Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, January 19, 1905, Image 1

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    Harrison Press -Journal.
, IferlUe
v 1 1 1 1 us
1 II
J-A3ST. 19. 1905. Is) O. 30
Pu bl k-a Uon of con lt notices $?. 50.
LWt forget UU we handle stationary.
All Wind, of fresh crackers at Lowry '.
Leonard Dout km ia town yeterday.
Dr. Spindlo, the Crawford
Fresh Bulk coffee lib. for 35cts. at
Phil Duod wm doing business in town
Jean WohlheUr and wife war in town
Corwin Lewis was doiog business
town Moodey.
A couple of young gentlemen by tlx
ntmw of Smith ami liamaker were viit
ing Aaron Stewart and family last Saturday.
Suits to fit all aires from Uia largest
man to tU smallest buy, and the price
ara down to bed ruck. Coiua aod get
our prices. Bourrat It Davis.
Both oid and young ara learning
ekale oj roller skates.
Him Alice Slaitery weut to Lead City.
8. U. Monday evening.
Clarence Zimmerman and wife ware up
from Bodarc Tueadav.
CtiildranM OVERSHOES at coat for
ash at Gerlaih A H.m.
La grippe and sore throats ara common
this changeable weather.
County msp for tule at this office.
Both on (Miner and card board.
Honss Wills is slowly recovering from
the effects of the roller skates.
Rev. York pre.iched his first sermon
at Pleasant Ridge inst Sunday.
Waller Woodruff and Jhs. Nolan
iu Irons Eckard, S. 1). vestcrday.
Carl Larsoe became a member of tl
II. W. A. last SaturJuy evening,
The Bannon children moved into town
this week to atUud sciiool again.
Geo. Baldwin went to Lusk with his
Kraplioi'hoiM outlll Tuesday ruoruiiig.
ske 1-amtlvr ISrwiiioyuliilnr Tsl leu. All
droKirliita rrfaiia the inoikejr If li fails to
lore. K. W.Orove's sigualure Is aa every
box, tic,
Will k giveo every Saturday evening
during the month of January.
R. C. DOW.
Wa learn that Patrick Dunn who has
bean at Arvado, Wyo. is bow at Broad ui
Mont, working for John Dout. an old
Sioux county resident. Pat says John
i doing well there and that ia a fine
country there.
Wa extend our heartfel thanks to our
friends and neighbors who so kindly
assisted us in our sad bereavement of the
death of ntir beloved son,
Mb. andMrh. Martin and Family.
Strayed or driven from the Y B ranch
near Crawford about Dec. 23rd, one
spotted cow-, branded FW on left side
aod Y B on right choulder. Ona red
cow branded J on jaw, and Y B on right
A suitable reward for information lead
ing to their recovery. M. L. BlftNEY.
Little Moritz Wilhermsdorfer became
sick last Sunday and seemed to get worse,
and Dr. Davis was telegraphed for and
ha arrived here yesterday morning and
Mrs. Wilhermsdorfer with Moritz went
back with him there he being unable to
star awav from ( hudron. Moritz has
the Pneumonia and wa hope that he will
soon be Able to be around ugain and rid
of this disease.
Carey Itemt. .
My! but don't it take Iota of wood?
The young folks ara planing for a skat
ing party on Kauai's pood Wednesday
evening. ;
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Golden are home
from their visit in Iowa.
Mrs. Greenwood and daughter were
don from Casper last week visiting
friends in the valley. (
County Treasurer Lux spent Sunday
with his family on the (arm. 1
Frank Arner was seriously ill last
week. Dr. Hart wall was ramboosd on
Thursday, who pronounced the ailment
Pneumonia ha is improving quit rapidly
and it is thought that ha will Ha out a-
gain in a short time.
Mrs. Delia Grove departed for her home
at Ames Ia. the 7th.
There is an epidemic of grippe going
around and nobody seem to be alighted.
Mrs. Griffin, Mrs. Carey and James Mac
nab jr. am the greatest sufferers from it,
but all ara getting batter,
8uir Ilor-e shot, Climax and Spear
head Iwiwiog tobao at Lowry's.
