I w-- " - t '.sksv’s ' r’ The Loup City Northwestern. ■ * -^,-5I2SBBBSBS5jS5Ss3Si5C3B553IRi*MJBfc£35SKuK^'j!^^5M»25aSBili£i^3SBL^^^35*M5i**rJBCflS5SlS8filHSBD(5S*»53S»,^«^«^2SB555£S*ii3^?5E!2^'«*ifc«i«p^S^ ^--wr-m ^ -** m— ra r F-^». — » ..«^.. ^.w^^^■■■■■■^■■■^■■■"■■■■■^■^■■MMiSSSIBBSBSSSS&SSSSSSSSBSSSESSSSSSlBSSS&SSS^BSSSSSBSSMiSHiSSBiSSSSSSBSSSBiSBSSSiSli^B fcl,KVh>f)l HiA».I.OUP CITY. SHEHMAN COUNTY. NEBRASKA, MAY 27. \WM. m:mhi;k 28 AT d/an. Me morial day rm-a»? Well, If anything, it There can never ■gain ire a civil war In tha land now k. Mfhted by the atara ami le/nnd together i| with the *tripe» of America * banner i Two metal* cannot be mingled together I Until nilbji-cted tii a heat that will melt ■ «he,„ There are metal* too hard for I- mt ttae to which we would put them. I fiterc are other* too *oft, but we fu*e I id Mugu together, end the amalgam re*t»U I mt attrition of time, perform* with I ’ftiltlew. truth the work we would have ■■■Ip, and carrle* it* wort.iy ijualitie* to I and men of wltorn wa never M tthat fierce ruahlng i-together of ■ -gjgbie* lii our late war there waa the Hgjj|Kgace heal of iiaiwdou wbleh commuted ■ (Sperry eauaeof hatred. No power on hut American* could have In |&)B|efl the aeceding *t»tr». No |>eopl« Jv Mae rill but American* could *o long ■«>^Bpe re* l* tel the attack* of vletorlou* 1 gMklcn Hut Ilia day wheu while ill wfngc-l peace *wept pa*t the flaming ■ tppal* of war, extlnguiMilng It* lurid I Mm#, that day wa* kolhlilted Into one a | people who luut never liefore le-eii I united It wae little enough that the nation *et apart oua day for timeout i ineotorallon of an event which made ua I what cycle* of peace could never have amuimpluhed. It I* fitting that once a I year to the end of time we paiiMi and pay the tribute of regard to the melt wlio maile their nation indda. It la fit ting we loach our children. whoku blckoeit ear* have never leu u dlMnrbeil by the reverberation* of angry artillery, that to the end of time a perfect peace ahall dwell In all **nr border*, It la filling they khouhl know with an laereaotng knowledge with ea* h nod* h year that thl* lm|**rial land can (ear no fug, that there 1* no power on the earth wlkoae arm can May Ihe wrath of Ju*Uy roUMul i oiumh-a. that there U li*> pow er wh***e aruked boat* call ever tread Ho anti bapiived al dawn by Atlantic • Ml Mw* and at evening by the ailver *ui f that whl*|a»r* of I'acllli tele* Hut there I* a leereii «llll greater The triumph of arm* wa* the pnarl >4 I he if u*» Icaatie** A lullliou men can not make right a wrong All Hu arinke* of the ea*| > aiinot create a virtu*1 Hut the mind of man la now open to reaaou In the (killing »hadow of