Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 01, 1904, Image 7

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. ' - ",..;
For Colds and
Tha Magnificent Stste Capitol
YBRnjitA i known from tha Atlantic
J to tbe I'aciQc. I-ettem of cougratti
Utioa and commendation taemfjiug
la the SWIM of l'rru:. as a enXntri
fmj are pouring in from rrrrr Stat
tt tha Union.
Ir. Hirtaaaa I receiving hundred of
each letter dull jr. All clause writ
ecaa latter, from tha lii(haat to lb
Tba outdoor laborer, the indoor arti
san, tka clerk, tha editor, tha tntcman,
ate preacher all agree tint Perooa ia
catarrh rfiiixl; of toa tfa.
Tha stag and roatrum, recognizing
Catarrh aa their greatest enenr, ara ea-
K tally anUiiuiaatic is tkair praiae and
Any man who wtahe perfect health
oat he entirely free from catarrh. Ca
tarrh la wail-alga universal; aluoat
Peruna la tha enlv abaoluta aafeguard
kaowa. A cold ia tha bt-giuuiug of ca
tsrrfc. To prevent cold, to cura aolda,
ta cheat catarrh of Ita victim.
Peruna not only curt catarrh, but
Breventt It. Every household should
ha tuppllcd with thli great remedy lor
might, colds and to forth.
Tba Ei-Goveruor of Oregoo la an
ajraVnt admirer of IVruaa, lit keepa It
Sjfitluulljr la tba aou.
Tba iral elixir of life, according
to tha issertli'D uf an Auitilao phr
lolan, li buttermilk. He declarti
ibat Ihn fluid osmed contnlri raveo
at n let' beg, which pre upna the
!cr?t:j which are danncroua to
life, and thua make It ray for a
ktimao to live a burrirtd years,
provided bla chief bevcrafe la butter
)llk. The hardeat dollar for a man to nit
It too oftt n tbe ooe he needa tbe
"Doesn't the oolie and bustle of
tbe city confine jom?"
Suburb "Not a bit. All my nelgb
tors have tawo nxiwcrs, bablea and
I And Hao'a Cuts tor CoBanmptlon the
Ert medb io for croupy children. Mr,
Callahan. 1U I In II etreet, Parkera
rg. V. Va, April lti, 100t
I like a mule t t one thing he
Mer wax known to flatter ennybody
only with lnz heel.
Ml. Wln.lowa WM.iTtfl.NH STRUT lor cbll
arto teething, aottana tba giima.radaoa tafia
aaUoa.allayapalncara collo hrioa Kw twttU.
Tba man who Is determined to
write aumiblnff new bar. Utile hopes
v wlnnloKi but be who g Mlllmw
to rep lot a moral, oi ahtrpeo but1)
nda ov un old truth, o that It will
tick in both waya, may pooalbly
A company baa been orfranlxed In
Ion don fur the pr curlif of wealthv
brides for ImpoTeilihed aria(K-rdt.
penentatieon tbe estimated wealth
f tbe bride U tbe fee for tbli work,
to be paid witblo a week after the
marriage takes place.
Tbnr are but fu men who an as
mYidllab as they are tbongbt to be,
and kaa . bo are as wise as they
tbink they are.
tWaoM tithui Arty CM.oi $n W
i r
JFlllJLtf si
Th Mbjmi W IV ttotiarlM B.M ah dm rst that aTnMtavM Mllirn ta thai VOTlrf at ttaMfiMaff thtftr Tr.
!tt"T) lei.f-H-f flu inn kimj n"i rkr vmrttig jn II. mn.
li'r? snnria ta mf tit v rr mi th"M of mhar tiDkM
at r
i ao aauaatui. &jd 17 lio dasinra aarrhara.
i hi. utir W. L. ,jU (.1 Ui atv4M cnut wtura to mull, why thai bo'i ihftr ii(rt wr-v?
ar) of f-fr r tpIb ln othar KV tsM Ott la4 aMkrkvl lavtl, .voel why lit
for lh r"rndlnf .l.il 1. iwtl, r ".Vri (,O4l.l)0,
W. U iHttiqUtgiuirnftUM 'bmir !- If Umnfng hU utM Ual ptifl tM tlM konota. Look tor ttV-
I IB my- Hivify inn in-'M nf ninar n'HKMIIiq Ul n-vraiiat minwra uawtai, yuM wnnin uniirg.
