The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 17, 1892, Image 4

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    ... * * m f T ?* <
BflOtt A Mellor make a Specify Qf Real Estate, if you wafat to buy or aell donTlorget to call them.
LAiVr CITY NiiXCffl.
OhU .. .*>«»
B*« .,....•***».•■** *
Barley. •»»
Potatoes... jo
Bean*.....••• *.« 1A0
Oolona. .*.....,. AO
Kgg*. .1
Hog*.$4 J00 <M #4.10
Ltoqal Dgws.
The Burlington la tbe popu lar Una for
•11 points
I. M. I'olskl had his w Ind mill blown
down by high wlnda.
Mr. Thorn of Litchfield was a Loup
City vlaltor Monday.
K. J. Mulick returned from Hast- '
Inga last Monday.
Geo. Bickford Is treating hla real
•state office to a new coat of paint.
H. Baas, of Litchfield made us a pleas
ant call while In the olty yesterday.
John W. Long, real catato agent, Loup ,
City Nebraska.
Feed yonr horses at the barn that
carries tbe national oolors.
List your property with J. W. Long
If you want to sell or rent.
Feed yonr boraea at the Red, White
and Blue feed bam.
Chat. Rettenmevar wu down from i
Arcadia Wednesday. I
A. J. B. Falrbalm, of Rockville was at 1
the bub last Wednesday.
Mrs Hill went to Omaha Tuesday
morning via the Burlington.
Tbos. Inks Is building a large addi
tion on tbe north side of his residence.
Correspond with Scott 4 Mcllor rela
tive to buying and selling real estate.
D- 8. Jackson returned home to Bew- 1
ard Wednesday morning via 'be B4MJ
Miss LIUteNIghtlngale, who Is teach
ing the Ashton school came home last
A. Thompson, W. H. Conger and 3«o.
Gibson are among the old batchelors of
tbe town this week.
On Tuesday Wm. Jeffery was appoint
ed by the county Judge as guardian of
A. U. Davis.
Mrs. B. II. Kittell visited her sis
»tcr, Mrs. Kenyon, at Boolus over
0. W • Conhlser and Jas. Landers went
to Omaha Wednesday morning ou busi
ness via tbe Burlington.
The mason work on A. Watklnson’s ,
new brick hardware store was com
menced last Monday morning.
O. Manchester, of Oak Creek town
ship waa in the city Tuesday and <
Wednesday. ,
Farmers say that there waa never
a better stand of oorn In Sherman
oounty than there is this year.
Parties wishing to buy laud will do
well by calling on W.J. Fisher before
buying elsewhere.
8.D. I. Emerson, proprietor of tbe
Loup City Boiler Mill was In the city
this week looking after business.
County Warrants at 91.0*1-1
at A Taylors Store In exchange for
goods, prices to be as low or lower than
the lowest. ATaylox.
Children's Day will be observed at
the M. K. Church next Sunday at 8
o'clock P. M. You are Invited.
E. Brewer returned from Omaha last
Friday evening where be has been at
tending the Funeral Directory Asaocl
Oeo. TrueUon U giving the old Lalk
A Krleobbaum aland a through renovat
ing preparatory to shelving hta stock of
J. 8. Pedlar baa moved hla residence
building to the front eud of hta lot* and
underpinned It with a good brick found
Other medicine* might help bat to
make aaauranoe doubly a are uae De
WUfa Sarsaparilla to enrich, purify and
reucw the blood.
Some careleae person broke a Urge
glaaa In the door of T. M. Keed’a Imple
ment store last Tuesday night.
Mra James Landers of Arcadia
atarted Tuesday for a visit to Mends
and relatives in I’lerluda, Iowa.
Disease never successfully attack* a
system with pure blood, Da Witt's
Harsaparllla wake* pure new blood
and enriches the old.
Henry french has uudenakeu the re
sponsible position as tie* I) in the Na«TM
wt-aiau* idtu*. and by the way he Is
learning rapidly
Mra Holcomb returned last Hah
urdej avealug from a weeks visit
with her parents at lUveuue.
