Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 29, 1904, Image 3

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I'OtHHOS IHrlM U II 1 1 1. IM.AI.IIl
lbtn M-li, All llri'Lo. Klllr.l
til Sialwr ii Jwred Lareu-o-
Kit f SlaMM. liuaetl
Herd otthr limy.
PlIlLAULl'HIA. CauBlit iu a
Imp aod helplss to save themselves,
three men lost their liv. sand four
others, including Lie. Wtiliatu Cole,
were terribly Maided by a lush of
steam and billing water lu tbe tire
tooiu of tbe htttlebtp Missuchuv
tte, lying at tbe L:tgue Island navy
J be eecideot was caused by tbe
giving way of a gasket r lubbet
washer on a boiler on tbe starboard
aide f the sblp.
r Oa Massachusetts has been at tbe
ntTf yard f i ome time undergoing
it' a-dve tepalrs pmieularly lu I be
Mil r and ruaehiuery. Tue boiler
B) wbicti tbe accleeut occaried bad
ttoUy liter) gleaned and thoroughly
testes! and Uie botkrmikers were at
sroik m another bo.lcr. Without
warning tbe gasket between the
boiler plate and the boiler head gave
way anal a terrltl.' rush of steam and
b water ocirred. The doors oi
tie Mre room were cl std at tbe tins
and tbe oijIv avenue of escape was a
jafely ladder. Or.ly one ruan. Kram
tat, a ship's fireman, thought of tbe
ladders, and h esaped without a
Few on tbe upper decks new what
had happeuei until the steam can a
ruohifjf up from tbe seething pit.
The work of rescue wag prompt, and
to this promptness those who escaped
cha b owe their thanks. The first
to euur tbe lire In Is was Lteuteuam
fcolc. Wl'lu.ut besitatn g at h eoiu
loe" scalded by tbe hoi water aud
steam In gv red quickly iu unO
dragged taV men from tbe place t
tbe dour where they were taken In
charge by cth-rs. Hub and Hamil
sou W'-re dtad when found and Kn
it I died a fi w minutes after belt, g
taken on d'ek.
VH.eihcr tbe gasket was d-fcctlve
or whether It bMd bei:o carelessly put
Id place remains for Die otliclal couit
af Inquiry to de ermine, It Is said
the boiler had been thoroughly over
hauled and tested under a tremetid
aus pr84iie of sLeaii. At tbe time
f the accident t ie steam pr ssure
w.s only sufficient to run ihu ship's
heating p'aot.
Tue accident will cause little or no
delay In prcpirlng tbe battleship for
In The Cleveland Jill
CLKYE!,AN1.-Mrs. Chadwlck's
list nltiht in the county Jail was pas
sed In a comfortable manner, accord
ivu to her own statement, and she
w is not only contented with her sur
roundings, but e pressed bere)f to
tbe mation, Mri. Hall, as being de
llgnted at being again "wit i her
fihndiln Cleveland." She retired
tc her call a abort time after 12
o'tlock but was nut abe to sler p for
several hour'), not awakening until
kfier 8 o'clock. A physician wiii wis
jlled at tier request, dt-cl tred that
she was surTerlox from nervous anri
physlial exhiutti n and wmld ror,
for several days, be in a prop -r c-i -dlilun
to a t nd to buslnrst matters
She aooouncd that she felc tired,
but "pretty well for all that." Sh
w. illced for a short time bp and down
tins corridor outbid the mitrun'si
quarter aft r llslnw ,but sud that
she dM ru t Care for any breakfast
bnt II later,
, The first people to call at th
Jail lo see her were her son, E oil
II. Over and her nurse, Freda Swuis
torrn. Tne taster crrce d w i Irom
Mrs. Chartwli'k's home with some
lothlnu for Mrs. Chadwlck and s nne
It n n for her bed. Hnth tba nurse
and Emil were allowed to see her lor
a short time, the torse reaiainluu
I'ter the ynunir una had l fl the
(ail. Wbeo informed bv tbt matron
I tbe extent of the )nll iu nu card
the prls"n r eiptess d hers. If hs not
iillstted with the prospect and askid
that armnuerrents be made with a
h'.tel close by to sending meals
This was done and at 10 o'clock she
trailed tor her hreakf.it. Me ate
liifhtlv but spciiifd In better spirits
after dclnii so tbaa sbe bad been
, vueo she ar'e.
