Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 26, 1905, Image 3

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urtu riflftotiot roa
or iuuiit uik.
WHAtlk.t At WELL.
atla-4 WHh
Bat Alius
Mlntatrj of latarlar
I C fcanraiiwr-
ati I p - fr-c t
A rtuur
of Fart
' ST. PETF.RSHURG. The Associ
ated pie s Is lu a position to state
p.iliveiy that Eiupeior N clmlas
bas oi.t ft accpleo Prince &vU;o
fiiiHi-Mirkj're.li,a lonol the u.lri
sl i of the iiiteiiur. J tie wimbtei
Informed lils uiaj sly of Ins desire to
te rtlUvert of the t lie; because Ihe
laipdiljl rtfurui pugiaui old tut go
far tuoiuh to liidt h s views, but
the emperor si far las nrsuaued
blm tu iemain In I lie ministry.
Prince SUtoj,t'U Mlr-ky's retire
merit ooi, however, Is regarded as
Cmta'o, and l. Wlite. apyaituily Is
equal y ci rlili) of becomlm Hie liis
oiarck of liiissia, oesptte the- fact
itin lie I coidiallv haled as well as
Jeared ul couit. Eeu tlie euerot
eeius tu surlnk the Influence U this
irni'g uian, wh cu la aiopitd as ac
counting for his rtluctance loirlve
up 1'iluce hviatopok-M lisity so lonw
as M. ft lite suuas as the only aker
tjilive. M. Wltte's friends, however, do
not Uheve he will accept Hi i min
istry of the Interior, being of the
Opluloo thar, nothing lest than the
post of chancellor, wnlch would give
birr oQiclal olgnity as well as power,
,wouia a isfy him ir the emperor
ebould call hi 10 to the helm at the
'present crisis.
' M. VMite bad another long aud
leuee with haiperor Nicliu as. How
ioug ti. present situation will last
1b I hatnoi.ui to piedict. PtS-ibly
SKittii weeks may elap.e bef. re l'riuce
fivialopoik-Mliksy's htial decision U
LOMHJN. The correspondent at
Tort Ailhur or the D-lly Mail says
th.it oo Jaouar- 8 twenty Japanese
wcia kill d ov tue exloaiou of
Comia:l mine Inside one of the forts
cod that tfio uiiues la the tou also
eipioded, I
J rie Dully Ttlcgraph's I'ort Arthur
eorrepiiiueut Bays that according
to tuiie by prisoneis the real do
f'lidji Of toe Krtresit wag Mdioi
Okiierdl Koudrateiuo, ccuouunii r
of tue bevtiitu E.tst, tiiLeiian rifle
briuade, woo waa killed bjctniber
IS, aud that bad be lived It la pro
bable the f. mess wi.ulil oot have
loeeii suirendtrca. General tiioesstl,
tbe coirespiideiit ados, was lncnued
jto su'iender as eaily as last August.
I The ganUoo, be coot ludeg, Id
cludid lO.ooo 1'oles, wbo wtie India
en nt tigiht rs.
LUscMiiig the effect of the fall of
Toil Aithur od the near eastern
qutstiou, the Couslautluopio Cuirej
Ijjoodeut of the Times Says thai be
jitf in Kussia's Ilvhk ibihty has le-
Ceived a severe slio. k. Tuikey Is
quiie alile to appriciate tbe mili
tary blrfuitkanoe of the turn of
atiulr lu the fr east aud is likely
tuklltTeu in thtlr alliluoe toward
tbe letoriolnu powers In Macedonia.
Already lhre are Indications that
Turkey is preparing severe repieislve
uearuies to h.rstall the appreheucied
rislig in li'" Bpnug, but t here 1st
leassi.i) to fear that the nieisuies
may baten rather than aveit tbe
, FAUIS. Tbe Japaoesfl legation
prunoiinces the aliened dlsclouns
Of the Cho O'l'arls to the effect that
Japau I ad punned a ciuioain
igAnst F.'i ncli Inrto-Chloa to be a
fdihiicati'io. The legation Us:
"Ne declare once for hIi tbit
Japan h never bad designs upon
Aldilc p'e-iblons of any European
power, lis pasefit war against
ltusfia 11 smeiy f i nailunal dtfeuse
Bgali.sl Ibe ineiiacc of Uusiian In-
rdkhli lu tin- lai east."