(.. Mr W. L. AmI M W tin la tuttf van lni kflt.U
I M la P.rm'-T.T. Utl'rii, It's. CttL. 13. J. Ml. Kmft, Hekm.l. r.
'. Y foU ne Cornna (Nilthla In hit SttAO hne. 'rn t nil I
I tba Aaaet I'lUal Laa'kar aaa-la. rai t'oTor Rreieta aaorf eiclaatxelr.
Sale Ten Million
mi MsiLrs Mvoarrc tiiaiaiai
Siw!: A'- srj;j: - - ri
"4" W"-4,
In His Family
Finds It an
Building al Salam, Oregon.
Ia a letter to Tha I'aruua Medicine
Co. ha ear:
Btatk of Osnoow. )
Tha Peruna Medicine Co.. CVjluml.ua. O.
Dear Sra have had occasion to
one your Peruna medicine In my tarn
lly tor eoUa, and It proved to ha an ex
cellent remedy. I have not had oc
casion to use It tor other ailment.
Yours rery trulrt
W. M. Lord.
It will ba noticed that tba fci Gov
ernor ey ha baa not had occaaloo to
um Peruna for other ailint-ota. Tha
reaaon for thia ia, moat ether ailments
begin with a cold.
Uaing 1'erun to promptly rare cold,
ha protecu hia famil agaiuat other
Thia la exactly what every other fam
ily in the United Sin tea ahnuld do
keep Pernna in the house. Pa It for
cough, colda, la grippe aud other
climatic affection of winter, aud there
will be no other ailmenta In the bonne.
Such fimillea ahould provide them
wlrea with a copy of I)r. Ilartman'a frea
book, entitled, "Chronic Catarrh."
Adlrce Ur. 8. B. Hart man. President
of The Hartuian Knniiarintn, C'olnm
bu Ohio. All curraupoudeuca held
atrirtly confidential
Solid Citizen "Enough, sir; I will
bear do more. I have no time to
waate taking with an avowud so
clalst." Reformer "But you bare not
beard all our plana. One of them Is
to b?e the gurerument ereot Bound
proof ey urns, to which all tables
shall be committed until tbey are
old enough to go to acbool."
Old Cltlieo "Whoop I'm with
- . nAnrf tTmes
First Cook "Times are mighty
baid Just no."
Secnd CoOk-"Deed they are. I
sindbagged alx m n aa' night, an
xriy got fifteen cents out o' the bull
Mustang Liniment
cure Cata, Uurum, Druiaeau
Tbe bet w,jy to t ll a 0 id oymer
from a bad one tx' to eat It Tbe
man who kan't tell the difference In
this war Isn't wnr h convincing.
- All 8111 Fall ta a. Dry Time"
Trim iiox of ibi run
la arderiag Towe Sltrkert,
cnatoraar wrttw. " know
lAea- will a a KiU lhp
km tAe 'run' ew IAm.
I Thia eaafldanea la the
growth or lty-Blna yaaaa mt
aauwfai manmAtototoaj.
Beat . P. S. A. tSKZal
Towar Oaaadlaat Osw ;t!
Kamtrs a WmrwM Wet kVaataar aMatog
of wrtsr
If I r"t'lt hw fu lha ftffrrjr tatvtan I ha
anq iha ) 'trh-traoa iutin
in Ilia world. I
W. L. OOVOLA. mrmmartem, Mamammhmmmft.
Boxes a Year.
flora lhaa 4OMM).0OO Annaally Jaa-
purled Into Ibe United t-tate.
The tuotd u.tiu wbi-tber the
coanut ia oUicil!y renaTilrtl sti a
nut" or a "fruit" bus bi-u tit-tUiil in
I r-port on ('(MHMtnuta rt-o-ntly umiiv
ly th lejiarUu?nt of Agriculture. Al
boub known aa a uut, tlit U'iart
nem charactf riitis it "a tropical
ruit- The rirfrt in part:
"With tbe trxi.iitum of a f-w bun
lrel dollar' worth grown anuuiiliy it:
'lorida no cocounma are proJuctnJ ii!
wntlnenUl l"nilcd States. A tropica,
"rut, grown almost i-xcJunicly on 11
tntla and In tropical countrie lKinle,--ng
Uiin tbe Ma. there is little tcrn
ory in tbe I'nitwi Hlatctt prfipcr adapt
i to ita cultivation. The lare ijuaut
ir of cocoanut and tbeir product.-.
xjUBUined In thia country are practic
ally all Importcxl.
