CMRISTM AJ TREASURES. I eaaint mf tr..T- a er !!h -are-. A Utile lev tbst baby knew, A little nrt af faded hns tutu tork af golden tilr n rean ttii Cfcn.-msa tlais, !lni ana my t roe aat robed 1 vlilt b(i my kut. rm4 kaard ta nervy tartstu.aa cfc!me Teil B Mf little geldva bead. it Santa isnse should rme t lfbt. WBt shall be brim mt brinks. wast treasure far u; boyl I atld. Aad tbu be uaW tbe Utie 'o wklle la kts round and tmtbfVI eves There rant a luak af f ';rprla feat spaa all truatful, bl)dlk Jo Ae4. aa ke Has kia ev'nlng prayer. Ha saked Iha boo with behy gts". Aad. teddoaf to tbe rliimtwy p tct, rla ken Uttla toclili.g there, hat iilckt. aa teartbenlng absdews mat, Jaaw gke wklte-wlngrd angel com WHa aiaaae ta our humble booae, dad klas aay darling aa he slept. Boat keve heard tkat hi by pn re, Far la tke eier. with (lowing face, Ha t add led to tba chimney place And lewad tka llttla tressrr there. hey cease agala ana ChrUtmse tide, Taat angel Boat, aa fair aud wblta, Ana. elngluf all tka CkrUtmaa nlgbt, gbey lurad say darllug from mf aide. A Uttla sera, t Uttla toy, A llttla lark af golden kalr. Tka Chrtetaaas ajusle oa ibe alt, A watchlag far mj baby hoy. wot If acala tkat angel trala And (oMaa heed come berk for at. Ta bar bm la eterulty, Mf watchlag will a at be In Tata. Eugene Field, 44 O AY, Jim, let' go and look at tba O Christmae thing iu tlia winder." "What'a the uk! They ain't Bun of 'em for a. Tbey's ouly fjr rich kids." " "Well, !et'e hxk at m anyway, so as we eaa tell Kutiiie ahoiit m." That settled it. Tlia children ran as 'v"(it a t!ieif lf-s co'ill ';,rrj t'j-u unt:'. f y rra. ji"1 uia ab .p a ie 4 niwtr. re r-iii iv' tU R: -t win l'-rf il t'i,; in t?-rt. v.-rYt:.iil t.i .1 I !. t ri i . t t-'ir bfarta i-..'l;cu : bre mut laip:.S'' !i-'-h.t I. ' 1 M f J ' 1 1 fur mi. i :jt ) ia ;. -y m '! 1 . ; . i; '.ni .-t . p-j r;:tj ? : "' I I. ' t-f-r v. f,w: f:.;- f . 1 !. l-.-.-.-l f i: e ivr-L ; . i e i I. - ,-,-t !i:rr -'T s' l." it ' i !..'. -r i ; i b .i . .... .. : t i r :ie. t'i I ie : .1 . i;. - . r.- r ' v A .:: ii.i.-'-a i.-c-u r .. '..! a I :. i .. a., i I,..', i'. -v .- .... u I I Jilt ' , . - 1 l " 1 . ":iv. I; cxe. er. -I J . -J j' cnatiUT ." t.i fi.iK l m t r I. 1 ' ' 1 1 v I 1 f I e-ul !io il"vi i i vrnh u. i ;i t--. i-.n tn ! ."V -- i' t.:.. 1 - . . : ' . ' . i ' :.!(!. ;.-J '! ti-.-a UT I .-til- ; v.: I n;.y unrr.-u l.r !i -k-1. U If- ! i i - i t.i-: of .; ; I h -r !,.-!. j v r - , i-i i i j - rMi.iT, ;iii v. :m r.-Li r-..-;. ..--.ri.e li "Mi-, of I i..:-.. c.--- i. - I . ' t W I 1 I i. I 1 'ill I ( 'l t 'l I 1 1 . 1 i w I . I ;t.l 3 err of t-..n. At ihii DBint, th !:.:.-. s J;a-g-(on 1 1 1 ai 1 f 1 n . i i l 1 t r T'rjiii, and preifcirrN t.i.-jr fniMi .i.!.r. nrter fmrinjuiii of wbn-ij (-luirra ere aoou m KM and ax:'eji. Only fl few uumllii liefure po'.r UntHie had berMi as trai,-!it ta.l trm an her Vitlir, but one iiy utie made a miis atp anil fell down tbe atec;) tenement aura, aad hurt her ba.