Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 08, 1904, Image 1
Harrison RESS -. JOURNAL. it I M VOL. XV II. HARRISON. 33EO. 8. 1904. NO. 2-i ' '-fit LOCAL NEWS OF THE WEEK "lilUWrcrsforMJet Lowrrt. The M. W A. lirewiM as Saturday I Dn. UN for the tbftiM of LH all be be piMMl IWt forget thai w baadM ststMsavy Ctu berries 10 -U a quart al Lowrj's. AseMs at W rock price at Buurrwt A Sourret A Davia racMnd lot of dry goads Uh4 weak. J. W. EicedorsT vitd bit family Chadroa or Sunday. al A. L HajrwMM dropped hi Muoday Md had MM Job work . Dr. Spindlo, the Crawford dentist Wajrm: To or Hire ton of food bay. luauir at tbs utHc. . County roups (or iula at lliia office. Bolh on pa par and card board. Don't forget lha Helping Hand Society entertainment to-morrow night. Law it Witt went down to work for Jonaa A Hagemaa al Um law mill Mday. Floyd Jooe mada a hoaineM trie to Crawford lat Saturday evening, return lag Mojday morning. How about that policy that you going to taka out on your lift? Smith to giva you fliruraa. are Oat The finest line of fresh and cuied meats at J. W. Rice-dorffs. Nearly arer wairnn enine nut of to wn carries away a load of lun'r forth Srertioa of son, home teader shack Lrnaard DmI hrotsjrbt im a Baa poefc-r to J. W. toVrsT yaotatday. Mr Ktc- dorsTa ataat asarket mm woo mw market fur .or people that bare Itan to li. Mr. aad Mr. Serhe were llarrisoe riait or yesterday. Mr. Zerh received a letter from Olan who i taetchiftjr ia tha Phillipiaeaead ha lika it raal wail fnre. awl that ha it ffetuag aloof Sua with bis school work. A stadoatof on of the great aiisMonary college was conducting Pyer ataating. d in an oat burnt of aalfcuMaaai ho preyed; "Oi va u pura haarla." Give im clean hearts," Hiire us all sweet heart," to which tha cofiKmralKJO raaoondad Aiurn."-Ei. Tha ahow people hv com and iron and "Tan Night in a B ir R mil" waa wall ill unrated bv them. anJ will be ra mebered Ion by those who att-oVl during tha season. Thii ia an old pUjf bul never llteles it always seems nrw The hand muaic was appreciated by all and was excvllrnt. W wiah to correct an error th-t ap nearer! in the Qlen B undup of laat weak. In tha item of those that war entertaio. ad should have rand ihoa tht anteruin ad. W want our correspondents to al way call our attention to any material mistake that may appear in their item for errrs ar eaaily road and Mimatmie somebody' feeling are hurt when it waa not intended that way Ed. L0T1S 0.1 REAL ESTATE In response to considerable recent inquiry, the COMMERCIAL BANK is pleased to an nounce special arrangements to male longtime loans on Real Estate. Say what you want A. R. Kennedy and liu Andrean Cam la on Monday' train and want nut to Mr. Keuoedv't ranch north eat of town. In another year yott my hr gon no larar now and roride for those dafiaitd Ml on you. Smith rapraaenU Uie bet loturaoo Co. in America. Three lad mm in the offl.-e Moniav ml wacu-e) their names in the iaper, an we'll put them in Mia R im Stewart, Grace Bd aad Edith Burke WaITOX) A K'rl or woman to do ceiwr al house work, Rteady eiiip'orment the year round, and will pay good wage. Writ t C. F. Coffee . had ran Nebr. Eduanl Pridd v i nursing a anr hand vauead br the bile of a dog. A couple of dopi were HaThtin and he tri d to atop the fight, thus receivinaT a bite himself. Dr. Spindlo, dentist. Crown and Bridge work specialty. Boo P. t 'offee was a Harrmnn eixit or yesterday and mad thiaodic hi 0ua1 plaaaar.t call. Charlie ia not mouroiag of hi defeat but is as jolly as ver. Alei Lowry left for Knienim, Nebraska last Saturday eT)ing to be present at the Golden .Wedding of his father and mother. He will be cone about two Boward Burke has been nursing a rase of the ouiDcy thbi wek an Julius and Oeore have bad to aHm the responsi bility of Madia: the Pna Jooahal forth on Its weekly visit. When in need of a Range or Heater come in and see what we have. Lacy Bros. Why is it paoplo