Tl-e count Uiaid of county commiss
ioner are still in session tin week.
lUfiry Mnravek uod Pleto
turned to the ranch in Wyo.
Valdez re-Vesterday,
Peter Uourrjt ami son Will were up
from Runningwaier the first of the week.
The highest cash price paid
for hidesatJ. V . Rieedorffs
J. ph Burke returned to hisdutiesal
the 8 E Sunduy alter taking a vacation
of month.
The finest lin of fresh and
cured meats at J. W. Rige-dorffs.
George Baldwin gave an entertainment
at the liall last Friday evening with his
Dr. Spindlo, dentist.
Crown and JJridtfe work
There will be a joint installation of the
officers of the Royal Neighbors aad Mod
em Woodman.
F. M. Phillipps of Brayaner, Mo , be
coma a reader of the Prbm-JoCKMAL
with this fssu.
Wa had an fnlerestihg League here last
Sunday evening, conducted by Mise
Either Parsons.
Frank Wright is hauling lea into town.
If the warm weather continues the ice
will soon be liquid.
A colored gentleman from Kentucky
wngivlngafe lessons, with the gloves,
to our boys here Sunday.
Eight ww applications have bean vot
a m by the Modern Woodmen of
America during the past weak.
Wa received a latter from H, W. Sax
ton, fram Kyle, 8. D. , ordering the Pmm
JOCbK'. eent to him another year.
Mies (Vertr de Converse returned to
aonool at Douglaa last Saturday morning
nf tar spending (lira weeks at noma.
Barney Jordan was taken to Lincoln
hie brother Mike, to be placed in an
MMtittfUofl suitable for his cendilion, but
re enable to Mil just what kind of no in
aJtWa that will be until later .
Adelia Happenings.
As I was a little late to send the news
Inst week will try and gal there io time
this week.
Mrs. Eilis and daughter Maud went to
C'r.iwlord Wednesday returning Thurs
day. Mr. and Mrs. Rosenburg and daughter
Hilda viMted with Mr. and Mrs. Pelren
and family, last Sunday.
They liad a MpellinK down school last
Friday night at the school house. There
was a pretty good crowd there, Mr. Pelreo
spoiling down trie school.
Boys commence gathering all the tin
cans and be prepared for the wedding in
a couple of weeks.
Hunter Happenings.
The snow is disappearing quite fast.
J. R. Hunter was a Uarrison visitor
Mr. and Mrs. Mcintosh were at Harrison
Mrs. Tom Jones visited several friend
while iu town Saturday.
Mrs. J. A. Rice visited at Harrison
Tuesday. Mrs. Jones was Post master.
Ezra Tucker and Hans Jensen of west
Gieo were East Aodraws visitor last
Friday evening.
Mrs. Basset went down the road last
Week to be away some time.
J. A. Rica came home Saturday going
back Monday. Delbert stayed over in
the canyons to attend some party.
A. L Hugeman came over from saw
dust Monday aod visited friends and at
tend soma business until Tuesday. Wa
ware so sorry to hear Mrs. Hageman had
been quite sick for some time but ia able
to be up again.
Birdie Jones was sick Sunday and was
unable to go to school Monday.
Mrs. J. H. Cook and son Harold came
noma Saturday having been visiting
friends down tlte road for several days.
Jack Cook cams over from Agate Sun
Miss Taylor came up from Chadron
Mondav morning going ovei to Agata
the same day.
Messrs Chrisleiisen, Edwards and Sch
wartz want to Harrison Saturday evening
to get a larger piece of pipe for the new
school stove for which they have the
thanks of the school board, it was a vary
cold trip for tlietn.
It la not just as wa take it,
This mystical world of ours
Our life will yield, just as we make it.
A harvest of thorns-or Bowers."
Taken from Happy Hours, this was
sucb a lovely little gem, so that we will
paes it along,
U No.
CoMwraraoNBM Pnocixstitai.
Harrison, Nebr., Jea. 10, llOi.
