The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 20, 1895, Image 1

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    liivtf t/:rn
oi | —»
'%* » rftiOAV
' HV.Kt.
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>* ft. K f ’4t<MMM4
' 4»» « W I ipi ■ *
<■ CM t ~* U* *M»
•'«** »<• 4* O Y*
4*0* mi or, l f"
4 ir tut * iiflEi Ctuir
•—-*—■ “tom
huh.m ricHf.r
l/fjt- 1Z')l 101*#*’ IflH
XM »lk# s ku
■ -■ jt XXa
ft *!, of u(i • 1*1 f
'■mmr«r, *
f KH, of Bristol.
f.O>p • Hf
XL, of \<mt >tih
<>l fn ' $o#Uj
,4 V, of V i *»*' '«i''
/Hrf?W*M ,**<>* r uP *‘Hr
jiff |( | Ity 1 J >'J» 'J1*lM 1 -I frill*
f ./ Ji, , I*. .JOY'/*** r } It It. IHlMVMt
if ri a A ; »#< t I ***• ’"Tr
V Hum * 1 Af, II.
4 |«o, of »>>• j' ->»; *V,|r rmiA
,1 w v. |fr - v'.i i. ^uU*
'Iimbwi m M ' ' tu !i*0|' i |>4'1
it, 0 ten ‘ mmM *;<■ *■' ^
|| • lard*)'» f»'i f 14 - = r» •»•*«»
S > Vo etliUitjwm • tm I ■ f-Jpfr
W iUwl. *V» j ''■!» *i ' *-l»}*4
ft /uto til* l in*. H|r}llfi I >'/
f » »r>«l hi*- rt’fV-iff mJ'
1 * a lb*- ly/i.v.' v*r*/» ft ‘ <ii rHpf*+
W , M to tl»< > -0 I ''lf j
} a. t<K't )o<Ik- '« ‘ j- ’ * S
(,f/ sl»»/W" ‘ ( '•<>
i „ i, if *■'
lit- the <l«» 'y
«»r Ui hi • w *h'«
,„ t*ptU>n, »-<* «*» »•<«' '* ''!
ttmA, ill a »i»afc» ft** »uil i :(
IK t t»K< frth «f th# '* j
«. vtt niijfi * M f* •* “' - ’
»>HfVt«ori> - ,1.1 11
. t.uJ W,I liftv. Ml ' * j
ttU« f In Hi# I* Mt. M < I
I, o4«4 by the '#>tf«'eBUoi» wh«ti ) j
■s < vttietl him t<> -* » • ' bis I ‘it*’ |
si him h tlelsKitiW# nhouHi hi i
it srnl all the t Wull
v a* eiMifi 'I- K»st
1. Mi# any tlist jhh* a i» j
Oilhl not •fli” t h< 'oi - i
• lilivn s |{Oi si ticket *n • '
I .at «« rill, in,IUI l«u 1 Ibe
I SliiMibl m 4, ! ■' ' *
tigl! «• call I **'■<• th* «*M " I
,c>fl that we h»»t |nU •« It' I j
i*4lfifssefltstitre* th 4,,r
and able hii'I
4)«- r* iiuhlh (MU' silt! t 1
futility <>». »• ** 11
tUo will imtki • wmJ * J*‘
iurll»y olHc*f»
III* HHKlt > v 1. Oott^wr* |
lap over froii "‘i*< I . ’ tu Will l» J
f f| |iu« ta Hut fan tl»*t * »H pr«*»«»Wil
k*./ ipi u Itw '•»•(»>■•# tin* <*#•»
Ml Hiilkiifi *1*1' 4 Im> ik»l af plilW*
' \ j »(iflllg -*■»'*. riM» SulTH
/m|g itui'l i • iik mi Uowivnr
» 4wvi•» U M il»« n» He t* t »lmt
iam HgitW.tili kuiH'ki'il lilm
i *i. at* tl» mi «ira*t» mill
IIll HI *m ►* k»4« Al Iwwal
* fttili Irani l«*<I
i • Ii »iiim| aHWl
i In inlgUl liv
9*1'III. I'lillguf
a'li'a lit III*
Cg ii‘t> im« (ar
« 0 ilium wlm It
MHl ' ■ —w
l« a* wilt Imi *1
'flit i amlitlataa
11 it ill* In •( tap
’>>• i Hut fill I *l|
|| llll'l III' It' M i HI
tJ •-*»* .1 | (M(.( ,|(|t
I * I "f Ml' I' if II t'l
. ,j|
"1" III* ■ IImil It til Hi* k
Mil MU k j Mini |||B
■ « aaltlliyluit anil
it* ihf 4iu u..«4 Hi* |'*rl i wi||
•**. **• lit* tr^L|i •itt'itgiit, ami
*»al« t»»i«i.u, tM
I.HUU.MU" g„|,| Imlii'WllMSa W
lu> l ,.f ||l#
I f.
