The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 27, 1892, Image 3

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Uonfuuttt work or an un
hint Women *l»l« llmlni (Ian ftl*M
the Wiir/lerar f'aara.aeU Uf * I'oaa# A
lo.alooo K4n I'HIIMIi lliiflinl 1/
#1*1*1 I rlmlnnl
Hr.* vino*, 'Tamna, Mity 50,
night mu unknown *M*«*ln allot Mini
blll*d four women, two of whom w*r*
lemlera i.,f local *oel*ty, and two In
mate* of i)lnre|itiuthle Iioiim, The
lli«i vl> tlm ww Mr*, liayne*, the wife
nf hr ll*nry V liayne*, prominent III
buelio-** anil amiiiil Ilfn Mr*, liayne*,
a young ami attractive woman waa a*
MMaliniteil while ulonu In her home.
The rr*l4enue of Hr liayne* U Ju*t
iniUl/le the city limit*, l-'lye hour*
'later, In Hie very heart of the city,
* beautiful young larly, M!»a Teen
llawe'y, wa* alao allot ami killed, by
»n unknown jieraon. Ml** Hawley waa
killed * I moat wit limit, a word of warn
ing in her motlter'a cottage liiiiue,
lli tween the hour* when tliean aa*
»»»l»atlon» took |i!ac«, in a far
dlutuni Mention of the city, two
Women were kliot, Then' la*t
two were Inmate* of bagnio* 'The
*»*»>* n »hot and killed Mr* liayne*
during the aliaenea of lier hu*liand lit
an l,lk lodge. When thu victim wa*
dead the murderer took her gold
ivnt. h uml eliiiiu, diamond ring, and
Hundred* of armed nu n are anarch
lug for the imirderer. aiding l li< *li#rllf
uml eouilty otlleei *. IHoodhound*hare
been brought Into »«rvlee, hut ho far
willimtt hueccaa, Neveral arreate on
tti»|»lclon have been made, but the
guilty man I* believed to he *1111 at
111* and film* ■w vrn < ua**In*
111*4< li Mud ItNli'iiHlon of I'rnpcrly.
Mamiaitax, Kitii, Muv *o. 'I’li#
heaviest mill ever known fell In tlifft
part of tliit state yesterday and atony
tie h'epiiblican river, causing that and the Iliac to rise
higher than they hart. been
tills spring. A clowd-biird occurred
Hear Hie head of the film* and swept
Own the house of William Sherman,
I drowning one child and four horses,
| Kom of life is also reported from the
I VVauon neighborhood, about twelve
g miles north-west, of tins city
g .ft o nox t'n v, Kim.. May m. A
y wat» i .pout struck the country neat
I the head of the Republican river and
washed away several house
and barns, hilling a large num
ber of live stock, but with no loss
<d life Five dead horses and three
head of cattle have gone hv here since
daylight this morning. Tile heaviest
W ruin ever known in tids section fell
yuftterduy and it Is still ruining. Four
liitoilt* of water fell hern in less than
two hours. The continued wet weather
in < cntral Kansas is having its effect a
on crops, and wheat and com will be *
failure this year.
TIm CJovtrnor of Victoria Kcftiac* to
I'oatiMia* ih« Execution.
Mruioi uM, May o '1 he Earl of
llopetoti, Uoveruur of Victoria, has re
fused to postpone the execution of the
murderer Fredcrhdt Halley Deeming,
which is set down for Monday next.
The news has not yet been commu
nicated to Deeming, who had enter
tained hope that his appeal for re
spite on the ground of not being re
I sponsible for Ids actions would he
|4*»npo,\, May !<). An appeal hurt
ft been lodged with privy council against
P the execution of the sentence of death
on Deeming. 'I lie grounds of the ap
peal uic that Deeming did not have a
fair opportunity to j repare for bin de
fense and that he was not given time
to pro ure witnesses who would have
test died to his Insanity. 1 he privy
, council will give a hearing on the ap
peal tomorrow, ami it is believed that
u ii* . . ion will he promptly arrived ul
udv. r*c to I> tunning,
One siliflitly ami .tmdlicr I utility Mltot
la < Itllmaliaa.
Id Paso, Texas, Mnt\ n. A due! hu*
taken place In the city of Chihuahua,
between two of the most prominent
(men in Northern Mexico. Tim trouble
grew cut of u newspaper controversy.
Louis Dia/ is editor of a < hihuuhtiu
t dully pupvr. uu ‘ hlhuuhuunt*/,
whilo hi* oppomuit. I'uhlo i** hou, In
uf Uiv it'udiiig htwyt’ru of tin*
Mult’ hikI millin' of Uinriti tlo iTilliiiu
I mi Tlif iiit*n rv tired to u m?u I titled
II oi • uUhlo ilu* oily, wlii’ii' Hit’ duel
hum fought ut » lo o'clock ill thf even
iny I'ourteou nhoU w»to exchanged'
iMu/ i i'l'i’l v cd Hi raw hall* through hi*
rhithiiig mul two HcmIi wound*, neither
of which U tlmigvi'ou*. Ochoa wo*
fchot I It rough thv right iutig Unlived
until ? hi o'clock Kridav evening. III*
funeral took pint’* ve*terduy uflet*
noon uutl wu* attended hy Iho ln**l
pi ople in t ho oily
III ill *1 <%IU« k tm MM oil H •> Mi Mil
? in4 Oh hi* Muv jo Mih. Juiiioji
|‘m > * ugtul ?*» \o,»r*. wiu» ||vo« hy her*
*ci f wa* Im’uIoii uluto«t to doulh iu*t
mg hi hy un unknown mutt. wlm hurt!