Board of county commissioners met in
regular session. Present Jordan, Cullers,
Bigelow and clerk. '
The road petition from Henry , Parks
by J. E Porter was ordered returned to
aaiJ J. E Porter on accouut of no deposit
accompuning said petition and not legal
ly Hied.
Theoltlci.il bonds of CI I ton MU as
justice of the peace io Cottonwood pre
empt, Henty Kreman as road overseer
district No. 1 1, and Jacob Wasssrbtirger
road overseer Dist. No. 1 were taken up
and on motion were approved.
un motion wie treasurer w& ana is
hereby instructed to transfer 139 19 from
road district No. 1 to special road Dist.
No. 1, til 82 from mad district No. 2 to
special road district No. i, 22 8i and
from road district No, 8 to special road
district No. 8, $3 54 from road district
No. 4 to special rond district No. 4.
On account of a part of road district
No. 5 being thrown into road district No.
9 the Treasurer is instructed to transfer
SH 94 from fiiecial road district No. 0 to
ncial road district No. 9, aod from
road district 5 to special road dietrtct No
4 $7 32, from road dietrict 6 to special
district o. 4 23 els., road ist net 7 to
special road district 4 (3 79 and from
xecial road district 5 to special rond
district 4 $25 00nn.'. from pe"ial rond
district 0 to tcial road diMnt t 4 f I 03,
from special road riiMnct 7 to sptcial
road district 4 $26 53. Above trunsf.-rs
were made on account of road district 4
being comprised of districts 4, 5, 6, and 7
From road district 8 to special road Dist
8 $10 84. from ro.l district 11 to special
r..ad district 11 $31 79, road district 12
to special road district 12 $405(4
The following rood overseers reports
were taken upand on motion weru allow
ed and ordered paid from the special Dist,
road fundi. Claimed Allowed
Adam Baumgard Dist No 1 $8 00 H 00
Physician Surgeon.
h OFFICE: Andrews Block.
,014 Line, Assessment and Accident
Pdiciet written
Correspondence so!iC'ted
Address; Harrison. Nab.
Joseph Konrnth
Pet'-r Peterson
J, H. Dun lap
Thos. Hines
John Hosley
Henry Parks
Henry Kreman
Frank C. Lewis
' 1
" 2
" 3
" 8
" 9
' 11
19 00
7 00
27 00
27 'W
80 00
28 00
27 00
27 00
19 00
27 00
27 00
30 00
27 00
27 00
27 00
On motion Claus Christensen was ap
pointed a justice of the peace in and for
Montrose precinct for year 1995.
Communication from Challuppa Bros,
accompanied by schedule showing assess
ment against ibem in Scotts Bluff county
was taken up and on motion the. Clerk
was instructed to con'er with Challuppa
Bros, and have the matter explained
relative to the 500 cattle found in Sioux
county by our assessor puriorted to be
long to Challuppa Baldwin & Fanning.
The official bond of Claus Christensen
as justice of the peace was taken up and
on motion was approved.
As H. S. Parks failed to appear or (lie
a new read petition as agreed to -do at
previous meeting of board Dec. 1 87, the
petitien of James Stoneking and others
was re ft led by W. J. A. Raum this date
and clerk was instructed to appoint
commissioner to view said road. At 6
o'clock P. M. board adjourned to Jan. 11.
E. F. Pontius
Harrison, Nebr. Jan. 11, 1905.
Board of commissioners met pursuant
Lumber, Lath, Sash, Doors,
Lime, Cement; Flour, Feed
and Grain; Buggies, Farm
Implements, Wagons;
Hardware, Wind
mills, Pumps
& etc.
successor to C. H.NEWMAN
Lumber, Doors, Saak. Lime,
Coal, Wagons, Buggies and
Machinery of all Kinds.
I also carry a line of Wind
Mills, Pumps, Piping,
Towers, Wind Mill re
pairs, etc. etc. etc.
A large stock of feed, both
(jrovml find vngrniivd al-
Don't Agree In Politics.
They Do Agee To Sell More Goods In The Next SO
For The Same Money Than Any Other House In
The North West.
That we carry a full line of
Dry Goods and Notions,
Boots and Shoes, Groceries
Flour and Feed.