"With the acijulKition of territory
iftcr the olotw of tbe Spauirii-Amcri-;an
war thcr ca;nc Into tbe possession
f the I'uitwJ Ktiitea a iiiiiiiUt of inl
ttiila upiu which rocoiiiait proiluction
a a coiiKidcr.ible- iionoihic factor. In
?he riiilippluc 11 not only plnjn ai
iportunt pmt in the doiiicsllc woun
liy of the people, hut tbe exportation
tt copra (irkMl nx-tit of the cocoanut'
otiHtitutrs one of tbe liirjjest ileniH o'
Jjeir export traile. r-tiiriii iair to the
livhlpelago from $J.l.iH to $-(.iiO,-VKi
a year. In the Kinall island of
t'tituila of the Sarnoan croup copra Is
be chief n..ic-le of export, upward of
MNJ ton l'ins; aliippel out aumiisll y.
n Porto lUco the area in cocoauutK
n lfiO, BccordhiK to the census, wan
i.447 fie'reo. From none of ibese pon
4ti,ionH, however, does the Vnitcd
!taten now oJit.tln any Important part
if its heavy Import of cocoanuU ami
Jitlr product.
"These nuta arid their products are
mportwl Into the frilled Stiites prln
lipnlly In three forms, as cocnmufK in
he aheii, us copra, broken nn-at, ilcsii'
iited anil not ileMlecatcil. aiMl co
oanut oil. Of (.bene by far the iiiok
mport.int, aa nieaMiiieil by value, i
ocoanut oil, the deliveries, from cus
onihouse and warehouse!! for cot
iiiriiptloii In the fulled Staten In tl 4
Uru year ended .Tune ?,0, V.xr. li y
UK been 40,074. wi pouniU. valufsl at
i-,,tni,4)2. These were tbe henvl.ft
niporti of cocoa nut oil ever mnde In
:he T'liltcl f-'tntes. the previoim hi jiJ
ecord bavlnir been In lK'H-bSld, wh
Jie quantity delivered for conmiliiptio
tinoui)tel io "1.72.014 pounds, vn!
led at $1,3K).',.S. The principal tisef
n which this oil is put In the f nlte
States is in blending with other oils it
be manufacture1 of soap. In ronfee
ionery, medicinal preparations, foix'
:ompoiind, for the jirepnration of tex
:iles and for other purposes.
"Next in Inijiortance to coconnnt oil
are the imports of cocoa nuts In tba
'hell, of wnleli the deliveries for eon
inmptlon in the I'.scal year i;X2-i:to."
tinounteil in valup to $!HiR.'.1'(i. As to
She quantities of nuts In the shell Im
ported there Is no oiriclnl record, but
c rough esiimate hned upon the total
t.ilue of the Imiiorts ami the average
frlce of tocoannts annually Imported
I ilo the fnitpl States ranges from
f.nrO.0tK) to r.O.IKKUKK). As is well
I nown. these nuts are consumed in
(lie United States chiefly in the raw
itnte and In the manufacture of con
ectloncry, prepared foods, etc."
(alt It ;i-i;n-ctl.
"I hove always rather prided my
telf on the acc uracy of my pronuncla
Jon," said tt salesman in a hook slort
ecently, "but n woman from Massa
rhusetts who came In yesterday floored
me flat. She said she wanted n look
the name of which she hud forgotten
but It was about an American who vis
ited some people at French chateau.
This didn't give me any definite idea
uf what hook nIir wanted.
"'You must have it." she said; 'it't
by a very prominent Washington wo
man. Her husband Is in the navy. Her
uauie Is fJruuncl, Mrs. (Irtinsel.'
I couldn't for the life oi me recall
any Washington nuthor named (Jrun
sel, ao I asked the lady to write I In
name down and give me time to loo'
It up. What on earth do you thin'.
she wrote? Why, Crowlnshield. 8hc
told me, too, that it's an old Marble-
lead name, and that nobody up there
ver cutis Crowlnshield anything hut
lie Knew Hi Il-slnri..