I-poll Iho *hu»* While the HUM U*h‘vp Mini
nki«iu lot her- Hliii wu* dragged from
hoi * - I uii»I her uuMHlent ihrouloiu’il lo
out hor tiiiout umi limit* hor into iho
fill ' ||et: iillio giumU-m mDiumi tit*
noighh ’i %, w ho Ouliio lo hor I'vM'iir. *
'Iin w uuu U »u i dying condition
Hi i UMotiiuitl U miiII ul Urge.
lU.iui) Hum Im |'»t«*
* t» y | u ( , I In- jury In
Iht itti of t u|*i dtitdl V ilk ugitin*l
I*# Ih t k»|v I i lot UlMipiUtlltf I t UiU'Mtl
a void' i )i'«ii|iitiv lit lnui| of Iho
III4 til III M*** »%U4g h * damage* Hi
l! i 4%l loght Iho huiuU of Iht
ohyaivUU ul*“ it iui ppitMi, he lit ut
|ud»%i»*|hu meeting ultd pohiloiy
|*u»tod I upl Sotlh u vrti,)) t tph
h> *th IM MlM lo 4 tO»| ik IvttMWwd
0 >n tint II I* ‘lUil-lrXll't *t|oil»i)
Ihul hr Hill IturMi loo m> KI I MHho«
|* i.otl v >• tvgttd
•ip»4 iu*« it* HOI
W V|*> III* Me«t*l«
ifVO >‘IHH||U*M Ut M|«yd<«d Iho
hi* •** I t ik' Kini i»nd ILo h't Vegm
p Ml to Mli I hv o« tt||%tk* tedav
1 lot of Ik* h.»«l Up’” »*• Ml. M lo h>S*
tbn* Iho Mpp- •****! hot w**k% hy thg
i %*» » . i it .
NfcW* IN MHtfiP'
'Hi* f'wvcrslty nl Michlgun leisctmll
'*11111 left Aliti Arbor fora loiirthrough
'Im Tiim*
A anowslorm ap|irou- blag a Idlx/anl
rn^i'il In nurtliiM of Vbio<ii»lii, Mimo." .
Mita anil Iowa
Dr, b. M llohby of lotta > Ity <Mt
elected president nl IIIe Iowa Mfate
Medical society.
D II llrli/rnbirir of Milwaukee has ;
1,,-en elected fifmlilrlit of (lie America a
Waterworks UMocluliuit.
Orln Hall, a prominent nHlwn of
Wanpaeo, Wl* , tvbo recently made an
assignment, died.
Judge Tliomae If, Ifarldeon, a dletln
guUhcd lawyer of linll.him, died at
Trawfordavllle, aged ft',.
K. I'. Dearon, whore trial for killing
M Abel lie will noon begin, ha* surren
dereil himself to ( lie author H ies In
Mouth Aii-tralla mid New Month
Wslea are a bout, in ask the home go*' |
eminent to he I ill created with jmwcr
lo coin silver.
The a lock nl silver enrreiiek In Aus
tro linngary la I,'t.iii o non pounds ster
ling, which I* mueli les* Ihnii wins gen
erally believed lo egisl.
Postmaster llolrcii M, UHinore of
Muskogee, I, 'I',, has been urn sU'l for
ill be//,llng the fluids of Ills "file.
W II. Jacoby of IIiinlsvlll'-, Mo,,wai,
hilled liy his son. The hoy was play- |
lug with a supposed unloaded revolver,
John Malone, who a year ago killed !
Put Horen nt Kansu-, * Ity. Ho,, has
lieeii aei|ull*.ed of ’lie murder on l.le)1
.-round of self-defense.
Trank Holes a farmer of Dnrkervllhi,
lowu, while Intoxicated lay down on
the Hock Island truck and was cut to
pieces by u train.
'The Hassell murdm' (rial nl. Tail
i'luire, (Vis., Is ,ii a standstill because
>f the Him s„ of llm Kb,year-old daugli
lair nl Juryman Thompson
The trial of llnnher Dill for em'av.- i
/Il'mcni WUS pOHlpOlM O ill I il> - 'Hirff
An effort will be made to settle the
■IINO out of court,
Thu Association of American Au
thors wns organized ut New York,
Mininas WMituoi't h 11 i;. j; iusoii !■ I *r« 1 •
dent of the order
An Knglish syndicate is credited
with having purchased for .•u»uf!,ooo the
mines and lands of the Center Crock
Mining eompuny, Mo
John Hester, an cv-president and
le/turer for the People's party, Inis
heen convicted, find and sentenced loti
term In Jail for Illicit distilling.
Joe Luglund, a Georgia Pacific fire*
nan, \\ as shot and killud at Atlanta,
* in*, by T. A. O'Neill Pngland had
been Intimate for m>»jc time with
O'Neill's wife.
The Private Hankers' association be
gan Its annual session at Peoria, lib
Lord Salisbury, in an address to
workingmen, said that free trade wnsu !
A new Stale bank with a capital J
stock of 9200,000 was organized at
Orand Rapids, Mich.
Mrs. President llarrbon, now at Por
tress Monroe, continues to Improve in
.lelferson H. Conover of f'oldwater
was elected Grand Commander of the
Michigan Orand Cotnuiundcry Knight*
Albert L. Stanton of New York cut
Ii I- throat from ear to ear near Pough
keepsie while on a New York Central
The quarters of the cavalry compa
nies and post canteen at Port McKIn- j
ney were destroyed by lire, causing a
loss of #700,000.
Pin* destroyed the greater part of
the business portion of the village of ,
Dexter, Iowa. Loss, #10,000) Insur
ance, #.’1,001),
The one hundred and fourth general
assembly of the Presbyterian church I
of America begins its annual session
at Portland. Ore.
The State Congregathmal society of
Illinois and the Women'* Missionary
union of the ( ongiegatloual cliuren
held their annual meetings In Hock* {
ford, 111.
Anthony Comsto k arrived in Mil
waukee and the report is that another
Casper obscene picture scandal will he 1
Virgil llenseuwe was arrested at In- I
dianapoliN on Tuesday, charged with
poisoning Mrs. Mary Punoau, who in
supposed to be dying
John M. Lackey, se • re lory of Gen.
Ho-,r. rans, Legister of the 'I reasury, 1
committed Mile de a1 Washington by
""""'"'tl •• ' * • ' * UK II III*1 11*1111
while lul'oriny limit r temporary iiher*
ration of inlml
I'retl, a .-ur builder employed
In the KvurtHvlUe <w !cm» Haute rail*
road nit ip* at I !ruu*vdle. mn<u*ed Iti
wife of infidelity,tfave her a tlmttduutf
uml then blew out hi* dm him.
The eii|fiueei* uud train limit on the
MietlitfHit division of the llitf I'mii' roud
deny that they eont inpiitle a *tiiUe.
