Harrison Press - Journal OraTOIJLXi PAPBE OF SloTTX CoTJ"KI TY. i a Willi M VOL. XVII. HARBISON, NEBRASKA., THURSDAY, 3DE3CJ. 29. lSC-fc. IN O. 7 LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK A hppy !w T U all. PatfkmtM of ounUMt notice 7 SO look '.Totae Huawy LAr'(,lry il, IWt forgvt that wehaaalla atalMNiary. Vrt tlawlia in fro" K rtley Tue Tk eouatjr board are ia Mminn th waeb. i mince awkt 9 ft U IV at Lowry'e. Dr. Spindlo, the Crawford dentist Apple at aa rack prasea at Bourixt 4 y . 'I J U-1 bar left for Iowa Tue.'.ay eveainff. UM BchirJ waa up Tttrxlay. from Crawford Thai was a dance at tha hall Monday aveming. Th beat arrup ia town at Lowry'a try -ampW. V Will Pontiua apeiit Christina with In folk bare. -1 ha traie from tlie aail waa 7 hour lata Tueadar . ViWnrv Will returned to tl Ilerw. a ranch Tueeday. Tha achoUra and teacher ara an joy if ft araah'a varatioa v W. J A lUuni ud from Colli n wood M kuainea Taaeday. WAirra: Too or I tin a tM of fond bay. laqutra at ihia Bio. County map for aula at l hit oilier. 9oth M papar and card board. Mia JaataHHarnll went to Luk lain Friday anarni''; to viit for a while. The highest cash price paid for hides at J. w. Ricedorffs. v j Will Urrlach waa down from I). usla to upend Cb"tmaa, returning Moiniay raornio;. Areola bavia, who haa been' attending h-J at Oraml laland, it hoo.a . Jor the fcolidaya, The finest line of fresh and ewedmeata at J. W. Rice yiorffa. Joeaph Barb ia taking a vacation from lua work t to S-E aad ai j rial I at b Moa. Mi Oertrud V on vera Caere down from Doug la laet Saturday eveum to apand th ItuIuUy at bome. Jaoe Connolly haa ban trying- to tfet bond la Ike amount I10000 M for tlw paat week knit ao far haa fa.lad. Whan in need of & Range or Heater come in and nee what we have. Lacy Bros. Fraab OVoanrr raturuad form Clar- jont, Wyo. but Saturday morning to aptad Ue woiaindar of tb aulw ir. Dorfar waa out in tita oouatry Bonday twiaf , and on laa raiura borua Im auva Im Unukait waa 190 dajfreaa balow aero. Tha littbi ditUKhlaf of Mr and Mr Jamas Sourrvt who baa kaan quit ill Ilia (or part of tha weak ta much improved. Mra. Charlaa Lewii who Ma haaa ai-k for aoma tima will go tu tha M. E tloepiul to-niiftit Mr. Lawia will acootcpaiiy bat. Y Oaorga Ttrraar raturned home fmm th aatt laat Malurday rrorning and informed aa that ba waa l uprovad ta baalth soma what wbiVaawa). Mim Suaie Tupper can Him ftuaia Tuppar cam no from O r- don but BaLurUay moromfr to apud the holtdayi tiara viaililf frianda. who akteml s oa-oiai waloaxBa. ' John Johnaoo. aad ha a alar returned 'ofl yaaterdayi traia from Iowa a her they want with tha ramaiaa of tlreir keothrr Bart laa week. POT1CE TO. All partiea that ara owiatc a from at mmmar aad beforaara rwMatad to eoane ta aad pay atraa wa BeadO aaoam it inf hu-i to v a ' a rk Nx Kumtay tla Ne Y r begin. L-t ua all turn overa n w l.