A lady going through a hospital dur
g tho last war saw a couple of sol
ilerg sawing ami hammering and said
What sre you doing?" "Making a
.oltin; that's all." "A coffin, indeed.
id who is It for?" "That fellow over
there," minting to n cot. The lady
iked and saw that the man was alive
watching 'what was poing on.
"Why," she said, in n low voice, "that
unn Is not dead, and perhaps he won't
lie." "Oh, yes," Insisted one of the
jien, "the doctor told us to make the
,'otlln and I guess he know'd what b
rlv' him."
A I) anh or Oxvg n.
The wideawake student, in bis
taste, occasionally puts a question
t'hlcb tho next minute he might re
fret. The New York Tribune reminds
is of the story of a Harvard Instruc
)nr who was lecturing on oxygen.
"Oxygen," said he, "Is essential to
ill animal existence. There could bt
io life without It. Yet, strange to say.
It was discovered only s ce itury a.,o."
"What did they do then, air," a stu
lent asked, "before It was discov
ired?" l ay ofCutinn Oiirpcniera.
Carpeuiers at Havana, Cuba, and
'lclulty receive to $.'!.."() a day.
They ure paid In Spanish gold and the
lay's work coiutista of ten hours.
Bom women who claim to be undet
K tajk LUM 00.
ibe aCT'cate of short ditaaca for
WJtucn ire uti? ers ged a iadr to
walit f,r one hour tbiougb Lodon'a
mot p .puioua thoroughfarts wearlcg
a lui k ablrt. The irt waa after
ward ashed In distilled watsr, and
then 1 drt ps of the water were ml
croscopicliy eralDed. Tbey coo.
taloed vtr25 0 0Berms of sjch 0U
eass as &inuu)ptlon, typbold ferer
and diptberla.
Adlvce n rery cheap In market
Just now; tbe supply baa killed tbe
A Kenan IVonun Bnreeeita ta afaia
Ulaiug Uer Rlcht to Kara Bar
The waTking dcl. p.tH la not the only
oiid who out onler the employee to frive
np hi job. Some irreffnlaiity iu Li
health may foroo him from his wia k ami
render him incapable of improving the
Very fliibbt opiiortunity in the world.
A romedy tliaf will rostore health aolveg
lnauy labor dilucnUiea at ouc and makes
the !ith li siiocoaa a smooth one.
Mi.'g WinuiXred Kay, of No. 917
WiiUr tr!t, Wichita, Kansaa, haa
yuisMjd happily through an experience
which illustrate this point. She says:
" Iu 1901 I be'itn to antler from ojjo-
aidenihle diturUiuca of my health.
There was di mnciiieut of atoinach aud
b nvolf , as well aa female troubles.
lly appetite bocame very fetibk. Boma
dayg I had no di hire for food as all and
when I did take any it caused me great
discomfort, particularly buruiug sensa
tions. Ialsobad palpitatiou of the heart
end often a aonse of being smothered,
and I bocame so nervous I couldn't sleep.
One doctor thought I bad heart disease,
utot hnr consumption, another a radical
disorder of the liver. 'While I was not
couAned to my bed, I was so miserable
that I really thought I must di,.
'Aftor aniTurijigiu thig vmy for yenr
w it bout find iiif? any relief, I read about
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pule People
in a book tuid got a box and Is au to
n.se them. In a week I was better. Iu
six or aeven weeks I waa well. My liver
seemed to be Etimulated at once and my
eomplexiou cleared np. Tlie burning aen
suii n loft my shnia:h and I could eat
nearly everything I wanted. I hud no
more pain In my abdomen and no more
trouble with my heart. My whole system
appeared to be regulated and the grave
foura of the doctors were all banished.
I have recovered my strength aud
cheerfulness aud am able to do my reg
ular daily wo-k and to support myself
again. Tbe pills have done me great
good and I believe thoy would help others
equally if they would try them."
, Dr. Williams' Pink Pillafor Pale Peo
ple are sold by all druggist, or direct by
Dr. Williams Medicine Company, Sche-
iiootadv, N. Y., 60 ccnta per box ; aix
boxes for fl.W, postpanl.
