Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 15, 1904, Image 6
M 9- - f- vna.aa.';- , TJy wlj be here ! 1 i i I r i . i tt Woman The Mystery ! By HENRY CHAPTER I. rag m Paris, ob the last of t fatal deye la Juno, IMS, tad th It, Jecaoee wee osndemouiuiB Lhs whale street tu one kmc Him of ad e etonae. tlmlxf, over- ana handcsta, barrele. rthiaa. la fact. desperate la OWr hands an end pile M III fiah. the tare Jane na biased ft etonalea eky, and the eoldier ut II wka the parching heat, their fn hart wtoh powder, their onlforni torn W aareda. Bolrt-eleevad and bareheaded. W fiiagbj oa, leaving aa maa alive Sahara ntoy had paeeed. WbJIe the eatanic din roared and svnSSBsd la taa (treat below, an old mu tot aa the top floor of a small, tonible gown baildinf ac tba bark of one of th aaaaaaat boose. Ua wa tall and thin, i gtr I af aoma sixteen or seventeen aam bara, aa frail la Hears aa the man, with face Which aa yet asve bin little ap Staait protniet of a beauty to com but IT a carious flitter in a pair of big, psa-bloe eyes, crouched In a foraw of as room, holding hor hand to h ear. Taa Bsao roaa at last. Ula ri.-bt Ins Ha paraljricd, and h dragged k alone E fully and aarkwanlly aa h walkl. ttmpad aknrly to the ckated door, and oad. "Tbey ara earning OMrrr," he fpd. aytla hia fmoa irrew whiter and hia ya gfitaarcd feTeriahly. "They ara cotnitif fcaarar. They will kill ma Uka a it. Mkm a rat, hka a anakaT' Taa (1H roaa and want to him and tkraw ar arhita anna aroaod Ua awk tmi clang to him. Thara may ba an aacapa." aba whla aarad. koaracly. "8iirly they will not fall aa old man Uka you, who la unarmed ad can do do harm.'' "I know batter, " ba growled. "They kava not forgotten that my 'Song of the ptraata waa rung In every wine (bop. CWy will kill me, and there. 1 do not Oaa or two bayonet thrnata, and will be an and. 1 hare tired long aatoga In taia world; I am tired of be fag knitted and of dragging myaelf from aallar to roof, and from roof to rellar." Bha etaag to Urn again and k I need hia aald Upa. An Instinctive ah udder crept ttraoga Um at the touch, and he panted, a with oae oonralKlre and nearly aon 4a4 clatch be gripped bar by the ahoul aW and tanked Into her big eyea. "I aaa not aa vary terrible f he qnea aaed. with a fevariah tremor. "Am I a wolf or a tiger r "Ma. father, daar." aha aaid; "yon are 'aha heat and Che kindest of man. If you traeld only eoofida la ma. If yon would ,aai tall ma why you are alwaya eo trou Mad, why aueh a load aaama alwaya to eraabing yoa downf Aad now, la tbie (rrlbla hoar, who knoweT Thara may a hope far raa atUL" "Tfcara aotnwbody eoamng an taa aajta, ba ertad, with gaunt terror In Jewry feature. "Oe and are who it te." at la I Heort, aaid yoathfoi aula D4 hoaky wMa eicrtameoC "Let ate ajaiek, thara hi ant a aawaaat to ha Taw girl hastily saslocked and sn bolted ' aha door, and a young man, rather short Mi atoutly bnilt, entered the roots. He , aa a good-looking young fellow, with the careleea dkeh of the French rerolu Itoniat writtea large aa hia handsome, 4ark-bearded featoraa. "I bare seen mml" he cried, the do- Ehe crossed the threshold. "That iebman whom yoa pointed oat to me. a with tba Nationals." Tba old man ataggerad back to hia ahair, and held 00 to it, ahaking aa In aa ague. "How do you know How do you ' laww it ia her- be gasped. "I know it la he," retorted the young BBaa, axdtedly. "Ha wss not tan pace , fceas ma at tba barricade by Dumout'a Mtcbary, and be flared at ma aa I Sred fay pistol at htm. 1 missed him; I wish . i bad killed him. I hare aoma to tell ywa, to warn your Thara waa a paaaa of a few beart liatt' apace, daring which the aid man