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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1905)
c l-J i. 1 Press - Journal. Harrison EatAhUafeuf 1: M jLdrrrtlM with m OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOTT3C CQTJ"NITY. HARBISON, ASK A, THURSDAY, JAJST. 12, 1905. N O. 29 LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK PtfUK-atKMl of content nolio 7.50 law Clover Hon m LrV, try it. Itoal forget that e handl 'ationary. Hons made niince meat 2 B for 85c at Lnwry'. Dr. Spindlo, the Crawford dentist Tht bant syrup in l"wa at Lowry's try a sample. Wstw proof bonw! hide mittcoa 50. I atLowr)'. Dr. Spindlo will ba in Harrison Jan. 17, 18, and 19. County Assessor Story was doing bui- in town this week. Children OVERSHOES at cost for cash at Gerlai h A Hn. Mr. and Mm Tbeo. Sagrt vit-ited at Chadroo the first of t'e ek. Count mps foriule at this office. Both on pr ai d mrd board. J. II. Vilhermd..rfer viaifvd with Dr Davin nt1iudr..n overSui.duy. Jnl.n Moly iik P from All' Tue day and madt. a pli-aant call whil here Suits to fit all sizes from Ilia largest man to tra smallest hoy, and the price ar down to bed rock. Con.e and get our price. Bourrel & Uavi. Dr. Spindlo, dentift. Crown and Bridge work specialty. a Preaching servn-e at B.slurc Presbyter iao church Jn. 15ii. t 10:30 A. M. Rl.v. Jas. MaCXAB. Miaa Bast Tu pjr returned to her school duties at Gorton last Thursday evening, afUr visitine here during vca tioa. Henrv Dieckmaiin and Minnie Wolf depart e.l for Iowa ll Mndav evening 'after visiting f riende and relative here for two weeks. The finest line of fresh and cured meats at J. W. Rice dorffs. TW CfUE A COl-O 1 OWE DAT. ke l.HBtive Bromo fnlnlne rl lets. All (tmnrHtoretniKl thR iiione)- If It to cure. ICW.Urove'a Hfiiture la on every but, iie. Wa are .lsd to ee that the 8und. y cliool worker at Pleasant Ridge ar gain to keep lt,"'r 'lhath school going through tlie winter. Here's success to you. Alfred Morris, who lias Wn staying at tlie Commercial hotel since last fprinu )ft for the eaalern prt of tls utale !' Sat urday evening to j in hi rather, iter. and brotlier. W have been ukl tl-e mraniiiR: of the word PuntheiMii, Wbler tfivw it iu The doctrine that the imiver!, taken or conceived of an a hoi, i O xl ; the doctrine that there ia no OoJ but thr combined force and lawn which are man ifeated io the exilinjf univerae. We have been thinking for ftonie tim for aoma amunnant for oiir yew lople and we know of w better thint! than an ice uoid for rur hoya and ic&W to apend anma of ther leisure inoment. It would not be a (treat cont to put down a, wall at tome convenient place and a pond could anon be mad that would not only furnish amusement in the winter but in tha summer as well. The ukat tec rink just started by W. U. Stewart is a good move but the hall is not lar MiifCh and then there is a dust ther that is not ivi healthy an our beautiful atmoxphere on the ouUide. We can't ae but what r.areots outht to furnixli aomelliinK f sind tbeir cliildren for it w all we have to live for, and there ia oae thing sure if we don't furnish aoanething that i pur aad elevating Sa tan will Bnd something for thera to do, Oar young people are deprived of many privilege that we, whan we were young tvi the banint of, aao wnne our conoi loaaara different we caa make things Bjpora aleaaant for our chiMraa. and they la mi urn w ill blew us for it. Won't som oa lake the initiative step in th.s mutter? Wear mire the email amount or land raqalrsd will be ay to get. and the wrl aonMbedune by thoee