Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 15, 1904, Image 7

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    Kwrry Walk im UtK
A. A. Boyce, fanner, living threa
bm am nules from Treutua, Ma.
a 7 . a
r fold M-t- "IT
ied Ii mi l , Vf-
trveloped o
w i ii ,
lay off
ork en ic-
Dllnt f tim'l
echini In wy 3 jv
- a a -n
aide. For t-3
m I wis
a b I to
rlk at alt.
ed every maieahlft I tried and all th
Medicine I took bad not tbe altgbtmt
fret My bark continued to grow
Breaker until I beiran taking Doau's
lldney I'llla, and I muit say 1 was
ore than aurprlaed and gratified to
Sotlc the backache dimippesrlng grad
tally until It finally stopped."
Iran's Kllney l'in ij r,T all
Ira or mri lied on receipt of price, So
rnta per ti. Foater-MIIburn Co
nffalo. N. Y.
' k A t'tP -JT.
Tbe Pasteur institute at lln Uol
eersit? of Michigan was established
two years sgo with the object of pre
recti g the development of bydro
hbla In persons oltteo by dogs
bleb are supposed to be mad.
the cases ire taken under treit
lent as od as It i p. -sstble to
teacb Add Arbor. The Institute
k oot lotended for the cure of prr
tons who are already suffering from
asbles, but has been very successful
lu preventing the disease wmn per
sons hafe applied for treatment as
toon as they were bitten.
The Vermont boys are acquiring
pending money hy raking In the
bounty which the state pavs for
edgebogi. it Is strongly Rus
kected that some of the toys are
falsing the aulnals, carefully
fnarding liem until they are
lrl enough to turn Into the State
luthorltles. One town last year
"found" 1,100 . f the prickly beasts.
W oRar fn H.in.irM Imllart Rnwsrd tn,
tir ca of :v;U thai ouinol be eurod. bt
tsiarrh i im.
br tm ia.t ir. tun, mat brlicva mm r!c 'd.
- , - - V.I u U. . .11IUU UI(T m
ell Ofu.
I Mr & THI-AT. Whnlo.!, (nimrila.TAitn (I
lr:tiy iiMu V, iil'i-l m l inn-iu virla'w o'
m ) earn. lTlr ?,v iMr Umla. SoiU at1
PI! (ft't-U- liI. Mnl frft
Hail' ramliy Cll art ;b. heat.
V V V- V-
Joker "I sutler from cold fet at I
Ir. G1od "Is your freoeial
health g od?
GixkI appetlief
i'irt ia;e.
tjuep uuder blaoketsf
Take plentr of outdoor eierclsef
Vti; strarge.
The cold (eti are my wife's.
Aht Get a ditorce. Two dollars,
Mr. Softie "I there aaitblng I
Cjd do to pr. re m? devotion?"
Miss Iautie "Y-e-s, tber U."
Nja,) it.
"Wutn you call, bring some baol
o ua and eoteriatolog geotleoiao
will uu?
Oreateai id llio World.
Arllntftou, IdJ., lec. 5. (Siieclal.V
Mr. W. A. Jlysons, tlie pbotorapber,
Ijo moved bera rt-ceutly from hjpi,
Ky.. la firmly of tbe opinion tli.il
iotd a Kldricy Pills are tbe greatenl
Kidney Kerned tb world baa evel
1a me years 1901 and 1902, says
Mr. Hyaong, "and for some time befori
1 was aulicted with Kidney Trouble.
Jiy jointa were ore and stiff and I cn
by sot no bad I could not turn In fcej
itbout a8iatatH-e. In tbe aitrioz of
li 3 I etas Induced, by a friend, to try
woiid a Kidney I'llla. and after u
one and one-balf toxes I was ami a n
tlll completely cured. Several of
neighbor, too. used Dodd's K'i:1h.
Hliia and in erer caaa the did at
Cure tbe early aymptoma of Kldnt j
niaeaae, aucb ea U:ickacbe, will
rdd Kidney rill and you will neYtl
uara Mrlgljfs Iieae.
