The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 17, 1892, Image 1

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The Loup City Northwestern.
. .. - 1 * ~ I ■ I "'—I—•
The Northwestern
U too. 14. IIBflRCIIOTKlI,
Editor and PublUhar.
TIRMt |l 10 ft Vssr, II Paid In Advancs
btorl M lb* loop t ltf FustoSlM tut Wtns
Klulau Ibrou*!. Ik, mall* u mo*.d»
•InM inatUr.
Oiff lepmilcii Newspaper li Sherman Conntf
For President.
—of fndlann.
For Vice-President.
—of New York.
Col, Polk, president of the Farm
er's Alliance, died June 11th.
Havenna is making great prepara
tions for a grand celebration on the
Fourth of July.
Chicago wuh visited on the llltli
mat. by a terrible tornado, anil death
and destruction wuh left in it,* path.
Wliilelaw Held, of the New York
Tribune, nnd minister to France, whm
nominated by acclamation for vice
president of the United Slates. Mr,
Held is a power in politics and one
of the ablest writer* tbi* country af
ford*. He will materially strength
en the lcpuhlicun ticket.
The supervisors will at this Hitting
again consider the proposition to
construct a bridge across tho Middle
Loup. Wo learn that they arc very
much divided on the proposition.
We hope, however, that they will see
the necessity of a bridge anil vote to
build It. Arcadia and other points
out of the county are getting u Urge
portion of the trade of the northwest
part that rightfully belongs to our
<owu county. Let us have a bridge.
C. Fisher, manager of the Loup
City Roller Mills lias been absent foi
• wefek visiting l» brother in Manitoba
He teports crops there about as fai
advanced as they are here. He
broBgnt a saraploof tho first grudf
wh*at, which is much nicer than the
Wfceat raised In this country, and
./which, ho says, is being sold in the
rmarkets of that country for 35 cents
<par bushel. This Is a great difference
from the price realised in this country
^ for even third grade wheat, for which
tho people here are realising 55 cents,
and j ot the farmers of this country
.are not satisofld. If the bars wore
let down and Manitoba with her mill,
ion* of bushel* of wheat which she has
w to red up was allowed to flood the
-country with this surplus, the thiril
grade wheat which we produce here
. . i __ il._te
WOUill OOt ue nutiu uiuiw tunu *«.<
oentt per bushel. In this instance
the protective system has more thuu
■ doubled the price of wheat, as it costi
the producer of that country 3ft cents
per bushel to laud their wheat tu oui
markets and consequently they art
' uua tie to compete with the produce!
of our country, tan the farmer set.
anything wronj; with Bill McKinley
or tbe McKinley hill? Dout all s|i«ali
. at once.
Mnny Blaine meu are aoruly disap
I > pointed because lie did uot get Iht
nowiuaUofi, and equally as many
i tHlaine meu are g'ad thut undei
ttUa valeting circumsauccs ilarriauii
urae stmeeesful llait Blaiue couit
out tut lUe position month" ag >, in
•taad of poatuwiy refusing to bccoiut
aesmUdat*, all wvuld have gone well
with him, and douUleaa. Harrison
would not It a* si been ji the late
Nebraska has alwape b*»*u> for Blaii.e
and It ia quite likely V»r delegation
iwould bo! have gone to rhsa,»u**u
i tiun Instructed for Harrison ire* ‘•her
kaowqWiat Blaiue waa a t audoieU’
Che blame however reeta more in<ov
t)| on the Hlaute U»>ui<i* thaw n
vlowa oa the subject Unnwlf tin
huHsdltatmu hae fallen on thorn wlu
would, tf porno hie have humiliate*
Urn preach at, and the medteiwe the )
have to take ta simply that *om|>uuud
«4 and preaerltmd hy themael**#
Hi am* ia umloubtiediv the g mates i
statesman this cuoatrjr has ever hail
nad we have always maintained tha
I ha should he elevatod to the high* *
I peat Uua in the gift of the people. »*n
thla e*io>e on thn part of hia friend'
Who lead him to thn slaughter wowh
hardly Justify km support at IKK
I lx
lime, «*')*!<■ ally us against a limn like
Harrison, who lias for tli** last four
years served the country with honor,
and wlio would doubtless have step,
ped aside bail the secretary made bis
wants known In time to enable him to
do so.