interestad asaapt taj wall anil it attachments; t t as aot aaly think about it but lei us It santhl-sr Who will be willing to taa th ajattsr ap aad push ilT Lat ua , baar (raw) ottwra. Tba eotumas of this ejef ar to yoe) for aavtblag yog hav tpaajoalb awMar. GLEN ROUNDUPS Mr. Hi-thrd, who h been working for tti ..ttfir and l.vvJ on ih Paler NlxiM . we lea. n. received a tele t nun lrm hm motlM-r, alio lives in Nw Turk, Dial -li wax very M-k and for him to come at once. He driar'.ed on tlie nrxu --mn. ' Mrs. M. H Green ha been troubled with neuralgia for nonie time past but at thiH wrjini); kIw in mu h belttr. ' Mr Riy llamakr took 1.-Iterat the IlL btrS'u.-day nitrht enruute (or the KOUlil diviii. Mr. A T lliifhi-on nmde a biiiiwsH trip to Crawford Wedm-aday ni)iht r turmnif Friday morning and peiit the remainder ur tlie day with Umiilows. Those who were Crtwrord viitors last riiturdav were Freil WebHter, James and Hans Jeiiwn. Sunday b-ing a v-ry raw ami disagree i ble dy the HUflifiiCM wa" n'il lurge at Sin,da hMil Sunda but ou imnister a with imanj the ser mon was very well diwiiaaed; Tlie tet a taken from the iv P l.i in which it vh: "Who i I ntiew UK any good " This ih a hnatd and deep auLj-ct and when limdlMl aa it m Sundar there is nonu-thmg in ti-ing to church. Titers will bo ihilrch on Hie 2fltli of Junuarv and n thin in communion day every one i most coid aliy invited loatleni. Mr ard Mr M. II Green were cllers at Mr. Ilunn Peterhonn Sunday aflerniam. Mr. and Mrs J. H. LnBlow were callers at Mr. John Blombergs Sunday afternoon. Mr. 8. J. Rule made the overland trip to Crawford Monday, alito Geo Lakin, On Monday morning the "sage bruth flyer" somewhere west of Glen was stranded and it was necessary for the lompany to send another engine rrom 'had. on, and a hour later the Itn.k en engine returned. On Tuesday ereninif Mra M. H. Or-en and Orval made a pleas nit cull al Mra. l-imlowa The Jensen bos sre putting up ice thMt da), but it is not extra good yet. YoCKS A 8 B 4. Hunter Happenings. School heg;in Mfoday, W. T. Jones wa a Harrison visitot Thursday. DeAlma ' i (fee of Runningwater em an ovr uujht viaitor at East Andrews Saturday. lielliert was at l!mon Rtturdsy. Mr R'ce an n hr.iuuht a Ion I of wmhI home Friday utid went back to the mill Sunday, Harvey Mcintosh, eldest son of 1. 8., came home from Iowa, where he has Uern for some time, lie was at Tlarrieon Friday aial went over to the lunch oa Saturday. Oscar Mcintosh came home from tlie ranch the last of the week and is going to school. Miss Warner came back to Hunter after a two weeks visit at her home near freight on, Nehr. She had a good time hut was ready to get to her school work again. We look for another far ni'irihs or good work done in the ix'hool rm. The new tove lor district 30 cam! Momia. We will use mostly cm.l in' the fit tmeas wood is getting to be hard 10 get. George Baldwin went to Harrison last Friday bringing home a Hue grphiiphone with wl I -h aev.ral neighbors were very pleasantly entertained several evenings. Mrs. J. H. f-aik and son Han. Id came over from Ak'nle Sunday and went up to Harrison Monday niurniug. Ezm Tucker went up to Harrison last. 8nt urday on business. He Is now a Very important personage along White nvit. He is the Honorable Ezra Tucker J. P. also roadmaxter on this line. We lmk for j'istice to the bad road and pa. to ties good people; lie went from Harrison to Crawford, coming upon the passenger Monday. Tlie engine had to stop l wo or three times to gt t up steam, on account of its h-avv load w