Packed himself to and fro on hia chair, tayping hia this leea with Ma "How long will It ha before he will be barer he asked at last, la a gattoral -riftoaa mlaataa, parhapa," was the aawar; "parhapa twenty, parhapa half aa boar. But ha may ha bar la Ira. If waags go badly." "Vary wall." exrleisaed the aid mao. "1 aaa ready. Thaak yo far baring TJsa yooag maa gare a g aaoe areoad (ha rooso, aad bokad at tba girl wkh waYaJaf eyaa. "Aad Halaaar ba aaid. elowty, art Jlth aa amaaltig tetidrmesa; "what asout harT Had aha aot batter come with tear Hia rase wss brakas by asar asarnj sKrasinsaa ua aaa Bssn. "AM ya mad 7 Uo with yoa. to be MUad la the atraot! Why ahoald aha go jrtob yoa? Oo away! Lea re aa! Yoa aaa waatiag yowr time aud mlae!" Tba young aaa ahruggad his eheaidera. tfal raaa hold oat a hand. "We may oarer aaa aaa aaother aMaia." ba aaid; "thara good -by," Tba aa! bid paaead again for a aso- aaasjt ar two, aad then gripvad tba eat efjejaraed haod oarroualy. "Toa are right." ha aaid. Heart. I gad fergnttan. Too are a good lad aa alwaya were. We may nerer meet agaiia. Oood-by for this world."' Tba girl had been ataodlng In a eoruar 1 g7 taa roam aJUotly, and as tba young gaair tamed round aba looked at him wirh arotid of pleading la her big ayes. Ha Mapped to her and kissed her on the fnre- fceat wtthoot another word. "Oaodj-hr. Heiaae." be whispered aWhaa I am dead yoa will uerhuw think tf gea aow and then. (rnd-hy!" Wkh that be rushed out. and the girl v fratitKtlrali cloaad tba door agaia aad bftai tt. . ' ? CHAPTER IL ' A etl aaa aat eileotly far half a iJaalii apaca after Hmirt had left the f waa gM aa eyaa waaoaren aitaer nmi IZZ Iwaasj taa alaca. as if aaarealag i t g wtMtm af asamw arbtta wwrrtad t to hi HERMAM lag excitedly. "Toa here. 1 kuow a way aat awmam The room waa a tiny woe, barely taa feat equiire. and even part of that apace atoiaa In the yard below, waa rendered mi by the alaaring of , He etood fur a aecoad or two, aa If Ba the garret roof. Thara waa but aoa lit- decided what to do; then, with a auddea tie wiudow luga op In the wall, and It impaiae, ha lifted up ooa of the plaoka could only be reached by atauding oa a of the floor, and kuaad duwn lata the chair. Even that waa shuttered, aad the dark apace below. By kneeling and light entered but aparsely. atratching out an ara he reached a "Open the ebiter there," aaid the aid eqaara packet, weighing aoaae three ar man quietly ao quietly now that the lour pooixla. difference of tone aousded remarkable He rat the erring with Me knife aod even to Helen, who waa baUtuated to ' opened Dh paper. It contained faapow hia i-hangee of oi xl. "Look out cau- - der. That dune, be etmcbed oat hia tiouelr. See if too notice smoke acroa , the ucfiriished bu-Uing oppoaita, or signs of fixating.' Ileleue brought a etool and stepped on tt, aud peered out between the partly opeiied shutters. "The bars paused ths houss In the other Dtreet, father," she said. "They are fisrhting perhp fifty yards away." Thaiik heareu f.w thit.'" eiriaimed the old bib. "lvhers Is time to ssre you y." lie limped toward the trunk that stood In the comer, siui tuok fwui H a coil of rope. "Take this, my girl." he said. "Toa must into the store closet. The lit tle wiudow there is at the side aud shel tered from new by the project ;u of the main buiidiug. You can get out that way uuolieerred. You are lijibt sod lithe and can lower ymirelf with this to the roof of ths siied below, la there any body in the yard? "NolKxij," said the girl; "not a aouL" "I cauoot do It myself," be went on, calmly. "I am too old, aud I am a crip ple; but you csn get awsy in that man ner. When you are