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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1905)
SUFFERED FR0M CURED a plai talk n a Plain Subject In Plain Language. Th coming winter will ran-e nt lent ae-batf of the women la have catarrh, feolita. roughs, pneumonia or rorisimip on. Thousands of women will h,.. heir lives ninj tens f thousands will a-q,uir Kuinr chronic ail ment from whieb they will uerer r'H'tiTtr. Fnless you take til ne essury precautions, tlif (liames are that you (who Ktrp PtKtA IN THE HOtSC rd thi) will li cm of ih unfortu rtr one. Little or no risk uwil t. run IVrtiu in k.-pt in iIm bonw ud m first pirair of any aympton) of tatnrrh tJikcii n dirwtnl on tti Imlil. I'rr'iim ia a anfi-icvird. a prrrentntiY, I aH-clhc. a (nirc fur all fnnea of l atarrli, (cut and raronic, poiiIk. oolda, coa umptiou. etc. Fur frr mdirnl adrlcf, ad'lri Ir. $. 11. Ilnnmaa. I'r-iilciit of The Ilurt Smm Kaitilnnuin. t 'j hnu li um. Ohio. . Tiia youtiK man won ih nkshels tolfig t) succeed tn lire Im Ihi battle naif won. AUavs protnded he krepi Ibli.kiuK to. R'memler that a charrte'er h not bnly hi lp'ul In this woild, but It can ke cattlrd iota eternity. Idleness entl s Inilusiry. Industry li th paient of fottuni. Tnfl bst deulal o falsrhood Is to lire the truth. , Pu'Chwed fibmdiiblp Is seld m urih the cost prico. l i'tlK .;. y w bi..-: 55 .; !.. 11 i -". i , ; ,i:sJ hX mwtA 3r 1 L I UI r 1 1. i.r-Bi Huts InoiHii li tr ir Kemwly Tuelieli nisi Uis iuu lUi'.U ' III III M of purrka.e t4 Is.ks rr a WiUI lot of ski. who. bod a-i Un famotsst 1. ra nf eafltlsaity. and wsrw gutth wtiol). tiy tlie "-.!( s M i.N" or Mvilcius man. wbow arnrd ls aod whsisrer h aid or did i u.o s t f-cl hy Vtrm sn1 net lo ! rtlip.nrd. 1hl rrmndy U 11m irlti si foriseU, purchswO la pvrMiri froia tlis "rllAMAN IT LKATF.I I0CK U"AISs,NY Wul'.SLi prutrKlal- are suilioriied lo wll It on a uas-ll-betore you-psy jwraatea, IS easoa bolilct 60s. Usnufu turM l y KLONDIKE REMEDY CO. Sitka, Alaska, Chicago, New York. Sale Ten Million THE raiLT'S FAVORITE EOICIHE candt riTiifinnr BEST FOR THE BOWELS BEAUTIFUL SKIN, oft Wblla Hand and I.naariant Hair fVodaccd by Cntlcara Isoap. Mttllona of Wouipd i;s Cutlcura Soap, assisted by Cuttcuia Ointment, the are-ot skin care, for prescrvbiK, purifying and beautifying the akin, for Cleansing the scalp of cruets, scale sftd dandruff, and the stopping of fa II tag hair,- fur aofteulng. whitening and nothing red, rough and sore bands, for baby rashes, Itchlngs and chaf for annoying Irritations snd nl eeratlr wikne-e, and many sntl eptlc purposes which readily suggest themselves, as well as for nil the pur poaeat af the to let, bulb and nursery. Lit estimates place the population of tbe world t i.5o.rnoh ooo. TO CTlRIt A CtlLt) IN ONK PAT Take l.iur Hrooio Uuinine lahieia. AB irua'Siats refund the nmory It II (siitooura ftV W. UruTS'a siauiura la on eactt bux. t'si Ik Iodu native laborers recelre four ceu ti a day for iuteo hums Work. -Mrs. Wlnslow M)TillSJ SYRfP tor rail eVsa arathlni, sottana Iba aumii.radiin luMa saiton aJlayapaln cum eolle Price ' botila. ' Mul-'i bftln are frequently sub tltuted for calves' bialns lo rails reel aut ants and ate said to make err good ratlnf. Found Gold in Nebraska. lavaaiaii la Waavaaka Haal Bauu will lad Via traa Vow ts tta tlM la gas la taa gaaa taar. Wa Sara aeaaa aaolaa laveaiaMaU. WrlM as let farthar lafunaailaa. tctnraiacbar IJawaa, Orlaans, Nab CATARRHQF lUN-3 SO COMMON IN WINTER. BY PE-RU-NA 4 COLD ON 111E LtMCS THREATENS TO BCCOME SErflOUS. Pe ru-na Brln;s Speedy Relief, ilrn. II. K. Adam, ex-I'rntident Pnl nielto ( liil), of New Orleans. I.., wriica from 110 Carfield court. South Bend, I rut.. a follow: " am pleased to endorte Peruna. a I took It about a year ago and It soon brought ma relief from a cold on my lunjjs wbicli threatened to be terious. ''The