Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 01, 1904, Image 8

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Tmcwm.av. l-r. 1. WH
C. '.. Bur-, Pni.
Kvmru if tiii? rTrH'K at nt
One Dollar Per Year.
Commencing January 2, 19
05, the Unit-entity of Nebras
ka offers a course of installat
ion in tbe principlea and
jirat tice of agriculture. The
course covers the subject of
soils, field orop, dairying
butter and cheeae making,
.breeds and judging of live
stock, diseases of farm anim
als, horticulture, shop work,
farm machinery, and English.
No examinations are required
ior entrance.
It would eeem that many
students from this county
should attend and take .ad
vantage of the instruction
offered, for the knowledge
gained will not only enable
young fanners to get better
returns from their land but
will also help them to save
money in carrying on farm
The much boasted increase
in. railway taxation, which
the republican press pointed
to with pi ide before the elect
ion as one of iU groat acts,
has taken a Hidden change,
now that the election is over
All the roadr- in the state
have announced tneir in
tention to refuse to pay the
increased taxation in every
county in the state and as a
result the mum boaatea in
creased valuation will not be
collected without litigation
In Box Butte county this is
no exception. Last Saturday
a representative of the B. &
M . called on County Treasur
er Brennan and presented a
check for $7,000 as payment
on the assessed taxation
that road for $10,485.25, the
balance due amounting to
$3,485,25, to be contested in
the supreme court. Of course
the only alternate for Mr. Bre
iman was to refuse the propo
eition. So there you are
The voters can draw their
own conclusion as to which
party told the truth in the
recent campaign. Tow what
will the outcome be? The re
publican party has full con
trol of the state government
with a governor to back up
its proceedings. Will they
make the corporations stand
by the laws of the state or
not? Time will tell. Of
course it is now too late to cry
over spilt milk, but we'll ven
ture the assertion that more
than one voter who cast his
ballot for the element that
was victorious at the last
ekwtion will regret it If the
railways succeed in dodging
thU obligation, it will mean
a losa of many thotuand doll
art in the state treasury.
Bow many individuals could
do the like? AUlanoe Herald
Hi rir4 Singing at Edinburgh ef
"The NnMV ftiU l.m.
lucao Inter Ooii )
AH whoever heard him aid n I
Imhk h.i knr oulv by lradilti wla.1
er h Voh- tvvr I'm aouia !
Uiefl, IOUl have read l ll M:patlH
ifilfvl Uut lr U. Su.kev in mj-1i
leebU; haallii that his family were b"Ut
U) take luni aoulh in tins b-s of keeping
turn alive t.ll aprinaT.
About two y tun atfo llw old Kel
ai.ge went blind, lie aw uui utoupiain.
but aensitiveoe over his misfortune
aitlalrew hioi from tlie puidicgare. Since
ihen be ha been linUeard, ve at gome
dance psaer-by uear hi roral home
might ttewr ttat old tuuaiciao lifting up
Ins brart to hiK God m Ute tlirill;.-g
otnurs of "That Ninety aad Nine."
Tlie atory ot Hie com pom lion of "Tlie
Ninety and Nine i one thai bears tell
ing aam and mcaio. It s at a great
meeting in Edinburgh, which witli a'l
the cffjiB of the feakers remained
cold to their message. TV day before
Sunkey had been handed a poem, a stray
newnpaw clipping, wl';h he
had not
una nine even o reau udui juu ue
. . . .i;..- i
fore he wan called upon to sing sonietlnng
Uwt would wake up the chilly Sc-otchmeu
He avers that as he walked across to
tlie organ lie had not cnumcal idea.
but he prayed fervently for help. He net
I lie clipping on tlie desk, laid his hands
n the key, and begun, still wiOmut
any idea of what he whs noing to King
or how he asgoiug to xmg it. But us
lie ag the music came to hi lipn phrane
bv phrase to the end. And as he sang hit
bearerHStirred roue U their leet fell
upon their knee and, hundred of e
were wet with tears. Nearly every man
present Keeuied to fel tlit he a. ti e
lout mteen vi Irfim th,j Shepherd weut to
the deitert to find, und over whose find
ing there was more j.y in heaven than
over the Diuety aud nine that weol not
a tray.
