Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 26, 1905, Image 2

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    Tb HirrLsci Prcss-Joamal
Lei a woman talk ana s-e cartj nut
rlio doe th thiukin;.
Few thing cost less than encourage-
dent, dJ fewer still are worth iu;-re
Give the doctor his due. It might
save beeu au undertaker who invent
ad tue quick lunch.
Baltimore doctor wants to know
what we shall da w ith our old tiicu
fry kindness on them.
Fanners along the Mississippi are
feeding claru to their hogs. Thus has
the honest farmer at last taken to the
shell game.
When the Czar thinka of the reniBt-
ros he foela, perhaps, aa Mr. Cleveland
lid wheu be had Congress on hi
It la rare! that murder mystery
rer measures up to the beautiful tbe
irlea advanced by the police and news
paper sleuths.
One of the moat discouraging signs
af the times is found In what the mag
azines can print alwiut prominent peo-
lle without being sued for libeL
Sir Edward Clarke evidently Is one
f those perverse perilous who can't
lee why blood should be any thicker
than water w hen there's no money In
King Alfonso refuses to give more
than eight hours a day to royal bui
iess. Aif is not frying to take any
ehaiices of losing hU curd in Council
Ko. 1, Kings' Union.
Probably Mr. Thomas W. Lawson
teela that he has had $2.V),000 worth
f satisfaction out of the bunch of
capitalists be is showing up, let that
libel auit go as It may.
A dispatch from Washington says
money la plentiful. The great trouble,
aowever, la that no matter bow plenti
ful money may be It is always neces
sary to do something before one can
get any of It
Dowager Empress Tsi Ann Is bav
tag her Chinese soldiers separated
from their pigtails and put Into Eu
ropean dress. In China the soldier will
aot only have to light for his country
but give up bis hope of heaven for It.
The price looks pretty big.
The treatment accorded to the native
Billions of the Congo Free Stat by
ting Leopold's agents Is now a matter
if spirited controversy. There is ap
parently as much need of a "huuiaue
society" among the nations as tuerti
si of looking after the defenseless
dashes of a great city.
A light heart is a great help to work
top hands. A New Orleans newspaper
prints a talk with a man who Rays he
kaa known a great many cotton-plant-ira
who would not hire a negro cotton
picker unless they were satisfied that
the negro sang as he worked. The best
pickers are generally the best singers.
' The grafter Is Indeed a traitor and
sf the meanest kind. lie takes advan
tage of a place, given hliu by the grace
tf the people, to rob tue people. His
philosophy that he is In public posi
tion to levy toll oa public funds Is the
philosophy of a traitor. Ilia practice
f dividing up or taking money on the
aide is the practice of a traitor. And
this grafting strikes at the vitals of
American principles. It makes a gov
ernment of the grafters, by the graft
era, and for the grafters.
For some time trolley car bare been
running out from Cairo to the pyra
mids and we have become hardened
to hearing the station agent at Joppa
boat: "All aboard for Jerusalem!"
to perhaps we ahould receive with
stoicism the news that the City Coun
cil of Venice has bought several elec
tric launches for use on the Grand
aanaL Did not the pope the other day
remark that if ha were a little younger
ua would bay a bicycle, and la not a
London company threatening to et up
Stamp mills at King Solomon's mines?
We need Une upon line and precept
epon precept as to what constitutes
real success In life. Especially do we
need this In our day when nearly
rv cry thing is measured by dollars.
And we may start out by saying that
society's standard is wrong that thu
narrowest, meanest, least satisfactory
Ufa is the life devoted entirely to suc
cessful money-ge'.tlng. The man whoa
life is given up to the small aim? an !
mall strivings of accumulating d ill rj
to to be pitied. He does not succenj
in life. He ia the slave of low ideals.