pstmtiiM a fake travel Insurance A treat when they won't look at a resident solicitor that they know ia revpoaai bit ? Smith re pre sols two good companies. tris Christian cam in from Douglas m Tuesday Bight's train and want out to M bom tha Halt d.te. Ho remembered Um poor pnnte by Ml tin; up bis sub Bsjriftiaa oa ysar ia advaoo. Noreniber paat wm Um dryast it ha been fer Ihirty-fnur )ar and back ia Rentacky, (te old blu graastat,)thy been praying for rain. When Cfl. tucky go dry oaa't think Ibe w.ll aaiHM it far off. The highest cash price paid for hides at J. W. RlorxlorJ. Chan Newman cam in on Wedn- Hii' train from Detroit MichiaTHn where h wan calUd enme tim aifo to Um had- ide of his fUier who is qoit sick. hnrlie aav hi f.itlier wn some better whan It left hut I impomibla for him to net well. Hi father presented him with hi nprctiicle which is an heir loom Hint ha bevo in the familv for over SflO year. The strange part of then they were nmite Ik' a black smitb for bis great grand father MS year ago. A young man by the name of Roy MuMoon of Huron, 8. Lktkota, aaya the eil World Herald of Dec 3, wi ruined br cigarette, and was went t the insane lum. We wonder Miuetinie why yonng men will poiso their svatenii. with lha deadly t'lgare te, when It i J it merely a qletioa .f time until they will hMe to sucfumh. either hy losing their mind or life, .'others sIhiuIiI institute a warfare against not only the cigarette but the men that furnisli them lj our b.ty. But than, how oflen do we nee a father setting this very ex.unple aefore his boys. Our governn-ant demands to word xiisnn to be stamped upon all pi- on except vigarette. Or our young men that were, unlit for nrmv service in Uie late war with Hoain, 80 per cent of those ivjcied waa on account of their cigareti Miiokmg, thenrbv m:pairiig Uwmt hea.lt) toaucil n rktent that they could not be admitted to the service. This ahould lie enough to open the eyes of all fathers aa wii as the young uien. What ar w going to Co about it? GLEN ROUNDUPS. Mr. A. T. Hoghaeo waa ia Crawford Monday. Mr. Joha BlombursT aawsted Mr. H H. Rueaell in killing a beef Tuesday. Mr. Mortenaea and familr were pleaa ant callers at the home of Nels Adamaon Sunday afteriuioa. Mr. Pate Oilmore is again in our neigh- hortuNal he will make his home this win tar with Iini Peterson. Mr. Frad Pollen', rhildraa wr sirk the latter purl of th week, hut at thia writing we learn they ar better. Mr. Fred Wehater. Ezra Tucker, J. H. Iwnolow, WaltirrJotinaoaandMrs. M H. Urern were Crawford vim tor Saturday , Mrs. Jatis Jeaaan was visiting friend in Uii vicinity over Hundav, returning to her horn at Irvine, Moitday morr.ing. There will he preaching neat Haady inimeadiately after Hundy scIhioI liew 11. Remember the date, and every body is cordially invited to atletid, Mr. It. W. Ilamaker and Mr. Stewart were hunting cat l la in this vicinity th latter part of the week, and atop pad at the IJ. L Bat Sunday night. Mr. James Jensen took his departure for Douiclas Wyo. Tliursdav, where he will releiv his father from th section. tli tatter will look after hi homestet-d interests her. ENTER.TAMMCNT. Will be given FmUy eveaiag Uec. Sth by Helping Hand Society. Becitatiuos, Songs, Uialogu aad Tab leaua. The Lodie Aid Society s Album quilt be ld at auctk.o. 4 'omioeuv at 7:00 SALX. Q'lilts, Comforter, Rugs, Picture, 0ra Shawl. Pillow Htum, Hhor P.keU, iJresaer Hcarfa, Apron Splaiuier, LsMMp Mats, Head liaina, 8uf Pillow, etc, etc. v OentlemeaencneaAd buy rour wife or ket-lieart a t hriatmns present. Ba-SsT Rt PTtK. L -dies are request ed to bring boa con taining supper for two which will be sold atgfctach. BOHT & DAVIS Don't Agree In Politics. BUT They Do Agree To Sell More Ooo is In The Next SO Days For The Same Money Than Any Other House In The North West. REMEMBER That we carry a full line of Dry Goods and Notions, Boots and Shoes, Groceries Flour and Feed. Everything Carried In A