-lc. With prompt 9dicl attendance and proper care. h would proaablr hare recovered ere tbia. but ber mother had no money for doinors ar medicine. She hid tried to procure dmiaaioa for her child In a h i:tal. but Inflaance waa needed, whieh the poor ael 4om bare, an Bathle bad aince lain in ber llttla bed, umble to riae and often in great p-ain. Sinea the day of the boyi' riait to the Jiop windowa, Joe'a head had been fail 'f a plak, which frew u tie daya paaxed Al. One afternoon, jnt at dusk, liefore tV lisbt were burtiinj, he went anin ta tbe place where be and laa had ew the a-lndowa fall of toya, Tiie shop waa cro-r-Se-I with castomera, and watthin? hi a chance he atJle aoftly tuj )e, i,y reaaou t bia auiall iw.. gli.led utino ticed amu tbe moving figuren. until he aehevi the counter. Stretchin? out bia tiuds, be atcahhily amitohed a doll from lniou lot one of the clerka waa ahow tnif a cuatooier. and slipped out of the aor jnat aa the lighu llared up. Uun ti All the way. he arrived at home tafely. He rnhe 1 up the ataira, aud iuto we room, shouting: "I rot yer doll. Ruthie; yon kia bold , It ain't to keep for al vays. but fan kia bold It," and be wared bin prize efora Buthia'a aatoaiaued and delighied jtn. . She held out her hands eagerly and grasped the dull. She auwothed the flax en bair, and kissed tba .mir. staring eyes, . prcaaed the unyielding little form In krr poor, thin arms. Joe witched ber with (treat antiafaetioa. 4 "How do you like it?" be aaked. "LaTely." answered Rutkia. "Wbcra tUd yoa get it, JoeT "la toe shop." "IiJ ye otaal tor abe asked, looking at him eherpiy. "Xr bwrrowtd It. M! Uke It back rbea far tbrottgb with it- When '11 far be throoghr "Ok, I aappqaa tomorrow.'4 Rutbia wtrth aigh. "Jeat let ma keep it aw-falgbt-f da tba barrawed doll slept that night aTritb tba) Utile cripple, instead of being frfcad away ia ita cnatomary boi oa tba at tbe ahop. TT tMt morning Rnthle, with OHtay twalgaed ber treasura ta Joe s . vC And to4d him to uke it back tJ . Tar It woaitVa't ba hoaaat, yoa know," ? "1 tSkt Uttla girt, - . .i t TJ aad dad aaderatandingly, and la . .r 'tKA Daa, west back ta tbe V " flrbaa tbey aotrad, Joe want t tba cbark, who stood behind Jaai. tad botdasg out tba dail, rt ' frOatyx aMgad ta yw. air. It aia't 4 V I aarir torrawai It, m aa Ji bail It wbila. tin aia't tr. 9 mU aaa't aat aat ta VI L-3b baaaay fm rums onsiui ' $ meat. The do!! h1 Tint teea siiaaad and tUi( utl.a was lroi4 l N4pie imuiioa. A gentleman, who was standing near, and had aeea 1 htarj ail, came ca t 3, aud SayiDf hi band klnd.y aa bia aboul iar, asited: "ho is Rutbie, icy Iwt T' "31 y sister, sir." fti the reply., "Ajid bow oid 'a shsT' coot-oua-i rts gieItieaiJin. "Eia-ht, air." "And aba narer bad a 4-il T' "No, ir." The at ranger tamed to the ckrk. "JPiaasa wrap np tba doll raraly," ba said; aod when the parrwl waa raady, h paid for at, then spoke agiin to tba boys. "Now, take me to R jtius." aad J a and TDaa obeyed. Aa tbey araikad along, one kind gsatie oun, wbo waa a physician, j leatioiied the lad about their atstar'a Injury, aiid tbey tol him all a boat ber fall, and bow U' raotbar waa too poor as bar bar p-ovr!y eared for. Aa they entered the Miom, tba aaother, who waa preparing cite nJd-day maa!, looked up ia aurphae as ahe aaw rba strange gctleiua with Joe and Iaa. Tbe boya rushed to tbatr aia tar's bad side with tbe doll. "Hera's yer dull. Rut is, back again. It's ter keep fer alwaya. The geutle Bian give it tar yer." Rutbia, who tuld bardly believe tbe good nawa, looked at the doll with long lug eyea, but did not toiK'h it. Tba doctor, wbo bad bran talking to the mother, now caw to Ratbia'a bed side. pking pleasantly to tba Urtie girl, he