. •*.!,, ' -
that I'rah • |t»« »*!** fritiu ih#
W»(k II* faffa* fakmr *iivt %»rrtC4*iiir
i-y |||U<M' *»' ut |ftt» Mr «il rfntPVtM
i>vttu'«i uMiitARv# iu>4iiuuti*ii kill
li l# I# I# r««iy« U4
Tut i«H#t it IM uutUkf »k
lifaftdtfa OM I |U>9 »tif *‘*f ihfaiotftt ft Itltr
i»t«|tv I# t* fa«*4*«« «* ikr
lV#M#f fa t ftkr t irr(«f« I'u uiv «k >nui
|ih# Ik# »t« si H Mlfar,
lHMMfakk« |*f#fa«%l#fal VI II Ikfiitf I It*
cvifa rNfftlfiy l VI Milu# * **##{
#%w#fallt# VI ||.
Htfltrtiri. K, li 11# Iff VI
J Mm*m *H»utfc ikml** J II 4 Urk
«faU li I Vftfa t t##*r, I m t itt
A itk%fefafc rUt 4>«rr«inrfa «mftM «Uuut
H y*«fh u r* fart* in Ik# V) ifaMtrfi
t«%#f ji»| irlu* tSilUnt'ull I k# ui4
tfcftfa ri>4“ #4 4** |i* frit ■ *fa*fa i,r i*rc
#iMMi »hk In v'rv<*« %k Ik# ft*f| hurt |kr
li<*l ilt*9 fan| #44 rrfurrtl II# Ikrk
%il#Mft|*4#4l kw riiiv i4*i frllikf uti*
A### <*#4#r farfal htvMfa
i Ml I«rtv4#t tM4 Ik# t##V| l#hr| ft* I far
f#lm rtii i%* trrl *trI Ik#
#4|av*vtfa 4fat fa** »*rfafar*4* «%ft#f44 w
|km fatfaal % 4TtM*’it*4ft*l(Mf Ik# # *ir* I#fa
|4»M#tr li«« I rrfa |4###aI 4% ^ tri i *4>
tiM k fam Wit#i
ktkfa'H lit Ik# Ifatftkl mIwi fwi*
faifa|v«fa 4*1 faigi fa 4 4 k#ltk#vfa Ifa«*fal4
MMl tlllfaik Ik# fa»#W9 k* faf lit
Where (Mate Heuntle* Ar* raid.
I'Brier th# auger b**t »nd ebicory
bounty bill. peaaed l**t wtolar. Secre
tery of State I’lper ha* maria tba fol
lowing appointment* of officer*: For
Brand lalaml, Albert II. Ka**or, Inapar
tori i aptaln iteorg* C. Humphrey "t
Doniphan. walgbmaatarj H. II ‘‘raw*
tar of Orand lefaod, Met*UOt weigh
matter. For Norfolk: K. M Norton,
Inapectori Hon. ICriward C. ®*
-erioner, walghmaater: tieorge W. »«■
l.arv of Norfolk. aaalaUnt welgbrnaa
ter, Oeorge A. McArthur of Norfolk,
aeaieiant welghmaaler. There are two
aaelatanta at Norfolk of erjual rank and
pay. Th# compensation of Inspector#
la fixed by law not to eacaed the *«» «»
2ft cent* for each package branded. nor
the aum of per day for any on* day •
eervlce, and th. In.pector I* required to
give a bond of #».0U0. 'I he welgl.m**
tera ar* allowed *r. P*r dav end a**i*t
auu $3 for th* tlm* actually •mployed
A bond of M.000 1* r*«|ulr*d of th*
weigh master*. ______
rorntar Nel.r»aha Woman KUIaC.
At Denver. « ol., In jealoua ruge Wm.
Koae, a carpenter, left hla work, pur*
chaaed a revolver <»nd repaired to th*
home of Mr*. I’htl Kuhn, on South
Thirteenth utrert. detei mined to com
pel her to live with him or #l*« dl*
with him In the presence of her
adopted child. upon her refuaal to go
with him, Koae fired four time* aa the
waa attempting to eacape from the
room, three bullet# taking effect In
bar back. Koae left the house, but
hi* throat ami xPl/tf-l.ol people we™
head. 'The woman wax fatally InJiTrMl
but Ko*e will recover. Both remained
conacloua, the woman remorseful and
penitent, the man defiant. The wo
man ha* a mother and Mater living at
York, thl* atate.
