Pre sm-Jou rn n I iut. lav. 8. If Pnap. C C Hrfc, KTT RKU in TDK iT UtH'K AT II Ik ItttUII VRJIK. AMjrutt 4 ..AM II ATT kit VYPFICIAL OF SIOUX PAPER COUNTY. Ona Dollar Per Year. Yonng man, there is a thing you cannot do. You cannot ' make a success in life unless you work- Older men have tried it and failed. You cannot loaf around on street corners, smoke, tell Btories, and sponge on some one else, . . . I I witnoui maKinga iauure in-which we would feia turn life. You must learn a trade toward th8 waii.GDnlon jr get into some honest buai- !jouruai. tt ,1 li. !ll hubs. 11 you uou i, you win become a chronic loafer and there is no place in the world for loafers. The ripe fruit is at the top of the tree And you roust climb if you get it, or poire smart man will pluck it from you. Do something, no matter how small or how low the wages, it will be a starter. Help yourself and others will help you. 1 here in no royal road to success; will, grit and endurance aie the qualities that lead to it. Ex. A Kansas piper tells of a man who was caught, out in the woods during a storm. He didn't want to get wet and the only dry place he could find was a hollow log, iuto which he managed to crawl. The rain lasted a couple of hours, when he decided that he had better be going home. He tried to extricate himself but found the soft wood had swollen and he could not budpeapeg. There alone in the desolate wood, many mile . from the nearest habitation, the poor man lay thinking of all the mean things be had done when all at once it sud denly dawned upon him that he had read his county three years without paying for it and then refused to take it out of the postoffice. It made him feel so small that he crawled oct of the log with out any further difficulty. Rushville Standard. Willie Papa, I had a strange dream this morning. Papa Indeed! what was it? Willie I dreamed that I died and went to heaven, and when I met St . Peter at the gate, instead of showing me the way to go to the golden street as I expected, he took me into a large field, and in the middle ot the field was a ladder reaching way up into the sky and out of sight And then St. Peter told me that hearen was at the top, and in order to get there, I must take the big piece of chalk be gave me and slowly climb the ladder, writing on each rung some sin I had committed. Papa And did you fin illy reach heaven my son? iircn: -r . . " line X U papa, lor JUSl as I was trvinsr to think of something to write on the second rung, I looked up and caw you coming down. iar-Auu auaiwuiWBI- Snj down for? VVIllie-That jott what I attd yon, and yon said yon ners ocrtinj down for more dzt . Gordca Joaroal . What Bay c G fl Can Do. Hcxma be the bent fichoiar . o hi cta or t he poorest . lie can make the society in which he moves better or worse. He can make his parents love him and hia friends re ject him on account of hie good qualities or he can be a source of annoyance a some- thing that which is tolerated because it would be a sin to entenuinate it A boy or girl may become a man or woman whose names will adorn the pages of his tory that U to be, or whose names would form a picture CcmKrrwnan Kiukatd tut intrudiM-vd i-tll hlioiu aetller l fiVed umfc-r 1 1 nrw ihmt tilt it lt 4 MaT to owe actual settlement Ux:u their latai. STO K REPORT South OniHlw Net. Uc. 7. 