Tb Eirrisn Press-Journal SEBC.A5KA. HliMUIt OP THE WEEK Woman The Mystery Cy HENRY HERMAN TORIES TOLD BY FUNNY MEN OF THE PRESS. 1 t -t-.ee-Tvr-. . - - T ra like work I'm wiling." CriAPTKIt III lOoo'limed l glance assured aitn that consciousness He .i.J u-A ! i.ie Krej'-h i1Ii.,t. ! would iu a few ai intents return. 11 tut ratier I.ite 3 r.; f :ia athlete ir- j opened bis window ari i a l:uiited a cur ed for. a bsr.Je ;ti .vags straw It At. j rent uf fr-!i a.r. Then lie ait b-oiself leauitT ceit around waist, la our y. oTllaaua Nature Graphically For- brown haul fa carrel a hue cavalry "Poor Jem i. 1. then, aa he Uve1. trayed bj Kiuiianl Word Artists o sword, in the oih-rr a dojbie-bsrrelifd pi- nuic to tiie ead," b saiJ to hhnsef; Our lay A ltudet f l ua. I '"' "sa -'nJel. "a titling rl.,se to a restless aiii mistakes uercaer young man was .lark a the career. Kevenge aa a purpose iu life is t wa f-iir mm.! irr..r ihm ' in ti... i :. i how U a o-l'.v of Un frin4. H m,..,t have been two r thie ' ran .n!v I,. r-.,-l -)i said tlit- sifiit. "It year o, !-r. lie wore the bin re 1-i come atraiirht bo:ue. Vm.r i-r,' l.e. J irtliinjc that interest every hii- Mripel trousers of the Nsr.-nal Cjmlv j and de".:!i are a s.rr.mful example." man U-ins -'Ho t Live a Huu.lrt-J "! ir !J-..iee.l cap a h. liei 1, iu! He r, aul wa'keJ utt nni d ;o t!. iLeyrnl tliat be wa a i.-m-. -e:.t of ual- j room, fttilnw on tiie r..uuj in f.:,t f torn m j.ifii::nijt. Hii s,.j rt b.i 1 lH- ! j !ii:n th ,;.! i..t.-it tUere w tiuj tb criipnai!' wilte, bat u kw bla'k a;il ! j)dt:-ia of aa Woman wa U.tn,-ll to ruie man," iv.tr.p3aioi:5 f'Tjbe sail t hiniseJf: "anl 1 aiit a w.irn- jrears. The Honorable Walter Clay.!. i on of Ix.rl Y j.-iry, bi'l nn-t Liueise de si irxioro. au'i tuer n:ii awoni tb t,.,i . j.." ... i .i,. t.y a U-scbw. '-II.- has J-Mul taiea- clme that Walter CiayJea waa aiWweJ u flooutiouUt." - jto fi?ht in the front rank of the Nation al know it," r)-iliM Mr. fpjohn, al Guards agnintt t!ie lie J. "hu.1 I'm Iilwt if I ran Uei-ide w bpthel "How far are we from th bouse I ought to dcvilop it or try to wliin i i a,ltw " a;tfir. pantirn.T: "you rc piirr yMI KTIOW Wijifn ft la. rs. ' "I'Te Mm iiH for ft." khuI Uavbov "mii it whs bo to iiyuir. j bi:j;j.,A ' irars iH t,.u Jt.rv" t'hi.-nuo Tril,j fhe"tw 'ha-l .. Pm-iiii; a I'rolilcin you -Jobnuy'a future t-areir' out of htm." ('hirago Tril.iuif. In HclMefene. Beatdea taat, I bad etxx rb ta tiril about. I atajad near the plae till I i had to fix All I ia know la that Jen blrw hiujoif and aalf a i ien h in the r .bj ta the ear. Whether U-.-u ' tlK-re aa well, or nether abe earsp-j eJ. I d ii it ksunr. M nX l.ke aae f ti'r," b aj.le-l. a little more ft:t'y I "r Jteleiie: r jf gxiim aaae, ( Be bur out oa a .i la, let me ta the wet rar off my Lark! (iir u.t me dry cl iihea. anl let me share my er. atxl DiUfiache before it ia t' late." you thiuk they'll eearra for you''"' akej yaiyle, rruffly. "S," waa the uarj rrjiinder; "tliey arr n -t likely to coji.t the b lie. itul a I il !i't t'i,i.k they'll mi me V"i are au I-!i;llutuau, ani th-y won't look for me iu jrour rooioa. Oat let me et to wvrk at oa'" aud alter my appear-a:ue." Quayl jjt down the oaare anl led Hiiri ! bi bedromi, "There." he kaid, "arrange yoirsell ai you like. B it, m;::d you, the very first lit'jiiitat, he.'i you ran do it ;t!iil d'iii5r to y i ir pre. : ! ork. yoj wII baie to find out fr tue nhe-.hcr that girl is alise or dell." He'iri. liui'U f Uh li:s wet raga i-t'.t a -no-r and i.'r.'sewl bim.