F remm KHied
CnrOAOO.-Kat mill train No.
11, eufct bound on the G'ulcau", Itu
finirton Q lincy rauial, wis
ncked two mil s w st of Mrlsi I
111. Oicar Johnsm tlreru n. wis kll
fe d arid KnKlner John Oow.ircy Wjg
pr ibioly fatally Injured.
! CI NCI N NA'ITI, t K Ifss Of he
tween ll'O.OUO aodl was stts
tsined I rum a tiro which started In
tbe Ohio Seat company's plant arid
pr id to an artJoinloK bulidiUK oc
'vupled by the Ktnl.j,h Kurre Anch ir
iaon-ry and a di linj houe, all
hree btflng rtejtroyed. Fo:lolnn si
aloseiy on the two Mies of Tuesday
ft n ht and c ruing define tin hr. iu"ii
lixd diilsned work on tbe 17.5,000 li e
In tbe Maun lllh Carbon Piol fao-
ttlM i Til I Mi 1 II SV II A tit VU
W.Nfclt T4.M.M. fllKl AI.IUII1
Mlnklng of KuUa Shiva la Carwc
bat 1h U aat Tk
Kvidii r r.flVell-
CFIK O0. -Seven BuMlans is
civillao Karb. but military tralnlni
ob'lous In their bearlun, arilved Is
an opts sailboat, ei'tyinii dixpalebes.
Diey were uui llnif to talk and
went injiuediately to tbe ltusnKja
consulate. A blgb wind enabi d
tiiem to n ike a qolek pasMaue from
i'ort Arthur.
PasseoKers who arrived here frem
tbe Kwanif Tunu penlnsul i conrJrm
t ie trutofi.lness of the olllclal Japan
ese seports of the slnkirgof tbe vari
ous Kussian tblps rici mly at I'ort
Arthur. They buy the Japanese
wi old have been able f accomplish
this in the past two merthH, but ap
parently preferred to us their nuns
gainst tbe Russians loilitary fores.
It Is believed ti e destruction of the
linsslan ships Indicates that the, Jap
anese have dbaerioned the hope of
capturing the hrt nss. The J pan
es lost three torpido boats within
the past month by mines, the last
one sink Inn riurlnu the nltfht attack
of Deo."ujbai 14 r n the Kussian bat
'lesiiip Savistopol. Tbe OhtinK dur
iritf whMi Oi Meter hill wai cap
tured ws terrltio, that achievement
-lione S'Stlnur tbe Japaiiese 12 k)
eisua tles. The Jai ane-.e have been
unable to e;-up? the uf-l eicept tor
ohservdtlou. Th-y tuve taken n--ne
or tiie lernaliilriK f vs. Thchteam
ers, la-lcn wiHi aumiunlllon and pro
visions, ran tbe blockade of Port Ar-th-ir
in the past forti.lht, and
-bcraara bluh h ps that the for
tress c.ill hold out for many no'iths.
Tie J;ip.inse are aheged totede
pretstd at their unsuccessful sacrl
Uce of live.
Tbe sailboat In which tbe Russians
reached Cbe too left J'ort Arthur un
der cover of a snow storm aud bad a
terrible experience in crossing. Tne
ran were Dearly frozen when tbey
-ade tbls port and wereuoablvtn
I'ave the boU without assistance
The Russians brought a lare number
of dispa ches.