Treated l.lke a Heart.
Thl# community, aay* a Fullerton dim
! patch, I* greatly excited over a caae of
I revolting cruelty brought to light by
Sheriff Snyder. 1 or several year* it
ha* been known that a family named
i Knapik, In the I’oHhIi colony, had an
i idiotic boy, and lately report* of ibclr
I 111 treatment of the unfortunate one
have been olrculaleu. investigation uy
( llie sheriff developed thut the boy, who
! is also partially paralysed, has been
kept picketed out like a domestic ani
mal in an out of the way pltM-e during
the day and at night kept iu a stable
with the calves and other livestock.
It was also ascertained thut he was un
provided with clothing of any kind
during the summer months, but wasal
lowed to go In a state of absolute nudi
ty. The unfortunate boy was taken
charge of by the authorities and his
I parents will be prosecuted.
Antelope's Alfalfa Crop.
Among the Nebraska counties which
have become Interested in the raising
of alfalfa la Antelope. For several
years more or less of it hss been raised,
principally In small patches and more
a* an experiment than as a practical
food supply for stoca. The results of
these experiments were so favorable
that the raising of It on a more ex
tensive scale has been entered upon.
Last season was a most trying one on
grusses and the tame meadows of the
ordinary grasses either died entirely
during the summer und winter or were
so badly damaged that they were of
very little use for hay purposes this
season. Alfalfa, on the contrary, sus
tained very little, if any damage, and
tills year has been a bountiful crop
Notable as showing the possibilities of
the grass Is the result obtained by
Huffman A Rollins on their ranch In
the Klkhorn bottoms. From land which
was seeded this spring they have al
ready cut one hay crop which averaged
u ton, and there is another cutting
ready which will yield fully as much
more. Others whose land was seeded
iu previous years have already cut two
crops aud will get a third before the
aeaaoti la over.
Aftfiit to tint Out.
Valentine dispatch Reports from
I Rosebud ugeucy ure that Major W right,
l uited States Indian agent, together
with his white employes, has been or
dered from the reservation, the condi
tions being that they will be allowed
twenty days in which to go wilhoul
It appears that t hief Trow Dog, who
killed Spotted Tail in 1**1. took with
him a lot of young meu and left the
reservation in Inly without asking the
as'ent * permission, "n his return a
few tiny* ugo Major Wright hail him
Thia I no (tail tha Indlttu* •ml a ooun
oil with tha ugrol wan driuumlrd. lo*.k
ing to lit* re>t»M> I ti« COUOOll Wh* rr
fMM'd ami Hollow Horn Itaar, »|iaak
mg lor tlia maU-otiiauUi Uamandi-d that
tha iigrtji unit tha raaarvation.
Nal.ratk* • %»«» !• «»ara<l
W It Hlo»aun of llouktou, Taaaa,
t-allad on liovaruor llulaoiiio iu lylatlun
to tha t.aivaktolt daap witlar project,
uml tha guvatimr matad In rulwlnma
' Natra-kh Ik dvapiy wu-raklrd in tha
» .olarn »lata» aoiilarattoa to ha ha Id at
l>.|«>ka ttetuhrr t und you on* ialy
upon a full ia|u*»»illation I »hatl »u
d>a<oi to a>oout|>aii,v tha dr t gallon
mid hupa that th* *•- urmg of dvap
watar at t.aWaatou wtil to appiopralr
ly ovlat>ratatl it l* tha natural point
of ktupuiaut i'oi th* prodnvta el Na
tir*aka tarmar* and inauutaoturara
I-va. H ally h*U tha diktanaa from Na
hraaka to Naw \ « rk i» aavad, and tt
ntaatik HuK* monajf for whaat and aorn
and tha prodtwt* of tha pavktay kou»*-»
and tha wtlla o| tha ktata Tha prvpla
of Natraaka ara fully all** to thl* tut.
jov't and It Ik kala to nradtvl that It
will aot Ua tony talora Natraaka pro will ha Whan southward tnkt**d
of Hdktitl to had a .nathat Wa oon
BdaaUy imth forward to* repraaaat*
tioa of Nthrashaa* and Natmkt’t
prod no tk at tha Intar- t mar wan *«pt<ai
no* at tuiUsatoa ta l*u?