Ha makes himself bated through hW
elf-centered life. Such a man Is ma-l
because bis neighbor has more than
fee. He works not because he needs
BMMMy, but to display that which mon
ey buys. That Is not life. It Is Miser?
spelled with a big M. Yet the man
who devotes himself entirely to such
Ufe fa called successful. It Is a Ik
M the face oT it ' Successful Ufa Is
thing full and wide and deep, not
thing Barrow and etutlow. It is
tiring within rather than ontalde.
ft rati! Hit o moat know the story
tt taanaaltT'a strivings la the' past;
rm av la rpataetle teoci with his
Crtat arc r ta aaramy with aaif
f l dX Cm araet hare fee wider
- tcaaaalattaaata
. '
who Uvea most, w b'K'e inirf ts In lif i
ire most vital, wli'it; sympathies ar
broadcast eli w ek.irity is widest,
w ho sc-s most, feels mot loves most ;
nj'iys usot Su-e-s iilo '5 ary oth r
Inie ii only eu-c fsful fa l ;r. Any
thing less tnaii "h a biro 'ant, fi ll 1 f -i-ostsTciore
thrill it ixti es tt. Alnvw
anyone can make a living. J'ot eie y-
ne can make a I:f'I It is cr.xy to p. I
p do'.'ars. It I rot so e: y to k ei
h dollars from I'fiwn'K a 1 arrier tt
the glorious viio:i of real living.
In an art'ele In tlje lu.lfpenili-nt on
tl;e "Value Hank of 'the American reo
le," Edward A. U's looks with none
concern on the fl 1 of Immigration
which now "t.ijis lower human levels
than tie e.-irlier t:de." He thinks that
the Inimirants from Crwitla and Dal
matia, Kiciiy and Armenia, even
though they catc'j utep with us. will.
rieveTtriplfttH, Impede o;ir pr"?reis. He
si-oaks of them as the "beaten meiu
bers of beuteu breed." Th:s is much
the Mine kind of talk that was btMrd
when the Irish immigrant came to this
country In such swarms as to alarm
the 'thoughtful student" of race des
tiny. It might have been heard when
tialu lands of Scandinavians weie
IKturint; Into the West. Now the com
plaint is that they have ceased to come,
and they are spoken of as t'.ie "human
niM tnnt jnippirt onr clviliminn."
The Jew mlht have been consiiiered
ti "beaten member of a beaten breeiU"
but the 'tyi)'CiJ American" i.ow llnd
b! closest rival In bnsiuoss. profps
Hiomil life and art in that same beaten
breed. As to the Armenian, place a
native American, even a simon jmrp
Yankee. In the same condition which
the Armenian find himif :i when
lie arrives here atij the chiiii'-p-. are
Vjout one to threi' that he will be out
stripped iu bu-iiueis by the beate:i
n.eiuber "fro:u the lower human level.
The country lieed feel no prrciit alarn.
from the present lnimigratiou fryw
southern Europe. The woiiilertul trans
formation which the beaten breed. un
dergo when they have half h chance to
show their mettle, and the dissipation
of all the former fears over Siiuilai
cond.tlons which Mr. Koss now db
serves, should make the Anglo-Saxor
American speak with extreme catitior
of the preseut Immigrants. EspeciaII
when schools are more plentiful thai
ever and Americanizing influence
more potent than In former times.
Carious Qunt of the Owner of Cor
reutfio irauuteut,
In a private house In the west of
London Is a very beautiful picture, re
puted to be by Correggio, and of such
high quality that there Is every rea
son to believe It to Le either by thai
master or an excellent copy of one ol
his lust original by Lodovico Carrac
cL Although apparently a complete pic
tnre iu Itself, this exquisitely painted
figure of a beautiful woman, gazing
intently at a ring, is only a third of
the original picture, and the present
owner is endeavoring to trace the mi.-s-Isg
parts in order to re-sUire the work
to Its original condition.
A document attached to the back of
the frame, and provided with a seal
with the Inscription, "Quo Fata Vo
cant," gives the curious hibtory of this
picture. It reads:
'The Queen of Candaules, a King
of Lydia, with the Magic I'.lng of
Gyges, by Corre?fo. It is part of a
larger picture which descended to three
brothers of the name of Moore. la
whose family It had long been, but
not being able to agree as to Its pos
session. It was cut into three parts.