Won W M HaaAmi/ hum bean tnou
lltM #c//-**f«J in t, * rae* for tn*
no*ninnUon (or di*«r»et }>Ag* on th*
iff/nhlo *n th k*t. loth* i/4ii*nihm
U*Ut 1**4 foeeday *4 Kevenne h* *n
' i4/**<n on Hret o*dot tike rote stand
ng a* follow*
tO t»A1/f 14/00 It
tt. tt OhAimir, >4 H'lWmo vt
•:< *1 m o>n Mi i
| it tt i0Ot*U*tf H
•. ■, >4 ' H4/r, /,
A, tfAll, <4 *1441*00, 1
hi04/0 ',<4 *it
OUiUffH/rft, /,
A Wmt $
010,00*0 144,011
A. A *14. , V
The iZA»v*uth/n *%* hunnoniou*.
Hoih M H efl' end Mr i/ulUttm/u,
f 7
th* <1 Aed < Au'l A .l»0 10*1,0. epee/;Ik
ee p f ing tlu ir support to Ih*
ti'-kz hit i/ah'-*»vtu tout * Imrg*
attendance ontelde ol ih* regular
de/eg*tee end eeeryhody ***m*A to
l>e t'lttiiUAituiU' for f im lulr, Me <»
without itoolA ih> 0\ioitg*0i f,0u<11
dele in the dietriet *iA }f el/' te/J
will mmke oe « g'/A Jodge e* hi
peel retard eleerly «' _
Utb l#4n»,
Keeofved tbet we <ndor*c the peel,
prindpele of th* republican party
end affirm the bodoty It be* made,
Tbet *re favor th'- unlinlted eoin
of th*. A meri* an product of both
g*d*f end silver at e fair and Itoneet
red/;, and condemn ae on-American
and un politic any policy tending to
ward th* repudiation eitlier fitf that
,.r xil.ticti. sinr aMc/ation whee
i<r private or public and the i*#u* of
fiat money in %ny form what#o*v#r,
W« f#arle**ly denounce the preaent
democratic adminiatration for It#
wnwlev* pro* t rat ion of <bc famine##
pro* pact# of our gract country, the
tharncfol depletion of oar treaeury
and the rnenona debt creating policy
of Cl#re.'and and hi* democratic cab
loet. We elialenge attention to the
hi dorr of tbe pa** repnbliean admin
miration which maintained each a
financial e'pilibcrum In the whole of
our country that the people felt #afe
and aatiefled while in the poaeeaaion
of either gold ail ver or greenback*,
and that democracy alone i» renpon for the dlatructlon of that contt
Heaolved That we condemn the
policy of till# adminiatration for
collecting more fund* by direct in
tcrnal taxation than from cuntorn
dutie* and for repealing the »talu
tea panted by republican congrennc*
which enabled the government to
collect • greater amount from cunlom
dutie* than from internal taxation.