Whenever I see a novelty that li
)ust hatched cut, and everyboddy lz
noxious to git sum or it, I say to
mlself! "JosMa, look out." But
when I see a novelty that most people
are anxious to suseekt, I t-ay to
niiiclf: "Joshua, this thing will do
to feel of gently."
t)n form il occasions no napkin
rings appear on tne table and the
oapklu U us"d but once. Att'e
home dinner the napkin, If not to
lhd, should ba placed )n the ring
to he used attain at brtakfast ir
stats or Ohio. Citv or ToLano, I
Lucas Couxtt. (
Krask J. Ciiuvkv make oath that hak m
irnlnr fwrtnnrof the firm of K. J.('hknet&('u.,
lining tii, lii-.i, Id me City of Tolwio. CMimy and
Mnt aloie aid, iii.l limt sIJ nrm U1 iy tli
tain of (iNb HlJ.MMCI-.li IMlLlJlKtt (oreanti
wd evary cava oT ( atashh that cannot be
jured by the ut,ot IIali.h Catabsh Cchb.
Sworn to before ma and uucrltMsl In my pret
ence, tbla etti day ot iMoauber, A. li. HUM.
A. W. l!.P.AfN
XotAry PvllU.
IUII' Catarrh Cure la taken Internally aori arts
lli Uy on (lie Ml anil niui oiin Miiiacaa ot Ui
(Y"Km. HetKl lor lestbu aU, tree.
. . Ki.J- fii'Mtv a uo,Tatoda, a
Bold by PruggteU. 7Se.
llall'a raodiy rtila an tkt baa.
I kno now that I am gifting old
I know It bi the grate spatters ov
soft hi lea egg that 1 nnd on ml
ireh shirt buzsum after breakfast.
anu me cmuiiki uv sassage and loose
pieces of bred and potaune that are
lioliklng around on the krumb cloth
t mi feet.
,y. , . .
Lreains in Kar.'an Co. lards
f.ejil E-itate is always a safe
lnws num.
It neither turns nor blows
t ao yt u afford to rent when
yt u can own a quarter seel Ion
f r ; o
l'or lull hot informal 1 in ui rt ta
chuma.hcr J. nica, Orleans, Neh
Lies shoubi be paid for. even in
shituaty pr.iise. Tula is the Opinion
uf a Teuneasce editor no says in
Ins publication: "An X nimk on
ur aper means Hut you get no
tiiarriae or obituary notice until
ynu settle up, aa we cbaige for
Wiiiit a man li tbe most afraete o
he dun't bajleare In; th s n ay ac-
Km ot tor sum tutu s unbelcaf In
b II.
oures coughs ana colds.
mm istsi ii iui iaiO. $
If I Baal Cuaah Brro. tm 0n4. On 1
f. H. C. Ul 41 YOKK 1Rft
Tbe shark Is bQnAa.gt i9 Cestrs!
American waters, and a company b it
been organlied to eon rert thia flab
into useful products. Toe fios ais
to be made Into jelly and soup, Bos
machinery oil will be produced fiom
their llTira, handsome leather from
their skii.s, walking sticks fr m
their backbones, and numerous arti
cles from tb?ir law bones and teetb.
I wmld aa soon think or puling
tbe tale f atbetB out or a peakok
as to Interfere with tbe lotio&enl
vanity of man.
The famous Spanish bull lighter
Louis Mdizantinl has just retiree
from the bull-ring, after a profes-Pna'
career of twentythree years. During
that time he has earned 100,000,
half of which be bas securely Iu vest
ed. The remainder of bis savings
he bat io unlucky speculation.
The eating of bor?e flesh causd an
epidemic of typhus fever In Berne,
Itzeilarid. Tbe horse bad bun
used in the lljcteil h gical insti u e,
and was subjreted to experiments
with anti-typhus serum. The animal
was sold to a cbCHp reSiauranU
where it was killed and cooked, snc
served to Its patrons.
During th e last fire years and i
half the S'andard Oil Company hai
raid dividends amounting to (242,
000,000 on a capital of 100.000,000
And What They Meaau
When Old Mother Nature gives yoi
a "whack" remember "there's a rea
son," ao try sud say "thank you;" thej
aet about finding what you have doiu
to demand the rebuke, and try and get
back Into line, for that's the bappy
place after all.