carefully examined tba poor. Is me back, and aa be finiabed be atud cheerfully : "And how d Ruth-'a like br doilT" "(to, air," aoid tue child, . "it'a beau- 4 tiful. But Is it really, truly for me7' 'The gentleman laufhed aod n.flded, then taking tbe doll from Joe, banded it to Rut trie. Klie grasped it emgeriy, and hngged it to her breast. "i'bairk y u o ni u-h. mr," The doctor patted ber cheek and con tinued: "And now, my lift4 itirth, bow would you Uke to gi to a big hotm, where you could lie in a nice little bed in a large, briartit room, with pretty picture on th walla? And if yon will b a very pa tient, good little girl, and do jnst aa I aiy, I think that In a few week you will be alle to walk aout as well as you ever did." Gee whii" ehonted Joe, while Dan chimed in: "Think of tba winders, Ra thle"' and tha two boya could not re frain from giving a rowing cheer. it wn too good to be true, RntMe thou rat. First the djll, sad now to be cured, and able to ran shoot with ber brother. 8b was too bappy to say much, and only asked tbit aha might be allowed to take ber treasure with ber, and the kind stranger's sauling consent completed her j ly. Then tbe doctor turned to the grateful mother, who wa quite orercome at this unexpected good fortune, and telling her to bare tbe child in readiness withi an hour, took bis lease. Tbe prep rations were baatily made, snd at tbe appointed time Rut hi we tAken away te the boapiuL boidiug tight tb precious doiL Tba doctor wa as good ee bis ward. Tke little invalid bid th beat af ear, aod la a few wweks wa abla to walk a boat wHh tbe aid af a erateb, wbila bar kind friend projsaad that it sreald not be long before aba wwald walb aa wall as any aoav Th ear') asscbaT esaid aat -dfsatiy ezarats bar tbaak tbs feed fwlar. wb wm'i mm Hum, tig mf 4 Air 45 'V ' " I ' V&3 'S ft m Hr yci, s 'V , Br THE SPIRIT OF cance of tbl aeason whoa glory 1 the advent of Ulna who came to minister to tbe poor and the eick and tbe dowtswat, and not to be feted aud ftllad with coetJy glfta. H came to aene und tiot to patuier Himself Ha cam to blues tiioa to whom "bie.sliig" was the atrange name of aa unknown erp-r1enc HI works that bare caused III in to bold tbe supreme admiration of mankind, tbe worship of million and to stir tbe emulation of philanthropists tbe world over were nte gifts to tbe poor, thi- lame, the skk. tbe blind and tbe oatcaat. Here la the divine suggestion to every man and woman who would know really the full proportloua and power of bapplneaa. Throw out the circle of your presence and gem roaiij to take in aome of fboee whom you know ar without tba cheer aud content of tbe Christmas time Look out from your borne of ease and plenty by tbe back way to tbose hovels wbere you know la want and aching txxIVs and paralrjilijg h;pk aue Keacb out that band of thine, Into wblcb a Cbriatlao civil la t'ou baa poured more than your suffi ciency, and eeattrr tbe sunlight and healing offering among tboae wbo shrink In the aia do w a. F.. ry man and woman wbo would experience tbe true Christmas spirit ebo'-. .1 distribute with grac and humanity to tbe poor and "l.'k. It fa a a tbe to l!!in whom you celebrate. It la a duty that casta a aearcullght on Lb way to l eaven. It la an excuse that stirs liie Inward spirit a none other can and h .den the soul to greater capacity for