Kenolvcd That we condemn theJ
• lion of the democratic party in it#
total disregard pt th# Inter#*!# of th*
laboring cl****# of thl* nation, and
lla l<usi*laLion iu ladialf of corborate
interval* and waailh at
avary opportunity given it to do ao.
Kaaolved Thai wa ever diatiual a
party or a govarnmant that have In-mt
unfaithful to thaaohlier* which hav*
born arma in it* defanae, and wa
C4«ndat0ll lira ahanicfui wholcaaia rad
action of tha panaiou of tndigant
vatarlana and thair ncady famlliaaby
lha p«rtv notMamporarlly in power,
i P Tara, Chairmen
Commute* M V, A* Mr.eiMHi
I A Wan
i tMalal AIM v
Hut there la a fundeuteu lai tula
laid down l»y tb« parly agoinat the
third bom, coiiaii|u< tdly Mr Man
dticli*i'ii did not a«|a>ct a mimtiitt
tbm, Titttee Indapamlanl
W net I* «IUM'Ua<«Mlel rule
Mr laipUllatM laid On* a,
auultnu dial#* la Had
fit* (tenM1* at »*> h lean
rM.OVaimalMay **r *» utitmo aland
Whi n ttanOl tabtnli !*** I'll*
rut ahariil imi!'* lii ahannan • **<'0,
llrlcit# It* Mat hagan
Itiil aha" (in UWII'M Hail ***o
leaf IM«* liutaa lain* lai Mam
my I In a# lima* Una* 10* "|a*|M • »• « f
•mm I
tMo»* I alia* lit* tala a »• lhaa
wnr onin*r a*a «i iimiit *•**•
ted MatMatu M Kami
ini lii**M*#a |,iiii»Hi*l» I'M«*da
| ila anailit *n«k imimm
| i n*at«l*in f a >»**! Ilm*
V*», amt * yin nm*g*m
ta Ntfiti* ltt» 'la'C d*tn IM** M»»*
l %i *l*t II* O M Mam
*VM#alni In* hMo at Mali 1*1 dmltd
l mu** M J MlgntlMg*i*i
I Man r V Mo*** amt Mala • (mm
H row & ta mm ll< »•*!»* »**r*
Mam aid ian »**•« *1*101 grawtt*
a „>»ni in etteeglh end net
i ***i #*0 ret eaglet i»<»n
i hat Ml the a a t<u'eh i
Quick Sales and Small Profits.
I Umrm • Imryo w*ahiH >A wmts > mini < ■' l tttmUt.itl whr b l Inm/b*
ml % hmiikrmpt tmlm U/t limit lit*. roynti%t pit•* mini will y>»* c«y 1t * tA* lit*
1*11*111 rrt tin* y/oml hmrymtu mini *u< lo work »t tic*
f/AU/WthK low pin mm tor tin ty it ,0 Amy*
M*,i> tyring*, not mom* Mmtr ttyrtow 'tv to t. 4m** . * , w,*4* W to ‘A,A
hoomm *4*0. ,71*0 i.WA •,t***‘Hg, ’it, f'l*II . < / kM tm hot *! worm 'too*
titr tom tyoo on so* mV* y*io*m W* * 4o>u* *»» *t **t*4t rtym rn / moH
g-nontoo **4fUHontio* ot n -, .*-/ ol
I mho hot* Utm Hin t m*>r.llou ot Hlorltn/ 'ti**r im'I >iohl l/t* HoVou
fuu. hrmroiot* Wmtoti !''/> 'ml*. Imt**' *'.yl** l,* Mu,/ Pin* . mti'l *rmf filling
(Uc»t you torn* wont, ml ytU** iu**r Unto *i> t i/*1>.i* ottmimA In l//<c|< t'.llf in
tv i. *m will Aims/if.I trUnrr* yrUo* Pi y*t rwnt Inm'i m,*> tUI* <tvnl rtppptUMt
My t out* r*rit wtA n*l A/«t t.\»o\‘*,, Wo *vi lee low 1*4*1* tony to low.