bT. l-E'iLUsbUltO.-A Frerch
Bilmary allacUe, who bas Just 16
ituru. d from tbe far east in an Inter
le tipietsed Ibe firmest condden
tbl o spile ibe reveiaei suilered hy
the luia-t I'D land and set, tbey
could prosecute tbe war to a aucceaa
(ill oiiiah.
flo Mention Made of Smoot
SALT LAKE. Tbe measaita of
Clovirnor Joiiu C. Culler was dt
liven d to Hie leglslatuia this after
biioii. Uovroor CuUer maset no
irleretico to ibe ai-ltallon agaln t
JUed nlO't and refrrriif tu tie
cifvilouof .'enator Tlionna Kesrns'
uMier si u, ply taya ih.it ,,nit lu
Importance tu doing true) woik IS
dolig It wiihnul uni'Mary delay."
Tlit uirBa;e It uaoy a fetlew ot
AIM reumu tf ttate o (Boat a.
el frt ink
AdvaaLafe My
( Bient-ars
Hard I
SL PETE lis KURU. Ibe Kus'
cootirtD' toe tru Temp's report 01
yttteiday that tbe first division 01
the Thud l'acltic squadiou wil.
leave Libau at tbe tnd if Jaouai)
and will cotsUl of tbe warships Ad
miral benalaviu Gtneial Admiral
Apraxine, Aotulral Uusbak. fl auu
Mi h . I. is I, the ciulsef VlaOinur
Monoiuarb aud several lorpedo boat
OtSiioyeia aud lurpeoo ooats.
lu a liiwtny review of the mili
tary situation tbe Iovue Vrtmya
u nfU iuimealdle leiiifoiceoiebl ul
Viadivustik, tlit; Island of .-akl.ln
aud KauiChalka. The paer so:
ILen; is ilule prohaoilny vt to
Kustlaut being caught uupri pired at
V ladivitjg ai at l'ort Ahuur, bui
the moril respursioility rest up n
the goveruuieut to see Hut nothing
in the Wdy of Oeltnslve pitpaiatiui.
is over.ouked. hakhanf and Krn
chatka are both harder to deiei.u
and l ave a seanller pOpu:all u hut
ooiu are rich lu uiiu lal ao othei
resources and aie es,jtcially lernpllii
U the Jdpaurte lu wbus sJitme I01
the natiuual eipjiibluu itey are net
esjry. Contlnulrg, the Novne Vremya
pulLts OUl that It IS possiole to Semi
rein OiCc tuenis . nd supplies to
bam aud Kuinchatka wnlle tue ice
IdsU IndeieuULUl of sea poe( anu
news that th.'i should bo uue ai
iuuchlng on tbe general peace
tau lu me forelgu press, tue N voe
Vremya suuiiiiarues tue list of lius
siau reversts lu the prusent- war anu
asks if It Is possible to consider the
Question of peace without subslanl
Ui Kussiao victoiles.
TuKlU. Tbe Wavy depsrtmeDi
says that the disircit cuVeiea with
suouidiiue miles bad a lauuis ol
lolly miles ouuiae of Port Aribui
Itrepjiu the desiiuciluu aud t
plosion of 3u5 Of ill-) sea mines to
Ten additional survivors of tba
third eipeaiti u of the JapLinesti M
tluCKade the euiraoce ot I'urt Aitiiur
nave betu found lu Uussiau bes
pitdls. iuey have been trauaferieu
lu the Japanese.
General fsoul bas reported ad
dllioual prisontis ol war, as loliuws:
Alajur OeuefdU iklilu aud balle
and Hear AUUilial Ulr 11. The par
oled, Decides Geueial htotSsel, In
clude 4Uur Generals KUs, Guillen
aud Kostiukow ana Hear Admiral
UUKtuiussy Giemorovitcii aud Kos
sllilskl, Lugleeer-iu-Gblef UluUe
back. Inform itlon wblcti bat reached
Certain reliaule quaiters here state
ibat the Uussiau geuerils in Man
churia are loaiug Cuuuueuce In Gen
eral Kourupaikiu auu ibat the Uus
siuo suuaLiuu around Mukden la a
serious One. It Is leaiej ihal il
K'luropaikla attacks the Jupjoest
poslimu along iLe shakhe nvei , te
iii court disaster and tue demoral
Ualiou ot bis army.
