NEBRASKA NOTES tMIHMMMIMMM Mra. Henry Bettor, agl it dies feci borne fourteen mile west of Ne toaafce Cliy. after ao lllneea oi mm week. She leaves buabaad ana oar young children. Lyr-ch water bonds have been aol4 aa Charles 8. Kidder Jk Co. Of Chicago at par and accrued tcteiest. OwoatracUoa at a tUat will begla at oc. Mra. Palmer, nations evangellat at Um WoBMo'a Cbrtstlaa temper ace aoloa, addreeved Um aseetlDgi at Falla City oa Suoday. Mra. PaV u been la tbe work for Um week tbe Johnson ranch te nted la Lilberty precinct Blebard law count, eooilatlnf of, 139 acrei, waa aold to A. J. Weaver and J H. Moorebead of Falls City for IU.001 Bash. Sheriff McfJrlfleof Platt-mouth has returned from lies Moines, bringing wltb him two buggies, ne horse and harness, which waa stolen from H. P. Sturn, and L. W. Ingwerser, wbc reside near Nehawka. Tbe proper!) waa at' leo last spring. Dr. D. P. Fox of Chicago delivered bis lecture, "A Neglected Caralier" It tbe opera bouse at Crete. Tbli waa tbe opening number of tin Doane college lecture course and tbi large audience preseot fully .appre ciated tbe biillisnt orator. 1 be new tip-ton passenger depot at West Flint of tbe Noitb western line la completed and will be In p cted and passed arnn by tbe rail war officials soon. Tne building Is neat and commodious structure and la a great addition to tbe town ! Be?, and Mrs. J. W. Swan cele brated tbetr fifteenth wedding an niversary at PI ittamouth. Two sis ters of Mrs. Swsa and ber uncle, Be. 0. II. Holly of Auburn were resent, as were a Urge number of c tubers of tbe Metbodlat church. The Richardson Oonnty Teachers' aoclattcn Bet In Falls City lis week with a large attendance. rof. IE. fl. Brahour of tbe sttlt nlveisity gsve an Illustrated lecture to the teachers In tba Methodist church on tba subject: "tieautlei and Wooden of tbe Weak Protestor Ilnroberger, after a top Illness of Hrlgbt'e disease died at Lincoln. He has resided In Ke breaks for twenty year and haa belli positions In towna In the atste alnna Mucatlooal line. In ISM be wai the democratic nominee for stt opetlnteudeaa. Oa lea Tea a wlf ad one bod. i I O. I. SeoBeM, who hsa beea la tharae of the Pnatal Telergaph eom aoy'a offloa at Beatrice baa been transferred to Muscatine, la., and laft for that that plaea to aasame feta ocw duties wltb tba e mpany He la succeeded by J, L. Wfgglna ol Vm porta, Kaa. I Clayton Irvine an Frank Lath, twr oya about 12 yeara of age, respre- tlvey, bare dleippeared from thel Bomes and their parents are aoiinui to lesro their whereabouts. It li thought they boarded tbe Union pacific- tralo for Lincoln. The nfll cers aia making an attempt tc lucats tbem O. W. Remts, the man who wai arrested In Beatrice several monthi Inre charged wltb statutory rape, pleaded guilty to the charge In die- trir t court at Falrbury and was sen tencd to live resra In the pen l ten tlsry it hard labor by Judge Kellger, The prisoner wa well pleased ovei the senten-e he received, end ssld he was expecting to get about ten years at Fremont. The 'It tl a year old daughter ol Henry Newbntise. a prominent fsimnr living a few miles ut.. hi Leiuh wai burned tod' a'h Satura? fine ss left a one in the house rot few minutes and while atie wai putting a iiue fuel In tne at' ve a apark flew on her dress and In hi frltfht toe ran Into tbe ?ard ben the wind fanned the apark lore flames. The little hod? wa burnee to a erlo. Sbn suffered for eighteen boura before dratb released ber. The litigation between the admin Isirator of tbe es'ate of