V»/»cf» Ut Pimm** A. IIOO0U, 7 <1* 4* **l*r mint Optl' i*
i*er Dozen
Pa hi ml Size
AfiiieU’ IVnwtfi t» y\ifihnirti\t\m\ ^
(irony* Hi tuSnUrtmi
Until OotobGr 5th. '95.
\ah\\» City GatUtry ofn-n awry
I'MrtUrn miolmi'j V> bur* i'uXun-n t»k«o will ple«**: <:*H
ll»<- I*)#'
VI |,K>' JHNHKV. MwUtfmplMr
H i. VS-SSRM, *HW, ¥,. VKSnCHOi tH,
Atuirmy M>t s>nuty I'uMlv, l'ul,n»u*r lmt:v Cm Soumwum'.A*
H1HHH/R Ac HEShClH/mi,
mull, liST.rri; .ioiuyts.
l/n t' CITY, ' SKJ5IUWKA,
Town Lot», WiM, rijltlvat*'! and Irrigated Land* for Hale,
Fust Curs Rigs bud Tbhhs FIlwhys oh IIhhd.
The l>e>»t of euro taken of hor*o* plueed ill our euro,
Give me h Call. A. HOLTZ, Proprietor.
Of, VrUM'* Crmmm lUtklH* Mowitar
vv wfta * fair HtahMi AUAnI e«a Inidnww.
It, J, la not a populial
A lot ruled ntliay tie hat,
And If aa Jud#n ha abwuhl *»!*•
It would bn rayy wlabad
Ynay naval llwatlil of Johnny l.un#
1 Wl<«a tnndldnW waa ha
7 hair |.rinul|«i» ware not anal mo.#
ON County At tw nay
John aald untu tba dale#aie*
I'ruhlhltlanlat ar» I,
Tba "i#»|ia" than aemlibed Hu ll »• ni|d
And Itaayad an awful ai«h
llul awallowa-l Julia Inmim mate.
And non# waa heard to t ry,
Hat wall re (ru hi lean la he
And ananrua hr * get theie *’
My ml# n| hlaoau yeily,
ryntber ha don't ml*
till »u|,n cue Jo Itfea olllte
And tit within the • heir.
K'en If the "pn|i" la Mi t« hi**
And hdM laat tlha a hear
And then tba "|iu|ie'‘ ri on* bloi,
W»ha him lhair l amll Ul*
I it,, late may wild no! |ia>« Mm
llala a eiuul lata
And yal b» <•*#* not ad*ot>alu,
I hair i-wn |i«*»dal vlawa,
And If hi ilhl a*Mmfh«li
Inain dhey would klNUlun*
Hiuauae that hla dwelaton
I mou Hma# 'iuaallima #fwv»*
Would he Inal A ad by deef* dm labnt
j Ami Hun hi mu ahiMid »a» a,
aland fruin undet
Meat • raah Mawa
n«|il, I hlh, |i|*,i
AA ealli' i dry and hoi
*fIII i>ll in A iiiiMlty iiiii for Ihl* fyni
rt i,eal ari'Mjf*'* I** an I M tritaN*'
I*, hi ii
A#|il 1 h rnia* IftAd* III* |*«fM*|i
Hoi I A tail Iml lid a te»Mi«#d Hi AAjii
®i ||i alnji la III fill’ll Mil limMhlf 11
• land In ilia* lat awa> auumai
III 4|it (• Inline Imho ' olid ad
Me ha* aopMirnml 1**1 I he |*w*
Wean, Mia, d|mitiMMa Mi awe
*> I ill fe||Mud*d vlllrel* uf Oil
• * yui„ ej.ailed iMIn III1 A Nat* »<
* hMHh and hal|fhire * Will moiiiu In
lit * »o*|iyii
Tim following ap#cl*l appt:»rad In
' th« Htat* Journal of Hop*. IHS ,
(and I* aom«*d*d by tin? I
of Molt uouotjr to lm pur*y ilia ra
•lilt of Ao»r<'liy talk ntrdr by pop
hi ml laatinr* it abould aorva aa a
warning to olbtrra, *vau of onr own
l onnty wbarn pnpoliat Inadara bava
I iron mniwn to mount tba atump and
talk of rotor ling u» Ar# arm* and
avail giving a roolpo for mailing
iI'MKlf*. bob, Hopt mtbinjiat lal,)—
Tba vigilant* of tbo noitlmaat pari of
tlii iKinnty ara again growling I Imy
whiiI mora blond' l.aal wnok Jim.