This Infu'ii-aih.n goes on to say
that, this ci'iislaut nickeling at It us
slao Mauchunau beauuai ires, and
that the Suluiers are Uiseouiented
dis.sdtlsf.ici lou ouiug witu toe series
of retitats after the haule ot Tel
issu, (Vatautfuw), aud the with-
drawal fruai Liao lanu, wlun It
was believed it was possible to boia
tuat phce. Tbe climax came with
the Russian ae'eat at the battle ol
dtiakhe river, following Kouropat
kiu 'slrongl? worded Older Oireoiiug
the loiwaid movemeut dated Oc
tober 2. Ibis def at biougbt a
stoim of criticism upou the com
mai.der lu chief aud leyjiltd la ols
coid among tbe cQltitri.
. Long inaction, tie Information
aliened, U uodei mining the muiak
of the Uussiuii a.my, ami It is
poluled out tlut nceut sairmlbes
ana LUlpust hiusheg indicates thai
tue Uussiau aoiaiers aie becoming
disheauentd, as tbey 00 not suuw
their lormer fighting; spirit or qual
ities. J he siege gi'ns to be sent to Man
churla from Foil Ailbur will pro
bably be t ldctdlu advamed polilous
lor tbe purpose of enabling tbe Jap
anese to shell far lulu tbe Kusaisn
1'UUT SAID. Tbe dtvlilon of
Russian waisalps commanded bv
Hear Admiral lloliuvosky, which
tell Isunoa bay, Island ul tiete, Muu-
dny, bas been eiabied beading lui
Ibis port.
Second Makae a fatal Lrrof.
PlIlLUAELflUA.-Tlia bout be
tween buo.iy Uyau of Chicaao and
t-ied Louglas of bavanuab, w.ilcti
was scheduled to go an rouuoe at
Washington sporlln- Club was
abruptly end'd at tbe brglnniiig 01
Ibe lou 1 in rouud lu Ihe fuuilb rouno
Ukao assumed tbe aggieaslve ano
sect UongliS to bis corner groggy
by mistake a second tbrew atumouu
waUr lu UougUa' taoe, tuluklug II
was walef.
J a HAftr.
ronrrn to mm clcbsto
Umm'4-I Vnt l.aeiiskl
Mabrrw Hrraailnn WJLL
NEW YORK. Thre p,H'-emn
nd two Hebrew w im n were lnur n
111 a run on the stae bank In Grand
-treet, in Ibe I erl If the busmets
Hfcllon cf tie east bld. Thern'
J attcn'ltd nv s me s-nsitl "nal In-
l-'ent. ibe 5 OX peis ms rr .wdri
i'i"Ut the ba' k became S'i Insistent
hit the b'Oke down an Iron r'll
nit aronnd a hgtit will in fr mt ol
he bi.lldlrg and It wns only b
1'Sperate cluhbina on the part ol
i fe po Ice ihiith net led an1 un-
rulv mob ns prevcr ted fr"ni 'or-
cmg many of Its number into tn
will. Toe p l.cenieii aud wiiii n
were hurt at Hi t point. The p"n
encfr nerall of the ll'-'ancey street
slatlnn was rtnullr ca II. d nut. and
p llcenieo were stationed at lnter-
a!s of live or six b.otks 00 either
i(e. J
The run wa a r xtrsTdinary a
me as the fri zted ch.i acter of t h
ru-h Itsel'. Yesterday thire was a
rush oT depositors to get their
money into the b ink In time to be
irln to dia lntetest at once, and the
I np line of walling depositors con
vinced tne exc tat.le Hebrews tint
onethlng was wrung wltb tbe In
stitution. Five hundred persons waited In
front of the bulldlnir ail last night
and their number qnckly 8elled to
5 000 when the ba ik ope-ied though
not all of tbat number were deposit
ors The bink which has deposits of
i0 500,100 and a casH reserve of $1,
in 0 0 0. and which Cash.er A. 1.
V- oihjs said borne 21 pe' cent pro
fits last year, snt down s'r'et for
money ea iy toiay ana so,oiivjwai
tr Uiht by the wag mload, laigely
In S erle.