Henry Hen wlnvsand the R k Is and Rail wai ompany, wblcb has been pend na la tbe district and sur terne eoons since feepttnti 10, l6. baa been settled, the company pavloa the aamofli. T38. tbe same being th amnnot of tbe ludgroent and Interest. Henry Itennlnga, a CaasetintT farmer, wa Inatantly killed by a train at the, Bck Island crossing oear Murdock. A acstclty of cau la reported In Fremont and flolntty and eonae ajmntlf ra'B and mice are bavine tbetr own way. Merchants ho want ea s for their store cannot get ttvea. Tba alley Tbotnaa, with hti siii tnne'ul Tee, la a memory. 1 he dwartb of fellnea aa owing to th fact tbat a good many people have phot or dMwiiertitbalr eata during the Ut tear twcuoae tbev killed birds. lftw tbey an feaatlnf fug Masiaa ttw faalUoa. MANY DIE IN FlHE VATAL OCTHRfe.JK IN HEW TURK SMOTHERED IN THEIR BEDS rWBLT DEAD WBBM POCMD AID OTBCtllt CAJt HUT LIVE. Tw Vaaalllaa W l4 Oat Victim AU Italtaat-Plaawa SUrt la' Leila' aa SaraaA BwMU, Am HIW YORK. Smothered before tbey could reach tbe resr fire escape In a turning tenement bulioing st 186 Troutmao atreet, In tbe Will lamsbarg district of Rrookln, twelve perrons met death shortly be fore 2 o'clock In tbe tuo:nlr g. The entire fa mil Irs, those of Marla-o Trlulo, and Criarles I'olounlo are wiped out. tbe last li v ni niembr of eacb being now In a buspilxl with no hope of recovery Charles Fognoll, hlny-lliree years old, and Tory1 Triolo, tblneen, both of wbom are tei'ri i ly buincd. Alihorgh in tbe otilntnn of tbe coroner all the dead wore sufTooted the bodies were badl? burned befme they roi.ld te taki n froo the ruins by the firemen. The buined tenement bnune Is In the center of a row of three story teoementa extending th" ler gth of the block and was occupied br Italians. Tbe tire Is supposed to have start ed In the cellar of the grocery eUre of Antonio Glambalo, on tbe grrund fo r. The cellar was atored with Inflammable material and the flames prad with HgbtntDg-like rapHitt. All tba o eupaota were asleep at the me and there was ronld ranle delav In sending the first alarm. Tb Glamboliis famdr 11 red on tbe (list floor and surceded In getting out but before the occupints on the tw UDper floors has been aroused tbalr etcape waa cut off. On Verga rf Pnptn'e. LOMDON. The Irish nationalist party Is on tbe verge of a arlnus split Unless some amicable ar rsegement csn quickly be' arrive at, ateasra. D'llnn and Rexton, with thlr personal following, III gecede from the leadership of John Red mood. In t' la event Mr. Redmond will have the aggretslre aopport of William O'Brien, orer whom a dis pute haa arisen. In recent peechea In Ireland Mr. Redmond la held t have openly sided with Mr. O'Hrlen regarding the differences of opinion which bat long existed between Mr, CTbrlea and tbe Dilion-S xtoo Davltt faction. It la stated on good authority th t Mr. Redmond bas been t 14 thai unless be withdrew bis supo't fiom O'lirlen aec stlon will reault. No definite conclusion haa been readied, but It Is under tooi Mr. Rettmond prefeia to ttiro In bla lot wltb O Brlen. Cnllty of Flection Franda. DKSVER. Tbom s Sheparda in Peter M ller and Mlcbnel I))d, el 0 ln ortlcers, were adjudged w u 1 1 1. y Ij the supreme court of suoaiituiinti ballots and swearing lo ao election clerk roogf uliy st the recent electloo Sbepstdsnn and MilUr weri One" 1,000 eact and aeatenoed to Jail for one year. Diwd was Cnod t.'5a and sentenced to ill for sixty das, Tne mills were extinguished at the p lllng place where th men were ohi cers after the p lb cl wed and dming tots p rlud It la allied iQa bailois were cbauittd. Eight Persons Bad y Injured. DK8 MUINES, la. Klght peison were serlo ly Injured and hnlf dot n oth ts biuls-d a id sh eked lo a collision between a str-et car on the Highland park auhu bi lln and an electric motir arirl a ti n of f eight cars. Juno Jones, m l r man, was had If crushed and mar die. Spencer Ashley, s pt'S ngif. will probihly die from injuries and nervous shock. Heavy Damage to Timber. LOUISVILLE. Ky.