Illokard romjyad • Umar warning blm
In !i<av» lb* country or toffar ilaalli In
h mammr IllualrataJ by pan upon Ibo
! margin, I Im l do a wa* to ralaa bl* bmly
anti ibmugli Urn opportunity ulfurdad
by gtuvliailnn in tan* lb« alaik out uf
I a mpa Tb« Mtar wa* mallnd al In
man and told blm In lanva lira unwary
Immadlaioly nr bo would gn lb* »»l
ui ibnao Ibai bad gouo bobno
Iho off. nan wouiMilUvrl by Mr Hluk
tnl ao m»i loud ibriiuncialImr of ibo
mm aim piurdoiad ilarroll built. Jim
Hil liard I* a ttmragauui man and wall
m wgalnmod to tlm »b*i*#Hinbr* of Iron
lift llfw, and did md luloud In pay any
rtiionibm lo ihw loaf tar, tmi bit family
fcni i,>i<d i i it and Ih iiii"»nibi'imigbly
If la Mo nod ilmi bodwiijod In loava for
lit,i premia. and aevnidlngly look III*
* j tinpaiiur* bumlay mntning • >•**»
II |* b>« IMonlbm to (t luia aflor «bv
1 in n, If »bo it piddban* aia •m'OOtilitl
in ittoal art all* lla t*t« Ural bo I* not
.(raid In Hvo mi Ibo frv** UMil* r a ft'
,,Million a liiilnUllall.m.bM w Mb Ho
puiml)*U in • until* I. and ny (M il *) «•
* palby aiding and abtrllHtg tmb work,
1 Im • iihHiIoi* blniM'll awfat *|*owbo(P
Mr, Hmkutd II***> In a *irimg populUt
* • i.itinnmlit, and b**i farm among
|! iln'in,
I b" Wwiutng bo loft about 4 d#*oo nf
' iliom «al|a*l !*• bid blm laiowal)
tniiwiai iiititM lu ib»lr ibmum launn
j|i,r > Igtiani* #rt l pi* lulroti bl*n Ibal
hoi am you thk kau, tkahk i wim, okkkk
Groat Bargains during the Moot!) of September.
CoM»* to *< <■ »/,* it*for* hufinn sJsstOu'r* I t un ssv«* you ru</n*r
K*(/ftiri»g thru* is s first *«s wtonsr snrJ on short noUn*, sm! »t
frrksss lo**r thsn ih# lo«r< »V,
City's It^lIsM* Jswslsr
«—■ —■ —■—s ■■■ i 11 ■■ i i ■ i ■ - m »hs m mr-- — —i i——■
I), (‘ ItOK
General Banking Business Transacted.
BapHal Sleek, $800,000.
' namt on Improved (hum M IWl pm een*. Bee* Ompsey ead k** Uom$
to be had la the week.
>s»Mtfro*OBm:—CbeaiicaJ Battoaal Baafc. Be* York (Up, B. f 4 Oasto
Out new ('m»b*cte m • fcran'l j»/rtfollo of all th# latcat and
beat *tyte» </f* am; I'lamra, It Illustrate#, <fc -viibo#,
ami j/.y » umnufm '<irun' ptu <» on Often* from $34.00 up,
„ml piano* from $i jo up, li »lu-// it-/w to buy a« wltolewde
dirmt from th# inauuArtar/r#, «ml **r# ov«r so percent.
