) Scott & Mellor make a Specialty of Real Estate, if you want to buy or sell don't iorget to call on them, Unit YkCOK TIM Tmu. e:s,-T—Tx: s: s “t- S5 as:: <« ..I. . *%A^k . il/M. | ft «r**4 KM «w «N **»« JU*, W«* —4 *»H». 9M&AWWW 6HU&/JM Mil M TUICTA1U -n—wr b*n,f nvttrr v ubtr rwwir kib t-rt mtnuki. So# year tuwM 1Juk/u I'odtt' Afoot, m tMim* K. L. \/>*k%, Wfia- A Tki. Afoot, OauOi*, JUb Do 16, uwr *m Bkmuwn Cem«tod ¥f**kly. WfcMOf.,0 60 U| AO OM4I,, ,, ,,, ,,,,.191(6 ill *>*u * * * * * * * * * o * * 000 * * * * * * * * * * *H W '3^3 *** 00 0000000900090009000000*00 *»<**>» 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 w* >00000 000 0 0 00 000000000**0 o' Jlw H*'tn00o000o0000oo 000o00000*\/& Uk \Jfa Ok Wftf/ / / / 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0*0 0 * 0 9 0 0 * 0 m 0000000000000009000000000000 »W MkUfk* * 0 0* 0 0 0 0* 000 * 0 00 0 0 000*00 00 00 0 #11 0000000000*00000*000 49.76 0 |9A6 Ltopgl Dow. X Mw«r, Mm KaMabla /•»«* coaobltM *f**i of la woao tra* la lava IMorday. 'flu lif^rrfft m4 ImH Hu# of b^to lo Mm «fty at A Oa’f )>*d4ow Am *n MMlIlof «ora at Mm X. A M olooator. 9/A9 bu*Mi* of pototeM MU) Ms. ymt ImAmI If you cowo *1 oa«o M T L. Flltprr1* Mow York Cm* Mon. Mn.lMowart Coagor mm nportad **r * louvly II) Mm int of Mm wook, but l* ftK# 0, XooM*otor wool to Arcadia Mon day M**l*fM InmIoom a«4 KtlirMU) Tu—day noralug. boys, mmm and mm Im oor spring Mm of straw goods, (hop am soppy. dooms no A Otori, A Am Mm of Oaol's, Iwdlea' and cbll» Ami's Am shoos at Cogmaoo A (V* iUioaiobar tba elocutionary «bt«rUln •Mot at Um M. K. Church toolgnt, sod giro tM “I*odl*a CloP" a good bouse. IHaoaao two aurceasfuHy attack* a syataw with pur* blood. Im Witts Mamspartlla makes pur* mv blood and oortehoa tM old, bright paopl* sro tM » I-and or* of Amadla wars down and rialled Sunday frith tholr parents, Mr and Mr*, (!, UaAn, 'I bare »L a matched borne rate at fair gtouiuA on dune ||tb„ and w* ora Inlormad ItVill bo run for blood. The i-ccaaeloo will on donbt bo lau*r**ttng, and many paoppi from adjoining town* will ba la sltondanuo. A sort** nf Aro games uf baas ball botwaan tM lamp City and Itaranua ninosaro Ulhad nf and also our hoys will aatand tonutlwna to slat# league > iobt to Mins# and truss bata on IM dia mond. Maae ball In ibis lusallty will doubthws ba laUmMing In IM osar fotoro. Mlaa Hr* »b*aU Abate lasted draoMMI* will gtraan eater lalowastl a* lb* M k ct»u*ln| mane anil tall, was hte*y With I net a ben ib# h>ll my I*tm. Im’ mlgul best a mil by ba* •lf|e m a Abe bad a leather belter mm and was Um seen at A Wall's Usis in lump i ay, Any tol«rm*tli*n Issuing IIS her • «»w»a*y will ba thankfully »# *»i*»d I natsMan Jtwigg, i.Mup City, Nabr When A d*tblne>m‘s aiwnilun I* railed Is* tb* fail I bat In* tbuold la pal * IM side »a k wbieb be Iota up Pi dig his eollot be says (bat M la gulag to • ummauea #1 un«a tn Paul brief with WhlrhtobbHd dhNi yuu aralaMog wMb blM Itt «*gaid Im iM n#a ssbrnd hun—, bo la ***** g«*Mg io build H Ib* b>md* ia*ry. I *«** I* simply tu *b«*» Ins puMple bun I** > i!