Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 26, 1905, Image 1

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    - SJ M 4k. "
Harrison Press - Journal.
1 M
willi ua
vJAIsT. 26, 1905. 2S3 O. 31
Piiblit-aUoo of con twit notices $7.90.
Lksn't forget tiiat we handle stationary
All kinds of fredi crackers al Lowry a.
Jack Meltlee aa up from Marslaod
Uu week.
Dr. Spindlo, the Crawford
Fresh Bulk coffeo 21b. for SjcU.
Walter Woodruff waa a Harrixoo
visitor this week.
Children OVERSHOES at cost for
cash at Oerlath & Hon.
County maps for sal at this office,
Both on paper and card board.
Gordon is having a great revival with
over 100 conventions. Praise the Lord.
The highest cash price paid
for hidesatJ. V. Ricedorffs
I. B. Burke returned Wednexday morn
ing from an extended trip on the Platte
The finest line of fresh and
cuied meats at J. W. Rice
dorffs. Moriu Wilhermsilorfer who we re
ported 'i k last week is very much
Dr. Spindlo, dentist.
Crown and Bridge work a
lui'lex lis slwved up subscrip
tion i . Oiarlie has a grt bit
heiirt forth poor printer.
James Csnnslly who has beea waiting
the action of the supreme court was re
leased yesterday on 10,000 dollar bonds.
Ymv. Vifk was culled to Pleasant Uidjje
Turs-tay to conduct the funeral services
of Mia Bertha Thompson, who died last
twn Lrvling and O. O. Wight's had
their hearing Iwfore the county court
lasg week and the costs were tased p to
Mr. Wiggins.
Francis hhine,' the Provident Saving
life insurance agent tmt has been here for
ebeut two months, left for New Mexico
Monday evening.
Mrs. John Finley and children left last
FrtfUj evening for Lincoln where they
will stay for about six months with Mrs.
Finlev's brother,
Verona Vlle, Roy Larson, Daisy
Hollingsworth. Emma Sagert, Charlie
Lewis' children and Elsie Hill are on the
sick list this week.
A car loud of liortm was shipped from
h-re the first of the week made up by
W. II. Davis and John Dieckniann.
John lJieckmnnn accompanied them.
Will given every Saturday evening
during the monlh of January.
R. C. Ijiun.
We learn the people of Bodarc are go
ing to put in a telephone line in the near
future connecting them with this city.
This should have been done years ago.
Mike Jordan arrived from Lincoln last
Saturday morning and informed us that
be placed Barney in the Enright and Car
ber Sanatorium. The Pwovs-JournaL
will go to him every week.
Miss Clara Kirkputrick, who has been
visiting her sister, Mrs. Alice Hill and
family, at Bodarc for about two months,
left for liar home in the eastern part of
the state last Friday evening.
ake laxative Hromo (Julnlne Tsliets. All
drnKRl1 refund th limnny If It fslls to
K. w . tirove's signature la on every
Suits to fit all six-s from the largest
man to t e smallest ly. and the prices
are down to bed rock. Come and get
our price. Bourrel A lvis,
Jees Crawford and Russell Smith had a
jur which disfigured Jess's physiognony
vwe hat ami Jena had Smith arrested,
nnd brought before Jurfye Wilhermsdor
(r who Vch.J ili.a Smiih stieulii pay a
line of 10!00 ami lu pay all cost. The
trouble begao lo the Harrison House and
emled at Judge Dorfer's court. The way
ot the tnagresnor is harJ.
Strayed or driven from the Y B ranch
near Crawford aboot Dsc. 23rd, one
potted cow, hraoded FW on left side
and Y B on right shoulder. One red
cow branded J on jaw, and Y B on right
A suitable reward for information lead
ing to Uteir recover. M. L. MiMEY.
Rev. E. E. Zimmerman will take up
the work as Pastor of the first Presby
terian church at Bridgeport Nebr. the
Brst Sundav in February. Mr. Zunmer-
tnan has been stationed at Montpelier
Idaho but as his wife's health has been
failiog since there, he has decided to
come back to Nebraska again.