-:f i i a pair of trnip..T(i b(-i" iL-.n to bi b'-t. careful- an h ran ru'e man. I hire tried to 1 aiwre-1 eff hli it: .tiche aaj liearl. End one, and failrl. Sa-h a tnie h:n "That wrtt hl ;.vrl ha a e-ap'd, 1 to be tr.iim-d. .-uo.,:rd i:i her iiune In ' aapp e," Qn.iie r.it;ti:ined to bniclf. aad ao rnu-ii Ufpeoo njon iit iKii'ia I fe at a ta;id f iu ii, " n iooi!- at the (rir! iyitjjt pale and un-ou- xcioue on the a fa, and smili d. "Ilre J one who will iwrve. The .t i t ... i iioii irum wdj -n mie mmti wa a i out of th w.ri l comfortably and de cently. That old fiend ha blown him self to asulthereena. Yet, I Uire ay, lie hj rot off, when, by quirt ly rl 1 lma "Willie, bow did you grt tUnt black yer Kwiitn' a little lwy from ifWtin tikel." What little brtjrV ate." Hut Rack Gouoi, Cane to I'mbrella I bear you wett ut Iu a ltril stonn Hirough V Vuibr! Oh, I stood up un3er 1' all right, but when it wag over I im ply c-ollitpwU. Detroit Tree Pro. "Ve." repiiel I Bardinot: "yon can ee it there! He bres on the acoud flV.r at the back." "He cannot escape u thU time, then," cried Waiter. '"I Khali find b.r at lait. and we can bare our reckoning with him." ''A abort end ewift reck.ittlnj !t will be." replied the captain. "II baa done aa much aa anybody to Incite the wretch ed people to thia dxxtardly insurrection with hie epeeche, and hii writing and hia poeuia. What had he to do with ua. thia stranger, that he must corne to eri the people on to their destruction? On!" he cried to a couple of hia men; "don't lag! Forward!" And he dashed on hlmnelf In the midst of the amofle and Uie 8he. Waiter followed hia friend, and with him rushed through the gateway of the home which he aourht. A number of the Iteda, drir eu hrto a corner, had ahut themelre Into the lower floor of the building at the back, and there fought like fiends. Tbe A Considerate People. "They are such considerate poopl In Cliicngo, you know," aaid the old How did you jrt't Uuarda rnahed in Uke a awarm of bee. ana in mm tnan two minutes there was the aileace of deth along that lower floor. "Now Q pat airs!" cried Walter, who bad been foremost in the 6ghting, and whoae face and banda were red wkli blood, aome of whK oozed from a great gaan in ma own race. He flew tipntaira. followed by He Bar fler a chopping excuralon to that ttictropollH, "Von got your risht change every tinw, did you?" was asked. 'f4i, yea, awl I must tell you lio tht-y treated nio In a 'brlck-a-bat' stoi'i1. I went in there to look at some Indian relics and the clerk took the jrreatest pains to show- ine everythlnp: I firwlly mentioned th; t v hen my dear fiiwliaitd wh cronwii))f the plain twen tr Tee IK aim he n-u Lillul anil tu-oln. M by Hie IndintiN. mid th.it clerk al most wept with me. "He aid he wan awfully sorry about my bMttand belnjr killed but a they had the scalplwk of the Indian who kill! him, and aa It seemed to be a totTMrftii caae. I mlRht have the relic for f 7 to hang on the parlor wall." Ohlcaiifo Xewa. Great News. "There'll be some jrreat eiciteuieu' In KumLi before long." Maid the mat with the campaign cigar. ILmt I can't lay the esoet tlrne." "Well, I can." ioke up the mar with the newapnper. "W'lienV "Why, when the imperial baby cub hb drat tooth." The Proper Way. Km ! 