ou the ruof of the abed yoa csn let yourwlf down from that into the yard. After that you can make your way out iuto the street aa soon as It ia safe. Tbcy won't hurt a girl like yoa, but they would kill me Like a dog." "But, father ," pleaded tba girt, "I do not wsnt to go away. I do no want to leave you. I want to auy hare with you. "Nonsense. be a ai we red. That would be sinful. That would be horrible. You will hare to get away, and when you ara safe In the street, go straight to Mr. Adsuia. You bare only to tell hnu that I aeut you, aud ha will Uka care of you." "Mr. Adamsr asked the girL "That American who came here last week 7" "Tba same. Yoa know where bo Urea. Yoa took a message from me to him. Now run my child," and ha eoiied the rope round her wsiat. "There," be aaid; "you will bo able to use It mora aaaily In this way. Yoa aril gat away all right." aha clang as hia still aad kissed hia white face. "I do aot want ta go," aba bagged. "1 really do not want to go. "You must," he retorted, "yea aha II And ao aaytog, he pushed the gently resisting girt toward the store closet. On a aaddao, howeror, a quiror of angulah con ru lead hia faataxes, hia eyea aurad wildly, and be gaepad aa hia Upa opened and dosed In mute, fererieh egitaUoa. Ha ataggerad forward and reached oat a wildly fumbling hand, crying: "Stay! I cannot let yoa go like that. There la not a moment to be loot, and 1 must tell you beore I die." Roe turned to him with a blank dis may la her eyea, while bis eoica became hoarser, aud his breathing more psinful. "You are scry 111, father, dear," she cried. "That'a Juat K," be ssld, "that's why 1 called yoa hick. Yiu call me father. Let me confe ..It is better thus I am not your father. Do not look at ma aa ac cusingly." The girl retreated etep by step to the wall, and etuod there with as outstretch ed arm on either aide of her, staring at the old maa la an awe-etrucfc aauaae- inent. "Yea." ho aaid mora anlstly, "I am aot your rather. I hare eraa been accused of having murdered your father." Helane gare a ah nek and gripped her hair ia both bands. "Do aot think eo ill of aaa." ha want on. "Do not think that tba charge waa true. I did not murder him. He had wronged me he bad bitterly wronged mo he had robbed me of the woniau whom 1 loved better than myaelf. He had robbed me of all earthly happiness. of all hope, of all light of life, hex 1 did not kill him. We had a quarrel. It was on the cliff aids, and he etumbled aad fall over late use aaa and waa drowued, and they aaid I had murdered him, hut 1 did aot. They bunted me from town to cowa. from house to boase. from for est to swamp, but I escaped them; and more thsa that. 1 brought yoa waa am. joo, hia child, the child or the woman I adored; tinier aud daiutiar, hut ao alike. that aa aha waa loot to me. I determined to keep yoa by my aide aa aancblag re membrance of a lore that waa atraa- gled." He knelt down and dragged himaalf to bar. and clang to her garments. "I hare bee a father to yoa. hare I aotr be went on. with hot fervor. "Hare I not given you bread of my bread, meat of my meat t Have I eaten a crust with out sharing It with yoat Tell ma. that I may die In peace. The girl stood there with a face aa white aa the man'a. her eyes nearly start ing from their sockets, her Hps blanched. Finally ahe cease tn him quietly, took his bead between her two hands aud kissed him m the forebesd. do not know what to do." she aaid. softly and tenderly. "I do not know what to think, but that you have been like a father to me I can sweir Must I leave you now? Mint I go awsy from viu now. when you see hi such dreadful danger? Why should I not share It aa