MOKDEN.-Cpoo arrival of Geo
ral Kaulb-rs, cussmandr of the
third army, here from liar bin, be
was received br guard of honor.
headed by a bind of music au3 oy
Gener.ili .SikbarotT and Uillerln.
lie made a btief speech, conveying
tbe emperor's urcetloirs. (General
Kaulhars then continied bis Join.
oey to Ch luslamututi, wheie he had
conference wlib General Kur pit-
brisk cannonade is progressing
al 'ng tbe center.
The Japanese aie scpnlying th
Chinese t oor8 in tbe ntdnhb-irhood
of Mnmir.tin with artillery. They
hive already delivered eighty Krupp
ST. rKTERSHURG.- Captain
Clado, who was dntiched from Ad
miral Rojcsi vensiry's sqmdron to ap
pear as a wlti esi before tne Internat
lonal romoiisslon. and ln was ar
rested for criticizing the Admlraltv
and Grand Di.ke Alexis, the iilh ad-
mlrul. ha-i been rel-aed iiv ord.-r lt
the G and i'uku Al xls, who con-itd-
eied that his punisuiuent lor Infraoi-
on of the rtnul Ulor.s Is sullielent.
The captain will go to 1'ari.s ,is a wit
ness before tbe commission.
Hva R-e to Secu e Bnby.
SIoUX CITY, la. A race for
Iowa soil t' ok place thlswck be
tween George L. Hutib-ird of Dixon,
No , and tils dlvon ed wife. Eirly
ibis week, Huhbard who was di
v.nced on his wifi's r-utt and com oil
ed t'i submit to a Judgment f r 1-1,500
alimony last week, went to the boiui
of bis orotber where his wife was
staving and took their chill. The
wife saw him d a ppearing fioro th.
house with th" e ping child, which
she says, he had snatched from a
bed. Sne pui&uei and s.ioo a nurnbei
of cltUms raised a hue and cry.
Ilubhud was Jailed, but prompth
secured his freedom and went a'tet
tne child again. Mrs Huhharl ban
rletTiolned to flee the state. He
boarded th s.imu train wltb ber and
attempted to take the bby from bei
Secrets y . i ruaaed.
WASHING ION -S ct.tary .Taft
will make an !T rt to secure from
the present congress tariff l.isUtli n
for the i'nlllpj.n s along the lines re
comm -ridel In ills annual r p rt tc
the president, he w It have a c.'o'er
erice with Chalrm a l'jyno of th
w iys and means committee as to bit
toritier course Id the matt. r. The
sioretary is mu -h gratified over hr
favoriole act I' n of the senate oo tbt
fblllpplue olvll ffJTecuJDeut bill.
j rtriti latikn or tour jhihim
I fill Ml 1 I l T l Kl)
Olwpatrli 1 r m WMr
futiiic Hd
111 of Kiirj
lr. (( r.
Stoessel's latent dispatcher from F.-it
Arthur have bjen published but as
given out d'i not carry tbe story of
the garf.n's stubborn defenses be
yond Dtcernher 10, thus hating a gap
of at least Ave days between the fit
clal word of t e military commarder
snd the un fflrlal story of (Xmtuander
Mliieoeoff which w.is given out at
Cbe Koo. It ia no' pretended that
the dispatches are published lo full.
Tbey contaio much that is of Mat-
egle Interest and matter which It is
bovi iorIv luip'slble to disclose to
the public. The dispatches nave
been in tbe hands of E i peror Nicho
las in tee days, but their contents
were kuowo to few besides bis maj
esty and bis personal aides, I'rlnee
Oil ff aod C unt lleydoo, who decip
hered the rllsxti hes.