In 1S40 tbe peneratton which la bow
e gbt years old found In Indiana et
univr TsUIes and a I if agsin-1 t-o
I 10 Maine, one iu New Haruiikbhe anj
COllBS I tHO !a erlaont- la fpl'e of giiib ad
t Tantsgea, that feneration anil tbe tl
j I biwlojf tho but one Cftb of tbe b'rtu-
oLaj-rved in
Bimciio I'Ui-I as talttlu with
n Eastern man today and he g4a
hen tw j Mlers In his sect! m have
I dispute they Just go to la and sue
Itch other for damuu'S or S'lojethln
H ir-TrIguer Ike Hut how about
IbelowrV D m't be get a g.jo sn'
sty to lt even,
Hromlio Bill Waal, as near as I
kin make out, by toe time the lii-r
et p.ild the lawyers be alu't got no
ssooey to buy ki.ds.
Mr. Jioka 1 wish you wouidn'
allow our daughter to read lbos
S"rittmpntal novels.
Mrs. Jinks Sim Isn't reading
sentimental novel. The berolo(
doesn't n arry 'or love.
Well, the modern society novel In
Itlch th! heroine toarrles for monej
Is JiHt as bad.
ti-e Isn't reading a society novel
Th-n whit Is It?
It's an aflvanced Dovel.
Wnat's that?
The herolue marries for a politic
A fMirtous f ict has been discovered
hy a Krem-nnnn. Ha bad two thep
moiue'f rs one of ordinary gbig, ar d
the tit tier paintf d bUclt plaeed In
tie Mm. Id the white glass the
mercury rose to 144 d'-grees Under
the hta- k paint It went up to 157 in
the s.im p sltlon. The Inferenct
is that people who wear black coati
are s' tno 3 d' g-ees warmer In thi
sunshlon than tboe who dress lc
Graiuateg if the University of
icligmaro proving that bigber
du.atloo Is a su.'cess.
I hst ni! Pja' Car far Cornamp
on !tb (rood reaiilta. It it til rlsht.
lobn V Henry, Boi MX. Foaturia. OaJa
Vt. 4. 1W1.
Wit surp,ps us, and we never laff
hen we are surprized; it iz buffoon
Iry ov sum kind lb it makes us laff.
Un. Wli).!ow wi()Trflf0 HVRl'P for chll
ha teel'ilni;, tofter.t ih tunu.rwluna lulu
Siatlon allar p!n rurn n.lio Price I OulU.
If yu settle ith a man for 50
nts on a roliar he ir. full as apt to
Mil yu a pbool as a philanthropist.
I"i.nt y ain't It?
SLrgams in Har.an Co. Lands.
.ci! Kstal Is always a safe
Inves inent.
It neither turns Dor blows
Can you afford to rent when
yi u can owe a quarter seclioa
fur t)
f or further Informatloo write
Vchumacber .V Jmc, Orleans, Neb.
$m?timmi um n Colorado
fciTKE DEST Lkm Uu'r'i
m h'.d, ni'1. ! it ii. 4 4W km aasii cum t
0$ tri.!: i.i-tJ in i.tnm. nnanikia Mwr,fr
, l.t(t-r rm Er1e-.r-bI r ruhi'i f'.r ffcf
tou ,vatr '1 te tlue .!(; laul 01! Ion, .)
f,i.XL3 F:n!.:;:;3
Wheat Raising
I'lxrt Oat Piiipu'ta have atratn
Uon Komterfui retuiM on ttia
MAThifWut 'ml4 frmem ilot!t In Ihrtr bfr
rra in th miodix f S"Piutt- " It Ai bomvl t
l mnrt) ( !,n fi(i mUU li.m fltti r i -t f Itt f'4
StUJH(.-, aXtOOlfc, OburebaM, UtAlktl t)OUUUiOa
irpir t'r tntaimmli&n loHufHirini- iiito( itutuiji
,((, ,)!, 01 tn tt , V itBnn.,W.J hum i nit
Lif tUija.ii, Ua.ta4w b , Asilfc rd UmsbdI
ri Mr Mr r mm Iku 49Mm
Ltghtnfrtg flrel an tfum mo oil
took tn Pr?no, Cal. To eit.Dfculsh
the tlam-'H, a cannon tall was t'lOt
olo Urn tank. an1 the oil ran Into
Irene nd dutf for that purpose.
cure cough and colds.
U. N. U.
An tnvitnir Propneot.