This portion was purchased by An
thony I-ord Faversham, and from him
It came into the possession of hi
daughter, the Hon. Frances King, wife
of John Bowater, esq., at whose de
cease It was sold by auction In July,
1S10. to Mr. John Ing. of Woolwich!"
Then follows In another handwrit
ing: "It remained in Mr. Long's pos
session till bis decease, and was pur
chaand by me at his auction, 27th Au
gust, 182&" The signature Is dlfflcull
to decipher.
Tbe present owner, Mr. W. Jacobs
bought this interesting canvas foul
years ago at the sale of the cootenti
of "Thornleigh," Avenue road. West
Hill, Wandsworth, the bouse of a Mr
C. T. Taylor. London Mall. ;
Women Croaa Chasm on Log.
A hazardoua feat was performed by
Mrs. John Ah!, wife of s pioneer, wbt
lives at tbe mouth of the Homl-HomJ
River, and a young woman from Bo
ton, says the Tacoma News.
The two were sightseeing up thi
Homl-HomI and bad arrived at thi
great waterfall at the foot of the up:
per canyon. Seeing that a tree ba
fallen across the canyon above thi
waterfall, making a rude bridge, anC
desiring to cross to the other side, thi
two climbed around the fafTs to thi
top of the canyon and walked acrosi
the log.
The Boston girl took the lead ana
the log swayed dangerously as thej
crossed. The distance from the leu
to where. the foaming waters beneatl
pitched over the precipice Is betweej
300 and 300 Teftl Born 'the womei
passed "safely over, I rid did 'Viot real
ly until later that'tbey were the first
persena, so 'far as known, who ha
made the perilous trip, where a sill
would mean Instant death.
Since Mrs. 'Ahl and her companloi
made the trip tbe ranchers have beet
bantering orre another to follow snlt
but bo one ha yet made' the attempt
Human Hair.
The finest human hair la golden, am
red la tbe coarsest
The trouble with a man marryln
the only daughter in a family la thai
be also gets all the eaUmal picture
aa he tataatt waila.
; J&l-:Mg&&KfK ' cr. Try the fonuu.a ou a lia
! 5?rCr5Vit'V n-a the coming ..aoa and set
l C--: - k "T-'r' ! how it uori.s.
Hujr I'tiluadiuu Ki,
Here is a plan fur unloading bay
vith horse fork iu i'arn or on stack
hich I tlnd is very convenient and Is
I hcaptT t!wm any net of Inlying tojls
Mti l I believe just a goo-J. S"e have
J ised It for two years inul realize It
hilue. Ttititen pulley blocks at a and c
Iu c,rie of brn. Then with an open
'in; fasten another pulley to ring in
lay fork. Then tk one end of rope
o open ring, after It Las been closed,
ii.d then throi.h tiie pulley ut c. tiieu
lo.vn tlnoiiL; pu'ky nt b, which Is on
'irk. then through pulley t a. then
hrough a pulley ut d, which is down
m barn floor. All that Is necesiary to
hange the fork so us to drop bay In
ither niow is to untie rope from fork
Mid tie opposite end there. This un-lh-
1 saves one the cost of track and car."
nid will pull almost directly ctraiglit
ipwards until the fori: full of b: y gets
jrctty well up. then will travel oxer
iniw. Those who have hay to stack
an use this plan by using two tall
i usla, or one if tdack Is near a tree
vhich enn be used t' fasten one pulley
'o. Si t post far enough away so you
an drive load of hay between post and
-tuck. 1 his rigging will not take any
nore rope than a track and car, and
' very convenient in small barn.
0. l:os worth iu Ohio Fanner.
A Wauod Tonirnc,
It Is not always possible to have n
wo-horse wagon tuilllcleritly light for
'nig distance driving wli'-re it is best
!o use two horse. The Illustration
(hows a tong'ie which tuny be easily
i i.ide by it !(cfit 1 I i Usmith at small
. petii, for use o!i n ll'lit one horse
tViigon. The lilustiation needs little
'esi-rlptlon. the main points being to
i ave the tnile made of tough lumber
, ml about two luclien square at the
nail end and three tini one-half
S i-hcs square at the large end. The
,ircle should be made of two-inch
, figuii felines. Holt the shaft couplings
Ut the circle, the double tree resting on
lie tongue where the circle Is bolted to
the tongue. . This wugjn pole Is quick
y attached and I very light, hence
lot a burden ou the horses, and the ex-
icnse of making it Is sniall.
i polls .News.