General Store. : : BOURRET & DAVIS. Sun If there is any on thing th standard admire more than aeother it is th mor al, well behaved, iodustriou young man. In tli town of BushviHe lhare ar three mothers, all living at home with their parents. We have often noticed the young in, aad could not help hut com ment on tlieir aianlin and luduatrv. Whee about th home lhay ar always ! buy flV up about th place. Tliey i Snow seemed to he the pnncipil part of Ibe programme Krid iy alih mgti tin snow fell quite rapidly for a few hour. e have heard several pias their opinion that it was a banflt to Um grass. On Wdnlav laat. Mr. M. W Francis from FWsvthe M nt, arrival at Olan. (or arewdav -isit with J. H. I ken slow, we lrn that they were raised b vs tngethar in I)odge count v Nehr white Mr. Frnei ike our country fairly well, ha think there is no l4ce lik i Montana for the flock bus'nrm. Yot'KS Kn B 4. Hat Crik Items. Albfrt Hiil loat a valuable hora lat week while returning from Crawford. John Mark wa visit inic on the divide last Sunday. While there he took hi bent girt nut buggy riding. Martin Dciyle and sialer departed for th Emerald 11. Inst SitunUy for an eitendeil viait of three months. Oorife Rrown say there mnt lie a brio built het ween hi plara an'l 7i m mermana, even if he is obligeil to do the work himself. Snnlfnrd Hill, and Tom Hine killed a liirg grav wolf recently. Thi in the fourth vnlf th boy have killed in th last few vars For raising Oindr. Jo Hnffiran take t lie cuke H killed a mortar for Thnnka glv'ng tht. weighad SO fc with tha hed off. How U that for a Sioux county gander. Santford Hill is building a new resi.'.ence rm He new homestead. Thnma Hine ; and .Inhn Mack ar doing the csrpwater keep Um yard faao ia rir, atteml Uie lawn, k. th buildings well painted, set out trees and shrubherv and beep every thing in iu place. They do not have to be driven to thee things nor I told to do them. They do itnlieerfullv and tstcaua they ar Deal and industrious, .bay would rather do it thaa to run the atrcats and listen to smutty yarns and jna th rowdies ia destroying property. As far as w know neither of theai pollute Uieir systems wiUi intoiicants nor use tobacco. W lav never beard either of Uwiu swear nor us obeoMic languag. Thy are not stuck up 0' prile theniMlvs on their nHiralitea. la fact w doubt if tnay takeaay thought ia it; it cms aatural to them. They cana4t help but make food citiaeas and mn who can be trusted ia places of trust Rushvilie Staadard. All of our towns hws young men hut can it be said of them as the Ruahville Standard apeak of thaa young mn o Ruahville, it ia not bsyond lb reaoh of all young men to have such said for them. Th world tskea us for just what we thmk wo are, sad young man don't yon will avar rsauh any higher altraard. Ubm ttsal what you atau j work Whan eompled it will be occu pied hy Jam Andaraon. The wedding ball will soon he hesrd, Ar'hnr Millar. Johnia Rerre anl Tommie Fitacerald accompanied by their ladv : friends took in the danos oa '"ot ton wood ' last week. They report a good tme. ! Th literary at the schol hn in Dist. No b. laat Friday evening was well ' attended. All present report a rood tint. Tha ntt maetnr will he held Saturday evening fee. 10th. Kvervbndv is cordially invited to attend, aad mak itasttcfstas. ! John Walter had th misfortune to fall into an old wall on th Wirkersham ranch last Tuesday night. H remained there until Oeorge Wiekersham snd i Walter Hiaes rescued him in th early J hours of th morning. Fortunately h suaUined an serious injuries but was lightly bruised aad scratched from tlio fall. j TO Cl'ME A (X)L.D IN ONE DAT. Tk Uisativ BromoQatnloe fai 1st. All 4rugglt refeiin tlie inoasy If It fall to rare. K. W.Urev slaatar to aa ovary aagi , Hunter Happenings. Look lika winter has com. J. A- Rio visited at hoin over day. . J. H Cook returned home last Wednes day. Tom Jones was doing business in town Saturday, Th steam pump