suppose. Wm. Bannan cam over from his placa gunday to see Mr. Baldwin who it staying at Mr. Jones at present. Thomas Jon was vary sick Saturday night and Suadav; was not able to go to school Monday. Too bad lie had to b absent as Velma Kic and Thoira were present every day Ih last four months, neither being absent nor tardy during the eutire term, Pearla and Thomas Jones visited friend at Saw lust a prl of last wk, coming back by Hatcreek where Ueorg Baldwin b ft som lajsines to attend to at Mr. Tschabolds; They got horn Thursday Dearly fro ten but rrtd a good tim. Aksel Mamwa of Olaa visited Thomas Jo w the last of th waek. He cam af'ar thair w that ha ' barn her for aaaa Uaw, but all waaaaaMato traval Treasurer's flUojnt of money reo-i ved and dithurnwi b tlw Trm irer of 8ioua couulv, i (fom J(jy h mi io 81, State Ftd Balance Taa oll.ctions 1135 -i 3046 81 8083 13 ( onrrr GrratAL FmM Balance 1172 M I'ax i oll"Ction 83 Mill.ineoUHCilectMin 448 45 Tranilrrod from oll r (nais 00J 00 7316 14 203 95 191 "iTo7 17 85 15J7J Hul.DIEIS RKIJW Ft'KD B-i lance Tax c-illectioni Cocktt Road Fuirea Buta'K-e Tax collections 8: il 33i 67 25 li ii OC-NTY RRIIKH KCWDej Ba nc Tx c tlletiO;is 26 0 95 19 29 6 0S OtltTY SPIOIAI. I 'KBT Fl'MH - Balance Tax ,oi lection 25 87 475 84 811 717 56 Road District FciDt B.Um- Tax collection (rvi1) Tax collections (poll) Transferred to special road Dist. 8 96 1205 18 Stociai. Road District Fctm Balanci 27181 184 67 Tux collections 405 99 2420 6 5833 44 School 1 1 tr ct Fcndb- B lance Tax collections 8254 30 m io 163 58 Schooi. Bond Fund - Balance L'ollectionii 1995 68 Fods or VnxtQB or Habrison - 4 llilaiu Tax collections 354 43 884 5 . 78S99 School L m Lkam fitsm - Balnm-e 896 10 Collection l?"" 57 - ;. . 21(15 73 State qcb x. frjtw Bilnc 06 December state apportionment i?71 50 .. 'in 5 mrrrmna ftmt- B ilame d -0 Tax collection ' b'l - - , 48 w RiDEKrncw ot TaJE ?als Balance W l t rt i flcates redeemed 928 &i 987 04 BOWKN PRFCiNOT noD Fvmju Halai.ce 8929 80 ... Tax.cuilncti.ina 405 27 85 07 Pboteht Fcm BAlsnce . .W H Tuxe paid under protest 164 61 860 54 Personal. Fckda In Pah Tajh- Balance Mi 24 K.cive.t 20 00 15i C4 MlftCaXLAKBoO I OD4 - B.lau.e 225 00 i oiIi-ciii.os 449 46 647 45 w lie lefl latr and sMe dwl Sunday. We ate so sorry for lhm as slm aa thi-ir milk cow and a VD 1011 but Iter titur had cum. UNO. The highest cash price paid for hides at J. W . Ricedorffs. Mr. E. F Pontius was quit ick on nifhl last week and from what w learn was near d-athdnor for a lima. The trouW was scut n' rala-i" T th heart, Wa ar (find to say tho that aha is herself attain, and much ciedil can be rien to I sr. Pliinney for his promptness and quick diajtoosisofthecasaor would ha baeecallad upon lo writ differrntl from this. lbnw doctor com ana k. n(t hat lir. Plilnnev has been a bl man homes in thia county and if kaaw where r apeak ha wiU ooatiotiato '4Maa rysantcoaa. Statement. 1804 both iutluive: Pid at ate Tre i. t'omnnaiona 33499 86 1-3 77 3iSi 13 Warraiita redeemed CnumiNioo lUlaac 5819 ?9 415 OH 168177 791614 Commisaioa Btlaoce 25 210 51 210 76 51 15 21 91 2-)6 51 Wamnt rieemd ' Bitam.'e 67 83 2 10 o (Ml 173 04 U M 63 2630 95 1 0 24 57 25 87 WarraniH -tcnwl Trtiiierreil tit olhi-r fu-.d C a.WMon Balance 'o nnii'i-ion Btiante Pull tax receipts i kiinnif sion Balance 624 00 65 03 515 55 120 18 896 7 63 8S9 39 405 98 40H0 41 79 70 4094 19 8254 30 67 37 2 53 1925 78 199 68 140 00 112 47 27 44 419 08 738 9 2131 22 31 51 2163 3 1" 271 46 zfToi Transferred to road district 'om mission Balanca School orders piid i