-Foreat Urea whien originated In the vicinity if Bnulb Park, ten miles santh nl L u avllle, have spread to an aUrni Ing ex eut and the entire pnpulailnn of the neighborhood, including women and children, bave been pnssed Into a rvlce to fight the fla n a Tbe deduction to the tlm bered lands will, It la said be vtry great McOreeor Under Arrvat. WAblllNOrOM.-r W. McUreg or, lOnvicted In Haltln ere aeveial months ago on a charge of cotaplro v to nefraud t' e gov rnmenl, anoh cmv c Ion waa a III r inert b tie Dplted States eoirt of app-aU, was airated oa a bench wai rant tanned In haMmore a d takeo to that en. Under the provis o s of his ball bond McU'egnr ass to have p- p area w tu ared la MaitloMra bat felled to VUlt MUiAtV lUblMKLKS PBOCL a NATION or LA ROW TO AID TrXTILE UOkShUI rutrai riir rn la BWhair rail Id i Mra Blr, M V 8 AH FRANCISO.-By onaalmoaa vote tbe dtlegatea to too American federation of labor convention de cided to aid tba atrlklog textile workers of Fall Blver to tne extent of 125 000 per wee for three weeks. If by tbe eod of this time It Is found that the strike la not broken tba executive council will, If It stes fit, continue the douatl n. The money for the purpose Is to be laised by an asseftsujtnt of 1 per cent each wee levied on eab Diecntier of every labor orginliation atltliated with tbe Anglican federation of labrr. Stirling and iru passioned addresses on benair or tue woi-rs oi iuo Fall Ulver district were delivered. Del iMtse DriKColl of Ho-,ton put the ni tim bf iie tne houa which as carried aiuld the ciders of ti e entire convention. Many delegates arote in tlielr se-tti, and on Lenalf of tbe organ xatlone whlah tDey represented oflered then and there io band over to D legate Gol1-n checks to cuter tbe am uut of tb lr especilve unlous as Ksoimts Dele gate Keefe of Chicago Danoeo over a check for 11,50 on behalf of long shoremen, dock and marloe workers, of Ibis city. Others quickly fo lowea suit, a, delegate from tue br wer a union even offering to turu over the actual ckh If given a few momenta to get It. Futther than considering a few resniutiooa no other business waa irantiac'ed tiy tbe del gates, and aa adluuiment was taken until t mor row. During tbe evening mass meetings in oeaioy towns were auuiesseu uj -i a... ilff. rnt labor I ader-i. R solutions oct uitied the time of the delegttft to the convention dur Ing the first session. Ao effort waa made br D legates Gol ien to brli f before tbe cmv ntlon the onodlttoo eiislg at Fall River, Mss., where a laige number of texll e work ers are now on a stria, mis was considered ao Important a question hat It waa made a aptclal order for later. A resolution asking tbat the milk- ers of California he xganlsed into a state organisation was presented of the committees without leooaimeo dailoo and aubmltied to tbe eie- u ti ve council for further consider atloo. raator Sent to Jail WORCESTER. Maae.