The at or) of the operations, as far
as ;t has been given out, Is Intensely
Inlerestlnv aod gnos that there has
b en ao almost uninterrupted ss'ult
of the iu't di-sierate cl.arac'er from
November 20 to Decebmer 20, wnen
the Japanese, after 1 si. g over 22,000
men, eaolurrd 2o'l-Meter hill an J
were anle fir m tiiat p 'sltlori to tell
the squadron iutiie Poll Arthur road
The official account e"ds there, but
it is it d. rstood that the J.inancse d i
nut occupy the top of the M l, wh ch
is still exp'fied to a deadly fire from
the Rus-inn attlllety. The Japanese
are pHsdng a plur g'ng Are from very
heavy guns from behind the crest of
the hill, but that this tire Is efficien
tly dine ed is shown by the damage
r furred hy the Km-lan squadron.
The Japam s are credited with uslntf
eleven-inch and iJxtet n-lsrh mor
tars and homitsers. The effect of
these must he most oeadly when
turned op n the reiirbboi lt;g forts.
1hj public recipiijn Of uene'al
Stoess I s despatches as a whole h
not had. Everv tolce Is loud lo
praise of GenerHl Stoesscl's defense
of Ir'ort Artbur. while the authorlihs
assert that the niatn line of forts has
n H yet been broken. The Japanese
so far hive used every device of
eniilnei rlnu skill in making ap
proach, hut wltn enormous sacrlfi 'es
bave beeo able to take only the
outer lino of defense. It Is declared
tbe garrison probably will be able to
In 11 out a considerable time yet. A
matter of considerable speculitlnn
is why the cider to take nut and
sink thcFquartron in deep water whs
not earrh'd out. The oolv expl 'na
tion (lend Is that the crews and
m ns were drafted ashore and at t e
last mom lit It was ia ptssible to
move tbe ships under tbe beavy
Japanese the.
General Stopssela dlspa'ches 1 1 the
emperor which ere u-c Ued Filday
i.iiht were iiivm our. The iirs' is
difed November 25, and is as fol
lows: "I am bappv to Inform yur waj
estv that on November 20, a'ter an
Increased h iiitiHid nenf. tne Japanese
attacked one o the ft r t s on the
torthe astern fruit and h-apei wltb a
portion of their forces on the para
pets. They were annihilated by ufle
(ire and bayonet and tlnon tack In
to the trenches. Their reserves wi-re
8!att'-red hy shrap-iel. From Nov
ember 2l tn November 2'l the etipiny
yO.Ur.liy ru.rnharrii ri the fo-ta. and I
in spite 0' izreiit icsses effected bv j
the preseseraooe a p isstjs between'
two f r i on the northeastern front.
"At 6:30 In the ev-nina of Novem
ber 23, afier beavy tlrlnif, the J .pan
ose " i-udd n'y hurled tretns. ivcs
aualnst several w rks on tbls fr nt
aud seized a pnr Ion of iio trenu us
hot tbey were thrown back by tin) ie
serves after a Deice bayonet sirutitile.
They leturned to tbe assault at mid
night and again occupied a part of
the trenche-, but were annihilated
bv our havoncs. At 2 o'cl iek In the
mominu all was over, and your maj
esty's tio-'p were abb to rest and
start repairing the damage caused
by the bum ha rtmnt.
Fsvoit Yjung Men,
WASniN'GTON. -There Is consid
erable nosslp among n-wspaper men
and other well Kforiii"d pertons In
W'Hsnlnt. n over a w II fotrnd d re
port that President Rooseveh rnav
at the outstart of his new term of
office give fuller phy to his well
known pref. renOJ for young men id
Busy Time ia Steel Worka
JIRaDIhh'K, !. Ge.ner 1 Suner
tn'endent Ctiarles . Uink y of tl e
Eiuar Thompson steel wu k an
blast furnaces of the Carnitrhi Sieel
compar.y, predicts that nxt year
will ba Iha bu lest year In the bis
tury of the Carmgie Steel c rn pan y
and has Instructed his di'uiirtm-rilal
iiead'toget their deparim niRlitO
si ch hape that the Uiigar 'J ho upon
plant can take care of the antici
pated bourn.
m..m ia na (I'tar.