j-oii shured it with mer lie lnofced at b-r s if his bean were bursting with a secret still concealed. A flush of yesmiua despair rlrsuied in bla ryes, and ia athr moment he might have spoken agsin. H11I nto crashes and the rear hi the street mtride in creased on a stiddsii. and from the yard raehe the boarae shouts and cries and plerclag yells aad missed groaaa. the fury of the etc aad taa aagaiab af the dying "sVararr ha astai, aaaaUri "awal Aayr tl,ew moni lo-iWag at him for two or three ae-oida' ape. but bt clutched btr by the aoitlder and puUed her luto the etore ket- lit elaaimed the little door, aitd immediately pushed a beary trunk again H, piling au-tber ece B tat, and throwing a rug over the who:e. out aide the door aa much aa pea able. ! Ue lletesed for awMla, and eeaa amid the din be thought be could bear the girl' a morerueiit aa ahe oufttened the tony wtoduw aud crept ou on to the root Then all waa ka to him amid the awful arm again, and tourbed three or four other packets, and thus assured himself ' of their placs simply inserting hia knits in each, aud rippirg tbam partly open. Then he replaced the packet which he had taken out, and scattered part of ths looae guii powder near It and around It between the rafters close to the other packets. After that be rose, and, limp ing to a little cbrst of drawers In the corner, took fnn it a cotton fuss, about throe or four yard, in fength. He cut J a iners i rom tais. sua insert n wen iiiii;.( tile looe gunpowder, pulled ths end of ths futs titrouifh a h!s lu the Boor close to hit own r' air, and taking a handful of matches from his pocket, sat himself down aud waited, while a calm sinils settled on his face. "I shall U," he sii 1, "as 1 hsd hoped. In harness, sod with my aecm locked In tuy heart. He hat discovered ms st last, then. He ceo come aa aom as be Hkes, Mr. Waiter Glaydes the Hooora bls Walter Uiaydes; tbe goldeu bird hit Howu away, aud he will be able to re commence Che bout that Is to aay, if he be alive." He feebly clapped hia hand a, and list ened, with body forward, bent for the aouudi on ths staircase. Ths roar below continued, aud he drew himself up, breathing a heavy sigh. "Her briber's sou."' he muttered; "Lord Y or leys eon, Agatha'a nephew, and Helene'a cousin. Another of the brood who sold my love away from m aud afterward bunted me over the face of the earth. Ho he la Intent on hading ber," be sneered; "so noble-minded, so disinterested: lielene's millions, Holaoe's lauds hey offer no attraction. Of course not! Master Walter la only Im pelled by pure love fur hie fair, his wronged cousin!. Ha! ba! He will not And her. Hhe shall not be contaminated by the gold which broke my life in two, which wrecked ail my hopes. For gold ber DKrtber waa bartered away from me. Hue shall be untouched by the curse. Ue know her not, ha a never aeon her since ahe waa a baby. Now abe la free, and l ran trust the man to whom ahe goes to guard her ageluet that crew tor ail the world." CHAPTER HL The face of the tenth barricade la tbe Bos St. Jacquea waa si Wot; ao ava Sashes of musketry, no more puffs af moke. Every 000 of the defenders lay behind the barrier or stones, deed or dying. A MrUe further op the at rest another crowd af desperate men stub bornly awaked tbe charge of the Na tional Guards, who awarmed over the barricades with hard-set Hue, and bayo neta red with human blood. "On!" cried tbe captain. "Down with them! Kill the dogs!" And they swept on, smashing away at the doors of houses, banting In shat ter with the butt-ends of their muskets, rushing upward and onward, and pinning the unfortunate wretches whom they found against the walla Uka