7 31 fi ! ijtzsai Kvl. : VI II lady, a ahe returned to her rillag ; dlnot and half a doren of his men Th ataircaae wai dark aa pitch nearly, and they had to grope for the door. Thai waa aoou found, and a few amasbes with tnnaket butt ehlvered it to pieces. "I hare discovered you at last, then!' exclaimed Walter aa he entered the room and aaw the old man aitting there wirb the bght dimly streaming about hia white race and beard through the partly opened nutter, ine iruanls were about to fol low turn, but a motion of De Bardinot' hand stayed them and kept them outside. Ieav this man with me for a mo ment," aaid Walter; "you can reckon with him afterward" He looked around the room, aa if aeelring somebody. "Where to eheT he questioned, angrily. v nere ia Meiene r The old man smiled, but spoke not a word. Walter approached with clenched Hats and biting hia lips. "Will you tell me, you old villain?" be cried; "or shall I have to choke you to get the truth from your throat?" He had not noticed the little his-dng ana eptixrering eound and the tiny sparks that puffed from the hole lj the floor. The old man sat stiU thore tmiiin caim ly. On a sudden a crash aa of an earth quake ahook the room, and a roar of flame issued from the floor. The floor heaved and burst upward, the walla shook and fell, the roof crash ed away, ami quicker than It can be writ ten or read Walter Ulayden, Bardinot. the old man and half a down of the Guards were blown toward the sky, to mingle with bricks, mortar, wood and Iron in the general deatroctioo. At the aame motwant a lull aeemod t come over the flghUng, and a alienee of death bung over the place Uke a pall, to be followed the momeut afterward by un earthly ebHeka and blood-curdling g.oaoa CHAPTER IV. M the anomeot when the ez plosion took place Helene made her eaeape. Site waa not molested by the soldier, and leond bsr way to the street where Mr. Adam lived. The gateway stood open wide. Helens ran up to the first floor, and ringing Mr. Adams' bell, had the door opened for her by that gentleman la person. "8o It is you, Helens," said Mr. Ad ama. "Poor Jean la dead, then?" She bad been very brave until then, sod bad thought herself very strong. Ills dangers through which she had pass ed had tricked her nerves. Her strength failed ber at last, and ahe fell into Mr. Adams' arm In a dead faint taston Adams Iatrobe, whom ever body called Mr. Adams, was bora b fnee this century was in ha teens, but he looked older than be actually was. Ht was a tall man, standing over six fVt in hia stockings, built like a panther, tf,d a lithe and sinewy. Hia clean shar et. face was of severely classic mold. pJe, and furrowed by wrinkles, The elfar gray eyas war piercing with a sUdd intensity. 'ew Orleans wai bli birthplace, his Bother Keutuckian, hia father one cf (h prominent members of the French rolony. Both of them died In one fata! week from yellow fever, and left him, Wrely twenty, the iuberitor erf a com aorta ble fortune. J3e ml?!it have lived at his ease on hi j aiaiitauona near Baton ltong or at Juake yotitchsrtraln, but his ever restless spirit ke;vt him on tho more. He came to Ku roy to study, took his degree at Vienna. od then traveled' from mis cjontry to tmtber, finally settling down In Paris, poring the fighting which Just had ed 4 he aided neither with Red nor with hsargsoto and left sot his roosa (or a prop.-r preparation ground for my more!"1 world of her procure, 1 n.isht b acaiuaiic techiig. Khe will be hand ' rl'tiT by ten thousand pound a, and some ii:i sUa grows io souianhiKsl. ' K'h'rt licriinpiay might come Into Her mind i simple and ainnle. it will D ' inheritance of iiigh ou three mill- bead to my precept bke a reed, Tall ! ' And tint dolt, Hecrl, who seemed too; and the figure will develon wi:h exH'i-!:iily created f r the purijse of pull- COWW How , ! kiuner jguttint; " In the grocery bnalneas? rrW") He isn't making hia adit. Crfs Why, what's the trouble? "IwWli Oh, nothing; he bny It ot In His Line. fl stxu't know what is the mattei ItJt, Awtor," snJd the parson. "I t oat either side." 