1904 BrcvipU of cat lie l.V latett ii.od. rai so Ur tliiit week laera iut . vv in i.'lil -iiti' bre 1 1 Mr market n 10 ' lJfenla low.r. Hilt market. however, let Uhi vr (teudv. Receipt of s.terner lll be vi r li'tit aftt-r 1 at. 15 li. We rX.-t it In-ii.Ii d. ni iid ( r huult.-r -t t i-est monl h leu lle-y will c ime in latter condition. H'e quote: ' 1hi- ateer 'i 23 to $G 00 Kair to fCMii 4 00 to 5 00 Cow and Mrs. 2 M) Mi 400 Cboicv feeder 8 50 to 4 00 Gnd feedem S 00 to 3 0 4 hotce yearling t 50 to 4 00 Uttvy itoclter 2 to 8 25 Conner 1 00 Ui 2 00 Mull 1 75 o 8 50 Veal 8 00 to 5 50 Hi market in anil ra tWIioe Piicv- to-dav from 4 Si to 4 50 with I Ik- lookout wa Stieep receipt Hre litit with tin market strorur. NTE & BUCHVSA.1 o I The Valley of Mexico. Tbe Valley of Mexico I entrant. mile In length tn4 forty-eeveu mi) , In width. Lake Taxoooo, lane bed of water lying Immediately to the es of the City of Mexico. Is only all tej lover than tb leral of the atre pavements, la lit this lake ro a4 lsusdate tfc city. drssrs!r.;. thousands of the Inhabitants. Thr water, nf the lak cvred the site oi l Mti to I depth of three feet. rf1 remained ao for over tor yearn. Tk'i danter U now obrlatM fey a gmav Professional Cards. J. E. PHIIiHEY, Physician Surgeon. OFFICE: A.ndhk Buxi. CHAS. U. SMITH IXSVRAS E AQEST. Old Line, A neat. (lien I and Accident Policies a ril ten Virrefpondetve aolicited Addraea; Harrison. Neb. ILallraa4 betwaen Mlaeeajrt Hive mn4 Chiee. DtraetlaaotaaH. Paul MhmaaHa Otoaas Um a Sleek Hitta. AasaV a reaaeeae aveat law raaaa. a time table. Wert Bound. at BoaiHl. MWaaaw. Kveniar. K. U, Duo Ml I Ho. 14. Due 7ft Unv t. lo. t n. S4S I Xo. N lot. Irt. M owtv - to CepO o Cc!3 b zo zv i THE PIONEER PHARMACY. WaH paper Druggist's Sundries, Faints. Oils. Varnishes, Books and STATIONARY. The finest Nest cigars FLOYD JONES. Succe. J. E. PhJnney. J. II. UlLIIEflUSBORFEEl, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER All kinds of Gold and Silver work done Kings made to order. All work guaranteed. HARNESS SADDLES, and RANGE GOODS. IlariiesH made to order. Saddles re-covered. MAK'S FJBE ALL WOOL SHLISH CVERCOAT F3.1 This ts a special overcoat for me.v that we are shipping to our mail order cus tomers by thr hundred per pv. it is an overcoat that we have the right to claim is iKttjt v (--li iijiiM fw Ui pres. IV made of a gool a I wool ebertnt, lined wltU heavy Itallaa linluy. velvet eollar, over oat Is tingle braa 41 I iche. loo aa I will make you one ot the brsl over, o iu yn ever hud for the priro. Or 'er one and If you don't ay it U wortt $1.:0 or 8.00 you can return it and we will cheerfully refund your laoa ay. bijoules of the cloth fett free on ruquest. . 