ao many flies. Two men charged among that furious crowd, both of them eager to reach tba heart of the Ufht, both of them rushing onwa"d, a word and pistol In hand, but neither of them really bloodthirsty at heart nor cruelly disposed to their fel low creature. One of them waa a broad-chested, etralgbt-tlmbed young fellow of about four and twenty, fair-hiirsd aud blue eyed ; a set of white teeth shone beneath a etabhy reddish mustache, tta color bare ly diadnguiahable amid the grime of pow der and dirt with which the whole face waa haam eared. (To ho coatinaad.1 Aoooaaiod For. A certain football club bad rocwlvad Ita Brat reverse of tba eeaeon. This waa the mora galling when tba defeated ouee reflex-tad that their cca querora bad absolutely 00 pretention to "ciaae" being, on paper at leant, tba week eat team in tba district Returning to headquarters after tba match there waa ooa maa who aeemed to feal tba defeat mora keenly ttuta anyone elaa. Ua waa tbe trainer of tba loam. "How did It all happen. Boar aakad supporter who had been aaabia a) attend tba match. " 04400 T growled the tralaar. "Vary euUden!" "Yoa; bat bow came we to toaa?" Tola way." replied . Ban. "For eighty-nine minute oat o tbe ninety our f el Iowa bad been abowlng tbe epeo- tatora bow to play football. Then one o' tba other chape pounced on tba ball and snowed oar fallows bow to aero I That alir H'dl Close ChIi. . Tba Rabbit I bad a narrow oaeano from being killed by an amateur eportaman to-day. 'Hie Grouse Waa be each a good abot? Tbe Rabbit No, but when the gun kicked It knocked htm over aad bo almost aat on me. Puck. Wlf-IV t'ainoenalon. Advice la of;on too good to ba tak en, but a very agr table variety waa once given by James It usee I Ixwe! to a young woman about to bo marred: "Alwaya give oar husband yoor awa way." Tbe knife one girt glrra ajtotbor oral not eat friendship and the edda ar ht waa'a emt aaailaa tmutar. assaac. Orer-Caref ol Hauekerplaif. Wteu a child of twelve yiara I Tlait rd at the houa a lady who pride 1 herself upon her hout-kt-eiing, nd whoae neighbors justly gave her credit for a great degree of pronclency In that d-parti!'eut of life. Bays a wriur lu the Housewife. My reiDeOjbraue of that vUlt al aya hrii g a chill, au I I turu my thoughts as yuickly aa poa elble Into another chanuel, eei though I am now mUdk-aged. If a cluur in any room 111 awry waa Immediately aet straight; if a window shade was raiaed or lowered alove or I elow tiie regulation line It was at finte put lu platw If ty any tT.n 1- sxnt'ss dirt or litter, Low ever auiail la quantify, or Lar.ii- In H 1 I 1. uature, was to in; tutu aryv. uere " ,u th of ,Uat h iust b )hl tli trooiu. always at hand, wi.s trongut ii:t ) u(", to ilia Bliaine of the lud.ida. gul'y of guru cavfli84iK.i. Hie husband a. unfort'inately. not in sympathy wi.h the ktrict re Kline In voitne, fco Le Lad hia fu:, f luro of trouble, for In my pros'D he bore rcoI iing unl mvbubip t ti. ntly tUnt my chi d Ut'a.t p t ej liim and I remember that more limn on- in my simplicity. I trh'd !o be kind to biui. to atone for tbia Lick of rpp e i bition and privilege in bis own h jum bold. Jlnce that time I Lave know i of other hoiim-hol is of like rburacte where no dirt accuniuii.tes no free dom In the titie even of cliulia la en- conraged, because dlaardi r entiuea; m flies linaer plfasantly bu? n In tU atiuabine, for no aunsblne in welcomed or tolerated for reason well knowa, and the honae fly 100:1 leurn wlsdo a and ilrpurta for part lwa UfspiUc; no cbllilren are web-ome, en-ept a tnmnanled by wntcliful niniiimaa or faithful attendants, who will nervous ly restrain every ate:npt at Invtatlfft