't&nae. not, parson." replied the ' Only a lawyer can do C?o!da't Htawl for It. 1 'IMd yon wer muke an 1 ar speech? No. I was going to once, t2r reason the dinner waa Yirnrtpoiietl. " , .t'aiaiwirwlils. t" glfbesl Baplelgfa iwwsv doochse HI time. Yea, ahe W'll be b.indaome; and I know those eye of her tliey were gir en hr to enchain men. Ah, tlaston!" he ad. led to himself, "tliis U worth all tiie rest of the paltry intrigues. Hue U aliout aeventeirn now. Sit or gbt years of my training will fit ber to send men to the scaffold or to ruin king." Ilelcne opened ber eyes aal looked about her ia a vague astonishment. She row, gazing fixedly at Adams. The strain on her nerve ha I been so Inteuse that ahe remembered not for the moment Ikw Bhe bad come there, and aa he ap proached she shrank back with a half xtilled cry. "You don't remember, then?" be said, with a good-butnored amile. "I am Mr. Adams." "Of coarse," ahe whispered. "How foolish of me to be frightened." h the thought of w here she was, the memory of her loss sprung upon h'.-r for the first time with an overpowering weight and the tears started to her eyes. "Poor father!" ahe sobbed. . "And he said he was not my father; but he was my father, nevertbelww. Poor father!" Adams knew that Jean I.emure was not lieiene'a father, but t!ie old Revo lutionist bad always kept the girl's pa ternity a strict secret within bis own bosom. Adams, thought It waa best at that moment to allow ber to bate fair little cry; then he walked to the door and called, "Jeennot!" An elderly woman, with a eiiiu.ie. motherly face, her gray hair topped by the white cambric can of tha Fr-nol. housewife, auawered him. He pointed to Heiene. "The daug-hter of an old friend," he said. "Take her to your room and make ber comfortable. Take great care o.' her. When ahe fee!.s better she can return to me. I promised Jean to Uke care of ber." Adima muttered. "lie aid that her relatives were Intent on ferreting her out. Well, they ahall not find her if I can help it. I will keep my word to Jean in that It auits my purpose aa well as his." anoriiy afterward be was etimtnoned to the honpital to assist In caring for the wounded. As the bnilJing was acros the street from where he lived, he made no objection. His professional pride waa aroused by oue case which had beeo given up by the other physi cians aa hopeless. - The wounded man wss iu . ad plight. Blood oozed from a gaping wound al the back of hia head, two rib were broken, as waa also bis arm, and besides he bad a concussion of the brain. "1 will save him," sak) Adams after an examination, "though It will be a race with paralysis and death. Get a atretcber and carry him to my place." This was done, and Helene belnc lire. ent Dr. Adams installed her as uurse to the wounded man. After giving her di rections what to do be quitted the rooin leaving Helens in charge of Walter Glaydes of the man who had risked hia life to find her, and from whom to keep hrr waa sis great purpose. I114 tiie chestnuts out of the fire for me, allows her to escape out of bis slcht ." He sat io an old wooden armchair with lean nugra caressing his pointed chin "IVrliip It is not as bad as I think It, afir all," ha muttered to himself. "Perhaps she has gone to the ky wirii .Ms4T i'arlowe, or Jean Irmare as ht jalb-l himself. Host likely he though! the Journey to heaven would be a little shorter if he gave hiinseif and those poor