t aprmad n> tha ' *«r«iw,
Hamiagfvrd d apatah t onduator
.wntoKin. who had rhatyawf a* attra
fryi, hi »k*t hound inn* night wa two
*n*pivi«Mk Lathing man ya I tiny w a hog
tat at kdait* <*t*|wrWf that thay
mwfht ta two of tha man who took a
jrti at liot hpfi*gk tha day talora ha
•pttahly want hath and idumd tha am
.toot and taw had It and talagraphad
hhatiM Halt at Ham ayford who tooh
j ahatya t»f them 1 hay ptotud to ha tha
rtyat ataa awd waaa twha* kwh to Hat
| *>p*tag* hy tha khaait
Th* Worm— IMi| Mad*
Hwity far • Vlfurinu rail i
—Th* Insurf *ul* Arm Hard to I •*
laal on Ar«««l of Tkotr
l.urrllla Mathoda— Cll
luatla (ouil II tool.]
WASIJlxaTOM, Mapt. 16.—Manor Dupuy
<le Louie, Spanish minister to the
I'nlted Hiatus, to-day expressed the
opinion that the rebellion In Cuba was
sure to be crushed, but It was lm|>o*
slide to say Just when, because of the
conditions that exist. He character
ize* the method* employed by the
rebels a* guerilla warfare, und de
clared that It would he Impossible to
have a decisive battle under such con
ditions. A great deal of mlslnforma
»t>v»||hg said, had been sent out by the
now employed by tuw - . efforU
ernmrlit, said the minister. »
cllmulic coudltlous of Cuba ure very
peculiar. July, August and Neptem
her are the three great generals for
the rebels. Two are dead and the
third is fast dying. These month* in
clude the rainy season in Cuba ami the
most unhealthy for the Mpanlsh
troops. It is Impossible to carry
on successful warfare amidst pour
ing rains. Hut the Spanish govern
ment has been preparing for un
netivc campaign, 'the second corps of
HH,<>00 men have been lauded lu Cuba.
It is probable tliul uctive movements
iaai 1 I naif Imirin Imwiivtip until
the 1st of October or dome time
(luring that month, according to
the condition* of the weuther. It is
sometimes ashed why troops are now
lauded in Cuba, when they are not
to be culled mto active service for
some time. The answer is plain.
From the goth of September
until the goth of November is the cy
clone season in the West Indies, and
there Is great difllculty In transporting
troop*, us well a* great danger of loss
of lire. Itefore the goth of September
all the troops necessary to crush the
rebellion will he landed, and as
soon as the raiuy season I* over an ac
tive and vigorous campaign will be
begun. There can be no doubt as to
the outcome. The small force under
the insurrectionists will be scattered
<tnd the rebellion ended.”
I’rlvst* Assaying Hid* Rejected.
Washington,Sept it)—Secretary Car
lisle has decided to reject all bids sub
mitted under the advertisement* of
the treasury department issued in
,Iune last for proposals for the sampl
ing and assaying of imported ores, in
cluding lead, lie Is of the opinion
that the sampling and assaying may
be more effectively and economically
conducted If the necessary faciltle*
are furnished by the govern nent, In
stead of private persons i r corpora
tions. _
A III* California Coneorii Involved.
Los Anoki.k*. Cal., Sept. III.—An ap
plication is to tie made in the United
States supreme court for the appoint
ment of a receiver for the San liicgo
Lund and Loan company, a itoston cor
poration with *4,000,000 eupitul, (lie
owners of acres of land at .Na
tional City, tile National City 'Huy
railway and the famous Sweet Water
reservoir and hop system, which sup
plies National City with irrigation and
domestic water.
\ouug 1‘ullman to Wed Miss Oglesby.
Chicago, Sept. HI.—-lieorge M. 1‘ull
man, Jr., one of the twin sons of the
sleeping car magnate has announced
the engagement of himself aud .Mis*
Felicity Hglesby. the youngest (laugh
ter of ex-llovernor "I tide Itiuk"
Oglesby- MIm Oglesby 1* about
tears old, beautiful utoi accomplished.
Young fulltuan I* about the same uge.
and will probably inherit about •rt.oua,.
lias tt„ih> Holler Hakrii Win.