A. b Onihouee and family are enjoy*
lag a »Isll from his mother sad brother
wh» arrivad on Imi sreutegs' train from
fee trail a, 11 Hew W
bright pMtpei are the wukheet ta tarn
»aul«e a good thing and bey It We
sell lots el bright people the Mule
Marly Mleers, ft ton are net hilghi
lh« t* pIMa will n.*a<> tow sw
I he sapettleore tiwm various parts sf
the vwttely aim srere atteadlag the
meeting wf the county hoard re pur it
crops hntklng well,
U U Mingus sad J, f. Meehan
of the Helenas M H l ttailed the
h enter § tela Uvea and mutual ftteade
at Arcadia after the game feat Hah
I ha Maptlat Young Pwstpk* t’ateu
■II* note* m the HaptUI church SHI
Htjtday srmlug at I aMwtk subject
ht)«, Matt II Wand*. H* Kvery .
Lafsa bswaaalp has invortnt la a
new road SMapsW, d lha n e-tern H»
vasaehle nteho, and I* raid to be an Ins.
gr»n*wee> ,»»» any thing .* bri e
Hi « . i . V.
The supervisor* ®s» I"
food*,. Foil miMk
uiWlsbed In tbs Hor flW mt
^ r'*infsll of last Wednesday
' K ' . lisa broksn up tbs crust Id tbs
jelds and put tbs crop* Id s thriving
Mr*, L. K. Patton, Hock ford, III.,
Write*: ‘•From persons! exp«rl*no* I
3*n recommend f)e Witt’s H*r*»p*rl Its,
i cure for 1 incur* blood sod general d*
til I It/."
The Snyder Bros, bars ths hot
record so far for Ashing. Last Sat
irdsy they caught sight Urge cstAab
In the river.
Iisn't loose sight of tb« fact that you
ssn get both the Loup City and the
Litchfield Northwrstkrk for the r«g
liar price of one subscription *1.60.
What Is the msttor with Sherman
xiunty's paper? R. Taylor sdver.
lees to pay a premium for warrant*
n exchange for goods.
If anyone knows what la meant by
he Times Independent's remark a
loot "ha laughs best who laughs
sat," we would be pleaeed to receive
he Information.
The manager of the Loup City
mamery informe oe that the bust
ices Is fast increasing, and the main
rouble la to get handa to gather the
John Hogue and lady wera out
lorsebaok riding laat Sunday. They
ire both in the vicinity of eighty,
lut still able to enjoy the pleaenres
if youth.
Mrs. T. 8. Nightingale and chil
Iren returned from Oueter county
Wednesday, where they have been
tor a week visiting her sister, Mrs.
About a dozen of the K. P. bora
root to Lltohfleld Thursday to inati
ute a new lodge at that place. We
earn that about SO new members
will be installed.
The Canal Bondi have been canoelled
>y the board of supervisors. We are
lorry to aoo thin enterprise go down
nit everything possible was done by
>nr local canal company to make it a
Don't loose sight of th's date of
lur county fair: Oct. fi, 6, and T.
A'so keep your eye peeled for any
,king and everything in the shape
if produce, etoek, or otherwise that
sill make it a cucceaa.
The annual school meeting for school
ilstrlct No. 1 will be held at the Prl
uary school building on June 37, 1803
lor the purpose of electing two trus
ses anil transacting such other busl
■ess as may oome before the meeting.
W. H. Kennedy received a letter
!rom his brother Geo. a few days ago
tnnouncing hie safe arrival at his
iestlnatlon, Excelsor 8 prlngs, Mis
»ouri where he went to improve hie
Peter D. Thompson, of Ashton,
sras In the city Wednesday. He re
eporle e bran new baby boy at hit
louse, eud says the little cherub
came on Bunday morning last All
Interested narties doiug well.
We are sorry that tbe people of
tbia place did not take the matter in
land and make preparations for a
(rand celebration on July 4 tb, Whim
ever wo have undertaken anything
if tbe kind our efforts have been at
tended with success.
Mr. Patuh Informs us that bis
laughter living at Chicago la not ex
pected to live. Bhe was here some
nontba ago and attended her moth
er's funeral, and on her return got aa
far as Omaha, where she has been
tick ever since.
Mrs. Oowper had every serious ac
cident laat Bunday on her way in
Fright and ran nwnj, running Into
the corner of Mra. Eettanmayer'a pas
lure fence, throwing the cart over
and pitching Mra. Cowper beneath
the frightened animals heels, br ula
ing and acratcblng bar considerably,
On Bunday morning n telegram
waa received here by the coroner and
iherid, bidding them to come and hold
an iuijueet over the dead body of 1*.