4 . - ' 4- ....... a Cor. tfltb and Farnatn Ms, lnh Sheriff's Sale. Hy elrtae of an ordar of il l,o-d by the l lrrk of ihe IM-lric t Court of S m county, Nebraiaka, and to me rtlrncteil upon a dern-e renderu-l by .Id co irt In f i vor or Jam K. j. Hunter a pi l nt Iff aad aalnnt Frank K. Veyer. B. r". I'lt-mtn, Einiiia lltiimn hU wife and laaae l.lnroln lefendaiit. Tb it I will on trMtli .lay of Noeemter, ItM Ht one o'clock In the af ter iiotm uf atild day at the euat front door of the court houae of a d county. In the rtlltgeof llarrtaon: I aitl aell at public auction to I lie bllrheat bid'ter tor caahln hand, the lollowln de ftlued real estate In (aid sioui couuty fe braaka to-nrtt: The W J k4 the SW ( sc. la, vest half of it and E ot S ee. 24. Tuwnahip 'X, Huiige M, altnat d In moat ocHintjr, ebraakatowtiafysldorderof aula in the am of ninety two dollar ami elht CmIi. (t.(i), intereat, oat, and accmin; et. ytrat publicullou ttctolier i7 luei. ALKX UlWKY, Abrrlff of atu.' euu.ity. KOAU NOTICE. To vratoM It r Co ctan: The couimiaaioner appointtd to loeate a crrialu County Ko..d aaj to Vacate a certain pur to of I vuaty Bo ut Kuiuber 44 Petition ed far b, llaitie'i on nor and wtlteraand aid ilattie M ti'Lix.nor efrcelna to give land for to be aat-tl liatonl deacrib 4 an fill oowineaultiK m'ia Vel of the MW roraerof eeetioii is, Townahlp u.RanpeM taence ranniiif Baat mile I bene ao . th on aellon line one mile lietwaen Vet Ion Hand 14 be V, caled, and New Road! t-oinmancina mile weat of tbo f coraar of aectiou IS, Town-blp a. Kane U, thanea Kauth on k arctioa I u .a mile lo aec. line between are 14 and sttbenre riiuiilaa-Kat mile to lateraect Old Ko d Mo, 41 at W earner eeetie i It. r "porta i.i favor .a lueaV luff aad eaeatiBH M m.iIm asilltlixted for. llobMrt:uHMtnerrlo or claim for lainaipM nn.t aa ilea in ta onto of tb flera of aaM Cmaty o or before nuou on Saturday reta-aary II, w,, ro mI will be alWwed wtiaoat fataer raferaaee tber. to. K. r. pounce. ' COeaty tlerb. Remetnhar that we ixilili4i jonteat notioae, aixl if yow nWre ua to hue your work an he it known lo the one tlat' make out ynwr papers. Line of pipes and in the city. ONTEST NOTI E Drpurtment of the Int lor. I' n I ted fitnlea Land Office. Alliance, .Vrbrn.ka, Octolvr lith, IWM, A auftlctoiit coi'teal affidavit having been B ed In ttiiaofnco by AIktI Kanda conteat- anl.nffaiiiat lloineatewl entry No. 2IB7, imulr!, for S. 14. W. i, Section 4 a.,d . '4 . . I, x-ctlon. Section , Townalilp .-n, uange 1 w, l.y Vi.riran-tt 1. Wyer. out-te. In which It la ullei-d thai aid it A-layer lu no Improve, mem on the aald land, aim tn not reaidid IIht. i.ii, ai.d haaabandoned the a.d laud for over an mon. ha prior Ui the dale of thiacon nal and that l I alleged abaeune frotn tbeaaid laud waanotdua to be.r employ uaeiit In the ariay. navy or marine corp. of the L'nitm MUtea . private aoidlnr, oftlcr or uiinue duilig ibe HI with or during ai.y other war In whi b the l tl 6t4it-auia U- eng ,ged. Sabt partus aie bi-rrby notlfl.i 10 appur, reapond and otter evidence t nclilng aula l l(K:'clock a. m. on ' ovembet m b. itU4 w