8rtt CAM APriAK
r jrvlt iiid O bw Vl
luicrt-a tn IUrlwt-r
M W llie.
CL E V ELA N D. Four wltaesw
were beard in tie bankruptcy pro
ceeinKS analnst Mrs. - Cassle L.
Chadiek at which the bearing was
continued until tomorrow, when Re
ceiver Nutian Locser hr.pes to have
the woman present. Mis. Chad
wick's appearance will depend i n a
report to .'lefcrce In Uinkrcptcy Re- j
mlngton as to ber ph sical condition,
her counsel stating in couit that she
was ill, and it belmi agreed that sev-,
eial pyslclans should make an iam-.
ioation to oorrow.
Little information was received as
lo Mia. Coad iek's Jewelry or as to a .
mis-ing trunk and valise the receiver
d: sires to Ssd. The esaru'.na'loo of i
t0 of the witnesses, Eiuil Hoover, j
Mis. Cbudwick's son, and Freda
Santrorn, her maid, entered about '
three articles. From sveral adniilons
made Receiver Loeser, lioever. will
lOntlnue his Inquiry with the hopes
of locating the property.
At the afternoon session of court
B-nJaniln O. Matzer, manager of a '
Cleveland fur eompany, told of furs
aod ruts valued at 82,t0'i which were
held for Mis Cnadl-k. The pro
pile or of the same concern denied la
answer to q iisi Ion toat Mrs. Chad
wlck bad purchased a ll.fl.K) fur
llm d c iat.
Whon Attorney L. J Grossman,
counsel for the creditors was
through qu stinnlng the witness's
ho and AtKirn y Dawley had an in
lormil c inference co-iCirulna Mrs.
Chad wick's appearance before tbe
referee. Attorney Grossman insisted
that Mrs. Chaowl.K should be
brouubt into c mrt as soon as cos
Bible, saying be understood she was
unable to be present. Attorney
Dawley, then addressing the court,
q e.tloned tbe rluot to subpoena
Mrs. Chadwlck and have ber testify.
'To b.ing her Into court, lo her
presmt condition womd ba nothing
short of iobtnianlty," he Declared.
"Furthermore, Mrs. Chadwlck is un
der do ob inaiion to teat fy any
where. Nothing can unseal ber lips,
and if Mrs. Chadwlck were to oome
here and make a statement she
would ave to discharge me as hei
attorney before I would oonseot." j
Mr. Dawley asked the court to vis
it the Jail, but Referee Remington
did not care to do anything beyond
the usual way.
Mr. Grossmen said he did not wanl
to cause Mrs. Chad wick a.iy unneces
sary embarassment, but I h it he had
t en advised by pbyslcaus that siie
was In condltoioo to testify. Re
feree Kfriilnctoii then suugeted tht
the pluslcans visit Mts. Chadwlck
tomonow, and be will ann unce tils
dicisloo concerning her appearance
before court. Dr. Wall, the Jail phy
sician, said that Mrs. (J'ia1 ick wai
In bettir condition than she bis
hcen for reveral days. Sue was 3me
what weak this morning, biH fel
better during the aflertiom.
The examination of Fieia Swans
lrom,'Mis. Chadwlck's maid was tie
tiuo by Attorriey Hrossmao with a
view to securing Informatln as to the
when a'iouts Of valuable Jewels and
papers beloiglng to here nployer.
Miss Swanstrom said had heen
in Mis. Chadwlck's empoiy for six
moot .s, and accompanied ber oo all
of her trips. These numbered six or
seven, she said, and were from
Cl veland lo New York and onoe to
lh sinn. She was not the cooiid. nt
of Mrs. Chadwick, she said, and
couli not tell the purpose of tbe
trios to New York. The witness
said sue never looked after Mrs.
Chadwlck's Jewels. Mrs Chadwlck
took care of them herself. She did
not, know where they were.