They *ay Mint they ate eon tide nt that
their ifrlevnnee* will he favorably mu
ntdeieil by die eom mny
luuto*** i*l I'rol.lviil Niaiiuu. AwmmmI
of III fi * ml log | It* te *aut
lb* Mot mm. (own May |i* the
u*e of the |f<*i‘ertum at ng-iin*l .hum
t N' Wton millionaire ami piemdeut
of the l‘e* Mottle* ami luttett I Ity
ratio ay eompa».v, wua twjfuu in the
federal n>t|i| Itvfv yea ter 'ay ‘the In j
itletmpnt *1*1' forth that Mr .Nratoit
ami M I tutord t>mphed to deft-old
the |f »vet nuieiit bv i*. nullity the mad*
dm teg the (to lud »le*U routed l*V the
Ifeuttut rill to hut* ail m ill* Weighed
OH I nil A ay lelttv * f*a the |i.iiiHM|t of
rtltit^ tin eomp n*ultnii l i n
aUerftd I’l.'vv* of mail mutter
*o*)*tvd of old i» >t*)M|wsr* of itat* a
loliif |fiMt to the tun*' uf mu din if aod, 1
ivo.nltt.r t** the itrli* iHtvtil weie imt
lltlrlhlv.l to he math *1 lot am leyiM
Mu**- |»u« i*ow It l* ufed#f%tt**l that
Mr N* w ton * *1* f* t'M* writ he that ha
mailed the paper*, hail a d|fM to taiti
than* and paid tin
It t* ai*o mM that Mr Newum paid
ant r-»’“e for ami that if the;
*t heme had a a.v Monnyh the vanunya
of the rond w*mnl >*<*»• been mvr*a*#4
Id uw4»i»»k' the <*‘of »*•*%
|t*ath d ta* hUyil*
I »•%**•»* Mat if the death i% an
-d »*e*>»gv hlapa i, the tie
Ufaf«am in nv a win* t*a* Mtatalvt - *t
... "■
/LECTION# IN THE Ml mourn/
Nf.MAI CONf'fcftfcNCIL
fnn\S*tfn Owi n*tt»* 4*» l»f*t
Vttrf/Hi* II
On lt¥ti¥t+i M'ldNeti ihtum Itf ih*
i unit t *t$v*
Omaiia, May It* ltl*ln,p li»»iu«n
preanh'd over I lie Mcfh,„|li,t eoliftoele <
yc«lerduy, 'I lia report of tile committee
on itineracy wu# called up and poet*
potted till to a hi. t/e morrow a* a »pe
elul order There ari minority and
majority report*, the minority favoring
IIIe retgpvlog of the time limit.
The eoinmlttee on the *tale of the
church reported, In doming Ihe forma
tlon of a National Sabbath union, con
detuning Ihe (tout hern outrage*, de
itiandlog that Col,grew take *uttable
action to kurmreea tlieka growing, un
Ju»t and inhuman acta, and calling
Upon the/Mteuler and rellglou* paper*
to unite In putting down the evil.
Or. Ackerman of Alabama moved t<.
adopt thl* report by a rlalng vote, Imt
Or. Mytlny wanted to talk nine, a*
did Or tjueiily, and lin y both favored
Uic report. Or. Payne of New York
it I*,, favored the report, denouncing the
Jin* i row car and detailing the III
treatment of colored and white mini*
ten* The great eliitrch, lie declared)
tdnuihl protect It* own meiuber*hlp.
Inning the la, i year I'n negroe* were
lynched, *evou hurned alive, one flayed
alive undone illejofnted 'I’he previous
f|h»»tlon wa* ordered und llui report
tvaa adopted by it rlring vote without
The hour of Hi having arrived, tin
order of the day, the election of oft!
cera, vvn* laic n up, The bb.lmp an
n iiiaeod the tad lent, one from each
conference and one at large, Nomina,
tlon* were limn called for. Sanford
Hunt and Hoiiier Katou were in mi
Illation for ugenta of the New York
Hook fioneern, and were uminimoiialj
N. .1 Pleld of I 'IIIlade 1 p|iin naked foi
I Jl I * M If I •» * I' Ml MM I I I * * ’ - | MI " Ml /III l/IM'll
concern before voting, fI«• wit* not fil
lowed to ask uny »juestio*i*, nor would
the bishop allow any one to make tin
deal red explanation. Mr In-Id claimed
that the book concern does riot pay <
per cent under the present manage
merit, lb' thought it strange that
there should bo a debt of nearly one
1 bird of the capital.
The report of the committee on nils
Minus recommended that the missionary
bishops be made e . olllcio rnember .nl
the missionary board. This provoked
much discussion, as the minority
claimed that the expense would
lie too great and the time too valuable
to have the bishop*cmiiio to t he l ulled
States every year. Ur. McCabe, pre
senting the minority report, made n
plea for economy, but the majority
favored the allowance of expenses, and
the report was adopted by an almost
unanimous vote.
This chair Announced the vote ot,
New York Hook Concern. Sanford
Hunt, received PU and Homer La tor
4AA, hotli ladng elected.
Nominations for three secretaries ol
the missionary board* were called
for and the following candidate*
were presented: J. It. Neeley
Philadelphia: C. ('. McCabe, New
York; #1. (). Peck, Now York east; A
it. Leonard, Ohio; William .lories. St
Louis; .1. W. Hamilton, Hal Union?; A
S. Palmer, New York.
lly a resolution of I). A Welch, Mor
rison lined wan appointed honorary
see rotary of the missionary societies.
The vote for agents of the book con
cern showed that Lari Cranston re
calved 10a votes and was elected.
W P. Stowe received V07, Lewi*
Curt* IP*, I* A. licit 47, and
the balance scattering. Anolhei
ballot was ordered. Tlm tight on Ur.
Stowe was miide by the Chicago and
Illinois people, who are supporting Ur.
Curtis. |>i\ Neeley of l'hihidtdphin
stated that lie was not a candidate and
asluul that no votes he waste i on him.
The teller* having returned, the
second vote for agent utCincinnati win*
announced; Stowe, Curts, «i|;
Halstead, ilh; lie It, Id; Uichey. 10; bill
Alice scattered. Necessary' to a eboiee,
V tno choice
Tim tellers reported the vote for
secretaries of missionary hom'd to Ik*;
Mit uhu, l!.'; I'tfvk, HI; Leonard, '.‘-H.