Kansas ttlt, Mu, Sept. lb. Tbe
twenty-He* boiler ioakers employed iu
building the big gasholder of the Mis
aouri Oas eouipauy. tvho struck yes
terdav. returned to work this morn
ing, their demand fur an increase of
wages from tu to IJ a day liaviug
been granted
Mltbleau Melt,'miisIh tom Women.
Ann Aaiioii, Mlrli , Sept lb I'he
eolifei't n,e of the Meth.rdlsl hplscer pal
, church, whlelt embraces hastein and
f Northern Michigan, has adopted a res
• dullon instructing Its delegatee to the
geuerai cmteivme to Vote tor the ail
mission ut women as member* of con
tr ranees.
I I .»»- ... I— I -sss
*«■!.,usl Itsstv Atsur boss taws.
t asm,,I i . I wa Kept la hN Judge
. tivorge fa ne. In a suit in the district
' com t list's advun ml the plea that a
national bank was mil liable Hi the
reualtle* of the laws of Iowa, ami
lisirKin a district court of the slate
} bad no . .. bulge hlwt**!
vuatalnevt Me erhjt ><n
tele IskSssi etositesi *St
bosis.N Sept at since her mar
• iage to hnfd Hs-te slosst |ba to. met
Mo to-* of vlgtlb. lough ha* gained
lea.IV t'tiuio w to the s uA lcsl s V ot
I oartow I he pi Hue ot Wales ha* a>
curptc.l aa lavitatum to iss a guest ot
lusy lh« h iw *w*urdai tielohar v
*s> ths soevsvdtug Monde.
Its Mere t tarn. Sieslts *etttesh
WtatMNSrtVrS Kept I* *S MOT |N>
l otos the *pam»a mltirstei at sens
iu Jav ‘taltearwl to Mr Idea, acting
ss**etarv of slat* a uraft fee the
e*|..rsateal of *t, di*»h r>a the
npantali l«ss> u' *geot in l-oudon in
..— - iwo--'"*—*r ■"■ “"
Mo InJnnrUon Agsl.isi limit Non hern «n0
Morlhorn I's.W, I ttnmnUiimHitn.
Ht. Pa PI,, Minn.. Wept. |8,-Th*
Grout Northern Hallway company and
J. J. Illll. It* president, Imre won Ifel
first preliminary skirmish in the con
test precipitated by Thorn a* W. rear
soil In hi* application for a prelimi
nary Injunction against the proposed
consolidation of the Northern Pacific
and Great Northern railroad*, made to
Judge Han born of the P tilted Mate*
circuit court, the Judge denying the
Th* next step will lie to hear the
case on It* merit*. Kvldenc* will
be Introduced on tiehalf of each state
and another decision by the court will
be the end of that Issue.
While thin proceeding is* prelimi
nary one, the victory I* none the less
an Important etep toward the consum
mation sought by President Mill. The
thorough investigation at the subject
given by Judge Wan born and hi* de
ductions seem to point to a clear right
to continue the plan that has for so
long occupied the attention of the bus
iness world.
ClnnlBiistl Fickle Works llurned.
Cincinnati. Ohio, Wept lit —At fi;30
o'clock this morning an alarm of fire
called the entire department to the
river front, where the Jacob Weller
pickle aud vinegar work* wa* found to
be burning fiercely. In les* than an
hour the hulldlug uud entire content*
wa* destroyed, entailing a los* of
ft'.<5,000 and making the tuird time
that the place has been burned out,
i.i on. <i* occupied by the Kmery
factory. „« a candle
llor/lng Michigan Mine Victims.
Cam'mkt. Mich., Wept. 15.—Kverj
hearse In the county was pressed Into
service to-day to be used in burying
the bodies of the recent victims of the
Osceola mine fire. The mines were
idle, the miner* going from one
funeral to another. In uddltion to the
thirty killed in the Osceola a week ago
four miners have since been killed by
; mine accidents.
Women » Kellef Corps Officers.
Louimvilmc, Ky., Sept. 16.—At this
morning's session of the Women's be
lief corps Mrs. Plummer of Michigan
1 was chosen us chupluiu and Mrs. Kllen
J Daniels of West Virginia as chairman
and Mrs. ICIlen II. Aldrich of Kansas
' and Mrs. Charlotte K. Wright of Mas
sachusetts us members of the executive
board. _
The Columbian liberty bell left Chi
cago on its tour of the world.