-Rev IT. P Squlrea, pastor i f the Flia Riptlst church Of Kiist HpH hrl M, was sent to Jail for thlrtr days for contempt of court by Jurfg F' of the probate Court. The cle.gynian wrote a letter to the Jude In conn ctlon Hb a autt now pindlng In bln The First I'aptlt church Is Intel ted, accusing wlmesses ol pe jury. The J.i 'tie promptly d elded that the writ r had used "undue and Im pioper Infli-ic" with the court and s nttneed hi in to pay a One of t0 or n to Jail. The clergyman said he could not pay the flue and ooi tne alloro ii Ive. Wrber items Unconcerned AUHURN. Cl.-Ad Iph Webei received nes of the coroi i r's ver nUt ( liirginj Inm lth themurn, of bis latner, mother, sister ani hioilier without appa,f"D' em I lo i a d ald noibli g concerning It Hit demeanor in c urt wm m ciianged. 1). W. Lnb''ck vice prtkldcit of th I'lar r t'Oolily liunk, del led i nllni stii'd the rumor tiat Juilu- We hi i . aid the tn iney from ttat insillu lion or ottered to repay It. Men in Desperate Straits NEV YORK. Affr elghtoee h mrs In an 0111 rxmt six men of ihi I'h la leiphla ao'KMinet Emily X. Nav ioi were reseu d bv the steamet Orenada. which hss arrived heie. Tbe Naor w s abandoned annul 3(0 o II s fr m Kermura after a ho re Ms struggle with the hurrlrsnt hlcb pa-sd up th- coasi. Tin crew had been di If I lug shout tot eig'itern boms wben sighted bf IN Giaa. Th-lr hurried d pnur left no time tn pr vision to- life boat, and the m n ce In d. sp ran siralgths when the Grenada camf tn tbelr aastatsnee. faa Tank Blown Up C"TC Gil. Four pers ns wer kill d and a e.,ie were Injur d by a se ii-s of g4sexiilolona that d si nvet ihepl.nt'fth Pl- Eie tr o Heart- ll.lir colli pflf TllO .HH'k of til xitoson an a-ver- that all the I' lidtn.a near the d-tn"l ah-d lams we e ramagd and lnrtnwi ere stmtrtrt fur t-l rks. w iti ! on w r- ihrwn fr tnelr f t. Ov.r prsaure la btlievad to imtj cauawd tbe aor'eal. 8EMKBAL UTOKwEL 1M DOariTAL WITH A nH.HO. TELLS MEN TO DIE HARD WILL Or LITKW SO AWT 0 aliKkKMUEBU TALK aar SSm LIH immm Pia to arwila is SfaaS Naaa rail Salrit a laa Vmlrmdmn Paaaaa By as af f aalW BEFORE PORT ABTHUB Head quarters Third Japanese Army. It Is repotted that a sound received by General titoesael bas oeceaaltited bia coorioemeot tn a hospital; tbat be refused to telluquiab tbe command of tbe gurrikoo, and that he baa is sued oidera to the tioops to die at their posts ratber than surrender. It Is said tbat the spirit of the Russian tr ops bas been dampened br continuous work, the lack i f sup plies and tbe hopelessness of their ability to make any successful de fense of tbe fortress. It is said further that many of tbe Russian ollcera ate ready to surrender hut tbat they are kept at tbelr p- sts by ortlcers who threaten them with re volvers sod that several soldiers who were suspected of a desire to desert have been shot aa a warning to olther would-be deserters. The'Jsp anese now believe tbat tbe garns m has almost reached tbe limit of human end hi ance, CIIANSIANOOT'JN, Manchuria, General Ku opakio'a headquarters. A Japanese advance la dally expected. Large nms-s of their troops are movlrg eastwatd, and tbe Russians are rxp cting them to atrlke at tbelr left flank. An attack upon the fortified village of Endnwurilulu, not far from Slo Chlnnu, two miles west of tba Sbak'ie railroad station, and frnnt Inn tbe right tank of ih S ve tenth corps, waa carried nut brilliantly during the night i f Novembei 10 hy the scnnd bilgsde of the Thirty Bfth infantry division. Toe village bad been ciptur d the same morning by the Japanese. Subsequrntly tbe Ruasians abandoned the place. At nightfall tne brigand sllntly