Of nil the animals of tlm farm none
lived such constant mid careful at
tention as to the cleanliness and
wliolesomcness of the water they
drink and tlm food they cat ns the
milch cows. It has been demonstrat
ed that the drinking of foul water by
cows will quickly taint the butter
or cheese product, and the eonsum
ing of foul feed will do tlm same.
It is to be avoided above all tilings
This is one of the tilings that is to be
closely looked out, for at the factor
ies and traced to its source for cor
rection, as it is an evil that spreads
itself throughout the whole mass of
milk or cream with which it comes
in conflict in the process of manufac
ture. Give tlic milch cow the best
and purest the farm affords.—Ne
braska Farmer.
A late telegraphic report from
San Francisco, Cal., states that:
“John Gibson, secretary of the
Judson Manufacturing Company,
left the city with $17,000 in gold to
pay of! the employes of the factory
between Oakland and Berkley.
Near Berkley two men boarded the
train and covering Gibson with re
voivers, compelled mm givu up
the package containing the coin.
The men jumped from the slowly
moving train, took a buggy near by
and made their escape. Gibson fir
ed live shots from tiie platform of
the train without effect, Tiie passen
gers were dumbfounded at the scenes
so rapidly enacted before them.
The officials are making every effort
to capture the robbers.”
The following special to the State
Journal tells of tiie terrible tornado
and tiie damaging resells at Don
iphan, Nebraska:
Doniphan, Nf.h , June 12.—A ter
rific hull storm and high wind, which
almost amounted to a tornado, al'iiclc
Doniplmu this evening at 8:30
o'clock. All the growing crops in
this vicinity wore destroyed and
every window in town exposed to the
storm was broken. The hailstones
wero of unusual size and were bank
ed up in some places by the wind to
a depth of several feet.
On the occasion of the National
Kducational Associosion's annual
convention at Saratoga, N. Y., July
12-24, the Burlington Route, from
July 3rd to July 9th, inclusive, will
sell round trip tickets from all sta
tions in Nebraska to Saratoga at one
lowest firsteluss fare plus two dollars
(membership fee N. K A.). Tickets
aie good for return passage from
July 15th to 21st; an extension of
time limit eau, however, im obtained
by depositing ticket ut tiie office of
the Joint Agent of Teruiiuui Lines,
Broadway, Saratoga.
Tlio Burlington Route will run
Special Pulrnau Sloeping Cars and
Reclining l lunr tin1* rrom Lincoln
uml Omaha through to Saratoga,
leaving Lincoln at J:40 1’. M. uml
Omaha at I 45 l*. M., July t»th.
A folder, giving all particulars,
muy he hud upon applying to J.
Francis, Uenersl I’aiscnger and Tick
et Agent, Omaha, to whom, or to lo
cal agent B. A >1. H K , requests for
reservation of berths should be ad
If you have any idea of building a
silo for winter convenience ami nec
essities now is the time to select uml
plaut a special patch of corn for that
purpose. Let it Iwu large corn
' with abundant foliage and one that
< will mature to the glazing stage a
! little befure frost way bo expected
-Nebraska Fanner.
It tak< * the editor of the le’t'p
City Norihwesiern to gi\> In* tile
contemporary “au nrtlsli touihing
up. lie is e- rt-nnly s master iu tied
line Kdgnr IN**i,
i'll vt I'Al tjl V Ap.'LMBLV
At iimUk'i \>h, Julie nth to
July I'tli Fol tknsi .1* »n ng lo Hall
|be Heblrii e t'kaulauM'-r the I Ulon
1'si l Sc infer* b fate of one file for
the round trip a* toUow*
it! Flow ad |« ",ls iu .V Masha
I ticket* to »*> told June sad* and loth
good for Mura null! amt mu lading
Jut) titk,
I ml | , p'Oil* in Net m*Xa and
Kan*a* nitkin tin ante' of lt,atrk>
tickets on »*ie Jiim 41 lit to July lUlti.
i1 lacluaite go'al for return until Juiy
litttk For any additional lutoiinaiton
i apply to ft B t on »»*, Vg> nt
t |* kltlein Loop t »•) Neb
V< r Mu- ti'Niinnodltina „f those de
siring lo *lsit the different Chautau
qua assemblies tin* following
exceeding low excursion rate* aie of
ferer) by the Union I'nciflc:
Cflm, fcwl# , Jtt'y •th lo IBlfo,
One fare for the round trip as fol
lows; 1st. From all points in Neb ,
July bill and nth, go,el lor return un
til and Including July 17th, 1892.
