HOPE ? FOR MB. NlfcftltHa marsh (G .'-rV.X A VICTIM OF LA GRIPPE. Mri Hrtirietta A. S. Marab, 7'IH W hh St., !( Arurelea. 'a.. F'rei lent "iniinn'ii Iieti'iS'(it Aaa'n. n-ritea: " tutfered with la grippe tir teven week, an J nothing I voull do or take helped me until I tried Pvrutia. I fil at .() ! tifid S! Stfurnl thr riitlit in-. Ik i i i- and 1 U.i 'ri.iiij ui:T'ivui itr.in three w fully r.-Htori-d. and I inn glad ''in' rate Ihrtt tnilr -rt-;it remedy trial will ne..r u mtilimit it h.ioi." In Later ilatml Ant'iKt SI. Mr Mmh a.r; "I Ii.ifp never yet li r t h- ii-eey of IVritm qiirmiour 1. HV rill uxf It. 1 iravcitMl ihroiiKb IC.-n lucky ant) Tetm three jiir ti licra 1 f oitit't I'rruiin d-.ini: it K'mil Turk. Mueli i.f it in boing u.. re also" Henrietta A. K. Minli, Aid re llr. I lrt tun ti. I "r :l-rU of 5 ha Ilartimo Kaiii!ariuu, (Joluuiltua. hio, Ahlt yonr druggist for fr (Vruna Almanac or l!of. TbeOhpyto pagoda Id llurmah Is lit on a huiie rocking U ne poised an another at a height of 2,000 feet. Mn. Wliiklow S00T)1IX() 8YRITP lor rhll trao lthin(, aoltant tin unn rlin ln(la aMUoa.allart paiu currt oollo I'rl. J6c buttla. UNITED STATES IUPORTINQ CANADA WHEAT IS NOW A FACT err k m miMro-r eaB IK W 111 1U 11.NAII4 af mi at a. VH wbMt Umi U, MmMn.&t, (iiitaito.i th r. I If HI .l(H.a TO I lit: Al f(K. aW Ml u4 tUf ro, . iiM J II4 tufi'Unttr .UiMId '.l Mfcwli na a rMMilal nwkwb fMlilUM Arp!r forlafrttoii toanpartnt antor lmruitfT S-l, tHLw. fenMflk.oi u . '. . tlitifi.,a io, t Ul Mut4ia(, Vull, Mk , Amh rix2 t.o.rgru.ui aata. Hmm mi akara faa tala alrartlmaat. 1 cleer woman, a Snjtematic fcouaekeeker has lo her kitchen a ma'l. pine table, with casters no It, and a three-Inch railing around the op. After a meal she pus'it-s the able Into the dluln room nod on It fibs dWhrs and food, thus saving otb time and strength. Oue trip lakei the ladt'n table hick loth kk-clien sink, where dlihwas ln a 'so la lifhtenod by putUru the clan Ishes i,n the pnrtaDlo tnhlo, to be aaturued tu the cliltia clt a. AVf Ccfallc Preparation for As- slmila l in3 Hie Food and Hc ula -tins Die Slaiivicte and Llowels of Promotes Digeslion.CrWrfiir- ness atal Ke.Ht.i'ontains ncilltcr )jnwn.Morilune nor tuicral. IS' O T K .vn C O T I c . 4aw mroujSANvnrmsBr A perfect Remedy forConsHpa Tton.Sour Stoguch.Diarrtnefl VVbrms JLVhtvuIsiuiis .Fevvr tsh nnt and Loss or Sleep. Pac Simla Siffnalura of NEW YDTIK. I- V 4 j) Am W- . It appears tl.at the rouog oluo teerofrorln question ai conver sion with ceruio regular army officers near General Corbm'a tent, wrien General Grant and hi stall Passed. The regular rftiera are aua saluted but tbe volunteer lltu teoaut at auil. "Tbat wd, f.-.oeral Grant," aaid one tit tbe recurs to the lieu'eoact. "Why didn't y,u salute him?'' "Ob" responds the voluateer. nonchalantly "I've only been here a tn.ducd."-J(,HiefB for December 3. A DANGEROUS I'LOT. Chinese Liunaoman "Me waulee 1' aro play fo itualiee." "So teicuetj otbel Chlnecuiao washes-wash how play foul bailee." "l'ueu what?'' at. . Leo wajfo back to China liclae Japanese lUee siity." arid Leechts when applied to persistent klsarette auok r. dou off rtr rii. tlnct tracfi of tbe pois-jnoua od iivenoff bytobacoj b. lnif found In Hiem. .StraniKly cnouKl), the same eperl(u.-nt tn-. !ip,,n f s,ve p(l)P, siiiiiitcia rescind iu uo apparent In jury to tbe leechi s. OiiisutuptlDn u a rare dlgas-j in Japan, hveo In wiuter couglia are of rare cx-currenre, and this d.spite Ibe fact tint tin reil Japanese do not beat their room anylbli g moie than anbiiachl a tiuy charcoal stuve. Io proof that the monkey pi.ssessj 8' tue or the ct aracienstlci of man, a practical illustration was witnw-sen rect-ntly in Lincoln Park, U)lc;.o. A hlrf rnofilicy, tennwn k "J ,; " atumhied npou n une vhlsky. He drann It, and in a liltle vhlle t..can,e quancUonif, and viciously thtash-d bin wife and two lit lie ones. SOMK HOI'K. Editor "Vci there In vacancy