march ed nut aod depmyed. Four battel Ions were detached for tbe Jar tack and several companies of iltlemen wereoidered to move to tbe right, left and rear of the Tillage. , Tbe men were to'd not to Ire, but to charge wltb the bayonet. Two batt illons were left on reserve wltb eight gune. A alu'Ultaneooe an vanes waa begun. Tbe aasaltantt hurried forward and encoonteted a deep ra vine, which tber crossed Tbey then rushed on the vlll if". Not a single shot wss OT' d. Tne Japanese were completelf surprised, mostly sitting In the str uts and huts eating their supper. TVy fled hefore the bayo neta. Aa soon as the Russians oc cupied the villas they brought up s ha'terr. Th J oanese tried M rersptnre the plane at. break of dan hut weie repuUed. These R Asians hnwevr, were compelled later to ahmdon Enrtowumiulu, as the ie li en eit of the Toird division ex posed tbem to a flank attack. Strike at Buenos Ayrea HQfcNCH A YKF.S.-Ow;ng to a strike of alst nits, ail the bettei has i.f retail stores are cluaert here. The movement b gan with tailor an rirsnrtklng hands Hnd has now de veloped no a g'neral striire. Th sflkers claim lncieaed pay and re tine d houis of laior, Including twi h'U'S f if lunch and the tight to llvf off tha preinls a, besld s other prl vleg'S. Tne store krepers are in rimed to fit Id to the principal de-niand-i, but resist comi'tilsory elostni fur two hours at the middie of tbi rlay. Thj"re have been demonstration! bv a riVers In virion, parts of thi i lt. Meettnga of employers are be I jig held. ' Captain Stree'er la Free oniCVH). Cheers snd handclap plnir followed -n announcemer t bj .In g D a a. grmtlr g a w t "f t a tea. cirpus for the releaa from thi ie o entiary f "Captain" Geo'gi Welllogtin Streeter. of "The D i let of Lake Michigan" fame S eeter waa given his freedom on i 'ecnnlrallty, namelf, delay in eie en Ing the order committing blm U pilson. Git la Caught on a bridge OOONCIL HLUFF", la -Tw Iliile dmghtera of J tin Mamro-vei of ( at mil a caught on the Great Western hrl ge Juat east of thai loan, one h' ing faially Injineri. Tut vo nger girl had tne pr aenee o mmd to He down rloe b aide tht HB'-k aa she as the fast issengei l a n h a' Ing down ujon then: a m she 'tea pen with onlr a iot aims w leb tiia i rain atruak la paasiag abno ber HUM fores. P0'f MAYHULU UPjtHINA HAS AN UPRIIIK3 ARIII'OW WILL RE ABLE TO WIT AttKlTAL OP R1LTIO I LtKT IAPANESE ARE REPULSED XI LU VTEATHEE IS SlUPMMa AtTlVirl. MASaraaa Ika Rk-kaa Eicaaara WarAs aa Pcraanal Praaarry, aaS Xa MaUaSa Whlla Awatsisg ST. PETERSBURG. A a result if tbe oispatcbea received from Lieutenant General Stoessel the war office expresses entire contl dance that Port Arthur will be aUe tr hold out until the arrival of the Russian second Pacific squsdron. General S'oessel, In his dispatch to E'nperor Nicholas, reports the re pulse of a Japtnese attack October 20 oo Ih3 north front of Port Ar thur. The Ru-siiin Icssr-a were 480 killed and wou ntle i. All the attacks November 3, the day the annlversarr Of tbe emperor's a cooslun to tbe thr-ne was celebrated, were re puis' d. ; MUKDEN. Four days sharp cold bS silenced tbe artiHeryand infantry Sre between the opposing positions ind bas driven tbe soldiers into their dugouta a Ion the entire en trenched line. Tbe apparent Imp a ilntlity for either aide to ejct from tbetr burrowa and the fact that In the event one side succeeded in advancing It could not dig the other out of Its cantonmenta on account of the fiot, seems to promise a win ter's Inactivity, al' hough