Mrs. Chadwlck's son Emil was
then called. He could not teM the
pr- sent whereabouts of a truuk or sat.
chel which was removed from the
Hollond house. His mother did not
tell hlui where the property was
taken. Hoover sai l he had a talk
with Freda Matuiday night.
Sash and Door Factory Burned.
Cll IC.VGO The sash and door fac
toiyof I'hl Up Rinn fi Oo., located
at C'oshy and Haslfead street, wai
d si roved by tire, that for somti time
thr a ened to spread to to Ih rue
gis supply tanks of the l'i0(l-s' Gas
Llgt t and Cokn companv. (toluol
the tanks were foil of Illuminating
iras. an I it was o ly ty the hardest
klnl of work that the firemen kept
tne fl mi s from oven eatlriK tbe gas
tanks aud causlug ancxploloo.
,it if fie.l
K.cruit lttalnel
i It ,.ri.e.
till Jl-
All MTinV who i:l:e t i f .Ik
butit I s i-i'i-'-r. : .- v.u- "iu-
'onisl in r..i,i..Mii;i .it .i jM,-t (louUere
i ,r hi.ii.ii, ex i-j.t 1 ia the fi'vUt
f th.- t.ui-s in loi- in .ir'iy c.iy.
inioiig tin- biiti-b of rei-nols i-ai:ie a
! hin-ky f !!' nii'i w:'.s v.-ry jui-t
l,1 !i l:ki;d ! y the mi-a of Lis e-!!-aoy.
In a fw wots the m-iii
'i J.I-UW (jilietiT iilnl j si.l.V h.V liiliifielf
jet have link- h nay lo any one. One
fternoou be was -icti.J fi'oiu dress
ar.i.Ie by llie burgeon ou account of
ii-kness. Jul us piiriule wan formed
he hi fellow was st en to rush across
Le jiiinnle in front of the coiumand
r.)j olTn-. r. Iu Lis liniels he earned a
ir oT l;;ie:r.r.ii's c!l!nluir. H ron
nil at lh- foot of tbe tall fliigstiiD",
oil before he could he tupped be had
1nq..'d tin the climbers riml rucl np
he nt:' ft'. On Uie crosstntiH. half way
141, he snt. Old Glory fluttering to the
1 ireeKe over his head. 1'anule over,
I he guard, the oflii-era and many otli
r it'iitbeml at the foot .f tlw taff
Hid the man whs commanded to emne
Iowa. He paid no attention to Uie
oininaiida of any one or to tbe Uirout
Ihr commanding officer Unit lie
vould have bha shot If be did not
'oasf dovu. He took from his pocket
t juiir of field glasses and scanned tlm
ountry lu al) directions for about half
n hour, when he closed up the glass
mil deKccnrieel Into the bands of the ,
rtnird at the foot of the aUiff. As bo '
vus Iselng marewil oil to Hie guaru
K)iia be remarked:
"i did iwit w any coming."
"See any what'" insked the Mrgeant
'Why, Indians. The Mudm
tominif to attack the tiost, and I
in the watch for them."
The snrpeon talked with the man,
vho was quiet ami w-erned rational
m every subject wive that the pjnt
vas In danger of being attacked hy
imII.'iiw. lu a day or two he was r
ensei from 1 lie gmirdlioUKe and lu
lalf an hour was up tlx? staff again
tml fit the name bimineKs of watching
!or the Irullanft. No threats or com
1 nands would Induce the man to come
iown or make any reply. At the end
if three hours he came down "from
iff his perch," and In a day or two pn
ers were sent In recommending his
Uncharge, not 011 Uie ground of Insani
y, which wmild have necessitated his
icing sent to the asylum, lint on ae
'onnt of iitrtltiK'tw for (service.
Ilis d!sliarge papers were given to
liin, niiil aa he pawned out of the post
t member of the guard aid to hiiu:
'Well, how about the Iiuliaim now?