love and happiness. Try It Test it, l"mjte tbe Joy of It. fit. Ixu!a Chronicle. BIRTM OF THE NEW YEAR. Tut, tut, say no eaors about to. We will cell it Ru title Cbriatmaa," sad bis e.vea twinkled as be smiled at the bappy little girl. Nor did be forget the boya, who found well-filled stockings on Christmas morn ing, beavde a euhetantial girt for th mother. Wben Ruth: came home ta tbem, straight and well, there was great rej iclng, and yoa may be sure that Joe aud Dan lost no time In taking their sirter t view the wondera of the shop a here Joe borrowed the doH thst 1 now Ruthle'a greatest treaeure. Warerley Magazine, - One 1hla N-eofnl. Stockton I want to give my trpe writ er girl an appropriate Cbriatmaa presauC What wihiM yoa suggest T Bondbim Well, If she's snytblng like mine I think I pwket speller and dic tionary would be the proper thing, rVkttt i Max Haia Up to Data. THE StASON. ABVEIjOCS ?i tba InCuene br wb;cU tit Csjr'.afnja pplrit movia lb bear'a of men to Jorf ji uJ generoua liupu!. It tri as if la tb'.a era of tbe rear aa ucj.a aijgel toucbr tie ta visible apricg of an unuaej door lu normal buaiaa nature and fills tbetu wl'h ni.g and auoablxke. What a world of jeneroua eudeavor and what a uinmmifne -f bapp!uas la awblrl around ual lliose wbom I"rivldeTica baa proapercd are bnsy with rbelr iovlcg devices to nuke bom Lappy, to crown tba waning year with goodness, to reward fldeMfT. patieni a and love, to rvap tbe Joye tliat Hock into tba Cbr'slnisa arason Ilka bomlcg dore from a far circling flight. None would deny them ali tbe rk-he of such experi ence, bnt let us not forget tbe Larger and boiler aignlfl- WHITE HOUSE GIFTS. Haw Bant a Claae Coinee to tbe Praai- deat'e family. . Wagon load of gilt ar received at the White House st Christmas time. They come from sll parts of tbe country, tbe majority of them from persona un known to the President and his wife. These miscellaneous article are tbe pri vate property of tbe recipients, and the numerous parcels are placed In one of the family rooms fur examination. Tbey generally contain the name of the don ors, and to all these notes of thanks are sent. On Cbriatmaa ere all the employe of tbe bouse th clerical staff, tbe ualier and th domestic servants are given, through the established munificence of tbe President, a fine fst turkey. Fifty fowls, selected from tbe best In tbe mar ket, are purchased for this event, so that everybody about the famous manaion has reason for rejoicing. No one expresses his bsppineas with mnr beaming countenance than does Jerry Smith, tba old colored maa who has been a member of the presidential household since tb beginning of Grant's first term. Jerry was President Grant cook, but la these days he duet the office of the White Hons end keep things tidy there a the traditional pin. The presidents and their adrieere a re asually me of advanced year, aad It la te tba second generation from them that tbe Whit llousa looks for tb frol ic af childhood oa Christmas day Weeaaa's Bocae Coaapaaloa. trrnetdaci for. la tTe'll bar to reuwmbeT that old sab sasa this Capiat am. What shall w fire UasT He lmt taetber abwat Waa. UVH teg rba bac at timn r mH b bag BWNGINQ IN THE HOLLY. A taaaaaaa cb a lha Chrlamaatid la l-uland. Nnt to the prctaittsriuB of gifts th greatest fna of th Cbriatmsa saaaa ia Kif.ani is found by