liuijfH werf ore nod llilUun-.l. I couched a couple of hours ererr night, nnd I felt Mint something must e don before m; hint's Lent me sITeoted. "I'eruun wns augceated by some tit mj friends who had used it. and action upon their advice I trie.) it and found that it wns nhle to brine ntmut a speedy cure. Yom have my highest endorsement and thanks for the Rood It did me." Sounding the Praises of Peruna. Mr. France Wilson, 22 Nelson St., Clinton, Ms., wnlea: "Had you seen ma at the time of my Illness and now. yon would not wonder that I take delight In Bounding the praises of I'erutm. "My ailment was a aerere cold which attacked the hronchinl tnhes and lunirs. ' followed your special dlrctlont end after using tlx bottles of Peruna, I was on my feet again. I think I'eruna a wonderful medlclna, " If a boy is smm In: lasts after lilt fa'h'r; If Uj Is uot bis father takes afi 't bin. Hire an aim In llf If you cannot bit the sld? of a ham. Mak. Kir money unmakes many men. A yi un man who spends, all s nmuey freely is a wa?s counted a I'-I'y, 'i;id fel ov by all who krviw l. i tn. hit In later jeats they are apt) lo look upon him bb b fool. Fun only keems fin llshncss to thosi wbi. are noi lo Boxes a Year. UNITED mm STATES IUPORTIRQ CHID WHEAT IS NOW k FACT CKT A TKT.V. nnUKSTEAB IN WKaTfcMN tt.vtat r br mm f UM kal hi.t Iwli s Um tsstf nsi mmm M4ur.r Tl r. yi!S f ht Mil va .,11 w.ii 1 U t I V HLMIH. TO I UK A( K IM Ml M.4 Ml)r rop will atmn rll .bn4illr aplandbi Iiumw, InoS k:IukA KAd ebrcfo.iclinl wkUtg tMlMtui A-ft r for information Is Supsrtnt a-Untof Innniar tl S.OUMWts, ftiiHua.ui lo V . I lttinwik..oa l.irl Llls unisiKS, eso , Asia ntsu uovsmiuss Aval. 1'ls in sr sSsro ros us tills s4srtl ssmsnU A man can't -hltie his best lo boll society and htilnrs. A Dt'ARA NTKKD CITRFFOR PTT.FIS, Iichina. Hitnrt. Iliee.iina or frmrmllna llles Vourdrui ii will ri tuml u.ouer ii H aa 01 N P stNT J.k u Aura tou Hi t hi II lus. Sua rolltlcs has msde tew ineo and un made a (great manr, MEXICAN Mustang Liniment cure Sprain and Strain. Young pigs grunt gruntel before tlieui. aa old plgi CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children. dta Kind Yon Hare Always Bocjtii Bra tbo IgBAtmrcof LET CS AIX UCOfl. JOKES FROM THE PENS OF VA RIOUS HUMORISTS ' pleasant Incideuta Occnrrins the orld Over - feay In is Are Cheer fill to Old or YonriB l-'uiiajr rjelevtioua that Voa Will Kujoy. "Jetikliia doesn't like Dr. llolna edj bii re." "No, and Dr. Bo)u3 simply hatei Jenkins." "Wuafa the matter?" "The doctor predicted when Jerkini wns 111 a couple of mouths ngo that li would die. but he didn't." Phi'.adcl phla Press. Club Women. He What do jou want a bumlroi do!lra for now? She I am to rend a paper befon the club on "Economy In Dress," an I haven't a gown fit to wear. Albanj Journal. Almost the Panic '"flea as a bird,'" read the big ais tcr from her little brother's exercisi book. "Why, Tommy, you don't spcL the word correctly. It should bi 'f l e e.' " "But the teacher snld that 'flee meant going somewhere else In a bur ry, and fl flea Is always doing that. Chicago Tribune. Attempting ii liiflicnlt Task. Teil For goodness' sake! What trouble can young Itocksey have? Ned He finds It bard to live within his father's Income. Town Topics. Hard Headed. "He's got a line bead for busi ness." "What business?" "I'lny'uig football." Cleveland Tluli Dealer. I?er Vocation. He You say that Mie Is a buffings! woman, this friend of yours. Whu' business is she Interested In? "Everybody's." Detroit Free Tress Kxplllincd. Mr. Snappy Your father seems tn be a very surly man. Every time 1 see him he's frowning. Xliss Feppery Naturally. I sup pose every time you see him he seel Jou. I'hlladelphla Public Ix-dger. More or Von Query Is the science of keep lng one's mouth shut an exact scl enee? De Answer Well. It depends on lion exactly shut