3. Murphey who bail been run over
by a passing freight tram within two
or three milea of Litchfield. A more
detailed account of the amt affair
will he seen ta tha Litchfield N*nru
a htim of tbia iMue.
W# are requested to lav to th*
pareuta of tbia village, who have
W»ya playing and fishing la tha mill
men L> look after them They are
daily bathing ta the race under th*
bridges, shouting and scaring team*
aa they peas uv«r, and la othsr way*
annoying th* public, aa well aa th*
mau*g*r* of th* mill Tht* should
be looheri after, and If not at one*
th* village Ixaard will tab* th* mat
ter la hand Much a mean e* ahouUI
ift b* pm milled and an etample
will h* mad* of sum* of lUeui If an
John "*#r*r, r*pr***uling th*
Aultmeu Miller Ca„ «»m* near to*
mg ht* Uf* la a resaw ay last Tueu
lay night u*M far front the farmhouse
*f W A fihalL ten miWv aotthwaat
f this Iowa II* ws* ni. tsd ap fur
1**1 and tah*n hr Mr Wkail a house,
cud after aura* two hoars regal am!
cmscUiuksese Wednesday wo-a
>»g he ana brought to l->up Citr amt
tUkuagh he was jammed nag brat*
M brolly hi* comdutsu ««* nut an butt
k* at first IhMght Th* team ahteh
• the same *w that ran awst with
l*ut»r Yvweta** ami Jo* ISlu, * u
rod found aatil th* a*ti d*t Thrt
were brand nluw»t lour mil** from
where th* am-idsal happened having
tun through this* mr* f**>*t and
brought ap asar Mr King t pi me
th* aaggy hml >*«* wheel hr tgeu
th* horse* were still hiun. i to it,
tntk awrw mvt injure. I ta the U«*t
Base Ball knd Horse Kare.
L»«p I'll; 90 *9900*9 —t»«
latter list "Sot la tt.M
Bird Baaaatt wlaa
Last Saturday, as previously an
nounced, tbs Ravenna Stars cams
over and crossed bat* with oar boy*.
Tbs gain* opened at 1:80 with Loup
City at tbe bat. Tbe flr*t Inning re.
suited In 8 talllee for Loup City
while Ravenna bad to be contented
with a goose egg. On the second in
ntog Uic number of scores for Loup
City wae swelled to ft while 0. Mingus
made a well earned score for th« vis
itor*. From tbat on until the 6tb in
ning Loup City had a walk away,
when the tables turned and th* Ha
vennas whitewashed Loup City In
the 5 and 6, and in the 6 won for
themselves 3 mote tallies, Joe Gilson
com>ng to tbe bat first and swiping
tbe oall Into the left field like a sky
rocket. From that on the Ilavenna'e,
through tbe powerful pitching of
Mellor and good catching of Ward
were completely abut out and not al
lowed to make another score, while
our home team continued to play
ball a* tbe following aoore willehow:
Hcore by lnnlngst
Loup City.8 8380080 4-30
Ravenna.0 10008000— 4
Tbe game passed off quite smoothly,
a little unnecessary criticising tbe de
cisions of the umpire was don* on both
Ward mads two two-base hits end
through error by tbe opposition made
third on both of them.
Paige, of Ashton, who played with
tbe JjOup City team, made tore* run*,
as also did Klttell, Hopper, Ward anil
Tc- scorer did not keen treck, but
others who did ssy that Mellor fanned
the Ravenna's 19 times.
Mingus, ueisi, uuson, ana w ui teu
ton each made a lone tally, the balance
of the Havennos totalling a goose egg.
Bert Buehner made for the home
Plate with great speed, lie trampled
Ward In the dust, and scored a goose
egg. Ward bad the hall.
The Ravenna boys are all corteout
gentlemen and maintained a commend
able appearance throughout the game.
We understand that a return game
will be played at Ravenna next Wednes
day, June 22ud.
Over five hundred people witnessed
the <>me.
Mingus made an elegant slide to sec
ond but was caught on the wing.
Holt, the Ravenna pitcher, did good
work In the sixth inning, fanning three
In succession.
THI nous sees.
After the ball game the horse race
was announc'd "id the cr~ -d repaired
to the fair grounds to witness a gren
quarter of a mile dash between Bird
Bennett, owned by IT. O. " altek tnd
Old Billy Wat'-'ns, owned by Troy IMs.