'roubles of Horses.
In the winter senfwi of the year,
when most farm horses have rather tin
?nsy time of life, there Is likely to be
more or less liver and kidney trouble
ttuong them, due, to some extent, to
.he liberal feeding nnd the inactive
.ife. Oftentimes these troubles develop
n au attack of acute indigestion, fre
jnently mltttakcn for colic. The first
;hlng to do with a borse that is not
ating well la to give a dose of mix
vomica thr3 times dally until It re
ver Its appetite. The dose Is twen
y drops of the tincture given ou the
ngue. Just before eating. The oatu
flveu the animal ahould be ground
!d In the ?rnin given in the morning
ihonld be placed a Unlf ounce of pow
lered nitrate of potash. Then prepare
;he following general condition pow
ler, which acts well on both kidneys
Hid liver, and give the nnlmul a benp
iig tnblespoonful once a day, iireferu
jly at noon. In two pounds of ground
laxseed mix four ounces of powdered
(eutlnn, five ounci-s of ginger, three
itinceu of powdered sulphate of Iron
md two ounces of powdered charcoal.
se that all the Ingredients are mixed
iiomtjghly. This jtowder will tone up
'lie system of the horse generally.
Good General Fertilizer.
One of the best general fertilizers for
I soil rather satiety and loamy Is com-
osed of IXlO pounds of acid phosphate,
500 pounds of nsh scrap, UK) pounds
tt nitrate of soda and 4J0 pounds of
nurlale of potash to the acre. For use
)ii vegetables, where the crop is the
top, such as cabbages, the potash is
.educed one-half and the nitrate of
jodii doubled, while 1,000 pounds of
Kid phosphate is used. This plan of
fertilizing Is followed after tbe plot has
eceived a fair amount of stable ma
ture tbe season before. It is as good
is any complete fertiliser on the mar
tet aud coats much leas by buying the
jigredieota and mixing them ou the
To tU t lluu in Winter,
A success! ui puqilry r t! r wtis o:ict
r.sked bow to u - -sfi!i'.y get egg
i!'!rii;g the winter seavtl and bis r";dy
was, "hatch winter t hickeus from win
ter laid eggs." W hile (his Is by no
means the only thing to do. It 1. be
yond qtlt'.-tion, the loUllii I'ioll of the
wi.ok matter. It is l:n.u;.e t i have
pullet that will lay :: during the
winter sea son. in proiitable quantities,
when tii.-Ke pullet are batched from
late spring or early summer laid egg
Notice we say '"in pr.!itable quanti
ties." for the late-hatched pullet will
lay some during the winter, but its ten
dency is toward laying at the same s -a-sou
a the egg was laid from which
she was hati-I.el.
Here, then. Is the
Mart for those who seek winter eggs,
aud if the reader Is out for this sort
of business he should plan for an Incii-
bator to be set at work in early Feb-
ruary. Then It must be rc.ncmberej
that the early-hatched bird, especially
In the i older sections of the North,
will require unusually good care, so
that comfortable brooding bouses must
be provided, with room for exercise,
nnd In places where there will be in
danger or the chicks getting damp orj
wet. If the brooder room Is cool it!
will do no harm, for the chick wil"
have the brooder to go to for warmth
but the room must not be d imp or wet
t'iih'iv.s raised Iu this manner and give:
a good range during the following sum
mer will gu Into winter quarters in lim
shape and produce egg at a profit It
the winter.
A Winter Whtclburrnw.