one's mouth Is kept Detroit Free Press. Over mid Oyer. "I don't see why you call him stu pid. He says a clever thinj quit! often." "Fx.totly. lie doesr.'t seem to real lze tha t It should be said only once.' Philadelphia Press. A Foolish Question. Flnnegln Th doctor tells me Ot'm In nade nv glnsaes. Pfwat's th' coat? Optician Do you want nose glass es? Flnnegln Sliure fin It's oye glnssej Ol want. 01 can't see tro me nose, klu 01? It All Hepcmla. "At what age does a man usually pet bald?" usked the swevt girl stu Cen I. "What kind of a man married ot single?" queried the bachelor boarder. Time Heals All. Tho Barber Did 1 ever shave yorj befoie? Tbe Victim Yes, once. Tbe Huibcr I don't remember yotit face. Tbe Victim No, 1 auppoae not It'a all healed up now. Accounted For. ' "Range spend money Ilk a lord. lie acta aa if it didn't amount to any thing at a II I" i "It doesn't to him be'a nsiiaUj blowing otlitv pasapla'a moasrP m 11 ( A BRUTAL ACT. Mr. Gotham So mf tdrl ftleod, Jul. HI xn bring. Is In disgraof Col. Kalmuck -Sent to Covetry. So repeciable person will speak to iltc. Mf, n y! What did he do? iSiruric a gTilfia.D with his fist, rtsuad tf stool Ilk him witlj a pis K'l, sah. Flor-da rasiiupinri from China Jie r ce raaer tree which Is so H.-ere-Urg aod taxable Id the lattei touotry. CAUSE AND CURE MATISM. OF RHEU- Ibown bj Numerous Cure Made by ltudd'a Kiduey i'ill.-Ttiey Cure the Kidneys wud the Uheuuiatiaui Curea Itself Keinarkabie Case of Slauie E. DixUcrt. Kaij.e Kiver, Wis, Jan. (Spe cial.) That rheiwnaUatu Is caused by diMji'tlrretl kidiiya bi proved by the cure Dodd'a Kidney Pilis are making In every state in the l.'nion. They cure the Kidney and the Rheumatism fu,-- itself. A nitre Ciat baa caused fleep interest in tills neighborhood U that of Maggie K. Detkert In speak tm of It she says: "1 had kidney trouble and rheuma tism and was so lame 1 could not walk. I could not sleep, for I ached all over. I was In a terrible atate and firmly believe that If I had not used Dodd's Kidney Fills I would be dead. 1 took line boxes of them and they have done me more good than nil the other med icines I ever took. Now my aches are 111 gone, I can eat and sleep and ! am feeling good. I want nil the v orid to know that Dodd's IClduey FIl.s curil je." The Mexlcin & is said to be tapldly disappealu from latertiat oriil clrcubtl ln. E' o'ano wnun ne'iva revenue rr ll.utiO uio a yea' fr im the tax on rac i ig which has b'en proposed and hlch Is In gue In France. If Ihe natives of the world were iiassi'd In one m rister fleet then would be &(K) battleships, 471 cruisers l,C23 auuboaU d 1,600 totpedo :raft. There are no distilleries, breweries r saloons in Persia and a oatlvi Ine Is the oniy lntoilcatlne tevei iae used It is bard to get drunk y.ere. tate or Omo. iii or loLituo, 1" i t-at ha Is I l.l'CAS ( HUN! v. Frank J. CiiKNitv makes nntli t'-at ha Is tin enlnr imrtner ol the linn of K. .1. ( hkskv 1 o., iloinii Ini-anes-. in ine ( Ity or iolc.o. omit ml Suih atoie alii, aii-l tliat vnli tlrm wilt pa he Mini of iim: lli;Mnti;i( liol.l.AHS lor em-! oel eery cas ot ( uisrru lltat caiueit be cure i lheueoI Jai.i. I aubi'H I t iik. HIANK J. CIIF.NKV. Sworn to twfnre. me ana M!liM!ribw ui my pre rii e, tin tiUi ilny ot Jitxeutber, A. i. ls-si. A. W. (il.FAIN. Rotary I'ublic. ska I. llMirCarsrrti Turo Is taken tntermilly. and Hni-tly on lue hlood and morons urlavss ol tie ysLoiu. buU (or teNiiinoiii;iN. tree. V. J. ( IU..NKV tSi CO.. Toledo. 