At the sight of mnnry thoe wait
ing became only nrire IniDntl-nt to
get at It. 1 ne omK om 'litis rai 1
deposit rs -ft as fust as t fie opt r-
a' Ion could be cmdiic'ed. In all the
hmk paid ut tod iv i.Vi 000 and re
ceived In d( p islt JUO.UOO.
Keinarkable scnes attended the
palng iff within the bmk. lite
otllcers paid ofT In twu-t.iirds specie
ni d one tnlrd bills, and so oe nf
the deposttO'S were faltly ovei
whrhued by the amount of currency
thrust UD'O tbem when passed in
thtlr bo ks immediately upon
getting their money Into their
rands and becoming convlncd
that th bank was able to pay
(hem, tbe frantic Hebrews became
equally anxious to net th-lr mnoev
Into the hank astaln, and several of
them cr?Ht!d somes when the offi
cers re'used to accept It The rie
p alters were pild In specie to pre
vent a redeposlc, as this U the sixti
run the bank ha experienced from
equ tlly trlvl il causes.
One of the ag d deposits rrclvpd
sixty pounds ol sl'ver and stairirfred
under the lo id hen he caTled It
Hway. Women sept Ibelr accu'nu
Uted saviors Into shaU aprons n l
their outer skirts hnirt In the form
of an apron and g t tnrougb tbe
crowd as best they ci uld
Faym-nt of deposkors was made
up totJOCIO K louigni. timceisoi
the bank declare It Is abi' lutily
sound and cfn piv H0,0 ,o,0o0 al an
hour's notice, and received ninnj
offers of help aud ducilued most 01
Both Sicts Want Duke.
NKW yt)l?K.-Uroc le L Dne
was yesteraay transterrea 10 lie
niane asylum a'. A tnlty vllle. L. I.
from the banford 11 ill smUarlum
at Hiisi.Iok. lie Duke iiuiiiy, 11
was learned will tot only seek U
I) ive the marriage of their klniman
10 Miss Webb annulled, but will
bring criminal charts s against cer
tain pets ms, who will be charged
lth a conspiracy to bring about bit
The fJ'st action looking towardi
the release of I Hike was taken bj
Liwyer Champes Andrews, who ob
ained from Juitlce Otynor of the
supreme c urt In tirooklya a writ ol
habeas corpus calling upon iha supr
lotennent of the San ford Hall s.iol
tarlm to pr duce Ddke lu corse 00
rlday at 10 o'cl ck.
Fire Ceta Beyond Control.
CHELSEA, Mass. A flie thai
broke OJt at 12: .5 o'clock gmied tbe
Ac.ideoiy of M isio no U'Oidwav and
spread to the Hotel Sst ti, adjoin
ing and to a fjur-stoty brick tene
ment bu 1 11 nu at the tear. At 1
o'clock blase was beyond control, and
dssls aiice was kutuuioiied from lioa
'on. Everett aud Itvere. It was ie-
uorted at tnst hour, but not known
positively, th4t iw 1 meo bad been
aiUed by faUijag wajll.
,KitU 10SlfK SHIP
Ir r.
tba Ma
1 irha Poncht
of Kr-di-r clt
HincA'Oiu feors
rniLMiELrill A. Hesitrr P.mis
msu. who a arnsted In this rit
n lhur-diy l hn unload 'd Infer
t al rna"liii)(! la his p 'ssessl in, ad
mitted t'i 1 Le pa Ice Unit he Is tie
mau who at tempted to drstny rh
statue .f Kiednil'-k the Greal In
Washington last l'ueslav and alsi it
as he whri s nt the trunk c niHln
nj an Infernal machine to the Iirit
ti -ill s'eitnslilp Uiubrlj, at Kev
York. In M iv, I'.iOI.
Tne prisoner, wlinse rlg'it name l
Mtkion, made tliess Mdinlsslors
':i the Mil e of CiptJin D n'iihr of
Ihe l'lnltdelpliH d'trcive bu eau.
lifter le had hem Ider, tilled by per
ioi s brought bfre fiom New York
ind Wnstilnnton f. r that purprse.
lie gives no reasons for the attemp
ted outrages expect that "there are
too many f rein afTi'S in this
jiuntry." Alter having Rousseau
i n'lpr Hie all f'ernoon tbe tol ic
;l ikS o nlm as an American patriotic
fan tic" Tim pris on-r gave no In
'rmatlon voluntarily to ihe ro l-e.
irimiitirg tit, ly tins? Ihlnus whlcli
.he pilice had fastened 00 hlni.