Necessary to u choice, -to other
votes scattering
The third ballot for agent lit binciin
null \v»u liiUcii and the eon fere ace u-i
Iltllmi ititd IItiilv ipuiiifl
Id, May ;'n - At a continuation
a f the meeting of stockholders of the
I r. (Milan's .loiiruul to rearrange the
directorate of that paper, Mr. Millnn
resumed Ids attack upon Mr. Ilealv,
declaring that the latter ivus see re 11 v
working against him and plot*
ting to control the hoard that
would direct the future policy
ot tiie puper despite the opposition of
the rarliauieiitarv party. Mr Mealy
frc(|ucutly interrupted Mr Miilott, pro
testing that in the course lie was ltd
lowing he had the approval of Mr Me
t artity After a scene of turbulence
the ineetiiig ended in confusion, Mr
tinty declaring a motion to adjourn ear
ned and Nkr Mealy demanding u poll,
which he declared he would have u*
spue u( all ottsUto t«on
Alt the |*iU«iaM si l.iiyi
l.wmi Wui, May m A sue*
cessful jail lovaU w is made here Iasi
night by w hn h ail the prisoners
as> «tpfd A tlepUly slw itlt who at
templed to wrapt u*# thru was fatally
wowudvd Aumog the,is aped pi -»o
ers aye Mips aid t ullai* two of the
mo i |n«»toiious horse thiyven »»l tk*
W til t«« s 0*4 Mb • «
Sis \ una May U» tic Maid# call
mites mi tire Ilf Vi *p of ll # t li n t
NiaUi foi t» it piece It at V per rvut
In advance olio any pfsvtous year
The ifop will tall short of
i.oou,v thk Udt-1% I he «m«v ot the in
teas# ti attnhaied t# a suhattlutmii
o| the f r di it on %o*n# of the plant*
riusi fin vipMStosUl psrpairy
•vssUi Oniutti l I assist
\ts^a»sui*i, Mai »w The tvsl. at
Mtnalor Ini his* S'• aU|s&wnd by the
i •ingiassh*aal aniishtoNi, Idi im«»iv
»sie rataVIies» attd a h w tiuuds, all in
'•dltdlinl H* I'lihllt HU I <11* tf*
fnttu+ii, p
Ann A ms. ii, Mich,, May 19, — Vcs*
May wn* u great day for Ann Arbor,
nod If the opinion* of such man na Me*
j Kin ley, Alger, Fassett and Thurston 1
| are worth anything It wa* a great day
| for IMpablicunikin The Idea of an
organization of tad legs < lull* originated
with James H. Ilnrbe, a young man
who nntfl a year ago wa* private sec
r tary for Senator Quay, It la Mr.
Jlurhu » enthusiasm and energy that
are responsible for tha success of the
In tha morning aenalon after the re
|K>rle of the committee hud been a tile
milled C. It, Silencer of I’rlocetoti wa* (
made permanent chairman and K. K
llrowne of the Northwestern I'm- H
varsity permanent secretary. After ,
the reading of tha constitution and ,
platform the election of olfterrs took >
piece, resulting a# follows: ,
I’resident- -lumes F. llurke, t’nlver* j
slty of Michigan.
First Vice*President J. II Treg* j
loam, I,elund Sanford, Jr., university. .
Hreond Vice-1’resident K. M. Pol* !
lard, I'nlvcrslty of Nebraska, ,)
Third Vice-President A K. Monger,
State I'nlvcrslty of Iowa. „
Fourth Vlce-I’rosldcnt II. It, Smith, |
l.ufuyotte college. ,
Secretary—James M Perkins, liar- j
vurd, i
'I'reasnrcr—II, 11,‘McAlpln, Princeton ,
college, |
Sergeiint at-Arina—N. J. McMuirc, ,
University of Michigan. )
Mov. McKinley, Men- Alger, J, Stoat t
Fussett, and John M, '1’huraton were
present. A torchlight procession with i
',,000 torchua in line preceded the lid- i
dress of Major McKinley ul I'nlvcrslty i
hull. Men. Alger and John M. Tlmrs- i
toll of Nehraaku also made speeches. i
Ttvo (litengft <•!rt» Furiil«li ISorkforili f
lll.t Willi It H#*lINMt If’ll. P
Horn roll!). 111., May r<>. Thu Hock- .
font Kt'imilr homlnury ha* two les-t ,
ntudtottM now. '1 lit* inUnliitf one* fire t
( lilcHtfo g I rlt. They dhl not pmy truant, t
hut were jmekeil olt home for rcfuhintf ^
to hetray thoir lover*. The hitter were f
escaped after paying fines of §2*5. r
Thu series of disasters overtook w
the young people simply because v
they were preparing to elope. They j
were failed in this tin* first attempt, j
hut notwithstanding the fact that they f
are now on the side, the end is
not yet. The course of true love is f
rather eorruguted at pr'jscnt, hut they y
are not as thoao who have ubandcmud i,
all hopes. The names of the young men t
in the affair us read on the justice's ]
docket yesterday, Kdwurd Dufee and n
Martin Jiallcm, are well known to all n
HocUford people They are tho sons of r
wall-to-do respeetuhle people, and fro- f
queiit tin* best society Koekford affords, d
Indeed, had they not been an good as \
any, they would not have found favor s
in the sight of the girls, who them- 1
selves move in good society in Chicago. 1
Their names are withheld by the send- t
nary authorities out of regard for their I
parents. The young people were dis
covered by the janitor in the very riel t
of eloping. f
Favor (ioiii'ml’s llslrs.
Washington, May 1 .—The court of t
claims lias decided in favor of the heirs 1
of Unhurt K. Dee in their claim for '
damages for timber cut off the Ravens- H
wood, Vu., estate during the lute war. *
The claim was for 9275,000. The court ^
awards 9217,000. Congress has yet to L
pass upon this finding.
Much Work V.«t to ll« Done.
Washington, May 10.—There is ^
much difference of opinion as to when (
this session of Congress will be ended, j
Democratic Representatives think it „
will be early. Speaker Crisp, Mr. Ilol- i
man and Mr. MeMlllin (J'oiin.) are \
divided between July 10 and Aug. 1.
The Democratic Senators have little n
hope of au early adjournment. (]
Cleveland .M«mi In Control
Uh hmo.nh, Va., May 21. The Demo
/ ratio State convention met at noon to- ^
day. Thu Cleveland men are in con- ^
trol, but Inure agreed to divide tiie dele- |
gatlou-at-large with tin* Hill faction to ^
insure harmony. From present Indira- ^
i lions the delegation to Chicago will
| have a decided Cleveland majority. ^
Ha null i% Coining Oiii- Way.
