" .' f . ,,..,-.,. ,. . " i. - --. i.t. 4 0 Harrison Press - Journal. wttli wa 1 M OFFICIAL PAFBI? OUT SIOTJX COTJ"NJ TIT. VOL. XV II. HABEISON, 1TEBBASK A., TJEiXJSDAlT, DEO. 15. 1904:. LSi O 3 LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK Pubtsalioe of contest notices 7 50 "Little Eifel" cigars for sale lLirii Doa't forget that w handle Cut kMutrv. Crea berriea 10 -u a quart at Lowrj'a A day. from Sunday it Christmas Applae at bet rock prices at Bourret A Da via. The Sporting' Editor Uat Uie d-k gain. Dr. Spindlo, the Crawford dentist Will Bourret was up from Running ater yesterday. Supt. Borlcy was attending to his flic duties Saturday. H.H. BummII u up business Tuesday. from Gleo on Mrs. Chan. Thomas ai down from Old Woman creek Moiday. Rich Duan mad Unit office a planum Call win la in Iowa Monday, Chaa. Ntwmu wan in from hi ranch aautheaat of here yesterday. WNTH: Two or thr.e tons of Rood hay. Inquire at tins i Mice. County maps tor sale this ftlce. Both od paper and card board. John Haoann wan visiting Inn family in town tha first of the week. Thar will b n ( 'hiistnni entertainment at tha church Clirislimis eve. Frank Wrich'. rs-i-on. a render of the fRB-JoirrjALlth this issue. Mrs. Then. Kigerl returned from an attended visit t Cixty Monday. Henry Wills m in from the Herman ranch oil Indian creek ibis week. A. Erdmsn sbiiipe l a cir of cattle from hvra last rUturday evtmn. Mra. Ed Holliagw-rih and children were in from Indian creek lust week. Th highest caeh price paid L for hidenatJ. V. RicedorfTe. Wilber Bhephenl iiud wife were up from thrir ranch north of bere Tuesday. Will, Joe, and NmJi Grimm spent Baturday night with the Editor's family, There was a big dance at the 8 E Inst Friday night. All report a s.jlui did time. The finest line of freehand cured nieatd at J. W. Kice dorffs. Utvul Kose arrived lis re from Sheridan, Wyo, last Thursday uod w;i satnd the winter at 8beep creek. 10 per cent nil on first j ears premium on all Kndownieut and 5 per out (Juran tea pohcia till Uec. 31 Suiiili. W. O. W. Lodge will meet Siiturdaj Dec. 17 04 for the election ol duWrs. All Miaubers are leouesled to be ( resent. When in need of a Range or Heater come in and uue what we have. Lacy Bros. L. P. Heaitb and Mr. Weiland of the aouU) part of. Ute county were Uoing buiioasa at the county seat last fndny. Barjr Boa was up from Sheep creek Mooday to meet Ills ni tlir, who iiin in from Hlstridan, W o. ou the Ntsaeiiger. Leonard Dout and family were up from tbeir raooh on Jim creek Monday and peot tba nii(bt with Hm Editor's fannl. Feaca poati are as gxsl as gold these days, acd although they are scarce, a (oodmatiy big nstds have bn delivered hers Uhs fall aisi winter. Wairnu) A firl or woman to do gener al bousa work, steady emplot inenl the year rouml, and will pay g'Nsi waes. Wnte to t :. F. toffee Jbadreu Net. Haa your fnmily a claim on you? Than taka a policy iu the Prudeotlal that they My have a claim on it. C. U. Ml TH. Agent. Tba M. W. A. business meeting proved aaouass laat Haturiav evening nisi new .gasr for Usaensuiog year wsre eiact- Mr. 8 W Mull came to ou the passeo. r tin looming A sub-rriher to I be Prew fcsTRSAI. ha imkI op to the year 19 ?. This beat tlxs record I 'art Wilt h id misfortune to cut his f'Kjl quit laid while chopping iu 1 1 mi timber. Dr. Spindlo, dentist. Crown and Bridge work a specialty. We rtceiyed a communication from Jloi.t use Hi a rk but llie writer forgot to sign his name, i ws'll hevelo cast It IU the wa basket. The poorer the man is the greater the una lor Lile Insurance. A Prudential .olicy is sure. C. H. MUTH, Agent, Tlw Helping Hand 8ocity entertain ment und box social proved a grand Sue Cess Ufl r nil.iv evt inn, ml a I ire crod al lenilrd. I'lieMilr