o our sian. What exp rhricc have voi nan?" Anpij-ant "i was once editor of a jolieue weekly." "Ilunhl Md you give satisfac tion?" "No ;I was kicked out." "Take that desk there." PILL PICTURES. Patent Mtdlelne Mn "I want some pictures of pretty and health? children, to use lu my advertisements of my juvenile phis." Photographer "Very well; I'll start for L melfvllle tomorrow, where I can find plenty of healthy chtldreo, for thr re Isn't a doctor or a drug store in the whole county." O N E HOPE LK FT. Judge "Can't your husband Hod work?" Complainant "Indeed he can, but ne's tnat lazy he'd not wotk if we wce starvln', sir." Judiie (kindly, to prisoner) "You should do someihlng to support your family. Why don't you become laoor agitator?" Thomas Yates, of Toledo. Ohio now in bis eighty-second year, is b llev-fd t j be tho s ile survivor on this side of the Athntier f the "uoole six hundred" win oj.ido the famous chirgeat the battle, of Halaklm, Oct ob' r 25, 18V4. He recently celebrated the lifHeth annlveraary of that event mnmrtaliied by Tennyson lo bis "ChH'go of the Ltiiht lirU'ado." Ih.'re are :!U raiway passeng-r, strtlons wlihiti twelve miles of St. Paui's LoiMou. oaaawiiUtaaaBaiTBiiiki Tbo Kind Yon Haro Always Boajrlit, and wLlch Las beca la use for over 30 years, lias borne tho sl-nature of Rd lias bci'n mailci uniler i 1st ,cr- CL&7tt&s eonal supervision inoo its infancy. ury, tccuK Allow no one todcmlve yon In thin. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are Imft llriK ririH iits that trifle with and endanger llio health of Infants and Children JExperieuce against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Gnstoria in a barmlesa onbstltnte for Castor Oil, Pore porie, Drops and Sooth In Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotfo substance. Its agre Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fererlshnesa. It cares Diarrhoea and 'Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Trouble!, cores Coustlpatloa and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The ChJidren'a Faanaoea The Mother's Friend. CBHUiriC CASTORIA ALWAYO Bean tho The Kind Yon Bare Always Bongtt In Uea For Over 30 Year. a kn(x:k ikjws argument. ISkeptlc "You have gtveu me many messages from oeparted ft leads, but not one cf them has told me anything I didn't know." Medium with dignity) "I would have you understood sir, that th; spirits of tbe dnad have sotaethlut: Utter to do than to come back to earth and teacb school " Saiony has seven special Industrial 'Chools founded for the sole purpose of training locksmiths and black ami lbs. Ii)llii( Ureat Work. Klor!sntit. Slo.. Dec. !. Speclsl.) Tlirit ixxtd's Kidney Pills are ddnir a grent work iu curing tbe more terrible forma of Kidney Liisoase. aiich us Uriht's ileaiie, DropKy and Diabetes, eyervbixly knows. Hut It must also he noted that tbey aru ddhijt a mill greater work In wiping out tb iiiManili of cnaes of the enrller t-tnes of Kidney DUeuxe. 'lake, for luatauce, Urs. I'eter Ba;--teiui of thin ple. SU ays: 'i have been subject to p.-iltis In my t ack timl knes for aho'it tli'ea yenrs, hot p!no I have Iihi d iklni iod.l .5 Kid.-iey I'lKa I hava beeu entirely cured " ';! here fil "("nr storlej. In f iet, Iu this purt of Missouri there are heorea of people who have cure! tlie early ayuipiouis of Kidney Disease with Dodd's Kidney Plila. The use of the Grt-ut Aineri- aii Kidii'-y rn - Iv thus aavei not only the Uvea of Kid ney llhcne vh'tltos. but Uiuim.'iiid of other Ainerivans from years of suCTer- il.JJS. Fo'ind Gold in Nebraska. Itiif sv.m In Nflira.ka Real E.tale will Ci d tlii iru. Now In the tlm to get. lo on t!.o Ki"..uimI fl'Mtr. v havi s rn t'ht.ir inTtono! . W Hip ui fur fgrtlior luf ,rai.i"ii. Sparrows are vain ilt.tlc biros, an will f')- hours gaze at their plum t," In mlrr'jrs If left iindls' urii d. Ttire l mora Cimi in tlili awtton of tlia awionirv than nU mmr ,1 i-k( s jhiI