A very convenient nnd useful wheel
borrow sled may he constructed us fol
lows: From a piece of 2-Inch plank cu'
n runner, a. Then make two rear run
tiers, b, of brace Iron or wooden wag
on felloes. Frame these together and
attach to front runner by the bet .
pieces, c. which are 2'i Inches wide, :!
inch thick, 3'$ feet long. Put In (hi '
rocking pin, e. as long as the wldtl
ot the bed. Attiich it to the bed pieces
c. by a piece of bard wood, d. Thi!
shouhl lit tightly through the uprlgh'
part of the runner, a. Farm unc
I'otiltry l'itking.
All the noii-blitlug breeds lay whlti
'Cl.rt ., ,.t.,n t t ,1 I
Unusually large eggs denote that thi
bens are too fat. j
filve one feed of good, sound grait
daily. Whole wheat Is good.
Poultry makes a three-fold return
eggs, flesh and feathers.
The greatest layers make po.ir nit
tern and Indifferent table fowls.
Never Inbreed; change cocks even
year and always use pure-bred birds
Old geese are best for hatching aw i
young geese sell for the best price.
, . . , . , ... t
ror young chickens It Is a go d pint 1
to mix the soft food with milk, no
llltklhg It Hlnppy.
Wiile the guinea Is a noisy creature
Its noise frlghteus away many enemiei
of the poultry yard.
In putting sail In the food, the quan j
tity should not exceed tbe amount usee
Iu food for the table.
The farm offers the advantage of i'
wide range and fjwis thus favoret j
have more beautiful plumage.
If any chickens are to be hntchet
late they should be of varieties tha
feather quickly and mature early.
To secure uniform chicks aud havi
tbe majority fern a lea, tbe fowls them
selves should pofe uniformity us r
gards color, plumage and age, as wef
a size and marking.
AKrlcnltnral Atoms.
Animal manures are most economic
ally used when applied to the soil at
fast aa collected.
Taking care of the tools and lmple
menu Is one of the best methods 01
economizing on the farm.
The feed is an important factor ii
stock raising. The breed udapted ti
the object sought will give better re
suits and at a lower cost proportionate
If the food is diminished and aul
mnls become poor, the amount of fool
required to get them in good condiLjoi
will be greater thau the amount o;
food saved.
Ijuring the winter, especially, brat
con be made a part of the rations ol
all classes of livestock, bur the best
results are secured when fed iu cou
nectlon with other grain.
Manurevnny fall to give good re
suits tbe first year and show well tin
next. Much depends upon the condl 1
Hons of the material. It cannot af
ford food to plants until It becomei
Usually when many want to sell Ii
a good time to buy, and when manj
want to buy Is a good time to sell, for
many sellers make low prices, follow
ed In due season by small supply am
good prices, and many kuyers nuk
good prices, followed la due aeaaea ;
large supply aa sew
BLED BAiirtmv.
1'ickletl Crab Ajip't-s.
Select large one and wash tbem
tell, having the stems ou. IVepare
:wo quarts of vinegar, six pounds of
uigar. stick cinnamon and ground c.n
lamou. cloves, each two ounces. Bjil
xigtther. Kome ptefer to feteuru the
ippit aud pour the liquid over them;
ither cook the apples until you can
)ut a straw through them, then put
n cans or Jars, tse eight pounds of
i'ples for this rule, aud cook liquid
ten minutes after you have Ukeu the
IppilS out
Nat Croquette.
Take two etipfuis of mashed potato.
rue-half cupful of grated walnut. one-
talf cupful of grsted cracker crumbs
Hid the same of chopped parsley. M!x
liurotighly together, using the uece-
liry quantity of sweet milk. or. oettcr.
rream. Season with pepper aud fc.ilt,
dd three tabirspooiifui of incited
nutter and beat in two eggs. Feim
njo croquettis, dip in b-aien egg, roll
n fine cracker or bread crumbs, an!
"r.v In hot lard. Serve very hot wilb
tomato sauce.
linked Apple Ko!l.
Koll bifcuit crust out very thin; on
this spread appli s cut quite thin an I
Cue: roll the dough so that it will form
t smooth roll an 1 place iu a narrow,
J(e; tin, tub! a little water. K'igar and
I utter, and bake. Serve in slices, a ltd
spread with butter an J sugar; or make
s liquid sauce of creamed btliter and
iiigar, a beaten egg, and a pint of bod
ing water poured over the egg, sugar
md butter; flavor to taste.