* - *S *•■• • W* | us y**0 1*10 ** ll-e** ••"* •». .. jL._ Mow mm4« Iff toft at A. Watiluato* III, of Nmm OHf *m I* lwr» Ilk* M, l/Offff, rffffl ffMatff ffffffut, I//op (Mf M*t/ffffffc*. IM, Kfffffffff Ml (anally rotfffffod W#d to*4»y fffffffflffff Idot four property trltff I. W I//of II you tM( l// mtH or mat, (Am, ll«ffffo» ffffd Idw Uff| *»• do (toMM llffff of <|ffffffffl«« at K//:h Mottoro pflno* •* C/nmuM A <>/». M, 4, fair ffffd lady, of fto«fc villa, MM Iff tfftrw Twffadfff» M, II, KlUffll vUIUd l/lfffffflff Tueaday, Mowing tfffdftffffdfff. I'm* your cow* Im l/rato* tord, tolf VI < Off t* pfff MtOU tb, tfff tov* tod fluff growing woattor ffciff wffffff ffffd crop# fffff Iona I off wffll. Ilavo fff« Mtff« Uww nobby Medford efffdff ffffd xepbyr* at t'AMHUM A Co * C, louder* to* tow on tto Mck Hat Ud« wfffffc, 11« I* ffldff to to out again i'/mmy/uA wttti toot* * M*ilor rela tive to buy tog ffffd Mdlfufl real MUM. f/ffdlM ffffft blfffffc bo*ff Bet*, fft <>s*mi*«k A (>/». Me ffur« ffffd attend tto decoration Mfffficffff at Loup City. Ml** Maul* Nffydor returned trow IH, Paul la*t ovonlffg, luring Jiut flutato •d tffffffbJng • very nuxomtnl tffrru In tto Mtoffi* of that placo. Ikfft, Htorr purctoand • farm of 4. W f/Offg, Iff tto vlffinlty of Arcadia, recent ly ffffd Monday to moved out to do *oom breaking ttoraon. Ottor medicine* might to ip but to coffto MMirffooa doubly *ur« u*o Off ww W m rrmi mmym* ^hih-h, j/urif/ renew tbe blood Can, Tourtclotte, representing tbe largest dry good* bouse to tbe west, Tootle lloses A (>>., waa In our city Tuesday and did a nice business with Onblaer A Co. Mr*. L K. I'ation, Mock ford, III,, Writm; ^Fntm personal experience I can recommend I)e Wltf* darsaparl lla, a curs for Impure blood ami general de bility." O. Kenscboter ha* bead bill out in nounclng a grand ball to be given In tbe opera house tonight, flood music will be furnished andagood time I* In store for those who attend. He sura and attend the dance In tbe opera bouse to-night. JCvery prepara tion Is being made for a good time Her Hoyer will preach to the H. of V’e Hunday evening, dune 6th. Tbe fJrand Army hoys and Ladies of the <>. A. It. are special guests. All are cordially Invited to attend the services. . Nokruwaaraua. Inter Mirt—I eapeet aoou to leave bar* ta It* aeroa* Iba ocean tor a lima am) ■ball be unable to regalve j our patter, aiul •ball bare to a*lt you tu dlacuotlnoa It for a lima. Imup City uogbt to be pi aud of I la paper. Hope you will cat ty tba day on tba ubunlbulldlng m*ttar letup I'My need* a new building if any pitta du««. If I am owing y»u anything k( mm itoow aud 1 •ttall •tralgbten ti up Youn Truly, IHBli. Lain Tbomnaan, tba bright eyed HUM darling of Mr. and Mr* Augu*t Tkompaoa died Mat kuaday morning, at tba ag« uf two y aare, eight at unit,, emit!* d»r», of mambramMMM croup. The HUM tuffar wa*only •lab two day* being l« (onfeci good be*III, a few d*»• pilot to b»r eiuknxM whe wa* a brlgnl IHIM girl, and beluyed by all who bnew tier Tba rewalut were let - an to tireud Itland Mum *a» for tm tal '•vie, to tba mMMbM# el ii»»e*«i whea eitddieb !