Will Canada In the next quarter ni
century take the place of the L'nlten
Hta tea as tbe great wheat expoitlnj
section of tbe western hemisphere'
Everything points that way. In tb
opinion of expert the United State!
has reached lilL'h water mark as a
v. heat exporting country. Tbe Increa
lug population over there bns reached
tbe point when home consumption h
becoming annually greater In propor
tlon than the Int-tesse In wheat pro
Inrtlon. As a matter of fact, wheat
production la decreasing: over there as
he land becomes more valuable niit
by reatton of the demand for othei
form of produce for botne eoostimp
tlon. It la said that the wheat cro
this year la not more than 70 per ecu'
of Uit) crop of 19oI and much beloM
tbe crops of 19o2 and !'J')3. It la eatl
mated that this year the United Statet
surplus for export will not be ovei
100.000,000. which la lea than any yeai
Ince 1878 with two exceptions. No
only la tbl tbe case, but s consider
ble quantity of the beat Cauadlai
wheat Is being Imported into Minn
sou and also Chicago.
All this tend to keep tb price o
wheat near the dollar mark, and "dot
lar wheat" 1 the loadstone that wil
attract farmers to tbe Canadian North
weat, where laud la cheap and can tx
farmed on a wholesale basis, partlcu
lar of which may be bad from snj
aeut of tbe Canadian government
Tbe rednctlon of American exiortl
will have the double influence of iiv
creasing Canadian production and
keeping up Ibe price. 1 conHtitutei
a roseate prospect for this country
and need no opllinltlc enthusiasm u
foresee tbe near expnnton of tb(
Itomlnlon Into Hie actual position o(
the "crannry of the empire'-
The late Iie.m Ho'.e was food of
pons of ail kluda, but when a repon
an.e to bia ears that bis groom bad
eon eojiaging jn a puillatie set-to, the
an felt it his duty to administer a
tillable rebuke, winding up wl;b: ' I
iope you weie separated' Severely)
'lU-g pardon, air; when I d finished be
I do t want uo scparatii.g," aaid tbe
Iir. Crath, a witty physician, of the
:ourt of Queen Anoe, bad prescribed a
uiuseoua ioe for tiie great warrior,
)uke of ilarlboroub. When the duke
ibjpctrd to following tbe directions,
be ahurp-tongucdlJuctics Sarah broke
u by paying, "I'll be banned If It does
Jot cure you." -There, uy lord," iu
eiposed Garth, "you bud better awal
o v it; you will gain either way."
Thomas Carlyle was a "boarder of
he gold of silence," and would sit for
lours, pulling away at bia pipo, with
nit littering more than a trunt or a
ltuT monosyllable. Leibt liuut, bis
leighbor and Intimate, once wrote to a
'jiend: "Have Just spent a pleasant
lour with Carlyle. Wueu I went lu
le growled, Tlciloa! here BL-aiu!' and
it parting lie snapped out, 'Good-day!
mil tliat Is the sum of the eouversa
Ion he honored me with. But bow elo-
iuent his silence ill I just sat and
ooked at him, and came away
trensiheiied for a fresh struggle."
A Kussian huly, admirer of Kosslnl,
laving watched the composer on his
tally promenade during several duys.
lent a message to his house expressive
if her desire to be received by him
the reply to this straiiKe comuiurtita
ion was: "I do nothing for nothing
f tbe lad brings me a very fine bunch
if aparagus, she will he welcome, ami
the can take a view of me at her Icis-
Jie." Then, pointing to his waist,
vhich had attained a somewhat alder
nanic rotundity, be Is said to have
idded: "The lady nitty even walk
trouiul me If she pleases, but I must
tave my asparagus."
Professor Simon Newcomb tells of
bo following Incident having occurred
luring a recent visit paid hy several
roung Western women to the Wash
ngton Observatory. "I hud done my
est," said the eminent astronomer, "to
nsvvcr with credit to the govenitneut
nd to myself the running lire of ques
lona which my fair callers propound
d. I think I hud named even tbe re
ootest constellations for them, arid
vns congratulating myself upon the
Mitcnnie, when one of the younger
aeml cis of the party inter ected: 'But.
s It has never been proved that the
(ars are Inhabited, bow do the antron
mors ever find out their names?' "
A New York young man who hai
he same name and Initials as II. II
toners, the Standard Oil man, fre
.Ut'iitiy receives through the mail let
crs w hich ore intended for the latter.
Uie day he received a bill for a new
tic furnished to Mr. llo;:ers' y.tcht,
(vh'eh he mailed to him with tle foi-
uw Injr note: "Oeir Sir I receiv d the
nclosed bill Intended for you, as i run
"iot forturir.te enough to ovn a yacht.
low-ever, 1 will pay your biil If you
ill tell me the be-d time to buy Stand-
ird OH." lie received the foilowini;
i ply: "Dear Sir Your note at hand,
v ill be glad to pay my own bill. The
wst time to buy Standard Oil Is be-
ween ten and three."