Dr. L. ('. Davia form(rlv of Ha'r son
hat aettled in Chad run in the practli-e 01
medicine. He nievetl here the latter
part of laxt week. Hiooffli'e w upstairs
in the Cen tnil block. Mr. Lavia ia gnid
uate from Entworth Medical h hoal and
Hoppital of St. Joxeph, Mn. He a
ntm'.er cf the St. Jph heaMh dep'irl
nient two e:irn Wff.r- I iuiiib to llurn j
moo where r.e c-aine ior m i
remained one vear. He came here
on the solicitation of nuineroua frir-nx
and exprese himwlf well plea
with our little tily and exfecl to make
it hit rinaoent home. t'hadrD Tunes.
Take Uixative Broino Uuiiine Tat leta. All
dru(fgit refund tli moncv if It fall U
care. K. W .Urove'a el(iiuture l on every
box, V.
Itailreaa between Mleaourl RJver and
Direct Une to St. Paul Mlnneapolla
Direct Line to Black Hllla.
Apply to nearest evf ent for rate, map
avnal ttme cavraa-
Wot Bound. East Bound.
Morning. Evening.
No. 13, Due 9:11
No. 11, Due 755
No. M lot. frt.
Xo. 83. lo. frt 95
Both trainn carrv paaaengera.
Vhct Old-Tim Writer Regarded at
IU Specialty.
Old wrltert In n.ectlouing bircb
roes teldom failed to aay tolemnly
hat thoy were useful to grow
ranchet with which to give fcoyi
hrubiegt. Turner regnrii the tup
ily of "Cexible, pcadeat braaches" tar
mrposet of put lsbmsnt at the chief
nerit of the tree. Colea also based hla
UxMte cf the blrcb chiefly oa IU
te Id the tupi ly of rods at Instr
nenU of punlthment, for be writes:
The elvl! ueet whercunto tte birch
ervetb are me ay; at. for the punish
pent of children, both at homo a-d at
tchool; for it Lath en admirable in
hwace npoc them to quiet them wbea
I bey are out of order, and, therefore,
I om call It nal-.e-pcice." In ancient
'Rome the faacea of the llctort, with
'which they cleared the way for the
naditrates, were formed with rotfa
if birch, and tbeir Influence waa
illy tufflcleft to insure a rapid die.
tersliHi of i-.K'ii aetembled wbere ttiey
would in pel a the passage of the ad
Iriltttrntora of the law. From ttat
tree to within a coaips-ratlTely rcst
rvrlod tbe birchen :od wan regard
is on of the most important
wts of iVTenil depravity.
3 eOe-O eOeO 000OeO0 -OeO 00VeO00000C''0 C C
Wn'l Paper
Drutrcji-st'js Sundries;,
l-aints. Oils, Varnishes,
Tlie finest Line of pipeand
Best cigars in tlie city.
FLOYD JONES. Successor, J. E. Phinney.
All kinds of Gold and Silver work done
Kings made to order.
All work guaranteed.
Harnett made to order.
Saddles re-covered.
This is a special overcoat for men that
we are shipping to ocr mail order cus
tomers bv the hundred per dtv. i t is
an overcoat that we have the right to
claim is fi:!urjt an anyiS: i for (bs pres.
TtV made o! a, ex)1 a'l wool cboviot, lined with heavy lul'an
linlnj. velvet collar, over o.it is single hrea-ted, 44 Incho loo?
hd I will mr.ke you one of tbe best overi-oate you ever had for
the price. Or cr one and If you don't say it Is wort't 47. "0 or
fS.Oti you caa return It and ws wiil cheerfully refund your mon
ey. Sajjples of the cloth ten', free on requett.