Curious how many highly organized
people fail to appreciate and heed the
first little, gentle "whacka" of the good
old bame, hut go right along with the
bablt, whatever it may be, that causet
her disapproval. Whiskey, Tobacco.
Coffee, Tea or other unnatural treat
ment of the body, until serious Illness
sets In or some chronic dlsesse,
Some people seem to get on very
well with those things for a while, and
Mother Nature apparently carea but
little what tbey do.
Terhapa she has no particular plans
for them snd thinks It little use to
waste time In their training.
There are people, however, who seem
to be selected by Nature to "do
things." The old Mother expects them
to carry out some department of her
great work. A portion of these select
ed ones oft and again seek to stimu
late and then deaden tbe tool (the
body) by some one or more of the
drugs Whiskey, Tobacco, Coffee, Tea,
Morphine, etc.
You know all of these throw down
the same class of alkaloids in chemi
cal analysis. They stimulate and then
depress. They take from man or worn-
n the power to do bis or her best
After these people have drugged for
a time they get a hint or mild "whack"
to remlud them that they have work
to do, a mission to perform, and should
be about the business, but sre loafing
along the wayside and become unfitted
for the fame and fortune that waits
for thera if they but stick to tbe conrse
tul keep the body clear of obstruc
tions so It csn carry out the behests of
the mtnd.
Sickness is a call to "come up high
er. Juese ntnts come in various
forms. It may be stomach trouble or
bowels, heart, eyes, kidneys or general
nervous prostration. You may depend
upon it when a "whack" comes It's a
warning to qnlt some abuse and do tbe
right and fair thing with the body.
Perhaps It Is coffee drinking that
offends. That Is one of the greatest
causes of human disorder among
Now then if Mother Nature Is gentle
with you and only gWee light, little
"whacks" at first to attract attention.
don't abuse ber consideration, or aha
will soon bit you bsrder, sure.
And you may also be sure she win
hit yon very, very hard If you insist
ou following the way you have been
It seems hard work to give up a
habit, and we try all sorts of plans to
charge our HI feelings to some other
cause than the real one.
Coffee drinkers when 111 will attrib
ute the trouble to bad food, malaria,
overwork and what not, but they keep
on being sick and gradually getting
worse until they ace finally forced to
quit eutirely. even the "only one cup
a day." Then they begin to get bet
ter, and unless they have gone lone
enough to set up some fixed organW
disease, they generally get a tirC:
It Is essy to qnlt coffee at once and
for all. by having well mnde Postum, .
with Its rich, deep, seal-brown color
which comes to tne beautiful go t
brown when good cream Is added, a no
the crisp snap of good, tnllu Java tc
there If the Postum hss been boiled
long enough to bring It out
It pays to be well snd bappy for
good old Mother Nature then sends ua
her blessings of many and various
kinds and helps ns to gain fame and
Strip off the handlcsps, lesve out tbs
detideiiltig babita, need Mother Na
ture's hints, quit being a loser and
become a winner. She will help yoi
sure if you cut out the things thai
keep you hack.
"There's a reason
and a profound
Creek froua ludian Territory Vommt
the LaagTatt;e Aliuoet Aliiie
' Naket eheo chifkU?
These words made a connecting link
hat reacbe from the Philippines ta
he Creek Indian nation. They were)
poken tiy Mrs. Edward C. Merrick, ot
he Creek nation, to an Igorrote Iu liiav
'hillppine village at the World's Fait
n St. Loui recently. The language ia
hat of the Creek Indians, and means
a hat is your inuuer" The Igorrot
ras sitting lazily smoking in front of
lis hut. When he heard the words ha
.prang to his feet, and answered h
lis native tongue, "Are you a PUI
n'lioV" In his eagerness he did not
top to answer tho question.
Mrs. ilerrlck is one-sixteenth Creek
indl-iii. and xhows her Indian hlood.