w,s mutton- vrrd bk K A. Ueiow and in )t nl Ilia arilc as went al hh pruex. TO CLHE A IXU IN O.NEUaY. Tako L.ix.iiiu Mroaiu yulnlne isllisU. All (IrukKixtt il unit ilin nioiiey it 11 tails to curs. .oiovs's ilgu.lure U ou vyeiy bos, t-c. Prudentirtl policies art now forfeitable nil el llit- II si year's .r.nnuin has Is en i id, the luil ainouul I I he policy heint! luilomatii ally ' i d.l d r t lie jfiind of term slHted in llie (Hiiicy. Try over, ('. ii Slintl. Ayen I. LaM Safnrdav rvemng aUml 4 n'clm k il clnlliled up and I'.'imi li Htriu und II looked foraliile 1 1 k e er (foin o have a eimine old "three d.iy bliz.int,'' nut by mornini; it li.ul not snowed inin h but wss still blowing, and what little snow fell was piled in drifts. EHTR VYEi) Two I wo ear-old steers brnndtd (or knee pants) on left side. Anyone presenting infnr inuiion conoTuing tlieir where a Imuts wiii t rewartiwi. Euoert Romwkr, Harrison, N. hr. luallf prrjudlccd by "lircapoiiau HKitatloo for a c jnstitutlim ahl Is now Id progteas," Autocri' T C'iDftldrrt vital 10 ihe life and fuiii tireaioeaa Of KusiU at Dstb Lloeral rtforma, he nulntalm, 4 nee stiiry, but, liter cmnot be lull ducd eicept by aut'racy. Moreover, deilant the prlore, Mr. II Ziinnierninn left Mondsy night for Knxion, I'inn to meet his wile, there and Ii.iV- a g suine vi-.it In bis old home, Mr. Ziiiimei iiihii has not n to l'enns I vam i since he clime west twenty tears uohiiiI we know Ins old frit mis, as well as bis relation will he gludio see htm nnd talk ol Ihe gone by dsys. He und his wife will prohuMy visit there ail win'er. Mrs Zimmerman, we will reiienilr, has bwii visiting there for some lime. Hitrrj Llaugherty htl a ruuawav a hile entering town last Thursday, He hud oen-d and v a-sl uling the gate west of the livery barn, when his eaui d. caled . . . .. . i . . r - I Ui take a frolic, and ran around town for , . . , .. , I a wlnle. He was trailing a sulky nnd when they turned Ihe corners il would . s-...,-... to su'Mi an extent Itiul n n in to ne tasen to the blacksiailn shop, The boraec did not get burl, 1 ........ ,...... l,..il i.,l,l ..srr. r... , r,.., r...v lo hoi or of the akeiils twenty eighth birthday. Jesse whs certainly surprised I ..,.....1 I .... . w 1 r ller ihe sun.risers were seated an exihiiuifed Jokes ! for M while then games w. re played until l,. i- u n.r,u.li, ueiils were served aiul alldepnriesl wishing Jesse many more : such birthday party Many nice pres euls were awarded Inm which be appreci ated vary much. NEW YEAR'S MASQUE BALL. Haniscn, - NBbr3Sl(3 Friday Night. Iro. 80 Urnnd March prom tly at 8:4a, ' Priaea awanled for llie best iimkeiips. Good muic and Ustonler guar mtee d Tickets 91.00. Ou sale at Joiie's Orug Rln Hpeclator tickets 25 els. Ladies free. Everjbodv invited. There will ben lady cornet plaverfrom Ghadron toplsy with tie orchestra. I Come out lo the best Masque dance of Ute LOANS ON REAL ESTATE la response to considerable recent inquiry, the COMMERCIAL BANK U pleated to an nounce special arrangements to make long-time loans on Real Estate. Say what you want Wa weivrd s letter from Frank Stra dal la-.l week, aim is now located at i S, Mo w hu ll is in tlw southern part, lie wiyx tha weather is nice and warm there. He order thw Pltlt-B JoCMUL nt to him that he. ina ke-p hisI on w hat is-int on in "O d Smux " Hnci" t" you Frank Bd the Pkess ml nrike its weekly visit to you. COTTONWOOD ITEMS. ,r.tin Mek-iii mule a business i rip to A'lelia last Friday. Anton Kra'C nad-i i business Irip to Harris in last Friday . Mr. i.d Mrs i hart N r n is ami son Henry ma le a inioiies trip in Anton Kr.it z's lat Sunday. Mrs, Conley hasgone lo Biiir.ilo, Wyo. in search of her lo-ig lost b wh'ch was stolen frmii hr while