2nd. Forte all |Wint* in Neb. and
Kansn, williin CO miles of Crete,
July 6th to Kith, inclusive, good for
return until and ineluding July 17th,
Frfiiifint, Nslf .♦Inly 1st to IBtfi.
One fare for toe round trip plus .'l5ct«
admission to the ground*. 1st.
From all point* in Nebraska, June
30th and euly 1st, good for return
until and including July 10th, 18t*2.
H, IJ. Cowi.Ki. Agent
IJ. I’. System Loup City, Neb.
fir. car, ' il. Cure prevent* many
rlr up, til he* and had break*. He
I cur, fill.
I; | r-nipt. Hlaekn,"’-- emkei slovenly
I .. , weary worhl wanderer*. He
pr dpt.
Hi; faithful. "lie thou faithful uii
to death, ii - d I v.-lll give thee a crown of
life." Ik flllhful.
Ilit Is i 'si. ChcerfulneH* tends to
Is- g,h . ,f ✓u;- . -ind to day * that are
w i-tli the .. ,/thening. lie cheerful.
!' |h. gtilfill, Thoughtfulness i»
t- (.•iik i- :i plant of blessM fragrance
and h ind i i Is, "bom unseen," etc.
Ik ; lurug'ii lul.
I;|- ■ . i humored. flood humor i*
I., i .-I- Hr ■ '-leils ine. no matter how
v,. ,| tie- ill--s ' ireil pillhe sugar coated,
lb- good milured. Ilood Housekeeping.
K. H. |)i m on. of Alameila county,
Cal., Intends to send t > the exjsmitlon a
pumpkin v eighitig e pounds.
A’cirsii Ni's for and ngniml Sunday
,,p. id r f the exp siti >n w ill Im heard
to. the national commission on Oc
tober 0.
• Till: ntnntx r of intending exhibitors
ann.m” "d from Pennsylvania, up to
,1,.1... i als«ut 8S0, of which AW are
I’li! a li-lphians.
I « ttie Michigan exhibit will lie a
I'o.ri'M mail' a in wur of live liuudred
spo oncic. ..f fruit wliieh grow In the
Mate. It will be prepared by a Kula
mtittoo woman.
I ,• the California building will be
eh —n n gr a lief •••. ..•linen of every
C: f. n ’ i d uiiesti - flower obtainable,
a: ' «! .. i painting.s, In water and oil, of
sis hnnilrtd wild flow, rsmill gnutaea.
NT'Mliiiiuio with valuable annuals are
the dwarf vert dies of nasturtium.
! i it reijuire warmth, moisture
and n llttie shiule.
'i'lie pea li rosette, which has gained
1 1 footh d.l in (Ivorgln, differs
f ri t'.e i . m il yellows In several par
ti dun-'.
,i on, iiv mignonette in perfection it
1 >ld I" the American Agriculturist
11 at the ; hint mu t riot he closer than
in I: i It way and the top hud
li.• i1 ill l»e )'inched off when the plant
is t wo im in"' high.
Titian: Is a r sehush at Ilildersheim,
in iianovi r. that w as planted more than
l.e 'll years ago by Charlemagne, in
i oei.i ration of a visit made l>y an
in... a udor from the Caliph llaroun al
liascldd. The husli is now ISO feet high.
/7«rfane risnwH mill© hiiicmi re
vise 1 LV31 ^iiauly for w©uk <iiwtf«5Htion,
Can l>© taken by tlio numleMt child. For nk*o
by lomllr.K druggists.