W. 1). Dabney hus resigned as solic
itor for the state department.
San Francisco hus quarantined
against Honolulu on account of chol
Ueorge Rogers, who lived near Jack
sonville, 111., was murdered by burg
Statistics show that American im
ports from Spain Include garlic and
The civil service has jumped upon an
examiuer for taking part In u political
Dr. liuruett denies that he is seek
ing a divorce from Mrs. Frances Hodg
son liuruett.
The Missouri W. R. (i elected offi
cers anil decided to meet at Kldorado
Springs next year.
Two young men, named McAfee and
Clayton, were ktl ed In a shooting
scrape at McRae, Ark.
i Surgeon Ueueral Wyman stutes tlust
, the Pacific coast is well equipped to
, quarantine against cholcru.
| Profess >r Howard II, druse of Chi
cago, will soon become editor of the
. baptist Watchman of boston.
L'ncle Sam hus served notice upon
Spain that she must protect Ills mis
: sionuries in llie Caroline islands.
The engagement of cx-Uovcrnor
! Oglesby's daughter to Ueorge Pull
man, Jr., of Chicago Is announced.
Charles II. Key was bunged fur the
murder of Smith D. Mclniughlin in
i the i hlckusaw nation July I HUS,
Over 616,000,000 worth of stuff was
I ininiiPtuii fern n llm «l<klli ■■lamifu.ilua.
lug district* uf Knglnud lest year.
Washington politicians are much
Interested In the outcome of the Im
pending silver contest In North Caro
| Una.
1 hattuuooga people feet aggrieved
, heenuse I’resident rloveiand ivlll not
i attend (.'hloltniiiauga battlefield tied
| icultou
The com |>ea is la<iug cultivated In
: lllluoui as a substitute for wheat and
' corn, ta*caus» chinch huge have no
| use for it.
Assistant I'ostmaster tieuerel Nell
sou says that the failed Stales postal
system hi general Is superior to those
of Kuro|te
Henry A Sultan, a stahlemau of
Npungheld Mo. committed suicide by
inklug carbolic acid because Ills Mlfe
had ta’gun sull for divorce.
Melville Scraulou and I'aul shuelia
of hast sagmaw, Mich Mere druuued
lu I upper lathe, near Malone N V ,
by the overturning of their boat.
1 homes I llavaid. I'ailed stales
aiulstssatlor lo Hreat llrllain bat ae
capterl aw In vital iou to lay the corner
stone of I he * ongr*gat tonal church at
tiaiashorongh. hug l aud
Mr* I,. T Woman, of tWrelda. N
V , sister of I'reaideut t'levelaud sa. s
the presideul Mould uol accept a third
i ter* she adds that he la oppuaed Iw
the third term idea altogether
Itoh ft 1**00mows says he will not
step into the ring at Itellee unless he
is assured of a t&wai lutereel la thn
haie'd M«ope scheme II* sav* that
Jw \ redig, manager of the f lurid*
Athletic curb William A Itradv au.l
t orbett have staid iht right to operate
the machine at IS* ring and that he la
euttiled to a share of the moHia
i |list isM.cs*t scheme Is eu had to
build at Niagara falls the most g *» >
tie permanent coaveatlua hall ever
c >nc« ivvhI »w this aide of the Atlantia
and lh# erection uf a gambling bouse
which will be the w«ndar uf the
world il Is the luteatnm I* mahe
A'agara falls tSe cunvsnthaa city of
the future and the lirai# t art« of
A met tea
anotmk n la not kxpoi rr at ion
con iiunoiT
One nt the »redie#l» (InnMust* »
ftl* t »n»l«nn«e>il l» at* • 4.A#®<,,*i«
•re Wlrbilfeww .». I'te»|*«nt «<#r»»n
nan the »f«ill»*le la *HM aiandiM* •*>
the ttntefnmeni and Witt *****
Ml* <Md Kngaaemenl«.