Itntn the Wishinnton and New Yoik
Mith'-rities want t he nun, en 1 It lk
pri bah'e that he will be turned C""M
tu the tollce of the lalter city.
The appieornslon of Pnusseitu was
rlne to the dlssappearanee of Owen
K'l'y, a wenlihy Iiib-Anc lean
who Is promient In litsh-Am"ilcan
s 'Cict'es In tit s cl y. K-lly dlssap
piarpri "d October 25 and from that
time the newpapers part culatly ol
tne east, have published articles on
the mjs erlous d s ipi e tr.mce.
These Ihe police telieve, undoubted
ly attracted Rousseau's attenti .
tin Tiuir nay lie Called on Patrick
K 11 v, Ihe hnther of the missing
man. and offered to take him to bis
hnther In Niw Y'urk tor lo(M)
lie said he and Owen Kl'y be
lo' ged to ? e r-t societies tint wrre
nrjnnizel for the put pose of bl iwlnu
no Rritish ships In Americano pons.
T u- valise, be said, carried explo
sives. P, trick Kelly no'lflrl the police.
arid liouiseau was Ukeo lutocus-;
Ciptaln R bert Boirdmrn of the
Was I gtnn d'tectlve force and Al
frei Uirter, colored and George II.
Ilaz b, a cshmau or Washington
whisiwthe mi n wbc attr p tiled to
blowup Ihe statue arid lhtective
Sergeant Arthur Carey, nf New York
i nd a Mrs. C'u ry who keeps a b ia'd
li g to use in tli latter city attlveri
here for the purios! of Identifying
thf. prisoner. When Kouss ru wa
hrotiiiht Into the otllte ol Captain
D n ghy Ila.d said:
"1 KU ss von kno me,'1 tn which
the prisoner replitd: "How do you
d ?"
Rni)ssrai biwed to Carter and thn
greit'd Mrs. Curty. Having gatls
t ed thi msi Ivrg bejond d ubt that
lb Ir'entitlcatlou was enmpb te trie
p dice otliclals of tf.e three cities set
to work In obtaining a confissinn
from the prisoner. As ftattd bt f le
he Slid nollilro y luntalily lo In
criminate himself. In reply to a
questlin be admitted the attempted
titrate on the same, lie faid he
bad mar ufaci un d til? Infernal ma
chine himself anJ that, It consisted
tif a can:le, luse and "dynamite en-
Where he made It he would mt
fhe failure to drstrov the statue,
he said, must have been dun to tne
m 111' g tallow fpoilr g the fuse or
Interfering with Ihe dvnnmite.
Rousseau thm eive the police the
Inttresting Inf rm it Ion that ne ha'1
Intended n akli g a le ond attempt
10 blow up the statue, this time wh n
a iline-nck niaenine. As It was
difficult to get pist the s-nriles lifter
nlgtitfall.be iiitinded go'nir to Ihe
Hreoal at ab'iut dugK, arratge the
rifeitml rnueblne so that It would
explode at aliout midnight and then
natg It on Ihe statue.
Steamer Indus Floated
CnlCAQO. The Hie which ftartel
n the beef a orage waretmu-e of
S.:bwarzchlld and Sulz.b-tger, Ko ty
rtis t si let I atid As' lar d avenue, whs
tuirnlrg allliouiih under contto
I he tlrernen cut h lea In He sides
and mof of the building a sis su n
stricture In their efforts to find the
fire, and i It h u h Dense oltiniisof
smoke and ammonia fumes p"med
riot of these apertures nu Utmes
weie vl.lble.
ivuotAio uori, run
CartomarT Keiii.. at Mialar Palam
Owlned la It--B ' It ' af
lUrvuriM ay.ilu4Hl im
the War.