Hi* Hag whl*. h eomiwnu oat* • the day, In the memory «f tha men whom a* rifle* Houle tM* amice po*»lt.lr let ll*l* truth *tnh Into uwr heart* that m**I t* with u* In the right I Iw vl* toriu* nwnni f -r **wf naMoh lu*w are tin el* I on* of pea-• The noM**t *1**4* of all the earlhare not the dm U *kl M- I IM pure*!, Mr»ug**t. trwe*l a>-wta air tl< * of men wh*»* hand* *i letter geatl*, of won* M, wh**M M-arta were never Mung with hate Memorial day d*wa n*d remind of a •a*-*fvd natum cement**!, hut a -ingle P*. pie ia*l l*t" he erw I Me of iMu Hon ami fu*ed *n in* no ll o one T hl* heller metal »k*M Iw lh» Man t*rd of et-elbio* f*r all *1*0*1 n* then* tn*n* of the earth *h*ilntafh w* a* Ihelf model T’h* w l*»i *m of ail land* *haii learn of u* And thereby *»one* the hlnmpd but dm It We la* iking* out deed* mw*t m*rm* t**‘l» Uk kUiKly, If wv, DMIiftiiiuil by a len'nnu mi ututfnlfU&ni dm tint wliU-l, |ll*/l tlinr |ff*y*0 with hvr'H D It *v* In yriviUtflml Ui (Print Ut* yvi»y to Iwttar iilb/o, tlk'fi "b-t Ut* wnrti* ■ i. , 11,i» up*ii II. a ,.w I Ihn.w H'bnn In oaa ak„l ( w bt ai’4 my yran pa *0 V, An I uyiny ,oi Ibo tti 14 nf botin lay < 4* IH l*f J til *». I ••*> It t. f » 4- ‘ if‘t’ ' • * • Ji< it * «»!#• Mi. VW * • • ao * IH #Mi l i %|4iit4 ll’IKlU >• * M»H« M.«t«l I tin if * 0hI« til MM* 4 tar 1,4*0 t «♦ *V*» it* t‘r» I ft dt*J« #*•.*.( »* • y -*•» Hr «*4 kum 4|nU» fe»f | u t bti»t !* »• imIii- #%4 U. (0' itiit't U»t# ItM t< Ok M «*•**•*> 44 fltm n*4 In'i’M •»«•!*•. «< I IlffM 0* * »4«M* . ' l I «.01«... •OATTIN TNI ftUWlNA, •« I • ittt'MMt tH« »*4i4fe#« M0 ' til»4 •♦4 H» MM *Wfc«H. tU* t tllMN Will IN MlwfH .if i i «fm* (N }#} 4*1 Ui# lift Mt»»d mMH II >H*m H« |titii>f of IK hU*» fell I * |‘jrt ' Of lHi‘ Wttlt? iff ‘*Mf *»‘Mfilf JP iltlt t*f Ht )>«!« 40 %i I H|NtM IH * »ti tf tU « mlit. It # IH* hfll»0 <1 IH u l| fl • 44ih), tfekfffl lUf VMlfeUuH* «fi>l »*f H 4>f. h)«4 (fuff iHi it *i* *t luf In if i tt*H» n • H.» Hi'ft Uf» 01 I Ifill# Ilf'H IH IfeUifl'fl Ut* tfw i I Hr IfttfMH ‘I IH*' !«•*«« >1 H«M 4•' ** tlMiiilrf lH« * »* 1*0 «4f w.Mhl J |iH"H| IH* HiflH'H* t.f mflH 0H«H nr h«*I *h Umm. I Ho tint H*l 40 444 (Ihm 4Hm A ill*.4 IH UtlH .. ■MMOTMMMmaMaaaaBaaianMMiMaaBmMW of "Hr own nation arid Oman wlei '■'im# to ii* from lamU la-yond tlw vti, *hall cull to mi ml the principle# In vnlvrd, to kiik'tuln which tlw aoldter# pre*#e,f tlw ocmmuhoii. Hut tlwra waa one muu who knew what day It waa.’ I. Mila* I.: in* h i left hi* Inal, lor an hour ha .i I, 111 doorof hi* little hut gutting ' i.l Ini , Hie dark in #*, then with ta.m# tiling like u dluui'iinl gllttenlugou Itia hr- .ny ■ Iwclf lw turned, and lulling hi* rve tlw in in i will out Tlu pallor "f ui'iri* I. I on Ii I llllo 'lay, hilelillv he went h , . I- the rit-ka and gr# ,, puna In In Oi l there In pink U wild flowar or U 'll In r Hi"** I'lvacuCv he *t>ip|ent upon u 1'H'ell ledge cmuiMun ling a hi i.o.i d |u' > .peel of tulluy uni hill II. ii .i nle green mound knelt ii . i i lo'itnigwl a garined of . u'.ver* Up >lh 1 * I,niual toil I lien arltingr In . inml him ■ If wild ti e elf uf a i i.iil bringing hi* aei*ket to I, i'er fir i’ll a v.«ll cy Into lie- air, m . i. diKlulei 1.11 .Her lie nulled fi . - 'a* ket udirtt o-l flag . on aide « id. inti a ..ii und »;iivad in. it ii|H, iin* gi-.uiid lw again tike • k'.g< i in- lire arm Vine win. le*a/i lw, i e- in* iihii n, ire r«*t, r*l In# kl< |«* \* l .» a 1,1 ahln lw ele>*««»*l a. ii .or ,r « liliw . II * i m ' i lug »«ni tke l#H*« ' th la', ' ii'irilrai the eld man "Wi.ai lwf*f • I h. on i* n arhr game " III M|,wpg,« laugh,#1 ‘14». jualruwt f>r »«. , h' Of way he y-rnie RECIPROCITY JVMM axclualvaly for the benefit of the people ho* been agreed upon, with an emergency cl sum, to take , full and complete effect on, and after 1909. MAT so. mm. by and between the G. E>. Gousrnmsnt an. a tbe only low pnoad, tlouble room store buibling West of tbe Missouri river, WK HAVK THK KXCLIJHIVK AOKSVY KOIl TI1K * Happy * Home * Clothing. * Kvery garment warranted to give good aatlafaetlon or UMHJty refunded, Gent’s Suits at $6.75, worth $10.00 “ “ 13.00, “ 18.00 We carry In atock a full and complete line of tbe above geut'a auita, enabling tut to fnriiieli all aiaaa. W# alao have, at equally low price*, a good assort merit of extra pants, vc*u, coat*, boy'* and youth’* auita, etc. Ladle* will find an immense *tock of Dress Goods, Notions, Furnishing Goods, , Millinery &e, at Our IXfiLDBlYl DIY GOODS DKFTIIRT. at price* *o low that a .low would IiIijhIi to aak for a reduction. A n«w line of LADIES WALKING SHOES AND SLIPPERS, Flue luce uud button aboea -alioe* of all kind* tor gout*, ladle*, Ixjya, infaaea and the liable* at lowaat poaaible price*. A great drive in LUSK'S CALI. CANNED GOODS, ALL KINDS EXCEPT PEACHES. Bib. Can Best Fruit at 16cts “Best Peaches of Same 20 cts. We have accepted the agency for tha Celebrated Victor Machine Oils, the beat in the market at loweat price*. Give ua a call when you need any tiling in our line and we will aave you money every time. R. WlYLiOR. UK riHKIi A VOA.IJHT IMTO TIIK AIM. training for the array? Don't you know, old iuku, tliat the war la over? IVrhapa you haven’t heiiril at It out tier*’ yet." Nlln» Klklnn did not fcinlle, ’•Yen," he muttered, "the war Mover then* twenty yeur and through all them yearn on thi» day thi* old munket ha* *uuy Iu hattle '-ry. You *ee, it’* Memorial day." Tl»e *lruiiy«r uiallied. "And did you have friend* In the re hellion?" The old man leaned ou III* yun. "Mlrauyur. I tuul authln' better’ll friend*. I luul boy* two on 'em," lie brimlmil a tear with 111* fcleeve, ••Yea. *ur, one III for the ’i h » rv •4«l f ♦»! |ii), I In i » uitfttitm of ft tu«rt lib li hit* i .ilWiJ (nfti’ll lh« lit# **•! ll”i ife* In*i ll**« r* 4kii> i»f 4*a Mluf Jft*« 1-4 Ui 4 IU Mirf r^uM, iu it** mi t%# It I*b#*l bur I* *|*ir# it* IKn *utl4 if lltftl It*# v • m! ftl l U« lit Uttf 4« u.U-ig Hint it U w f**#l l*tffH Tb» It# 11 i **# lb# It* lt» #|*tr«i« "t t ii kifDMiiiluMi (Ntl *»»t*4v* **f ftit iii< *M*Jf M ftt*«t nitttllU' IVuM 0**1 f|t Mft bblMiiiJ N' tl #**#•*** ^tr#'tintd • tlHiiUitl Ifil f» i t ftl Wf# In * al l.undehut la tivrmanv, Ait h «i at M*|dt»a a in un*. i < Iwl at IVtef’a, Home tit feet, a*i>t«bw*y ea thwlral. A.uylaml. All feet .iutwviy >a Akvdrai. *ui feet The >1 *■ of m Paul a. ta iaaotoa. I* • uly *M feel ’the yntl yyiamkt Iu Aytyt, ta ta hat high and the tia*»dnyt. ■* ae-eu avut. Ht ii aeldeytoU AM I t fuatmulml timber MMIta* Wilt ba*a An ha Itlveillaail lalal |dv*.f > ah lie mad* mioidiay iu iha a#a mllng al Aha iiaaatal I mud nrtne LadiesHosiery Ht Commission Prios, l.ediea, do you rMlIa* that whan you buy of the retailer, you are paying three nnne. ueeeary profit*? The manufacturer eelle the coimnlaalon houae, the latter to the Jobber, aud Die Jobber In turn Mila to tha retail merchant, you inuat pay the manufacturer a profit Aral and then pay each of theaubee queot handler* a profit, not Infrequently paying two profit* to lb* retailer. The Manufacturer» I'ornmUtion Co. I* a ie*pon»lhle eyndloato which a*U* direct to the uoiiHumer. Uy Infecting lu uiapii feeturee’ aample*, odd* ind end*. Job Jot* and the *tock of InnoJvanl manufacturer*, In eounectlou with our regular cAiumlaelon tuddinga, we are abl* to a ill t* the Milieu mer direct at the .ouimli Ion price, whleb la hut nu* remove fruiu the manufacturer'* While this m.iuunny handle* all kind* of ladle* furnishing*, w* ate making a *paelal drlvaonour hosiery, merely to Intruduce our uarne In your territory aud ealabllah a reputation lor giving value* ue> «r liefer* ulfereil,*u that you will belully pieuaiudfur our lalter announcement of our entire Hue*. Heed til* following offer* Ladle* full length, fashioned feat blank bus*, sujieitliis gauge, rMalllng every wliet* at at to ,14 cent* |*tr 0*1 r I we will Mil at i« rani* par p Ir, or ou* ludf doeea at M cent* cadleaettra length, full regular made, laat hi*. * aid *eauil«*i Ini**, very AbmI gauge lelaillng every» have at Hi i*nt* up, wu will mill at *• cema' or on* half duaen for fl.a* We