New Yog*, Sept 14.—The engage
incut of 8V.AOO.000 In gold by l.a/ard A
F reran for export to-day created a pro
found animation In Wall ntreet. The
fact that Meaara, l.a/ard and Frrrc*
are important member* of the gov
eminent bond ayndlcate* the
already great atirprla# In the mallei of
ehfpment A inemher of the llrin
made the following atatement to a
reporter: “We believed that due ng
the llrnt half of September a auflleient
amount of grain and cotton and other
bllla would have been offering, and
that, the neceaalty' bf exporting tIda
gold would Uni* be averted. Our ahlp
merit of gold 1* art imperative neera
ally In order to fulfill our hiiarne** <d>
ligation* with Kttropa. W" believe
that It will be a temporary expedient
and that within the next few week*
plenty uf hill* will be offering and tliai
everytbiug will come around all
right “ The Arm recite the low price*
ruling for bread at tiff a, the alow move
ment of cotton and the fair aunply of
that ataple already in Kuropean hand*
*a oauaea for the lack of bill* of ex
ab«nge and the neeeaalt.y of gold ahip
Other ei.ig„
morrow a.veir t in' nj<\ fv£ ahlprnent to
Cd». Of tliia tlllri, 8ii.ft00.00f) wii*7iV|[ „„
from the atib-lreaatiry thla morning
The Hanover National bank dciio*
Ited 8.100,0 .0 in gold at the ailb-treMx
tiry In exchange for greenbaak*. i m
National Para bank later deposited
$1,.100.000, and arrmiler aiim* n/gre
f’ating nearly 81,000,000 were depila
ted, There were rumor* that the
bond ayndlcate would depoalt a large
>>uin thi* afternoon,
A ..-4_aI... A.!•*... I It.
culled upon Mr. <1. Plerponf Morgan,
tlic heud of the government bond syo
diente. and asked as to the truth of the
rumors of the dissolution of the uyndl
cate. Mr. Morgan replied. “The
bond syndicate Is still In tin- field
There lias been no rupture. The syn
dicute will continue to do all it cun to
help maintain the treasury gold re
serve ut #100,1)00,000. The obilgnt on
of the syndicate expired, however,
some time ago,''
Huli-treusury offbdals express conli
dence that the linpuirnii-iit of tile
treasury reserve by tne gold exporters
will be made good by the syndleute.
Ravages of ths Nrourgs I'nstis tint In
llunululu--{Jueen I II I'uriluiinl.
Honomji.u, Sept. 6, via Sun Fran
cisco, kept. 14.—Forty-one cases of
cholera have been reported to dale,
with thirty-live deaths, The disease
attacks only the natives. Kvery effort
is being made to stump It out. No
island steamers are ullowed to leave
port without tlrst remaining in ijuar
antlne for live days. Passengers must
undergo the same ordeal.
The eounuil of state held a meeting
yesterday afternoon and evening and
after appropriating #10,000 for ex
penses Incurred by the board of health,
the matter of pardoning political pris
oners came up for consideration. Tin
executive recommended that t aid
Wideinan, “Cupid," the four l.tim
• boys, Junius kuue, Joe Widdlelield,
1 «nd thirty-nine others be pardoned
'J lie council udopti d the rei-oiinie mill
! ti< >n.
At the same inei ling tin- ipiet n wa .
pardoned also, and the others will he
llhuruled as soon as the pardons un
made out Howler, Itlckard, Walker,
Hewurd, Wilcox and other long term
prisoners will remain In juil. 'The
government will allow all exdrs to re
j turn to tile country with till- exci pilot!
i of the Asliford brothers, now In sun
1 e.i.
llir f umuidiHlrr uf ili« i dIuiiiMm I uuimI
Ottlity of N»fc'l«<«l Mf Iluiy.
Wanmnuion, s#|it, U Th* navy
department mad* public th* uniting*
uf lh* eourl mu i t laI lu than*** uf I up
lain tieorg* W. bumner, lat* lu tour uf lit* l ulled Mule* eruiuei
Columbia, tried rveeiitlv ul lln oUlyu
uu charge* growing out uf I be Injury
• u*talii*d by hl» ve*»*l iu duel,lug ul
Moutliampliui In July.