-af. Ma Amv i"l-:ia.n i iHn1int; U v-Ikki at lir liomo ( o Pt-aact Rida Miaa i'athrvn Ptrm roturtixl to liar rhnnfiar Anl'iionr tavlaT aftarapaodinjf tlar vacation at b-'ma. Dr. Spindlo, dentist Crown and Bridge work a specialty. lUnrv Parka m J lhi olfl. a a p'r mit l yaatrnttv, hdI ha ntioaniiwrad tha pir pnntrr with plunk. Mr. L C. Wnirlil r-lii nd to fl rd.i lunt Friday aMimc W rport'd Uat ak that ha ntina up to peud lha hnlidAva but w fr in arr.ir Taant v dvfpreaa hHow I M Miid.i) ni'trninx with th ind h'xwiri a pr-fm-t Ula 'r.Mii tlia n.ir'h t H Ma plaula and anr hava uff"J aomawlut TO CLKS A COLU IS ONK DAT Taka Laxatit roroo Qolnta fal wta. til dronltii ral una h uioaey If It fall ia cure. K. W.Urow'a tfunlurr I oe errrr bo i, c. Tha H liiii; Hand SH-iti will maal nasi Hut unlay afu-rn n at t o'clock at Mr. U. M. L ey' All niamlwra ara nqutnitcd In bi praaant aa wa winti to rlct otUovra, County traUK-r Lux i moving hi family Iwik to liiit ntucli n Hi Liltla 'tloawuod thia wrirk, wa ara Mrry to ar lkni Iwtva town but i art ha no on on lua ranch au li t family g a to cra f of things. F W, I'Urkr pn' Cliria'niaa with In brotlu-r H.H. (..UrkaatMrch. il. Mr. C'a'ka mada tin trip t-n hnriwli it k of which the prawnt c lt! iv tiud no rv lcl! But Frd im tourh and doul nnud a lillla iquall Mka tlii Wa raraivid a cirri from Mr. F. W. Knott ':-t wark trlliD u that Uiry wrra raudv 'o tart for P.ionia Colorado. Tha PttBavJorRHaL ilia thain a plaatant trip and tril that tliay niay Itnd tha cliftiat lwl ful to all of them tliera. 7" Andraw Knori had Juke Dona arrva'ad uhout una wrak ao on a ctar th.it Jake wa trying to kill him bill whrntoa cam up 'or trial bt-forc Judn Wil- hrrinwl4-fr it wa proved that Andra waa niiNlaki.;iio It Juitif l ix-d up tha mt to Mr Knori. Aixirrw't liv. r in Kxt h bayl. I . j fririrJH A CARD OF THANKS. Wedeeire to ttlii.k the km. I that ao kindly ai-iaU-d in tint care of our wlovetf aou, and lMl lir dunnj; his Mid j Mflltciition and ili-mli Km AO liW(, ktB RaCUAkX rlSIIBll, j John Johnson. " " ! The HarriMin Sunday achiHil had it regular hriloia tree and lo nay ihre ; waa h crowd ..f people present i puUinis ll liKht. Mi Amy 1 hrwiian nl M L Mi Paraoim hud a n ce proirram pre- pared which avry one n joyed n.l we aie aura they luid a nfiit t.Ki lor th- iul.!ri. that tid a pirton the program did their part well. Mtnf pre'ent aa well a candy and null were given to ah, and we are aura lb little onea will not have tune lo forget t lie beauty of Ihe tree huh n with th'tr manv preaent ui.til another iThriatcnaa wiil rii around rd they wiii again ineal to c n ii n. rft nin trr lar h av of thaSaViour i f the wo Id. Mr. A. McOinley ha ben circulating a petition lor a pardon of i il irl. Busm-iI who ia carving a JO y ear -uimc f r ihe uppoaed killing of A tiud. imn-r eome four year ago. Many haea wg tied aj id pt tit ion, und we leal that a l.irge nij r ll of tlia cilinol Hi county will Burn tha atme. Whan i 'liar lie w in lln.1 convicted wm wnh mn other 'nought Im waa tha gutltv party, hut ninny thing Iu. re came up that have made u clnnge our aiind, and We leal that t 'liiirhe I inaocent af tha crime, for which be wa cliarged. We liope all a ill lay aide all prejudice ami help relvaae a man that ia hciug peiMvilled for tlwcnaie of another, Wadii9t mean to any that ' hirle Ruell wua a man of tha beat moral but we do heleive I ha I he wa nut cowarily enough to kill a man a Htaudannner waa killed. Charliei enir rnd threala nna feature that le-lp put him where ha ia, for the aaaln! wa all clrcumatunti. al and taada ao to day for it wait never proved that hadid the killing, hut carcum- aonie very u-K-omphnientary thing war alaacaa havaartaon 4nca, lhat wa latliva a id of old Hioiix. that the ytwrm that hataaed as mteatl v ; It waa voted lat Sunday In diaoont in to tha avidaooa will admit that aoma ana ua the Bodarc Sanday Simool for tha laa might ba unity of tha crioi for winter. bioh ha waa Irtad aad ooavivWA ' M. A, 0. vglen roundups. WiMi tw t l.'ik) ata lid- lh aeallr riutiHfrd U atutinif cukl, wbh m kMiiig wnl liia imlidajr A lura riKrrsaltia allvt'dad tlta 'liMinag in:iamof our ftiutdy ai-hool M'iui.y fvrninK. An ui'tm-Hi pro icraiu fvoiirrial aflrr oliich il rut.tinmr liria'aia trva landarrd ita gift lo bth youoK and oM. Mr. Win Jnain, ivt rtuurd frnai &tia!b l-ak.ita a wrrk aKO 4lonl , ia at H noincf ru tmakinc allrr w nia lalila and tli r lMi4iara of a;rwttr in'r'. Tlia fnllowiiiK .N rntrrlaiiid at I 'hrixinuta dinner. Mr. and Mm Wrlfc-r at tlwt Uiii uf Mr E rnvr II nni , Mr. ant Mr. Biomlk-ne at Mr (I ru-L'kma alMtJam ltT , P-t 'ilni r atd Ecra Tuckar at ilia Ioiim of T. liurfli- ! MMI Mi E lima SUclia cam'- down fmin Oinirick, Wv3. rVttunUv rnin: to pod Um tf lid ty iUi frinuta. VTIm funiilM of Mr. Hr X a i an and J H. I) -ni-lK nijoixl i'htmiia trava at hirlKMna lirjn4H Eva. Mr Juliu JnM-n arnvl fritrn &. South llakiilaRuliirday ninrninK to fp'tid hrmtniii with In fxu.il . TIm Full tvrin of diKtrict N-. i rloard on FrtUv with srmM h ih- o!m l Tim pupil ware also Kivwa a rameiubr c l Mi i Ivi.a. v!mib Clara M'rtn-n arriv.d from I li;)rc o railurdat llrrniia' to riii d lh! rncalion widi rn-r p irrnta. Ik Likin, John N"lon, All Hlon brt arnvad fr m S -uth UtikoU Monilar niornin to vint frmnda and rrl.i'.ive. Wa und-rtanl Ih'il I hay ara all api-lion htHiara Mim 'hneanri M ' Shrli. nl want to ; t.rawforri Iriitny avvninr ff rnin(t M .n day morning- :u-comp4nid hy Miw Him J aon. 8w hpHMad tnr Ilia hoina f her amti-r at nnti;cporl, trltr IiKdar. Tlmra t to I a Ni- Y ar' rl inrr at th Qin hall FrM-iy ev.nini; ic 30 J II. ilenn'ow f i nl Tliur'diiv unci FridHV in 'raw ford. V We ara mirry to a'inoiince th it. Mr. 'oruVr , formerly of thi nfiicb r,il, iifflicl-d wiili a -Y.(ri attack rf rtirii nrniiKOi, ivnd nn her tlil. ' Yonw As B 4 Bodarc Glean ngt. F. SI. Hull and f:inily pnt "hrm'nw in H.irnaon with (hair rrlativa M4a Lucv Hill rm'f lion a fmni Rltf--mont Frtd'n for a week :, i return d Thurndiir, , . John Vff.' wert to linil'i n Inat Tuawla v to Mnd lha holidiy with ii pan i nt r i . r. tlwan tin K the l nil train Frnl:iy rvanmi; to prnd it week ittnir f'i ml und relative in (.IwHrori, Mi- LiMitn Zimnirnuin came ovr fmni the 33 nmr-h Saturday aveninit to fpnd X " with h-r hotl"r nd 1er. S-v-ril rimihe drove ov-r to Jim rre k Hiinrln morning' toviiend ' tiriMmna Mt thu home ol Mr and Mr Ln Unit y,y A,ri, W, j,,,, hen real irk for n fm,v WB, , to ronie m thi Xm treeS-iturd .y ev-noiL', he was .. h-,ter Hundny though not aide to gn on, R v MirNhn.H-im'lv (i n" up (r m iUr.n d ..nljy ard nf m li U-iug rmj(1-r.,r.,. Brt,i fl .,).,. , 0 r, ,tt ,lirT,e ,!,. rfroe up to F At.t.im li.ic in , , , , , , j to Hnd blter a-id a trte-H flie lii-f.ir drk. Qui' a number ver invtd to t.r.rl X'H! the hunie of M". and M'- John E'- rsffi-hft t' ; wlio sm-opti'd "h" kin. I invitation n-.nt n moi pVi-oirl d-v i-nd er j ived an v.nt dinner A htch ' '"I'-t-ed of eveml roire 'ind nothing ntrft lir.,l,,i hi Mr ;ind Vfr. E'v r-pch-r to mike ihe dv nn .. j iy :iM.. one for H)ir visitor. Tlv-re waa a giHl a' t-rlnpi u nt