small. Lm her J lines has krone to H ill , Mont 10 look up a new lix-ation, having s dd out all bis idler, st in Hi .in , oiinty. Tin- Lsitheraiis are in;tk nL' g'Ksl pne cre-s towjitiU then I hri-fti iis tr' e, hav- 11 c i ollci 'id 4-11 ( 0 .iinoiiji the iiiemb, rs of llieir luin li. tt Ii a lit tie i oiigreal l'in i-Hii bat ilia ? The seine I house in I)i-t, No 4 bus received a coat nl ptint slm h in p ovs ii very much. Hat Seed. Carey Items. Quite a nniulstr w re caiik'bt in tie snow H'orm Salur.lay on their way from to n. Euiftne Ho want is slow I v recovering from a serious sprll of sickne-s Every fie is buiciiet irtg and g' iiing up the w mtei 's silHil if fu-l. j J. E Arner sold his ualve. to Anton Metkem last week, Conrad P rsons was on ottonwoisl bu ing cattle last w. ek. 0 inic to sickmss R.v, Mo-N'ali failed to meet Ins appointment si Uieu last hundaY- Aits-rt ii lersgtve b s hod Imu-M) in I'ls . No. 4 two coals ul punt last Week, and v, n it ucb improved the looks of Ihe building. ' There will Is) a bristtuiis tree and entertainment a' ibeihuri h Pmlny eve ihe 23id A gui (I proura . . is bring pie pareil nnd a i:ood I. me is iinticipntrd i nine every b d( . 1 1 Hi )TUY Bodarc Gleanings. llealma t 'off. e w as nv- r lro Rumiii g waler last week visiting his cousin John ivnl R ise came down from Sliernlan last Thursday und is visiting friends in Ihe val:e i . M liry I il nieruian leu nerw iu nuiiuiu ' for an x emled V'sit lo his old home in P"'svlviinin. ,., , lit j lr tt.slarc church liur d i. evening was hut owing to the darkness of ihe levelling ihe ni tendance was not as larne j lis was exist ted ! (1VHrr,v., wwk ,(, ,1k . n new l ,11 )., , ii.i " rrm music iii Ihrtionii ol Mr and Mrs VlUrl Hill. Mrs. Il.rm.n ililblen uln hnsheen Veiy sick w ith T; bold I. vi r, tin ngh s; ill Verv w enk, is slow I y V cov. rniL, lint of her cblilreii is still qti.te sick wi'h the same disease Howard Wji krrsham ha relurneil from bis I rip east and is very busy bu Iding a Hew dam. Hnndf.nl Hills new house is rapidly wearing a Umsli and wills.1011 la re id) f, r its new occupants. The Z nimerinan Bros, are busy these l'',HS""1 daysbmldii g a-new dam and inutrovin their oitclies to oe for ibe spiiug work. Mr, i. k.r-h am Came from town Sunday nnd will spnidawesk at the raiH:b in Ihe valle). F. M. Hall waeawav prt of last week surveying laod south of Harrison. MissfUra Kirkpatnck ii visitigtr ler sister Mr. Alice Hill and ha charge of Un household aluirs during the letters illueea. II. A. Professional Cards. J. E. PHINNEY. Physician Surgeon. OFFl E: Andkkws Huick CHAS. H. SMITH 1SHVRAS E AG F.ST. O I Lme, Assesnielll Hlid Accilleld P. Ilcie wri ten nrrexinileri'"e solicited Ai'drss; ll.,rrison. Neb. Photographs: The Inst c1 mice ibis w, liter, tieo Oer he .-h ill lake photon on Isc. Hill at Andrews Hail. Hunter Happenings. Mr, Proctor and Mr. Hughes were Harrison viilor Monday. J uk isik and J (in Bui hi came over Irmii Agate .iimd.i and w.reUiawl.ini visitois until .tloiiday, Hsiry Fry ami sister, from near Cm w fold, visited h-iir ail it. Mr. .lIuloLoi i aril lamily 81. uiulay uiai Mn.ilay. J. A Iic and sou uelbt-rt visited Slab to a 11 baiurda) . Mrs vtrir mid sister. M.ss T.i) I ir, re nriH-sJ to till idroii lasi Week J Vai lev came al u r w.ssi on day last we h and ii..imreil us wuli a nhori call and lu ori.l 110 ill a Ve were glad lo It li nun she was well, but Sony to ut she is not, very well today. ti. urge Ualilwiu came lo 1st Andrews Friday night; He and Mr Kice went over to his saw mill Monday. Mr, H ce has I lili hased (he mill I hey go to tow n lo iiiuir w lo i-oinp.i le llie dial, ilns is promoleii to Hie saw milt lr.nn ,An..res ill t wo y euis tiu.e. t e w ish Inn. success. Our district is practicing for il short program ai d i hnstmas- iree. Li t all lirlp and make il a success as usual. All ale welcome who i-li to come. Tlinrs- I.,... . I . Oil .1 ... .1... .)