The race waa a good one, each bore# do
ing Ita best. Bird Bennett won by
about two 1* 2th;,
At a regular meeting of Shiloh Post
No. 12< Q. A. X. held In their ball Jane
11, 13112, the following resolutions were
unanimously adopted:
Hi:*OLVi:i>:-That we tender our sincere
thanks to Manulon Lodge K. of P. for
the use of thoir hall for memorial cerv
ices, to the L. of O. A. R. far so band
somly decorating the same, to the cor
net band and choir for the very efficient
music rendered, to the teachers and
their pupils who assisted us In our serv
ices, to 0. L. Drake and others who hind
ly furnished teams and all others who
assisted us In honoring our fallen com
rades, and especially to Rev. L. W.
Chandler for his able discourse on the
Sabbath, and Hon. J. It Scott tor hia
able and appropriate address on me
morial day.
Id thla city, Burday, June 19, llenry
Jobanaeu to Mlaa Nellie Mofflti, Judge
Beat oSctatlng.
Both contracting parttea are well end
favorably bnown to all ourcltltena.wbu
wtati them every auooeaa amt happlueae.
Although It wraa generally believed that
thla young couple would get married,
yet It waa a great aurprlae to many aa
even their moat intimate frienda did
not know when the happy event would
tranaplre, and lleury waa too cute for
the hoy a, while the bilde by word and
manner (bowed that ahe too could keep
a aeor't. May they travel hand In hand
down IIB*‘a pathway an joying the bier*
Inge i*f love aud bapplue^a, and In old
age be aa agreeable to eac h other aa W
it" fragrant Intel! of the aouthern mag
nolia or the perfume o| a aweel forget
me-not, l» ilia I-eat wi,beaut the Noam
Ji LV 4, l Ji
There will he a baaket picnic held
one half mile euuth eatt of A»l ton,
Nebr, on duly 4»h. 1*99. There will
be apenking. aiugtag, foot ball, cro
4wet, and hgae ball B*r eateitalu
meut It will he held la a alee gteve
plenty of thade aad paal wetof la
ahuudem*. IteffwehinaaU for ante
by the Treebvtettaa t hutch who hea
charge of the picnic, Huaa run to
aad front iba trntae K> ary body la
tiled to attend aad bring you* din
ner ami enjoy an outing aad good an
cia) time.
By order ef t'ommlttne
■»lw C.r feTlT*
Mew tWHmay aeean atr«nge bet If they
neat cry for It they eeal l do an If they
and eeuld We a*e UtWteg aheol
Maher • Bara Wire idnletant waicg eev
er Hi la In Cura l We a ml enter aora
fc»* *» > by Ui'itmin Ra«
Welteoel !*♦«•».*•>.. teaaaaiw* lk»*a«
tea* »l ^
Tot the accommodation af tboaa da
wring W* y lad Chicago ua I We abut*
invaatn* tha V a km IScikv wit) eel I
Ih krta to I bw ago and ratara al one
fare Bit the w ood t* ip, Tot dale#
of »»l* aad limiia of tkkeia or ear
akliUmal laMwalma a, ply ■«
IT It (bn i ka
Agent t’ I* piatvm, Loup fity
Dennis In The Soup.
According to previous arrange
meats made by the independent rus
tlers of tbs town, Prof. Dennis, of
Orsod inland came on to give s lec
ture sod help to swell the campaign
fund. Nothing of the kind wan
marie public until a few hours be
fore the great event wee to transpire,
when suddenly flyers wars out liesr
lng the following announcement, but
carefully concealing the true purpose
of the meeting:
Piior. i, a. J bSHRia,
> Will lecture at (lie opera house
' Campaign Hong- and a Cady ■
Violinist. MrAdmUslon 1lie1».
Independent rustlers were tear
ing around trying to get up a crowd,
and the Times managers, bored to
death by the man Dennis and his
lady violinist, nearly broko their
necks in trying to make It s success.
Well, the lecture came ofl. There
was in attendance a crowd of about
forty, little and big, including the
speaker, violinist, and the whole
“•hootin’ match," (half of which were
complimentaricsv and so completely
were they all sold that you couldn’t
And an Independent, Times manager
or anybody else who would acknowl
edge that he had anything to do with
it or attended tb« lecture. The few
outeiders were sold because they
didn't even get fifteen cents worth.