ore tn 1 tOgi.t- r and bce 1 ver at the Lulled Ktatea Land Ofllt Iu Alliance, Nebraaaa. The aald eoarentanl having, n proper affidavit. aiedOctotasr llih. IWM, act forth f:rt ahull altow that afu-r due diligence perao.ial aervice t.f till notice can not be ut-de. It I a hereby ordered and directed tu..t inch rtobce be given by doe and prone, poblleatiou. BaMJCE WILCOX. K"Wtr. t ONI EST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United tte ltitd Office. AlllMi.ce, Nebra-k.t, ) totxr tb., I not. Aiiifflcleiit coiiteatuffii.vitb4V.,g been Bled lit tula office by Albert Kal.tla. cuutcal autaga lloma lead eutry So. !;. m.wir Jalyat'.b. 17, for l4t,-k: JtW jA. 1 ' i. wtOi4,ToualilpHn,(tlgl,&4 w, by Benjauil.1 B. Mill I h onirnaa. In which ii laabaged tb.itatld ManJ.tnln H .Htarftb b.. abaud.mnd Hi aal I land aad lia not reaaled th. r.-o.i for over sis utootb pror to the daleof tbUconteat ad thai aid alleged abaanee .rotu Uw aatd land wa not dan to at eeiployniei.tlM the Ain , Vnvv or Mar lite corp of lb United XtaUaa a prlv.ito uldier, osacer, aaaatau or marina dart.. the war with pain or any other at I a wnna Ht 1. nlled Hate a iy be eiJ.g. d fid p.rt. arc arrabv notlfted to i.pfm., raapuud aal offer evldwnew laaa 1 1 1 allegata t M acUx k a tn. oa kenramta.. b, 4 before U Iteg atr aad aV.dv. i ei tne l, BIV d elate. Und llfltoe In AllUne. A kfea. The Id ra le.t .iit 1. .. in , 5) ipiuaer.aSd .Vit, Bm4 (cto'er I lb. lie. etfor b facie om a now th t after du illllMeaee P-raona. a rviea at ihla notice ra, bo ba made. It l berahy Oi see. d and dire, fdtb.laarh not lee be glvaa My ga an. ptoper public .tton. '. AC.K W iUXiX, - e . mm$ t ' 3' L Yco Pur-rv Any Cir Write 7ki ; a:v i v. .; ..- n wa sor&iT Vnf SrwL-.f V.ttK,. e r-.- ?tt5!l r.-ir4-Kicfsut fc . ; I ..-je i md tj wor. C'-r .a-. ,.y n -.u' - t,JL T- jm-.1 . r Vv- - t :'t eooditloRi rftt -'m. "! t'sar" ta-.isttt td e(f :! ill;:i-r..-l iur. j kw--4 mn a7 nutr:e-J dealer OH'.r. rc rt JO 1 DON HAROWAMC CO.. CORDCN. COMMERCIAL HOTEL. OPPOSITE DEPOT. AUD IX TIIK Ttl WITH OMiri EST. Ituard lly IHj mr Wrrk. W.'B WKIGF.T - ADVKKTISING RATKS- tVr im ti, nicl (':uiiiii, per month 'A P.-r ooliimn, pt r tiiontli fd 00 ProfeiMoniil i-rU r Hr, one imii 5 00 lciil tier line em'll Imnie .03 Vlrcenl off on yenriy contracts. STOCK BRANDS. : lit J"l kkAL will pilbllah yont brand, like ie (olloa-lna, for 92 -VI. er Vear. Each ad Ittii al ifTani 7 cent. an-rr farmer uf 'anclimen In Mom mid ivljuliilug counlti uou Id advert imi tdelr braii'U ih TiiiJiiik ALiu It clrt-ulHtea all over the. atnte. It my be the meana of arlna' inoncv lor yuu Julin Johnaon. OMttlebraaded uaalioan In cot on lett aide, Itang at lew. lit, Ncbraxka. Ad'lmiwi; llevttit, .ur.ixkn SSOO REWARD. for the arntat and conviction 01 any prty t partle. ateallng or dlf lnrliig any brands n atock belonging to the umleraigned par UEOKliK KWAWWIW Jlm left aide (at tie brandee) toraaa braiided on left ahou der. range on FeldlertTcck. Any "lock branded aa above being eatray d from my ratge, diaoivercfl by any body in giving m liiforiiiatlau will lie rewarded. Addieaa, Kl. Koblnaon, Ni'brp.ka 'RANK KL'TTO. Cattle branded .Id and aame on 1er il horae. Alaoaomeof the lloraea lie are brandi-d 011 aide ahoaldrr aome a dcarrlb tbove banad. Addreae llani'o (ebraaka. Needed in Every Home Altoaps Up to Hate WEBSTER'S IlfTEfiNATIONaAL Dictionary J A nictleaarr ef ENOLISK. 