Vn miiiA, It. t\. May H». l\ I). Iligga,
aditor of ihe ('harlot ts town (Prime
j Kdwards IslulidI Huiirdiun,whohus Just *
returned lu re from Honolulu, expresses J'
the opinion thut in Icsg than a yeur
i from the present tluie the stars and *
• stripe* will he flouting1 over the 0
lluwuiiun Kingdom.
l"«ui|ile (tfuniiiK In I uiirmlor
IIaukax, N. S., May 1» There I* d
| dMtressing destitution in lutbrftdor p
now. The captain of the Harlow ft
hi Urns a report of a ease of starvation a
in which a mother drujftfcd herself tu
•i neighbor's to beg food for her two , h
children, amt on her return without i| h
found both dead. ¥
Arftoit* I* fur I Irtelsiol
*l*i rsoa, Arh, May 1*. —The Terri*
(orial hemoeratie convention yester* j,
da> elected delegates to I Imago The ,t
convention recmuuuded Marcus A. j
Smith us delegate to (uufnism an«l iu 4,
dorsed tirover ( levelaud. n
I i iUml suimsmis l uurl U
WAsHlSiiToM, May 1" ‘the Supreme *
| Pour! bus bunded down a decision in ¥
favor of the up|H’lh e in Ihe case of the h
Hi. Louis, VuiuUlii »v Terre Haute rail *
r»»ad appellant. vs liie Terre Haute .y 1
Imliauatsdis isdroid *
III* OIO*m I % * r * !*••«!i
I osttati Uiuy *» t»!|» ► 4*1 duf si| thsautn '
4u| UtuMlS* I I*
1 us b iuou it to U04M I 11
I*** <«• IU >4il «UUI si l> Mims lu lbs luuiul
I sow Um|IO us t. Ml* 0*0 Iu *U lb# turn 11
u vi mou d u*s I situ si sis* *ud tr14 J I
0‘i,v I* -si s id !•* Vue* • us **b» . |
about ubi |'>, S4<eu uuiibiku uHlii *i»k* ! *
btfitUt | *
tan Osvse Mo b>iu\« st ti »t* lisa. I fc
t |* S i I 1 > lUfbl US s! Vn* 1i*H4 ' s
i|i) t |u lit I liltll < * »s** Js*Jf ■, d 0* | <|
fib, istaviiisg said tags*! 1Mb • Ik '
o ut iw*tu i| \ 4i«p b ■* *. • * its * t **
M'p mi dsHlght deUs is* iUtiua. u# j h
I bo us l* »s« usissvtd Viift|l» Iv Mis l ||
s 1 a iosv««ao»k ♦ * *sski«"-*« | a
JlM iAk Is IMS 1kvib >«e •*»«
*u«wt.*H *ik i*t*4 t | said •*,» j *'
t* ».* cev lllk, atia vku s e| ih iiu * % M m
*H'S >*ti» o tb«u*i*» lbs llbkMki U y
io>b !*• Ii -*u*|i loo# « s Mo Mo*
oi t *k« iis*Mf*. ut g- s* ess «*» 1
a*4 tsiumtsg aiutbs*
Mimimm* kilo Vl* vn* b»f*m
. ill Tb »*»• o* ss»s* ** »b4s • %
* 114 bo tu\*S \ s *,lS *« Oft *
Ml Hut o k*** * • * *1* * a* J o
UalOtfe* %’ d *-*■ **•■» g ■ • V ‘ *" lf ‘ j |
- » N 1 I I I t*»V j %
Whiv.dfb io*gtg#f >g SI* ! ||
•’ IMn HsNlvsi bo««i * b^ fc*V i 1
Irr i*ut+ Mr*4 •»!/#*•» »»♦ All Unit* tit*
I ft 4 tl*rp % it Iff ft r«N»|»
Utn* ’•bint >#fi« *4ttf** mttt$
Of i?lt brunches ol poultry keeping,
vising tin keys 1* perhaps the must
ilmasl ng, a* well ms th« most profit
hi* V/« reel ihiii wo are ocr«m
!ishleg something when w« Ink* a
owny, shaky little poult weighing
nly a few ounces wh eh Is sc weak
s to tie unable to stand on Its legs
nd looks ns though It would rnthsr
tr than live nnd hy our care and at
uitlon raise him up to tie n log,
trong bird that will Up I he sewles at
iilrty pounds or more when less tone
v mouth* of nge. 1 hare heard of
oung mala* weighing niileh morn
mil this hut If mine reached thirty
ound* at I > month* without extra
ushlng or fattening, I thought It was
olng prnMy well.
Of tho many varieties the bronze i*
l present the favorite, and Justly so
; would seem, when wo consider Its
limy excellent qualities. J he bron/.o
assesses the handsomest
vln* tho largest *i/,e take* on fat.
i iullly. and holng gentle and doeile
i disposition. Is easily controlled,
rhtle tho young poults lire healthy, j
iirdy, grow rapidly and uro easily
I'uro-brod stock I would have tiy all
mans Ui begin with, say* tho toun
ry (.eiitleinnn us their early minority
under* them more doslrithlo for home
so. ris well in for uiiirxot purposes;
nd If tho strain ho brought to nny
hlng llko perfection, thero Is always
, demand for young stock. »* well as
ir eggs. A fine spcelumn of tiron/.o
omollmos scores us high its WtJ
ouudi In n posslhlo IOo. 'f'ho Varlo
y I* well name 1, us Its plumage is
ichly endowed with tlm many tieau
Iful nnd Iridescent lints of lit I - color,
'ho long, slander no k glistens with
oppory bronze the hack |« like bur
ishod gold each fenthm* banded with
iitlny-black the lull brood breast
mum wim oron n mie*. wuuo me
'ing covert' show it brilliant curving
unil of bron o i>uinotlint'.« nix Inches
n depth, fcruilng tho bird's chief or*
n meet.
Although n groat deal has boon nahl
bout tho weight of ilron/.o lurkoyi*
ct wlion solo, ting the slock, ono
bould bo guided Hourly an much by
lie symmetry of tho bird and tlio
entity of 1U nliiiiiiige in by Its size
ml weight, Tho head should bo long
ml broad, with wattles of a deep J
lob rod, mid a strong, wull curved
oak Tho body should ho long mid
on post lit tlio eon Ire wllli a full
roust, broad hack, stout thighs and
bunks of rnmloriitO length In young
Irds, tho shanks are a .city shining
lin k, but they grow llghtnr with ago
util they dually bocuiuu of a p ilk or i
osh color.