the emperor's regular New Year'i
reception at the winter palace,
wbicd inordinary tlmts msiks the
formal opening of the gay social
isnn at the Russian capital, wai
limit ted, tbe ceremoolous round of
oriiclal and private visits, cons cra
ted by I ii traiitlun, f ok place as
usuiland tilled tbe streels with an
imation. SI- iwhs nf evt ry rescript-J
ion, from the rich troikas and gor
genuMy fqoipiel turiiouts t.f tne
foieltfn repiesentalivis tothelitue
ot e tiotse dr sKie-iOf oninary tchin
ovr.ichs citing upon their chiefs,
w-;ro sklrjimirnr in every direction
oer the glistening i-no. 13 yond
these visits, hoever, there wee no
fcs ivtics. s cieiy taking the tue
from tbe court
and dispensing with
the cist unary inie'y. With every
ix h u ge of U' e' mus came an ex
pression of ti e nniveisii bops mat
the present jear will be bilgtiter for
Ku-sian than tic last. That note
: trm k bv the iiew-rarer-i, which
mile iu voicing, contiditice llint
fie rew year will witness a turn of
tne t hie of war ahroid aud the Inaiu-'
uriiluu of Impuriant relotms at
lionie, I
l ertul-slon has heen granted to j
th-j Amirtcan c-nrwsy to send a rep-
lesentatlve 0' Midvid province 01
V. gond lo visit the Japanese
pris mus as requested minister iq
leilin. i
Tne rcpnrfc publUbed lo tbs
United is atts to the effect that
General T'Chrtvroklo, while a re
view of lioops was In proirrrss at
Fl dosla, rone Into a gi up ol
children, killing four of tbem witii
his sword and injurltg ten otliets,
Is 1 asd on an Incident of minor
Importance which occurred a fort
night aiio Dining a review tbe
crowas pre-isei atounu iub iroop
ciiti-lng confusion and General
rschetyrnklo, in brandishing bit
gwtcd wlille nr (ring Ihe crowd tt
keep back, accldentsll? shuck OsM
clnl hut did not sabre anyone.
The comments on the hudtt art
rpnerally satisfactory, although It
leaves the whole question of tha
tstimated cost for tbe war for the
urnng ytar In the diuk. Kussl.
pr f -1 rlnsf not to show her baud ir
nils respect.
The press reforms decided upon In
principle by iha com mi' cu of niin
istets have b"- n re emd to a fpeelal
co timlssion of t ie comtulttee wnl t b
wl 1 draft ihnn, after which they
wl.l be otO'n'ilii tted by th) s ntte.
de,alla Hre not publWied but 11
is know 1 that they place the wbol
pr.'ss cf R issia on an ejuality the
more II eral cenor.-hlp hiretofore
only enjoyed by the metropolitan
ai d a 'ew provincial paper tit I n 9
extended to all. Control over tbe
publications will be strictly defined,
i spech-s nf lesemieste law som-:-whit
similar tu that of Germans
oelig introduced by the brbltrnry
character of tn previoui cmoiship '
will be abolished.
asinn of 1 lie Rii8-.lin Nev Yeai
Etup-ror Nicholas best wed no
Giand Duk4 Seigius aprotrilt of
Alexan er ill., tn ba W'Tn onbUl
b east, with Ihd ribbon of the ordet
of m. Andre. Prl C! Ohol-nsky,
t he govetnor-ueneial of Finland, wai
at ve.u the Alexander Newsky ordei
set with brilliants. Finance Minis
ter Knkovs IT his teen appointed
secretary of s'ate and retilns 'it
present post. M. Walkoff, governor
or the Black sea distrl t his been
apnolnt'd major of Moscow.
(VIE FOO. 'Japanese who visited
. rt Arthur Jataruy 10t,h say thai
the Russian wnundid were In a ter
tlb. n siate, owlnii to neulect, whici
con d not be av. lded, when the Jap
anese tntered Port Aithur. Every
thing possible, tnev say, Is now bo
nt! (bine foi llielr relief.
Ml isblproaii Klltorlch, ' the Rus
sian ollicer wh' toitimanded a latim-b
which reached here frmi Port Ar
1 1 1 . j r January 3, Is commenting on
General Nowt's leport J.iriuirv 1 JS,
giving details nf tue Russian ptop
eity which had been trans'ined to
1 be Japanese alter tbe surrender of
the forinfs said that 2.(0't 800
inund of 1 itlrt amniunltiOii mentl med
as among ihj booty
were unloaded
shells re"cs of the Chinese ocupa
1I00 of Pari Artnur aud not fitted
for lUssiau rifles.