b"ggrs a good start. I hope you will not be all night over this job," he aaid, aloud, roughly, to Henri, "I want to go to kicep." "Well, aleep, then," was the young man's quiet retort. "Xt if I know it," rejoined Mr. (Juayle. "I want to lock you ssfeiy io that little room there before I rloe my eyes. You cannot get into mischief, my friend, when you are not able. I prcfei to know that yoa are safe and then my property will be a!) the safer," he added to himself. Five minutes afterward Henri was asleep on a blanket behind the locked door of a little side room, aoi Mr. Qtiavle was snoring on his own bed. Mr. Bernard (Juayle was an altogotb er Interesting prfs.in.age. He had oa vari ins occasions claimed the ho'pitalitj of prisons, but that was for trilling of tenses such as a mistake lu bis ac counts when he was a collector, or fault of memory when he algued a rich er man' name to a bill which he we tiever able to discount. On one occasion he repeated hia expert-1 menu In the raligraphy of others by aign- j nig the name of Mr. Ilodbert Bcrinquaj to a ebefk. The check was not paid hut Mr, ltobert Berinquay was In sore need of an unscrupulous tool, and seeing In the rascal a cleverness which he might ) .M -H av,i 1 ii f l I! V 1 Miss Nettle Blackmore, Minneapolis, I tells how any young woman may be per- ' manently cured of monthly pains by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Yoi'jio "Womix: I had frequent headaches of a severe xuturav darlt snota before mv eves, and at my menstrual ieriod I uflere4 untold apnnr. A member of the lodge advined me to try LydU E. I'inkliam'a VetfeUble Compound, but I only ccomed yood advice and felt that my ca.e,was hojieless, but she kept at me until I bought t boltla and started taking it. I soon hrd the best reason in the world to J change my opinion tho medicine, an each day my health improved, and f finall v I was "ni irtlr without min at mv menstruation periods. I am rnott ' ratx'fui" Sarnie Llackmoue, 2i Central Ave, ilinneapolia, UiiUa. ! Painful Periods 4 CHAPTEU V. Shortly after midulght of the aame day, in a room on the second floor of a bouse In one of the aide streets of Paris, sat a ma a iu the thirties, of middle height, thin and wiry, clean shaven and red-haired, dressed in a gown and slip pers. A knock csme at the door and then the hurried words: "It ia I Henri Sainton. Open the door quick." The man arose and admitted the new comer. "Oh, it ia you!" he exclaimed rather peevishly. "La it over?" "Shut the door!" panted Henri. "For heaven's sake, abut the door! I have es caped by a miracle. 1 waa ordered to be shot, and was shot; and If they catch me tbey II shoot me again." are quickly and pcrmanontlr overcome by Lydiav B. Pinkharn' Vegetable Compound. Tho altovo letter ia only one of hundreds of thousand w hit U prove this statement tobea fact. Menstruation ta a severe strain on a woman's vitality, If It Is painful something U wrong. Don't tako narcotics to deaden the pain, but remove , tho cause perhap.1 it is caused by IrreifuJarltv or womb displace ment, or tlio development of ft tumor. Whatever it is, Lydiav' L. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound is g-uaranteed to core It. f If there is anything about rour case about which yon wonld Ilk special advice, rvr.le freely to Mrs. Piiikham. She will treat your letter sa atrictlv confidential. H10 cao surely help you, for no person In America can spesa from a wider experience in treating- femals Ills. She haa helped hundreds of thousande of women back to health. Ucr address ia Lynn, Mass., and her ad vies la free. You are very foolish ii you do not accept her kind invltaUoea. Details of Another Case. t Tear Mi-.s. PnrmAn: Ignorance and carelessness is the cause of most of the suffer lnp-s of women. I believe that if we Tiroperlf understood the laws of health we would all bt welL but if the sick women only knew the truth about Lydia E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound, they would be saved much suffer ing and would poon be cured. " 1 used it for five months for a local diffi culty which had troubled me for years. ' and for which I bad spent hundreda of dollars in the vain endeavor to rec tify. My life forces were being sapped, tad I was daily losing my vitality. M f ..tin X? Dlrl !. V)skU ig principally tiie discovery of tin I -"J" sys-- ..... . . . - whereabouts an the identity of Helen' con.pouna curea me completely, aiia Berinquay, theT.phari daughter of Mr.il m now enjoying the best of hcaitn, and am most grateful, ana onif Herbert Berinquay. Mr. Herbert Berin- too pleased to endorse such a great retiiody." Miss Jsrnfll L KowAaus, quay was aupisei to have l-eit flung ; 604 II St, N. W., Wattllington, D. C. over a Devonshire cliff on the l.'.th ol , Trl, pinkham, whose address Is Lynn, Mass, will answer cheer- Jun. 1K54. by Itutrome larlowe, hn full staid tviUmut nut J1 ltLr t. Iior h l-k israianeixs. FnilKr riTfli jor ius Hueeiifius Ol ins make useful to huuielf, satisfied hit l-J V S X bankers so that Mr. John Roberta, aliai 1 Iternnrd Oosvle escs ned imnnuinnmnf I I s From that time forward Mr. Bernard I " jtif s Quayle had been engage-! in doing dirty Vi?i&'; A work for Mr. Itodbert Beriuquay. thia Jffi ti?Ml'l J' Honorable Miss Agatha Oiaydes, wh had Iw-ome Mrs. Berinquay. Helena was a baby but two yeara old then, and had disappeared from Berinquay Ma 1101 011 the 12th of Juuc, four days previous ly. Parlowe had bceu suspected of having had s baud in the child's disappearaonce; the two men met and quarreled by the tiifT-siide. and Herbert Berinquay lost his life. Agatha Berinquay, the on witting cause of ao much nuhapplneaa, did not long survive her husband. (To be continued.) Voo Costly to Give Away. Among Uie flrst-class passengers on a hoQie-bound transatlantic sieatnst waa a young woman whose extreme economy bad not permlted any lavish expenditures during the foreign tour. It was, consequently, with commend tide pride that she referred repeatedly to the material for two silk dresses, purchased at s bargain, which she wai bringing homo to ber mother and lis ter. Hveu th suggestion of oiu sympathetic listener that the would probably bare to pay duty produced merely a .temporary rcatralnt In tht complacency wttb which she vlewi-d her proposed gcneroalty. At last, when the steamer approach. ed New York and the custom house iiWdal received the sonievhnt plaU Bernard Quayle looked bim over from '"un" 'mun l cabi0 bet head to foot quietly. J fellow passengers were curvus, Oh!" he said at last. In a auaiut tone i Being asked the usual queallout LtMa nersws tsiseai la assaisMi Ad f praJsi aw a Us adng tmtm and j u cm a ce ob , a ks which had a trace of contempt in it, "you were ebot. Y'ou are very much aSve. however. What saved your" Ibis," answered Henri, trailing a lit tle black packet from bis pocket WhatT' anawered Mr. Quayle. itlrn- ly. "The proverbial Bible, I supposa?" No," was Henri' reply. "A pack of cards. There, you can aee the butlt la the center of it." "But Helene," questioned Quayle on sudden, "what about ber? Is she dead?" Aa be put the question a cruel and greedy glitter