Louis Larseo died at his home in Craw
ford last week. Lew, as 1st was known
by his many friends, was one of tlie first
men of our acquaintance in Sioux Co.
He was a good citizen and was respected
bv all. He leaves a wife to mourn the
loss of a kind husband, but Ood had
Messed him with enough of this worlds
goods that she can live comfortable until
Ood calls her to go up higher.
Adelia Happenings.
Mrs. Tom Ellis from Ardmore is visit
ing this week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm
Mr, and Mrs. Freel and daughter Nora
visited with Mrs. Davis last Sunday.
Mrs. Tom Ellis and Miss Maude Kays
visited school last Friday.
Mr. Johnnie Rretey visited with Fred
Davis last Sunday.
Mr. Tom Ellis is in Adelia now with
his gang of Jnpenese, they are working
on the railroad.
Fred llnvis came home last week to rest
a few days; he h is been working for Mr.
Mwinbank for almost a year.
Mr. and Mrs. Rahen went down to visit
with their relulion Mr. and Mrs. Swinbunk
Itust Friday.
SsowBars. '
News items were too w arcs to send in
last week.
Mr. Hans Jensen is staying with Chris
Morgan now ou the South Divide.
Miss Nettie Albright left for Crawford
last weak lo assist in careing for Mrs.
Jane Force, w ho is ill with heart trouble.
James Jensen took the train going east
Wedneedi.y night, returning Friday
Mr. and Mr. Huntley came over from
Belmont and were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Wycot Saturday night, wliose ranch
they are living on. They returned Hun-
Mr. Emery Oil more and wife of Craw
ford were visitors at Mrs. Jensee's last
Mnnc'ay night, enroute for their claim on
tU South Divide.
Mr, and Mrs. J. Denslowand Ford went
to Crawford Saturduy morning. The
weather being bad they stayed over and
took in the show, returning Sunday noon.
Not withstanding the great mount of
cold weather we have had the ice in this
vacinity is hardly thick enoogh to put
up owing to the warm Spring weather.
We learn of the marriage of two young
ladies who are quite well known in this
neighborhood. Miss Laura Shipley to
Mr. Randall of Belmont and Miss Clara
Crumble t to WiiiieC. Thiirman of Craw
ford. May happiness be their lot.
We nie sorry to learn of the illness of
Mrs. Tucker at the home of a daughter
(Mrs. Jones) at Eagle, Nebraska where
she has been this winter. We hope to
hear of her recovery. Wealsojearn of
the death of Mr. Jones which occurred a
few days after Christmas.
J. H. Denslow made a business trip to
Mr. Rands at Five Points Monday return
ing Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs, Green were visitors at
Mr. Masons Friday.
O rand pa Denslow sent a barrel of
walnuts from Hooper, which is quite a
treat for this country.
Yot KS As B 4
Race feticide In Now Zealand.
In New South Wales the children
under 8 years old were actually less In
timber thta they were ten years ago, j
While In tome states there are fewer
under 10 years than In 1M1. In New '
Eealand complaint Is made that there !
are not enough children to fill the 1
schools. Mr. Cogtlan notes that the '
Immigration of young married, women '
has fallen off In recent years, yet In j
1M7 there were In New fotftfe. .Wales
111,147 married women " under el
years, while Is HM there were lit,
tiT; still the number of enlldrett bora
wm about the same in each year, and
In Australia and New Zealand there
are now annually 20,000 fewer births
than would take place had the rU
of tec yesxi age bees ateJaialaed ',
I ...... .
Mrs. Mionie Lewi wife of Claries W.
Lewis died last Sunday night at the
residence of Mr. A. McOioley. She had
been a sufferer for some time of the
caocer of the stomach and about four
weeks ago she was taken to Omaha but
they could do nothing for her there so she
came back home u await tlie call of her
Creator. . '
Kite was born at La Porte Colorado
Aug. 7 1W)0 and at the age of SJ years she
was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. A. McOioley
and came to Sioux county in 1886. She
was married to Charles W, Lewisoa July
and 8 childreo survive this unieo.