Hn'on Mew.
Peel the onions, slice and let them
land In cold water half au hour. Put
them on In fresh, cold water and let
boll three minutes, then pour off the
water, add more, let It boil the same
before, and repeat this three times,
tn the fourth water let them cook
until tender, strain and put In tniik;
season Willi butter, pepper and salt
to taste; thh'ken with a little flour.
Vanillu Wiifcrm.
Cream a cupful of butter with two
cups of sugar, mid u cup of sour
cream, two beaten eggs and three cup
fills of Hour that ha been sifted twice
wi;h a teaspootiful of soda. FI.ivoi
with vanilla extract. Add enough
flour to make the dough of the con
lislency to roll out, roll very thin and
cut into rounds. Bake In a quick
Sweet I'eppcr Hnutc,
Iiemove the tops and seeds of six
1" CJ" 1 VtJ.'rt II, UUII!!I IT-
drain. In a small pan put two table-
spoonfuls of butter, and when hot turn
l the nenners. cover the i,m nml nmli
slowly for twenty minute Kent
them over chopped meat cakes thai
have been boiled. Arrange on a hoi
platter and season.
V utiles.
Sift a pint of flour with a tea
spoonful each of baking powder and
salt. Beat three eges light, the yolkt
and while separately. Into the yolki
stir u pint of milk, pour this Into tin
.Ji, uL-.i im, iiiiiiiiit;, uu I lue still-
,.r.., .,.,.,,.. .,., ,. . .
flldf l,.,f r,,f n ,.(.,.... ...1.-. !.- ...im.
in u i;im-fi unu uiujp me uiiAiure uy
the spoonful Into the greased and
heated wallle-lrons.
Buttermilk Mnflina.
Beat well two eggs Into a quart of
sour buttermilk, stir In flour enough
to make a thick batter; nlout a quart,
odd a tensjioonful of salt, three ol
sugar nnd dissolve a teasnoonful f
soda In very lit (to hot water; add th
Inst thing aud bake In well greased
ulm a 8 very hot oven.
Boll out cream of tartar biscuit
dough Into a half-Inch thick sheet.
Spread with butter and sprinkle pro
fusely with maple suirar. Over this
shake a little cinnamon; then cut into
strips about an Inch wide and roil
each one up tightly. Bake in a mod
erate oven.
How to Wa.h Milk Jag.
The proper way to wash milk and
cretin) Jugs is always to wash them
in cold water flrt If they re put
straight Into boiling water. It has thf
effect of causing the milk to sink lute
the ware.
Maple Fronting Without Cream.
One cupful of iiinple sugar, on -quarter
of a cupful of wnter; loll till
tin cads. Add a very l.ttle butter. KM;
till right for the cake. A white fil;c
baked In a sheet and covered with (hi .
Is fine.
Hints for Wasiiinii Dnjr.
Add a few drops of ammonia to th
blue watr to whiten clothes.
9 itmnir'tw '" '' - I -
im,,!!, Tuf U nkun l"r I til.
wi orr jjj a- r iw n i"w-
t.,n at ti.r am --) I r ea.
ei-ii4r m ludtit ten k ti AU"fi.
i mak ou t luuuii' wpt
foe 10 Ofim PomlfimM
nm Mi lin
tmm rsi "T
asaUAJaasr iinM mil aUMtlti
mmm, BtitU Fmiu, , il tf g
ajai m aumpa auiei mm mmwm m
aff tmvmmmmUm ft
c v
I C 1 w -
r faM mtmntmt Cry.