The independents were sold because
they didn't get enough to pay ball
rent end hotel bilie, aud had to go
down in their jeans to make up the
oslsnce. Their names are all “Den
Death sad Us Straff)*'
Up to now whoso tutored Into s light
with death, fought a losing tight—now
science has dtcovered a way to clrcnm.
vent even death—Haller's fsarsaparillt A
Burdock grapples with u disorerdcd
system and carufuly builds and reorgan
izes. Try It.
For sale by Oust,'dahl Fuos.
Cheap Bate* For The 4th.
The Union Pacific offers ita pa
trons cheap 4th of ,1 nly rates as us
ual this year, B. B. Clowns. Ant.
U. P. System, Loup City, Neb.
Are ever popular and successfol.
The exceedingly low rates otlered by
the Union Pacific this ysar will in
sure them an immonss business.
Excursion tickets on sals at all Tick
et Offices of the system. For dates
of sale and limits of tickets pr sny
additional information apply to
8. B. Cowlis. Agt
U. P. System Loup City, Neb.
The Small Bey Cteals Apple*.
They are gresu apples and then he has
colic, cramps and diarrhea «ud thinks
he's going to dlo and won’t evsr, ever
steal again. The careful mother al wsj s
buys a bottle of Hallers' pain Parallzer .
and the boy lives to *‘dn so some more.'
For vale by Oukdaul linos, j
W. L. Marcy has returned from Chica
go, 111., to hU former residence, Loup
City, and ha.» associated hlm-"lf with
Dr. Gilman, of Ord. They have their
dental rooms In Landers’ building, west
side of public square.
Why do so many people we see a
round es seem to prefer to sutler and to
be made uilse—’./ie hv Indlge-tlon, Con
stipation, L’iszineee, Loss of Appetite,
Comuitng up of the food. Yellow sain,
wheu for 75*:. we will sell them tihlloh's
Vltallzer, guaranteed to cure them.
Bold by W . J. Ditto.
n M Mathew bonded abstracter.
List your property with vV. J, Full
er real estate agent.
Dr Plummer the ilentlet ha* till otllee
In Uaiteyer'r block up tUlrr.
Apply to the undersigned for farm
loam at a low rate of Intent
.1 0- Pim.nn.
Choio« loan* nt fl por oont
J. W. Long will dUpo c of your prop
erty to a» good advantage a* nny body
l.Mt your property with him
Those who have tern that W not tit
for market van aell it tu me,
Ki i>eu-il John.
It l( a ttxod and Immutable law that
to have goo ', aouud hollh one > u i
have pure, *li'h and abuud nt blood.
There Is no rhorter nor surer roots 1h au
by a nouns t>| tie Win- run-aparllla.
Fur phtu'e* go to the old Whsehay
.Maud tui'tU no pei dm, <alUfeviSi>U
guaiantevd, M. I.m-hlii-kv
J, 8 Pedtsr van make you a loin
loan at a low rate of Internal Sen Utiu
whsu you w I ah to severe a loan.
It dull, •« Irulema and atnplo , If your
blood U think and sluggish i If wuur
appMlt* U vaprlvtoua an I envetUl.r,
yoo need a .'ar-apaillU For beat re
•oils lake be Vt lit *.
"Late to bed >nd early to Mae will
aborts'. th* load lo your hours le lha
tklaa. lot earl) to Bed and a *1 Mils
Karly Nui," Ike pill that makes life
tort fey and better and wiser
It ta a truth tu wtedMtre that lk«
n>t vilest dtue that par t"1 u* ■ the sort of |
ike hm. |»etk ttt’a Little larly Ftasra!
ate ike ar*atl**i put* will pet |.>t tu Ik
v ire a.* I the la*
I J Tva»>*, out leading sU» k
bov.* h»iw U«a hi* dk . with J M
long and Unvee hating k-g* "• > »> j
tie tu nail ntU A) wed Mr see kite to j
fore dUpuatng of kto*» elsewhere
urruvur t'rrtMMt 1' wa»*t. a urn
veteoa lore Fu t’alarrh I'lykl'Ml*.
t auksr wmutk and Htodarh* with
v*. k tautkr tker* t» an logi'enora u*»*l
I lotevno for kb*' o»'*te iwonlei mat
t ursutof lb»*e Mkykiak elth -ul _ a*f* ,
I v hares |'|M *k eold kl w , J I
I Ditto I
Wn do not take fiieturea for noth
lug, but we guarantee lineal, finish
The f.lilcago, Union I’aclfle ami Noth
wet tern 1,1 ne lead* ell compel It Ion
Hlioriest line, (pibk.-t time, t'nloi
Ix-pois, solid vestibule trains to (,'lilcag<
no vexatious delay* or change* at tin
Missouri ftlver.