The big fellow turned around, when
iff the reservation, and out of the
pite, and with a smile tout wan child
Ike and bland, replied:
."Indians, no! Yon army fellows cr
ninly are a lot of Jays."
lie had been a lineman, and, nol
latlsfied with the (service, had elioseu
1 novel way to get out.
tccordinir to nn Authority, Things
Were Better ia Kurlier Iluya.
A woman of social prominence, who I
aas iu ber diiy been a leader, and whe
8 so no longer because of her age, re
.ently, In an Intimate and Informal
conversation, made severe strictnrei
511 aoine of the manners of society nt
llio present time. "In my day," ahs
raid, "It used to be understood thai
t he arranging of one's toilet in tha
lirewnee of others was an offense
t gainst good tante. Such a thing, too,
i s putting one's elbows on the table,
while eating, was also considered vul
far. I know that many of those rules
Here insisted upon ro strongly thai
'here was something of a reaction, and
it came to be considered a sign that
,-ou were nuro of yourself and of join
position if you occasionally broke
"isut the reaction has gone 'much
hm far 111.M has set an example which
has been followed too closely by thai
large class of people who, in the mat
ter of social behavior, form their coo
ltict and manners by observing whal
other persons do. I dined in a puhlU
.estaurant the other night, and th
xay the women 1 saw there lolled on
die table, both while they were eating
iiid while they were not, was a sur
arise. Another thing I saw there and
I see It now In many other places, wai
t constant readjustment and rearrang
ing of the toilet, especially the hair.
"The need of the Incessant attcntiol
to the latter that one now sees every
where, the pulling and pushing ani
shaking is explained, I know, hy ref
erence to the present method of wear
ing the hair en pompadour, but I d
not admit that argument. If nil Unit
nalr-dresslng really needs to go on It
jiubllc the style, pretty, as it is, should
je changed. You sometimes see worn.
n at the theater now, who, after tato
trig off their hats, practically 'do' theli
hair all over again. They could Just
is well nttend to this In the place pro
vided in the lobby before they taki
their seats, but that would not help
"or they keep oil working with the hall
ll the evening."
Tim AVooilebuek's Winter.
The woodehuek always gathers undj
Stores awtty food all the spring, sum
mer and autumn, hut he stores it awaj
In his own body In other words, hi
eats lu Aud he eats so much that bj
fall ho Is as fat as n p'-?- Then when
lie has dug for himself n long, wlndinj
burrow, and made nt the end of it 1
snug nest of leaves or grass, all in
has to do Is to block the entrance will
earth nnd leaves and curl up In (ill
bed and sleep until the spring, when
he comes out little more than a bag of
bones, Woman's Home Couipanlou.
rEs J
The hat k i f 'ldon has beeo In
corporated ith a rapiial 0 tl5,00i.
Tt-e brick 1 iaht atPapiliion has shut
djo fur the w.rrer. Sloe Biiilns
biick vtere made duricg tbe season.
A butt f 'ity Uo ie cuunty farmers
m;t tn Fremont recently to arrante
fo tbe extension of teh pnntie lines ie
the country from Fremont.
Tbe Woman's Christian Temper
ance union of Table Hock held a re
ception at tbe retidence of Walter C
Tbe tine team of draft boises
valued at 1500, stolen from the Yoh
liod (a:m, near Kheltoo, has tieea
lecovered. The horses were fjutd
Mts. Sarah Spelts, mother of Major
fnelts of Hchoyler, died at Schuylei
at the age of 84 yeaia. She was the
mother of ten cbilrren all of whon
a:e living.