SI leaves 3 sisters, Mrs. Oeorga Turser
of Hot Sprins So. Dakota. Mrs. Charles
Roe of Cascade Springs So. Dakota and
Mrs. Allie Yeager of Cantrill Iowa, and
her husband and children to mourn her
Kind hands did all that could be done
for her, and two of her sisters, Mrs. Tur
ner and Mrs. Roe were with her at the
time of her death. The services were
held at the residence of Mr. McOioley and
were conducted by Rev. Egner of Craw-1
ford after which a large Dumber ol friends
followed the remains to the Harrison
cemetery where the UothJ !u)tglibo rs
performed the last sad rites, for a deceas
ed Neighbor of which order she. was i
member at the time of her deatfe. The
husband, children, relatives, and foster
father liave the sympathy of the entire
community, trusting that all may be
united again to part no more, for around
His throne there will be no tears or
heartaches, but all will be joy and glad
We desire to thank tlie kind friends
who so kindly assisted in the sickness,
and the death of our beloved daughter
and wife.
KeaoluliouM Adopted liy Sliver
Lear Camp 'o, Mtil,
IIurrlMon, Nebr.
Wlirress our He ivenlf Puttier, In bis In
finite srlMlom, turn bfin plesemt to cult from
our csinp, iuhI broken the Brst link In our
frsternsl chain, hy taking from as our
entermed Neighbor, Minnie K. Levis, Jan.
11, lda'i, Therefore, be It
Keaolvod, that lis a enmp wm nionrn tier
o, llnii ws ritenrt our nYrnpsthy to these
who so deeply grieve over the leas ot their
loved oiii!. In the bereaved home there U a
Vfccsntehslr, a silent wire, bet dnr lone Is
hr Khiii, for n beautiful life never ends in
death .
Keselved, that osr rhsrier lie riruper in
mourning tor s period f sixty dsys, that e
copy of tknse rnaoltitlonii le sent to tb
bereaved family and lo the official puner for
publication, lilso s copy be npread on our
camp retwrda in memory of oar departed
KeiKhb ir and a copy -nt to the loo al preas.
Mrs. Maouik I'kiput,
Mrs. Kmzabeth Fonticr.
A a a est IMsTersmee.
Dr Varnadoa. a noted professor of
Greek, la very food of flowers, and
some days ago on returning from bis
college d 'i ties, he found In bis front
yard a pestiferous calf belonging to a
neighbor. The doctor gae chase, and
the animal piunged toward the flower
pit, and In another Instant crashed
through the glaaa cover and mired
with the pots and plants below. Whet
another professor passed a few ruin
ate later, he aald gravely: "I do
not understand, Dr. Varnadoc, why
you object so seriously to taring t
modest cowslip added to your Ine col
lection af plana." The doctor's
frowning face relaxed, "Ah, Sanborn.'
he retortea, "you see, this was only a
worthless bulrush."
Cxpart Parrot Cyclist
In Berlin, a parrot cyclist Is draw
tng great crowds of admirers Ths
bird conducts Itself like an expert
need rider; working with Its feet the
podals of a diminutive machine whose
grooved tire runs along a tight-rope
With Its beak It manages the handle
bar. It carries along another parrot
hanging on a trspexe beneath, and thus
ulntalnc perfect equilibrium.
Lord Nelson Sitd tosp.
"As occasional squalor is the worst
evil of poverty and labor, so cleanli
ness should be considered the greatest
blessing of luxury and ease," argued
Mr, Frank Prlndle In expatiating on
the moral force of his own business,
which Is the Importation of soap,
"However," he continued, "those In
the seats of the mighty are not alto
gether without reproach on this sub
ject. It Is a well authenticated fact, If
not generally known that the celebrat
ed IiOrd Nelson had not washed bis
nands during the last eight years of
his life, and Napoleon shunned a bath
as though he was a cat.
"A clergyman once told me that be
believed the expression 'cleanliness Is
next to godHneea' referred to moral
eleanllnesi . and that the fashionable
dally morning bath waa of little con
sequence to health or habits. We
should, he said, polish our mn-1 -ic s
well as our teeth, make our le i i
sweet as our breath, and cut on -i
peccadilloes a wall as our aaiis.