th Japan ese three daya male a email recoln noassance toward tbe extreme east and pushed back tbe Russian cavalry a few ml ea as though they were Inv sttgatlng the possibilities for flunking movement. It seems tm- loislble that either aide In any case could more than occupy Ita op ponent's winter qutrters. The wells nlong the lines are dry and both aides use tbe Sbakbe river, where the soldiers appr acb unarmed aod get water under recognised mutual aa "ctlon not to Are on a aingle a Idler. Here the nohle art of wr la confined to flsttcuffs, aod swapping cigarettes, Jackknlves and f od. a'l of which are prized. Fa- ml larHI a are Inevitable where long lines are tn continued contact. The armlea hive oow been stationary for 1 1 lot g tbat tbey are drawing sup- pllea of fuel acd horse forage from he dlatant rear, all other aupplles being eibauated. One of Cody Bandlta Caufht. CHYENNE, Wto. A poese under Deputy Sbetlff Edwarda, whose as oon and gamb'lng house at Tber mnpolls was held up by two masked men earl; in the morning, captured one of the outlaws near the mouth Of Owl cnal-, six miles below Tber mnpi lu.g In the Bad Lands. The bmdlt not only admits that be held up the Edarris place, bJt he an swers to the description of one of the d sper adoes who made the de scent upon the Cody bank two weeks sgo and klllod Cashier Mid- dauah. Tbe outlaw will not not kItc bis name. He was captured while Inking from the ereek and tbe off) c rs bd no truhie in aisarming him. In his pocket was found latg" quintlty of tbe numy smlen from the Kdarls place, together lth wa cli-s and guns. Thr ot four persons who saw tbe robbers at Cod. have st.irted for Therniopol's io Idmiifv the prisoner and he will be clcsely gnat'd until they arrive. Odlcets at Thermopulis who parti cl p-aied lo tie two, weeks' chise aner the bandits following the Cony holdup are positive the piiS'O is is ti e taller of tbe two that to nrdthe Coly b nk and tbe one 'hit k I ilea Midnaiigh. The diaper aito denies any knowledge or the Coy holdup and while admitting tbe Therniopulis robberv he ears he had no ac oiiiplio'S. II s story la not hilleved. Tbe people are gteatly excited over the capture and thonld the ia I utlaw, prove to be the Cody hank r bber and murderer he II never reach the county scat stive, for the Indignant people of 3ortv, have aorn to avenge the lea'h nf Mirldangh and aet an ex imple that wl I be a warning to tbe fang of desperadoes. Ueorge Gonid Shu ne a Man. KAl.KIOll, N. 0.-Whlle George 3ouli wa-i ahontli g hlrda near lllwb p iint, this at ate he accident ally shot E'tward hut ns. an attendant. Fev rial ot te shi t enf rid Hnina' rye. A apeelsll-it of Gteenboro savs lucre aas am nil cnanoe of sav ing tne eve, and Mi. GouH at i ce a ni the man f i New York, where eminent ooeultsts will be i. Id to i.pare nothlig that science I Tbe property oocupisd by the aetiletg a n skill can ellect to aava Buro'alonlbe iamnd la said to b Taltted a tgbU laeomtiwaUly tt,09U,OS3. i RRU EISELH l SOCTM KKrrLSB TUB I i'LUIAL TKOUfB i Sarafcaataaae flaakwa Plrafaf P aai SW Uumrf- w Tlrerof la OrdaraA a Ml r( tm Fat a Chak Sa laa laaarraaila 8RA50I1AI. Tbe rebels have tw pulsed tbe Imperial tiuopa at Lass Chow Eon, lo the provisos at Kwangal, southern China. TkwT have captured Yueo Hslen, Tlea Ua blen, Huayen Sleo and Lien OmbV live of the principal toons la fcSS province. The merchanta aad baakv era fled from tbe towoa. Viceroy Chow bas been ordered ae Immediately assume tbe dutlea af bis post aod to check tbe rebela