1 Dlaerapby.Ceegrapby.riolleaewta. y'ai New aa 4 Cntaurgaal IldltlenB CwtttBiM 25.000 Nw Words New Ga4ter af th World with mumm t h.n '.imrt mu. . .. . . I . - v.. t.Maa aaajaai oat taa latest centu returns. Nw Mogwatyhlcal Dletl anary aaMaialeiaitof ntorlO.'eOitoia'verthy iBaMaawl Mik BVAllauaallta - . iv-- 1 naig mi wnwi. fBgagagggja , f MtM. ante of bin b.2eet b. 11 United tales ( ,m,mW- of tSacation: Mow Ptetoe Qwarte Paaea atcb aindlwg MCt lllwatratlama i.eaiMpwbUab JVJ faltaalata DiMteatarr rtr- t" etwtlll y. eacood-clae 1 11 aiia." LCT lim sunn von rt I 1 I I BP t(C n the WH 5) I "ilt ahotil- lUaaaaal anil the l-a 4 el lor the I WfStlfJlt I ' "TTWUUVJU1.I ra twlla tluaialiHn" wlilt h aitor.!. it 0.tC.UERtIAM COMfA: ; gattt kraaaV 4 iae a ttet r 1 e. altlM I I "eft eiwaMrr. t r r i BHDDU Uoeeea oraades rM aaf f laeea A4drM.i. 4 jhxjbket a And toUowtng r;r 'eft aMc Vnd thin and thl on left eld mmm mtp. Ransenn Knnnlne Water. Pfxt OMc Addreaa, llarrtaoa. KebraefeS 4. m. Hl'UII. cattle Lrpi d Miuwn rnt, on rlfht L. .1.1. 1.1. n. ,:xiv. . hoatder. - .'if'.3 5rLaJ ili h u left .dr. Kltflit ea. riip.aa S100 itCWAUD will paid forei'iil-iio oiivicttrig i,i,y one lor tuiit li g a or la utiy way tauipi rli g with stork huvli.g lay of the above brand or brnida, Uanrli at Audrewa, 'ubr, Aittltrcaa. M arrlao-i. Kbr. J K. I'ENSLOW. Caltlv braadad rlgnt aid wt A'.d alaa fj a bt hip. '1 lloraea bran u-dfengj 0 right dtoaide it Juw. Itange on tt jitu Uiver, ea tbe aM lave Colvilla r.ncb. r.O. Addrraa; tilen, tmr. JOHN A. HANSON ii the fnllow nclirand oneltb r: Uo HO oa cat tle and tmree atlleul) leftstd iirM on left Hliouldiir. kHiicion SI I var fprlng aad at nfataM Iu ?itiil"re Harrlaon "h. RKWAKU. will -My wS.00 reward for each heea Jl Vth ve 1. o vi I le iKiraen branded n ei tlier uw or thirh tur ver o Thn Uieaer 00 Runnnit-I ater. alao $100.00 for proof u onvict any peraon unlawfully baiullinf ny of aaid honats. vr. J. a. Racy. HEKIM KKK" LIVE 8TOCK Ce '"yjajl Branded ait left hip of Cattle 1 , J and on left Rlterfc at lloraea aaaflaaaBMaal Kangeon Deep Creek. AKUeaa, lrep(Titk Live Stock Ce J- II. IIalsbbt, roreinai., tiien. Webraka. OCTAVE IIAURIS. Cattle branded nlag Watet, P. O. Addroa. Maraland. 9br. t VEIL JORtiAH. Hora. a an aal tie brauded ea eitlier atdt, atoa at. And Cattle branded Me, ard lie raw on left HESBT WARHEIB. ;ttli .rand l on left aid. Kaageon (nantig Hilar reeek. -p. 0. Addree llarrtsoa. Pebraava. A.I.KBJiPSOf. rtt attla Braatfad V P MtsaaMaattat t" f I 1 a eat mm eilav L pa ' I a. m Ls ,m an I left side win ll I over bit e left 3 5T PUP J - rv 1 aw. LwY.I Addree. Bod arc. brawa. rvaiieavere. aariagfleld, if a 4 M At .W " v- "rei Utawfard, av