' fl'f lag
rv Cor-
15th and harnarn St., Omaha
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an order of a-ilif iwiiwi l.v the
fit-rk of tin- )ilrict Court of mx emttity,
Nebrankn, and to me directed upon a decn-e
rendered li- 4ld court In favor of Jam-n E.
ii. Hniiler jilaliitlir and aynlimt Krank K.
Meyer. It. . flt'ifui, Emilia i'llmaii lita wile
and Inaac l.lncoiiidefeiidimtH.
Thiit I will oil tneflhday of 'ovemW'r,
1!H Bt one o'clock In the nf u-r iimoh of aaiil
day Ht the eant front dcKirof the court Ih)uh
of HH'd ciiiiii I y, In the village of HarrtMin: I
will ell at pulilic anctiou to tbe hlKliodt
bhlilnr for ennh in iiund, Ule IoIIowIhk du
wrl lied rnl estate In auM hioux county Ne
branka to wit:
Tim SW 5 of tiie sW 5 See. l.i, et half of
5J W and K ot N W 14 'ec. 24. Towimhip
R;in(f- M, alttiated in Slotfi county.
Kcbraaka lo aalisfy tald order of anle In the
auui of ninety two dollar and right rents.
(fJUH), inUTUKt. ct, and a crnin coot.
Kirat publiCHlion October 2T-1W.
ShcrllT of tnlC ounly.
Remember that we jmbliih sonteot
ooUoea, ard if you deeire uk to luive your
work make it known lo tbe one that
makes out your paper.
Electr.1'! Lamp on Horses.
Electric lamps on tbe bridles of
earrtoif 'jomeu are now quite com
mon in Berlin. Tbe current It rup
plied by a storage battery under tbe
carriage ezL
CMId Labor In Saxony.
In Saxouy, of 604,600 school chil
dren, 137,831, or 23 per cent, are em
ployel la trade. More than half these
children are employed U the UaUIs
' Hint Proof.
Ton matt not imagine," ah Mid
"that I would be willing to st here
alone with you if you were not to big
and strong;, and ab's to pick me up lo
your arms as If I wre a mere child
Id caa anything happened." Then be
cause nothing happened she told he:
friend that be was dull-witted an-l
probably had a soul like a withered
lemon. Olcago Record-Herald.
Dcimrtineiit of the Int-.-ior.
I'nltixl MiiUw Ijind (irtl.
Alliance, .Nchraxka, OcUiHt lith, Hot.
A sulttcientconleM aftldavlt h.niiiK Ijh;ii
fliel in Huh oitli i' by Aloert Itaiidx conteut-
ant, HKamet Hoinestejui entry Ko. 217, made
Aiifruat 4th. lxl. foi S. Vt H. V. I, Section 4
and s. !, S. , '4 section. Section 8, Toa nnhlp
n, KuiiK 34 by lliirxurett A. Jlyura
1 ontivtn', tu which it la iiIIok'hI that
aaid MurK irelt A-Myer hai no improve
ment 011 the aald laud, that ahc haa not
ri'siji-d I hereon, and haa abandoned tlie aa.d
liind for over mx moiiilia prior to the Ute
of this contest und that wild alleged atjaence
from tiiesald land waa notilac to her employ.
inent In ttiit army, navy or marine corps of
the United Ma tea a a private aoidier, ofllcer
aeiiman or tnuniic UuritiK the War
with Attain or during any oilier war in
whif-h tlie United Ktutcauiav I engaged.
.Snhi partus are hereby notified lo apfe-nr,
reMnd and offer evidence t-iuthliig aald
allegation at 1(1 o'clock a. 111. on .'v'uvenilxjr
20th, KMbelore the iteaikter and Itecelvi r
at. the l ulled Mate Laud Ultlce in Alliance,
The unldcoatintuut having, In a proper
affidavit, a leu Octolier lltlli, 1904, set tortli
fact which show that after due diligence
jM'ruo.iiil aiirvlce cf thia notice can not be
iiiiide, itia hereby ordered and directed
that audi notice be given by iue and propei
trr- iiui'CE wiux)X,
ItepurtiiK nt of f lie liit'rior,
Cnltd .atat-a Uuid Orllce.