imy el plea* charger, am agree uncoil ailiioially to lelund iimney If fernery I* not Uie value* and unalllliM damn bed lie • ureand amid Hie ait* aauted and reuieiu lair that a* we pay eapiva* weueiiuot alfaid In *«ut| lr*« than one half do* iir Jf®*' ^d* *mo Ait mo *n»f w o» *»| »onpoj»ui e| i#pjo ui / a g v **mihim *j» im in* 'imei »• *(A a ^T'%t% «»M* •*•! JO* WOnoq #0 lOUueo ^ \jT MO«jeq e won* ’OlHtNVNMMOM XOTfl OfcVt iJTV^ A4*a Old pue MOOXi XtaNlJ S(n ,p.w Vn / ssanHVH Regmj «»»» •« „ I >»mm_*o uoeeoo eim xiieioede e Qumew #j» ala!;. -MERIT WINS MHD MBii Cm Ini, TIm TrM ui Tntii, Dinkn, Rudioai, Will Midi, lurutiid Steal. «~LOW PKICEn-xv STRICTLY SIRNT CLAM IN KVKHV RKNPKCT. Agents Wanted. Liberal Discounts. 8end for Catalogue. L H. CHUBBUCK k CO.; BOSTON. MASS. m SHANNON SYSTEM mU8UM?1KVttYA u.N ILL IfEI TIE IIVIUZEO WORLD I MB li BWOTMM ainiDUU TO »B THIS 1IIXT. ADtOLUTI MOVRITV. 9UI0KIRT RtriRKNCt. BSFSSflJwH mvpi* mun ro« noMrurrs nrroMUTtow ABOtrr TBW AMD MW OTWBA DdflCfl UA 1*11/ KOLLKH OOI'IKM. worn —aiswia in rr/aran «*a*u an. rase*. nvn ou.'a, ng, • • OFFICE SPECIALTY MFO. OO., ROCHESTER, N. Y. * « BMAMCHMM—Irt Twl—OMm# mUUlRU—Ilit FimcUso Tcro.tt. LOVELL DIAMOND OYGLE8. Ii. |. Solid Tim. strictly Ii. 11, Udlii' Oiihloi Tim, Is. I Onblai Tim, |0.4, Goivsrtibls Solid Tim, osi.oo im.oo lo. t, tidin' Solid Tim, lo. 4,0, " Ousbloa Tlru, our •®s,0° Casbion Tires no better _ , machine made at Yarranted i a„y prioa. ALL PASTS Iaterchante- sieyeio 0tuio£>o Fm. $85.00 $85.00 JOHN I*. LOVELL ARMS CO., MANUFACTURERS, BOSTON, MA88. Art .11 wit, I. far m Id nr tllutrUU Uulww * tw, tide, b^mt, «pdl>| brbdilt Uid» da. I $00 22 -r^Dua $ D UI FOITKITIMIUT HUT n v. .itvMt**k sell them at kkr*Ll this prise te In- ./•'Webber Top, troduoe them, Sllptle Springs, regular prloela Plane Body. B70.OO. ft upholstered In wa Ati e • lr*4' 01 wvAuaiLi .. sloth,or toother SaRUFAC, 1 If preferred. MABUFAO, I Three «r four 4ntLIN bow top. Either wide or narrow traob. We would alee furnish Corning Jr b«ey m plaee of Plane body If desired. Xlend fer FIEMN1A MiNUFiOTUfilNfl CO., ✓ Oetelegue. YOUMCarowM, OHIO. UO TO James Rentfrow • FOll— Feed Grinders, MWM MM«M |W*** OMNI r«ltU*«k. *. «**a aw4 NVIMUUU* AM* l>«OV« WIU.U I',Mm m Im» a* t)H> U|«w h. • IA MM NkNII'IHm Wlulww «*»» itv »*0t ttt IUb luituvr COM MHlltW IBlHMUt itOlriM't lltiut HlB IBBl lltBt alUBflt, ll«« IMBVIlUtl IwillBUl BIOl B Ol m (Muiumiutt u« iiuM«»ii»fM>. IOI' llU.l Kino *tu« > lbl< pt-m • tutiao by t* u IB. It# Of t (<| M|4W .toll < ll>« l»- » It (itulHOBli OimimbI by |t «l wnunlml «M|.» » 14144. lit* »lt. I.t Bi.«tomo»t {.oitt.U BIB lu IttBlIM UM Ihlll l«BU • B »» fcl.B«*«, IIIIhbU u II Ynur NHniK .