la the Yang Tae valley. ; Cbou Fu. former governor of th province of h'hantuog, who waa ra cently appoiuted viceroy at Naaj . King, bas been ordered to proceed! immedlatiOy to ills post and lake measures to check tbe rebela in tbe Yant-se valley. t A dispatch from 'Shanghai, OctOs ber 13, reported a tdne days-flgbt between Cblucse troops and rebels at Lochen Stnenvone, one of tbe towns l-ntloned io the furegolng cable ram la wlilcb a large body of tba i'er were defeated. Viceroy Chang baa appointed al representative to settle tbe Canton- liinkow railroad affair. It la said, tbat officials of tbe provinces of Kwangtuog. Elangse and Ilouaa are desirous of purchasing tbe Intereatfl of the American aiockboldera. Sink Their Ship CEF FO. The Rusalana bava blown up tbe torpedo boat destroyar Rastrophy. Tbe Rusalana with tbe exception) if one man, left tbe deatroyer during he afternoon. Tbla laat man lit fuses and blew up tbe vessel. There weie three dull explosions, hlcb were acarcely discernible a hundred yarda from tbe place wbarw tbe) occurred. A I mist almultaneoualy tbe Rastor upoy sunk snd settled on the bottoav A aingle apar marks ber grave. Broer Pleada Necessity GENEVA, Nebr.-Benry Broertka young man under arrest here charge. tb tbe murder of John Broer, bid ratber, went before County Judge Patterson and aaked for more tlm in which to pre oars bla defenat and lor balL Tba court granted Uht time asked aod lied bla bood at tlVOOO. ItU thongbl tba defwnaa 111 under Uke to show that It baa bean neceaary for tbe youog man tt use conalderable force at varloag tries to control tbe old man and) prevent blm from Injuring member of bla family while under tbe In fluence of llqunr, and tbat while fe bandied the old man iathsr roughlf on tbat olgbt the killing waa at intentional. Commit Another Robbery '" CnEYICNNE. Wya-Tbetwo baas, dlta who made a de cent on the First National bank of Cody two tieeka ago, and kll ed Cashier MidflaugO, committed arotbrr bi Id robbery when they beld np tbe Inmates of Edward'a saloon and gambling bouae at Tbermopolls, Big Born county, and secured a large sum of money. watcnea and Jeweler. Tbe outlaws woie maska, bat were recognized as George Merrltt and bis partner, wbo kil'ed Mld da ugh. They were counted on fast horses and escaped to tbe bad lands along tbe Hlg Horn river, south of Thermopolls, Posses were quickly organized and started In pursuit, but the loobcrs searched the mountains ahead of them. To Shut Off Speculation WASHINGTON. A cling 8eerf tary Rvao of tbe Interior depart nient issued an order amending the regulations for the leasing and aula of landa in the Cherokee and Creek nstlons in Indian ten I lory o as t require tbat hereafter all leases re quiring tbe approval of tbe eecietary must be auomltd to ihe agent at union agency fur transmittal wttbi thirty cava, and also directing tbat all chargea made heretofore must a deposited wltb tbe agent thirty daya, The oider requires that no leant will be valid where tba requirement Is not compiled wltb. Tbe purpos of the order la to prevent unjust speculation In leaaes lo Indian oil landa, which has Increased recentl to an anoi moua extent i Title to Land Good MILWAUKEE, Wis. -Tbe right at over one hundred famllle Involving neatly 600 people, to occupy tbe land wblcb tbey and tbelr predecessor obi alned from Jacob Muia on Jooat inland in tha city twenty yeaia ag was confirmed by a decision hsiidwi down by the W lac main aupreiu court In the eaae or Xavei Jeka against the Illli oil Ntaei oompaut.