has baea shut down for l tie prMot. i R. Hunter want down Um road Sat urday eveniai;. Mrs. ( bnatensen went to Crawford M utility evening. John Butler of Agate wa in Andrews on day last wek. WilUrd Mill waa an Andrews visitor Um last of th week. . Mr J S. Hueter end son Humid cam Uamm O.oaha a few morning ego. Mr. Jones carried the mail Friday and Monday -Pretty much winter fisr u. Mr. Price who has been veiling at Mr 'ook's a few davs relnrned to Fort Rob insoo Saiurloy evening. Mra. Wright who ha been visiting a Mr Basxett' returned to oar horn at Crawford Friday vning. V. Supt. Borky vimtel our school Thursday; ha was well pleased with the work done; Alan attendance. Mr Pliipps and another gentleman Mted thru here here enroute for the ffee ranch on Running water Monday We forgot to mention laat week that Mi Warner attended the N. W Tvach ers AaH-tation on Friday and reports a very interesting time. Dea'm Coffee of Running water wua hunting entile in I ha, hi I la and vale alon White river last week and stayad at Mr. Jones's a couple of nicliU. Mr Mvlntosh visited his familv over Sunday and was very sick Sunday nuht but we are glad to sav h soon got better, he went back to the rni Monday. We did not hare time list week to send our moath's school report but those who were not alewnt or tardv during the month ending Nov tH are Thomas Jones, Vel na B'ce, Mabel (.'hriatensen. 0car and Howard Mcintosh. Mr. Btaset Mrs. Weir and sister Mrs Taylor, and Mrs. Wright were Agate vis itors Wednesday and Thursday of lust week, they visited at Mr Ru mil's Mon day also at P t Hill Sunday, we all en J 'Ted a short talk and Bible reading from Mim Taylor, followed by a prayer hy Mr. Biaaet then Mrs Weir gave us some sweet muxic and songs ia which thoM who join ed her war Mim Warner, Clara Christen sea aad Pear la Jooss. WWo. Ur Spindlo wi'.l he in Harrison three days, nest Urn, Use 1S-14 IS. Will all thoM having work left over from last tim pi oosm early. 6ERLACII Ik SONS WUl sell you the best "HOT BLAST HEATER" on earth. There you can buy a first class suit of clothf a In Gents furnishing goods they keep the best Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes And such other goods as are kept in a general store. They sell at bottom prices. THE PALACE iiiiiiMlltillltllllltiHMIIIIHIIIHt) iiYou Are Reading f This,! w THAT'S KI8HT j That's what it's here for: To let you know that we handle a fine line of Con fectionary, Tobacco, Canned Goods, and Every thing to be found in a first class Grocery Store. Give us a trial. Yours for Business, A. LOWRY. r r mm m mini C. H. UNITT successor to C. H.NEWMAN -DEALER IN- Lumber, Doors, Saah. ' Lime, Coal, Wagons, Buggies and Machinery of all Kinds. I also carry a line of Wind Mills, Pumps, Piping, Towers, Wind Mill re pairs, etc. etc. etc. 1 large stock of feed, both ground and ungrouud al' ways on hand. mail orders given prompt ettentiort, Give me a Call. LACY BROS. DEALERS IN Two IS CRATED, two yar-old steers branded (or knee pants) on ft side. Anyon presenting- infor- n.atiiMi V4iicemine; their where a bout will be rewarded. EociEirT Kohwer, JiajTiautt, Make, Mrs. F. W. Clark and daughur Hlo daparted Tuesday aveaiair far Chicairo, and will speod th remsioder of Um wio. Ur thr with rt Utivas. Klmundsont moeine; picture ahow was the beat thing for the pric that nasaver struck oar town. There whs a largo crowd out and all Mnird to enjoy tha scene ntsl specially th irsntleniati by amiinsir w afauib Mr. Idoiuatkwa traatsd Lumber, Lath.CSash, Too -a. Lime, Cement; Flour, Feed and Grain; Buggies, Farm Implements, Wagons; Hardware, Wind mills, Pumps & etc. JOB WORK A Specialty M this offia lnn with aataeM mt4 MraTaBu fall aad rt our priceM Uitar Meaaa, Sill SALOON") y-s . '- i?riN. ANDREWS BIOCK--8? The finest line of wines, liquors and best brands of cigars. THEO. SAOERT, Proprietor. SJal S HI II II T , ' ' "ivv : ..... . A f ; . s ... , v. 4 .A ": i - ' 4"