At ten months of ago the hens us*
ally hugin laying, uml nhould weigh
i*<>tii IS to 20 lb., while the rnalo* of
ho llrnt hatch ought to wogh from 2 >
ii ltd Hi. home fanciers dc.daro (lint
tiolr young stock far excuedn these
'eight* hut for breeding purposes 1
houId not cure for any larger birds —
hat Is, of thin ago. Both male and
uiialo Increase considerably In weight
uring tho two following yearn, for
ho bronze does not reach maturity
ntll three your* of age. The eggs
re then huger, hotter shnped, and a
renter per cent of thoin prove fertile;
onsoqtiontly, If possible; procure
on* two yours eld to start with and
ftorwnrd select eaeli season some of
be finest of tho young stock to take
lie place of those which become sup*
rannunted. Where all young heu*
re kept, the gobbler should on two
r three year* old us In Hint ciiso Hie
rogcuy will possess greater stnmlmi.
[ bens of Hie first yunr ecu well do*
eloped, their eggs are often very
irgo nail Him uml lliey llioiiiselvu*
•e luenll.y prove patient ami rellilblo
roodors and evecllont molhers, mid
olhg lighter In weight and neiro ne
ve they arc less likely In h oak Ihe
gg' In tho nest or to crush tlio little
I t lt*"> ItaUIng.
Colory In now nil Imporlunt rrufi
ml uvory innikui uml uvury green
rocury •torn, or ■urli it* nil vcgtda*
Iok Ini vo lii tlm fid I uml winter, e«l
ry umongut tlm vegctitbln* •old. In
liter word* ll mny ho ueldownn* nno
I (ho lieeut *«l!•.«■*. WhorulM It fiW
eiti’N ago ll could only Ini culled u
uu.y, on to it only hy the fnw It
no* not tnkn it gruut deal of room to
row «uHtolcot for ftimlly uve, lieneo
ny family (hat grow* vogutub o* ill
II mny a* well Include calory.
For |iiii'|io»ij» ol family mm. It may
B Jil»l u* Well to fmrehliB'i (HIM or two
■" Ircd |dnnt* air nh grown hilt
hum mere in wttnlud. or tlin oli.noi
i to grow for tho uniiket, Ihoii hy nil
lunni ral*o your own fdanta
For market |iur|u«u* (lie tlm croft
i iiowii In tha hot bed and |dunlol out
■ Milt M Iht MOIIthcr I* nettled tt It*III
hi* ero|i will come In ithoul tho ami
f .Inly or in Augunt. hut there u only
i Hid ted detimud ut that time and (lot
eiieral eroji U groan out door*, tho
md l* rather *low in grrmliintlug and
e*nl* are a|d to gel ahoad of them
eneo *ow ill lino a font uimt l|m
ail but ullghtly covered Well dim
|e null either hy the loot a Inch1,I,
to buck wf I In' Nfntdui or n roller,
t he hc»t of ad fnuiltou* to rolot
tlery. whether th * *« I led or a* a
ofi U In low but turn land ol a *nudy
attire If ttiv wa wr I* at ail Hi wt
ilhla tIti 'VH» feel of the tttcfaee *U
oieli the letter tho only alii allnli
to nml bed* re-,utro Until |ilulttllig
tile t* to In* ke|lt tree front Weed*
> the fitaut* grow loo much to loft feanling eau tie done It |« wall
■aietimu* hi vet ii t bait the tu|*«
he bu*l of all |< uni» are obtained by
•v« lrwu*|ti«uHttg la lb* *ee4 laid,
at It It Hot often tha Irueb men gltfa
ll* etira t wro, It the land t* moUt,
t we lufyint Ibefr • newly need water
>g but II tbe land t* d<», IN a dry
Utmm tkll mutt be wtu tided to or lire
luul* not*' dawg t»A t ui -maii *
urwl tt to Id
I *4***«»
Wf '*hvr It |n()« M Hi# up unman
III Jftt«* || UlMt* 1*» •Mr
4 II nn lh»» felM ul
^ iftMti Imw «■ HMUtytt ii.e mrm«f mu
*U*bl It. w«g|| n }%■>%¥ fttf
kilter |» |I m ll lilit* *%t*4 lutKf
■ft4 pet Hinifi the *mi* «' »«//« t er a
Morn it of i plowing uad or nmr—t to »■
nura Ift tlm aprihg U ft go'ftl enough
priu Urn The manure under tb* fuf,
row keep* II wo rift, tit fir*t Ii/ hold I ftp
op tlm «oll nnd allowing W'trill «itrftuut
«lr (tt i lrmi'ile through it toon the
Mir hue lie e!te< l oo the ft. anur and
It begin* M i|'«oiii;.o»o giving off
Inorn limit it* It d-m* *«< Th« eofi
atMfil cultivation Hint the torn mop
ftof il* *Uuiulni< * lhi« fermentation Miid
mix a* llm nmiiMn through tlm *olL
lint (or mIifto*t everything <d*e the
iriMftnre 1* better «t |mi»t pmtly com
petted It doe* not n««d to lie lie
columned to vegetable mold, hot It
Mllowed to leal neveral day* and then
tturimd en I got warm again It* Ho
rn ml lute effect I* efioriOoO*ly IWIMwd,
It protulhly produce* gr"»'er effect In
ho end, for the greater fiflerm** Of
0ompo«t*d iniinure er.ablc* tha farmer
to di-.trUnite it ovenly over a larger
xurfimc. — American t ultlvntor,
•..minim for t'e»l<l»r.
Much more attention than for
your* pnat l* being mild to the
breeding and feeding of farm nnd
food *iock and to Ui« moat enonoiiu
lent nnd b«*t varlotte*; hence the da*
iiininl for more gm** and clover, morn
root crop* and eonr** fuddor*, mid »
better nppctl/lng feeding nnd met it
producing eotnhinaUou nil round ll
I* poaotble Unit thorn uuiy ho found n
hotter all-roiinil fodder crop adapted
to tlm u*e of all kind* of »took than
■orghiun. but they nru not numoroii*,
Like out* It I* n complete rutlim In It,
I Hint after danger of fruit Hrm
the earth on the rood for they coniu,
time* fad to germinate In Ummo earth.