tbs young f sa ia g.t-ug resdy fue the fM'tni. For tea da; a praVUng th b-Udsy tbe .aL de plH in oar ii!uwtrati.o la comnsos or.. Toai.g man. yuung woBDea, giris and Uje out into th parts where tba o r JW'-Jav- BAiaiKO i ma boii.t. bolly may a found and bring it in, In quantitlae Urge or email, according to their Bead. Tba bolly ia found ia swampy spot in various twria of th world, but grow must abundantly and luxuriously In tbe Southern Stta of this country and England. It takes lu Dims fruin tns ue of tb bram-he aivl borries for Cbritmaa (ieorst.'ona. From this UM it rrxi to be cs!'.! the iUAf Tree, whi'h bss sine been corrupted' into b.)liy U. Ths tr ia E.. gland grows to a hejgbt of from twMf to S7tv ffet. The f.iw. ' em ar :j 'jih: t;ie l,fr;y is nr 1 ne j lrd f el p.a ta Uiter. fi.e ! ' : aa li.: as Ivw.-y a I 1 ifc i in r:ie ; 'I.. .f t ; it;e -i t ',er-fi '"n. i ,ie !i j.. v i I t!.a ut ..: 'it u- '., U-. -I HUH J j.i N i vV y Z ' H IN ftij j:A lllltl1...r . If r o' 1 1 . In H i- r Uiri v ii i t . J 'j . 1; ... I I V t; . 1 r r ft In t I l -,( ..-.I ff I'.. ' C 1 -II i Twelve .1 ; l I., t' ' v i:i 1 .-t I 1 e 1 i iii ! 1 v t: II. r J .it v I I r 1 s ry.,: -el.' i v i r 1 . .- her rg us I i it i' e I..'., i i a e t !.e U ) i f 1 e 1 I a ! ' . 1 ' I ' it' "J I t 1 i - I t t M tu 1 1.1 C . it (iri i i t- "i:ve ii "vs. ' iii- r ; :i....!.iiiy of !. I i I ? I s V i 1 t i I - 1 I t i Lv t-ar ! ii i.i lit-r .-.i .i.a. Iln! tli iiir.tiiii'in 1,., e,;tn to be r- j ( i 1, l" ti 1 1) I ) I'll- in i ' r u' t e house iu l!.e person t)f In scrviint, or swat,1' wiio wuh niace in lnuul, pcr f'.TBill bij uuwion, Oa entering eich house he offera 1 prayer before the shrine of the saint to which it is dedicated. He then delivers the Invitation in the name of Ills master and mistreaa. At first, ac cording to etiquette, the invitation ia re fined, but after much pressing it ia final ly accepted. When the day arrives, the young ladies who are the heroines of the season appear In a aledge aocompsnleJ by their mother and favorite companion, generally a girl of Inferior rank, who sits at their feet. This sledge la followed by a no to f CuTTtainlng tirewomen charged with caskets and dressing boxes. Other sledge follow the longer tbe pTOrcaflion the greater honor to the house visited. Ou the arrival tbe boat and hoateaa meet the guests st tbe gate, bow without speaking and conduct them Into tbe bouse. New York World. Chr'atmss Table Iecoratlona. The dinner table Itself shoulj proclaim the eeaeon by iu decoration. A snowy cloth patterned with bolly leares or mis tletoe, a center piece of glossy holly If uvea and brilliant berries, silver can delabra and silver honlon dishes ar ap propriate and dignified. Flat wren t lis of bolly tied with bow of "berry" red rib tou are very effective on the table, one In the center and one encircling each candelabrum. A silver or a cut g'ass bowl of holly and meteor rose or holly and mistletoe may be set In the wreath to complete the center piece. The out line of the Christmas star may be ued instead of the wren 1 lis. In this case the bows of ribbon are omitted. And for the gneat card either bells, star, plum puddings, holly or ivy leaves, cut ont and ntiiled and ornamented with Christmas verse or greetings, are appropriate, arid a little allk stocking of bonbons may be bid by