25.000 NEW WORDS, ttc.
Naw Catlr of th World
Nw Biosraphlcal OlclUaary
Qaafta laM.
Should be la Every
Home, School, snd Office
IUv. I.rmaa Abtmit. U.l., Kdlturof
Th fltllluok, aajril WctMlcr Sal alwaya
baca .arvrfrinourhnUMlioM,! I hava
aaca bo rm q la traatter mf Uaiau la aay
4 hia emnpenlora. -
FREE," A Tat In Pronunciation," !
aad iaMi, Alaalllwuata (uupMaia.
refcllofcere. ertMfleM. Msm.
lore Thun Twice ih (Ircat lo Maine as
iu Ohio.
A steady fall In the birthrate of men
if talent Is met with In going from
v'evv Kngland we.tward. While, In
nvr England, rut of every IfX).O(i')
n'rths, fifty-four arc thie of men of
a lent, In Now York that number falls
it thirty-four; In Ohio to nineteen, in
ndiana to eleven, In Illinois to ten, lu
tllssourl to six. In Kansas to two. iu
Colorado to one.
Iu tho case of such Western Slates
s Kansas, Colorado, iveoraska, Min-
icsota and the Dakota, the extreme
laueity of men of talent Is In part ex
ilolnexl by two facts; a lack of suit-
ble means of education for the pres-
nit generation and an abnormal pro
lorilon of young piKiplo amoug the na
ive boru.
Hut If we remain within the zone
vblch was filled by settlers In the
tlghteonth or In tlief beginning of tho
iluetcetith century, and which ln
rludea such States as Ohio. Ken
i.eky, Tennessee, Indiana and Ilii
iols, that explanation falls, and ther
cinalns the fact of a disproportion of
rom about three to one between tho
Cast and the West In the present
lirthrate of men of talent.
In aeveral cns's tho Western State
mjoys a greater material prosper
ly, has more and larger cities, ami
las offered to the present generation
totter educational opportunities than
nany of Its Eastern neighbors. The
Itate of Ohio is comparable In area
o the State of Maine, In 1H10 the
opulation of Ohio was larger than
bat of Maine. In 180 there were In
)hlo five universities and colleges
Ohio University, Miami University,
franklin College, Kenyon College and
Vostern Ueserve University) against
wo In Maine (Itowdoln College ami
Jolby University), Twenty years Inter
Jiere were In Ohio eight times the
iv. m her of colleges and unlversltls
lien found In Maine, yet tbe present
irtbrato of celebrities Is more than
wlce as gi at In Maine as In Ohio.
Nor has tbe State of Indiana re
tained behind In educational matters.
rate of cie:j of t!ei t
l.ortern New P-tir ,nd.
A similar fact may be oh -erred It,
the Bomb. 1 he rotate of Tennessee
early enjoyed be-'ter eui-atiunal ad
TaLtaees tbuu Ita Eastern neighbors
In 17il there was not a single college
or univerT y In ":th Carolina. Sutb
CaioUna had but one such iustitJiiou,
tbe College of Charleston. At thai
time Tennessee bad three universities
and colleges; tb University of Tell
lietitiee, the University of Nashville and
Greenville and 1 tiseuluru College. lt
superiority over Its Eastern neighbor
In the equipment as well as in th
number of Its colleges Tennessee ha
conilnua!: kept from the eighteenth
century down to tlie pr.-sent tlmo
Nashville is to-day the great educa
tional center of the South: yet the
birthrate of celebrities In Tennessee
is but one-tbir.1 of taut of South Caro
It is evident that tbe cause of sui b
differences, as well as that of the im
posing Intellectual superiority of th
poor mountainous regions of Net
England over the whole East, lien in
the men themselves, and not In their!
surroundings. New York, Ohio. In
diana, Illinois arid Missouri are bul
the successive plages of the gre-il
westward ln'gratlon which, durirg tio
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
peopled the West at the expense of
the East; and the steady decrease la
the l irthrate of tuieat met with when
passing from one of those States to ill
Western neighlsir chows, as is the eas
Ir every piirtial migration, that tha
particular one was highly selective Ii
its process. Century.
Z A prominent Southern lady, Mrs. I
Bianchard, of Nashville, Tenn., tells how
she was cured of backache, dizziness, pain
ful and irregular periods by the use of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
" Dbar Mrs. Tinkham : Gratitude compels me to acknowledm! th
prat merit of your V citable Compound. I have eufl'ered for four yean
nth irregular and painful menstruation, also dizziness, pains in the back
ind lower limbs, and fitful sleep. I dreaded the time to come which
:ould only mean Buffering to me.