I.euvu thick In drill and cultlviilo with
light plow* and harrow* Keep down
tho grit-# and it will very noon tako
cure of ll»"lf. if ,'nft thin on good
land It inu*t In cut with a coni kulfo
and *et up la uliiirk* llm *l/ft of a to
bnccu hog'diwtU a* noon a* cut nnd
tied with wire near tho top*, (the
*iimo wire* will do for year*). If vary
thick It can Im cut with a dropper and
lifter drying thruo or fourduy*ln tho
run may ho hound with hinder twine
and put in tlm barn. Cut In one-half
or thruo-fourth Inch piece* and fed In
manger or liuxe* nothing equal* It a*
a milk food I cl long In rack* to
-■-ll i. l luiw il„ lliiiki- ii a ii cnltlnc find
tliii wante In not. ono per cent. AluioNt
liny wirl of lurid will t'ulxo (food nor
uliIIin. aoUlnif on It oo« tint Minin
j.111-1 of iU nutriment from Dio UI.IIIUN.
|ilmro, lint It tu 'In nine culture at tho
Btnrt. when It* growth In alow or the
woode will outgrow mill it on trey H. -»
( oil miiii'n IIni ul World,
Hnrlcy mulca u jpiod feed ror pint
though If fo I alone limy will lire of It.
Mixed with bran limy Wiil out It rlahl
itlonjf, *
I’otntoiiB ernw bottor If planted ho*
fore bejflonlria to uproot. Tho eeceml
aprimt* thiil nlurf, nro not no eirona n<
the in *t.
Sweat corn coinon op much noonor
If It U marked over iiliflit in warm
water, and the crop U lit for lino Junl
I,hat much itnonor.
Homo to an 0 ro bottle baenueo It In
dry. If It, In ml nod with cow manure
inolaturo l« nddod and It will boat Ion*
Hutu it olherwUo would.
I'olatooN will malti> (food linn of a
large quantity of conmo manure
whether It In plowed under or put on
tho laud after planting,
The old Hutch rod currant In about
tho bent of all that Iiun boon Intro*
dticnd notwllliNtandliia tho Mnortiotl*
o' Nome Intom.lod purl,Ion.
It In n aood plan to mulch rnxpber*
idc i, an It ban O 'onNhowu that mulched
platilN will produce luoro and bettor
herrlcN than Humo left unprotected by
drying wind*,
A corroNpoiideut of nil Knntorn ox
clmntfa tntkn about, it "gallon of pota
Uion.' How would li do to way half a
peck wlmii talk uni about article* that
am moHNiired by dry umaNuro?
Without going Into tho , uoNtlon -
bo often dlncuaNiul of llm value of
cook lug food for «wlue all tho tlmo
au occasional cooked food In a good
tiling and In ureally rellnlit I
ll In a inlnlakee notUai th it Ivy
vlaeN make Iioiinub damp Tlm exact
contrary w llm olTod for (he route
that ellng to Iho NldcB of tlm boiiNu
till ill’ll fill I 1111 HIIiIhI Ill'll III llm WJllln.
I low miioti uklmuio<l milk i* <n|mil
to n. Inmliul of ulmlb'il corn for funding
|i|g«i' wc uro imknif, M elt, wo nuv«r
i, . ju'i'lliiellbnl to ilotoriiilni. the unit t or
homo olio Ii 11 VO, any two hnuilioj
11■ lllflt'IIItll| ||(<I|M
( loiin plituti key* witli ii *nft rug
ill|i|ioil in uloiihol
SN Iii*ii oiui'lloi* Inh'iiiiiu aofl from
long alollillllg I'll! Ill out In U pint lllllt
bunll Ilium livin' I'lioy Wilt || ! ua
OI'ta|l Ua flV'll 41 lie.1
No .or into u uiotnl ngoon for •Mr
. uk alou.i.f frnil or tomutuo* A
womb ll OHO III Ileal mol lloiau witli
afiorl Ii,notion mu |iio!o ublo for »ttr<
ring thick inoaaoi
I'M., guilt Miroml i«.,| au much tu
ombi'oitlery t* upl to tiocomu .loll ur
liiriiiati.ol but M >t la |iur«i it null lot
brtgbUh.4 by |iruuiog tt wait u mo4
inub y toil Hut trim
M h. ii going Niu u warm iilmu"
|ibcro lulu u emoor uiwuy* koo|i ibu
iiiuiitb ultneil >o Mini Ibu ulr limy In
wormed by Ifu. |iub*u.‘0 Mirougb thu
niwu mo ti muctioi thu lung*
A gmul tonto for tbo bnir U of uull
wuti i i t. ua|>iHOifnt nl atilt to u hull
|i)ill of wu'or u|i|)ll«4 to tbo bull' two
to' Ibioo lliiioa u * .oil tlm u'tiut ut
Mill 00*1 o' U III..IIlb will to alll |l|'lalilg,
M Ill'll l. 0.1 or lot. nil thl. IIIH» alnl
you cm In .In ii a by i> nt lug u llltl.i
but u.iUiroioi tbu lout mol druiulug
|l i.1 iinktljl. tU.'H tel t| in tbu itvwu
to hunt Wrungh mi l It will Im Ua gmul
u* now
To to,uove tram ru.l met tuk at.itti
Hub tniliun )Ul<« uu lb» alum then
minor it wiib amt ui.4 Uy wo urtiwl.a
In Ih.i ua If uue»a*ut'| lopea! tbc,
l«iHv«a two or threw bm, « U(u.u
Ir. iu hliofa of ink mo atnuWrly
When out. \ no gar will awuteiuu..*
4o Ik
l« baying grabum floor itaw gat
but await .|i>untiit«« nt n ttwu lb*
mtnrwer bum* , >•« n guu4 nuuitty
of grubuui Iwanl ..*e4 fur flyaimnttwat
aormiucfl U I tit to Hoe. it la v«l|.'4 ruU»
nut I itunr ur nWifitam mol la ntra It
geo a nr bulb** .N.k'-a liman htvui)
ia not ».»i.. tint . ■ «t> to bn it t t
|uat n attHI bniler Ibnt itu bo | t»t*Fv4
iwlM »i|%t |mn«i
Kaso. ' 4TW
A l.tfa of povarty V/ th A final* In
(ho Poor Howao.