The National Democratic Convention
Headquarteuh Jacksonian Cu b, y
91ii New York Life liuilding, >
Omaha, Neb. June 1. 1892. )
On the occasion of (lie Democratic
Convention at Chicago June 21st '92
it is earnestly dusired that the great
[State of Ncbruska may no well rep
resented, and take a prominent p >
sition at the National (iatheriug ot
Democrats from ail the States of tlie
Union. To this end, aud in order
lliat the Nebraska Democracy may
present a strong ami imposing front,
the Jacksonian Club extend* a cor
dial invitation to ait Democrats to
uiiite with the Club in attending the
Convention, \Vc have chartered a
special truiu on the Union I'ueitic
and Chicago & Nortli Western Hall
ways, to leave (linulia Sunday, June
19th, at -I I*. M., arriving at Chicago
tlie ueat morning at 8 o clock We
nave at ranged at Chicago with the
Sli* rmau House, Atlantic ami Mid
land Hotels fm Ktduaive Nebraska
Headquarters. We have aeeoimala
lions for lull people at leduce I ratea,
I knot her delegation of our club
! .,iol friends will leave I Imallit via the
same bn. Monday, June guth, at
17 no I* M ami will be met In the
| him.ii by the ('lull iteeep
tiou Comn.owe ami escorted tu our
in ehpiuMei* Hallload th kvtsare half
tare and will la* sold June lit, hi #o
i giaal letuiuiug until July i ih inclu
ivv Huv vo»o ink u at your
ho am dowel through to Chieagu via
a'Ml»« lilies,
A laigv uuuiiao of pminim ul Ih-iw
I m ists throughout Nsluasaa ami
I Iowa have written u» for
I a. loUnaUtlous that Ww Hill Is- till,
, to ptovntw all with ample and tow
| fototLuw tallway ami hotwl accoiuiaia
11->u ww ,L«ifw that vou notify ua
of jout I dwuttoMs at thw rat beat osle
1 sib!. Addle mi ©II («)Ht>ibH'lUtik
In M 1C Hi«ii,u|ii St© \>»«W l.*ft
IlmMttyg * SvU
III© \ l‘ll Alik ul
, H 1C* *m, H©h'i«n
lljjp^ArrKNTION! "^If
<7i>* I will make you a dozen 10 x IV aii
Picture* of your Parra or Heaidenee >. ,*■';
yfi tor I7.0D. 12.00 to lie paid in cash ’)!
when negative ie taken. I will take '
your note for balance when 1 deliver - ,* *
(Aj$ the Picture* and will give you six Jy*
mouths or a year's time to pa; it it), SB
u'- This is u good chance for every- * ■ '
§j> body and you should not tail to take
j&3 advantage of it. All who wish work ~&j
yk done should let me know before the pMf
:'<y, Hist of July. Write your name and
"A~ the name of township in which you ^
|j§ * live plainly. Yours Rcsp’ly, jj si;
^ W. F. Anderson, Photographer,
JUNE SI, 1902.
The ha monel Club of Omaha ban ar
ranged foi u Special 1 rain to (,'lilc igo
by the Burlington Houle, leaving Oma
ha,7 ]>. in., Saturday, June 1H, and arriv
ing in Chicago early III* next morning.
The special train will be composed of
Vestlbuleil Bleeper* and ltecllnlng
Chair Cars, and will he run through sol
id; It will carry the principal Demo
crats of Nebraska, who, with the Hamo
set Club and their friends throughout
the state, will act *« nn honorary escort
to Governor Boyd, The Samosets will
be met upon arrival In Chicago by the
Club Iteoeptlou Committee and escorted
to tlielr Headquarter* In the Sherman
House, where an entire lloor Inis been
reserved for their exclusive use; reduc
ed rates have been arranged for.
The Samosets extend to their brother
Democrat* In Nebraska a cordial Invl
tatlnn to attend the Couvontloh with
..I ticket* will be sold from all
stations at half regular rates. June 18
20, and are good to return until July 8.
Purchase tickets at your local station
through to Chicago and return and Join
the Samosets In Omaha on the evening
of the 18th. Inquire or local agent II.
A M. K. K. for fmthur Information.
Address all requests for sleeping car
berths, hotel accommodation*, etc, to
Nat Bhown, Merchants Hotel,
Omaha, Nebr.
Tlio boys are marching toward
Omaha, to take part in the National
Competitive Drill to do hold June 13
to Hu. Special rates to uniformed
military companies and bands. Re
duced rates to civilians desiring to
visit Omaha during the encampment.