I?/.*. A MOOIt HPAN Of
ror wale. hix ykar ou
Will be sold at a bargain Apply to
Loup < Ity, Neb.
We, the undersigned, hr re by give
notice forbidding herding and buntlny
or trespassing of any kind on the fol
lowing described premises, t.o-wlt
All of section 9, and east half of act
ion W. township 19, range 19, Hherinau
county, Neb. Any one so doing will l,«
prosecuted to the full extent of the
law. Ciias. J. Joiimsom.
C. M< Me.MN».*ir.
Motles for Publication.
Land Odlceat orund Island Nab. Jana to, 'M
Notice I* hereby given that the following
named settler has Iliad notice of her Inten
tion to make final proof in support of bei
claim anil that said proof will tie made bo
fore the clerk of the District Court at Lout
City, Mob. on July Mrd law, via: Mary
Kiiowlos, ltd , Mo. IM*r, for the M. W. H of N.
K. H and M. W H of H. K. Is of Section *,
Township If north of Kange Hi west.
[.She names the following witnose to prove
her uxitlnnon* tesldonoe upon and cnltlva
tlon of said land, viz:
Lhsnncy Newell, Cion. Walker, U. t. Lup
ton, Jemcs A. Miles, all of Loup city, Neb.
Fuzaki.iM Mwzkt, Itegiater.
Land Ok kick at Grand Island, Nei<
• . 1883
Notice Is hereby given lbat the fol
lowing named settler ban (lied notice ol
tils Intention to make linul proof In sup
port of bis claim, and that said prool
will l»e made before the Clerk of the
district Court at Loup City, Neb., on
July 88 th, 1883, viz i
Waller II. Gunn, Timber Culture
Entry. No (I7JM for the Northwest nuar
ter of Section ’’l, Township 14 north of
Range 1.1 west.
lie names the following witnesses
to prove his compliance with the law
for four years as prescribed by the Jaw
upon ami cultivation of,said land, viz:
J. M. Snyder, L, Nichols, Chari es
ilnyder, and Walter Fletcher all of
Verdurotte, Neb.
Franklin .‘weet, Register
Notice to liAliiKinentfli
Notion la hereby given that the Intercut
uifi rental upon the contract* of 8ulo and
Loaoe to tho following doacrlbod r.ducatlon*
il Land* Mttuatod in Mhorman County, Ne
tjruwka, a* Ret oppo*lte the game* of the re
inactive holder* thereof, i» delinquent, and
H *atd delinquency I* not paid up within
ninety day* from tho date of tbfai notice,
mid contract will to deal oared forfeited by
the board of educational Land* and Fuuur
met Raid forfeiture will bo entered ot re
cord in the manner provided by law.
North Jf of If R 14 Ruction 10. Tuwn 18, B, Ift
woRtO. R Andrew*, All of Section 88, Town
18 uango 14 wc*t 0. L. ItauieR; HoothoaRL
4«iarter of flection 80, TownRhlp it#, Uango 10
wcrI, Jarin-R Hawley; North«a*t quarter of
•eclion 80 To»/n 10 Kongo Ift, .bun** w , uuyoR
ftouth<u*t quarter of tho MoiiUichrI quarter
ft Hecl lori Townnhip hi, Uango 1.1 went,
Jen* 8. JonRon; tfortiiwoRt quarter and loti
t a 8of Ruction Pi, Town 14, Kango It wc*t,
Au( tut Jaenic-ku; All of Men tionTtJ Town 18,
itango 14 WORt, Win. Mutton and John Lur.