"Tli« Kngf i*h JOurnayiiMWI haa Ah aft
Attrnitfvn lifa," *nya Ibtilafi haW
'f'hwnltaa it* nh nrth la on "VilfAgo
l,i fa In Old fin gland'' in tU May M«w
KogJand Megaglna, "Ml Aftlhg (Alt III
Ina work, perhapa ndloa away, At him
o'clock iu tli« AUfomer morning, with
a In avy haakat of tool# ami food Afar
hia ahouidar, ha often work* until
eight abaolntaly I,r*akfoatlaaa; tlian
half an hour la allowed him for hia
< beerleaa meiil i/I eY,i,l tea and brrad
ami (at bacon; at noon ha haa an
hour or laaa, for what dinner ba baa
lirouglit with him; and at flva o’clock
alula Ida day* a taak, lia aometlmaa
taking a light lunch In tha middle of
ilia aftarnoon Aa with tha farm
lalnOfar, rlnrtjmatiain early aaaka him
for a victim, and at ai*ty ha la quit*
apt to In- a uaeleaa old man with 'a
< rick ill Ida Inn k,' a burden to himaalf
and Ida relative* Kerning nt hia heat
I and in the height of a buay aeaaon,
not tn «*eee<I oua dollar and twenty
live cento per day, with long atreichea
/if either aickna** <v no work, invar
iably a large family on Ina banda,
poaaibly a ilriiik habit, wl.ieh make*
every apare panny horn In Ida pocket,
And the eoat of proviaiona not on I ho
whole below f luit prevalent in America
for the an me quality of aupptiaa, ha
peilhci a- tiniulafce a/ivinga nor ap
parently wlahea to, 1*1 bfm endeavor
lo riae above Ida fcjlowa or fiirniah
more comfortably liia little cotta f—
which the lamilord'e agent keep ao
licolly without, hut who-.u interior ia
apt to lie eheerloa* enough-he would
in many communitlca ba acoffed nt
and abilillied a! tbe alaliouau, aa a
mini too proud for that elate of life
unto which It hath plnaecd Hod to
call hint. Then, again, the ‘union’
,.v 111 receive him when otlAal hia work
ing daya arc over, and he looka lor
ward with complacency, or aluill wa
*ay with aullen mdilferciu e, to ending
Ida daya na a pauper. Thu picture ia
gloomy enough, but Merry Koglnml ia
filled with much, if you care to look
foe tiiani,’’
An Amorlonn Genius Dlrooverod at
tilwty Yutira of A«<>
"Ambrose Jticrce iw a wit , n philoso
pher, a genius," say* Walter Block
burn liurla In u Corner at, ])od»lay's,
in thn May New KugJand Magazine.
"The reawon he haw not been heard of
in the Cowl: iw, that editor* are horrl
lily afraid of genin*, He Iw now sixty
year* of age, being remembered in
London aw a hrilllant Journalist womo
twenty year* ago, Jin work iw too
virile, loo unUMItnl for the mmta/.lne*.
Hi* wtyl* Iw peculiar to himself; it I*
like that of no other living writer.
Iliw wtoriew are iinii|itn In contempor
ary literature. If they aiiageel any in all, It Iw Hint of Kdgar Al
lan I’oe. Iliereeiwn iiftnt-mawter of
tile reitllwtienlly Jiorrttile and the on
e«|ieeted. lake I’oe he haw weighed
every word; not one could he replaced
by a synonym wit hout lowing t he deli
cate wnadew of meaning of the sen
tence. He haw, too, like I’oe, wolved
t he dlllleiilty of creating all atmow
pliere of horror, lie haw more nearly
approached the intense logical illogi
cahieww of I’oe than any other writer
in Ktiglish."
Hidden Muelo.
Thn Wawhlngtoii I’owt ha* learned
of a new crane among the fawhioiiahle*
ol I'arl* which Iw likely to he Imported
at an early date into New York and
Washington society, aw it, iw especially
adapted for entertainment* to ho
given during the mimnier. This inn,
whistler, whoso huwlncww card pro
claim* his ttwital t a lent for imitating
nightingale*. Ho far it would appear
that lie hold* undisputed wway In llilw
peculiar hratteh of musical accomplish
inents, and when engaged for garden
parlies or any open air fete, can com
mand hi* plica accordingly. All lawt
wnmniqi lie was kepi conn ant ly cni
iilnyed, and I lie outlook lor lie-com
'*■**'• • in wih"" . i i »
briniv. \Vlicii engaged for garden
par time th« imitator of nightingalu* ie
not seen I>y t he gne-t» ixh In* l akne lip
lii« hi it ml lull i in I ml ii nip of «li ill I diet y,
and thiiri) HtHilinli"! from prying eyea,
i-ltarm* tlioguueU wlUiiniitntivi< pow
I) I'M*
UnpieaiArtiiy Appropriate
A ok-rgyman, writing In tin- llomi
li t |I- Ifuv iriv, Inellt loll* one of tlmmi
ulriini'u ri'ini’iiUnii)» aIiU'Ii 'III eoiiio*
time* liapoen*, \ m in ehurili.
Alter ll_,(iJ, ig •< rmi'ii i i -id the
notiie>» I-J “* i. ami tln-n an
iionni'vJ fl ’ !-i«iiig Ityiun Nninliur
Ha nnil mi At ilnii nionn-nt I »nw
Idle ol the dwa> one ruining -lunil lint
it iln, anil piiueiHt to hear what tn« lunl
to any, wliii'h wna that I lunl lorgot
tun lu giiu a notice oltlielndtcn' iw4
I gave it aivotilingly, niiolo-umj to
I he l ongn gat ion for my rarfelttihn<e*,
nml agaOi nmnmmrd llm mimin') of
ttin Itymn amt mm ended to ri-ml It.
My IvuilligA. itlul lliu feeling" ol Hie
I'ongivgttlion may lie Imagine*! n* I he
hint, »lint a lluniglillv-* wteti I| am I*
Hamaraalil* It Tine
It i* repot ted Hint the tty nh-e-t of it
n mu I anwint mnvhine t mindly imni
lOttl In Minnesota, one nf the ptee «
' *lrikmg a boy ri.iht yeat • old, nooig
I ting him tmrrihly nml matamly kill
ing him Tina look* n>.i»nii*lite
iiliongh, hilt nhint we air intoi me*l
that the pteee that killetl the ht.y,
• an) mg Hi in o.vly (vet ha* lomeI
pile mnl one hail noli * hum the mite
ul ttui ii »a*t*i. the etoiy looks a hp
tie tiroog
A C*l»tul Mentone,
An oM I'lmntiymmi wa*ln eiliemt*,
to* m*I *1 toggle Mettled tong lieyoli-l
mea*nte. * - titoogh lit* poor man
I i-nnkl not make tip hie HOinl almttl
•tailing on the ihaiaui |ouim*y i*nn
night toi nephew hit ■* lighted i mi-|le
nnthv hut* tehU. nudentd a* he a ml
nil |o l*| -»
"i'mlu when *un'-el thol II ta all
mer with *' hi n Mow oal tie* i.*n
IU “