..... - W. I'. Jones Went over to StiW liust Sal ill da y moiiiiiig and hi ought a load ol house Ions home with bun. V e are glad ti see Yours As B 4 ill our columns. V Isli more would write, III. re are seveial t.eighbors we wouiu i like lo Is hi f i cm le lo Ii. ui fiom. le. lina t l itre, Mr Pln ps, and John I ll'ee p.,sseil lltru here wiih llie cattle jenroule for the north ranch, and gatoer- ed s una more Ilia! was here add s opp d over night at Ihe W bar I ai Meiinesday. W were st-rry to hear Uiilard Mills ol Agate w; s il row n In in a boi ; his loo wiischuIi in the sin l i p nun be was mad. qoile lame e are giad lie was not burl aorse vVd did not !e aril the pir:n uiars R' v and Mrs 0. J. lark, ol Chadroii, came up their homestead and stayed a few days. Mr. i 'bristensen made a business trip to rtwfonl Thursday nibt, coming back Friday morning. We a.e enj ying some fine apples which were raised on Mr Harris's larm near Lincoln. If our Harris girls were la-re we would he glad lo treat I hem to some of their home apples. Tickets are ou for a horse an I saddle belonging to !lar i airisleuaen. Wonder whi will tm the one to get the lucky iiiimUi? Jen Jensen took Ihe train at this p'ai e for Douglas, Wyo. Inst Friday, lie had been to Alliance on business. Mr. Wagoner and Bailer, inspectors, were in our town Friday, The pro iiouuced every Hung O K U. t.Q, BOURRET & DAVIS Don't Aree In Politics. BUT They ro Agree To Sell More Gooda Iu The Next 30 Day. For The Sair.e Money Than Any Other House In The North West. REMEMBER That we carry a full line of Dry Goods and Notions, Boots and Shoes, Groceries Flour and Feel. Everything Carried In A General Store. : : BOURRET & DAVIS. SERLACH & SONS Will sell you the best "HOT BLAST HEATER" on earth. There you can buy a first class suit el clothes. In Gents furnishing goods they keep the best Dry Gocds. Boots end Shoes And such other goods as are kept in a general store, They sell at bottom prices. THEE PALACE ?fSALOON) '. IN ANDREWS BLOCK."8 - The finest line of 'wines, liquors and best brandsof cigar 9. T1IE0. SAGERT, Proprietor " stasi' M--!sM-tsH-M-sH-W-sH I You Are Reading t fa i r That's what it's here for: To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every- t thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store. I Give us a trial. Yours for Business, I J 4.t---f1 C. H. UNITT succesHor to C. U. NEWMAN -DEALER IN- Lurnber, Doors, Sash. Lime, Coal, Wagons, Buggies and Machinery of all Kinds. I also carry a line of Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping, Towers, Wind Mill re pairs, etc. etc. etc. A large stock of feed, both ground and ungrouud al ways on hand. mail ori;rs givca premj:: rthnlicn, Give me a Call. Sstv a Croup of Torriaioss. At Oa;.Iy ti.e other day tiie paopla wltneateJ the spectacle of Ave torn a dcea whirling along at the tame t'me Tltey would dart their anakellke tails toward the grtur.d, drawlrg them uf to dart again, but ODly one reached the earth. Thla one tore things up for about twer.tv mlnutea In passing over A conilderable scope of country and then varlshed aloft In purple-bled cloud. lUiisaa City JonrtvaL This, TTIAT'8 BIGHT i A. L0WRY. J LACY BROS. DEALERS IN Lumber, Lath,r.Sa8h, PobrB, Lime, Cement; Flour, Feed and Grain; Buggies, Farm Implements, Wagons; Hardware,- Wind mills, Pumps & etc. JOB WORK A Specialty At this office. Done with i rntncHs and ctrpatefe. I I I I I i I ( all and get our prlca oi If ttfr Hrads, BUI Heada, KUtrajf aU, Earelcpea, Ure, reston m4 4 is ; r - 1 1 e - I ; V. M s..l. '-1.S- e,Msii