- Better health is all I wanted, and core if possible. Lydl E. Pink
, m'u Veetab,e Compound brought me health and happiness in ft
lew short months. I feel like another person now. Jly aches and pain
lave left mo. Life seems new and sweet to me, and everythinar aeemt
ueaa.int and easy.
" Six bottles brought mo health, and was worth more than month
Trade told a newspaper reporter tha. efed therefa no mSKtX women U TOUT Vemtabb
,e,Tn, aUStTiT" ,f tU1" cuunt!-'-a)pund, and I advocate it to my lady -friend "nffof SSSS
contribute woo.ujo.uuo a year to tL. eip5--Ma8. B. A. Blanohabd, 4 Broad St, KaJhrSS TeniT
suarpers who promise to make then; w. . 1 ' xcu"-
rich quick. Tbey work the saoie oid ra , "J'?. 'ith Irregular, suppressed or painful menstrnsy
a, weakness, leucorrhoea. diaDlaeement or nWratinn k. v. ii...
seiieme or a couhUential letter and jearing-down feeling. Inflammation of the ovaries, backache bloTtWfor
shrewd balling, until the victim parti UtuJaaoa), general debiUty, indigestion, and nervous prostration, or aibese.
Itoth Men and Wumcii lomrTUeir Head.
Over tUo Milit Dollar.
The mania for getting rich the m id
false Idea that we must have money
has played worse havoc among ain'oi
ilous peupie than war or pestilence
A member of the Chicairo Board ol
with his money. Thousands are plod.
ding along In poverty end deprivation,
chagrined and humiliated because they
have not been able to get up In tlie
world or to realize their ambitions, for
the reason that they succumbed to the
scheme of some smooth promoter, whe
hypnotized them into the belief thai
they could make a great deal very
quickly out of very little.
The great fever of trying to make
$1 earn ?," is growing more and more
contagious. We see even women se-j
cretiy going Into brokers' olliees and;
bucket shops," Investing everything
they have In all sons of schemes,
drawing their deposits out of the
with such symptoms a dizziness, faintnesa, las
situde, excitability, irritability, nervousness,
sleeplessness, melancholy, "allfone" and
wantrto-be-lert-sione" feelings, blues snd
hopelessness, they should remember there is ono
tried and true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham's
esretable Compound at once removes such
troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for
you need the beat.
A Severe Case of "Womb Trouble Cured
In Philadelpbla.
Dear Mns. Pinkdam: I have been
cured of severe female troubles by
the use of Lydia E. Pinkham
Vegetable Compound. I was
nearlv rendv tn cHva nn V .f u.,;r.
your advertwement I purchased one bottle
of VYYiir TnPf1ifinA anri if tA . H,,u
food that I parchased arother. and the result was so satisfactory that I
Hanks, sone t.mes pawning their Jew- houarht six mora I-ott.les.end m mmfii,,, v rrZI 'tT ,?
eiry- even their engagement rings- aover be without it. I hope that n.y testimonial will convince women
.aid borrow ng. hoping to make a id ;hat your Vegetable Compound is the greatest medicine in the world
of money before their hus.iands or for falling of the womb or any other female comrjlainta." JVIhb. Mat
families find it out ami then to sur- Uodt, 2660 Birch St, 1'hiUtdelphia, Pa.
prise tliem with tlie results; but. lc ' i.,i ,
ts rorciliilly Invited to write to Mm,
, , ' " tnero js nnytning ahont Iser symntorns she does not
i nousiiiiu-i ot i mini; viuenciiiiH a r iwij ia every HUliJ(r WOllittU W ill SUik Jfor itm
so tied tip oy nnnncial or other en
tanglements, even before they get fair
ly started In their life work, that tliej
can only transmute a tithe of tlieit
renl tibilify or their splendid eiiergiee
Into that which will count In theii
lives. A large part of it Is Inst on the
way up, as the energy of the coal It
nearly nil lost before It reaches tb
electric bulb.
Tho Euwer Ibujenn Il irne.