«»•»•«»• »**• •«*», touMti tlaa In* t. V»» «p»i|t*« f|Oiti’t ll|irt til*wit oa wtwgy ul witoi tart rtM Mt, . 4 elt.it •mi.l t mi lull, I ip *•••«■ Ian •urn of ili« tale. Uetdeti* Ibe e*|*4tated ►•at, ■at ama tba l «*f «t Mental bttwlh ftoott alt Imeetf to ••••we, *)j4 pHtett tot tiwet theft «f 4-ete wtrt.il •peed* aa (area? to ini i«wa ■e paa«*eea eawa, af tea aettre ltd* .'it.. ,.«• tb* ,edtee- * el te« Hew. ■•• a it* iMi ia* ii.tut are h»t t.*« i.i». .... ,.f m ,t ttauarrnawM* Ta iboM who ae aindiy »< Mated m Iktougb ibe ■iubueet and deal a of iwM tmtoyed darling, ea with to catemi nut ■Imete thaub* Yawf hlndtc m will ay ay be fenyembafed. Mw and Mm A, Ttfowi mi* VILJ* VAlOUlWO* ▼ha following 1mm Um Monitor la in answer to a oowwent which wa mode two w#«ka ago regerdieg tba prleting of Um bar docket* for downright c-raaedoeas, an 1 a low, pusillanimous makeup. cornu.-o-I im to Um writer of the above, Oeo /ten a*hotar, lists ton destitute of worth I// Im aothed In Urea* columns, warn It nor that Um public, mar he enabled to understand Um faets In Um cans, and not he Misled hy Id* contemptible lying In the dr*t place w# want to say dis tinctly tha) Um bar docket* were printed 4Mokf/f*o ro ///nraa/rr ado igi/gxgi/ raocr.Ki.r If error tberaU.lt I* H*e | r*#«lt of Ib« county clerk slond. flad Im a* mara likalw havu m uaa■> /»# clone picking financially, Instead of •ilttug down end whining, and raduc mg oar publication to a half abaot, aa did the Monitor, wa begun to rualla for work, and hunae wa alartad up tba naw enterprise. Now in conclusion wa wish to nay that when wa eomineutad on tbe work dona on tba bar dock at wa bad not tba alightaat idea that such un called for language would be am ployed to defend eo trifling a matter, aapaclally by suub a sanctimonious uhureb going hypocnt aa lirsdlay, but alnca be baa shown a disposition of malice aud hatred we take Mila opporluuily to abow him up in bis true light. • -mliful It by II r»a|<>n .. Iiso of i bsigs wlib e*> b di>,»u el can i<<*'i ph'ii>igi4|di* mail* al my galler* ill you bays a pMnrs o( your lsih»» | itinibsi, loiiibr r or »l*ia* inot y on **.n In bare enlarged bring ll with yu* »bsn )an corns tn bsvs your plelms uksnaut! isvslva lbs Irsnsaiof ibl* of fer Maliery npiMMlls at. Kim* hotsl, irpsn stery Friday and nalurday Nopstilully Your*. W F Aanaasnn, Pkotugrepbet W a b**r lhat J. II Hennery ba I a taaaaey ia*t aunday a lib Will llaist [ ly ‘a 'tern, ibwl tom an Isa ninth o| It* ienns lbs bam tan Inin Mi Kami* j - lie fence and wars badly eat up, Ih i fail, II I* thawgkl lhal Ihsy are tniai-y ' ruined A* ws bare nnl beard tb« par > inuian, wa do not auuw wbsihsr ear i | | » i mu «at ln|utwd or mH. MX ) Mat your property with III*, It la a Hard and Ininmialile law Mini to bava good, aound liealtli on" nmx have pure, rlidi and alnindant bbeid, There la no nborter nor anri-r rouM iliau by