For dales of sale and limits on
tickets apply to S. B. Cowi.kb,
Agent IT. P. System, Loup City.
The Union Pacltlo will soil tickets to
New Yen k City and return at one fare
for the round trip to those desiring to
attend the International Convention of
the Young People’s Society of Christian
Endeavor, which meets Jtilv 7th. For
any additional Information apply to
S. B. Cowuta. Agent,
Loup City, Neb.
Y P. 8. C. E.
Foe this occasion tho Union Pacific
will sell tickets to New Yrrk City and
ietorn at one fare for the round trip.
For any additional Information apply lo
S. B. Cuwi.Es,
Agent U. P. System, l.oup City, Neb.
f -■* l >111 I IW
Commencing Sum ay, April Hrd , lssi |
a ue* ilnuugh car iout« will he establish
ed between Iteuvar and • hlcago Via
the Burtluglou A Missouri Hlver Ball
ruad between Iwiim and Omaha. Chi
cago, Milwaukee A Saint Paul Hallway
hetwecuOuiaha and < hlcago.
TUI« new through car line will give
Improved »era too for all point* mu aud
north of the main Him <’ M A si p. By ;
Train* leav lug l.oup City at *i*tt A —
M »III make i lose connection w tth this
car at l.lucolu, w hL it U the only change
tot’, M. A St, p, point* Passenger* go
tog cast vel*l do well to r> member this
and therein save time aud change of
, *i. which would have to he made via
ulhet (lues this cat uml alt llorHugtou
trains go east vla lluolu aud ttmaha,
whh li U the rlnnU -I Hoc to all point*;
hum* In time aud .11 Hence saved by tab
log the BurBugvou inote for all points,
Omaha * • h , aw* • Slav a
i Hn Fare fur the R*»uml Trip.
The ( alow I’m |A. Will hell tic beta
to ills >ha aud tv tutu at utte tare for
the round l|tu to thvew .trotting to
attend the National IVopiea t’oa
vettlt iH w h>< h meeis Jait I Fur
date* of sale and limit* wf tie bet* or
any addittotval taforu-alhm afvfdy W»
ji H CwWIE*
Agent l I1, Hyatt m Loup tTty.
i |
Ht C3omrriissior) I?rio«,
Ladies, do you realize that when you buy
of lha retailer, you are pay I tig three line
ONNTf profits? The manufacturer sells the
com mission house, the latter to the jobber,
and the Jobber In 'turn sells to the retail
merchant, rou must pay Hie manufact urer
a profit first and then pay each of the subse
quent handlers a profit, not Infrequently
paying two profits to the retailer- The
Ma n u fact u rers (. ,omm iss ion Co.
Is a responsible syndicate which sells direct
to the consumer. Ily investing in manu
factures’samples, odds and ends, Job lots
and the stock of Insolvent manufacturers,
In connection with our regular commission
holdings, we are able to sell to the consu
mer direct at the cotumlslon price, which
Is hut one remove from the manufacturer's
While this company handles all kinds of
ladles furnishings, we are making a special
drive onour hosiery, merely to Introduce
our name In your territory and establish u
nmututlon for giving values never liefore
offered, so that you will befully preisirodfor
our lattor announcement of our entlro lines.
Head t he following offers:
Ladles full length, fashioned, fast black
hose, superfine gange, retailing every
where at M to .ifl cents per pair) we will st 11
at hi cents per pair, or one half dozen at 96
Ladles extra length, full regular made,
fast black and seamless hose, very finest
gange retailing every where at flO cents
up, we will sel7at«8 cents' or one half
dozen for $1,88
We pay express charges, and agree tinnon
dltioiially to refund money if hosiery is not
the values and qualities described, lie
sure and send the size warned, and reinom
bor that as we pay express weeannot afford
to send less than one half doz.
Orders must be accompanied by cash In
either moncv.ordcr, postul note, stamps oi
registered letter, aduressod tu the
Manufacturers Commission Co.
*£l\ Fifth Avenue flhlciuso. III.
Lawyers and Land Agents,
Will and unproved land* for eale. And
money to loan on real nutate.
Physician and Surgeon,
LOOP cm, Nil.
Ofltoe.- W. T. Chaee'e Drug atom. All ekOl
promptly attended to. day or aiaht.
wormaToii or
City Express.