omnnssions Balance Intvrtt coupons redeemed omtnission Bulaace Interest coupons paid Paid village treasurer Commission Bilai.ce Pa d state treasurer Co iiiiiissiiiii ( ommissiiiU Balance Commissioa ft 45 A" 15 to Jt) l?ul i ert'i flexile hold, rs t:&!aae 6.14 91 352 12 987 04 701 00 47 43 8580 64 385 07 Ml 73 H79 HAH IntennH onupoK" iinitatsSK'm Baiano leiteemed Rsfuoded r Carried Is fuea Balaaca 84.ftni'r la 84 U9 46 Tranforid to other f.n.i Balaaoe 647 4iM64 t lot.' I c ssli on liot N o ucadfc; r K'r'-ted arriiU oclMmidiruf CAUL M. LUX. (I..1111' v 1Ve.'!"Jnr. A car load ol til- urock cna Chat. Uiinl The coram Itwiouer are id i this wrk. tkHU Hjruin ( laus Clmsleaaeo is up from Moatroa i ttm k Archi- c,,, Wt lor oraud Wand it Saturday nio;alUr apeooioK at hum. Mis Hatli OVonner left for Indian creak Bunday wher she will teach school at Mr. Nolaoa. Mairison haa a prrocher at last, R. v. A. B York arrived hr from Wlsci.nsio last Fndv laornitig and AIM the pulpit imih nioriuntf and evunnur Sundav. W ,0 hop hi health will proTe good her arid that tha work of the cnurcn win prov good profrr by his efforts. Both aartAOM&aaar wr taemrief . BOUQUET Don't Agree In Politics. BUT ,They Do Agree To Sell More For The Same Money Than Any Other House In The North West. REMEMBER That we carry a full line of Dry Goods and Notions, Boots and Shoes, Groceries Flour and Feel. Everything Carried In A General Store. . : BOURRET & DAVIS. GERLAGH & SONS Will sell you the best "HOT BLAST HEATER"-on earth. There you can buy a first class suit of clothes. In Gents furnishing goods they keep the best Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes And such other goods as are kept in a general store. They sell at bottom prices. THE PALA SALOONes) '-IN ANDREWS BLOCK ." Tht 'finest line of ' wities, liquors and best brands of tig art. THEO. SAGERT, Proprietor. You Are - t jl ! T That's what it's here for: To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store. Give us a trial Yours for Business, Don't Buy This Kind of a Seperatoi ButBuyaSHWPLES TUBULAR oi Aron Sit? a Harrison, Nebr I I From what we can glean from the dil ti wa paper and other sources t here will be quite a rail road boom in Wyoming this year and the bij frovernaiem can... tha north Piatt Will give plenty ol ork besides putting lots or money ir circulation in this part of the county. MaIHOKD On last Fridav, Andrew Kline or Manville, Wyo. and Mary E. Ril-y ol Y 'ik ton 8. l ink. er united it the hoi v hoods of matrimony by Jud. W.lhermsdorfer. Thy took the wei bound trin Saturdiy mnrnitif; 'or M " villa where they will make their futur. l ow Mr. Kline is a black smith bv trnd and is thinking mfthuiK of local inpr in Harrison at some future dute. Tin JOTJUfAL Mtenda beat wish. Si DAVIS Goods In The Next 50 Dayt Reading ThisJ TTtAT'S RIGHT; A. L0WRY. ! H Sfr,Ta.W0.S5T,TICI'Y J IS'OS VIPFW IK tt . i j (im i,;tor i f Til Dolphin as Target, 81 torpedo boats were rer.enUy told ff to destroy the dolplilns. which an playjog bavoc with the sardine ia Douarnanex bay. France. Floating Bait Is to be ttsed, and the beet marks men on the vessels are to be provided with rifle to shoot the dolphin. Hereditary Musician. Frof. Henry Appy. vioflnlst, who 4led at Rochester, N. Y., recently, ag aaventy-elght, ws the son of the lead er of the orchestra In 'he chapel at William of Orange. Largest Photograph. The largest photographic pletnr la listen-: is being exihUed to Berlin, (t is about 40 feet by I teat, and rep. raacnta a rta C tj Bay tt fWaplaa. -A U i n L ' J "1 ,,. i. r ' .r v,