shot into hia eyes, and bis lips pursed aa if to a snarl Hearty. "1 don't Jinow," anawered the young Revolutionist, seemingly surprised by the nlniine of the question. "What do you mes i?" was the hot. further question. "You don't knowl Surely you understand me. You were toll especially to Sod out all shout he fats." "I asses taat I don't know," Hsoal nu. "A saaa esa't la a t as a? kw wess bs a tawtsf aMst. about dutiable property, toe replied atoutly and defiantly that a?o bad the material for two silk dreiscs. "Are they for yourself?" die Inapea tot demanded. "No," she deolareJ, "the are not ajn bringing them ho'iiu for pre wibt." "Then, since they are no; for yooi tD use, I shall be complied ta iliargs yon duty," and be nuourvcad tJis required amount Later she waa heard to any In s vindictive manner. "That ha mads hose dresses cost me so Much (but J simply can't afford to if thun sway now. I'm just golug to keen iietn for myself." (Soon 10 Wed AgM. 1 anderaund that wnsa they are aUrswcesl they will divide 110,000,000." -WaU, that Is smsnich Cor few pe I ge fa Kvs rnkT-tm ttm. Soli brot bt up rrom s rleptn of 126 feet In one of the B tian coil lines Is said to have grown weeds mknowD to botanists. The elephant Is very wise. It jas been known when annoyed by Ilea, to break off a branch of a tree ltd use it aa a switch or fan. "Natur abhors a vacuum," thare tore. she fills sum beds with saw lust. The man who dies the richest It thi one who leaves tbs lesst here ml tikes th avt with blot. Many paupers base lived to be ine hundred years old; but no mill on 1 1 re has attained that age. The reraaa Almaasa In a.OOO.OOO Homes. The Peruaa Lucky Day Almanac haa become a fixture in over right million homes. It can be obUined from all druggists free. Be sure to .nqulre aarly. The 1906 Almanac la already published, and the supply will somi be exhausted. Do not pat It off. Qet one to-day. The vanity o mankind It eouff to lam tbem., even If they were angells o every other respekt. It doesn't pay to bste ennybody. if yu kan't luv or respkt a fellow critter, pltty him and let him went. About the only , advantage sn Jdle nan baz over a deaa Ooe Iz Io the 1'iuneial egpenses. The bones of sli flying birds are hollow sn1 Ulled wit hair, thos com bining tn greatest, strength with the least weight Thare Is but llttls tru'.h Io '.hie world, enny bow; but, thank tho Lord, tbare Is enaff lo save It, If II is only followed. Buty Ii a risky perogstlve. ; It bas no posatlvs merits ov Its own. and is alwuts surroouded by dangerous parssltes. About 70,000 ilephants are annuills killed lo Africa by Ivory hunters. The locomotive engineers lo Osr mans receive a fold medil and tfiof for eery teo years of serving with out accident. A Ot:AANTKK(et?R FOR PltbRtk Itching. Hilar! , KieeOiag or PrutrudtOf Pile 1 ourflnjr1i will r.-tun.l tnoner U FAZtiUlNN MKNT Isus o eyre rue Is I to II dya s0s The bicyclists In India are much harassed by the m'S'imtofS. These Insect not only bite the riders, but they aetuslly puncture the tires. IP We see Pise' a Care for Consumption ta preference to any other cough medicine. -Mre. 8. E. Borden. 442 P street, Wask lagton. D. C, May 2ft. 1W1. What a man It willing to buy bs Is willing to sell. This ackouoU few the vast amount or corrupshun I the polltlkal ruaiket. Tbare Is lots o people In this world who take a Joke just at child ren do kastor lie, bekauie tbey kao help it. Sale Ten Million Boxes a Year. i -a fahily'. vAvoftrra ot metm CAWDT CATHARTIC 'VaasasnassassssssssjssajMssaBJa ' eWanaasaaaasai DnOT POU THE D0V7CL0