All order* promptly atU>u,iu,l to
Kxprean mid Freight.
LOUP CITY, ■ • ■Mlilij,
Y. P, M. V. K.
The iMhiltl lSouln to Near York I >r
lit* Nebraska IkdegalliM I* tin the
I nlim I'a.illi, the I'lilt'agi, A \oilh
«e»Ur«. Ihe l ake Mh>«* A Wu tngan
Hmilh«iu and tlic New York ivimal anti
IIuiUiiii Miter ’I H Thtuugb ebair ear*
and *lee|H>i«, a *hurt *tnp In rkhago it
d, *lrvd, a tlea ,.| tnaje*llv ViagraTalla
amt trip ahmg Ike lot el, )lu,l,..u by day •
llglil ale but a lea u| I he adt Ullage* u|
feted by Ik* ildL'Ia) It,<1.1# I't.knt* al
one tare lur lbe rumol trip E*,» ad.IP; at
al InloMMallur or aeeeuMnodattuae i the
idfl, lal l*au< apply lu a It I'uattt,
Age«d I nhm l a, ill, nt teat.
l oop t'tly. Net
Pur ibe abut* mtkthMi I bn l moat
I'm IB, •ill anil U* k> l* h< I ‘-inha and
ttdtun at greatly ivduvd rate* Pm
lull Iklmwaliuk apply to
H H I'utilk
A gen l U P Stale**, lump City. Nth.
loom! oiiuBBUoK'g For I8NES ud
uktiin k«. Famous Umi M dm. iuuk.
ItMlOeUfMOu. BtnICw, VmiWBull. BUAHlUr.*. BMImMCh.
bit, Thu Triad and Tilted, Curable, Handtom, Will Midi, Inanntood Stool,
Agents Wanted. Liberal Discounts. 8end for Catalogue.
No. f. Solid Tiros, strictly No. SO'Lodiii’Oiobfoo Tirol,
.$84.00 HIGH GRADE. $04.00
Ns. I, Cushion Tims, No. 4 Convertible Solid Tim,
$05.00 $85.00
No. 8, lodloo’Solid Tiros, No. 4,0, " CnshloiTIns,
our ]■ 90B-00
Cushion Tires No b°tt«r
AR" , , machine made at
Warranted apy prtoa.
Interchange- Bicycle Catalogue Frn.
ahe. —
$85.00 $85.00
,4ml 1I1 cun In iUmp« for nor Id# pnwlllnitrtlwl tililn-M .Klmii, AH1’, Imtwn, Ipirtlm Hwili irfill klndi^lU^
■1H6SB all iter the gitilizeo WORLD I
'1*11 u iuwt.
£8gAfe-^v-M AUtOLUTC ncuAinr,
mm-nuSiwmkBXI quicmat iimmi.
atCZsl M«Sr®fli®fla3
«/*•• lit lUii tojwht tow ut »>u,
*■!,* r»a ni»fl*T, IMmilUiBTtilN
J(nm, 4,„ » irTUMt UNtbiAi DttUti tutu- »'U« vt'VWA.
UUBBUM riUBil I kBIBVt W* IBWIMI ”:****• **“*■
l< H »*•>!*.» »n Ttt> :t!ur> nUUtlfU* “ YuWmw* ill htKltM Tlintl, |
00 TO
James Rentfrow
Feed Grinders,
- MWM HIM*.*
OHM NlM’ltm. **•<
|»\ DM %t u* W Kl » *.
f»W*» %• »>•<• «» MW *«»*»* 0|W»
ihc « t*U, I.V'tM UUMtt,
*1 IwteVvl HIM t* a*kl lit Ik® In#’lull Will
II®. Inin 1*11 uul il. lia. l |imn in# r®al III®*
*rv worn, tin i®i*»rfutl r®«u«i« ®uil via
itartalu»#in»ilun nl kliomi .twin. In® lumvl
i nt HE CA M HK( )N tfJBJttSa*
*!«, * kWn ®**i**m* t*® tk» Imtwawtua ••• lav*
■ i « .-lilt I*. I'® ®wmi* o| lll%'»»|r ®*®®l
Win® It U lia® Tlu»l, L »>i*« (MHiaUklUWa
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