toyHiiir. aui.t uuiil Ilia lH,t f yfJirs ivh, mijuio wl w i hi iiihM. her a crrnt iiimuv yfan ilisa.iis eo oihiu-(I It a io'-.il ia'-'i . ana ervc;ntl reiur.li"". anil by i'im .raimy lii.hiia In nira w':. .iK-al lntliiiftit jaonohn-'wil It In- uevl'la. s,'tei -ha. pintru r.varrli In I a eiin-iHiitiiiii.il aw aa, ana llieirtnra rciw.roii coii-titulloiial lre:l. mi'iit. Hall s t Hliirrn ( are. mruiulw'tiirwl by i 1 I nonav at Co.. 1'ilmln. ohm. U lii enly i-mi ttlttitloiial rure mi the niaiket. It l.i taken lu triimlly in t!o-KK (inin III ilroei, to a Iwi-.shiiiiii It ai l illniHIy on tlia t lood Hud nne ous hut (airs ot Ilia hyslem. Tliwy offer nna huiiclro dollar tor any cumi It laiu to cure. Bead In elrviilari anil U tiiinni.:ils. AJilron, F, .1. (.Hl-.NRV Si CO.. Tolano. ( Hnlil by 1riirsfiats. TNi. Hull I hauilly I'llla are tlia Wt The elephant In bis prime sleep only (ivo ht urs a night, and the oldei he isrows the less sleeps be needs CUTICURA SOAP. Tha World'a (ireatrat 6kln Heap Th htaiidnrd of Every Nation of l Kirlh. Jlchona of tha world'a beat people ic (hiticura Soap, asHiaied hv Cutiouia tlia meiit. Ilia pnreat and awofiest nf i-ne hi nt akin cures, for preaerviuK, piirifyii ami heH'JlifyniK the akin, for cleausii the acalp of erusta, aealea and ilandiu, mul the "tepiiiiiK of falling hair, for aid etiiiiK. wliitHiiinx anil aiitliiiiK rd, roiu and aore lifl mis. for baby rashes, it iiisa ami rhulinifs. and ninny siirinfiy antiseptic pnrpoaea which readily sngge lliemselrii to woman, especially runlliei Ba w ell aa for nil I he purposes of tl toilet, both and nurxerv. The Hrltish Museum contains ovei two million volumes of printed boot and matiUscrlps, which are siored tip or forty miles of shelving. Germany exported last year ove' M0,0o0,000 worth of books and work of m. Kiig aod and the Unite Stites were h r best customers. During twelve hours an av ntvje o it.iW) foot passi.i'neis pa.-sed o.i; hlackfrli'is Hih'ije, 115,3:11.1 over jjh- d-au itreige, and 24.920 over Sou ii. walk l:i.:i I-'..' S lj f 4 V Signature of SIKLCK BY A Ml I OR. It ! iOIhle that some of the mya iTioiH dis.iifieniiH-es of Mliips at sea eaa-x'd by falling meteor. The b-inee that soi l) a mass may strike h ee i.i in, i,.sf possible than many Iher rtrartKe hiippeniri,; of tbe oe,-a:i .-(irlil. There Is a uiettNiri.. Kton- in Wiltll Anietle.i weihin thirty tlMll .'md I'ouiiilM. iind Vale College jiois-i'ts-o'H a ffi'. - H. -id whieli weighs sev ntveu bundled and forty pounds. iSnell , projectile is. f course, camble of itiiling the stmitesl emit to the hot orn. About twenty years ago a hir? uetm,r burst above a Dutch hark, mid oe portion, looking like a ball of lire, i ll iieiir the vessel ami caused a gre;it ojinaotioii of water iitnl cross oeas. the lieut was intense for 11 moment. Uieu Ki lly, In the New York levelling 'ost, rites of a similar oecunvneu les-rihed by a witness in th" person if an old Danish sailor. Wo wi-re becalmed hi the I'acliV. n .. moon whs shining clear, and as Ju te was nothing to l.eep u lookoi.t ir, tiie uieu were drowsiiig under the IwUvaii.-J. I was Ic.iniiig o-.ci- the rail, ooking at a hrigjuithie that hud drli't 'd Into the c.ihn nboiil three miles lo he Btarlioiu'd. S'e hail not siok-;i i"f and did not know who she was, !tt by her hiiild 1 jmlged her to hi til Amerieiiu. I do not know of any )tle r era ft meeting the fate of th.-'t iliganline. 1 do n it sny it never hap pened before or s'u. e, because Ktrimgu .bin ml old. I 1 s sire iilv. aya haipening ut sea, some of the slraugest never g.-t 1 fallen into a div-iny doz- when startled broad awake by a bright in tho sl-.y. I.noking up, I saw. at hall or tire rushing down "h the air n-lant, m.