a oourae of fie WItu rta 'apart1la. Kor picture* *o Pi tlie old W'li "ler Hum) ItMkWW per doz, HatUfai tion guaranteed. M, Mmcliiileky, If dull, aplrltleaa and atnpldfff your blood la tidck and *lMg*fab; If your appltlie la rapriclona und uncertain, you need a MaraaparllU. Kor lieat re. anlt* Ulte Me W (U'n, (3. J, T racy ja again Oil o nr at recta ao one of our principle bo* bnyera, and tlioac bavin* lio*» to anil will do wall to a*m him before dlapoaln* of Ibcrn elaewbere, “I,ate to lied and early to rlae will aborted the mad to your home In ib« aklea.*' Ilut early to fied and a **Mttle Karly Miner,"' the pill that cnakee Ufa longer and better and wlner. We do not take picturca for noth in*, but we guarantee fluent flniab. CiiHiuTKNaoN A ANnriiaon. AMftwr.il Iiimfi r.si him WUr do no many people wo see a round e» ftei'in to prefer to •ult'er miff to lie made miserable by Indigestion, Corn stlpatloo, Dizziness, l,o*» of Appetite, Commlng tip ef the food, Yellow sain, wlien for7w. we will sell them 8I1I lob's Vlulljter. guaranteed to cure them. Hold by W. .7 Ditto, TBK8PAA8 NOTICK, ” We', the undersigned. hereby give notice forbidding herding uud bunting or trespassing of any kind on the fol lowing described premises, to-wlt All of section 0, and oust half of sect ion H, township 1C, range 17, Hhermun county. Neb, Any one uo doing will . e proaecuted to the full extent of the law. OllAS. John non. 0. M< Mi'.MMK»ir. Hiuunr Catuuii Kumv.iiv, a mar velous cure for Catarrh, Diphtheria, Canker mouth, nnd lleudnehe, with each bottle there Is an Ingenious nusul Injector for the more successful treat mentof these complaints without extra charge. J'rtce Me. sold hr W. J. Ditto. MAXIMUM COMFORT KN~ KOUTK KAH'J', Passengens destined to points east of the Missouri Klver should patronl/.e the Chicago, t’utou Pacific A North western Line. Maximum comfort and ipeeiJi courteous attendants. I'ullmun and (Vaguer sleeping cars, Pullman and Northwestern dining cars, Pullman colonist sleepers, free reclining chair cars, and Union Depots combined, make this the popular route east. Motleii to l.nt Owners lu lte|oslr ante /til Walk! l.alk A Krelchhuum, south side lot 12. block A; original town; C. Landers, lots 1 and 2, block 6,original town; Iiiks A i'edler, along south side lot* 20, 21,22, 211, and 24, blocu IS, original town; James Landers, ulong we*t side lot 12, and south side lots )2, 14, 17 uud 10, block 20; J. D. Kord, lots 12,14,16, block 10; James Itemfrow, lots IS uud 10, block IS; Loup City Lunbor Co. 8. It. Mowel), along west side of lot 12, and south end 12,14, 17, 10, 17, IS, ulock IS urlglnal town; T. M, Heed lots 12, 14, sml lb. ulock 22. original town; Guo, W, Hunter, lot* 1(1, and 17, ulucK 31, or iginal towns C'oi'l', Hot* in, IK, 30 31 and 43; (Jaiup A Uu»t, lot 3, moot Hi, original town: Tltu* A Terbune lota 111, 14, and IB, l.ulk A Krelckbauu'a uddltlon (i«o, W,Hunter, lota 13,1-1 and 16, Hulk A krelchbuuui'a additions J. It. rtcoll, fractional lot In aoulli liulf block 13, l.aik