Alllnncc, Nebrak, October 12th., 1004,
Aaiiaictent content affl lavit having been
aied 111 tnla nfflce bv Allwrt U.i,.l. ,.f.... I
antatrainet Home-tend entry So, 1K32, made
Jnly mi'.h, lW, for Uit 8, sK WW 4 N
HW 54. section 4,Townahlp u,Kangeft4 w.
by Benjamin II, Smith (teuteatee, in which It
la alleged that aald Iten jimiln B. Mmlth ban
abaiidimed tne aald land and haa not realded
thereon for over tlx month prior to the
date of thl.ceitteat and that aald alleged
abaence from lite aald land waa not dne to
Ills employment In the A. my, Wavy or Mar
ina corpa of the 1'iilted state aa a private
aoidier, officer, aeatnau or marine during
the war with -pain or during any other war
n which tbe United atatea may be engaged.
aid partle are herebv notlded to i.ppeur,
reapowl aud offer evidence touching aald
allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on November
mil. WH lie r ore the keg-later and Receiver
at tbe In I ted state Land Office In AUlanoe,
ebr.ikka. Tbe aald eon tea taut having, In
proper affidavit, Bled October l.th, I Ml,
et forth facte which how that after due
diligence peraonal rvlce of ibl notice can
not be made, It I hereby oidered and d I reel,
ed that uch notice be given by doe and
proper publication.
opy. BBL'CE W tUxtx,
n V THE -5t
JL tir'-W'' Hunm branded with any a above bran.
A I j v d , ' . . ilarriaun. Kehraate.
. I ri2 feJW . lf. -
ij WUllHtWUlttlt
Bafan Yoo Purchase An Other rHe
Tit uv mi iiw'bi MAcaiit tmnn
Manr Sewta Machine are madatetell regard
fees of oua- :v. tU fr " " i
to mmr. Our fMjrttf never runl euL
W, iruik Sewinf 1aehinet to tuil all eonditioiit
o ttwi-ac. Tr "Sew Ml, Mndiattha
bead ot il IlisB-trrwIe luruir tcwinf machine
M4 by aalhortaril 4ewletw mly .
roe sake
EVEltYl Hl.Ntj hn.ii a,
Isosrd By lr or Week.
W. B- WRIGHT Phiif.
Per inch, iii(;le c;ui:in, per month 50c
Per column, ier month frt 00
Pirfeietional curda per year, one inch 5 00
Ix-,il per line each iu .OS
50 er cent off mi year'y contnu:U.
ma Jot'KHAL will nnbllah yonr brand, like
Hie following, for K !er vear. Each ad
lltic ial brand W cent, tverv tanner or
ranchmen in ai'iux and ml Joining couulle
liould aJtverllae ttieir bmiii in TiikJoCK
(ALKa 11 circulate all over t'm atate. It
may be the nieana of aavl-ig inoiiev for von
John Joluinon.
(hiltie brandefl
11H nown In cut
on lei t Idc,
UanffH at Hew
itt, Ncln-uka.
AdUrew; lu aiit, .M'Oi.tnaa
For the arrest and conviction ot any party
T pnrtle t ruling or disf iguring any brand
n nlock lielMiigliig to the uuderxlgiicd par
( attic branded
'ornea branded
in left lde
oil left bou
lder, range on heldterl'reck.
Any alock branded a abeve lalng etray
ad from my range, dlacovered by any body
an giving me ltiformatlu will bo rewarded.