rack; North wool quarter of Moctlon .80, Town
\<‘> imiigu 1ft we*t f ruuk Is. Sheldon a Oo,;
Wor»t half ot flection 88, Town Pi I binge 14
newt IS, O. Mel by; Mouth half 18, Town 14,
PougO !6 wc*l C. W 16 Ifodgc*; We*t hull
ft Meet ion .h), Town 16 gauge it watt trwln
I.'-»ii,p . in und rred w. flun; m. W. quarter
ft Moctlon .71 Town 13 Jluitgo It; wont 0. L*
tturgcim; North half and mi hive*t iiimr
er of Section 1(1, Town 18 Itauge 18 weal Win
w. Cantwell; Norlbanal quarter of Section
0» Town 18 Itungo Itl weat \\ m. w, Cantwell
K half of section Mi Town 1ft gunge 14 wewt
S. h. ThouipMoii; r. N. quarter of motion :w
ruwn 13 gauge Ml w eal Tho*. ilarglH, M. W.
juar'ter of section 38, Town 10 uango 16 weat
Lyiiian J Tracy.
mted at Lincoln Nebraska till* lit day of
Juno 1810.
A. K. HumriiuKT,
Dominimrinner of Pabllo Laud* A HutldlugR.
Mignod June 0.1*W, I) A- Jackron,
L'ounty TrettHiirer
State ok Nebraska. I
cot ntv or Sherman, j
In County Court: Notice Is hereby
given that, petition having been tiled lu
Die county court of Sherman county,
Nebru.ka for the appo.ntmeat of an
J. blue d«cea*ed, late of xaid county.
I lie same la act for hearing at 10o'clock
u m„ on Monday tliu 2?tb day of June,
I vjj at tli« office of the county Judge,
III Loup City In aald county, at which
than ami place all iieraoua Iritcruatud
In aald estate may appear and be beard
concerning aald appointment.
(jiveu under uiy hand and official
seal thia dlat day of Mav,
Cl go. 11th r, County Judge
Nutiit 7b T'tko Tu />««/.
T<v I aim's A lirowni You are hoteby
notllh'd that lot IJ In block il, in the
village of Loup i lly, tu Sherman eouu
I) Nebraska, »« on the ,'il day or Out*
oh«r, Isttu purchased by M II. Mead at
prlvalc .ah’ from the treasurer of aald
iounly lor the ih'llmpiunl luava of the
icara IsMi |Ki*?, and Isas, paying there
for the an hi »iU, It that the -aid M.
II bead it elved fioui aid ircaauret a
lax cerildcale of aald anle, that there
after (tie rid M II Mead paid taxea on
I .III lot l"» ihe year |Ha#M*e aim! ol
•IH.Itk ami foe the year I" *» the attui of
li'tr.i «i„t for tto< year |at*l the auiu of
».o t- ; nst ttivre aflui lm< said M II
Mead Mihl and *> signed aald tag certlll
■ ill1 to, value lu A. 1*. ' ulley who la
the lawful owuer and holder thereof.
I Mat uoie >i the said dess till'd laud la
reileciitt d fiaut aald tax certlUcale and
other lis t,a on ol la fine Ilia 4lilt day of
IK loiter I stir 4 deed will ha demanded
i | md ren in- I Itont the I re v. met of
Mid i ittHtir lot a|t| laud,
listed June 1st, l*W4, A I' MUM,
lliu \\ , lit atkU, Agi
**“> *• aet v» ’*
The atts nltou of the lattice It rv
I |st. IfttM.V t Vtivl to UtV NMV end
roMI'LlilK chub «»l
M ( l# I# UN II Hie
_ i .gethe. With a lull line (few
-rtujYttiwm* <m
l J ~
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded.
'In Urn Bants if Shoes
or uuy tiling you want in the goods line.
■ '
i 4
dl' K
^)Gur Pfices are Lowers J
_ -and
Our Quality Better on All .
. '> WM———————————i«a «—w——.
Because our goods me no good, our prion
ho low dial everybody buys them,
IlkAtt • I KHk t.UIT CITY. N#».
Laa U>\% t Man*in, a 1* ttu»<,
I'imUm*. A*VI (MUiar, I'mMn ,
General Banking Business Transacted. 4
Capital Stoak, $100,009.
<**+*0mw H'"+m * 1 >mn**v»*
L oam e* ImytttNwl !a#t»« «» X|*i |«* c**t. i'«*» Onm?**? aw4 !-«•» »•*•#
It Ua Ua4 la Um *wt.
(Vaaw-stNMim-'-A^aMlvAl HaiMnal Hauku H*« Y«ffc 0«f, I. V 4 L’aaafci
IommJ mm* uhm* f•