Jhe ta!kd to the Igorrote an hour. Ha
-mi ill not uiaiersiand a word of Eug
ifcii, but could carry ou a coHvensatioai
n i 'reek readily enough. Mrs. Mer
ick did not ask a question that h
ouiil not answer nor that he failed ta
iniii-rsuml. Neither did she do all the
Hiking. The Igorrotc asked her many
piijxilons and the conversation, accord
ug to her statement, was carried OB
Imiw! ns easily as If she were address
ug a Creek Indian. The Igorrote said
die was the only person outside tha
nuall band brought over with hlua
Yom I lie Philippines that he had seesi
a ho spoke his language. He was very
(inch surprised wheu she told hlra that
t was the language of the Creek In
linn. In the meantime the rest of tha
imall band of Igorrotes from the sawa
xliiml gathered around and listened
agerly to the conversation. All un
lerslood what the Creek woman said
mil made comments, which she under
itood. This incident is uot the first that
ins been heard of the Igorrotes and
eeks hiving a common language.
There bas been a story of this kind
turrent since the return of the volun
er soldiers from the Philippines at:
he close of the Synulsh-American war.
'harles (Jlbson, a Creek historian, has
'ontended a long time that there ia
'vhlcnce that centuries ago the Igor
rotes aud the Creeks were the same.
V young Indian who lived at Eufaula,
mt Is now dead, was taken prisoner
ly the Igorroles In the Spanish-Amer-can
war. They talked over the plan
if his execution In his presence and ha
inderstood perfectly what waa said.
I'he knowledge thus gained enabled
llm to escape. When be returned ta
Sufaula. he told Mr. Gibson tbe inci
lent It was generally regarded as
niv'uig been evolved in Ue Imaging
Jon of the young Creek, and few cx
ept Mr. Gibson gave credence. Mrs.
tlerrick had heard the story, and whea
the nnd her husband visited the Phle
ppine exhibit she decided to test the
natter. T';-nris r'i'v t
FRWuili. J rl CI J lid 9.
lwoke I'.UiiU Mind and Gave Maa
Moment of Intelliarence.
The pressure of a uian'a thumb on
us forehead brought back to fcraua
HcCullough the remembrance of hie
nvu name at the Kast Fifth street po-
ce station last night. With the first
gleam of memory came back tha
(iiowledgn that he was 28 years old
Did that he was born In Ireland. But
s'here he lives, what he does or wha
Uis friends ure la a blank. He Is at
Uollevue Hospital now, being treated
Cor aphasia, and the one second of
ocollection that came to him with tba
pressure of the thumbs is bis whole)
history, so fur us he knows it.
Policeman Unger found McCulIough
it Fourth street aud First avenue last
uight wildly waving his arms and try-
ng in vnln to articulate. On tbe be
lief that he was an Intoxicated deaf
mute linger took him to the FlffJk
street station. It was suggested at first
that the morning would bring back
ais memory or power of speech. But
ivheu be could not anawer a questloa
it was decided to send for an ambu
lance. l)r. A. 1). Parse, from Bellevua
Hospital, came, and said the man waa
suffering from aphasia.
"He has lost all recollection of ev
ry thing his name, hla friends, hia
ife and even the manner of forming
Rords," explained the doctor. "It la
he result of the pressure of the skull
lpou cells which govern the faculty of
I can give blm a glimpse of blm-
iclf for a second," said the doctor.
'Now, when I say Tieady,' ask hlua
who he is."
Parse threw his whole strength Inte
:he pressure of his thumb on tba
nan's forehead aud cried "Now!"
Who arc you and how old are you J"
osk'cd Serjeant Hoerle.
T am Frank McCulIough. ,1 am 28
years old, and t was born In Ireland.
1 live at "
The first words came clesr and
strong. Ihc last died away Into h
nrticulatton, and the dead light re-
turned to the man's eyes
"That pressure relieved the tension
" tllp 0,lier l'"rt of hrntn " em
Jlalnod the doctor. New York World.
Heavy I'nxluolion of Hon y.
A. W. Swan of Centralis, one of tba
twilling bee men of the United States,
nas the highest record for honey pro
J no lug in the country. He baa ona
iwartn that produced 20 pounds of
inney In three days. Topeka Capital.
Cttter hlli Microbe.
A French bacteriologist declare that
j einoiiiule. elder, seltser and similar
j brinks will kill typbold genua, walla
.ilcohol at 25 per cent destroys ml-
I ...l.A .. -I I, unl na.r...a-i . 1 .. I
;ruoen, mm m jiiti 17111 grit , ou tM uucir
People who fish for compliments fra
' t
f r i
' Hi
' ''