Hit lh* ftral tbulge, eu I pa l ie Iuerti
eleney in lh* |wi forinauce uf duty, I be
euuit found liliu gupl.v lu a le»a tie
gr«e lliau elm gad, Th* eaplula "a-,
Tim tul guilt y ofth* ►reotiil eliaiv*. uf
• uttering „ v***el uf llie Italy lu be
i huaartleil In violation uf lit* natal
The henlfu** uf lb* Jtuirl I* a* ful»
low* lit In *tt»p. mlc,l fit in tluly
only fur a perlinl of »i* mouth* uu
wa ling order* pay ami lu l<* teprl
inantle I bv tit* h tunable aeeratart of
the nut i
II. t n«.t*a M. Mall l***U
tlataikl I t N I b*pl t« l b*
It**, lU, I bail** II Hall |t*«lui of lh* !
l‘rtit**lanl»et»pai uhurvb uf lh*
Holy I l imi t lhi* *Hy, died 1**1 night
In Halt had been* path ttuninU.ionei
uf * nl Mtvii. He wa« a warm triend
t>l th* 1*1* Hear* Ward lhn>btr auu
driitvietl ih* walnut a* hi* fun*»*l, ;
and *!»»> at lh* net *11 lug of Mr
)Wt, h*r * ftiatu* m froal of th* * »ly
i hall II* l*at«« a widow *ad thtc*
| ehlidrvn
I gkiiin Wyu s*pi 14 I ail*«i I
Mat** Marshal IliThnwull ha, go**
north lu a*r.» Mottp* upon ,*tll» turn
* and , 'her* *, euted of lllega'i'
lee, ng pnnlh land* to itutot* ib«u
4*u, •• II *» be n »* 1 the,* till b* a
t ijii out pto **i ***in*t im*l,i«m*
to IP* g -einnient
ol.leai W«, oi a*4 I'.eatke. )U*4
1'iitaatan k*% **p* il th*M*v ■
hawitwl I* It a a t fl, It *am lu t* Ih*
1 wid*«> Ma*un and lb* tdd**| pit a, l.*»
uf th* V.iIndMI I iunu|ai • hue*),
iti*d It, dat *1 W*»t h.wt. n H* had
|««a a *t«h*« uf the Uiniug fitly!
«llt fu« a aaual wittlp ft** taatta
Ntw a.
lii imfl Iran
IH. 1'anl *'
t/tn l»vll I U, Hy , H.,|,ttf
W I.! *rr of I, ,1 ,
miamandar lintti iti aftm
1 u I M» I I lie |,l
i I A Walk.
iii. ief u( 11,«. I,mini
imhiUi, wa horn hi li
With the rantythlr
t* ri« he to .,h |,ai I In
I'err* rille H„i| Ntoua
(iriuiioleil >i,n, raptain
nafe.pneilfl jthe poaltlnii
eojonel at ,th« hatlla o
and nflnrr yard rrrnlrrd
(non Hove, rnor MArLua
At the h nttle of III.,t
near OadiKJen, Ala.. VA
wa« ktllard ami <!oLr
Mimed eoi'kiinaad. ir
i'ii m pel I *<l|| to mirri,,. J
were aentl to l.jid. .
Walker, 'with O.iiiej *
and twenty-foilr i
1*114, till, llielj fu
prlaou | eL to ||heril| y
wa» recaptured f^„^
returned to th« priai
millned until exrhmiK
May. II" returned
and nervi .l until had
poaiiru ta impel led Ilia
wee a » duntuer aid
i mnrnl WIImhi durii
Ku*hvllh •,
lie llvad at Naativl
after tliW war and th<
dlenupotja. p’or nra
w>a llrat (Irputy ill
auditor 4if Marion cot
candidate for uuditoi
on tin* Kcputdicen i
dr train |,
(iovetnor Horny j
him *tl itn tax rota
atilt hoi li* that office
tiolntim ,nt of (invent
HKil Cti onrl Waikiu'l
( comma • - • the tlj A' **'
om. . D BY A BfltAV
1l,m \»l |( „f „ Hi)iiinl|i| Hwlliin |
* lop* a Train Ilia) In Tlmn,
<nt' y.XMi.. Wyo,J hrpt. M
Olarou t wife of nl anrtion forntij
"Idle i lour in thn almtlon hi live ill
Wo .. i fetation, ynllrrilny found t|
« i... u . ...I..,. I..IJ_ I . _ ‘ i J
..'■"•II- i "I-"..