the chiin-h SHluniav evening. III- n'-rini wins ahort, hut 'he andienco eeined well p. ad. the tree wleftd nrl -t hi hv Mr, Antrim and Mr Kbrp cher and de corated hv th Li-lie of the 'hiirch w u ver nrv-ttyand inth treat that folio erl no one present wu forgotten, we r quite mire the children enjoved that part ! of the evening at leaat yli hit len truthful Iv enid there i no Prophet nr aim mac vet known thai can tell any thiniralMiiil Nehraka Nowhere on earth do wa Hunk inn 'he went her change an quickly aa here Ina day dawned bright and fir in the v.. Ilev, 'he un never lHine hngh'er an I every one 1 predi. leil a lovely day. About I o'clock tha wind cume up ami it gr- v very cold, ( both windnd cold ln-re.itng a it near ad aunnet and thoe who had lo f-e that wind going home after their go.dti.ie readied it wa any thin; hut lovely , aud Professional Cards. J. E. PHIUHET, Physician Surgeon. OKKt. E: AMMWk liuxM. . CHAS. II SMITH ISSURAN E AGEST. O d Liim-, AwuenMiient abd AtvuU-ut P .iii-im wn tan 'orrendirnoa aolK'itrd AtidrvMi; ilarri.Hi, Srb. Hunter Hapnings. rtunday nihl wa ilia coldeat wa hav h d yel 'In winter. MiMiek Lilly Harri aud t'lara lirinlen ara were IJrion viaitora Riiurday. Rttnrd and Max. Id Hunter vrr at llxrrik. il Suiurduy. UiMint'iifti, uf RuniiinKwater, at lend.tl the IiIIk ii ux Iree prirum Im( Tl uiM'ay cveiiinK- Ezra Ibrkvr a a in our turg nt wnk Hi.. Km ll l il C'lulot. O'Mirxe Italdw in war at llarriann lnt ftrurd) j. A and LVlherl Be cauie ovr from tlieir mill riiurni.iv bull on Monday. C 8. Ilamill came over from Aale Kwiurdy. Mr. Bceuttt weat b:ck wnb him. HU will viit Mr. Orahuiu and Mra. i.'iH'k a Tew tUya. We ar aorry to say VI rs U.unett re ceiVMl Ihe Bad ne of the death of Mr. Tia bruise, her watt i'i husband, Aho died lil Suiid.iy at Lot Ainr-I', .:alli. O-A-iir i. Iui.h went ovrr to tlie rar.cli lut ThiirMlat an tin latin r could ma hare anJ attend the lirinlma pro(rani; ha cam back oatuiday. The greate! aurprnta wa h.ive exper it-iic.d for a loiii; tuna w:m Tliuradav iiUjht win-n we were at the achool Iihumi. Mr Ri' told u -iur igirla had coioe; wa could hardly Iwlieve him, but burrvin (rul in the latll eure enough there wei our Lilly' and L-ae. We were ao' aur pri d iiimJ l kiiI tokcamely talk; they are hare nt v itinn wnil oil r IneiuV b.-Md. 'heir lioiiie folk. 1 Inline are Mire lively - ii aei-uin no jfooil tu have lltiMi Il ium iiiuw u.or. i I'lm llir IKiifl iw.w nri, (II,IA wixid at W.dnrMlay Thoniaa Jone Had the misfortune lo gul the fore linger of hi left hand cuii(ht between the piece of wood ha wa going lo pi k up and the one the other hoy threw, culling tlw end of his finger almost, off and taking1 the u i..iu ....i i ... . ... ... .. nail entirely away. It hurt linu Very imii; tlw teacher waa ao friglilrnvd alio iwnt Iur hm niiiuuua, who took some c'eMii rag, a firing, a nue migir and a holile of camplior and hurried to the whool houi. It. wa not eery long until din linger una d ue up in Miir, i;ui phor ,ii.i upliut t-i licltl it stmieln, nnil the pmisoon enwl The llnc-r dni"i not i (Mi. htm rmn h row. Wt trot it will L't.tj. f!rjiiti!it iM'jir j The hrntiini-t tree awl program wer i line f.