-ikti"; a fit ;ti-es-'iig it-. as II ramK. Thu nliiio.d I 'j:; led me, and I could hio tig. -e Ii( thing but tie- lierv uleiini on tint r. It must, have been traveling I. e os! !.e a i iiiiioo bull. In the glare I -;tdit of il lig.iuline. and then id a crashing Hound, and tin; hull e (iii-ai-jicared, leaving everythhig before my eyes. lien I tot, my sight buck I could lot see a Ira. e nf the brigatitiue. I oald hardly believe my own eyes, but ti no direction was so much as a spur o sight. A rising and fulling of snort avs showed where the Khooi.ing star i.id gone into the sea. That was just shore the brigantine bud been. The light and noise aroused the vatch on deck. I sent n man aloft hi u-e it he could make out anything of he vessel. Thinking sonic- pour fellow night lie floating where the brignuthii: vent down, I sent it search boat. All t brought back was a bit. of .scorched leek phiiikiiig. That, was the only lace of tlie briganline. We never tarnisl her mime or anything about icr. 3E CAUTIOUSABOUT MEXICO. it la Not an J m itinit Field for Men ol Kuuy-Goinur Mcthoda." To the young man whoso eyes an. limed toward Mexico as a country iresenting great opportunities for tie luiring wealth without capital or spe cial training, the information em- !odied in a recent report of our con- mi at Mexico City should be timely md valuable. Much that Is in this consular report las been said before, but It will boar ,'reueut. reiteration Itecstuse of III' lingular tendency of Americans to re- f f 4 l-i t Mevjeo ti s i! liro'nlaliig lend fol" he pioneer. The type of pioneer wh ipetied up the wcKloru eouniry for cUleuient is likely to fall In Mexii") for the leason that the loniifi'V is nl i-ldy fairly "el net tied and llie d---olojiniclit of i's resome 'S inlli f.il fipital nod special t.ciinical (mining 'J he ou-.tiiar rert wii.-ns .v. ui ri ails of the dangers and loss -s atletul og an indis.-i i.ubiate ein giali'm so li hla.'.ed the way for cl ll'zatioit hi in- uestern countiy. There is rooai tmty for men with capilal or technical knowledge or both. If one Is nol pos icssed of export te 'bubal knowledge 3r uhiiity in the Industries that flour ish in Mexico one niusl bo able to s , Mire the services of icon w ho are tints Hjuippcd. Cupital will not extrtut ealth from the national resources of Mexico unless It can eoniniiind thif icrvlees of the trained mining en fineer, the l-ained architect, the trained velerii,. . iau, the Hklhed ntrl niltiuisl. In addiiioii to technical iklll, or the ability to employ It, tho cporti urges a spenking knowledge of ;he r-'pani'sh language, without which he chances of success. It declares, an; txeeedlngly small. The report warns young men Jgulnst taking any sto-k In the story thout: the "easy-going methods of Mexico." The strain of the climate mil tho tussle with the elements s rerely tax the energy and strength. Tor he man of great physical energy tvtio knows how to take 'r of hlm lf nnd who possesses ca Ital or tech ileal ability there fire great opportun ities for making money hi Mexico. The Out Ailkite. Paine Jones Weren't you surprise! o hear that that occentrlc Johnson md the rich drl he married were sep irated? Wesley Church Not at nil. I wan rotijrht up to expect that a fool and its money will soon bo parted. Woui in's Home Companion. IO lor a Buliallinle. "Money does not bring happiness." "No, . but a man can get a fairly food imitation going to look for It in a wlvate" car' Tlirnols 'Slut Journal. A boy has no money, but be ill tbe circuses and ball games lie same. jusl yggi fear) iThe letters of Miss ture is printed above, and Miss Claussen, prove beyond question that thousands of cases of inflammation of the ovaries and womb are annually cured by the use of Lydia E Pinkhamfs Vegetable Compound, "Dear Miis. Pivejtam: Gradual loos of strength and nerve force told ma something '-van radically wronr with me. I had severe shooting pains throught the pelvic organs, cramps and extrerno initatiori cora pelled mo to seek nmdic.il advice. The doctor said that I had ovarian trouble arid ulceration, and advised an operation. I strongly objected to this and decided to try Lydia 12. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I soon found that my judgment was correct, and that all the good things naid alxiut this medicine were true, and day by day I felt less pain and increased appetite. The ulceration soon healed, and the other complications disappeared and in eleven weeks I was once more strong and vigorous and perfectly welL "My heartiest thanks are sent to you for the great good you have done me." Sincerely yours, Mas Margaret Msrklxt, 87 Third St, Milwaukee, Wia. i fllss Claussen Saved from a Surgical Operation. A- ft fruitless operations cost me. It the women who are suffering, and the doctors do not help them, will try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound, they will not be disappointed with the results. Miss Clara M. Claussen, 1307 Penn St., Kansas City, Ma S5000 FORFEIT " sannnt forthwith vwii iimiTHia, waiaa vui pnin Old Inhabit im (loitbiin at Cross (toads grocery) "Talkln' ah.ut crop fil lures, I remember a time whe eob'e had to eat up all the fa m I ck ani toon live on the fodder dt tin f had saved fer toe cattle " Oid.-r Inhabitant "iluh That's l iihiii'. Wiiy, I recoll'ct the time iv'iin provisions got so 8; area tnat he stirvin' farmers hed to go our U thiol an amitoor sports nan fer lioiicr, an then cook him with the w..oJ from the 'No Trespass' signs.' Sale Ten Million Bozes a Yearl 3 THE FSSIILT'S CANDY CATHARTIC I0c BEST FOR There are more blind people mun ;he Spaniards than among aoy other European race. W i' i i k GT!ARANTKKT CURE FOR PTT.ES. Ilobintr. Blind, Hleaainu or Prutnirtlnir llles. Vourdruiorismili reruna uionejir lAi01N iv UCNT laila to aura ton In 1 to 14 Ua. hio. The Czar of Russia, with 90,000. 100 acres Is the bignest landowner Id the world. taVflBsVaBBPaffjElaffflEM aa, WlHWelaj Cmiak. Brmirhiin and A.tliraa. A curtail atira for Ounaanipiina la J t aiam. ami ra railaf I. 4yc,.la.. "mnS ,icii.m anart artar taklaa tha i rat anaa. SnlS by nVa ar, amjaaaia Cam UtMHMUH(alMa -,waaam?rt Merkley, whose pic "Dear Mrs. Ptnicham: It seems to me that all the endorsements that I have read of the value of Lydia E. I'iTikham's Compound do not express one-half of the virtue the great medicine really possesses. I know that it saved my life and I want to give the credit where it belongs. I suf. fered with ovarian trouble for five years, had thres operations and spent hundreds of dollars on doc tors and medicines but this did not cure me after all. " However, what doctors and medicines failed to do, Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound did. Twenty bottles restored me to per- feet health and I feel sure that had I known 01 its value before, and let the doctors alone, 1 would have been reared all the nain and exnense that prmtoaa thaortftnal latura a4algBMuSt i n-ir ammur.n gmiuinenaae. It. has heen rinlH "Itb ?5press!0n9 of anxiety that tbe birth rate in the largest German tons Is steadily derreasirg. Kspr-eially Is this tha as". In Rerlln, Obarlottentorg, Ham btuK nnd Crefeld. It has been remarked that the !n treductlon of street csrs in England towns diminished the consumption Of beer. Now the workmen ride noma In the evenings, without halting at the beer shops thus Favltg money and benefiting their health. FAVORITE MEDICINE THE BOWELS a-St&ai. Spider mothers remember their off prirg after an abseoce of twenty hours, but forget them when a full nay has elapsed. Two bottle, of Pi,,'g c fw c, nmntloB curH ma of . t.rribl. coart -t red H.rmsDj. 209 Boa avwiu.. Buffila, On American rallroids annually 675,000,000 passi naers are carried 81. 600,000,0110 miles. TOCUIllmtnianaa... rtnijrt,t ratling ti,, monov It at failatooar a W. Urova antia tara la m baa. aj Twelve strikes at ten pins was r. oently made by AL Jlns,'at Seat tle This equals tbe best record Is tbe world. . BECCS CHERRY COUGH SYRU? cures coughs and colds. ai 5, J U. SM - a YUKK HKI UMbaafjsBBsaat rM ;i If r