0 hold hv tinn-H t- Hall's Family I'l ' "he hest. Munich las establish' d a place where RieaHxed milk tan heohtalnen ay families wn se annual Income does lot exceed IV'O. fTare nsed Tlso'a Cure for Consnmp :lon nearly two enrs, uii I lin-l nothing :o compare with it. Mrs. Morgan, lterkw ey, Cul., Sept. 2, l'JOl. A UOCKY ROAD. Elltnr Nliih'ine Maeazine I have nmtned y mr minusc.rlpt, sir, and jnd and On 1 It a ihrllllnu narrative, i liir.h arrests artentlon at the stari and holds It spellbound to the eno. Struggling Author (despairingly ) Then, of course It. on t do. V N CLE J KKUY.V Til I N K LETS. A shallow man usually has his soul In bis skin. There Is no clear thinking ftom dean living. To oe reillv alive one Deeds dead-dead In esrnest, uetting intoxicated on "rot apart to be leads to ihe gutter. A boy docs not have to goto war t" t e a bpro. He can aiv he does nm want any pie when there ia not nnii(fh to go r'uind. It Is not a very wise snn that docs not knuw more ih n his father. MIGHT HAVE SAVED IT. A. Lot of Tronbla from Too Mnch Starchy Fond. A little boy of eight years whose parents did not feed hlra on tbe right kind of food, was always nervous and suffered from a weak condition of the stomach and bowels. Finally he was tnUen down with appendicitis and af ter the operation the doctor, knowing that his Intestinal digestion was very weak, put blin on Grape-Nuts twice a day. He rapidly recovered and about two months thereafter, bis father states, "He has grown to lie strong, muscu lar, and sleeps soundly, weighs 02 pounds, and his whole system Is In a flue condition of health.". Name given by I'ostum Co.. Untile Creek, Mich. It Is plain that If he had been put on Grape-Nut at nn earlier period In his life, and kept from the use of foods that lie could not digest, he never would have had appeudtctrls. That disease Is caused by nnd.gested food decaying In the stomach and bowels, causing Irritation snd making for the growMi of alt kinds of microbes, set- i ting up a dlsensed condition which is ! the active cause of appendicitis, and tbla Is more marked with people who do not properly digest wblte bread. Grape-Nuts la msde of t e selected parts of wheat and burt"? and by tli peculiar prove aea of the cooking at th factory, all of the starch la turned Into sugar ready for Immediate digestion gad tb mora perfect oonrtahmeot f II part of tb body. parttevJarlv tb bra I sbV nrvi can tar. .k -rw- wa a InI tb Httl book. Tb Bttfti t A STREETCAR NAPOLEON. Old Geoileruao ' Ttll u e, my Men!, why you are ao u-ly to pas sengeta.' Brutal Oonddctor 'So they'll hate th street cat Cuuipaoy wot em ploys me. See?" N-'i, not etictly." "Why, ti.ea hate thecom OiDy, they'll j ist liugn 10 tbrscHes hen tnet s e me t eitin' tb com pany ty not riogio' up farts. Hit?' Ue who would rather be feared than leved, must be (ustalcutbi nappy az a tljer lo a cage. The culture of tobacco has proved i great aucess on a farm at P-undals-town, Meatli, lieiand. On au area of twenty acies H.OOJ pouods of leaf ere raised. Fiance allows her soldiers to cnlti-va'ega-dens In any space barrack ground and to help out their latiotia by growing vegetables. TORTURING, DISFIGURING Homoa, Rczema, 1 tcblnur, Inflamma tions, liurninu-a, pkallus and Chaf Injra Cured by Cuticura. The agouizhig it' bins and burning of the skin, as in eczema; tbe fright ful scaling, as In psoriasis; the loss of hair and crustiNg of the scalp, as in vailed head; tbe facial disfigurements ms in pimple and ringworm; the awful suffering of Infants, and anx;ety of worn-out parents, as in milk crust, tet ter ant salt rheum all demand a rem edy of almost Kiiperhiim.iii virtues to Kt'ceessfully enpe with them. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Pills Hre such Ktiinds proven beyond all doubt dy the testiiuoiiy of the civilized world. scientist of Sat itzerlaod has tested the mountain air of tbat country, ind found tost noli a microbe infests lis air above an altitude of two i housund feet. Fear make cowards o sum and de speradoes ov others. I hav often heard ot men who kou uore than they cmld tell, but I never hav seen one ov this breed yet; tut I hav olteo seen thoze who could e!l a lies more thin they knu. . Fault cders nevir suspekt them'. i j-i I-- ... i-v'"" u Miss Whittaker, a prominent club woman of Savannah, Ga., tells how she was entirely cured of ovarian troubles by the use of LvdLl E. Piilkharn's Vrrri-r)lf Crmnrtrum "Drab Mrs. Pinkham : I heartily recommend Lydia E. Plnklmm'a Veeetablo Compound as a Uterine Tonic and Regulator. I suffered fo four years with irregularities and Uterine troubles. No one but those who have experienced this dreadful agony can form any Idea of the physical aoi) mental misery those endure who are thus afflicted. Your Vegetable Com pound cured me within three months. I wns fully restored to health uzm strength, and now ray periods are regular and painless. What a blessing ia is to be able to ohtain such a remedy when so mnnv doctors fail to help yota, I.vdliv 1. Plnklmm'a Vre,l.lA I ..... r..... ...I i,...i., m V 1 I II .11 I IM II I 111 I V I. L V I I 1 I IL U n 1 1 If U VV hV or medicine I ever had. Very trulyyours, Miss East Wuittaker, 604 39th St,. VV. Savannah, Ua." No physician In fhoworM lias hnd such a training- or Durban amount of Information at hand to assist in the trcutment of all kinds ol female illsas Mrs. 1'ii.Kliiuii. In licrotlicc at Lynn, !Mass, she is able to do more for tlie ailiti"; women of America than tit lamily plivsician. Any woman, therefore, Is responsible for her own trouble who will not take tbe pains to wrile to Mrs. PinkLair for advice. Her address is Lynn, Mass., und her odvice is free. A letter from another woman showing what was accomplished in her case by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. The teatlmonlaU which we rrat Lam laeswM ana ww "siivu fr" " JII wava V 1WWZ IrtfUVI VI UjUW KM at sWawasWaV' Vaa.aawsam.w.Klam fuamnAniiel a -il- P W aVaSaVSV WWSastfWttUU HV AeAAA v!OliriJTIfsaMfankwttka J. . Wails. Sav p e r i n t e ndent of Streets of LebaDAVas, Ky.. suy: My nightly reat waa biokeu. owing to li regular actios of tbe kidneys. I was suffering las tensely from severe pains in the enii2) of iny back and through tDe kidney and annoyed by painful paxsages of abnormal secretions. No amount of doctoring relieved this condition. I took Doiin's Kidney I 'Ills snd exp:rV enced quick and lasting relief. Doao'a Kidney Pills will prove s blessing ta all sufferers from kidney disordert who will give them a fair trial." Foster-Milbiirn Co.. Buffalo. N. Y progirietors. For sale by ail druggist Price 50 cents per box. It Cures Cilds. Conhs, Bore Throat, Croup, laOas enza, W'iuMijting Coui;h, Kom hlliB and Aetoasfe A certs il c ee for t'onsnmpnon io feat BLsrwar anrt a H ire r-i)r in ailvMoeed n'HL-en. 1 e at .ftr.; on will nee the eacell. nt rdm af-er tiiltiD iba; flrt doe. S'il'1 hy des era everywl-sra. Vjrg0 boiilea so ceuu aad'6(i uvula- ' HIS FAVORITE MONTI?. Sne What is your lavorlte monti in Ihe country? lie October. Ah you appreciate nature's ana tumoal symphonies lo color. lower. Sleep Iz the best gift of Heaven La us poor mortals. A Dull micblne In a factory In Bp mingbam, England, Is capible id making from 90,000 to 100,000 liuisbe wlie n iiN In an h- U'. "Dear Mrs. PiXKnAf lam so pratefnl to you for the help l.ydiu K. Plnkbam'a Vegetable Coin pound has given me thai 1 deem it but a small return to write you aa expression ot my experience. " Many years suffering with weakness Inflammation, and a broken down system, miidn mj. mnra . n V Wl I . H .1 rl i n ll.nn ll.n 1. . . S Lydia E. rinkham's Vegetable Com pound soon restored my lost strength, 't aking ine medicine only two weeks pro duced a radical change, and two months re stored me to perfect health. I am now s changed woman, and my friends wonder a the change, It ia so marvellous. Sincere! yours. Miss Mams Dbmbt, 429 Green BtL Danville, Va." are constantly publishing frmra. VVUUVf UaaWMVB wm, JS1III aaaia laaaaaMMaaii aasaa WI arava uair aaaoials aanalaeaaaa Ma -. OwUUli 4.rimM4riJ. WaUvtUss" tow la