A Welcome 10 Unlingnsra
SAN DOM 1 NGO, Commander Al
beit C I). II nttharn. U. 8. N..
t' rough wlu se ins rnmentality thi
tiiieiiened revolution th -re l ist Junt
was avtrted. hi s at rived h"ie as 1
pissenger on Ir am the United State'
Kiiiiboai Castlne. H Is repotted thai
Coinuniiid. r Hillingbam bas come uo
only rnnni ced wiiii the atfil'S o)
the Di'uloican r public. Ills prea
euce tiivcs ooiid me to the peooli
Unit, a aiMsUctory fol it on f alTilii
will be rejcbid lu tuu neat fuiuia.
And He lioea the Beat.
Fred il J best girl bas a fad tor col
lecting autumn leaves.
Joe She has, eh?
Fred Yea; aud she has hit upon a
oorel plan to get tbem pressed.
Joe How does she manage It?
Fred Place them insid her waist.
Not a Grae Krror.
Druggist I'm afraid I made a ml
ake in filling that prescription yoo
gave Detimyth last week.
Doctor Why do you think so?
Druggist I hear he Is Kitting bet
Ilia Miserable Lnck.
Bleeker (Just returned from abroatl)
What became of that charming littls
Cumminsville blonde you used to ravt
to much about?
Meeker Oh, she married one of he
tool admirers.
Bleeker That's too bad; but yon al
ways were unlucky wita your love af
fairs. Meeker Yes, decidedly so.
Bleeker Whom did she marry?
Meeker Me.
Natural Iiednctimi.
"A woman should always dress ts
suit her figine." remarked Mrs. Uuyer,
who was looking through a fashion
According 10 mat, siuu uer uu
oniid. "if a woman Is hump-shoulder
d 1 sujiioe it's up to her to wear a
I aioel's-buir shawl."
' A last Too True.
1 "You may have observed," said the
moralizer, "that there are no thorn
less roses."
''Yes," rejoined the demoralizer,
"and I have also observed that there
are lots of roseless thorus."
Worse to Come.
reek em Is It true that your
has left you, old man?
Enjieck Yes; and that isn't th
Peekem Why, -what could be
Etipeck She threatens to cam.
Premium Expected. '
They were members of the Newport
society set.
"And we do get married quite frei
quenlly." giggled the one in the purple1
automobile. 1
"Yes," agreed the one In the trap
"and I think It a shame."
"That we marry so often?"
"No, that the ministers don't giTi
trading stamps," '
"How can you want to marry mj
laughter If you have never met btt
and know nothing about her?"
"But I know all about you, sir."
Chicago Chronicle.
Pometliing Wrong:.
Chief of Matrimonial Bureau Yea)
madam, I can assure you positive!!
that this man has no bad habits!
Applicant I'd be suspicious of him
he's too good to be true!
Not Usinsr Tt.
Mr. Green Miss Passay
says shi
has the prescription for
Miss Sarcastic It's a wonder sh
wouldn't take it to a drug store, ana
have It put up!"
What HeThoncht.
nixon When I began chewing to
bnco I thought It would make a mai
of me.
Dixon Y'ou did, eh?
Hixon Yes, but shortly after I too
my first chew 1 thought It was goin
to make an angel of me. ChicugS
Daily News.
When Thief Meets Thief.
She (after the kiss was stolen) Yosj
ire a heartless thief.
lie I don't deny It; but jou are n
sponsible for my being so.
She How do you figure that out?
llrj You stole my heart.
Of More Importance.
"You are the only girl 1 ever loved,
said the young mau, In finishing bit
"Ob, that's nil right," rejoined tlhj
wise young lady In tbe parlor seen
"but what I want to know Is, "am I
the only girl yon ever Intend to lofstl
Up Anain.t It.
'Trofessor Hooter Is In a bad fix,'
remarked the bn Id-beaded druggist.
"He bns discovered a new dlaeaai
and Is unable to And any germ for It,"
replied tbe pill compiler.
"Marriages, you know," remarks
Miss Elderielgb. "are made In heaven
"Ob, well, cbeer up," rejoined Mist
Youngbud. consolingly. "You'll prow
ably go tliere Borne time."
Point of View.
Her Husband A man line no Ides
How menu other people can be until hi
nska them to do hi 111 a furor.
His Wife Nor dew mean be can la
tntll Uia wife aaka Ma for suoawf.
1 . i
.. Wt