tion or familiarity with people or h- Jpcts on tbe part of tbcao lit le f ilk ti bo soon wish t) tr.tve a;;cb an atnt- a plu-re and enie- Ibat of wiine lov n bouwkf-eper, who will kindly allow tb-ra all reasonable privlleK"1, find wh ' will enjoy tbe Kjwntnncouii ontb'irnt of cbiMhiod Innocence; no freedom 1 tolerated tbot enrr aches tipr.n the al M-gnlutlons of "the good hinsi-Ue p T." Now, I would like to Inquire If It Is not I tetter to live in a eomrortablo manner. mnk!n ell around feel at home, even if disorder and n certain amount of dirt actual dirt, la some timea apparent? la It not better to relax the hold than to keep In the grip the entire family, an! all (meats wh t are aa hrtrdy as to venture wbhln th lines? Ia It "good boiieekeeplniT t make your borne a mo.lcl of tea tries exactness and repiib.r ty, at tbe et persae of personal enjiyu):'nt ard com fort? I a not the ao-cnllei "good bonae keeper" many times misnamed? o that wb advo ate tin!! Ureas, dlaor.ler and Indifference roncendiiff tbe dtall of borne life, tipin which so largely de:.td onr comr.rt and birminea h i ia It not better to lake nulimn groan if nnd strive to be a caretaker wi'boitt letting otir risbt band know what our left band doeth? I it not more polite and aafer to Ignore tba careletanea nnd lack o? thonshtfnlneas on the part of our guest than to palnfn'ly remind thdn by onr bnste to make amends or re atore order tn their pretence? ' It Is wlae to train our children to waya of order and care-taking, but If we In judiciously "nag them we aoall fail In our object, and poe:b!y entrance Uiem from tbe home life. O mistaken wife and mother, audi a habit In your busy life would be ft jrrand Investment and letu'Ti yon a hundredfold. Many a buab.ind and father baa wandered Into some giUM nloon Juat to while away a few mo menta, until the habit haa rrrown npa:i blm, and bli home bas lost Its charm he aeeka It only aa a duty i a retit Ing place. Toung wires and nouse keepera, eren those who have no do mestlc help, we counsel yon to gift your brabandi all of your society thai their business relations allow. The dlabea can wait ao can the broom an 1 the duster bnt your bnsbitnd affec tion and devotion will aure'7 wane an t wither If you do not fotcr and eheria'j aa a tender plant. Wlthiut love an 1 contentment, of what arnll are th commendable -innlKlea of good bouse keeping? With lore and contentment tbey are all Importaat factora. L: ns then, one and all. old nnd young strive to avoid the breakera of "orcr careful housekeeping." To Wash Lace Certains. First brush thetn with a tnrkey wing, aucb aa many have for dusting purpose. Mk a good atrong aoa) nda; put the auda and curtalne In a tub. and with a steamer, that la not rusted, press tbem, turning tbe cur tains over often, and yon will be stir priced to aee bowr the am tl n of th: ate.tmer will take ont tbe dirt L'si clean water ontll they are thoroughly cl-unel. Itlnse In tbe same way. I. not wring, but squeeze "nt tbe wter Rt retch ud a barb wire, and t there lb no wind blowing, hook the cnrtaInaon the barbs, atretcblng tbem carefully Or perhaps better way i t make a frame tbe air of tbt curtains. Drive Onlabln nalla about tba dlataW-e of tbe svallopa, and turn thm aaiia a llttio to torm baofta. HOW DAIMIY COlfflRtS AND the curtains on, atretcblng them as lesired. Clamps usel for bed qui!' frames on tbe comers are very con veulent for making the frame of any leslred size. Several curtains can lit lried at the aame time by putting ibew one on tcp of the other. They an be atnrched and dried in this way and be belter than ironing, It bcln much easier. When Writing a Letter. "Cue only