Tt e L'vesy opera house at TVynioa
which was condemned last yeas but
which has recently been letuideled,
will be opened for the season this
etk. i
A cumber cf business .cec cf Be
atrice have organized tbe Triple
Heatini! Stove and Gas Trap com
pany. The capital steck is lOO.OOOV
The business or tbe company will be
tbe manufacture of patent stoves.;
Beautiful services were held at th
Autiurc cemetiy on Sunday, the oc
casion heir a the dedlcatl .n of the
' . - V. I A t, n ha lAiSt
I lie b..ov I v. v. Mr v -x
Anxliarv Cemetery associatioo. Tn
M inisforial association conducted the
The ease of the ttale of Nebraska
Baalist, William Brio ml at Platts
tnoiith, in which Rrantner was
charge 1 with shooting his wife I
the left leg and aukle, was dls-
mi sed hy Judge Jesseo at the re
tj'i'sr. if Itrantnei's w'fa and tbe aM
torney. '
I The reaents of the Jebiasha tvH
rslty will hold a meeting Bxt
Tuesday afternoon to decide whether.
to install the service of the Nebraska)
re ephone company or tbe UocoId
telephone system in the university.!
I Ciiy Engineer Oarapen Is louklng
up the new buildings which have
b en errcted in LlreolD daring tbe
ear and finds that the owners cf
):ily two-lnirds of them have taken
out building permits. Unless these
pirsons comply with the buildiig or
n anre City Engineer Campen wiH
resort to prosecution.
j The Rock Island Raft roal company
I bas tiled suit against eittht families,
who it alleges, are squatters on the
tallnad right-of-way. Horatio B.
Erskine the original owner of tbe
land, Is among those included In the
suits, tbe railroad claiming that Ur.
Erskine first deeded the land to the
company and later platted It. '
The Otoe County Ruial Carriers
tssociat tin's annual meeting was heti
In Dunbar the other evening. Oon
ildira li important business was
:nnsnc ed and the following officers
lected for the coming year: Presi
dent, Fred McLellan, vice president.
5- ovler Tipton; Secretary, L. B.
M.ller; treasurer, Dan Bowman.
The 2 year-old son Of H. J.
Femp, residing In West Beatrice,
swallowed a tin wbistle as large a
qn uter the other day. A pbvsiola
was summoned at the time, but was
unable to dislodge it. It is now be
lieved that it mis gone down into the
stomach as the lad Is able to take
n urishment only In a liquid form.
A cow attacked Mrs. Charles Beck,
wife of a farmer residing notth of
Humboldt severely Injuring the
woman about the .breast. The
bru ses are painful, but sbe is not
dangerously hurt.
The adjourned session of the dls
trh:C ciurt convened at Columbus.
Tne princlnal cao to b9 trien Is
that) of llolden, who Is charged with
attei pted murder. He Is the mas
who, it is aliegpd, held up the Platts
Center bank. He still maintain!
that he Is innocent and that tbt
posse ciptutel the wrong man.
Cashier Vchr ieder Is out of the hospi
tal and Is able to attend to his buel-
ness affairs.
At Heathen Gage lodge Fraternal
Union of A met lea, met and electee
Ihe following 1 (titers for the comloi
year: W. W. Lawson, fraternal mss
Ur; S. Hull, secretary; M. E. Buk
treasurer; M. L. Klnnamon, pre
teeter; I. A. Trustier, truth; 1
Cl'Vti, mercy; L. O . Palmer, gidet
11. Cuntler, guard; P. L. 6 toll, sett
tlnel; W. V. Lamsnn, P. L. HuJ
and E A. CI 'Ugh, stewards. A bast
quet was held at the close of ItM
The ancient Order of Unite
Wnikmen lodge at Table Rock hcit
Its annual election and elected th
t flawing cfilCfirs: W. M., Ed M.
Smith; foreman, A. A. WiddeflcIA
0et8!cr, A. J. Kimes; recorder, B4
L. Porter; financier, Junes Ti tos
s n; rec lver, George W. Pepooss
guide, G me E, Headea; Insldl
walcn, II. J. Brown; outside watch
M. II. Irw n; tiutees, II. W. Fel
lers; physicians, W. II. Wllsoo U4
L. MeCrea.