gully cion.nd by 'lie In Ion |’n,|l
truck w us burning
I he Westbound fi at mail, nearly fl
1 hour late, was appr oauhing at a 'hiM
tatu of speed, emlei ivorlng to inaltejM
lost t1 pie, and Mr* MUtroin ran il a
the tr *o|( anti iingg al tin, train, wl^H
tvas s toppril within thirty feet of ifl Ig bridge The limbers wifl
burin it to such an extent that tfl
train would have inirrled down. ■
II"1 passengers on the fast imJ
luadr up a plot" o $ 0 forth" Woui.jfl
excelled F ?OM CHURCH^
t**1 «•»■ J. T. I-I«cl» »r KiiiiiiiI llullty l.y tll«
'Southern M«tl Hist 1'iinftrtMft
Mai uN, Mu, K#( t. R 1 n tlu< Nouth*
ern Methodist co fere nee the cbm go
<>t Immorality »g> pstjlos Uev. J, T.
l-ighter. appealei from the Monroo &
City (juarterly , inference, was re-iS
ported on by t he 'ominitice. lie hum®
foutul guilty am* expelled from tliefl
church and mlnlst
Miss Stephens .11 pltrliimlf Kohlieil, fl
■Sl'- bol ls, Mo , Sept. 14, — \\ lu.Jj
Miss Margaret Stephens, sister O^Hj
the state tre tsurer. went
the exposition Si.turday evening shgfl
secreted dlninoii 1 earrings w< rtjflf
t)‘"ii in a i'Iiiiuiois {hug on ilm Inside ufl
a d"cas in ih" elov I of In r room ill tlj^B
I'liinler's house. Vlicn she returuij^^B
tiie diaiooiidh im‘ I ill ujipeared, hij^B
nothing else whs ( then 'I'lm ease is^B
eonpletc iny*tury *
llililuiii Tm)'M ' Makes Itcnlsl, m
tiAHltoi.i. io.N. Ms, , Sept Is Will IniBl
Inf lor, one of tint brothers eoiivIrtejflS
uml sentenecd to f t'utli tor the inuriieFjB
»'f lie Metks fanilr v, says he lathe viO’HB
tin, of a eonsplrai- , and declares that a
lie dhl not write tr e the letters m ite I to a pint to t -ibe a jailer and «a>wf
in ie attriimted to him in Wednesday'* I
lit* rtf iturtU il ns kii I'Hmt B
tulle tha KU|lr»*n»e uotirl uguiimt ™
ihr i|i|)llvitiou fi»{r rt n«»vv tcm!.
, aluiulilau Half Hollars tit liuiuaiiil.
WaaHiNuitiN, h«pl. I> The ilemaiiil
hr Culuitihian half litillat'* in e*«haii/«
hr tfultl at par Ml (It Militraakuritk
«leapt Nan Kmneilktui, vuiiliuiiwa with
it ahatmneut At tlu< |*i I1.*1 itt tune
Uni ii 11•,* tit ni^auiit «ni| **- ,
Hum likl»»» have lliatel i,.eli In
■ mil at.,1 Iratt lllf HUM l«/ltl
* > and radamptioai iimIUIm a*u
hiU dtillara api< >
► •••Mil Mini l»t*f % t . hit |it*ii *t|w« 1
tt •>" a , ,is *». 11 11 An i.i.
Half H ■ i . ■ |t|||
! Iltel > If tin ,11 tt lull ' " 1 III .II.1
iH'Ui'iriiiiiii ilir ri (Hirl that in >i,|
It ematoti * m rdiuai it it»>tl
that li» tk )♦ ,.«'*, lu/ > Hi) hia 11r
ak llunt/li thait Wat tin mini i
tthalrvr i>( hi* Win/ ni'tl a ■
Muloa fur a t*kin ■ i ti*l*l m kk,i/i,u.
In Ne w Viiili
**• Marta* Maiia at l kli«»*«|t,
IItMlkHhra, sipl It I hi Mat
hanit will ai l he ia*** at tha lit
ealhit* ul tha t feiYhaifaf/a Nat it/
Mil that* jr I*, a ualaaa pi tat. mi«j
•halt la •«•***. t pt* i|* ttpa„„j
It ha* haaa tuund that taati am I
11*ti*I* lit a ih*r tU *»h» i>* aa*t
pafltuaftk tin «h<* pa.t i#*kl at the a
p. eta* if tha l**M,l »* tup
takaa till
" , «l*>, |, .
/iat»t Jtar t m t
i • i. t, tfui im.
mant a/a
«I «|
lit «t It i
t'l i.i, . \|,
*<t V U J
ahipt<ai «*•
*-t Mlfht ft,
». ?«*■ ht tha