Ouarautcad for 34 yr»., bare been played and pralmd for Dearly
y, in,,, they are tire moat popular biatrument* mad#.
becure our bPtCIAL TlfWt of Crodit, trumed to euit tho time*,
dttomomber thw grand book it toni fAit. Write tor it at onto,
Insist on
in packages^jfe
fxisti no more than inferior package soda— /WM
never spoils the flour, keeps soft, and is uni- H H
versally acknowledged purest in the world. Ml
Wade only by CHURCH h CO., Hew York
s«U by proton mrywlm,
I Writs Lh Am ee* Ila#MMT #•«* »« rstaafcU UwliMs-rUKK
they Uni i'Mt their la*t pop vote, that
Uiey were through voting for a enndl
ttou of'alfalr* that wee driving lb«lr
friend* end neighbor* eat of tin* cotin
rtevereI oilier republican* here reoeiv
ed letter* but beve refuted lo depart.
Prominent among tb»m I* John M«nal«
When he received hi* notice he (|ul*tly
hitched uii III* teem end came to
O'Nell end bed III* life Iniured for the
benefit of III* family and returning
home »ent word lo tlm vigilant* that
he wa* ready to balance account* at
any time and lilac*
MIKHimv ,»AI.K
Notice I* hereby given that by virtue
of an order of »aJ* i*aued by tbe <;|erl«
of tbe dlrtrici court of the tilth Judlci
a| iloti let of Nebra*Ua, wltbln end fill
hberniau county in an actluu wlnireln .
the 1'nlmi f eniral l,if« |..*un»nce Ooni*
oauy wa* idalattlf and tiearge K Hen
n«tt and Harab H lleniiett were iMfelld- .
ante: I will el <| o’clock |i Hi., on llm
I'tih day f October, l<atMI, at tbe *"uili iif tbe cntirl lam*e, In I.imp • Uv,
nbeiman countyi Nebraska "Her for
>ale at public anciluu (for na*bt (be
followlug d**aMhe4 real e»lai*’. lo wll
Cite Haunt Weal Ijuarter He* lion W,
In i owu*hlp I#, north »l Hang*' HI
we*i cl nth p m and allude In Hum
man iHitittly■ Nebra*ka.
i ilvvn unde I my hand lhl» l*t* ilav
uf Heplember, A, l» IWfl
II 11, IUnumii an i, nheiift
a " **
\|i'iiilid, .Mt Intiiji I ’ll v,
Hiiiui |i|» Hiiltiiid mill AiHtlolt
MkIN liilli l. At MM »* » IT*
All gielta hauled Pi M«Al|ill*u ut
tybaupp Hiding IbheU am in He
pi« ». medal lump Ml) m AaliPia
ia|Hi ■* nnd tawdve abat III* marhel
prhelaal ihoeo aialbrna ( all and
..... . • In fur* anility el*cwhere
-? ~:W*W PF*
Ur. Ilutaybraya' ba*«l*«i aalauMBaally
aad oartrfully yruiiayad naad far yaaaa
la irlialr yraath* awl luf thirty yaara by
tha ywdda with •ultra aaituwat. Kwary •la<te
ayaoHo a »t*tlal uuiatur th» llruaaa aaaiad
n ariumr roa hum*
Ina. OniJStEua, Inflaauaatftwa.
rmm, Wutm y«»«, Ww« taSaT. •* -ft. Ilaaiauhu. Vartlaa .
#*pa»»i U. nyyaa, yua«Mp»>lua ,
tteJsif i ■ v
i «&hfc
|jr... -v...?v,, .mr na.
ataraaata' aau> wm m a i ta wm*» at., ua i*aa
jszzsaxm Wm