-r 'he tmw pJl in prep mug; for it. j The pp grhtn wh v. ay hor( but nelect, 'the tree liHiked very heaulifill many .;v. Iv prewi-nl wine hoiighlcn and hi m m vlaio Hear I ivini lnml, which tv,.! B.: : tji n- had l:ln.' EviTy prtttr.t It 'dtieitiHht'iiliiea and lov from h'.:iv.r woii it th' ic. iv. r wi I long ri in it;b r. Tne Hinging wn flu", Ttie ci. i. r :oii.,ild of Mfs ei Warm r, Fearla J .in E a Froc'or, ('lata Itmtvnieii in.d ir. Fioct-n', Mr. Hugh" presiding attheorifMn Tlw- hll'e f lk wang n uet t -Micg, Mr R ce pla t ing for them. Mr. Proctor guv., us a tliio avlec.tum "Tlie p.oi.pkiu Pib nit M'l'h-r Used to Make" Mia Eva plax.d for him. Mum Warner Btioed much tat and love for her ; w..rk in d'-crtnit iug the riej n and asait ing ' in llxing up ihe tr.a. Everyone ei joyed I tliemaelve and had ll the giMaliea thev could eal and plenty to taka home. Mise L'lly aial L zzie each gave u a Hue elw.iior which wa very luniiy and wh Hp):rvciated by all. May many mora merrv hrmtiiiaaea come lo all. M a Warner want to her home Friday evening; Hhe will return to begin tlia next term of eohooi Jununry 9. 1V0.V i Mr. and Mra R-e nnd children attend- ed th' Cbrmtmaa tree and program at Harmon and ienl ( liriatniiu with Mra. R' brother and family, T O. William U Ni had II honor of being ptattiriaater while tie-j weteaway. Wiahia everynna a taippy New Year, ami hoping you Ivul a marry Xma we ill rhM. ONo. BOUfiilET & DAVIS Don't Agree In Politic. BUT They Do Agrw To Sell More For The San e Money Than Any OiLer Horse In The North West. REMEMBER That we carry a full line of Dry Good a and Notions, Boots and Shoes, Groceries Flour and Feed, : : Everything Carried In A General Store. : BOURRET & DAVIS. GERLACH Ik SOUS "Will sell you the best "HOT BLAST HEATER" on earth. There you can buy a first class suit of clothf-s. In Gents furnishing goods they keep the best Dry Gocds. Boots and Shoes And such other goods as are kept in a general store. They sell at bottom prices. THE PALACE ?T SALOON. ; . ANDREWS BLOCK ""' The finest line ofwinee, liquort and beet ' brand of cigar. . THEO. 8AQERT, Proprietor. I You Are Reading af THAT'S tlftHTj That's what it'a here for: To let you know that we handle a fines line of Con feotionary, Tobacno, Canned Goods, and Evry- J thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store. X Give us a trial. Yours for Business, i A. LOWRY. T C. H. UN ITT successor to C. H. NE WMAN -DEALER IN- Lumber, Doors, Sash, Lime, Coal, Wagona, Buggies and Machinery of all Kinds. I oho carry a line of Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping, Towers, Wind Mill re pairs, etc. etc. etc. A large stock of feed, both ground and ungrouud al ways on hand. mail orders given prorapl ettentioa, Give ma a Call. NEW YEAR'S MASQUE BALL. Harrison, - Nebraska FrlrUj Night. Dec. 19. (trand March prom lly at 8:4-1. Price awarded for the b-t niakaiipa. Oood muic ai'tl Iwatonler guantntaed TickeU fl 00. On aula at Jone'a Drug store. Hpectator ticket S.1 ola. Ladiaa fraa. Every bod v invited. Tliera will ba a My rorwet plaverfrom Ohadrim to play with tt e nrchatra. Come out to lha baal Marque daaoa of tha Good Iu The Next SO Days IWtilllHIimilllllHlTMIMT LACY BROS. DEALERS IN Lumber, Lath,DSash, Doors, Lime, Cement; Klour, Feed and Grain; Buggies, Farm Implements, Wagons; Hardware, Wind mills, Pumps & etc. JOB WORK I Specialty lit this off ica Done with watMn nl eftau fall awl ga onr prieaa m leMtaT laada, Kill 0ait, attdawto.