We may Imagine the earliest herdi
of horses In I he Eower Eocene (Eohlp
pus, or "dawuborse"' stage) ns re
sembling a lot of small fox-terriers ir
she, only eleven Inches, or two am!
three-tenths hands, at the withers, cor
ered with short hair which may hav
had a brownish color with Hghtei
spots, resembling the sunbeams fall
Ing through I he leaves of trees, ami
thus protecting the little animals from
oliservatlon. As In tlie terrier, the
wrist (knee) was near the ground, tlie
hand was still short, terminating ir.
fiiiir hoofs, with a part of the liftb toe
(thumb) dangling at the side. Tie-
spite Its diminutive size of from eleven'
lo fourteen inches, this little horse
ranged from Mexico northward I
through Wyoming, and far over con
tlnenial Europe and (Ireat Britain,
From Henry Fairfield Osborn's "Eo
sil Wonders of the West" lu the Con
Cernimi (by Without Taxes.
Germany has a city situa ed hi tho
Illack fore-st containing a built ".(..)
Inhabitants which gets along without
paying any taxes, all municipal ex
penses being provided for by tbe year
ly net revenue of the pub;h property.
This consists of 0,000 acres of forest,
managed under the best forestry meth
ods, and the annual return from it,
pretty regular In amount, Is sufficient
to meet all requirements. Wh n a
tree Is cut down one or more Is plant
ed, and the yield Is conseiumty nn-
diminishing. No tree Is cut till It ii
of a growth to yield the maximum
profit. This pays nil the city's ex
penses, wllh surplus.
Peddl-r "Want sdj 'Please Shut
he Door' signs?"
J'ms n "Don't need 'em."
"Vmir door hasn't any spring."
"People always shut It when they
0 out."
"That's queer "
"I'm a tax assessor. They shut
t with a siaro."
I uevcr hav Jlned church yet; I
tever bat thought I was bright enult
or an example.
YWtlnif Relative you don't wall
a'OUTd tbe city much, do yon
R'8'on Hosfess Oh no. It Is a
long dlstano around the city. Bul
I walk about the streets a good deal.
Sailor T was shipwrecked In ml
ocean, and nearly died of i hirst.
Landsman 1 gan zyropathlne mil
yon. Vonoe I vas railroad wreckei
in a brohibition State,
i ti j i s i in hi t l ii i r T m i u k h u if i it i vT7k.w iacm.
tf-a." ' id' 3k Z-Z rzja Ti-"j .sirx
W. L. Otuplmn nwba mntl mclla ntorm mtm'm $.HO
The rnawin W. I IVmelaa PM ulir. ure th rrcmaei tn-r In the world la Iwrnnae of thftr ainyl-
Iratau-lM, i-Afj attin and ani-rier .-irln i;im!l lt-. ir I M hw rm tha dtnri txtwwn tha
l"f in : hi n.l r.n ti.ry ani lli"f nt ullifr nn.V nl the hitfli itjkIh lent hern nmt, 5011 would im""r.
at mrt why W. 1.. Imm-I,i rtioea cil m,r C. nnli-. why ll,v h" '1 Ihf-ir h.ipi-, St heller. wpr
hm.KT, ic.it urn of Kr-ilnr Inlriiixli- value 1 1i n ntlicr $1.Ml aho ou Ui Inrkel to-daj, and KhJ tM
a&ii-ii Inr t: rt.nr -ii(',ni: .Inly I. r. -r. si l.'c.i.o lo.oo. .
w, l Kuuruitrea their iue h? riaiin-inii Ula uanie and prlea on tha bottom. Look for IS
taJta no BtOwiittua, Snlil by ahoe deaieia evarywluire.
bnrr vnm .. Dtiualnn 1 W lhnrt ftr Ihf fn( Urflrt mrl Ktlh abmlutt
ff..,'rrin. llinti thrm txp-nor tw ttt,ctmj'l mul trftf Of All f-llfitf r-a
tn $7.(10.' A. Mrt'i t ttt. rati.. U. fi. Jul. icrrvut, Kxchmomi, la.
W. T.. Tnnirln n- Cnrnia Cnltkln In hl Jii.SO li.. f;..ron roll, la aaatwdtMl So
l Uia llnt. 1'atvut Lathr nwio. t Col.ir l- yi-lt-i. n-! ex.-liiKUelr.
W. L. OO DC LAS, Brockton, Mmmnmnhmottm.
It -as t htmi n r
oaie 1 en iviniiuii duxcs a x cUe
Hit- rt. orei of V dulli.
Nikola Tesla, the great student of
electricity, Is 47, but looks ten years
If It weren't for women and goU
brlcka fewer men would go broky.
Ss CANDY aTir --
10c -Wt?