Physician Surgeon.
OFFICE: Anwucwb Buicg.
Old Line, Assessment and Accident
Policies written
Correspondence solicited
Address; Harrison. Neb.
Lumber, Lath, SaHh, Doors,
Lime, Cement; Flour, Feed
and Grain; KuggieH, Farm
Implements, Wagons;
Hardware, Wind
mills, Pumps
& etc.
successor to C. H.NEWMAN
Lumber, l)aor, Sah. Lime,
Coal, Wagon, Jiu(aies and
Machinery of all Kiiuh.
I aho carry a line of Wind
Mills, Pumpt, Piping,
Towers, Wind Mill re-
pairs, etc. eta, etc
A large stock of feed, both
grountl and ungrouud al
ways on hand.
mail oriers given, prompt
Give me a Call.
Bodarc Gleanings.
Henry Wertz is on the sick list
Harvey Zerbe is helping Martin Carroll
move his house this week.
Vern Antrim who has been real sick
for the past week is now much better
and able to be out.
The wenther in the valley is like a
spoiled child is indulging in a fit of the
The east wind, heavy air and fog are
very depressing on the spirits and seems
to effect the general liealth of nearly all
in this locality,
Martin Carroll has purchased the Wm.
Schleyer house and is busy removing it
on to his own claim, he expects to move
his family there very soon. '
Mr. George Cant is rather unfortunate
having lost six head of cows this month,
the cause is supposed to be blackleg.
Mise Clara Kirkpatrick whe has been
spending the past roont h with her sister
Mrs. Allasrt UiM returned home to Custer
Co. Friday. Mrs. John Finley and child
ren accompanied her.
Since the Japs have taken Port Arthur
and are supposed to rest on their laurels
till spring.
The general conversation, (in this com
munity at least) is telephone.
We learn of the intense cold in the east
where is registered 48 degrees below sero
Jan. 0, at the same date in California
they were enjoying raspberries and straw
Urries and lovely summer weather. We
seem to be between the extremes. Weill
we can be thankful the wind forgot to
blow last week,
Harrison Gold Martin son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Martin of Bodarc died at
Beatrice after one days illness. The re-j
main were interred in the Bodarc Came- j
tery Sunday Jen. 15th. Rev. acnab;
I conducttsl the funenl services. The
1 i-nmruiinil y svnputhi" with the Ix-reav-
'o.lf;imily in lliir jwitow.
I M.A.G,
Don't Agree In Politics.
They Do Agree To Sell More Goods In The Next SO Diy.
For The Same Money Than Any Other House In
- The North Went.
That we tarry a full line of
Dry Goods and Notions,
Boots and Shoes, Groceries
Flour and Feed.
Everything Carried In A General Store. : .
WU1 sell you the best' "HOT
BLAST HEATER" on earth.
There you can buy a first class suit of clothes.
In Gents furnishing goods they keep the best
Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes
And such other goods as are kept in a general store.
They sell at bottom prices.
Tkefrust lint of wines, liquors and best brands of cigar.
THEO. SAG EH T, Propritov
aaaaMajaaaaaaaSssssesaaaaaaaaaaaMaassi J ''
You Are Reading
That's what it's here for:
To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con
fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every
thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store.
Give us a trial Yours for Business,
! '
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l"i ! l i
We have a
Seperator and
make as much but
ter from 2 cows as
we did without the
machine with 4
cows, huwaku
Aaron Stewart,
Harrison, Nebr.
Pemllar Teal.
Little Bmer had acoompanied hit
father to church one morning, and the
minister discoursed from the text:
Why halt re between two ophiloaar
Upon returning home hit mother
eked ir he Mmemtered the teit "I
san't remember the exact words." re
lied Bmer. "but It wm something
fchout hawk between two Btgeoae."
Csar Restricts "Inlanders.
The csar has Issued an order by
which the provincial governors of Fin
lead are empowered not only to re
selnd the election to municipal and
communal offices of "politically un
sound" persons, but to appoint m their
places others of the governor's wwa