A Krelclibuwn'a uddltlon, and able walk along aide ot honae In block 13 s J. I'lill J eager, lot 1 In block la, original tow n. Tie above named (turtle* are hereby noitltcd to rcyiuli tbelr able walae fuurtbwlili or Hieaaniu will be re (laired by the village and co>l» ot aaiue will be lased agaluattliu |iro|icriy. W, J, Kiaiiau, V HUgn CSurk , "*• ■* •’ The i*tIcnltoil of Uni lu ilea la re •(fitfully i illicit Ur in) NKW and L’UMIM.HTK atiHk id jUilldldUM W..IW ——Together will* a lull Hue of FANCY GOODS anu NOTIONS. — »u — I am now Im Med la my n»w uuariar on the »uulb aide of railroad atieel anil kindly Invite Hot ladle* to call aud lna|*oi my g»«d*. I I • *«• • " "** pi p r Morll/, of KtUl'il MMliIji. Il doing In town tod*», Tim Itif t Ho* of dried fruit* In the city *n Ol l ll.'K AT UltANI) Ul.ANII, Nltll Ai’Ull. UOTII., IWU3. Notice U hereby given that tin* fol lowing limned autllur baa till'd notluu of Ilia Intuiiilon to maku tlnul proof In aup pnrt of Ida claim, mid that aultl proof will l>u ill lull) before the Clerk of too I ualriut Court id Coup City, Nub,, on May doth, UW, viai Wllbulin I’oi'b, Ud, No, IttUtft for the H, W, i of auction 30, Tp. 10 norib of H, 13 \ve»l. lie uuiiiea the following wltneaaea to provu Ida continuous rualduucu upou unit cult I vut lou of, aidd land, via : lieu, II. .Mueller, rrletlurU'h llupku, !'• tor tiliiiaiiiauu and Henry lluiua, all of Aalilou, Nub, KUANkLIN HwKKT, Hug taler. T1IK LOUI’ CITY Roller Mill lh AU.US Itl NMNIi FULL UI.AHT auil bate plenty of Flour and Feed tit all MmU t niialautly nu Itaaaitl, \V« ruapoetfulh anliclt the puldio patrmiage ami will guareutee aatia taction Come amt trade with ua I1 I'lHIII’li Vaietaaf —. •mmmmmmwm, THE “EHGER” BUGGY »**.-.u ■ • » I * - fyk your j ^ f l*\ for it ! &0»|i\ e»N k— »*\ “*'• * k..:.d ' | fully £u*r*i\t«A /\U l\*V( N A«M*i>C*TtO*(. GEORGE ENGER * CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO j I O, J. OPKNOAfff,. W. 0 OOKXlOOfl.. 1 ODENDAHL BROS. I -t'HWUtftnu* nr — l PfGpEEp DPUG SfOpB LOUP CITY NEBRAKSI --Ik TIIK I’LACK TO BUT YOL»- I DRUGS, I MEDICINES, * Wi PAINTS, OILS, I CIGARS & TOBACCOS, I FANCY GOODS, I __ CONFECTION AUG I Prescriptions Carefully Compounded I WE KNOCK OUTCOMPETITICI jl On Dry Gnnds, Bants #ShnB GROCERIES. JEWELER I or any thing you want in the goods line! WM. NELK, TIIEO. L. PILGER, M CLERK- LOUP CITY, NE.S •WE HIT HA PD. I |L^ ^ I ?*iOur Prices are LowerM -AND- ^B Our Quality Better on All KINDS OF GOODS THAN THE LOWEST- ^B WM. NELK, THEO. L. PILGElB 11KAI* CLKKK. LOUP CITY, ♦VI 111 HKV1S Q¥BSBTBOKI IUh'uumo our good* are mo gmui, our prlA no low that over)laxly hoys thorn. 1 WM. NEiiK, TI1KO. L. H LG Eli null CkMK i ui t* «n v. *1 1 I.Kfc UtT| I* a»H.fc» A V I'KIHV, I FIRST BANK OF LOUP CItI General Banking Business Transacted. I Capital Staak, $500.oJ| I ***• on 1*1 «>« •« S I M K l-» ,*«» iV-» OMMIHMIjr **.1 UM if (0 k*4 Ui Um »«*4. 1 (V>««wr.'iii>iwn -CV*uW«4 NiiiMWl llwA, H*» t > tb Oif, HY, 0«J > .n*h..»mU VMuAu, HvWwb*. 1 1 ^ M j> £ *