eecb card aa a souvenir. Where C rfstmss Folk Prrap're. ( In the cities of Pent, and more esne. clal'y In Lima, there are bewildering ace-nee of activity on Christmas ewe. The etreeta and square are crowded, with gayly dressed people. Drove of se ST to he aeea in every direction. leon with fruit, bough from rb monntafna, liquor and other mere and lee. Ice etalla, provided wit ebala and benx-be are crowded by the perspiring pleasure seek er, who find ice soeaary on sultry Christmas. There ia music aud dan'ing and tbe distribution of gifts In every houee. In many hotter the love of the Ohriatma drama la shewn by theatric1 reprraratatioas of lb nativity, with the same cbaractera as ar seen the world Chriatmaa I lent. Thr la a holly tree sit hundred years old near Pisa, ia Italy. Abyssinian Christians bellere thst pof bbwoos aaakss ar harmless oa Cbriat maa day. Mm mmm STIOC, IS SO railed bee aas Uapuia Cook discovered n am tarawjBns oay, I t i The !-sbUe af Uragnay boida a Mr Mikiag far tea plsatlng aa) tb aWsUr aaTCt bA falbllsiag. WORST SIN O ALU TUis i -e sins if la-j-r.nny (like gtarlag lnobri-tvl, TSe si ,! Ills pf if lreeay aad srabB ssd all last; Tktr are teln(a (bat tr.a s'Mld ma aa - it( ta wka are c rm da, Taa are I if if yoa kava tea 1UI af wirxeduraa pat. B Jt aocia ! ar Kt ia rraaaa ta tka) tleafced CbrtatiDSS araaes, Aad tbpre'a cm tbal a wane tka atkere aa tb ulybt eutfUwaaa tba dawa Ttsi's t fai a i arUtava enaaut la a .it y cos or peasant With that lull Lit of f railed "price lag" aa. Tea Btlibt go and kill roar Balgkke (tat a bllai.ibrwjtc labors; Tea rulgbt rob a bauk ar pilfer aaaaetkiag ia of woedrova wcrtb; Jmi mlgbt w r-s a train of-afeaeare wkile tke travelers rut tketr Bwprra, Tbe releasing tola f aplrtla fraai taaat sajokrii hers as eertk. Tat all thee would ba forylvea, far aaatt crlBia yo weUd be aarlrea If yon atlas tkls Ufsrt braakar wkas so assay wrerke aav gaaa. Ana yoa u pvu tuwii uae a aaiay, 1 yoe shift laa bA sad laay, yoa never seo a pi taaat srttk tb "price tag a Baltlasae Aanrlraa II CHR13TBIS mi J AFTKR tbe great battle af Ballot bad ban fought and woo, toe aaaay weeka tbe stiaNared wrack of wa waa one Jha Fairfax kogerad oa tan) vary threshold of daatb ia a oajtbara hospital. Tb bullet bad plowed ita way throng scalp and ikuil, and for a time tb laaaa was uncertain; but Acally tbe skill aad car of organi aud curs won tbe day, but John Fairfax aruae and went for lb iimn a world of a tra tigers. He knew no one. tils own name waa g'Vit frum him. Tb past wa eeiled. His mind ssw only a blank wall. Knows as Jf'jn Doe, of Mo here, the mm by hKh a merry clerk had entare.1 him o tl: re.-vnd, ha waa tuid tb a t ba IlLglll if' ! R "line;' aa.4 he, sJirplv. "My bmn wit:i r.i rjn y . I .loj t reiuenirvr lever l..-i a.. wacre ene. If 1 tint ' i. in l.s a ,m.i !! ii'i drive one of the i -'.- . nr ( ., a for tlie s iliS.ers. I've j j, -1 1 1 ri.iy v ..j t .ia i. vi 1 wuuidu t I w re t if j.ji tanked ui ! sn.'v. ' I A.I . i.-l I.-i-.j at,: t, gt c! i .! ' 1 1 ' v. p ' ' i.-I t t n i t P-t.-T. 1.9 bid ie? rfi.m:ie. j i. .. i.. i I i : i n 1 Ii. en el .. i.. ' ! ' -r i Li.- f :...... .; ta .- .1 1. : .i . I . ' I. M.; l 1.0 PIS ViO i i :i r.. ! : r .- ' i '. ii i i.n:..;- . it.., -.i (' 4 L.::er.J ij.ra i.,f. r. "f .T . t 1 1;. it, of .! h r " l ' . i ii f .i..e m i.