Everything Carried In A General Store. : :
Will sell you the best "HOT
BLAST HEATER" on earth.
There you can buy a first class suit of clothes.
In Gents furnishing goods they keep the best
Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes
And such other goods as are kept in a general store.
They sell at bottom prices.
criUrs fiver.
Give me a Call.
Incidental Expenses 2500 00
Oflicers Fees 700 00 !
On motion the county Superintendent
is allowed 4 00 per day for actual r
vice Kenderei.
On motien the county Clerk whs
allowed $;I00 for clerk hire before paying
ft into the county for the ensuing year.
On motion the county Clerk is allowed
$400 00 as saUry for clerk of the county
board of commissioners for the ensuing
On motion the Press-Journal was de-
clhred the official pitper of tlie county for
year 1905.
The annual report of the county Clerk
and Clerk of the district court wus taken
up and after examination wns approved
as submitted. Totals found acd recapit
ulated as follows.
Fees received aod fees due as county
clerk $984 55
Fees received as clerk Co. Comms.
compiling tax list assessors books
A etc.
Clerk district court
630 01
188 31
Less paid for clerk hire
1797 87
407 50
Balance fees received and due 1390 3 7
At one o'clock p. m. board proceeded to
check the accounts in Treasurer's oft Ice.
At 5 p. m. board adjourned to Jan. 12th.
E. F. Pontius
Harrison, Nebr. Jan 13, 190T.
Board mat pursuant to adjournment.
Present Jordan, Cullers, Bigelow and
to adjournment, Presen t Jordan, Cu I lrs, IC,rk' Board resumed checking accounts
Bigelow and clerk. oi tne county treasurer,
On motion the clerk was authorized to At 5 P- IM- adjourned to Jan. 13.
make requisition on the state Auditor for E' F- Pont'u
eceasarv hooks unri iinuli Clerk.
On motion the following estimates of
expenses ware made for the year 1905
District Court
Soldiers Relief Fund
Printing and publishing
Officers Salariea
Roads and bridges
Harrison, Nebr. Jim 18, 1905.
Board mat pursuant to adjournment
$8000 00 present Jerdan, fullers, Bigelow and
800 00 . clerk. Board resumed checking accounts
800 00 j of the county treasurer and at 5 P. M.ad-
600 00, journed to Jan. 14,
& F. Pontius
The finest line of wines, lioiiors and best brands of cigart.
THEO. SAGERT, Proprietor.
ttttWrttii ii miii HtHftTflii 1 1 1 1 tin m uf 1 1 1 m
I You Are Reading
mat s wnat it s nere ior:
To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con
fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every
thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store.
Give us a trial Yours for Business,
i A. L0WRY.
Don't Buy This
Kind of a Seperator
Aaron Stewart,
Harrison, Nebr.
I f t H
p f
L i
fj& X. w
Harrison Nebr. Jan. 14 1905,
Board met as per adjournment. Present
Jordan, Cullers, Bigelow, and Clerk.
Board resumed checking a. counts in
Treasures office and at 5:P. M. adjourn
ed to Jan. 16.
E. F. Pontius.
1000 00
000 00
Peculiar Text.
Little Elmer bad accompanied !
father to church one morning, and the
minister discoursed from the text:
"Why halt ye between two optaioniT"
Upon returning home hit mother
asked If he remembered the text "I
ean't remember the exact words," re
plied Elmer, "but It was something
about a hawk between ewo pigeons."
Tin Colder.
The products cf Nuremberg are
principally of metal tin soldiers,
swords, railway trains, ftjeeU, models
of machinery and other toys Intended
for boys while Sonneberg uses al
most exclusively wood, porceluln,
glass and paper In the production of
toys beet sailed to rlrls.
aw a Group of Tornadoes.
At Oakley the other day the people)
witnessed the upectacle of Ave torna
does whirling along at the same time.
They would dart their snakelike tails
toward the ground, drawing, them up
to dart again, but only oae reached the
earth. This oie tore thing up for
about twenty minutes In paselng over
a considerable scope of country and
thai vanished aloft In a purple-blach
etoad. Kansas City Journal.