Addieaa, H. Koliliiwm, Nebraxka
Cattle lrandel
Hide and aame on
der ! horiea.
on the left
lelt ahoul-
Alao dome of the lloraea
tUr are branded 011 Hide
atioHldrr aoine aa deacrlb
above baand.
and Cat.
and the
ed lor thn
Addrea Harrlaon, Nebraka.
will find by inquiry that in the schools
their children attend, Webster's is
the Dictionary by 'which they ore
trained, and that their school books
conform to this same authority. Is
it not best to have the same Diction
ary in the home?
The constantly increasing sale of
Webster a International Dictionary
proves that parents are wisely fol
lowing the above suggestion.
Bev. Lyman Abbott, DJ., Editor of The
Outlook, cay: Vv clatter bat alwayt been
the favorite In our bouaebold, and I have
tuen no reason to t ranafer my allegiance to
any ot bit competitor.
The New and Enlarged Edition has
2380 quarto pages with 6000 illustra
tions. It haa 25,000 new words and
phrases, also a new Gazetteer of the
World and a new BweraDhical Dic
tionary, all prepared under the su-
Sperviaion of W. T. Harris, Ph.D.,
LL.D., U. & Commissioner of Edu
cation. IU appendix with detriments of
Biography, Geography, Fiction, etc.,
is a packed storehouse of valuable
Our name It on tbe tltkt-pam of all the
aut hemic dietlonarleeof tbe Webtterierkw.
"A Tett bt rrMaawtatlea" which afford a
-ipienK.i .1 mid inst ructive evening" enter-
A .ni. I incut for U10 whole family.
4 llliiatnued pais poiet ate hwe.
j O C. MBRIIIAM CO.. Pwks.,
srlagfal4. Mass.
& i
r rk j
llhr w l a to.
Cattle brund
1 aDH aa that
ja cut on eita
rr aide o ani
Jlal And thin tI on left tide and hip.
Range on Itnnning Water.
Pout (rtllce Addrea, Harrlaon, nebraaka.
J. K. Ht'NTEB.
Cat tie brand
aa ahowu in
cut. on right I
ldn, hip, or
Alao a on left aide. Klght e. ellpned
$100 REWARD will la- paid forevidnace
convicting any one lor 1 unnlrg o or in
any way lamperli g with aux k having any
of the above brand or brand.
Kanck at Andrew, Nebr,
Addreaa, lliirrlnoi Nebr.
CkUW branSetl
on rlgnt 1d
.ne a ent
A'.rt alo D
ht hip.
Ilomca brandedwTB Q' right aUoaideg
or'jaw. K.iugn on W.iltu Itlver, oa Ike eld
Wave Colvilln ranch.
P.O. Addrew;
Ulan, Mebr.
UwnH the folio
nip brand otieiln
Mmj H3 on cat
tle and t:iire.
attlcon lef tilde
hdraes on left
Kumrn 011 Silver fprltiga and enat of aiate
Ine i'oitofhce Harrison Neb.
will -)iy 45.00 reward for each hnj
jf 1& v (M vi I le'a I lorae lirandrdi.
n either jaw or thij;li lurneill
iver v ,ohn Hieser on liunnint-'
araler, nlso flOO.OO for proof t
convict nny person unlawfully handliag
any of said horses.
W. J. A, Raim.
rtrandnrl an left hip of Cattle
and 011 left cheek 01 Uoraee
Range 011 Deep Creek.
ACdaeaa, Deep Croek Live Stock Ce,.
j. II. Halmert, f oreman,
(ilen, Kebraalia.
Cattle brdeJ
I. O. Addrea. Maraland. S
meil Jordan.
Home aad ea
branded aa
either tide, astas
a oa eat.
And Cattle branded
tide, aad llerae 011 left
Add ret. Bodare, Nebraska.
Cattle brand
ed on left aide.
Kange on
Running Water
"P. O. Addreet HarrlKm. Mebrasba.
attla Branded
Andlollowlnrten f"I" MTI
eftkideef calt. lJ tJ
tnd tbl j on '.eft aide of aba a tea a.
1 j
i ...
r. 0- Addreea, Crawford, IK.