1 tMaaf Bia Isui uummm J
HMt .fi-l risiUaa,
t )mw nm Uitti afiWatass, I
MM U.esriMls ftvaiUart toaa
A Intra ?! paWstajrr eoritain otA i
Irlvnl aewsJ W a)o 16 W ptaix. fUav I
ni Mrtff tttitlia-U af brllllaaj f
stowcr Mil tu ni of cti tm gj
), toff thr with mrgrmm4 t"
Mrj. Mary E. Mescrve, of
Salihbury, Mass., was cured of
Anatmia, a disease in which
there is an actual deficiency of
the blood, by the use of
Dr. Williams Pink Pills
for Pale People
She savs: "The firM svmplom
was an unusual pulrnrt. Liiei tbe
blrwd termed lo have all led my
body. 1 had khortnrsof breath and
Muttering of ihe bean ; was de
pressed, morore and peevish. I suf
fered for two teats. I'hysicuns did
me Itu'e good but I am now a well
wonnari brraii'se I took twelve boxes
of Dr. Williams I'mk Tills. "
These pills really make new
blood and have cured obstinate
cases of rheumatism, scrofula
and erysipelas. '1 Ley are es
pecially useful to growing cjrls.
Sold fcr a 'I I.mjgint,
M-.LK'JI Kb I'i.LAiaN l iUhS.
A To Scritlet's Fatne Scriblet
Dis lumed out a gteal quantity cf
itufl with Ii s pen, but 'us be ever
rltten aTytbinif tt) it will endure
1 tblnk lie has. I bare several of
lis promissory notes In my p'ssegloa
Inch I ripect to baou down to pos
eiltr J st as he gave them to me.-'Jhic-igo
Eeiy trutb bi Its kounterflt, aotj
( bar even seen tuen who mulated
"PolntoM th Kinrat I Kver Psw."
Owing to tlie great amount of Intel
estj that is being takeu lu Westers)
Canada, It is well to be Informed of
some of the facts that are bringing
bout the great emigration from por
tion of the United .States.
The Canadian government have ao
thonxed agents at diffeient points, and
the facts relatej In the following may
I e corroborated on application. At the
same time they will be able to quote
you rates aud give you certificates en
titling you to low rates on the differ
ent lines of railway. Tbe following
letter, copied from the North Bend
(Neb.) I'.iiElc, Is an unsolicited testimo
nial, and tlie experience of Mr. Austen
Is that of hundreds of other. Americans
bo have made Cuiuida thslr home
duritiK the pant seven or eight years.
"1 presume some may be Interested
to know bow we have progress! this
year In the Canadian Northwest Ws
have no complaint to offer. We have
had s good year; crops were good and
we have had a delightful season. I
tlirekhad from my place b.(i."0 buabeis
of grain. My oats made Go bushels
per acre ami weighed pounds pet
bushel. My wheat made ;51'j bushels
per acre and Is No. 1 quality. My bar
ley made about 30 bushels of good
quality. My crop Is a fair average ot
the crops In the Edmonton district
"All crops were good here this sea
son. Potatoes tbe fluent I ever saw,
and ail vegetables adiipted to the cli
mate. We have bad a very flue fall
but do exception to the rule, as the
fall srason la. 1 think, the most pleas
ant of tbe year. We have bad no www
yet (Nov. 8), and bare been plowing
and working tbe land preparing for aa
early seeding next spring. I-at night
the mercury dropped lower tban anf
previous night this fall, and this monk
Ins there is a crust of frost on the
fields sufficient to prevent Held wora,
No doubt many would Imagine that As
berta bad put on her winter overcoat
before this, and that the people were
wrapped In furs, but it la only a que
tion of time when this country will not
be looked upon as an Iceberg, but a
country fit for the best of mauklnd te
live In.
We are now assured of a transcont
nental railway, which la to be built ta
the Pacific during the next Ave year
The Canadian Northern Itosd Is irrndeg
to within seventy-five miles of Edinon.
ton. It comes from Winnipeg, nnd
will reach us next summer, so with
one railroad already at hand, the iwo
ond to reach us In lens than a yesBj
and the third to penetrate our city
and open up this country to the weal
across the Itockles to the coast wllbls
five years, we surely have reason U
believe that the country Is progresa
tog. Very respectfully,
" " M H lUHbll MS MUM, s.1
Tbe pauperism of EimUnl and
Vales costs i be whole population Ii.
s per head annual W.
)urea cougha and colds.
8. B. 0. O YOU2 E