-(e wya . of v: 1 lilt '.Vji' s n ;..rtu 1 i ia i ismi; ..:t .it.d j', t of the t-'irno. I "-i .'..I.; ...1 to .1 n p t t f i t ! inti tl ..ri i.i th fit l . i -r- i ' 1 1 'i-t :( vris.t ' v 1 t I 1 f . f ; ! i 1 j ' ! ' n !' ii 't '' ri i i . r .- '1 'hf br 1 i ' t 1 i. i r ' . r i In 1 VI 1 J.i.::t l .. I K i- l I:. S -nil I I t (,-- 11 , I I ii If i) l I I .i e- . nt ) H i l U of r-"i i 1 1 ' i r-n'j" ik I i ' 1 1 ' ' 1 t r VI i lel'i el w h r r,'i.i) ( ii . i ft if uo.i y fng about h.m. and pliinj-ed into tin tulrkc-t f tUe fight, s And d i.-i.-.s t!.e ret of the bad! John Doe loadwl arid fired in frenaied bssisl spring from tree to tree a the line ad vanced or mreatwl, and fnoghl hke a hero till the aun went down. The men made sport of John Do ne longer. From the by-word of the cam) be bad grows to th hem, hut a mod eat one, for when the colonel offered to pr rnote him for bravery oa tb neid of fcafr tie. be simply aaid; - j "No; give tbe plac t ont of tb bors. I don't deserve It all I'm goad for is to cook and carry water," 1 Cook and water arrier he retnaiaeds and when Appomattox name and tb li.Tu ttt tbelf growlJng, Jifbd loe ar swept northward Wl;2r tU feturnJ.ig wave of auiiliery. And hf eome etmag irony of fats bs waa left stranded la a Pennsylvania village sesrcely a soors 4 miles distant from the home from wMck he bid gone forth to do bartlj for kid country. Ilia one dark bair 'and besrd were now ailvery white, snd th bsrdsVu throtrgb which be bad pasel had mad so great an alteration in his apear-.ncd there was aruall probahih'ty tf bis beiug recognised. And here, wrthln a few hoars' wweWr distsoce of tut wife and de.ig'iter wb. motirueJ him a dead, th ex-water-cai rier and hero bred and t'ed for n teen Tears, a char'sa nan, with si range, Indefinable longing for 'some thing, be scarcely knew' w Hit. At list on wee hofor Oh rint rose John Doe, no longer able to work, frieud- ' less snd forlorn, went forth hi to the high way a homelese tramp, clad In the u.e tered uniform of tbe country be had beiped to aire. Aud In bis watiderlngs he fame to a litile white cottage. -As he stood earing at iia inviting porch a sudden falatne f came over blm, and he reeled and fell. VVbea he re-overed he was lying bofpieat on bia hack, and hy hie aide sat a blue, eyed, flaxen-haired gari, artleaely prat tling to him. ' "Poor soldier man, did ft hurt yoa ta fall tbit wayt I'm so sorry, 'cause I lor the brive ldler. My grsndp was s soldier, bnt grandma saya be weui t war and never came back. Grandma alwaya cries when she tolls me a boat him, "apeciilly at Christmas uie." Tbe homeless vetersa struggled to bis kneee aud gave one eiger. Inquiring look st the feat urea ef tb pratl Uttl otad before bim. "Oh, tbank The, ob, my OodT' be frie1, stretching forth bis band. "Caa It be I bar found myself, snd th home snd deer one I hire longed for, at laett What Is your grandma's Bainef "Mary Fairfax, aud miiuma'a nam h) ftta Fairfax rle!d. and mine Ja Mirietta Field. Iau't that a lovely name?" "Yes, h said Job ralrfax. rising to hi feet and taking ber by tbe haaeV "Come as, deary; 1st a go and r4 rraixtma and mamma, and tell thai grandpa baa got bom at taat." tb Cbriatmaa eh sea. with sapplaeaa elate Mmt easaetklBg tsat was fnny lutkasl a) u alasvaagrt a. .- -("'." ? I ' if ''it- : - ' v ' , 4 W.f't - 1f f' ?" ' ;!