black luk. Avoid writing over tbe bead of your eorrcHpundeiit. Never us worda with which you are not fauiillnr. Io not lill your le'ter with lengthy excuses for your silence. Alwaya use unruled p.iper of fine texture. Avoid a pronounced color. Under no circumstances send half a sheet of paper, even for the brie feat note. Never begin your letter with tbe statement that you have little time for correspondence. lio not write of personal or other Importaut mutters to strangera or or dinary acquaintance. Do not send an Important measure on a postal card, and never use them for notes of Invitation. no mi .jxp raw to PREPARE Tllti; Granulated auuar makes a bett;r meringue than powdered su?nr. When making coffee scatter a pinch of suit over tbe grits; this will bn: out tbe flavor. When mixing mustard for tbe tnble, t 1 a great Improvement to gradually !id' a little salad oil. Cora should be boiled aa toon ns possible after picking, for no vegetable ioaca Its flavor more quickly. A good thick gravy la pro ured o ily jy bringing it to tbe boll whllu k.lr- ring and cooking till It leaves th aides i tbe pan. Dirty ovens spoil cuatnrda and milk pudding, therefore the oven ahouid be rr.ahed ont with hot soda water at leaat once a week. I .ard for pastry should be used as bard aa possible. It should be cnt In slices and laid on tbe flour, aai not rubbed in very much. Bait for Yonns Otrk Rait of golden-brown enetlan cloth. Gored skirt and bolero with flowing aleevea and extended shoulders. Trim mlng of fancy braid a abmle darker. A good eMdal few 1 1 J SM4BT BLOUSES. Modieol Oltisnn Vslst. Waist In UiodJtiLsl Gibson style wit tlin-e w-lde pluiU between a group ol narrow ones back and front. The nar row plaits are held In front by ovef hipping abnped pieces that are fln tslied with buttons. Full eleevea with deep cuff. Faxhion .Notes. Small Jet buttons are In vosue, -Colored velvets are preferred ta black. l or blue bats blue rosea have bees provided. High crowns are trimmed agalna tbe crown. A novelty la an evening cloak ea tlrely of featbera. Girdles CnisUed with abort aaab ends are approved. rrincess gowni are permissible fas the perfect figure. Two rowa of puffed ribbon will boa der evening dresses. Tulle fashions many toques for din ner and evening wear." Very tunny who wear earrings fa vor pear-Khiiped Uropa. To match tbe white tailored go waa there are hats of white mohair. , lie lis of white kid with baroquo pearla for ornamentation are attrac tive. Home of tbe fur hata have fera clous bead at one aide for sole triua mlng. Nearly all bodies are made ao aa bt permit a lace softening around too throat For a dressy fnr there hi nothing more effective than the long fluff's white fox. Smart waiataof dark Diet net are ta be worn with cloth akirta exactly matching. f'lttln little walsta with old fash ioned darts that make tbem lit like a glove are among tbe early modes. Rmnll tails are again seen on tba eton Jacket which aul'a many womea too well to be altogether d'sear.leiL Store colored and mixed marabaa bona are aeen than tbe pure white which obtained so largely Inst year. Charming la a prlnceas gown of white ailk grenadine a Inn, at coverel with large red flowers woveu la brocbe effect A Change of Color. Sirs. Homer Why. Mrs. Weeda, your balr wtis turning pray tbe last time I saw yon, and now It hi J at black. "l re. Weeds Yes. yon see after mf huahand died I was awfully loneaa;ua so I concluded to dye, too. Couldn't Ma ml It. lra. Jaw-worker So you are going to leave me, HrUIget. Haven't t treat ed you like one of the family? Bridget Indade )e have, mom, an ni've shton.i it aa long aa Ol'm got ter-taut lot V." , i